Why can women get a lump in the groin, how to diagnose the cause?

A lump in a woman’s groin is a foreign compaction that rises above the general surface of the skin. During palpation, it may differ in mobility, dense structure or be soft to the touch. Most often it is localized between the leg and groin, as well as in the lower abdomen. Such a neoplasm that appears in the groin area of ​​women requires immediate diagnosis and establishment of its nature of origin.


A lump that appears in the groin area is one of the symptoms of an acute or chronic disease that develops in the lower abdomen, pelvis or affects the lymph nodes. During the diagnostic examination, the following pathologies are most often discovered, in the presence of which similar compactions are formed in a given part of the body:

  • hernia - a violation of the location of an internal organ or intestinal loop, which leads to their protrusion (formed as a result of the presence of excess pressure inside the abdominal cavity, can be asymptomatic, reminding of itself only as a lump under the skin, or may be painful during movement and bending);
  • lymphadenitis is an inflammatory lesion of the lymph nodes that appears as a result of blood infection by bacterial and viral microorganisms, prolonged hypothermia, and the presence of concomitant diseases of the genitourinary system. In this case, a lump may appear in the groin of women on the right, or it may be localized on the left side, depending on the proximity of the pathology site directly to the lymph node;
  • blockage and further inflammation of the channels of the sebaceous and sweat glands located in the groin area. If the lump appears for this reason, then in this case the subcutaneous lump is characterized by acute pain, redness of the skin, body temperature rises, the development of a purulent process cannot be ruled out, its presence requires surgical intervention;
  • varicose veins - partial destruction of the walls of blood vessels located in the groin area occurs, which leads to a loss of their elasticity and elevation above the smooth surface of the skin. A movable compaction is formed; it is distinguished by a blue tint against the general background of the epithelial cover;
  • tumor - may have a benign etiology, or an oncological nature of origin. Initially, a woman may notice a small lump; it gradually increases in size, becomes voluminous, and accompanying symptoms appear; the neoplasm hurts and changes color;
  • mechanical injuries, cuts during care of the intimate area, damage received as a result of plastic surgery, piercing, the healing of which occurred with complications, infection, and a long-term inflammatory process;
  • swelling of the Bartholin gland is a disease that occurs due to blockage of its ducts, which prevents the normal progression of secretions, as well as in the event of infectious microorganisms. The mucous membrane and epithelial tissues located in front of the entrance to the vagina become inflamed, swell, and a day later a woman appears in the groin a lump characterized by a rich red color with purulent contents inside.

Unlike women, lumps in the groin in men appear much less frequently, and the causative factors that caused the disease are associated with diseases of the lymphatic system, as well as infection of the genitourinary system with pathogenic microorganisms.

What should the treatment be?

Treatment of neoplasms is prescribed and carried out in accordance with the diagnosis and taking into account the detected pathogen. To eliminate an allergic lump, it is necessary to identify the irritant. For this purpose, a number of studies are carried out, including skin patch tests, blood tests for antibodies and provocative tests. The allergic reaction is relieved with antihistamines. You may need to revise your lifestyle to eliminate the irritant once and for all.

Inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system will require a course of therapy aimed at eliminating the pathogen. The complex of therapeutic measures includes anti-inflammatory and painkillers, and physiotherapy.

An inguinal hernia can have a complication in the form of strangulation, for this reason it is recommended to remove it surgically. In the case of cancer, radiation and chemotherapy are used in the preoperative and postoperative periods.

Varicose veins must be treated with drugs that improve blood circulation through the vessels. Additionally, antiplatelet agents and vitamins are prescribed, it is recommended to wear compression garments and monitor physical activity.

Associated symptoms

A lump that appears in the groin area can develop asymptomatically, without bothering the woman for a long period of time. As the foreign tumor increases and depending on its nature of origin, over time a number of signs of the current disease appear, namely:

  • increased body temperature, which can vary between 37-39 degrees Celsius. If the lump is formed due to a pathology of the lymphatic system, there is an oncological disease, inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • pain in the groin area, it may appear during walking, sudden movements, physical labor or sports activities. The presence of a hernia can cause a feeling of discomfort even when a woman is in a lying position;
  • redness and swelling of the skin located on top of the bump that appears or located in a circle;
  • physical weakness, loss of strength, chronic fatigue, possible signs of intoxication in the form of headache, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting. A similar reaction of the body is possible if a lump in the groin on the right, or on the left side, appears due to an acute inflammatory process with a subcutaneous accumulation of purulent exudate.

