How to change your appearance for the better in 90 days

Why do people want to change their appearance?

It happens that appearance does not correspond at all to your inner sense of self. You want to be who you imagine yourself to be, in the best possible way.

For some, to change for the better, it’s enough to choose a wardrobe, change their hairstyle, learn how to masterfully play shadows on their face using Kim Kardashian’s method, lose weight, pump up muscles, or visit the dentist.

People come to me when all natural changes in appearance have exhausted themselves. When your self-image, despite all your efforts, is not reflected in the mirror. When a son gets a tiny chin from his mother, and it makes his face weak-willed, and round cheeks after losing weight remain treacherously round.

Harmonizing surgery creates an attractive face and overall image while preserving the essential parts of your appearance that make you individual.

Megan Fox

Cristiano Ronaldo

Nicole Kidman

George Clooney

How to change your appearance with makeup?

Choose the right makeup and highlight your assets. Deep-set and small eyes should be visually expanded by lifting the upper eyelid. There are several techniques to do this.

How to change your appearance with makeup:

  • For these purposes, Smoky eyes, or high-raised arrows, are usually used. Drooping eyelids and deep-set eyes significantly spoil the appearance; you need to know a few subtleties to smooth out this defect.

In the article on our website you can find information on how to correct drooping eyelids using makeup .

  • Do not ignore the use of special patches and overlays, which are now used by world-famous beauty bloggers and makeup artists. This helps to correct your appearance. Use facial contouring and sculpting.
  • For these purposes, contouring, highlighter, and concealer are used. Choose dark colors and apply them to the area you want to hide. Typically, a dark tone is applied along the jawline, with the lower jaw area worked out.
  • This is necessary if the lower part of the face is more massive than the upper. Typically, such a face is typical for women after forty years of age, as a result of deformation, bone resorption and the appearance of ptosis in the cheek area and facial contour.
  • To put it in simple words, the face loses the clarity of its contours. This needs to be corrected, which can be done with the use of highlighters and concealers. Remember that the highlighter is applied to the area that you want to highlight and highlight. Usually this is the line of the cheekbones and forehead. Remember that highlighter adds shine, so use very little of it for daytime makeup.

You can learn how to apply highlighter on your face, where and with what,


Makeup Makeup Makeup

About harmonizing surgery

To get an idea of ​​how the harmonizing approach differs from plastic surgery in general, let's use an analogy.

For example, to lay tiles, it is enough to hire a good worker. Your requirements for it are minimal - even seams, careful attitude to the material and interior.

But when you want to create a comfortable living space, you look for a designer. First, he asks you long and boringly about your passions, lifestyle, hobbies, and wishes for the interior. And only then does he design the entire room.

The stakes here are high. If the designer is not sensitive enough, the most expensive renovation will feel like a prison cell. On the other hand, even working in the same style, a good designer will never create two identical interiors.

Plastic surgery can be compared to a high-class craft. You come to the surgeon with a wish - to narrow your nose or enlarge your breasts - and he fulfills it.

The harmonizing approach is face design. Unique for each patient. As a good designer, I take into account social history, lifestyle, habits, environmental requirements, your wishes and never repeat myself.

I create a beautiful, but comfortable image that is in harmony with your personality and does not oblige you to painfully comply with any rigid canons of beauty.

Changing your appearance correctly

So, the plastic surgeon faces two tasks:

  • change a person's appearance for the better
  • do it so that everyone notices the result, but no one guesses that the problem is plastic.

The art of changing one's appearance consists of a large arsenal of techniques, methods and the ability to use them. Fillers, facial implants - zygomatic, chin and infraorbital, removal of Bisha's lumps, rhinoplasty, eye surgery, and some secret techniques. But all these are just means, and they are not the most important thing at all.

The most important thing in answering the question of how to properly change your appearance is to understand where this should not be done.

It is in this area that lies the expertise of the doctor, who in fact must know not only plastic surgery. He must understand the laws of proportion of the human face and harmony, be able to see the whole, have an excellent aesthetic sense and predict the results of his actions.

As a result of precise mathematical calculations, we change our appearance a little, but these changes have the strongest effect and even change destinies.

