Age-related crises in psychology - characteristics when they appear

Age crises in humans

The following crises in a person’s life are distinguished by year:

  • First year;
  • Three years;
  • 6-7 years;
  • 13-15 years old;
  • 18 years;
  • 30 years;
  • 40-45 years old;
  • after 55 years (pre-retirement).

Psychologist L. S. Vygotsky identifies the following stages of the crisis:

  • 1) Pre-crisis period.
  • 2) The crisis itself.
  • 3) Post-crisis period.

Each age crisis of childhood is a sign of the child’s psychological maturity, his transition to a higher, qualitatively new level of development. Time limits are relatively arbitrary, but experts say that a child's psyche is especially vulnerable at the ages of one, three, six-seven and eleven years. These periods can be considered turning points in development. They can manifest themselves in mental instability and inconsistency. Parents must understand what a crisis is and behave patiently towards the child.

Appearance sequence:

  • Crisis of the first year of life. The main thing that the baby learned by the end of this period was walking. Now he perceives the world completely differently and feels his increased capabilities. The child wants to learn as much new things as possible, everything arouses his sincere interest, so he climbs into all the drawers and secret corners of the apartment. This desire for independence often manifests itself in a complete refusal of adult help.
  • Third year of life. This age should be perceived as a new turn in the development of a small personality. As a rule, difficulties manifest themselves much more clearly than the crisis in the first year of life. The child already has basic skills and copes with many tasks independently. He understands that he is not so dependent on an adult, so he persistently defends his rights.

Whims and tantrums of a child during an age crisis

  • Crisis 6-7 years. At this age, preschoolers can completely ignore the words of their parents and react only to more stringent demands. To establish a good relationship, adults must recognize that their child is sure that he has become big. In the periodization of psychologist D. B. Elkonin, this crisis is considered as a division into two periods: preschool childhood and primary school age. L. S. Vygotsky discovered two main characteristics of this crisis: grimacing and self-importance. In his opinion, the loss of childish naivety and spontaneity is especially characteristic of children aged seven.
  • Next comes the so-called “pre-transition crisis.” Psychologists say that at this age (10-11 years) the first signs of the transition period may appear. A teenager changes not only internally, but also externally, sometimes he is frightened by what is happening. He begins to think and feel differently.
  • A serious age crisis is the puberty period (13-15 years). This is due not only to hormonal changes in the body, but also to constant attempts to find one’s place in society. Teenagers often become uncontrollable, have nervous breakdowns, and it is at this age that drug or alcohol addiction can develop.

Adults often do not understand teenagers

  • The next age crisis comes at the age of 18. At this age, young people are already beginning to make serious plans for their future lives. Of course, in their dreams they are famous, they have villas and expensive cars. These dreams are often far from the gray reality and everyday life. Some decide to skip a few levels and get married at this age in order to appear to themselves and others as more mature, the real head of the family.
  • Next comes the so-called “midlife crisis” (30 years) - tossing and worrying, the meaninglessness and monotony of life, a turning point. Manifestations are varied: depression, drunkenness, computer games at night, betrayal, boredom, unmotivated conflicts. Midlife crisis is more common in men; women only take it over.

Middle age crisis

  • Then comes the longest and most frustrating crisis phase. It comes at the age of 40-45, when a person begins not only to understand, but also to physically feel that he is mortal. Wrinkles and bald spots appear, your health periodically fails, money no longer brings the same satisfaction, you want to find a job for your soul. All this is fraught with mental disorders. Here the same irreplaceable comrades come to the rescue: drunkenness, debauchery, betrayal, a wave of divorces.
  • Pre-retirement crisis. A person asks himself about his purpose, analyzes life, his meaning in it. Upset about where society is going. Has experience, wants to change the world for the better. There is a desire to teach others or become a healer, and become obsessed with new solutions to problems.

Identity crisis and its manifestations in adolescence

Every person during his life faces certain turning points when he is acutely aware of his helplessness in the face of the unknown of existence and the definition of his role in it. These stages are characterized by a rethinking of values ​​that were previously considered unshakable, a search for the meaning of life and the formation of ideas to achieve it. An identity crisis, according to psychologists, is an important starting point in the process of establishing a person as a full-fledged individual who is able to resist society, having his own views and beliefs.

