Why a man can’t cum: reasons, solution to the problem

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  • Long sex - a problem or an advantage
  • Why doesn't a guy cum for a long time?
  • Ways to solve problems
  • Possible consequences and prevention

Full sex is an integral part of life for both sexes. But sometimes it becomes impossible, resulting in physical and mental dissatisfaction. Why does a man take so long to cum? The reasons are varied.

What does delayed ejaculation mean?

Sexual intercourse truly brings pleasure only if both partners have enough “fuse” to carry it out. Ideally, sex ends with a synchronized orgasm, which a man can achieve by holding back ejaculation. Each couple has their own comfortable duration of sexual intercourse. An unintentional delay in ejaculation causes serious disharmony in intimate relationships. This term is applicable in cases where continuous friction for 20-30 minutes does not lead to orgasm and ejaculation .

The problem usually appears unexpectedly. For a certain period of time (about 10 minutes), sexual intercourse proceeds normally, but when the matter should move to its logical conclusion in the form of ejaculation, nothing happens. An erect penis, a bewildered look from a partner, fatigue and shortness of breath, like after a marathon, are not at all the results that men expect from sex. It remains to “force” the orgasm using other methods of stimulation so that there is no “rollback” of sperm. Next time the man is subconsciously afraid of a repetition of the situation.

Normal and pathological – where are the boundaries?

  • If a man cums quickly from time to time, it doesn’t mean anything, the external situation will change, the problem will go away. Do not attach great importance to rare misfires, do not instill in yourself the idea that something is wrong with you. A huge number of men who chronically cum quickly have brought themselves to this state.
  • You cannot begin treatment for premature ejaculation by trusting advertising, friends or pharmacists. Taking medications will worsen the course of existing diseases.
  • Each person is individual, including psychological and physiological factors, so what for one representative of the stronger sex will be a diagnosis, for another will be a variant of the norm.

Causes of delayed ejaculation

At least once, every man has encountered such embarrassments in bed as a rapid or delayed orgasm, perhaps even sex that never led to a logical conclusion. A pathology can be considered long-term repeated situations when a man does not cum for a long time even with high-quality sexual intercourse.

Delayed ejaculation can be caused by two groups of factors:

  1. Psychogenic factors - in this case, there is usually a temporary disturbance of sexual functions, accompanied by delayed or completely absent ejaculation. The following reasons may lead to this:
  • taking drugs, alcoholic beverages;
  • unfavorable climate in relations with a partner;
  • stress, neurosis, depression;
  • lack of sympathy and sexual attraction to a partner;
  • emotional fatigue;
  • fears, complexes, self-doubt.

  1. Physiological factors - if delayed ejaculation occurs for a long time, most likely it can be caused by internal disorders in the body. Namely:
  • damage to nerve endings;
  • injuries to the spinal cord or brain, spine;
  • congenital defects of the genitourinary system;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal disorders.

Ejaculation control

W. Johnson and W. Masters

What should you do to avoid cumming too quickly? Many men note the effectiveness of the method proposed by sexologists V. Johnson and W. Masters. This sexual technology allows you to better understand your own body and recognize sensations that signal imminent ejaculation.

What is the essence of technology? If a person learns to trust his own sensations and identify those beyond the threshold of which uncontrolled ejaculation occurs, he can learn to refrain from premature ecstasy. As a rule, a few moments before the “irreversible” moment, a tingling sensation appears in the lumbar region.

If a person manages to catch this moment and interrupt the frictional period for literally 20 seconds, sexual tension will subside and ejaculation will not occur.

Ejaculation problems

Understanding how men ejaculate

, we can easily conclude that various pathologies of the body, one way or another connected with the process of erection and sperm release, can cause problems with the release of ejaculate, or rather, with the technical side of this process.

There can be at least two problems: sperm is either ejected too quickly, shortening the duration of sexual intercourse, or, on the contrary, coitus is prolonged, and ejaculation and orgasm do not occur.

Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation in men –

a common problem faced by many people. The etiology of this phenomenon is not always associated with pathology. Sometimes it can occur in completely healthy men, for example, if sexual intercourse occurs after prolonged abstinence.

As a rule, physiologically caused premature ejaculation in men

does not pose any danger. But it affects the quality of sexual life and the psychological state of a person, since the partner often remains dissatisfied with short-term sexual contact. The reason for rapid ejaculation may also be an insufficiently strong erection.

Pathological premature ejaculation is caused by congenital or acquired diseases.

The first include increased sensitivity of the glans penis, short frenulum of the penis, and damage to the nervous system. The second includes spinal cord damage, osteochondrosis, prostatitis, inflammation of the seminal tubercle.

If you suspect a pathology, you should consult an andrologist. After diagnosing and finding out the cause of the problem, the doctor prescribes treatment:

  • medication (for inflammatory processes and increased excitability of the nervous system)
  • surgical (for short frenulum, sensitivity of the glans penis);
  • psychotherapeutic (if no somatic pathologies were identified).

The prognosis for treatment is usually favorable.

Delayed ejaculation

Late or delayed ejaculation is a disorder when, with high-quality sexual intercourse and sufficient arousal, orgasm and ejaculation do not occur, and sexual partners complete sexual intercourse without waiting for the man to ejaculate.

The problem may have varying degrees of severity: for example, sexual intercourse may be protracted, but end with ejaculation, or ejaculation may be absent completely, for example, a man may not even know from his own experience what it is to ejaculate

. This phenomenon is called anejaculation.

The relevant question is: what should be the duration of sexual intercourse before orgasm in order to classify it as normal or delayed. Medicine does not give an exact answer to this. It is known that on average the time interval from the beginning of friction to orgasm is from 4 to 10 minutes. This indicator may change upward, but you should consult a doctor if ejaculation does not occur after more than 20 minutes.

Delayed ejaculation may be due to psychological problems or physical illnesses. Psychological problems are stress, excessive anxiety before sexual contact, or aversion to sex, for example, based on religious faith.

Delayed ejaculation or anejaculation can be caused by the following diseases:

  • aneurysmectomy of the abdominal aorta;
  • bilateral sympathectomy;
  • hypogonadism;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetic neuropathy;
  • Mullerian duct cyst;
  • genitourinary tuberculosis
  • para-aortic lymphadenectomy;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • plum belly syndrome;
  • urethritis;
  • cystectomy and prostatectomy;
  • extirpation of the rectum.

The cause of the pathology may lie in the use of certain groups of drugs (antidepressants, diuretics and others), as well as in alcohol abuse.

Interrupted friction technique

Sometimes a man can consciously prolong the time of coitus by interrupting frictions. This technique is mastered through special training, when a man holds ejaculate inside himself in order to achieve more intense physical sensations or to give his partner a longer sexual intercourse. This method is partly used to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Despite the positive aspects of this method, it has a significant drawback: with such practices, atrophy of the bulbospongiosus muscle occurs, which can subsequently lead to a disease such as prostatitis.

What not to do

What should you do to avoid cumming too quickly? This problem is often accompanied by the appearance of psychological discomfort, so men are ready to do anything to immediately resolve the issue. Experts warn that some of the methods for controlling ejaculation should not be used. These include:

  • Drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can slightly dull the sensitivity of the phallus, but an “overdose” sometimes leads to the opposite effect;
  • Injections and creams. Abuse of prologators of this kind can lead to hormonal imbalances;
  • Squeezing the penis. When the penis is compressed, stagnation of sperm can form in the prostate gland. Regular practice leads to inflammatory processes and malfunctions of the sphincter “device” of the prostate gland.

How to stop cumming quickly? You shouldn’t fight this problem alone, especially if you don’t know the reasons for this phenomenon. In any case, it is necessary to undergo an examination and determine the cause of rapid ejaculation. If there are no physiological problems, use the methods discussed.

What could be the consequences?

