What kind of guys do girls like: appearance and character

Some women pay more attention to appearance. Others are attracted by intelligence and a rich inner world. And yet, one can note a number of features of appearance and character that guarantee great success among the fair sex. Listing these qualities will help you understand what kind of guys girls like.

Personal traits

Researchers say that women are most attracted to men who can take on the role of family protector, caring husband and father. Appearance is not of paramount importance for 82% of respondents.

Scientists examined the brains of university students and found that when thinking about a lover, the area of ​​the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory, and not for intimate attraction, becomes active. This suggests that the fair sex analyzes their partner: the character of the chosen one is important to them.

Women are more sensitive than men. They remember many details: the day they met their lover, the song that was played on the first date, a funny text message, a promise, an answer on the phone. All these memories are required for a woman to evaluate. This way she can determine whether the partner is suitable as the father of her future children or not.

Social status also plays an important role in choosing a life partner. For future children, it is important not only to have a full-fledged family, but also good living conditions. For this reason, wealthy and authoritative men always seem more attractive to girls. The following is a list of qualities that women like most.

Leadership skills

In ancient times, when representatives of the stronger sex hunted mammoths and fought wild animals, women had a hard time. In order to survive and produce offspring, the girls sought to enlist the support of the tribal leader . Psychologists believe that this approach on a subconscious level is still preserved among modern women.

Being a leader is an art. You can start small and put yourself in a position where you need to take responsibility for successfully resolving the situation. This could be as simple as organizing a trip for your friends, or something large and ambitious, such as opening a business. According to statistics, when a girl sees a guy leading and inspiring a group of people, she immediately begins to treat him differently.

Social significance

Girls don't really like guys who lie on the couch all day and night playing computer games. Women are attracted to men who are constantly in the center of events, who are the soul of the company. When representatives of the fair sex communicate with active young people, they themselves begin to strive to lead the same eventful life.

In 2010, psychologists conducted an interesting study. First, they showed volunteers photographs of people who were alone. Then they took out photos of the same people, but this time in the arms of a person of the opposite sex, who was introduced as an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.

As a result of the study, it was revealed that volunteers considered those guys and girls who were photographed together with attractive “ex” to be more attractive. Communication skills, the presence of interesting acquaintances and a large circle of friends - all this shows the social significance of a person and increases the interest of the opposite sex in him.

Sense of humor

According to survey results, people believe that a good sense of humor is an indicator of intelligence and developed communication skills. Women love smart men because a man with high intelligence will be able to better provide for his partner and their future offspring.

Boys begin to think about what kind of boys girls like at an early age. And even then they note that cheerful guys with a sense of humor always attract the attention of girls. As a rule, this is an innate character trait, but the skill can also be developed. If a person already knows how to make others laugh, then he has an ace in his hole. When communicating with girls, you should definitely use it.

Ambition and determination

Most girls believe that lack of ambition is a negative quality. Laziness and contentment with little are very repulsive to women. Men's ambition lies not so much in the desire to earn more money, but in the desire to improve their standard of living.

Ambition also includes confidence and determination. The desire to achieve your goal is not only an attractive quality, but also a very rare quality. It can be said that ambitious individuals are a dying breed, but they will always be popular.

Intelligence and charisma

Women are sure: intelligence is the sexiest thing a man has. Differences in intelligence can easily cause a guy and a girl to break up. It's always interesting to be with an intelligent person, so you can never get bored with such a person.

Unlike intelligence, developing charisma is extremely difficult. Money can't buy this quality. Charisma is difficult to define specifically. It manifests itself in the way a man moves, speaks and even glances at others.

Independence and confidence

A person who is confident in his abilities always attracts attention. This quality is extremely important. However, it is worth understanding that confidence includes the ability to be yourself: you should not try to be another person.

In addition, a representative of the stronger sex needs to be able to rely on his own strength, be a mature, independent person and not use other people as crutches. Girls love independent men who have their own personal space, even when in a serious relationship.

Prestigious job and good income

Women like men who have good, well-paid jobs. Personal living space and a foreign car are also attributes of an accomplished man. However, if a young man does not have the listed things, it’s okay. Girls like individuals who strive to improve their lives.

Other components

To understand what kind of men girls like, it’s worth taking a look at this list . The list of attractive components also includes:

  1. Positive attitude towards life. Most people enjoy being in the company of happy people. Difficulties always happen: what matters is how a person copes with them.
  2. Communication skills. The ability to communicate is an important quality. Girls love to be in the company of guys with whom they feel at ease and at ease. It is important to show interest in a woman, behave calmly and give compliments.
  3. Spontaneity. Representatives of the fair half of humanity are delighted when a guy commits spontaneous, romantic actions. This doesn't mean you have to go to a new place every week for the weekend or have a date at the most expensive restaurant in town. Instead of watching the evening news, you can turn on music and ask your friend to dance or put a note with nice words in her coat pocket.
  4. Good manners. Women pay attention to how the gentleman talks to strangers, staff in a cafe, or a taxi driver. Tact and good manners make a man more attractive in the eyes of a woman.
  5. Care and attention. It is not necessary to give expensive gifts: a small pleasant surprise also warms the heart. It is worth listening to what the girl says. Sooner or later she will mention what she likes. Perhaps these are pendants with hearts or white roses. In addition, a person is pleased when they ask him how his day was or are interested in his thoughts and mood.
  6. Honesty. Many representatives of the fairer sex complain that men talk about one thing and do something completely different. This is really not a good character trait. A person must be sure that they are being honest with him.
  7. Reliability. This is the quality of a real man. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility is always worthy of respect.
  8. Intimate compatibility. Sex is one of the most important parts of a love relationship. In the absence of sexual compatibility, the union cannot be long and strong. A man should listen to his partner and not be afraid to discuss her needs.