What this personal crisis is, what provokes it and how to emerge victorious from it, we will tell you in this article.

Some definitions

A personal crisis is a stage in a person’s life caused by a certain critical situation when it is not possible to realize previously set life goals. A critical situation can be caused by both external reasons and internal prerequisites. At this stage of life, a person cannot quickly solve the problem that has arisen. The methods that were acceptable previously no longer work. New decisions are needed, which people are often not ready to make. Moreover, sometimes there is a feeling that it is impossible to do this.

A mental crisis becomes a stage after which the entire course of a person’s life changes. His further existence will depend on how a person gets out of a situation that at first seems deadlocked.

In psychology, there are several stages that a person goes through during this stage.

  1. The emergence of a critical situation. Circumstances arise in life that cause frustration, that is, the inability to realize life’s plans, a feeling of collapse and deception. This state is perceived as a loss, which cannot be compensated for by any opportunity, challenge or threat.
  2. Stressful state. The person experiences severe emotional stress. Attempts are being made to resolve the situation using old, proven methods.
  3. Problem situation. If attempts to neutralize the unpleasant consequences of a critical situation using proven methods are unsuccessful, the psychological state is depressed. The person experiences uncontrollable anger, anxiety, and possible depression. Due to emotional stress, thought processes slow down, so it becomes difficult to express thoughts, formulate and analyze the current situation. The search for new ways to solve the problem begins.
  4. A crisis. Without finding a way out of the current situation, a person loses motivation, his emotional state deteriorates sharply, and a feeling of impasse is created. Memories of a critical situation become more acute, and all events that happened after are perceived as its continuation.
  5. Plunging into crisis. Physical and mental health is impaired. The emotional state is unstable. The person focuses on his experiences and falls into deep depression.
  6. Recovery. The stage when ways to solve the problem are found. A person either changes his attitude towards the current situation or eliminates the reasons that caused it. The general physical condition improves, appetite and sleep are restored, and new behavioral stereotypes begin to work. A personal crisis is a difficult period that not all people can cope with on their own. Therefore, at this stage, it is important for loved ones to take care of timely psychological assistance.

A personal crisis can be caused by several reasons, based on which the following types of turning points are distinguished:

  • A crisis of age-related development, which is associated with the stages of a person’s physical and psychological maturation;
  • A situational crisis that is caused by certain tragic events in life: divorce, illness, serious injury, death, loss of a loved one. The duration and intensity of any difficult stage depends on how strong a person’s will is.

Breaking Situations

When planning their lives, only a small number of people think about the unpleasant “surprises” that it can present.

Dismissal from work, career failure, unexpected deterioration in material well-being, betrayal of a loved one or divorce - no one is immune from such unpleasant events.

A person begins to find out the reasons for what happened and does not find them. The suddenness of the onset of changes frightens and forces you to look within yourself for the reason. The feeling of guilt because not everything was done to prevent the situation does not go away. The person falls into deep depression.

A mental crisis appears as a concomitant phenomenon with unresolved internal conflicts. The desire to understand one’s feelings and spiritual capabilities, rethinking one’s life position in connection with age-related and situational changes are important components of the development of personal qualities.

The features of these turning points are associated with worry not only for one’s own life, but also for the lives of other people.

Age-related changes

Age-related crises of personality development are a natural need of the human psyche. They are short-term and ensure the correct course of personality development. Each of these periods is associated with changes in human activity and the development of his mental capabilities.

  • Neonatal crisis is caused by changes in life activities outside the womb;
  • The turning point in the first year of life is associated with an increase in the child’s needs and capabilities;
  • Three years is the starting point in determining one’s own “I”;
  • At seven years old, the child begins a new type of activity related to schooling;
  • The teenage stage is associated with the process of puberty and physical changes;

  • At the age of 17, an identity crisis arises, which is the need to make independent decisions and the beginning of an independent adult life;
  • At 30 years of age, the turning point is associated with the impossibility of realizing the life goals set earlier;
  • In forty-year-old people, a fracture is characterized by unresolved problems of the previous stage;
  • Retirement is perceived as a change in the usual way of life, a rethinking of past years and a feeling of uselessness and unfulfillment.
  • The correct reaction of a person to age-related changes can not only lead him out of prolonged depression, but will also allow him to reach a higher level of development.