If a guy does not cum for a long time during sexual intercourse, it is extremely stupid to attribute this to his own dignity and peculiarities of the body. Such situations are an alarming signal about the presence of disorders and pathologies in the body mentioned above. A problem that is not promptly diagnosed and treated will sooner or later lead to the following complications:

  • dissatisfaction with sex life and lack of full sexual release;
  • neuroses and increased irritability;
  • disagreements in relationships with a partner;
  • development of fears before subsequent sexual intercourse.

The most important complication and consequence of delayed ejaculation is considered to be male infertility and the inability to conceive a child. In addition, libido and potency may suffer, which negatively affects the functioning of the genitourinary system and the psycho-emotional background.

Causes and types of ejaculation disorders

The duration of sexual intercourse on the part of a man depends on his general condition, the health of the reproductive system, the level of potency and mood. Delayed ejaculation can be triggered by any factor (physiological or psychogenic) that negatively affects the speed and quality of transmission of nerve impulses.

Depending on the time of occurrence, delayed ejaculation can be primary (congenital) or secondary (acquired) . In the first case, a man experiences problems with ejaculation from the very beginning of puberty. In the second, situations where ejaculation does not occur for a long time began to occur already during a stable sexual life. Such delays may be situational or permanent .

Situational delay

Situational delay in ejaculation periodically occurs in every man . The reason is various circumstances, united by the possibility of eliminating them within a short time interval.

Examples of typical circumstances of situational delayed ejaculation:

  1. Unusual environment, irritating factors;
  2. Distraction from the process by extraneous thoughts, change of mood;
  3. Alcohol intake (dulls the reaction and speed of transmission of nerve impulses);
  4. Anatomical incompatibility (disproportion) of the partners' genital organs - the penis does not feel the walls of the vagina. When you change your partner, the problem is eliminated;
  5. Intentionally delaying ejaculation for a long time until the woman orgasms. Then it can be difficult to return to the pre-ejaculatory state. Orgasm, if it comes, is “deaf.”

With good potency, an erection is maintained automatically due to stimulation of the nerve receptors of the head of the penis, but the brain does not give commands to the sexual centers to start the ejaculation process.

The situational type of delayed ejaculation also includes temporary discomfort caused by inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and injury to the penis during friction. In some men, the erection “freezes” due to the use of prolonging lubricants with anesthetics - the sensitivity of the head is dulled and stimulation becomes insufficient to achieve orgasm.

The use of condoms with an anesthetic also has its disadvantages: allergic reactions are possible; in some cases, a man’s penis becomes completely numb and his erection disappears

A temporary delay in ejaculation is often provoked by taking the following drugs :

  • Antidepressants;
  • Medicines for hypertension;
  • Diuretics;
  • Antipsychotics.

Difficulty in ejaculation is also possible the day after the prostate massage procedure . A man is easily aroused, active, has a confident erection, but orgasm is not always achieved.

Situational delayed ejaculation is relatively harmless, causes one-time discomfort and usually does not tend to recur during the next sexual intercourse.

Constant delay

Constant delays in ejaculation do not disappear when changing partners or surroundings , after resting or taking a pill. Conventionally, such deviations can be divided into three types:

  1. Selective delay. A man does not get an orgasm only with intravaginal stimulation of the penis. However, ejaculation is quickly achieved through oral sex or masturbation. The reason may lie in both the psyche and physiology. In the first case, there is probably a feeling of disgust instilled into the subconscious, a fear of infection. Physiological reasons: anatomical features of the penis, low sensitivity of the head. A separate category of men are those who are accustomed to ejaculate only during masturbation (read about the consequences of frequent masturbation in men) while watching porn (pornophilia, porn addiction).
  2. Relative. To achieve ejaculation, prolonged stimulation in various ways is required. The cause may be chronic diseases: prostatitis, cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes, hormonal disorders. Problems with ejaculation occur in men after prostate surgery, as well as when the pelvic nerves are damaged.
  3. Complete (objective, or anejaculation). Ejaculation does not occur under any circumstances. The cause is usually damage to the ejaculatory centers of the spinal cord, but there may also be other neurological and mental pathologies. Possible congenital or surgical violation of the anatomy of the penis and vas deferens.

