Variety of colored contact lenses...


Colored soft contact lenses:

  • They help to cope with the so-called thorn - a defect that gives women a lot of anxiety. A lens that imitates a black pupil hides this defect.
  • They cope with the manifestations of diseases in which part of the iris is missing or the color of one of the sectors of the iris is changed. In this disease, a special lens with a painted iris not only “masks”, but also improves the quality of vision.
  • Used for eye intolerance to sunlight. Such lenses protect the eyes from harmful radiation much more reliably than glasses with tinted lenses.
  • Colored lenses are used for amblyopia (“lazy eye”) to provide visual stress to the affected eye. It is much more convenient to “close” the eye with a lens that prevents the entry of light than to seal the glass on your glasses the old fashioned way.

In these cases, ophthalmologists have been using colored contact lenses for more than ten years. And in recent years, multi-colored lenses have acquired aesthetic significance and are often used for cosmetic purposes.

It is not advisable to select contact lenses on your own for several reasons:

  • A prescription for contact lenses is different from a prescription for glasses. It should include data on the radius of curvature, optical power and diameter of the contact lens.
  • The procedure for selecting colored contact lenses may differ slightly from the selection technique for regular ones. The most important element of correct selection is the so-called centering. It helps to achieve correspondence between the clear area of ​​the lens pupil and the pupil of the eye, as well as between the colored area of ​​the lens and the iris. For all colored contact lenses, the more precise the centering, the better the cosmetic effect.
  • It is important to know that contact lenses are contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Effective ways to hide heterotropia

If you have decided to get rid of the effect of slanted eyes cosmetically, then carefully study the methods proposed below.

Any correction must be approved by an ophthalmologist

Important: Before using a specific method to improve the aesthetic perception of your eyes, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis and advise on the need for treatment.

If no problems other than an external defect are identified, then you can safely use the tips below.

Method 1. Wearing glasses

Glasses are a stylish accessory with which you can not only hide strabismus, but also visually improve the shape of your face, as well as distract attention from external imperfections.

Complete your look with a stylish accessory

To prevent your eyes from squinting when taking photographs, you need to buy glasses with anti-reflective coating. During the flash, the light will be reflected from the glasses, and the heterotropia will not be so noticeable.

You can use glasses with regular lenses if your vision is normal.

Tips for choosing optics:

  1. The frames should not be too large. It is better to give preference to medium-sized models.
  2. The shape of the frame is selected individually to suit the shape of the face.
  3. It is recommended to choose a dark frame color.
  4. It is better to take glass with anti-reflective coating. This will also reduce the load on the visual system when working at a computer.

Suitable types of frames are shown in the photo below.

Modern opticians offer a wide range of frames

Read about the types of optics for strabismus in children and adults here.

Method 2: Using contact lenses

There are special contact lenses for certain types of strabismus. With their help, you can not only correct the external defect, but also tone the eye muscles.

Using lenses is convenient and comfortable

Important: Optics should only be selected by an ophthalmologist. You will not be able to do this on your own, since you do not know the angle, degree and type of heterotropy.

You should initially wear such lenses no more than 2 hours a day. Gradually, the time can be increased to 8 hours a day.

An ophthalmologist knows how to hide heterotropia with lenses. If there is a need for such correction, go to the doctor immediately.

The video below shows how to use the lenses correctly:

Method 3. Applying the right makeup

Many women are interested in how to hide strabismus with makeup. This is especially true on holidays, when you want to look attractive and chic.

You can be beautiful even with squints

Important: Do not overuse makeup! Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect - the defect will become even more noticeable.

Tips for using cosmetics:

  1. Use only light shadows.
  2. Focus on your eyebrows or lips.
  3. Skip eyeliner and eyeliner.
  4. Mascara or eyelash extensions are allowed.

Emphasis on the lips will distract attention from the eyes

Using the above methods, you can remove the effect of slanted eyes and always look beautiful.

However, do not forget to visit your ophthalmologist if you notice strabismus. Competent diagnosis and adequate treatment will help much better than cosmetic methods of combating the external manifestation of pathology.


All colored contact lenses are divided into two groups:

  1. translucent tinted or “enhancing”,
  2. opaque.

The first group includes tinted lenses , which are also called tint lenses . They have a faint color and give a more saturated shade to the natural color of the iris of light eyes. Greenish eyes can be turned into turquoise, blue eyes can be turned into blue. But with the help of such lenses, you will not be able to “change” brown eyes to blue or turn blue eyes into green ones. Tinted lenses have a uniform weak color over the entire surface of the lens, except for the peripheral part, which remains transparent so that the edge of the lens is not visible against the background of the sclera. Thus, the diameter of the colored area is slightly smaller than the diameter of the lens itself.