The beginning of personality formation

Despite the fact that the three-year-old crisis is preceded by 2 more stages, it is this age that is considered to be the beginning of the formation of personality. This is the time when the baby realizes his importance and wants to “grope” the boundaries of what is permitted, the period of determining his role in the life of society.

Psychologists have identified a seven-star crisis, which is an important indicator of the beginning of a child’s manifestation of independence. These signs indicate complex processes of growing up, which should not be confused with disobedience and self-will.

The “I myself” crisis is associated with the desire to exist independently within the framework of society, which is represented by the family and relationships within it. The child begins to demand independence, which he does not know what to do with.

Complex mental contradictions are expressed in whims, disobedience, negativism and rebellion.

If parents react incorrectly, a so-called crisis of trust appears, which manifests itself in isolation or aggression, low self-esteem and unwillingness to put up with the generally accepted principles of social life.

Youth stage of personality development

The personality crisis in adolescence largely determines the course of other turning points in life, related not only to age, but also to life circumstances.

At this age, self-determination in life is the main direction of personal development. A change in the usual type of activity, the desire to conform to generally accepted norms, but at the same time to have individuality, gives rise to fear of a new life.

The identity crisis that appears during adolescence indicates either an awareness of one’s low social status or a denial of the value of society.

This period is associated with increased attention to one’s appearance and the achievements that have already been achieved. A critical perception of reality leads to an underestimation of one’s own capabilities and psychological discomfort. The desire to explore the world and choose your own niche in it is reflected in the choice of a future profession.

An identity crisis in youth has the following manifestations:

  • Fear of getting close to other people;
  • The desire to isolate yourself from others;
  • Uncertainty in one’s own capabilities, which is expressed in a categorical refusal of educational activities or in the manifestation of special zeal for it;
  • Inability to manage time;
  • Fear of the future life, desire to live “today and now”;
  • Active search for ideals, copying their style and lifestyle.

If the identity crisis is properly overcome, it will allow young men and women to overcome psychological barriers and create favorable conditions for further development.

The self-identity crisis will be less painful if parents provide the necessary support to the developing personality. Excessive guardianship and the desire to impose one’s own opinion on a child, even if it is correct, should not be allowed. Let him make his own decisions and build his own destiny. It is important for parents to understand that a mental crisis is an integral part of development, and the course of other turning points in the life of a growing person will depend on how it passes in adolescence.

How to emerge victorious from a crisis

Personality development crises are necessary stages in the life of every person that accompany him throughout his life. During a crisis period, it is important not to isolate yourself, looking for new opportunities, showing a desire to move on.

There are many ways to overcome a crisis. The main thing is not to be afraid to explore your inner potential and try something new in your personal relationships or career. The ability to withstand life's adversities allows you to strengthen your character, strengthen your identity and achieve new heights that a person does not even think about in a calm, measured pace of life.

Reasons for appearance

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The cause of crises lies in the emergence of contradictions between new needs that are no longer satisfied and current or past conditions. Each period of age-related development has an incentive for future change and development - this is the basis for the formation of the individual.

Note! In each period of crisis, differences between limited capabilities, new needs and social experience (the reaction of loved ones) increase. Today, according to psychologists, this dissonance is considered as a driving force in the development of the psyche.

How to understand that an age crisis has arrived

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The age crisis comes suddenly and also disappears. Resolving the crisis is associated with the establishment of new social relations with the environment, which can be productive or destructive.

Changes in a child’s behavior are a sign of the onset of a crisis

Signs of a crisis:

  • behavior changes;
  • there is a desire to quit a good job;
  • unexplained bouts of depression when performing tasks that previously made the person happy;
  • change of habits - activities that used to bring pleasure are now boring.
  • irritability or sudden anger;
  • the person leaves (mentally or physically) the family or feels trapped in the current family relationship;
  • looks in the mirror and no longer recognizes himself;
  • the desire for physically free flow, movement (running, cycling, dancing, fast red sports cars, skydiving, etc.);
  • learning new things;
  • changes in sleep patterns (usually less);
  • thoughts about death and its nature appear;
  • external changes.