Separately , emphasis should be placed on the dangers of alcohol abuse . Ejaculation disorders are not limited to chronic alcoholics. Men who drink regularly may suffer, albeit moderately. The threshold after which irreversible atrophy of receptors and neuronal death begins is individual for everyone.

A separate category is men over 50 years old . For this contingent, delayed ejaculation is natural for a number of reasons:

  • Decreased free testosterone;
  • Reduced rate of transmission of impulses along peripheral nerves;
  • Layering of chronic pathologies;
  • Age-related decrease in excitability;
  • Slowing down spermatogenesis.

After 60 years, not every sexual intercourse ends in orgasm and this is normal.

Constant delays in ejaculation can lead a man to impotence due to an inferiority complex. In some cases, couples break up because the woman gradually begins to hate sexual intercourse for its exhausting duration, and the man accumulates irritation, feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction.


In the vast majority of cases, the absence of ejaculation does not cause any unpleasant sensations in men - the danger of this pathology lies in the negative consequences associated with it.

The main and probably the main problem associated with the fact that there is no sperm during ejaculation is infertility. And this is quite natural. Sperm is required for conception. And only artificial insemination can help a man in this case.

If the reason that there is no sperm during ejaculation is a hereditary disease, congenital pathology or the presence of chronic infections, the lack of treatment can lead to death.

The therapeutic treatment regimen may include psychotherapy sessions

The psychological side of the problem is also of concern - dissatisfaction in bed, as a rule, leads to the development of aggression and instability of emotions.

Solutions to the problem

How can you learn not to cum quickly? It is possible to engage in “symptomatic” treatment, and on your own, only in the absence of serious failures. Therefore, first of all, check with a doctor and make sure there are no physiological problems. If the cause of premature ecstasy does not lie in diseases, the following measures can be taken:

  • Think about something abstract. A few moments before achieving sexual release, mentally distract yourself from the process. This can help reduce sexual tension. This method of control is not subject to everyone and not immediately, but through the use of sexual practices it is possible to achieve results;
  • Use a condom. A safe prolongator in the form of a condom will significantly reduce the sensitivity of the penis, so sexual release will not occur too quickly;
  • Self-satisfaction. A few hours before intercourse, you can defuse your own sexual desire through self-satisfaction;
  • "Tense" positions. Some men find certain sexual positions quite intense. Due to them, you can somewhat suppress sexual energy and delay the moment of ejaculation;
  • Thiamine intake. Oak bark, currant or raspberry leaves contain a lot of thiamine. This substance “prevents” the conduction of impulses to the brain, due to which ejaculation occurs later.

If none of the suggested methods work, which is unlikely, try exercise on yourself. Physical training can improve the tone of the perineal muscles, which will lead to normalization of the ejaculation process. To do this, you need to alternately relax and tense your muscles, fixing the tension for a few seconds. You can do the training several times a day.

Diagnosis and treatment

If a man is bothered by the duration of sexual intercourse (especially coupled with discomfort), then he should consult a urologist-andrologist. First, the doctor will ask the patient about the characteristics of his sex life, perhaps asking him to fill out special questionnaires.

To assess the severity of androgen deficiency symptoms, there is the AMS questionnaire.

Anxiety and Depression Scale:

Next, it is important to exclude the organic nature of delayed ejaculation; for this, a number of studies are prescribed:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine to identify inflammatory processes. If the result is positive, a three-glass urine sample is taken to clarify the location of the inflammation.
  2. Urine analysis after ejaculation (to exclude retrograde sperm reflux).
  3. Urethral swab.
  4. Prostate secret.
  5. Ultrasound of the genitourinary system.
  6. Blood test for hormones.

