Why is a man emotionally cold? Alexithymia - characteristics of the condition

19 Aug 2021 535

Love at first sight or friendships that turned into close ones - any relationship can end in a break, even if you did not expect it at all. He seeks your attention, you reciprocate, maybe move in together or get married, but after some time he seems to have been replaced - sound familiar? When a loved one looks not at you, but through you, does not say warm words or does not experience the same passion, this, on the one hand, is imbalanced and simply unsettles, but on the other hand, it is refreshing and allows you to look at the relationship soberly. The result will be either a break or a reboot. It depends on both partners.

The man has cooled down: reasons

● perhaps he didn’t really love you, but was simply in love or experiencing passion;

● he has another woman: the first thought that comes to mind, but do not rush to draw conclusions;

● your boyfriend has health problems, problems with his family, or difficulties at work;

● you stopped attracting him because you yourself have changed;

● you are completely dependent on him (you are a housewife);

● fell out of love;

● perhaps it turned out that you do not have common interests, goals, plans, so the relationship came to naught;

● he was brainwashed by someone: single friends, envious people, a manipulative mother, an unhappy couple among friends;

● he “relaxed” too much and let the relationship take its course, according to the principle “you can’t go anywhere.”

How to understand that a man has lost his cool

As a rule, women always feel that “something wrong” is happening. Has your man stopped kissing you “just like that,” showing signs of attention, and has stopped wanting you as a woman? If you see changes in a relationship that are unpleasant to you and indicate a “cooling” in the relationship, then the surest way to understand that a man has cooled is to ask this question and take the position of an observer. There is no need to create scandals, hysterics, take revenge (nothing yet, at least), or cause jealousy, now you just need to observe. Pay attention to basic phrases

that the guy has cooled down, which will be discussed further. But don’t forget that you know your man better, and therefore only you can decide what to do in such a situation.

Question No. 1. What should I do if a man has lost interest in me?

This is the case when you are still together, but you feel that your loved one has begun to move away from you.

My husband has recently become a complete stranger; we have frequent quarrels. We are moving further and further away from each other. I started cooking for him tastier and updated my hairstyle, but he doesn’t seem to notice anything. I'm afraid that he has stopped loving me and will soon leave altogether. Is it possible to save our relationship and make him fall in love with me again?

(from a letter from a blog subscriber https://silavmisli.ru)

If something similar is happening to you now, know that it is quite possible to take your relationship with your loved one to a new level. You can still rekindle the spark in his fading feelings, reviving love and tenderness - even if you now live with him as neighbors or constantly quarrel.

But French-style meat and a fashionable haircut may not work in such a situation. It is better to go to this goal in a different way...

Instead of trying to please a man who has lost interest in you, try to shift the focus
of your attention to yourself .
You've probably heard about the Law of Attraction? In short, it sounds like this: what you emit is what you receive.

This means that at every moment of time, your thoughts, emotions and sensations are transmitted into the surrounding space and literally attract situations consonant with them into your life.

Related: What is the Law of Attraction? Open your eyes to a world of endless possibilities

How the Law of Attraction Works: A Simplified Example

Imagine that a cashier at a supermarket was rude to you today. You were so hooked that you were angry with her for half a day. Then, of course, they forgot about it, but...

Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or in a week another similar trouble will happen in your life. You yourself attracted her into your reality with today’s negative emotions. What will happen?

The Universe has many options. Perhaps you will be sprayed from under the tires by an inattentive driver, or you will accidentally drop a tray of eggs, or your washing machine will suddenly break down in the rinse mode and cause a flood...

In fact, it doesn't really matter what happens. Much more interesting for us is the fact: we ourselves can choose which situations to attract into our lives, negative or positive, if we learn to control our thoughts and emotions.

Let's see what's happening now in your relationship with your loved one. Why did the problems arise and how to return a man, his attention and love, using the law of attraction?

Why do you attract coldness and inattention from men?