If you have these symptoms and a foreign tumor in the groin area, which in all external characteristics resembles a lump, it is imperative to undergo an examination of the body. It will be necessary to establish the etiology of the compaction and the reason for its appearance. A lump in the groin of men on the left most often indicates lymphadenitis.

Tumor formations

Lumps in the groin area and labia can be a sign of a tumor process in the body. Fortunately, genital tumors are often benign.

  • Fibroma is a neoplasm of benign etiology, which is localized in the connective tissue, less often in the fascia of the parametric tissue. As a rule, it is located on the labia majora. Treatment of the tumor is exclusively surgical. Our doctors effectively treat this disease, guaranteeing a further favorable prognosis.
  • Fibromyoma is a tumor that does not entail tissue destruction and metastasis (also benign). It is formed from muscle fibers and appears as a lump on the labia majora. Surgical excision is mandatory.
  • Lipoma is a more severe tumor that does not have a malignant etiology. It is formed from adipose tissue and is located near the vulva. It is a nodule or several overgrown small neoplasms. Located on a dense, stable leg. The size of the nodule is usually small, but tends to grow. Such a tumor is always accessible during a traditional examination without additional diagnostic procedures. You may also be able to detect a lipoma by feeling your genitals or washing your face. If the disease is not treated, various complications are possible: hemorrhage, infection, swelling and even tissue necrosis. Our surgeons excise the lipoma and prescribe further supportive therapy.
  • Hidradenoma is a rare type of tumor in the genital area. It develops due to the active activity of the sweat glands and some other abnormalities. In the case of this disease, hardening in the form of nodules forms on the labia, sometimes they are localized over the entire area of ​​the organ or are single. Hidradenoma must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise it may develop into a malignant tumor.
  • Oncology. (Cancer or sarcoma of the vagina, cancer of the vulva). It appears in the form of nodes and dense tubercles in the genital area. If benign tumors practically do not cause additional symptoms, oncology is always accompanied by copious discharge of pus or mucus with a pungent odor, bleeding, and diffuse infiltrates. Unfortunately, in this case, no one can give an unambiguous favorable prognosis, even with timely treatment.


In order for the therapy to be successful and for there to be no relapse of the disease, it is necessary to establish the cause of the foreign tumor. To do this, a woman must undergo the following types of examination:

  • initial examination by a gynecologist, therapist or surgeon, depending on which part of the groin the lump has formed, directly near the entrance to the vagina, on the epithelial surface of the genitals, in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, or in the lower part of the abdominal cavity. The doctor palpates the lump and also listens to accompanying symptoms that bother the woman;
  • collection of venous blood to exclude possible infection of the body with such dangerous infections as tuberculosis, syphilis, chlamydia, genital herpes;
  • a blood test for hormonal levels, which allows us to identify possible disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • examination of the external and internal genital organs by a gynecologist, during which the general condition of the tissues of the reproductive system is established, smears are taken from the surface of the mucous membrane to determine the microflora;
  • ultrasound examination of the lymph nodes from the location of the lump, as well as the pelvic organs for the possible presence of tumor neoplasms;
  • collection of biological samples of the compaction for histological analysis to exclude the presence of cancer cells;
  • a general blood test from the ring finger, as well as a urine test, it is taken in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • a smear from the surface of the bump, if its development occurs against the background of an inflammatory process with the release of purulent exudate. The strain of pathogenic microorganisms that caused the abscess is determined.

Based on the diagnostic results, the causative factor that caused the formation of a lump in the groin is established, on the basis of which a treatment regimen is developed. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination of the pelvic area using computed tomography.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The appearance of a lump may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • pain when walking;
  • increased body temperature and general malaise;
  • dizziness and lack of appetite may be present;
  • pain may radiate to the abdominal cavity;
  • frequent urination;
  • nausea, constipation;
  • with varicose veins, the lump in the groin will pulsate and have a bumpy surface.

To determine the causes of the lump, a specialist must conduct an initial examination of the groin area, palpate the tumor and refer the patient for examination, which may include the following procedures:

  • blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • computed tomography;
  • MRI;
  • X-ray examination;
  • If a malignant process is suspected, an instrumental examination is performed.