Normal hormone levels

From additional studies, an electrophysiological assessment of the quality of conduction of the nerve pathways that ensure the process of ejaculation can be carried out.

During the diagnosis, it is necessary to find out under what conditions the patient still manages to achieve ejaculation in a timely manner. The doctor asks about positions, methods of stimulation, and psycho-emotional state during sex. Before the consultation, it is advisable to independently analyze these issues in advance. The doctor will also ask about his patient's history of trauma, stress levels, amount of alcohol consumed, and perhaps even his patient's social and religious views. It is important to answer as frankly as possible.

Depending on the results of the initial diagnosis, the patient may be referred to specialized specialists: neurologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, sexologist.


The treatment method for delayed ejaculation depends on the cause identified during diagnosis. Irreversible disorders include disorders caused by the following factors:

  • Vascular disorders;
  • Neuropathies (damage to nerve endings);
  • Consequences of operations.

In such cases, difficulty in ejaculation will have to be dealt with using alternative methods, including prolonged sexual stimulation and lifestyle correction.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences Yuri Nikolaevich Levchenko talks about how to cope with the problems of premature and delayed ejaculation


The choice of drugs for delayed ejaculation depends on the cause of the disorder:

  1. Infectious inflammations: antibiotics prescribed in accordance with test results.
  2. Androgen deficiency: replacement therapy with Nebido, Sustanon, Androgel.
  3. Neurogenic disorders: alpha-1-adrenergic agonists, antihistamines that increase the level of serotonin in the brain (Cyproheptadine), Amantadine.
  4. For anxiety disorders: 5-HT1A receptor agonists.
  5. Drugs that accelerate ejaculation: yohimbine, oxytocin, buspirone. Their use is limited due to insufficient evidence base.

Yohimbe is sold without a prescription. It is recommended to take the drug 1.5 hours before sex.

Yohimbe is a dietary supplement intended for men to increase potency. Price in pharmacies from 305 rubles.


Physiotherapeutic methods help improve nerve conduction and enhance penile sensitivity with neurogenic as well as psychogenic delayed ejaculation.

Recommended therapies:

  • Vibration and electrical stimulation (in the area of ​​the penis, prostate);
  • Ultrasound effect on the sacral area;
  • Galvanization of the panty area, application of mud applications;
  • Ultratone therapy. The impact is on the perineum, spine, inner thighs;
  • Color therapy;
  • Electrosleep;
  • Laser and electropuncture.

Electrosleep stimulates redox processes, reduces pain sensitivity, and is not addictive. In addition, it does not cause a decrease in memory and intelligence

Acupuncture helps with delayed ejaculation. Impact on certain points helps to relax the nervous system (many people fall asleep during sessions) and restores the reflex arcs of ejaculation.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for delayed ejaculation are appropriate only as an auxiliary line of therapy. Examples of using different methods:

  1. For infectious lesions of the genitourinary system: propolis tincture, decoction of sage, chamomile, dead bees, Fitolysin paste.
  2. For stressful conditions: infusion of peppermint, lemon balm, motherwort tincture.
  3. For androgen deficiency: royal jelly, drone homogenate, beaver stream.
  4. Depressive state, asthenic syndrome: tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus.

Ingredients: lactose, glucose, drone brood. The medicinal properties of drone homogenate make it possible to use it in the treatment of male and female diseases, hormonal imbalances and for the prevention of various diseases

For some, regular Kegel exercises and pump exercises help speed up ejaculation. These techniques stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic area, which helps to increase the sensitivity of nerve endings.

When is surgery required?

Surgical intervention is indicated only for those groups of patients in whom a positive trend was not observed after conservative treatment methods. Such men undergo penile denervation, which we described in detail in the previous article. This procedure allows you to increase the duration of sex several times.

After the operation, unpleasant symptoms are observed that disappear within 5-7 months. Everything will depend on compliance with the doctor’s recommendations and the type of intervention. The surgical method is not traumatic and does not require rehabilitation. There are practically no cosmetic defects.


