Urogenital disorders due to hormonal imbalance

Difficulty urinating in women is a symptom that signals pathological changes in the body. Sometimes it appears like this:

  • weak stream. When going to the toilet you have to make an effort;
  • splashing urine. The jet is sprayed;
  • leakage of urine. The discharge may occur in small portions or drops;
  • uncontrollable and frequent urge to urinate.

If you encounter such manifestations, contact a medical specialist in Belgorod. We pay close attention to even the most delicate problems of our patients. In our clinic, they will determine the exact cause of your discomfort and draw up a treatment plan. With our help, you can improve your well-being and improve the quality of your life.

Causes of difficulty urinating in women

Disturbances during urination are often caused by inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. They can also occur against the background of:

  • pregnancy. While expecting a baby, a woman may experience difficulty urinating. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder. Because of this, an increase in the number of urges may occur;
  • hormonal changes. Problems may arise during menopause. Difficulty urinating in older women is not uncommon;
  • neurogenic bladder. Another reason for difficulty urinating. A specific area of ​​the brain is responsible for the process of urination. And when this connection is lost due to injury and other reasons, problems with urination may occur.

Urogenital problems: what to do?

Many patients who experienced such difficulties believed that nothing could be done and that they had to endure it. The fear of discussing shameful inconveniences with anyone caused the elderly woman to withdraw into herself and spend most of the day next to the toilet, fearing to leave the house again.

However, doctors have the opportunity to alleviate the situation and really help. So what should you do when disorders in the intimate area occur due to hormonal deficiency?

  1. Visit to the gynecologist

You need to come to the gynecologist and talk about your problems. And do not delay the consultation for too long, because the longer difficulties accumulate in everyday life, the more difficult it is to cope with them later.

This is especially true when serious problems arise with the functioning of internal organs due to prolapse of the bladder or rectum.

  1. Treatment

The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance that all these disorders will not even arise. It is optimal to start helping the body at the moment when vaginal dryness begins in the first years after the end of menstruation.

To do this, the doctor will prescribe special suppositories or creams that contain small doses of estrogen. Most often, this is quite enough to prevent atrophic processes in the vagina and bladder.

  1. Operation

In some cases, if internal organs are displaced and prolapsed, or if there is persistent urinary incontinence, surgery will be required. And there is no need to be afraid of this: no matter how scary it may be to go on the operating table, surgical intervention will provide good living comfort for the rest of your life.

As they age, some women develop unpleasant illnesses for which they are ashamed to consult a doctor. However, timely medical care will help to avoid urogenital disorders and create optimal comfort of life for a woman who can fully enjoy communication with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


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Diseases that cause difficulty urinating in women

This symptom indicates a violation of the outflow of urine through the urethra. This is often due to compression or blockage of the lumen, which occurs as a result of the following pathologies:

  • urethritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. These pathologies are provoked by an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the urethra, kidneys and bladder. Because of them, swelling occurs, which can narrow the urethra or completely block it. In addition to difficulty in the urethra, you may notice increased temperature, general weakness, and pain in the lumbar region. Difficulty urinating in women after sex can occur due to postcoital cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease. With this pathology, hard formations occur in the bladder, kidneys and ureters. When moving, acute pain and trauma to the organs through which the stones move occurs. Difficulty urinating in women occurs when the mouth of the cervix is ​​blocked;
  • Oncology of the urinary system. The disease also occurs in men. As tumors grow, irritation of the bladder walls occurs. You may experience problems urinating, and also suffer from cramps and pain in the lower abdomen. Urine may be released in portions, the number of urges to urinate may become more frequent, some of them may be false;
  • urethral stricture. With a pathological narrowing of the urethra, difficulty urinating in women occurs.

An alarming symptom also develops in some other pathologies:

  • diabetes. Diabetic nephropathy provokes a violation of bladder emptying;
  • gout. In pathology, uric acid salts accumulate. When the renal apparatus is damaged, women experience difficulty urinating;
  • secondary inflammation of the genitourinary system. They arise against the background of complications.

Urogenital problems: main symptoms

The content of the article

A woman’s full and comfortable life is largely determined by estrogen hormones. The condition of the skin and mucous membranes, the proper functioning of some organs and the full joy of communicating with a man depend on them.

With age, when the ovaries cease to function as expected and a woman enters the menopause stage, extremely unpleasant and inconvenient disorders appear that there is no one to discuss with anyone.

In fact, it’s not good to talk to a friend about the fact that even with the slightest physical exertion, urine cannot be retained. What other problems could there be?

  1. Vaginal dryness

Changes do not happen immediately, but gradually. At first, unpleasant sensations arise during sexual intercourse due to a lack of discharge. This problem can be easily solved by using lubricants. But the older you get, the worse: due to impaired blood flow and decreased hormonal influences, the walls of the mucous membrane become thinner.

Against this background, even a special lubricant does not help: having sex is unpleasant and sometimes painful. Microtraumas often occur, hence the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse.

  1. Atrophic colpitis

Due to a lack of hormones, lactobacilli die. They form the basis of the vaginal microflora and protect the internal reproductive organs from pathogenic microbes. Against the background of atrophic problems, colpitis begins - inflammation of the vagina associated with common microorganisms (Escherichia coli, staphylococci).