Crises in mental development

Definition 1
A psychological crisis is an internal disturbance of emotional balance under the influence of a threat that comes from external circumstances.

From the outside, these crises are characterized by features that are the opposite of periods of stability.

During this period, children may develop neuroses and psychosomatic diseases.

Age-related crises in childhood have psychological characteristics associated with the restructuring of internal experiences in relation to the environment, changes in needs and motivations that influence the child’s behavior, sudden and major shifts and shifts in the child’s personality.

The uneven development of a child and the presence of special moments in personality development have been noted in child psychology by many authors. Foreign researchers considered these moments as developmental diseases, as a negative result of the collision of the individual with social reality.

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Foreign psychologists, who considered age-related crises as forms of deviation of mental development from the norm, came to the conclusion that in the development of these crises there may not be any.

Domestic psychologist P.P. Blonsky gave the first substantiated division of ontogenesis into separate ages, paying attention to the transitional age and assessing it as difficult in pedagogical terms. It indicates the instability of the child’s nervous system and unmotivated behavior during critical periods.

Vygotsky approaches the analysis of age dynamics and the place of crises from the perspective of a general theoretical model of development, while relying on Blonsky’s ideas. In his work “The Problem of Age” he introduces the theoretical concept of critical and stable age.

Note 1

Over a short period of time, during periods of crisis, dramatic changes occur in the child’s personality—in a short period of time, the child changes as a whole.

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For a long time in Russian psychology, the problem of crises was considered in the context of problems of development and periodization of childhood. The crisis, according to L.S. Vygotsky, is a time of qualitative positive changes associated with the transition of the individual to a higher level of development.

He named the main characteristics of crisis periods:

  • dramatic changes occur in a short period of time;
  • the boundaries of the crisis are not clearly visible, so it is difficult to determine the moment of its onset and end;
  • the child is difficult to educate, conflicts with others, falls out of the system of pedagogical influence;
  • everything that was formed in the previous stage dies, coagulates, disintegrates.

Is it possible to overcome

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Most psychologists believe that a crisis is the most important prerequisite for personal change, the nature of which can be either positive: constructive, creative, integrative, or negative: destructive, destructive.

Important! Psychology says that you can overcome a crisis on your own, but it is better if your loved ones help. Parents can help their child. To do this, it is necessary to penetrate into the inner world of a teenager, find out what he is interested in, accept his musical preferences, clothing style, and worldview. Family and friends will help an adult facing a crisis.

Growing up crises

The main age crises in the table

The table provides brief advice for loved ones and the person himself who is going through a crisis stage.

Major age-related crises in life

A crisisSigns of the periodWhat to do
1 yearIncreasing the child’s capabilities and the emergence of a large number of new needs every day. Parents notice that the child is doing more and more actions on his own, showing impulsive reactions (crying, screaming, stamping his feet, fighting, biting). This is a reaction to a lack of understanding of his desires on the part of adults. Parents need to allow their child to realize independence.
3 yearsThe child exhibits negative reactions, becomes stubborn, obstinate, strives for power, shows protest, and changes in behavior.There is no need to correct behavior. It is necessary to create conditions for the child where he can show his independence and organize his activities.
7 yearsChildren at this age no longer look spontaneous, they grimace and behave more, their behavior is artificially tense, withdrawn, and uncontrollable.Parents need to reconsider the prohibitions; maybe it’s better to give him freedom in some ways, to show his independence. Children should be treated like an adult; their opinions and judgments should also be taken into account. You need to communicate with children on a positive note, less force them to do something under pressure.
Pre-teen (11 years old)Children feel inferior and lack knowledge, which is interconnected with their performance at school.Parents should support the child psychologically, help him determine the type of activity that will later become the basis of his future. It must be remembered that a child is an individual person, and accordingly, treat him with respect.
PubertyConflict situations with adults and stress arise more and more often, so parents may lose authority. Excessive maturity has its own values. Parents need to create a trusting atmosphere in the house, find out his needs, interests, desires, and support his endeavors.
18 yearsAt this age, a person withdraws into himself, avoids relationships with others, withdraws socially, and therefore feels lonely.Doing something new, exciting, and loved ones needs to be supported and controlled less, and help make the right choice of profession.
30 yearsThere is an assessment of the past and a sober look into the future. Wants peace and stability. Engage in physical activity, self-education and self-organization, you need to resume a hobby or find a new one, implement what was previously planned, and devote time to your family.
40-45 yearsA person has a sense of self-respect, critically rethinks his own goals, gets rid of the illusion and some unrealized dreams that he had in his youth, so he experiences this hard.Go on a trip with your family or just change your surroundings, play sports to keep your body in good shape, try to get rid of bad habits, learn to appreciate your family, re-evaluate your values, learn to enjoy life, do not separate yourself from your family.
Pre-retirementFeatures: loss of strength, passivity, tendency to reminisce, peace, have wisdom. The status of the social role decreases, the previous rhythm of life stops, and therefore deterioration of health (physiological and psychological) often occurs. Engage in social or favorite activities that bring joy, realize that this period is inevitable, you can share experiences with former colleagues, fulfill a long-standing (possibly extreme) dream, there should be a friendly attitude with children.

