Money and infidelity: study shows who men cheat on the most

Who cheats more often

The question of who cheats more and more often, a woman or a man, can be called an eternal one, because at all times it has been asked and will continue to be asked, because such is the nature of a person who wants to know everything.
You need to understand that any statistics are based on random samples, so there is an error in any case, but in general it gives an idea of ​​adultery and who is more reliable in a relationship, a man or a woman, and also allows you to understand how to build relationships with the opposite gender in order to keep him from such actions and get that family that can be called exemplary.

Who cheats more often in marriage, wife or husband, girls or boys in Russia statistics

Statistics show cheating on the part of men; there are many more of them. And all because by nature men are polygamous, they are drawn to the side and this in most cases explains male infidelity. And this is not always from a great feeling of love. Most likely for the sake of interest. Women have also recently begun to cheat, but for them everything is just the opposite. Either from lack of attention, or with great love.

Statistics of infidelity between men and women in the world in marriage, global statistics in percentage

According to the results in the world, 40% of men cheated on their wives at least once. 18% of women have also cheated at least once.

Aries are still those Don Juans. For them, new love is like a breath of fresh air and even a kiss is not betrayal for them. Unfortunately, they fall in love often and always with renewed vigor.

Geminis are also lovers of new adventures, not as often as Aries, but they also fall in love.

Leos love to have affairs, but for them this is not a manifestation of feelings, but self-affirmation, especially for men.

Sagittarians will be faithful until the moment they love their soulmate; as soon as passions and love have faded, they will want new sensations.

Who cheats more often and more in family relationships, but does not leave and why

Of course, these are men, it is difficult for them to leave the woman who takes care of them, feeds them, washes them, cleans them.

As a rule, in a new relationship they are only interested in the intimate part.

If a girl cheated, then in most cases she is ready for a divorce. The only thing that can hold her back is her children.

Who cheats more often, blondes or brunettes, what to do

It has been proven that blondes are prone to cheating. But here we are not talking about dyed hair, but about natural hair.

So that your woman doesn’t even think about looking to the left, protect her, appreciate her, love her.

Introverts cheat more often, since this is inherent in them, although in some situations everything can change.

Why do people cheat in our country?

to talk about exact statistics of infidelity between men and women in Russia, since no in-depth research has been conducted on this topic. However, websites about family and marriage provide the following figures: 75% of Russian men have cheated on their wives. Among married women, this figure is three times less – 25%.

According to a survey by the sociological organization Levada Center conducted in 2015, 63% of Russians have a negative attitude towards infidelity. Moreover, 70% of women and 55% of men have a negative attitude towards the idea of ​​having a lover or mistress.

Why do Russian men cheat?

Survey results in 2021 indicate that 58% of men cheated on their wives, while most of them maintained their feelings for their spouse; 40% of guys cheated on their girls before marriage.

In our opinion, there are three reasons for the fairly frequent facts of infidelity among men.

Firstly , in Russia they still consider male infidelity to be the norm, and female infidelity a shame. It so happened traditionally that a woman is the “keeper of the home,” and a man is the breadwinner, and has more freedom, including in the love sphere.

Secondly , there is a fundamental demographic problem. Wars, the turbulent 90s, dangerous professions, heavy physical activity, smoking, alcohol abuse, etc. sharply reduce the number of men. Therefore, in Russia there are 86 men per 100 women. The numerical superiority of girls makes it easy for guys to find a partner for themselves.

Thirdly , in our country, people have an erroneous belief that all men are polygamous. Infidelity is supposedly inherent in men's nature, and this gives them the right to cheat.

In men's companies, the main topic of conversation is often stories about cheating and successfully hiding one's adventures from his wife or girlfriend. And those who do not lead an intense sex life and do not cheat on their spouse inevitably feel worse than others.

Thus, the erroneous attitude: “all men cheat” becomes in our culture a toxic attribute of a “real man”, destroying the moral and ethical qualities of representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

In recent years, the negative trend of destroying established marriages has intensified, when a man, at the point of sexual activity, seeks to marry a young girl with whom he has a short-term relationship.

Cheating in a new way

If thirty years ago a woman could tell that her husband was cheating on her by the lipstick on his collar or frequent delays at work, now his mobile tells us everything about her husband.

This happened in the marriage of Lisa, an attractive and exemplary young wife, mother of two children. Her husband went on a business trip and forgot his iPad at home. A couple of hours later, Lisa saw a message on the screen: “I miss you. I can't wait for you." Within an hour, five more romantic SMS messages arrived. At first the woman thought that her husband was sending messages. But soon she no longer had any doubts about his betrayal. After rummaging through her iPad, Lisa found hundreds of SMS messages and dozens of photos received and sent. She found out that Victor had been having an affair for two years. She was literally shocked by all these details, and her condition required the intervention of a psychologist. Change in the digital age is not lipstick on your shirt.

Modern life has taught us to follow our desires. If people used to get divorced because they were deeply unhappy in their marriage, now they get divorced in search of something better. Treason was once a shame for both sides. And now it is considered shameful to remain faithful in a hopeless marriage. Therefore, Lisa told her friends almost nothing about what was happening in the family. She was afraid that others would judge her. But not Victor’s, but hers. For the fact that she did not react in any way to the betrayal.

Female infidelity cannot be forgiven

Many men cheat on their wives only mentally or in correspondence on social networks, without daring to take such a step in reality. The reason is the reluctance to destroy the usual, established life. This is why, according to statistics, only 3% of men are able to leave their family and start a new family with their mistress.