The second group - opaque lenses - can perform a miracle. These lenses - bright, dense and intense in color - will change any eyes. Due to the absorption of light by dyes, the pupil area in these lenses remains transparent to ensure normal vision. The most natural look is obtained when the iris of the human eye with its color tints and dark rim is “painted” on the lens. In such lenses with a rim, the eyes look most attractive and expressive. Tinted lenses are addressed to light-eyed people. They give a brighter, richer and richer color to the eyes, but are practically unable to change the color of dark eyes. Opaque lenses will change the color of any eye, even the darkest.

Recently, decorative contact lenses . At one time they were sold only as accessories for theatrical performances. It was with their help that “cat’s” eyes, “thorns”, the eyes of “vampire”, “alien”, “zombie” and many other characters were obtained.

Now decorative lenses have ceased to be the prerogative of cinema. These lenses can have stars, hearts, and even a dollar sign on them. There are lenses that have the effect of a phosphorescent eye. The most popular are black crosses instead of the iris and the pupil, in which a spark periodically flashes (but this is just an optical illusion).

Many companies produce colored contact lenses. Each manufacturer tries to cover the entire range of possibilities offered by various dyeing methods. In other words, in almost every series produced by one manufacturer, you can find intensely colored lenses that “overpower” even the dark natural color of the iris. Typically, each model series includes from 5 to 15 color variations. From the usual brown, blue, gray, green to exotic turquoise, violet, sapphire and even the color of fallen leaves.

What you need to know about colored lenses?

Lenses for changing eye color are a very popular accessory these days. They can be used by anyone who wants to temporarily change the color of their eyes. And this desire does not depend on whether a person needs vision correction or not.

Initially, colored contact lenses had an even, monochromatic color that did not resemble the natural color of the eyes. Modern colored and tinted lenses are as close as possible to the natural color of the iris of the human eye. Today there are several types of such lenses:

  • Actually, colored contact lenses are called contact lenses designed to radically change the natural color of light or dark eyes. These lenses are the most common. They are coated with a dye that does not allow light to pass through. The pupil area in them remains absolutely transparent.
  • Tinted lenses have only a slight tint (20%) and cannot radically change eye color. They are designed to partially change the natural color of the eyes or give them a brighter shade. Tinted lenses are acceptable only for people with light eyes, but they are not capable of influencing dark eyes.

Tinted lenses

  • Decorative lenses are designed for those who want to stand out from the crowd. With their help, fancy patterns and color effects are created on the iris of the eye. A person wearing decorative lenses will never go unnoticed.
  • Carnival lenses are a type of decorative lenses. But unlike the previous ones, they create a very catchy, sometimes unexpected and even shocking pattern on the iris of the eye (a vampire’s eye, a smiley face, a dollar sign, a cat’s eye, a thorn, a soccer ball, a flame, etc.) Carnival lenses are mainly used by young people themed parties and carnivals. It is not recommended to wear them in everyday life, so as not to shock others.

What carnival lenses look like, photo here.

  • Cosmetic lenses are commonly called contact lenses used to hide eye defects. They are used by patients with eye defects such as:
  1. aniridia (absence of the iris);
  2. anisocoria (pupils of different sizes);
  3. aphakia (absence of lens);
  4. heterochromia (eyes of different colors);
  5. coloboma (absence of part of the iris);
  6. eyesore (partial clouding of the cornea), etc.

Lenses that hide pupil defects

Cosmetic colored lenses are available in two varieties:

  • translucent tinted;
  • opaque.

Translucent tinted lenses allow you to see your natural eye color. The effect of these lenses depends on the color of the iris and the color of the lenses themselves.

Opaque colored lenses are designed to radically change eye color. These lenses replace the iris as the surface of reflection, and the color of the reflected light is determined by the dyes used. The desired color or design is applied to an opaque surface. These lenses can be used to change the color of both light and dark eyes.

Many users are concerned about the safety of the dye used on colored contact lenses. I would like to reassure potential wearers of colored lenses: the dye in most modern lenses is inside them and does not come into contact with the surface of the eyes and eyelids.

Read here how myopia and farsightedness occur.

Colored lenses allow you to correct nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hyperopia) over a wide range of optical powers (in most cases from +6 diopters to -6 diopters). In specialized laboratories you can order colored lenses designed to correct more complex types of ametropia or refractive error:

  • toric colored lenses (to correct astigmatism);
  • multifocal colored or tint lenses (for presbyopia correction).