An age crisis is a stage of growing up that you can go through on your own. Relatives can support and provide assistance so that this moment in a person’s life passes less painfully, easily and without consequences. It is important to monitor the behavior of a loved one, be interested in his feelings and experiences. Any changes in behavior and changes in interests may indicate that an age crisis has occurred. You can seek advice from a psychologist; his help may consist of a list of recommendations, both for the person himself during a crisis and for his family.

A person who is going through a crisis needs to understand that this process in life is natural, and should not be afraid of it or give in to panic. Psychologists also recommend choosing an activity that brings joy, constantly developing, and not focusing on one thing.

Age crises and their characteristics

The first crisis stage, corresponding to the age from birth to one year, correlates with trust in the world around us. If a child does not have the opportunity from birth to be in the arms of loved ones, to receive attention and care at the right moment, even as an adult, he will have difficulty trusting the people around him. The reasons for painful caution towards others often lie precisely in those children's unmet needs that we tried to tell our parents about with our loud cry. Perhaps the parents were not there at all, which becomes a prerequisite for a basic mistrust of the world. Therefore, it is important that until the age of one year, there are close people nearby who can satisfy the child’s need at the first cry. This is not a whim, not pampering, but a necessity inherent in this age.

The second stage, which psychologists usually distinguish, is the age from 1 to 3 years. Then autonomy develops; the child often wants to do everything himself - it is important for him to make sure that he is capable of this. Often we encounter children's whims, hysterics, stubbornness that never existed before, rejection and rejection by an adult, and the child's attempts to establish himself above the adult. These are natural moments for this period, you definitely need to go through it. Adults must set boundaries for the child, tell them what they can do, what they can’t do, and why. If there are no boundaries, a little tyrant grows up, who subsequently torments the whole family with his problems. It is also important to support the child and allow him to do things on his own. Also now the concept of shame is being introduced, children are often interested in their genitals, and awareness of difference from the opposite sex comes. It is important not to pull the child down or shame him for his natural interest.

In the next period, from 3 to 6 years, the basics of hard work and love for everyday affairs are assigned. A child can already do almost all household work under the supervision of an adult himself, if at the same time the child is not given the opportunity to show his initiative - subsequently he will not get used to setting goals and achieving them. If a child wants to wash the floor, water the flowers, or try vacuuming, teach him. But this should be done not by prodding and orders, but by play. Role-playing games are becoming increasingly important; you can play with dolls, with book characters, even make figures yourself, for example, out of paper, or act out a scene that will be interesting to your child. Take your child to a puppet theater to watch the characters interact. The child receives information through his parents; the child’s development in a correct and harmonious manner depends on them.

The subsequent period is the period of circles, from 6 to 12 years. The child now needs to be loaded to the maximum with what he wants to do. You need to know that now his body remembers the experience well, and the child will retain all the skills mastered in a given period of time for the rest of his life. If he dances, he will dance beautifully all his life. It’s the same with singing and playing sports. Perhaps he will not become a champion, but he will be able to further develop his abilities at any period of his life in the future. When you have the opportunity to take your child to classes, do it, occupy as much time as possible with activities. Intellectual development is useful, because now the child receives basic information that will be useful to him later and will help him form his thinking.