But women, especially those who are self-sufficient, independent, standing firmly on their own two feet, are more likely to decide on an affair on the side. At the same time, women hide their infidelities better than men. The reason, most likely, is that in most cases, women who have lost interest in their spouses cheat on their husbands.

How to protect your family from adultery The answer to this question is worthy of creating a separate article, it is too complex and voluminous a topic. But the main secrets of a happy marriage are not tricky. To tie her husband to herself, a woman must remain interesting to her husband even after 10, 20 or 50 years of marriage.

Why do women cheat?

The difference between male and female infidelity is only that a representative of the fair half of humanity, as a rule, must have a good reason to seek support and attention on the side. This happens when a girl is fundamentally unhappy with something in her partner and wants to receive warmth and affection.


One of the most common reasons. The woman again tries to feel loved and desired and thinks that she will find these feelings in the arms of another man. Typically, this behavior is due to dissatisfaction in the marriage.


Routine, problems, and everyday quarrels often dull feelings. If a woman does not feel adequate support at home, she begins to look for a man’s shoulder on the side. In addition, she wants to feel newness and satisfy curiosity.

Do not miss


Recently, the term harassment has become widespread. This is sexual harassment in the workplace. Often a woman, being subordinate to a male boss, cannot fight back and agrees to intimacy in order to get a promotion.


Another common reason. Typically, infidelity on the part of a woman in this case occurs if the wife suspects her husband of infidelity or has recently learned about what happened.


Yes, this happens too. Sometimes women consider it their duty to thank a man for his help, support or kind attitude in difficult times.

Statistics of betrayal in marital relationships, reasons

Sexual dissatisfaction (9% of husbands and 13% of wives cheated for this reason). We are talking about both quantity and quality of intimacy. One of the spouses (and, perhaps, both at once) may not be satisfied with the rarity of sexual contacts, the lack of variety in them, or the fading of passion. Search for new sensations and emotions (14% of the stronger sex and 8% of the fairer sex). When there is coldness, indifference and a lack of bright impressions in a relationship, some men and women strive to fill their lives with energy and violent emotions on the side, looking for an opportunity to “shake things up.” Falling in love on the side (7% of men and 20% of women). Indeed, at some point, one of the spouses may suddenly lose their head from unexpectedly flared up feelings for another woman or another man. It happens that such love turns out to be long and serious. But still, more often than not, this is a passing hobby, as a result of which spouses are rarely ready to leave the family. Lack of self-confidence (10% of men and 7% of women). In men, this manifests itself as a desire to prove their worth, to assert themselves

Women also have increased self-esteem when they feel attention from other men. Uncertainty can be either an innate quality or appear, for example, as a result of some family problems (lack of attention from a partner, previously experienced infidelities, etc.) Long-term separation between a man and a woman (12% of husbands and 10% of wives)

Forced departure, business trips, separate vacations - situations that provoke infidelity in marriage. The more regular and long such separations are, the more difficult it is for spouses to remain faithful. Although, of course, everything depends on their individual characteristics. For someone to cheat, it is enough not to be near their loved one for two or three days. And some are ready to remain faithful for years.

Cheating due to boredom and routine (4% of husbands and 6% of wives). The husband, starting an affair on the side, often thus seeks to get away from everyday problems with which he is “fed up” in family life. The wife may not be happy that her husband has stopped seeing her as a woman. They decide to cheat in order to break out of everyday responsibilities and the routine of life. “Random” infidelity (13% of husbands and 6% of wives). Unfortunately, parties and corporate events create fertile ground for various temptations. While intoxicated, some men and women are able to “temporarily” remove their inhibitions and marital obligations and cheat. Subsequently, analyzing what happened, many of them are perplexed as to how they could have decided to do this, experience a strong feeling of guilt and repent. Such betrayals extremely rarely result in serious relationships on the side. They are usually one-time only. Revenge for betrayal or insult (11% of females and 1% of males). Women are noticeably ahead of men in this regard. An offended wife, having learned about her husband’s infidelity and decided to cheat, seems to say to him: “Look what you’re missing out on! But I’m also good and desirable!”

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But if the male half of the population, “going to the left,” can only limit themselves to this, then the statistics of female infidelity indicate the fact that for the fair sex, first of all, the psychological side of infidelity is important, that is, when a lover is courting them, cares, gives pleasant emotions, is an attentive interlocutor. This is usually what they lack in marriage.

Older spouses cheat more often than younger couples. Statistics on adultery confirm that after 40 years, men and women are less faithful (32% of husbands and wives) than young couples.

Despite the fact that society as a whole frowns upon adultery, the majority of men and women do not consider it a reason for divorce (51%).

Causes of adultery

  1. Sexual dissatisfaction

According to sociological research, this is the most common reason. It is problems in bed between spouses that push them into adultery. Often, everyday life and routine cool the marital bed; a husband and wife do not have sex for months because they have lost interest in each other. But the human body takes its toll and demands satisfaction of sexual needs. If there is no sex in the family, they look for it on the side.

Who, according to statistics, cheats on their partner more due to sexual dissatisfaction: men or women? The statistics of female infidelity for this indicator is 13%, male infidelity is lower - 9%. This is due to the fact that guys in bed often try to satisfy only their own needs, not always caring about the desires of their other half. Over time, wives become disgusted with sexual relations with such a spouse, and they look for a new male who will remind them of what it means to be a desired woman. Representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, get bored with their monotonous personal life, and they are looking for something new on the side.