When you encounter your man's coldness, rudeness and indifference, how do you react to it? Probably worries

that your loved one is moving away from you, you
that he might leave you,
you hate
real or fictitious rivals,
you are angry
with him,
... And you experience many more similar states. Right?

If you consider that your reality is created by your own thoughts and feelings, then you can guess what will happen next.

While you are thinking that your man is moving away from you, while you are afraid that he will leave you, alas, this is exactly the scenario that is being realized in your life. You yourself program a man to have a similar attitude towards yourself!

How to fix the situation?

You need to start broadcasting a state of complete contentment right now. Despite all the problems in your relationship.

You should already be sure that the man loves you, even if you still see the opposite. You need to feel deeply loved by him and experience the whole gamut of these pleasant emotions every day. Ideally - every minute.

Try meditation, affirmations, visualizations - any of the practices available to you. Gradually, reality will adapt to your new thoughts and feelings. You will notice that your relationship with a man is changing literally before your eyes.

Here's how it happens (from reviews of participants in the course “An Effective Program for Restoring Love Relationships”):

TOP 10 phrases from guys in the cooling phase in a relationship:

• “I’m not sure I can give you what you want/what you deserve.”

– after this phrase, you can pack your things and safely leave without regret. As a rule, this is what guys say who are afraid of their obligations. They wanted to play in a “serious relationship”, and while the game was interesting, they played, and when “life” together began, they decided that it was time to stop, but as if unobtrusively, relieving themselves of responsibility.

• “Don’t blow my mind”

– communication between a man and a woman is always a slight confrontation, because we are different. But if a man is annoyed by any question that requires a simple and honest answer, or request, it means that he simply does not respect you and does not want to strain even for a conversation.

• “I don’t have time” / “I’m busy”

- a man can really be busy, but here we are talking about the fact that he has constantly become busy just for you. Not only when you call him, but also when he is at home next to you, if you live together. If not, it’s even more strange not to find time for your beloved girl.

• "No mood"

– men are inherently concrete people, often taciturn.
If a man is not in the mood one time or for a specific, known reason, it’s not a problem. But if he is constantly not in the mood to communicate with you, and he has enough mood and time to communicate with other people, then it is worth thinking about the reasons for such behavior • “Leave me alone”
- perhaps you have become too annoying, or maybe he now thinks It is appropriate to talk to you in a rude manner. If you really get him with verbal torture, take a break, but if this is his new style of communication, leave him for a couple of weeks or forever.

• "After"

- it means he has no time for you at all; often “later” means “never.”

• “I'm tired” / “I want to sleep”

– a healthy man not in old age will not refuse sex, and even more so with the woman he loves. Everyday work and sports, for example, are tiring, but if instead of making love, these phrases are heard every evening, this is a reason to think about changing your partner.

An emotionally cold man, how to find an approach?

You should find your own approach to any person - be it a woman or a man. But there are difficult cases, and despite this there is a soul mate for any individual. A truly loving person is always ready to go to the end to find common ground with his other half and make their relationship happy. When a man is emotionally cold due to a psychological component, then you can find an approach to such a person.

This will require patience and effort:

  • You should love a man for who he is . The advice sounds too simple, but for emotionally cold men it is important to know that there is an understanding girl next to him. He needs a trusting relationship; constant quarrels and scandals will not lead to anything good. Thanks to them, the partner will only become a victim of emotional burnout and nothing more. Men with a syndrome such as alexithymia are not able to understand emotions, he will be calm as always. And the relationship may collapse not through his fault, but through the fault of his partner. Therefore, it is better for a girl to immediately prepare herself for the fact that quarrels in their relationship are completely useless efforts. Relationships can only be improved through understanding.
  • Watch for positive manifestations of his attitude towards himself and in his behavior. Over time, you will understand how he shows his concern for you, what actions he takes for this. Perhaps he will hug you more often, react more softly to your caresses. Repeat that you really like it. This will make him more sensitive.
  • Realize that there is still a man with you. And even ordinary men are not capable of strong emotions, and here the person also has a psychological disorder in addition. It is more valuable not to have promises that he will give you a star from the sky, but to have confidence in a strong family. This is exactly what your man will strive for. To have somewhere to spend your emotions, it might be better to get a pet, or start doing yoga, or growing indoor plants.