How to change your image?

Don't know how to change your appearance for the better? Choose the image of the actress or singer who most appeals to you, try out her makeup or hairstyle. To answer the question of how to change a girl’s image, decide on the look of one day. To add femininity to your everyday look, buy shoes with low heels, make lush curls out of straight strands, change your backpack or baggy bag to an elegant and stylish one.

Where to begin?

To change yourself externally and internally, you should work daily:

  • Get up 40 minutes earlier and do morning exercises. This healthy habit will transform your body and add energy for the day ahead.
  • Eat right, only healthy food stimulates the maintenance of positive endeavors.
  • Always be elegant, even when going out to the store.

Tired of office clothes and want to get creative? Then bright, flowy blouses and jeans with an original pattern will help create a feeling of lightness. The main thing is not to be afraid of changes, but to meet your desires. If in doubt, consult a professional stylist. He will competently select a new image based on your external data. Make an appointment with a manicurist and makeup artist, get your hands in order and choose a beautiful make-up.

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How to change your style?

Improve yourself, only the feeling of inner harmony is perceived by others as attractive. Even the most charming girl can reveal the gray mouse in herself from the first sentences. Regardless of appearance, the inner world should be rich and developed, think positively and smile a lot. Some tips:

  • read books;
  • find yourself a hobby;
  • spend time with friends;
  • enjoy every day.

To change your style, imagine a new image, visualize it. Then pay attention to the details of this picture - a dream. How do they differ from current realities? Sketch out a new image, then choosing clothes, makeup, and accessories will not be difficult. Master cherished qualities such as confidence, femininity, sensuality, physical health.

Features of changes in a man's appearance

Men who change their appearance usually want to become and become more masculine in appearance.

For example, with the help of chin implants I had the opportunity to help change the appearance of a man of a very brutal, even aggressive disposition, who by nature had very soft, almost feminine features.

As a result, plastic surgery of the lower third of his face allowed him to transform not only externally, but also internally. Oddly enough, the new courageous face made him calmer and softer: simply because he no longer had to prove his masculinity through aggression.

Removing Bish's lumps from a man. “Before” and 6 months “after” the procedure - a photograph from the patient’s private archive. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

“Before” and 10 days “after” rhinoplasty (surgeon Mkhitar Meloyan) and removal of Bisha lumps (surgeon Andrey Iskornev). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

The dream of a manly chin will require only 5 days of rehabilitation. Medpor chin implant. Lifetime results. Surgeon - Vasiliev Maxim.

How can a girl change her appearance for the better with her hairstyle?

There are many ways, and the simplest is to use makeup and other so-called “tuning” products. This includes choosing the right hairstyle, coloring, choosing stylish clothes, and applying the right makeup. The main task is to emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages.

How a girl can change her appearance for the better with her hairstyle:

  • The hairstyle is chosen depending on the shape of the face. A face that is too round should never be emphasized. Therefore, avoid hairstyles with a cut at the level of the jawline. These are bob, bob or hairstyles with graduations in the face area.
  • This can emphasize the excessive volume and massiveness of the face. The color is selected depending on your color type. Spring and Autumn come with red, chestnut, golden, and wheat shades. Dark shades look great on girls with Winter looks.
  • Among them, it is worth highlighting dark brown, golden chestnut, and black coffee. It is necessary to focus on the color of the eyes and skin. If your skin is too light, don't try to dye your hair black with a blue tint. Typically, this shade can make you look older and appear overly painful. If the skin is dark, then black shades will highlight its charms.
  • For a woman of the Summer color type, warm shades with a yellow or reddish glow are also suitable. It can be blonde or red shades. Under no circumstances should you choose a color with a platinum sheen or other cold shades. Only a small number of women benefit from this type of coloring; just like black, it can age the face and make it look older.


Hairstyle Hairstyle

Features of changes in a woman's appearance

There are options here.

Women pursue different goals: some need to become softer and more gentle, while others strive to bring their appearance into harmony with their inner leadership qualities as a businesswoman.