  1. New love

It happens that when entering into a marriage, one of the spouses does not feel true love for the other. This could be a marriage of convenience, “by chance,” or simply from the need to marry “finally, at least someone.” Inevitably, true love still occurs in life, and then marital betrayal comes to the family. Sometimes, even if the marriage was between people who love each other, one of them suddenly meets his fate. As a rule, this feeling is fleeting, and spouses are not ready to divorce because of it, even if the fact of infidelity is obvious. Sometimes a new love turns out to be very serious and lasts quite a long time.

The percentage of men and women cheating due to new relationships is as follows: girls – 20%, boys – 7%. This is because women rarely agree to have sex with the first person they meet; for this they need good reasons - love, of course, is one of these. Men are more superficial, more often they cheat for other reasons.

  1. Personal crisis and self-doubt

It is this problem that is more typical of the stronger half of humanity. Girls can only increase their self-esteem through attention from others. For men, this reason is deeper. Not only are many affairs intended to convince oneself and others that he is a male, but looking for a partner on the side is a way for a guy to find support.

The fact is that the stronger sex at the genetic level needs recognition from girls. It was they who inspired and forced to wake up in the morning from the very creation of the world, when the caveman was a breadwinner, and if he did not bring a mammoth, his family died.

Today, a woman is able to earn much more than her husband, his role is becoming more and more invisible, which can lead to a serious personal crisis. If a husband becomes devalued in a family, he will find someone for whom he will become the center of the universe. For a man this is extremely important. Thus, 10% of male infidelity occurs in search of self-affirmation, and only 7% of female infidelity.

  1. Temporary separation from husband/wife

Here, too, husbands are in the lead – 12%. Among wives, 10% are unable to wait for their husband to return from a business trip. Frequent separations, without a doubt, provoke affairs on the side. However, if the previous reasons were subjective, then in this case both are subject to separation, but only one betrays. Apparently, it is more difficult for men to do without sex. This is illustrated by the figures from sociological surveys. Do all men cheat on their wives on business trips? Of course not. But the more often and longer the separations, the higher the likelihood of an affair on the side. Some even manage to start families in several cities.

  1. Desire to experience intense sensations

Family troubles, problems at home and at work, monotonous scheduled sex have never made anyone happy. Routine in bed and everyday life can serve as a reason for an affair on the side. 4% of husbands try to diversify their lives in this way, 6% of wives decide to cheat due to insufficient attention from their spouse.

Violation of fidelity can occur unplanned. Parties and corporate events serve as fertile ground: alcohol, relaxed atmosphere, new faces - all this often encourages a casual relationship. Later there will be remorse, shame, sincere misunderstanding of how this could have happened, but the job is done, nothing can be fixed. As a rule, such betrayals are often one-time. Women “accidentally” cheat less often than men: 6% versus 13%.

  1. Treason as revenge

The ladies are definitely in the lead here. Do women want to cheat on their husbands to get revenge? 11% will answer “Yes!” out loud. But the stronger sex can also be vindictive - fortunately, this is only 1%. It should be noted that the reason for such behavior is often the partner’s infidelity. They knock out a wedge with a wedge, as they say.

Statistics of infidelity: who cheats more often, men or women?

Women Despite the fact that men cheat more often, women do not remain blameless in this matter. In Russia, almost 70% of women have relationships with married men, while 12% of wives have affairs with neighbors and infidelity occurs right within their own walls.

The motivation for infidelity can be very different:

  • absence of husband;
  • dissatisfaction in your own marriage;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • a holiday romance;
  • a response to a spouse’s rudeness or betrayal.

We can conclude that if a marriage breaks up due to infidelity, both spouses are to blame for this, who found an easy way to satisfy their own desires, in the hope of avoiding the difficulties of family life. It is also worth remembering that if there has been infidelity in the family at least once, the likelihood that a son or daughter will commit something similar in their own family is 85%.

How often do men cheat?

Approximately 2/3 of all men who have obligations to a partner entered into a one-time relationship or were in a long-term relationship on the side. It turned out that among married men 59% cheat on their significant other. The vast majority do not consider “going left” a reason for divorce.

If a man is comfortable in his family, he will not risk breaking off the relationship even for the sake of mind-blowing sex. Reason will prevail, and everything will work out if the wife, out of love for her husband, concern for the children, and for the sake of financial well-being, decides to forgive. Then the statistics of male infidelity will have nothing to do with this couple, who managed to overcome a difficult period and restore peace in the family.

The statistics on cheating in marriage are as follows. In families with high incomes, a situation arises that psychologists call mutual betrayal. Both spouses have intimate affection on the side. Among men who cheat on their wives, 60% date their married mistresses.

It’s more convenient for them, and it helps them avoid problems in the event of an unwanted pregnancy. Married ladies who have regular sexual relations outside the home, in 70% of cases, date married men, often older than themselves in age.

Treason in other countries

Although Russia is the leader among countries where infidelity is common, it is not the only territory where cheaters live. Extramarital affairs are widespread in America, England, France, and Germany. A large number of divorces due to infidelity are observed in Belarus, the Czech Republic, the Maldives, Belgium and Portugal.

In Russia, for treason you can only get condemning glances from society and impartial comments behind your back. However, in some countries of the world, high penalties are normal in such a situation - for example, in Muslim countries, treason is considered a crime for which an appropriate sentence is imposed, sometimes even the death penalty.

Thus, having assessed how many women and men cheat on their partners, we can say that the statistics are quite sad

And it doesn’t matter who cheats more often - men or women - family values ​​lose their significance every year. People stop seeing infidelity as something bad, obscene and immoral

Because of this, the demographic situation in the country and the world suffers, a huge impact is exerted on the young population, and the general psychological climate is changing.