There are daily colored lenses, as well as lenses designed for reusable use. The first ones are very convenient for those who prefer to change the color of their eyes from time to time, for some special occasions. Also, daily colored lenses allow you to experiment with colors, changing them daily. But there are no extended-wear colored lenses (that is, those that can be worn for several days or weeks without taking them off). The fact is that conventional contact lenses for continuous wear are made of silicone hydrogel, which is capable of transmitting oxygen to the cornea of ​​the eye. In colored lenses, the oxygen transmission rate is very low (20-25 units), which is the norm exclusively for daytime wear.

See the material on how to wear daily contact lenses.

Some colored lenses contain a UV filter to protect your eyes from UV rays.

Terms of use

Such lenses have a number of features. Due to the presence of dye, the oxygen permeability of such lenses is extremely low. Therefore, you can continuously wear them for no more than 2-3 hours. And although carnival lenses are designed to last a month, experts believe that the best way to avoid complications when using them is to wear them once and then throw them away.

Testing lenses in this category, doctors conducted a comparative study of vision in patients using conventional soft contact lenses and in fans of carnival lenses. The results of the experiment showed that in patients wearing decorative contact lenses, visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were significantly reduced, and the field of vision was narrowed.

When using intensely colored lenses, it should be remembered that the diameter of the pupil in some cases may exceed the diameter of the central uncolored zone of the lens. This may cause the image to be somewhat blurry in some areas of the field of view. This effect is more often observed in low light conditions, for example when watching a movie in a cinema or when driving a vehicle at night.

Is there a need for correction and how to hide it?

Most people with strabismus are embarrassed about their defect. But for a large number of stars, for example, Jennifer Aniston, who was never shy about convergent heterotropia, Brigitte Bardot with obvious divergent strabismus, this did not stop them from making a stunning career. In the case when a person is too complex, the pathology can be hidden or cosmetic correction can be made. Experts recommend surgery:

  • when the eye is strongly displaced towards the bridge of the nose;
  • with severe paralysis heterotropia;
  • with divergent strabismus.

Correct makeup

The main emphasis of makeup is on other parts of the face.
It will hide squint perfectly, the main thing is to follow a few rules. No eye pencils or eyeliner that will highlight the defect. It is better to focus on the lips and eyebrows. You can use light shadows (not bright, without glitter) and mascara. Eyelash extensions will do the job perfectly, provided they look natural.

Wearing glasses

An excellent option, because glasses can be a good accessory and complement to your look. If you have normal vision with strabismus, you can wear glasses with regular lenses. Anti-reflective coating will reflect flash in photos. They will also help you correct your face shape, you just need to choose the right frame. It should not be large, it is better to choose from medium sizes. There is no need to focus on color when choosing dark shades.

Pointed, rectangular glasses are well suited for round and oval face shapes. The round shape of the frame will look great for rectangular and square ovals. Cat glasses, aviators and vibers will be a winning option for heart-shaped and triangular faces.

Lenses and cosmetics

If you wear lenses and use decorative cosmetics at the same time, you need to remember a few rules:

  • There should be a mark on the packaging stating that the mascara has passed ophthalmological control, and the shadows are suitable for ladies wearing contact lenses.
  • It is advisable that mascara, eye shadow and powder be finely dispersed and as dense as possible.
  • Particular attention should be paid to mascara. Choose lengthening and volumizing mascara very carefully - it contains microfibers. They can come off the mascara and get into your eyes and under your contact lens. In this case, the ideal option is mascara with nylon fibers.
  • Try not to overload your face with makeup. Apply mascara only to the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. Under the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, it is better to draw a contour line with a pencil. It is better to remove makeup using wet wipes. And only after you remove the lenses.

Based on materials from the magazine "Women's Health"

Causes of strabismus

To diagnose the cause, a group of specialists is needed, including, in addition to an ophthalmologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, etc., because strabismus can be congenital or acquired. Factors for the development of strabismus:

  • fear or mental trauma;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • infectious and somatic diseases;
  • paralysis, paresis;
  • farsightedness and myopia;
  • stress.

Types of heterotropy

The type of pathology depends on the cause of the disease.
There are several types of pathology:

  • Concomitant strabismus - light rays are focused not on the retina, but outside/in front of it, a person suffers from myopia or farsightedness, which is the main cause of the pathology. Manifestation: full mobility of the visual organs is maintained when the squinting eye fixes attention on the object - the healthy one is moved to the side, at the same angle as the squinting eye.
  • Paralytic strabismus is damage to nerves and muscle function due to injuries, tumors, and infections. Manifestation: one eye squints and its mobility is limited, possible double vision.
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