So, in my practice, only plastic surgery on the lips and chin allowed a woman to change her appearance to a more feminine and soft one. External harmony, in turn, “softened” her explosive character and harsh manners.

In any case, both girls and guys who have changed their appearance become happier because they accept themselves completely, stop thinking about complexes around the clock and begin to live a fulfilling life. By and large, changing the quality of life is the main goal of my work.

Photos "before" and "after"

Harmonization of appearance. The result “before” and on the 9th day “after” the operation. Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

The height of girls' eyebrows should correspond to the distance from the inner to the outer level of the eye. For men, eyebrows can be slightly lower than this calculation, but not fall over the eyelids. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

Resection of Bisha's lumps, chin augmentation, platysmoplasty. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Performed: rhinoplasty, mentoplasty, lip contouring, removal of Bisha's lumps. Photos “before” and 10 days “after”. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

Don't forget that the chin is the frame of the face. The harmonious proportion of the lower third of the face adds elegance to the appearance. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

“Before” and “after” surgery to harmonize appearance.
Surgeons - Mkhitar Meloyan (rhinoplasty) and Vasiliev Maxim (removal of Bisha's lumps).
V-shape facial harmonization using exclusive technology Iskorneva A.A.

Do you want to change your appearance beyond recognition? Not worth it

Most often, a person is interested in changing his appearance when he does not like his appearance and does not perceive himself as himself.

The plot that young girls often dream about in their teens is to radically change their appearance, while becoming a supernatural beauty. They, of course, also need an instant result - it’s best if this happens sharply and quickly.

But you shouldn’t undergo surgery to change your appearance to match Hollywood standards. Fashion comes and goes. The idols of different eras were of different types.

You've probably noticed more than once that people who have radically changed their appearance become alike, like brothers and sisters. It seems that plastic surgeons have a very limited selection of noses, lips and chins.

Girls who change their appearance under the influence of fashion fall into a trap. They thereby lose their individuality and become one of the representatives of a rather faceless mass of beauties of the same type.

By imitating others, we condemn ourselves to secondary roles. Personality is always unique!

Such requests immediately bring to mind the film “Face/Off,” when a superspy needed a complete change in appearance to complete a mission.

But if the superspy deceives a criminal who is unfamiliar with him, then he will not deceive his relatives. Even a radical change in appearance will not change your habit of squinting your eyes or covering your mouth with your hand. Gestures, voice intonations and even body odor give us away. You can't fool your family!

Naturally, if we are talking about real people and not movies, there is rarely a need to completely change everything. When seeking plastic surgery, people who change their appearance are usually looking for ways to change their appearance style, remove flaws and still remain themselves. They want to find a new face - their own, but more beautiful, harmonious, correct.

How to change your appearance using the power of thought?

It is believed that the power of self-hypnosis plays an important role in changing appearance. Numerous studies have been conducted, during which it was found that drugs that do not contain medicinal components help in the treatment of diseases.

How to change your appearance using the power of thought:

  • This is the so-called placebo effect, during which an improvement in health status is observed as a result of self-hypnosis. Accordingly, it is quite possible to correct your appearance with the help of the power of thought. There is nothing fantastic here. Appearance reflects activities, care, work, emotional state and thoughts. It is believed that an angry person, often dissatisfied with himself, has a distorted face.
  • These emotions are not the most pleasant and affect the condition of the face. Sad and gloomy people have lips with downturned corners, they have pronounced nasolabial wrinkles, often an underdeveloped lower jaw and a not clearly defined chin. Creases and wrinkles appear in places where deformation occurs due to certain emotions. If a person is often surprised, he wrinkles his forehead, resulting in wrinkles.
  • Psychics, as well as psychologists, claim that it is quite possible to correct your appearance with the help of the power of thought. People who work with energy claim that a person is suggestible; kind phrases carry a positive charge.
  • Suffice it to recall the Simoron rituals, which are based not on witchcraft, but on changing a person’s psychological state. Many people say that they really work, and without any magic. Indeed, the power of thought can affect life and appearance. That is why it is necessary for thinking to become positive. You need to meditate often, throw all the garbage out of your head.

The power of thought

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