The period of adolescence, which follows, is probably the most difficult, since most parents resort to psychologists precisely in connection with the difficulties of communicating with a teenage child. This is a period of self-identification; if a person does not go through it, then in the future he may remain limited in his potential. A growing person begins to think about who he is and what he brings to the world, what his image is. It is during adolescence that different subcultures are born, children begin to pierce their ears, change their appearance sometimes even to the point of self-destruction, and unusual hobbies may appear. Teenagers resort to interesting forms of clothing that attract attention, highlight or, conversely, reveal all the flaws. Experiments with appearance can be limitless; they are all tied to the child’s acceptance of his body, which changes significantly at this age. Whether a teenager likes it or doesn’t like it, each person’s problems are strictly individual, so it makes sense for parents to carefully talk about the complexes associated with changing his appearance.

Parents should carefully monitor the behavior of a teenager when they are sure that the chosen form of clothing does not suit the child - they should gently prompt him to do so, and also look at who the teenager is surrounded by, who is in the company, because what he takes from the world around him will play a dominant role in the future. It is also important that the teenager has before his eyes examples of worthy adults that he would like, since later he will be able to adopt their behavior, manners, and habits. If there is no such example, for example, a family consists of only a mother and son, he needs to be given the opportunity to communicate with relatives of the same sex so that he knows how a man should behave. It is important that the teenager finds his own style, his own image, how he wants to express himself to this world, what are his goals and plans. Now is the time for adults to discuss all this with their child. Even if the child does not seem to want to listen to you, he still probably listens to you, your opinion is important to him.

In the next period from 20 to 25 years, a person completely separates from his parents and begins an independent life, which is why this crisis is often more noticeable than others. This is a crisis of separation, however, there is also a countervailing desire for merger. At this stage, it is important to begin a close personal relationship with a person of the opposite sex. If there are no such relationships, it means the person did not go through the previous teenage period as he should, did not understand who he is, who he wants to see next to him. At this age, relationship issues are extremely relevant; it is important to learn to communicate with the opposite sex. Friendship and professional contacts are also important, as is the search for a new social circle, which a person already belongs to as an adult. Will he take responsibility for his personal steps? There will certainly be mistakes, it is important how the person will act - whether he will return under the parental wing or find a replacement for his parents in a partner, thereby regressing back to childhood, or whether he will become responsible for the decisions made with their consequences. The new development of this crisis is responsibility. The difficulty of this age is the still prevailing image of social acceptability, when a still very young person is expected to be successful in school, work, have deep relationships, look good, have many hobbies, be active, active. The conflict here is that to begin to please social desirability means to lose oneself, not to allow personal, individual potentials to be revealed, separation will not occur, a person will follow the well-worn road, trodden by the expectations of those around him, and will not take maximum responsibility for his life.

Social unacceptability at the stage described often indicates that the person is in contact with himself. Guys are better at this because society gives them more opportunities to do this. Resistance to authority, left over from adolescence, here goes beyond the family; instead of mom and dad, a person begins to resist, for example, the authorities. One of the scenarios for passing through this crisis is a predetermined fate, when the family has outlined and painted a person’s path in advance. Often this is a professional direction, but family life may also be in conservative traditions. In this scenario, a person does not use the opportunity to separate from his parents, as if the crisis of 20 years has passed, deceiving him, however, the theme of personal self-determination and separation remains, returning to the person sometimes after 10-20 years, already being painful. An unsolved crisis is superimposed on the next one, and you will often have to choose a direction when you have a family and children, which is much more difficult. Protracted professional self-determination, when you have to change the field of work at the age of 30, starting with a new one, also turns out to be a difficult task.

A very fruitful period begins at the age of 25, when the opportunity comes to receive the benefits of life that he expected as a teenager. Usually during this period you really want to quickly get a job, start a family, have children, or make a career. Will and desire are laid down from childhood; if this does not happen, life may turn out to be boring and unpromising. The crisis resonates with the theme of self-respect, when a person wonders what he can respect himself for. The theme of achievements and their collecting is at its peak here. By the age of 30, an assessment of the previous life and the ability to respect oneself occurs. It is interesting that at this stage extroverts more often tend to organize the external part of life, forming a tree of social connections, while introverts rely on their own personal resources and deep relationships in a limited circle. If there is a significant imbalance, when, for example, a person has been engaged in social contacts for a long time, succeeded at work, made a career, created a social circle and image in society - now he begins to think more about home comfort, children, family relationships.