Treatment for a lump in the groin directly depends on the type of disease that caused its appearance. The following methods of treating foreign tumors in women can be used:

  • a course of antibacterial drugs if the seal in the groin area is an abscess that has arisen as a consequence of infection of the skin or soft tissues by pathogenic microorganisms in the form of Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcal infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The medication is selected individually depending on the strain of the infection detected, but most often drugs such as Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Biseptol, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, injectable and tablet forms are used;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments and gels for external use, which help remove swelling of the lump, help eliminate signs of the inflammatory process, stimulate the resorption of compacted tissues (Heparin, Vishnevsky balm, Ichthyol, Syntomycin);
  • chemotherapy drugs prescribed in courses if, based on the results of the examination, it was determined that this lump in a woman on the left or right side of the groin is a cancerous tumor. The patient is introduced into the body intravenously by installing droppers, and the duration of the course of treatment depends on the positive dynamics of recovery;
  • taking vitamin and mineral complexes to increase the protective function of the immune system and the body’s resistance to viral and bacterial infections;
  • surgical intervention when the use of drug therapy is not advisable, or its use has not brought a positive effect. During the surgical operation, a lump can be opened and removed, which in fact is an abscess, a wen, a diseased lymph node, or a benign tumor.

The latter method of therapy is performed in a sterile operating room. The woman receives local or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity and duration of the intervention (on average it lasts from 30 to 50 minutes). The final stage of surgical treatment is a period of rehabilitation, healing of the suture, and repeated testing.


Is the lump mobile and painless? Perhaps there is slight redness around the formation? When pressed, a white-yellow or greenish secretion with a characteristic purulent odor emerges from the ball? Symptoms indicate atheroma, which is popularly called a wen. The disease appears in men with weakened immune systems and excess weight. Sebaceous ducts become clogged due to excessive sweating and poor hygiene. Inflammation begins and pus accumulates under the skin. Sometimes atheroma indicates a slow metabolism and hormonal imbalances in the male body, as well as kidney and liver diseases. The seal can only be treated surgically. Ointments and folk remedies do not cope with wen.


It is possible to prevent the formation of lumps in the groin area, but to do this, a woman must remember and follow the following prevention rules daily:

  • have only one sexual partner, avoid casual intimate relationships, or use barrier contraception;
  • give up bad habits, do not drink alcohol, tobacco products, drugs;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene, take a warm shower at least 2 times a day and change your underwear;
  • prevent or promptly treat inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • undergo a preventive examination every year by a gynecologist (even if there are no current symptoms of the disease);
  • balance the diet by excluding from the diet foods containing preservatives and carcinogenic substances (smoked meats, canned meats, sausages, chips, vegetable oils obtained by extraction or refining, vegetables, herbs and fruits grown with the use of pesticides, nitrates and other chemicals) ;
  • do not overwork and do not lift heavy objects, so as not to provoke an increase in pressure inside the abdominal cavity, which can result in the formation of an inguinal hernia, which looks like a small lump with a dense structure;
  • Avoid hypothermia of the body and directly the organs of the reproductive system.

It is very important that all foci of chronic infection are promptly eliminated, which can lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area, causing them to enlarge, resembling a round lump in appearance.

Inguinal hernia

Did the formation appear after lifting weights? It doesn't hurt, but is there a slight swelling around the bump? Does the tumor disappear or shrink when lying down? If the patient answered yes to all questions, he most likely has an inguinal hernia. The problem occurs due to a weakening or small tear in the anterior abdominal wall. At risk are overweight men, as well as patients who have intestinal problems or a persistent cough. When a hernia occurs, the intestines fall out of the abdominal cavity, causing a lump to form under the skin. Muscles can compress an internal organ at any time. Blood circulation is disrupted and tissue rejection begins. The patient has to cut out part of the intestine. If a man has an inguinal hernia, which doctor should he contact? It is better to consult with a therapist who will write out directions for tests. Then the patient turns to a surgeon, because intestinal prolapse can only be treated surgically. Bandages and other unconventional methods help only for a short time, and some methods only lead to a deterioration in well-being. The operation to repair a hernia is simple and safe, so the man is advised not to be afraid. The doctor sets the internal organs and then stitches up the tear in the anterior abdominal wall. Healing and recovery occurs quickly and without complications. The patient forgets about his problem forever and returns to a full life.

Stages, symptoms of the disease

The table lists each stage of abscess formation and negative symptoms leading to discomfort.

InfiltrateThe skin turns red, thickens, and swells. A large number of immune complexes are released that develop an inflammatory response. Up to 3 cm of infiltrate can accumulate inside. The skin thickens and enlarges, causing severe pain. The hair follicle and the hair itself are preserved in the center of the formation. An area of ​​inflammation remains inside the follicle, causing burning and tingling
Purulent-necrotic areaForms by 4 days after the onset of the pathological process. The purulent formation is actively maturing and a core is forming. The head increases in size, so it rises above the surface of the skin. The pain syndrome becomes brighter and intensifies with pressure, walking, and other movements. There is strong pulsation, a rise in body temperature, and an increase in regional lymph nodes. Due to intoxication, arthralgia and myalgia appear. Lymphocytes, pus, and abundant bacteria accumulate inside the formation. The skin bursts, the infiltrate comes out.
RegenerationWhen the purulent contents come out along with the rod, all discomfort and symptoms stop. Pain, itching, redness are eliminated. If the opening occurs spontaneously, the liquid gradually comes out. A large wound is formed that will heal within 3 days. Then she turns pale. Thanks to active tissue regeneration, the skin actively heals. But a large connective tissue scar may form at the site of the wound.

