Bladder pathologies in the fetus: what can be determined by screening ultrasound

The bladder begins to develop from the embryonic petal from the 25th day from the moment of conception and is finally formed by the 22nd week of pregnancy. By this time, the bladder reaches a size of 8 mm. With a transvaginal ultrasound, the organ is visible already at 11 weeks, with a transabdominal ultrasound - from the 16th week.

Anomalies of the genitourinary system are extremely rare. They are often associated with chromosomal abnormalities and are accompanied by a whole range of disorders and syndromes.

Ultrasound diagnostics in the 2nd trimester reveals 85% of pathologies. The most common bladder abnormalities are:

The child is pressing on the bladder

The main danger with bladder pain during pregnancy is a bladder infection during pregnancy. If an infectious disease is not diagnosed in time and adequate treatment is not started, the risk of developing a complication that affects the kidneys increases. This dangerous situation can harm the baby, even leading to termination of pregnancy. If an infection enters and develops in the uterus, it ceases to function normally, as a result of which the fetus does not develop and form properly. If complicated cystitis occurs in the 2nd–3rd trimester, there is a high probability of premature birth. If pregnant women experience symptoms of a bladder infection, under no circumstances should they hesitate and self-medicate. You need to urgently consult a doctor to avoid complications.

What is pyeloctanasia of the kidneys of infants?

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Pyeloetasis is the name given to the expansion of the renal pelvis (Kidney (anatomy) is an organ of the excretory (urinary) system of animals and humans). Very often, this disease is diagnosed in babies immediately after birth. In most cases, the deviation is observed even in the fetus, for example, during an ultrasound scan. Pyeelectasis in an infant is most often congenital. Pathology can manifest itself either unilaterally, for example, on the left, or develop on both sides. If the pelvis of the right kidney is affected, then a diagnosis of disease is made (this is a condition of the body, expressed in the disruption of its normal functioning, life expectancy, and its ability to maintain its homeostasis) on the right. It is worth noting that in newborn boys, the disease is observed much less frequently than in girls. In this article, we will look at all the features of pyeloectasia in infants.

Causes of pyeloectasia of organs

Pyeelectasis in newborns can have several causes for the formation of
the renal pelvis - this is a kind of cavity in which urinary secretions collect under pressure. After this, the fluid is redirected into the ureter, then exits into the bladder. There are situations when the outflow encounters obstacles, which leads to an increase in the level of pressure in the organ, and as a result, the pelvis enlarges. Therefore, pyeelectasis in newborns may have several causes:

  • For example, a baby (Baby - child (diminutive - affectionate)) has a narrowed ureter or it is clogged with a stone, pus or a tumor has formed there;
  • In a newborn, the pressure in the bladder increases;
  • Infectious lesions of the genitourinary tract;
  • The child experiences a backflow of urinary secretions, which leads to the formation of the disease on both sides;
  • If the baby (Baby - child (diminutive - affectionate)) was born premature, which is often the cause of general weakness and the presence of neurological problems;
  • In cases where the pelvis is located outside the kidneys (Kidney (anatomy) is an organ of the excretory (urinary) system of animals and humans) - these are, of course, rare cases, but quite natural.

Attention! Summarizing all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that the baby gets this disease either due to genetics or due to the harmful effects of external factors on the fetus while still in the womb.

Symptoms of pyeloectasia in babies (Baby (Baby (Baby - child (decreased)) - child (diminished)) - child (diminished))

If the baby feels discomfort, he begins to cry, scream or be capricious.

The main characteristics of pyelectasis in children (in the main sense, a person during childhood) is the fact that there are no clear symptoms of the disease. This means that it is impossible to determine it in a timely manner. The baby may feel slightly unwell, but it is very difficult to guess that this is precisely this disease of the kidney organs.

As we have already said, pyeelectasis is practically asymptomatic in newborns. He begins to feel pain only when inflammation develops in this area. It is worth noting that the first symptoms appear only in the later stages, or with complications. If the baby feels discomfort, he begins to cry, scream or be capricious.

Attention! The presence of the disease can be recognized only after a diagnostic examination, including ultrasound.

Possible exacerbations of the disease

The left- or right-sided form of the disease does not pose a serious threat to the baby’s life, but can significantly harm his body and cause discomfort.

The left- or right-sided form of the disease does not pose a serious threat to the baby’s life, but can significantly harm his body and cause discomfort. The following complications may develop in a newborn:

  • The formation of hydronephrosis, characterized by expansion of the cups and renal pelvis, is very often observed. Typically, such a defect occurs due to destabilization of the urinary outflow. As a result of this disease, the level of pressure in the organs increases and functionality decreases.
  • If complications of pyelectasia occur, pyelonephritis may develop, namely inflammation of the tissue in the kidneys. Such processes completely destabilize the functioning of organs (An organ is a separate set of different types of cells and tissues that perform a specific function within a living organism). The most terrible consequence can be considered the fact that if it is not treated, then the formation of kidney failure occurs (Kidney (anatomy) - organ of the excretory (urinary) system of animals and humans) (Kidney (anatomy) - organ of the excretory (urinary) system of animals and humans ). In practice, cases have been recorded when it ended in death.