Finally, some interesting facts about cheating:

  1. If a man was sure that his wife would not find out about his infidelity, he would cheat in 74 percent of cases. And what percentage of women cheated if their husband never found out? The answer is 68 percent.
  2. What percentage of men, according to statistics, cheat on their wives with men? The answer to this question is not that interesting. What's funny is that women are more willing to forgive their husband's infidelity with another woman (28 percent) than with another man (21 percent).
  3. As you know, when a married couple files for divorce, they are given some time to think about their decision and make sure it is correct. According to statistics, approximately 64 percent of couples remain unconvinced, and only 7 percent withdraw their applications and decide to try to save the family.
  4. The probability that a person will cheat on his partner is 85 percent if there has been at least one betrayal in his family.

Cheating on the part of a loved one can greatly damage future relationships. In such a situation, the couple either decides to separate or continues to live together, having lost their previous trust. For what reason does a partner commit betrayal and will it be possible to save the relationship? Why do people cheat on each other? These questions concern everyone who is faced with this problem. There are statistics on adultery that can answer them.

60% of men prefer to date married women. Only 11% of spouses contact singles. Statistics on female infidelity show that 70% of women in Russia prefer to cheat with a married man. 44% of women had one permanent lover throughout their family life, while only 20% of men had one permanent lover.

Partners for betrayal

Statistics on infidelity among men and women say that husbands most often limit themselves exclusively to sexual contacts, while wives are interested in the psychological side of the relationship

They need more attention from their lover: cares, looks after, gives pleasant emotions that they lack in their existing marriage. Despite the fact that society as a whole frowns upon adultery, the majority do not consider it a reason for divorce - this is 51% of respondents

Statistics on cheating in marriage say that about 70% of men and 25% of women have cheated on their spouses at least once in their lives.

  1. Most spouses find objects to cheat on at work. This most often turns out to be not a one-time phenomenon, but occurs systematically. 30% of men and women find lovers at work.
  2. 34% of women cheat on vacation, while men are ready to cheat only in 20% of cases. This is a serious argument for why you should always go to resorts together.
  3. In addition, many find objects for betrayal in their immediate vicinity. About 4% of men and 10% of women cheat with neighbors.

Today it is known that the most severely ill patients are:

1. Medical workers . Which is not surprising. After all, doctors, when providing care to a patient with coronavirus, receive the highest viral load.

2. Patients with immunodeficiency. These are people with HIV infection, cancer, receiving chemotherapy, etc.

The chief immunologist of the Russian Ministry of Health, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Rakhim Khaitov believes that immunity is also weakened by stress, chronic infections and burns. The main signs that allow one to suspect a weakened immune system are frequent colds (in particular, a runny nose 15-20 times a year, frequent diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract).

Question answer

What is Long COVID?
3. Patients with metabolic disorders and vascular diseases .
Such people initially have vascular damage. Since coronavirus infection usually develops vasculitis (vascular damage), COVID-19 is more severe in patients with vascular disorders. 4. Older people. Doctors believe that people under 35 years of age can consider themselves relatively safe. This is the age limit after which coronavirus infection can be more severe.

However, there are also people who are literally invulnerable to a new infection and who do not become infected even after repeated contact with infected people. This phenomenon cannot be explained by careful adherence to safety precautions. Scientists suggest that such citizens are protected by certain genetic mutations. However, so far researchers do not know the gene variants that provide a protective effect and do not have the ability to calculate their carriers. Therefore, everyone will have to follow the rules of prevention.

Reasons for cheating in marriage

Sexual dissatisfaction. 9% of husbands and 13% of wives cheat. Here we are talking not about quantity, but about the quality of sex. One or both spouses are dissatisfied with the frequency of sexual contacts, the lack of necessary variety, and the fading of passion. The pursuit of new vivid sensations and emotions. 14% men and 8% women. If the relationship is dominated by indifference, coldness, and the usual strong emotions are no longer enough, then some want to find new energy and stormy impressions on the side. The emergence of a new love object. Occurred in 7% of men and 20% of women. At some point, one of the spouses may suddenly fall in love, sometimes such love turns out to be serious and lasts for a long time, but most often it is a fleeting feeling, because of which the spouses are not ready to destroy the family. Lack of self-confidence. 10% husbands and 7% wives. For men, the motive is the desire to prove their worth to themselves and others, to assert themselves

Girls also increase their self-esteem when they see attention from other partners. This uncertainty can be innate, or appear as a result of some life circumstances, for example, a person may feel a lack of attention from a spouse. Long-term separation

12% men 10% women. These are forced departures and business trips. Situations in which spouses separate for a long time especially provoke betrayal. The more regular such separations are, the more difficult it is to remain faithful to each other. Of course, it all depends on the people themselves; for some to succumb to temptation, it is enough that their loved one is not around for several days, while others remain faithful for years. Cheating due to boredom, routine. 4% husbands and 6% wives. By starting a new relationship on the side, a man tries to somehow diversify his life and get away from the usual problems that he is tired of in the family. A wife may get tired of her husband not paying attention to her. They decide to change in order to break out of the daily routine of living together. Unplanned betrayal. 13% husbands and 6% wives. Events such as parties, corporate events and other holidays, unfortunately, create favorable circumstances for various intrigues on the side. Fueled by alcohol, some partners abdicate all obligations and are quite ready to cheat. Later, remembering what happened, they do not understand how they could have done this, and they experience great shame. Such betrayals are most often one-time. Treason as revenge. 11% women and 1% men. Cheating on your wife happens much more often here. This is a situation when a woman finds out about her husband’s infidelity and, out of resentment, decides to retaliate.