How to deal with an emotionally cold person?
And finally, if the problem is too acute in your family, then try going to a good psychologist. Thanks to his experience, your relationship will change for the better. And you will look at each other differently. Find understanding and peace in your family.

Also on our portal you can read articles on the topic of relationships between men and women here:

  1. Why is a man greedy?
  2. Women's grievances against their father and, in general, against men;
  3. Who suffers separations more painfully?
  4. Stages of a relationship between a guy and a girl, how to strengthen the relationship?
  5. How to be offended by a man correctly in order to benefit from the conflict?

The guy has lost his cool: signs

He doesn't want you and doesn't flirt .
The most important sign of the absence of any feelings is the lack of need for intimacy, for sensual exchange.

He only wants sex.
You were planning a relationship, but he stopped inviting you anywhere, comes to you for the night, and in the morning there is no trace? He only needs sex, there is no talk of love here.

It is impossible to love two or more women equally, at the same time. Most likely, there is no love or passion or infatuation was mistaken for it. If he sleeps with someone else, he doesn't love you.

Has he stopped sharing his plans, problems, worries, stories? He doesn't want to communicate with you anymore.

The guy has grown cold and is constantly trying to provoke you so that you leave on your own - a typical situation.

Criticism of your appearance.
Before he admired and admired you, but now he criticizes you for any reason? He simply no longer looks at you with loving eyes and does not love you.

Does he get irritated about everything? Because he doesn't accept you for who you are.

Drastic changes.
He suddenly changed beyond recognition.

Avoids honest conversations.
You are a stranger to him if he doesn’t even want to talk to you and explain what’s happening to him.

Doesn't answer calls or messages.
All people are busy with something, especially men during working hours, as a rule, they devote themselves entirely to business, this is their element.
He may call back later, write a short “I love you, I miss you,” or he may not answer at all and not call back again. If he stops answering, don’t write or call, the man has lost interest. What to do if a man has lost his temper
In each case, everything is individual, so it is impossible to say unequivocally what to do if a man has lost his temper. However, useful recommendations that are general for such situations can help.

For all three cases, the main recommendation is appropriate: do everything possible, if you love a man, if it doesn’t work, leave yourself.

Keep your distance:
There should always be a distance between a man and a woman, like between the north and south poles. When a woman tries to “absorb” a man and his time entirely, she completely forgets about her life and is only concerned with relationships. And like two poles, a man and a woman push away all their lives, but also attract - because they cannot live without each other.

Cultivate “feminine energies”:
take care of yourself and your femininity, engage in feminine activities, handicrafts or drawing, cooking, but do not turn into a homebody. A spa, a swimming pool, running along the embankment, fitness in the company of sports guys - they will not only refresh you, but will also shake up your lazy person. Be sure when you come in the evening to carefully inform: “Can you imagine, today there were so many people in the hall, it was impossible to push through, and most importantly, almost all of them were healthy men, it was almost impossible to breathe…”; or “today my massage therapist was great, you should go see him sometime too..”. Don’t go too far, your man is loved and desired for you, you just need to cheer him up, and not drive him to rage.

Be on top:
take care of yourself, eat healthy food, be interested in new hairstyles, experiment with style. Remember, the changes should be visible to your boyfriend, but not drastic, so as not to push him away. It is not necessary to inform about plans for a hairstyle or haircut in advance; you can do it silently. Let her then think about why she didn’t tell her about her plans and for whom she took all these girly events.