It is prescribed to those men whose ejaculation process was provoked by psychological reasons. For example, the first unsuccessful sexual experience. Psychotherapy will help cope with depression, anxiety and fear.

In most cases, this treatment method is effective for delayed ejaculation. Eliminates the causes of sexual dysfunction. It is carried out not only individually, but also in pairs.

What determines the duration of sexual intercourse and the speed of ejaculation?

  1. Individual nervous excitability: the more irritable a guy is, the more violently and emotionally he reacts to all life situations, the more worried and worried about any reason, the faster he ejaculates during sex;
  2. The degree of arousal in a specific situation: with a strong desire, the peak of erection can occur both at the beginning of sexual intercourse and in its first minutes;
  3. Mental factors: thoughts about the details of upcoming intimate intercourse can increase arousal several times, especially if the guy has a wild imagination or is a fan of watching racy videos;
  4. Tactile sensations: depending on the type of temperament, touching with hands or kissing a lady even before going to bed can lead to the release of sperm.

The more emotional and sensitive a man is, the faster the moment of ejaculation will come. This may intensify if psychological difficulties in intimate life or health problems increase.

Psychological factors

  • The beginning of a new relationship. The desire to impress a girl, the fear of disappointing her, the desire to gain “access to the body,” the excitement that this moment has come. This is layered with thoughts about what she’s like in bed, which is why the guy cums very quickly during the first sex.
  • Psycho-emotional health disorders: stress, lack of sleep, problems at work, a car broke down, a family quarrel - the list goes on and on.
  • Strangers or risk of being caught. This category includes all people who can enter the premises, regardless of where the couple decides to retire - in the marital bedroom or in the utility room of the office.
  • Youth. Lack of sexual experience in his youth leads to the fact that ejaculation occurs very quickly or the guy does not cum at all, simply losing his erection. This can happen during sex either with a peer or with a more experienced partner.
  • Fear of failure. This factor is inherent in men for whom similar situations have already happened before or were caused by a similar situation.
  • Consequences of masturbation. The rhythm to which a guy gets used to in the process of self-satisfaction does not always correspond to the rhythm of frictions, especially if his habit is to do everything quickly.
  • Fear of contracting an infectious disease. Typically, such fear arises when communicating with a girl of corresponding behavior.

  • Long-term abstinence. A prolonged “vow of celibacy,” especially one that ends in violent sex, often results in a little disappointment in the “first half.”
  • Lack of feelings or sympathy for your partner. Although this is more typical for women, for guys feeling also plays an important role.
  • Uncomfortable position. This situation leads to the fact that the guy, on the contrary, cannot cum for a long time, but sometimes the opposite situation is possible.
  • Emotionality of the partner. Sometimes a man cums quickly because his lady behaves too violently or aggressively in bed. There are two reasons - the desire not to keep up with the partner who is “about” to cum and... banal fear.
  • Fear of the girl's possible pregnancy.
  • Lack of time. If there is nothing left for love, and being late is fraught with problems, the body will “speed up” the process on its own.

How to increase semen volume

What to do if there is not enough sperm? Most often, men think about increasing the amount of seminal fluid when they want to have a child. In other cases, the volume of biological fluid is not of decisive importance. Methods of enlargement can be divided into two large groups - these are medicinal methods, when the attending doctor prescribes medications or surgical intervention and lifestyle changes - sports, nutrition. It is not forbidden to use folk remedies.

To increase the volume of seminal fluid, the following means can be used:

  • The drug Clomid helps reduce the concentration of estrogen in the blood, which allows you to quickly normalize hormonal levels;
  • Propionate is a drug that helps increase testosterone levels in a man’s blood;
  • Proxide improves general condition;
  • Homeopathic medicines, antioxidants;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes.

Dietary supplements help increase the amount of seminal fluid. They are advisable to use in cases where a man does not have serious health problems. Recommended drugs are Verona, Spermstrong, Spermaktin, Speman and others. Dietary supplements can be used independently without consulting a medical specialist, but before use you should carefully study the instructions for contraindications and side effects.