If the doctor eliminates the boil, the removal of the rod is required. Otherwise, the bacteria in it will multiply again, causing another purulent infiltrate.

Prevention methods

You can always use certain measures to reduce the risk of bacterial infection accumulating on the skin and penetrating into the deeper layers. To do this, use the following rules:

  • for excessive sweating, use talc and powders that remove moisture from the epidermis;
  • daily use of hygiene procedures;
  • consumption of high-quality foods and multivitamins that supply the body with the maximum amount of nutrients;
  • strengthening the immune system, hardening procedures;
  • elimination of situations leading to hypothermia;
  • proper treatment of skin wounds to prevent infection.

If redness and thickening of the skin begins on the patient’s body, it is necessary to carefully monitor this area. If symptoms of furunculosis appear, it is recommended to promptly consult a therapist who will prescribe treatment methods. It is important to start antiseptic and antibacterial therapy in a timely manner so that the infectious area decreases. If treatment methods are carried out in a timely manner, the lesion can be completely eliminated within 7-10 days. This will help eliminate the risk of complications and the need for surgical intervention.

Therapy methods

The selection of treatment depends on the stage at which the boil is developing. Home therapy is usually sufficient. If complications occur, hospitalization will be required. For example, if the abscess has reached the subcutaneous fat or systemic blood flow, a large abscess has formed.

Most often, local therapy is prescribed; in the absence of its effect, surgical techniques are prescribed:

  1. Treatment with antiseptics
    . Salicylic alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and other antiseptic drugs are prescribed. They treat tissues using cotton wool to prevent the spread of infection. The hair in the affected area is cut off.

  2. Anti-inflammatory therapy
    . To eliminate excessive activity of the immune system, the application of alcohol compresses is required. Additionally, Chlorhexidine and Miramistin are used for disinfection. Compresses can be used with Levomekol, Ichthyol. They relieve inflammation, pain, and destroy infection. A keratoplasty effect develops. To make a compress, first apply ointment to the affected area. Apply cotton wool or several layers of bandage on top. Leave for several hours, then remove. Physiotherapeutic procedures have a qualitative anti-inflammatory effect. For example, the use of ultraviolet or laser.

  3. Second stage therapy
    . It is necessary to create all the conditions so that the boil matures faster and prepares for spontaneous opening. Pre-treat the affected area with ointments that cause ripening. For example, Vishnevsky, Ichthyolova. An antibiotic ointment is then prescribed to reduce the number of pathogenic microorganisms. The abscess is opened through surgery and all contents are removed.

  4. Injections of antibiotic and novocaine
    . This helps to simultaneously eliminate pain and reduce infection. The doctor prescribes injections until the core of the boil is completely eliminated. Compresses based on silver nitrate have a similar effect.
  5. Systemic antibiotics
    . Used as injections or oral tablets. Penicillins, macrolides, cephalosparins are prescribed. Additionally, NSAIDs are used to relieve pain, inflammation, and relieve elevated body temperature. Use drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen.

  6. Surgical extraction
    . Pre-treatment with salicylic acid is carried out. It helps the skin burst so that the contents of the abscess begin to come out. The rod is removed using a clamp. A rubber band is left inside for 3 days to allow further drainage of pus. After time has passed, it is removed. Surgical methods can be resorted to only if there is no effect from conservative techniques.

  7. Sanitation
    . The technique is applicable after opening and complete elimination of the abscess. They are treated with antiseptics and antibiotics. For example, hydrogen peroxide is used, thanks to which the remains of lymph and pus are eliminated. After the healing stage has begun, it is allowed to use Vishnevsky ointment in the form of a compress for another 3 days. Ichtheol ointment is not recommended at this stage, since the bacterial infection will be difficult to eliminate.

If the treatment is not of sufficient quality, there will be a risk of relapse. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to all stages of processing.

When treatment is carried out, all hygiene rules must be carefully observed. Additionally, it is prohibited to visit baths, saunas, and gyms. As soon as the wound healing stage has begun, Contractubex is allowed to be used. It prevents the formation of a large connective tissue scar.

Video ideology and stages of furunculosis

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