On the contrary, if the first 10 years of adult life were devoted to the family, which is often the female scenario, when a girl got married, became a mother and a housewife, then this crisis requires leaving the nest into the outside world. To get through this crisis, a person needs to have a collection of achievements. Everyone has it, but not everyone is able to respect themselves, which often happens when focusing on shortcomings. Also at this stage there is an opportunity to work on yourself personally, to change your life to the one you like. See what you're missing. Perhaps this is a loved one, think about what he should be like, what kind of person you wanted to see next to you, and how much you yourself correspond to the image of the loved one you have in mind for yourself. If you are not completely satisfied with your job, you want to change your field of activity, but you have no idea how to do this - try to start with a hobby, a passion that you can transform into a permanent job. Also think about how you relax, what your vacation brings to you - good or bad. After all, rest takes up most of your personal time, and its lack has a negative impact on the quality of life; various distressing situations arise that would not exist if you had a good and complete rest. During this period, often a person already becomes a parent and wants to help children live a better life. Think about what foundations you will lay in them as you go through your own life, what you received in your childhood, what was missing, is there trust in the world, and if not, what prevented it from forming.

The next midlife crisis has attracted the attention of not only psychologists, but also ordinary people. For the majority, in the middle of life everything is stabilized, but when a person suddenly begins to struggle for reasons unknown to others, and sometimes even to himself, he finds himself in a confusing situation. The onset of a crisis is accompanied by a state of boredom, loss of interest in life, a person begins to make some external changes that do not lead to the desired relief, nothing changes inside. The primary change must be the internal change, which, if it occurs, may not entail external changes. Many films have been made about the mid-life crisis, when men more often have mistresses, and women become children, which does not change the situation. The successful passage of a crisis is not associated with external attempts at change, but with an internal absolute acceptance of life, which gives a wonderful, harmonious state of mind. At this stage, there is no longer a question of achievements and self-esteem, but only acceptance of oneself and life as they are. Acceptance does not mean that everything will stop - on the contrary, development will only become more intense, since a person stops the war within himself. Making peace with yourself frees up a lot of strength for a more productive life, and more and more new opportunities open up. A person asks questions about the mission of his life, and can still accomplish a lot by discovering his true meanings.

The crisis of 40 years initiates a spiritual search and poses global questions to which there are no clear answers. This conflict is associated with the psychological structure of the Shadow - those unacceptable contexts that a person endlessly represses, trying to lie even to himself. Growing children do not give the opportunity to a person who was younger than he is, demanding wisdom from the parent. The existentiality of this crisis is reinforced by the experience of the transience of time, when it is no longer possible to write drafts, you have to live purely, and the good news is that there is still an opportunity for this.

The crisis of 50-55 years again puts a person at a fork in the road; along one road he can go to wisdom, and along the other - to insanity. A person makes an internal choice: will he live or survive, what next? Society tells a person that he is often no longer in the trend; in various positions he has to give way to younger youth, including in the profession. Often here a person strives to be needed by others, goes away completely to take care of his grandchildren, or clings to work, afraid to fade into the background. However, a harmonious outcome from the crisis would be to let go of everything, inform yourself first that you have paid off all possible social debts, do not owe anything to anyone, and are now free to do what you want. For such an acceptance of life and desires, you need to go through all previous crises, because you will need material resources, resources of relationships and self-perception.

About the last period, from 65 years old, we often think that life at that age already ends. The phenomenon of death is already personified, since there is the experience of loved ones passing away. However, this is a very valuable and interesting time in which we can rely on the life we ​​have lived, there is something to remember, something to share, something to be happy about, when loved ones are grateful for the care we have given them, and we are grateful to them for being there. This is the time of gaining wisdom that a person can bring to his family, loved ones, environment, even the world. You can, for example, start writing, do what you love, travel, or just relax on the couch, no one will now say that this is harmful to you. Don’t forget to move, then at absolutely any age you will always feel good and go through all crises as expected.

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