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Equality in Action

It would seem that this is the most natural state of affairs in the social unit, due to physiological differences between the “strong” and “weak” halves of humanity. However, universal education gave women a way into life. It turned out that they study well, are diligent, responsible and are able to achieve success in their careers.

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In Russia this is not so noticeable, but in the West the profession of a housewife is nonsense. Families try to distribute household responsibilities, and the wife agrees to bake kulebyaki only on holidays.

Statistics of betrayals in Russia and in the world

Treason is an insidious woman who has broken the destinies of many people. And it continues to break. Girls and women, lovers and amorous, spouses and brides! No one is safe from treason.


In the still waters... Well, then you know everything yourself. Let your hair down, dye it a different color, buy a new dress...... Change your appearance to impress even your reflection. And the thought that your husband or boyfriend might cheat on you will stay away from you for a long time.

Confidence is salvation! If it is, you will defeat any negative thoughts that bother and worry you. You can also buy a new mirror to make it more pleasant to look in it. Remember what perfection lives inside your body. If you nervously search for information on the Internet, in the newspaper or in magazines, abstract from everything.

Who cheats more often, men or women?

This article was inspired by a social opener, with which you can “open” girls or groups of people. And it sounds like this: “Who cheats more often: men or women? How do you think?". As I approached, the results of this survey puzzled me. People don't have a definite opinion on this matter. Even girls have different views. Some say men, others say women. And still others think that the proportion is approximately the same between the sexes.

What is the reason for men cheating

If a woman is faced with betrayal, then a long process of soul-searching or accusations against her husband begins.
However, oddly enough, the coin has two sides. One man may be to blame, or both may be. Of course, the reasons differ not only among different types of men, but also among people of different nationalities, nationalities and religions. The main factors that indicate why husbands cheat are:

  • sexual dissatisfaction throughout the entire family life;
  • fading love for his wife, an attempt to replace her on the side;
  • separation that continues for a significant period of time;
  • a feeling of self-doubt that grows and requires refutation, due to which the man tries not to miss a single skirt;
  • betrayal in marriage against the backdrop of revenge. Moreover, revenge can be both for betrayal on the part of the wife, and for the lack of affection, love and respect;
  • incitement from friends and relatives. There is a type of man who is too driven, which is why he succumbs to the persuasion of his friends.

At first glance, it may seem that such reasons are not serious, and lust simply takes over. In some cases this is true, in others it is not at all. Accumulated negative emotions over a long period of time affect a man’s resistance to stress; he becomes nervous and reacts sharply to any irritants. And if the wife does not provide support at home, but, on the contrary, drinks blood, then the result is completely opposite.

It is impossible to say for sure who cheats more often: men or women. Moreover, the survey shows that about sixty percent of men cheat on their wife with a woman who is also married. That is, the term mutual betrayal arises.

The main thing is to start working on yourself, since a strong family cannot arise without mutual work on relationships. A woman in marriage must play two roles - mistress and wife. Then, receiving everything from his soulmate, a loving man is unlikely to think about running away to another. However, the reasons for men’s betrayal can also often lie in a simple desire to win another heart, without thinking about what harm could be caused to loved ones.

If a woman encounters a womanizer type, then it is unlikely that anything will help him, because he will still be carried away by any skirt. Unfortunately, there are men who have such an essence and nature.

Infidelity statistics: women cheating vs men cheating

The easiest way to figure out who cheats more often is to look at current statistics and research in this area.

  • 57% of men cheated on their partner at some point in their lives
  • 54% of women have cheated on their partner in one or more relationships
  • 22% of married men have committed infidelity at least once during their marriage
  • 14% of married women have committed infidelity at least once during their marriage

As you can see, the percentage of men and women who cheat in relationships is very close. However, when we look at the lives of married couples, men have a higher rate of infidelity than women. These numbers may not represent the truth to the nearest percentage. But it is safe to say that in general, both sexes commit infidelity.

What is treason - concept

It is important to note that infidelity can take many forms. Most people associate this term with the physical manifestations of infidelity, but it can also change emotionally

Emotional cheating involves sharing your deepest, most personal thoughts with someone other than your spouse, disrupting the core bonds that support a marriage. Whether a person is physically interacting with another person or simply giving of themselves mentally, it is still possible to do enormous damage by straying from one's relationship.

How to restore a relationship after cheating

Regardless of who cheats, there is hope for the future. With mutual desire, you can restore your trust and save yourself from divorce. This is not an easy process, but it is worth winning for both. If you are willing to put in the effort, you can find happiness in your marriage again. The most important thing is not to be afraid to honestly discuss the situation that happened. Weigh the pros and cons and then make a rational decision.

Why men and women see cheating differently

Men, as a rule, can separate sex and relationships (spiritual communication). For many representatives of the stronger sex, they do not necessarily intersect. Thus, during cheating, you may not feel an emotional connection with your lover. These people report that they are very happy in their primary relationship. They like their significant other, their sex life is good and, despite the cheating, they have no intention of ending their primary relationship. At the same time, a woman who goes “to the left” experiences completely different feelings.

In other words, when women cheat, there is usually an element of romance, spiritual connection, or love involved. On the other hand, men can simply get their needs met with fewer thoughts about intimacy. Women are less likely to act this way. For most women, feeling a spiritual connection is as important as physical intimacy; often more important. Thus, women, as a rule, do not cheat if they feel comfortable in the primary relationship.

This is the answer to the question “Who cheats more often – men or women?”