Women love active

You may have character, but you will still have to run after the girl and win her. It is important to strike a balance, not being too intrusive, but also not being so distant that she forgets about you. At the beginning of communication, use the banal but working “hot-cold” technique. One day you are gentle and attentive, inundated with messages, and the next day you are too busy. At the first stage, she must be 100% convinced that you are crazy about her, and at the second, she must be filled with doubts about this. Don’t overdo it with theatricality, everything should be natural!

As you can see, the girls' requirements for boys are a carriage and a small cart. Even supermen are not always lucky in love, which once again proves that you cannot please everyone. Decide what kind of girls you like and what their tastes are, and focus on developing in these directions.

Repulsive Features

There are qualities that women really don't like . These include:

  1. Habit of complaining. There's nothing worse than whiners. And the more he complains about life, the less respect the woman feels.
  2. Lack of social circle. If a girl understands that no one except her communicates with the guy, this causes bewilderment. The woman begins to think that something is wrong with her companion. Therefore, you should expand your circle of communication.
  3. Arrogance and boastfulness. No one likes to be around a guy who is trying to prove that he is a “cool kid.” A confident person does not need to constantly mention his achievements in an attempt to impress his interlocutor. Successful people behave modestly and naturally.

weak man

No woman likes weaklings, and this does not mean physical strength. The opposite sex is attracted to strong-willed men who are able to make decisions, strive for some goal, and have vital interests. This does not necessarily have to be a millionaire, but he must strive to earn money so that his family can afford not to think about tomorrow.

Such a man will not ask a woman for advice every day, but will be able to make decisions on his own, especially if it concerns global family problems. Men who constantly ask questions to their other half look insecure, which pushes the girl away.

Visual appeal

For a woman, the inner qualities of a person are truly important. But this does not mean that the fair sex does not pay attention to appearance at all. Girls like:

  1. Slender, fit figure. According to statistics, only 15% of girls are delighted with an athlete’s body. But a slender physique with a small amount of fat attracts 69% of respondents. Ideal weight can be calculated using the classic formula - height minus 100.
  2. Firm buttocks. On a subconscious level, it seems to a person that the better the gluteal muscles look, the better the fertilization process will occur.
  3. Bristle. Facial hair attracts women because stubble is associated with brutality.
  4. Smile. It suits everyone. And friendliness improves the attitude of any interlocutor.
  5. Good posture. A hunched back spoils your figure. Excellent posture adds height to a man and visually improves his physique.

According to statistics, 79% of surveyed representatives of the fairer sex pay attention to a man’s face at the first meeting. Girls are attracted to features that hint at masculine strong-willed qualities (a prominent chin, a defined jaw, symmetrical lips are a big plus).

Next they pay attention to the hands of the potential gentleman. This is a manifestation of a subconscious desire to evaluate a man’s sexual abilities. 75% of respondents admitted that they even fantasized about sex while looking at beautiful men’s hands. Afterwards, the women examine the guy’s figure. 66% of girls love an inverted triangle body type (wide shoulders and narrow hips).

You don't have to be a wealthy businessman to impress a girl. Women value responsibility, masculinity and a caring attitude most of all. If the chosen one sees that her gentleman has these qualities, she will not care that he is far from Apollo and cannot boast of a huge amount in his bank account.

How girls choose guys according to psychologists

What kind of men many women really like can be understood if you find out by what criteria they choose a partner. Every guy is good in his own way. Brunettes, blondes, bald and redheads. Girls are attracted to someone who can hook and leave a mark on her romantic and impressionable soul. Boys strive to win the attention of ladies, making a lot of efforts, which are not always successful. Trying in desperation to attract the lady they like, they rack their brains over which men modern women like the most.

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Girls choose boys based on both external criteria and internal qualities. Psychologists say that subconsciously a woman is drawn to a man who has some similarities with her father: height, hair color, manner of speaking, physique.

Ideally, every girl has a unique hero: persistent, daring, brave and strong, a kind of indomitable cowboy, conquered by the lady of his heart, and admiring his beloved.

Girls love bright and charming guys, gallant gentlemen who respect the weaker sex, but do not fawn on them.

Women absolutely do not like men who behave unceremoniously and selfishly, showing indifference and clumsiness in their actions.


Our grandmothers also said that cleanliness is the best beauty. The most important rule regarding hair is that it must be clean. The haircut should be chosen in accordance with the type of face. Fashion trends are a good thing, but hairstyles should be chosen individually. A new-fashioned haircut can suit one man and look completely ridiculous on another. And if you ask what kind of guys girls like in terms of appearance, the answer will be unequivocal - clean!

For some girls, there is nothing sexier than a bald man, others like stylishly cut guys, and still others prefer guys with long hair.

I would like to highlight the beard as a separate point. Wearing a beard has become something trendy. Naturally, you need to take care of it, visit barbershops (of which a great many have opened recently) or carefully trim it yourself. It is unlikely that a girl’s attention will be attracted by a beard like that of a church priest. It looks ridiculous and untidy.

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