General recommendations for increasing ejaculate volume:

  1. Compliance with drinking regime. Water is a liquid that is necessary for any living organism. Consuming enough water - from two liters per day - helps normalize metabolic and carbohydrate processes. In addition, water is the main component of sperm.
  2. Avoid overheating of the testicles, as they have extremely delicate skin. You should avoid saunas, steam rooms, not turn on heated seats in the car, etc.
  3. Avoid wearing tight underwear. Pressure on the scrotal area causes an increase in temperature, which leads to a decrease in the amount of seminal fluid.
  4. Proper nutrition. Avoid all foods that negatively affect your health - fatty meats, coffee, alcohol, energy drinks, soda, etc.

To increase the amount of seed, you can use folk remedies. A mixture of pumpkin seeds and honey works well. This product not only increases the volume of ejaculate, but also has a positive effect on erectile function - potency increases and the quality of erection improves. A decoction with rose hips and red rowan will help boost immunity and nourish the body with vitamins. Take 100 g of fruit, pour 1500 ml of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for several hours. Drink warm as tea throughout the day. The course of treatment is two months.

A small amount of semen during ejaculation provokes male infertility. This problem must be dealt with comprehensively, using different methods. In most cases, lifestyle changes help alleviate the problem. If proper nutrition, exercise and giving up bad habits do not help, it is recommended to consult a medical specialist.

General information about ejaculation

According to average statistics, the process of intercourse between partners until the moment of ejaculation takes from 3 to 7 minutes. However, this does not always happen.

Rapid ejaculation is the process of rapid ejaculation of a partner, which occurs before the partner reaches the peak of sexual release. It is generally accepted that the male orgasm that occurs in the first and second minutes after introjection (insertion of the penis into the vagina) is a conditional deviation from the norm. In some cases, this may indicate the presence of sexual dysfunction, so the problem must be dealt with.

“I come very quickly during sex,” according to some statistics, about 20% of men personally experience a similar situation. According to experts, there is no particular connection between age and rapid ejaculation, however, most often this problem occurs among guys aged 19-28 years, as well as men in the age range of 50-60 years.

With men who have just “entered” sexual life, everything is more or less clear. Often, rapid ejaculation is caused by sexual overstimulation and hypersensitivity of the penis. However, over time, all processes normalize, and this issue resolves itself. But with men who have repeatedly had intimate relationships with women, not everything is so simple.

Prevention of ejaculation disorders

To prevent disturbances in the ejaculation process, a man is recommended to undergo regular examinations and diagnostics of the main indicators of his health with a permanent qualified doctor, take tests every six months, and monitor the course of already known chronic diseases. A healthy lifestyle, strengthening the body and psyche, timely rest, nutrition, and regular sex help maintain the quality of ejaculation.

Also, the prevention of sexual problems is facilitated by increasing one’s awareness in this area, knowledge of physiology, psychology and the culture of sexual relations.

Competent behavior, a close and understanding partner, knowledge and acceptance of your sexual preferences and avoidance of risk factors for contracting STDs help you enjoy sexual life at any age.


  • https://muzhchina.info/potencia/zaderzhka-eyakulyacii
  • https://MedPortal.ru/enc/andrology/ejaculation/
  • https://afmen.online/pochemu-muzhchina-dolgo-ne-konchaet-2.html
  • https://EkoVsem.ru/other/vybros-spermy.html
  • https://funkit.ru/potenciya/eyakulyaciya/pochemu-proishodit-otsutstvie-eyakulyatsii-u-muzhchin.html
  • https://VashUrolog.com/potenciya/zaderzhka-eyakulyacii.html
  • https://UroMir.ru/andrologija/seksualnaja-disfunkcija/sposoby-lecheniya-ejakulyacii.html
  • https://myvenerolog.ru/narushenie-eyakulyacii/
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