Women have more reasons to cheat

Why do men and women cheat, and is it possible to save relationships after an affair on the side, the chief researcher of the department of sexology and treatment of sexual dysfunctions of the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry (a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the V.P. Serbsky National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology) told Rosbalt » Ministry of Health of Russia), Doctor of Medical Sciences, sexologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, doctor of the highest category Mikhail Yagubov.

— There is an opinion that 100% of men cheat, but not everyone admits it. What do you think of it?

— Perhaps not everyone admits this, but there are still men who, due to personal, cultural and religious attitudes, do not cheat, so it would be wrong to talk about 100%.

— Who cheats more often: men or women?

— According to statistics, 75% of men and only 25% of women cheat on their partner. But these figures apply to official marriages, civil marriages, and simply long-term relationships without cohabitation. If we talk about official marriage, according to statistics, 60% of men and 40% of women have affairs on the side.

— If you believe these numbers, do women cheat more often in marriage than in relationships in general?

- Yes. Apparently, this is due to the fact that before marriage there are no problems in a relationship related to living together, everyday life, or finances.

—Where do these numbers come from? How much can you trust them?

— Statistics are the result of sociological surveys. Therefore, even Rosstat’s figures will not be absolutely accurate. After all, people can lie in their answers. But, despite some error, they reflect the overall picture. Even if you look at divorce statistics, infidelity remains one of the main reasons. In the 1980-90s, adultery was in first place, now it is in second place. Modern research shows that today the main cause of divorce has become the material factor.

Attitudes towards betrayal changed from sharply negative to tolerant and back. If society views cheating negatively, this will be reflected in the behavior of specific people. For example, in eastern countries only 3% of women cheat, because there it is very strictly punished. However, in European countries the picture is different.

3536 What is the debate about the “new ethics” about?

— Are polygamy, polyamory, and open marriages considered treason?

— Formally, relationships with others are not considered cheating if the partners have agreed on this. Cheating is deception when the partner does not know about it. There are open marriages where spouses agree that everyone can have sex on the side. Such couples do not consider this practice to be cheating.

Another question is how acceptable this is for them. In my practice, there have been cases when a couple invited a third partner to bed in order to add variety to their intimate life. And then the man fell into such a severe depression that he could not forgive either himself or his wife, who agreed to it. And this despite the fact that the decision was mutual. And there are many such patients.

— Are men and women driven to cheat for the same reasons?

— In long-term relationships, the desire for the same partner decreases, so men start affairs on the side in search of variety. But explaining this by polygamy and trying to find a purely biological basis for infidelity, in my opinion, is wrong. This is more of a psychological phenomenon.

Sexual dissatisfaction plays an important role here. I mean both the frequency of intimate relationships and their quality. I saw a patient who was embarrassed to discuss his sexual fantasies with his wife, despite the fact that they had been married for 7 years. As a result, he realizes these desires on the side and during masturbation.

The quality of sex is both the duration of the act itself and the duration and quality of foreplay. Men, due to their characteristics, are less prone to long foreplay, and women need it more. But in addition to physical affection, they need attention and tenderness. If they do not receive this in marriage, they may seek such treatment on the side. This is a very important moment for a woman. Being desired is important to her identity, but it's not just about sexual intercourse. Words, behavior, and attitude are also important.

— That is, if a man cheats in search of sexual variety, then a woman is more interested in emotions?

- That's right. Although not only emotions are important for women. For example, the financial situation in the family can also matter. When a man earns little, conflicts begin that affect his intimate life and push him to look for something new.

The cause of betrayal can be either a long separation or a new love. This happens when there is dissatisfaction: psychological, material, sexual. There is a void that a new love can fill. Logically, women are more prone to this because they have a higher need for the sensual component. But to what extent this is implemented in practice is another question. And we return again to the accuracy of statistics.

— It turns out that everyone changes for the same reasons, and there are no gender differences here?

- Not really. The material factor often pushes women to cheat. For them, it is also about a feeling of confidence and reliability. When he is gone, the search for a new partner and relationship begins. This is not very common for men.

Cheating for revenge is also more common among women. Lack of attention from a spouse is also a purely female reason. Women generally have more reasons for cheating than men.


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But the lack of sex is more likely a male reason. Lately I have noticed that many women do not want sex in marriage. But they don’t want to because they don’t feel attention or tenderness from their partner.

Recently, a significant cohort of men have appeared in Russia who have completely turned to virtual sex. If at the beginning of a relationship, during the first year, a couple still has sex, then men simply watch porn and masturbate, because it’s simple, quick, and you don’t need to make any effort and please anyone. And the woman remains practically out of work.

- But a woman can do the same?

— For a woman, the emotional component is very important. The man looked at the pictures and that’s it. In Japan, many people have given up sex in favor of masturbation. In our country, the same trend can be seen among men.

— It turns out that women have more reasons to cheat, but they do it less often.

- I guess, yes.

- So, soon men and women will be equal in the number of infidelities?

- Don't think. In recent years, the value of the family institution has been growing again. And since women are more committed to relationships, despite the number of reasons for cheating, they still cheat less often.

— Which of these reasons can you work with to save the relationship, and when is it better to leave?

— If people ask for help, it means they want to maintain the relationship, they have motivation. It is clear that sometimes they come for show, in order to shift responsibility to a specialist: “We went. See, it didn’t help.” No problem can be solved if there is no desire. But if people want to be together, they can always be helped. The main thing is to figure out what preceded the betrayal: conflicts, dissatisfaction, money, lack of attention. Therefore, the most important thing is to talk, discuss, try to hear and understand the other. This scheme works in any situation. There are practically no hopeless cases.