The main manifestations of this disease:

  • constant burning in the vagina;
  • wave-like itching in the perineum;
  • periodic leucorrhoea.
  1. Atrophic cystitis and urethritis

The bladder and excretory duct (urethra) are very dependent on estrogen, and when they are deficient, problems begin. The most common symptoms that appear are:

  • pain and burning when visiting the toilet in a small way, when a sudden pain at the very beginning of urination makes you wait with fear for this first pain every time;
  • constant pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent urge during the day, but very little urine is released in the toilet;
  • difficulty sleeping due to increased urge to urinate at night.
  1. Pelvic organ prolapse

Urogenital disorders in women are very often accompanied by weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to prolapse of those organs located in the lower abdomen.

Most often, the uterus moves down, but if constipation occurs frequently or if the bladder is overstretched, other organs may also become displaced. The worst option would be prolapse - displacement and prolapse of organs outside the vaginal opening.

  1. Urinary incontinence

The most unpleasant symptom for an elderly woman is the inability to hold urine. Even a visit to the store and purchasing groceries (a bag with a couple of kilograms) can become a serious problem, because minimal physical activity leads to urine leakage.

Normal sneezing or coughing provokes the involuntary release of odorous fluid, and even with any surprise or even a slight stressful situation, urinary incontinence occurs. This is extremely unpleasant and has a very negative impact on a woman’s mental state.

Where to go if women have difficulty urinating?

If a problem occurs, do not delay visiting your doctor. Qualified urologists at our center will find the root cause of the symptom using diagnostic procedures. They have modern hardware and laboratory techniques at their disposal. After clarifying the clinical picture, you will be prescribed treatment. Strictly following the recommendations of qualified specialists is a good help in recovery.

According to reviews from patients at the Promedica clinic, we were able to create a comfortable and trusting environment in the center. Make sure of this too! To clarify the price of an appointment and make an appointment, contact us in a convenient way.

Cystitis during menopause


of menopause for a woman can be overshadowed by another unpleasant symptom: frequent and painful urination . The reason for this phenomenon during menopause is cystitis , which develops against the background of inflammation of the bladder . Most often, the disease manifests itself once, but in some cases the pathology can take a chronic form.

Pathogenesis of cystitis development

Menopause and cystitis are a natural and unhealthy symbiosis at the stage of restructuring of the female hormonal background. A decrease in the protective functions of the immune system and a decrease in the amount of hormones make the body vulnerable to infections and bacteria that enter the urinary system through the vagina . Other factors can act as catalysts for the inflammatory process:

  • hypothermia;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • violation of vaginal ;
  • thrush.

Very often, cystitis occurs against the background of independent infectious diseases, such as urethritis , pyelonephritis and adnexitis. If these pathologies are eliminated, then inflammation of the bladder can be eliminated along with them.


The onset of the inflammatory process is indicated by two main signs: frequent urge to urinate and sharp pain during the act itself. During menopause, the symptoms of cystitis can be mild, which greatly complicates the diagnosis: the success of treatment in this case will depend on the stage at which the pathology was detected. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the slightest deviations that are unusual for the body:

  • systematic increase in body temperature;
  • change in the color and odor of urine of blood , pus and foreign impurities in it
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen ;
  • itching and burning in the vagina .

If you miss the onset of the inflammatory process and allow it to move to the next stage of its development, the infection can go upward, affecting the ureters and kidneys . Thus, in addition to cystitis , during menopause a woman will also suffer from kidney failure, which will negatively affect an already weakened body.


Treatment of cystitis during menopause should be based on an integrated approach, which includes medications and compliance with hygiene and health recommendations.

Stages of drug treatment:

  • elimination of the pathogen;
  • determination of the nature of pathogenic microorganisms and further selection of suitable antibiotics and antiviral agents;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • the use of steroidal or non-steroidal drugs in different forms of release: drops, tablets or injections.

Stabilization of hormonal levels

The use of safe hormonal therapy , which restores the mucous membrane of the bladder and eliminates the infection.

Elimination of symptoms

Relieving pain, fever and normalizing the nervous system with medications that have an analgesic effect on the body.

widely used in the treatment of cystitis during menopause . therapy activates the immune and helps in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation.

Prevention recommendations

Compliance with the following rules will prevent the development of the disease during menopause and will prevent recurrence of the pathology in the future:

  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • healthy nutrition, limiting spicy, salty and smoked foods in the diet;
  • taking care of your health during the cold season;
  • strengthening the immune system with vitamin therapy;
  • control over timely urination .

An important aspect during menopause is the psychological state of a woman, which can cause the development of cystitis or aggravate its symptoms.

Menopause is a new stage in life, as millions of women have already confirmed. This is a time of opportunities and discoveries, which you need to use for the benefit of your health.

Published in Urological diseases Premium Clinic

How to collect urine for analysis

For hormonal analysis, 24-hour urine is required, so it is advisable that the patient has the whole day at his disposal.

Daily urine is collected throughout the day, by the hour:

  • after sleep, completely empty your bladder (the first morning urine is not taken for analysis and is completely poured out);
  • collect subsequent batches of liquid into one large container, marking the start date of collection;
  • Make the last urine collection into a common container in the morning of the next day, then mix the entire volume of liquid and take approximately 50-100 ml into a plastic container;
  • deliver the resulting sample to the laboratory.
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