Let go of control:
Excessive control is stressful, so don't smother your man with questions. Try to make him think about where you are, how you are, who you are with. It is not your task to take care of him, you are not his mother. However, always keep your finger on the pulse. Let him know that you are a girl with character.

Make it clear that “relaxing” is not an option.
Do everything to glow with joy, happiness, enjoy life, get high, with or without it. A man must always see the “goal”, and almost always becomes lazy when his “trophy” is nearby and supposedly “not going anywhere.” How to change your hairstyle, soon ask: “I called you today, you didn’t answer, I wanted to consult. A friend is inviting me to the seaside for a week, do you mind if I go? I think you said that you are very busy and won’t be able to go on vacation...” If he shows indifference, then “to hell with it.” However, as practice shows, even if a man has cooled down and no longer loves, his pride begins to worry at the thought that you can be with someone else and you will not give your attention to him.

Be humble and ask questions.
Don't worry if your man has grown cold. If this is not your man, it’s good that life will take him away. If yours, then he will “wake up”, get off the stove and not allow himself to lose you. If he doesn't call, ask why. If he says he’s very busy, ask when he’ll be free. If the guy answers the usual questions adequately, there is nothing to worry about. But if he constantly answers such questions with irritation, this is a bad sign. The main thing is not to overdo it and don’t bother too often.

Flirt and be sexy.
Believe in your beauty and sexuality, be confident in yourself. Even if the guy has cooled off, still flirt and let him understand that if not him, then someone else will appreciate your femininity.

Kindness and affection.
Even if there is a cooling in the relationship, do not spoil your character. Be confident and self-sufficient, but remain kind and affectionate.

What to do: bring back old feelings wisely

Ignoring a situation when a man loses interest in you is simply dangerous. If you leave everything to chance, you can lose your partner. Therefore, you should not ask a question into the air every 15 minutes: “A man has lost interest in me, how should I behave?” Act right here and now, don’t risk the relationship if you really love your chosen one. Don't know where to start? We have collected for you effective advice from psychologists on what to do if a man has lost his temper:

  1. Analyze the situation and understand what happened. First of all, you need to honestly admit to yourself whether you are to blame for what is happening. Often, women get so used to nagging their partner, they are capricious with or without reason, they forbid him to communicate with friends, that such behavior becomes the norm for them. Remember that sooner or later they leave vixens for those with whom life is comfortable and easy. If you behaved like an angel in the flesh, but your partner still shows coldness, perhaps the man is tired or has life problems that he does not want to put on his woman’s shoulders. In any case, you simply must understand the situation. Understanding the problem will help you move in the right direction.
  2. Talk calmly with your other half. What should a woman do if a man has lost interest in her? The second step towards solving the problem is a simple conversation. Don't throw tantrums, because men hate eccentric ladies. Try to find the right moment and talk to your partner about what is bothering you. It is quite possible that you will then find out the answers to all your questions. In most cases, men dispel the doubts of their suspicious women, and the reason for the cooling turns out to be banal: fatigue or problems at work. Don't be afraid to start a conversation and find out the truth, otherwise you won't move forward.
  3. Don't blame him. Do you want to save your relationship? Then don’t attack your chosen one, even if he has done a lot of wrong or almost stopped loving you. In any controversial situations, both partners are to blame, at least partially. And with your reproaches you will achieve absolutely nothing and will only make things worse. Try to listen to his answer as calmly as possible and accept constructive criticism if necessary. Self-control and feminine wisdom will bring you closer to your desired goal - the return of old feelings to your relationship.
  4. Don't focus only on your intimate life. In an attempt to establish contact with their man, women often make a common mistake: they suddenly turn into priestesses of love and try to interest their partner, to arouse passion in him exclusively through sex. Any relationship is multifaceted, and intimate life is only one of the components of love. Nobody disputes the importance of quality sex for a man, but harmony in a couple is not built only on it. Warm up the interest of your chosen one with a sexy appearance, express your desires, but do not go too far.
  5. Be patient. Many ladies take a step towards their partner after a disagreement and expect him to immediately change his behavior pattern and throw himself around their neck. This common mistake often interferes with the establishment of relationships, because not all men quickly cool down, much less back down. So don't expect instant results. Despite your correct actions, a man may not thaw out immediately. Remember that there is a time for everything. If the reasons that your partner has lost interest in you are quite serious, then you will have to wait more than one day. Don't lose hope, and everything will definitely work out.
  6. Take a break from your relationship. If nothing helps and your partner remains cold, try leaving for a while and being alone with yourself. You also need rest, some kind of reboot, after which you will storm your impregnable man with renewed vigor. A pause in a relationship helps you rethink the situation and miss each other. Don't be afraid that your partner will run away in your absence. If this happens, it means that it was not intended for you by fate.
  7. Give him back his personal freedom. Stop controlling your partner. Men are very annoyed when a woman encroaches on their freedom: she forbids them to walk with friends, watch football, or go fishing. Let your spouse go and let him decide for himself what to do with his free time. Believe me, you will want to return to a friendly and calm woman who does not complain about anything, even from the most interesting event.
  8. Be independent yourself. Even if a man has lost interest in you, you should not grovel before him and lose your self. You must have self-esteem and not forget about your interests. Did he go out with friends? Head straight to the cinema or cafe with your girlfriends and also have a good time. Doesn't want to communicate with you and sits sulky? Watch an interesting movie or go to the gym. Live your own interesting life, do not depend on your man, and he will think that he can lose you if he does not change his behavior pattern.
  9. Develop yourself. When a man doesn’t really want to communicate with you, turn to self-development. Firstly, this way you will take up your time, which you could spend on sadness and worries. And secondly, show your husband what an interesting and versatile person you are. It's time to read a useful book, improve your language skills, get creative, or create your dream figure through sports. You love your man, this is understandable, but there is still a lot of interesting things in the world.
  10. Set yourself up for luck. Believe that your efforts will be crowned with success. Pessimistic thoughts attract negativity. In addition, thinking about the bad outcome of events, you will be constantly in a state of stress. And this will not add to your kindness or sensitivity towards your man. That's why it's so important to feel that Fortune is on your side. An optimistic attitude is, one might say, a way of life. Try to develop the habit of believing in the best, and then everything in the world will be within your reach.
  11. Contact a family psychologist together. What to do if a man has lost interest in you? Women often ask this question to their friends or mother, but for some reason they are afraid to turn to a family psychologist together with their chosen one. Believe me, an appointment with a specialist is much more effective than empty chatter with family and friends. A psychologist will help identify the reason for the cooling of feelings in a man and offer an individual plan to save your couple. With the help of psychological techniques, you will learn to feel your partner and understand him perfectly.

How to behave if a man has lost his temper? Follow the above rules and you will soon see positive results. You are stronger and wiser than you think, and if you want, you can move mountains for your loved one. And the lesson taught by the villainous fate will only strengthen your relationship.

How to behave if a man has lost his temper

- be independent, keep your distance, but at the same time do not become cold and distant;

- try honestly not to think during the day (when you are both doing your own thing) about a man, they always feel when you forget about them;

— communicate with other people, friends, family, and get acquainted. But the purpose of dating is to increase self-esteem, to make sure that you are attractive, and not to look for a replacement for a man;

- mentally “switch” attention from him to yourself, perhaps he is “overindulging”: reduce the percentage of care, thoughts about him, take time for yourself;

- if a guy stares at his phone instead of making love, take yours in your hands instead of muttering in his ear that he should delete his exes from social networks. You also have exes, and most importantly, future ones. Calm down and stare at your phone, detached and as interested as possible. You can look through dresses in an online store or even sit on a dating site, just don’t let anyone catch you in this;

- do not impose, it will not benefit either him or you. If a man himself does not come to you for your attention, does not take more steps, then there is no need to waste your nerves on persuasion.

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