Interviewed by Anna Semenets

Statistics of female and male infidelity for 2021 and 2021

It is interesting that women decide to cheat three, seven and twenty years after marriage. The reasons why guys and girls cheat vary. If women lack understanding, affection and attention, then in men a banal sexual desire can ruin existing relationships and marriage.

Infidelity in Russia is a valid reason to dissolve a marriage, which is partly why the divorce statistics in our country are so high. 2 Reasons why spouses cheat Women and men have their own explanations of the reasons that pushed them to infidelity. For women it is:

  1. 1. The desire to feel loved or desired. A husband who is inattentive to his wife will sooner or later face his wife’s infidelity.
  2. 2. Lack of feelings for my husband. A woman cannot live without love, and in search of new emotions, the girl begins to date other guys.
  3. 3. Low self-esteem.

Cheating in Russia Everyone is interested in the question, who cheats more, men or women? Statistics on cheating in Russia give figures - in 75% of cases, men and 25% women. This is due to historical prerequisites that shape the unequal attitude of society towards male and female infidelity. A woman, as the “keeper of the hearth,” was supposed to stay at home; a man had greater freedom of action, including in sexual relations.

Today, when the financial support of the family comes first, infidelity in marriage is allowed, in one form or another. About 60% of people think so. Moreover, women adhere more categorically to traditional relationships. As statistics on divorces due to infidelity show, about 20% of Russians are ready to end a relationship for this reason.

This is 2 times less than divorces due to hasty marriage.


This is a situation when a woman finds out about her husband’s infidelity and, out of resentment, decides to retaliate. Partners for infidelity Statistics on infidelity among men and women say that husbands most often limit themselves exclusively to sexual contacts, and wives are interested in the psychological side of the relationship. They need more attention from their lover: cares, looks after, gives pleasant emotions that they lack in their existing marriage

Despite the fact that society in general frowns upon adultery, the majority do not consider it a reason for divorce—51% of respondents.

  1. Most spouses find objects to cheat on at work. This most often turns out to be not a one-time phenomenon, but occurs systematically.
  • Married relationships
  • Treason in Russia
  • Types of adultery
  • Reasons for men cheating
  • Reasons for women cheating
  • The situation with adultery in countries around the world
  • The role of fidelity tests

In our age, statistics on betrayal in family life demonstrate the complexity and ambiguity of relationships between spouses. Married relationships As a rule, marriage is concluded for long-term interaction with the creation of a common household and the birth of children. By entering into a union, young people have their own idea of ​​family life. Often it is copied (consciously or unconsciously) from the relationship between father and mother. The state of falling in love gives idealistic confidence in the inviolability of relationships and the endless brightness of sensations from a partner.

American Infidelity Statistics and Trends 2021

Let's start with the American way of life, which, as you know, is adopted in many parts of the world, including in our country.

Sarah Kirton from Cape Town, South Africa, an outspoken and passionate advocate of spiritual values, reviewed a number of studies on marriage, gender, work and family life in the United States conducted by the Institute of Family Relations, as well as some articles on the topic of who cheats more, men or women.

A majority of Americans, 74%, consider having an affair outside of marriage unacceptable.

However, about 25% of married men and 15% of married women admit to sexual infidelity. Meanwhile, 73% of women and 56% of men said they would be very upset if they found out that their partner was having an affair with someone else.

It should be noted here that infidelity statistics are based on so-called self-report data. This means that people answer questions, but their answers cannot be verified in any way. And those conducting the survey must trust that respondents are answering honestly.

Additionally, the results of a survey also depend entirely on the sample of people surveyed: a different sample group would likely produce completely different results.

So, American married men overall are more likely to cheat on their women (25% vs. 15%). How do factors such as age, education, political views, and financial independence influence men’s infidelity?

Middle-aged people cheat the most

Men cheat more than women at almost every age. A notable exception is married women aged 18-29. They are 1% more likely to cheat than men in this demographic.

In general, more middle-aged people cheat on their spouses. Thus, 16% of men report the highest level of infidelity at age 70. Women report the highest rates of infidelity at age 60.

Interestingly, the rate of infidelity is lowest among 18-30 year olds (11% overall).

Infidelity depending on political views and education

Considering political views, Republicans cheat on their spouses the least at 14%, compared to 15% for independents and 18% for Democrats.

People with higher education cheat the most. 15% of those who admitted to infidelity had a high school diploma, 16% had completed one or more colleges, and 18% had completed a college degree.

Financially dependent men cheat most often

An American Sociological Association study found that in heterosexual relationships, the spouse who earns less is more likely to cheat. 15% of financially dependent husbands cheat on their wives. Men who earn 70% of their family's total income are least likely to cheat.

Only 5% of women who are economically dependent on their spouses cheat on them. The more income a woman contributes to the family, the less likely she is to cheat on her husband.

More often unfaithful are workers in the hotel business (8% of men and 9% of women), information technology (12% of men and 8% of women), entrepreneurs (11% of each gender), medicine (5% of men and 23% of women) and trade (29 % men and 4% women).

Young people who make love outside of a relationship do so with the consent of their partner. But many of them "want to spend their adult lives in long-term relationships, raising children." 80% of young people surveyed expected to be in a monogamous relationship after age 30.


Men (and especially older men) are more likely to cheat than women, but women are not entirely innocent. Such statistics of infidelity between men and women can cause mistrust in your partner, even if you have been together for a long time.

How to ensure a reduction in cheating rates

In order for the statistics of infidelity between men and women in 2021 to be pleasing with its low indicators, for this you need to take some actions, thanks to which the number of infidelity will significantly decrease.

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In order to have no reason to leave for others, husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend must ensure comfort in the relationship.

It is necessary to ensure freedom for your other half, since constant prohibitions will only become an additional reason to leave for another person. Always make sure that feelings do not fade away, but only develop with new, incredible strength. How to do it? Be interesting to each other, always try to maintain an unsurpassed appearance. It’s clear that if you take care of your body and stay in shape, your significant other will only be delighted with how hard you are trying. Talk to each other, because cheating on wives, the statistics of which are not entirely pleasant, often happens due to lack of communication

Men are not very keen to communicate, this is inherent in them from birth, but female representatives will never be against talking about your future and the further development of relationships. Just talk, thereby strengthening your relationship and making it as strong and inextricable as possible. Making pleasant surprises for each other is very important, because this way you show respect and attention to each other. Of course, this applies more to men, since their beloved women always love to receive even a small gift in the form of flowers or a box of chocolates. Experiment in sex, don’t be afraid to offer your ideas and wishes. You must trust each other in relationships, because then there will definitely be no betrayal

When you get everything you need, you will never want to find another person with whom you would be better off.

Unfortunately, adultery, the statistics of which speak for itself, is inevitable, but if you strive to maintain the relationship, this can be achieved and forever forget about what infidelity on the part of your husband or your wife is.

To further encourage people not to cheat, it is worth mentioning one interesting fact. In fact, according to statistics, those people who cheat on their significant other live much shorter lives than those who always find their happiness with one person.

On average, the life of faithful spouses becomes longer by at least 12 years, which is very stimulating to live and love only one single person. In addition, those people who never cheat do not know what divorce is. Breaking up a relationship always hurts a lot, so it's worth considering whether being unfaithful is worth it and ending up unhappy.

There are some statistics according to which it has been established that every third family is not distinguished by fidelity to its other halves, and women have recently been trying to be in no way inferior to their husbands in infidelity. The only difference between such actions is that in 50% of cases girls end relationships with their spouses, but men leave their families for their own only in 5% of cases.

If we look at more specific statistical figures, in Russia 21% of women have at least one relationship outside of marriage. For men, this figure is 76%. Another sociological survey showed that 41% of the fair sex are unfaithful to their significant other, but among men, the number of unfaithful husbands reaches almost 61%.

Statistics of men cheating in the world

Since this issue is very popular and widespread, many sociological researchers conduct social surveys in order to confirm their theories with numbers and point out the problem of society. Unfortunately, today we get quite sad indicators, which also tend to grow:

  • in Russia the figure “managed” to reach 70-90 percent. A husband cheats on his wife, a boyfriend cheats on his girlfriend, and so on. The reason for this is an unfavorable family situation, constant quarrels, lack of funds, and so on;
  • in America, scientists recorded an indicator of 50-75%. These fluctuations are caused by age - the younger the age, the higher the number of betrayals;
  • the lowest rate today is found in Japan – less than 10%. Most likely, this is due to culture and stricter rules of upbringing.

The main problem is that there are a lot of reasons for cheating, and many guys remain convinced that such behavior is acceptable, or that they were right in the situation. The fact is that women rarely attribute such behavior to more complex problems, motivating everything simply with lust and addiction to sex. However, most often the situation is much more serious. For example, a man whose family lacks love, trust, and whose wife is always dissatisfied and grumbling will, willy-nilly, begin to seek outside support. And no one says that this is right, everyone just needs warmth and affection.

Of course, there is a whole layer of men who are simply males and womanizers, unable to quench their thirst for sexual pleasures and constant flirting. Of course, to the question: who cheats more often, statistics clearly answer - men, but ladies are not shy about going to the left.

Types of adultery

Dr. Gediminas Navaitis, one of the most famous psychologists, conventionally divided adultery into three types:

  1. Casual extramarital contact
    is associated with a one-time sexual relationship or a short-term relationship. These are the so-called drunken infidelities, unexpected adventures on a business trip or at an alumni meeting.
  2. Erotic-sexual adventures
    . This type of extramarital affairs is caused by the desire to experience novelty in sexual relationships. This type of relationship does not last long and is not dangerous for family relationships, since the priority of the family and the spouse remains paramount. Such connections are terminated in case of danger of exposure. As the statistics of female infidelities show, they give ladies “after 40” unforgettable impressions and a boost of energy for the year ahead.
  3. Direct betrayal
    , which is characterized by the duration of the relationship and the formation of emotional dependence on the partner. Existing statistics on betrayal in marriage indicate that it is precisely this kind of relationship that has a destructive effect on the family.

Women's behavior model

It is curious that more successful wives, in turn, are in no hurry to run to the left, preferring stability in relationships. This is understandable - the notorious stability, the absence of emotional turmoil is precisely one of the most important reasons for a woman’s success.

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Moreover, the larger the share of the spouse's contribution to the family budget, the less chance she will cheat. Wives who earn 100 percent of their total income have no tendency to cheat at all.


As a result, today you and I gained the following knowledge:

For the sake of statistics, I ask you to answer which of the 10 conclusions listed above in your opinion seem the most truthful.

Well, that seems to be all, dear readers of the blog. It seems to me that I have dealt with the issue of differences between female and male infidelities thoroughly, without mistakes.

Although controversial issues certainly remain. For example, I just can’t understand why people who got married at the same time have such different attitudes towards remaining faithful to each other. Where did these differences even come from?

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