Attention! If the disease is not treated, a large number of pathologies may appear that will negatively affect the child’s kidney function. For this reason, it is necessary to diagnose it quickly and on time.

Features of the treatment of pyelectasis in children (in the main meaning, a person during childhood)

In cases where diseases are identified at the stages when the child is in the womb, special monitoring is prescribed for him. At this time, the mother can be put into storage. Only then can the development of the disease in the baby be controlled. If it is formed in the left or right kidney, then attention is paid to both organs. So, in practice, there are very often cases when, after childbirth, a deviation is discovered in two kidneys. It is for this reason that a newborn baby should be monitored once every three months. This is done using ultrasound.

In general, only after a year the baby’s genitourinary system is fully formed, so the organs may decrease in size. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to take the child for a full examination of the organs (An organ is a separate set of different types of cells and tissues that perform a specific function within a living organism) of urology. It includes methods of cystography and urography, and radioisotope examinations can be performed. Only based on their results, doctors select the necessary therapeutic course.

After (the highest-ranking diplomatic representative of his state in a foreign state (in several states concurrently) and in an international organization; official representative) (the highest-ranking diplomatic representative of his state in a foreign state (in several concurrent states) and in an international organization; official representative ) Once all the causes of the disease are identified through diagnostics, a decision is made regarding the treatment method. In most cases, it includes medication and physical therapy.

Important! If there are complications in the baby (Baby - child (diminutive)), in some situations they resort to surgical intervention. Such measures are used to save the child.

Surgical intervention is performed to remove the effects of reflux of the genitourinary system from the baby. This frees up the flow of urinary secretions. So we looked at all the features and characteristics of the disease, such as pyeelectasis in children of the newborn period.

Picture of baby hugging bladder

She was frightened. When he fell asleep, she went into social media and typed in the search bar: “it seems to me that my husband is cheating.” It was the same for others. The same “symptoms”, the same fears and suspicions. And for some it’s even worse: “I found an SMS from my mistress in my husband’s mobile phone,” “I found a photo of a naked girl in his mail,” “I found condoms in my pocket.” It became easier. Somehow calmer. She is not alone, and together they will cope with their common misfortune. Moreover, her problem has not yet been proven. the advice of a psychologist. “If you think your husband is cheating, don’t be afraid to discuss this problem with him. You need to speak calmly, without hysteria, shouting or ultimatums, even if your worst guesses are confirmed.

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Urinary incontinence in women after childbirth

Urinary incontinence after (the highest-ranking diplomatic representative of his state in a foreign country (in several countries concurrently) and in an international organization; official representative) childbirth (a natural physiological process that completes pregnancy and consists in the expulsion of the fetus and placenta from the uterus through the cervical canal and vagina, called in this case the birth canal) is considered a violation of the functioning of the mother’s body. Nocturnal enuresis, or the inability to control urine output during the day, is a problem experienced by 40% of women who have recently given birth to a child. Some young mothers consider it too delicate, and therefore do not inform the attending physician about the appearance of incontinence. This worsens the quality of life of women who give birth, who do not have the ability to control urine output. Difficulties associated with postpartum incontinence affect the physiological and psychological spheres of life. Young mothers feel inferior, and therefore wonder what to do and how to treat the pathology.

Cleaning your kidneys is easy! You need to add it during meals...

  • disruption of nerve muscle connections in areas where the bladder and urethra are located;
  • the urethra and bladder become mobile;
  • the obturator muscles in the urethra and bladder function poorly.

There are certain risk groups when the likelihood of developing postpartum enuresis increases.

The negative process is caused by the following factors:

  1. Poor heredity, predisposition to the development (this is a type of movement and change in nature and society associated with the transition from one quality, state to another, from old to new) postpartum incontinence.
  2. Pregnancy, birth of a child (in the basic meaning, a person during childhood) (especially if it is not the first).
  3. Excess weight.
  4. Abnormal development of organs in the pelvis, incorrect location of the pelvic floor muscles.
  5. Surgical manipulations performed in the pelvic area, during which the nerve communication between muscles (or muscles (from the Latin musculus - muscle) - part of the musculoskeletal system in conjunction with the bones of the body, capable of contraction) is disrupted or they are damaged.
  6. Hormonal imbalances when a young mother’s body lacks the female sex hormone estrogen.
  7. Urinary tract infection.
  8. Mental illnesses.
  9. Radiation exposure.
  10. Neurological pathologies, which include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, spinal injuries and diseases of the nervous system.

But under the weight of the unborn child (basically, a person during childhood), such muscles lose their elasticity, weaken and become stretched. A fetus that is too large, complicated childbirth, or injuries that occur during labor also have a negative impact on their condition.

Types of female urinary incontinence

When a woman gives birth to a child, her body is rebuilt again, hormonal levels change, and the consequence of such changes is the appearance of additional problems. For example, urinary incontinence may develop after (a diplomatic representative of the highest rank of his state in a foreign country (in several countries concurrently) and in an international organization; official representative) childbirth (a natural physiological process that completes pregnancy and consists in the expulsion of the fetus and placenta from the uterus through the cervical canal and vagina, in this case called the birth canal).

This pathology is divided into the following types:

  1. Stressful. Urine (or urine (Latin urina) - a type of excrement, a waste product of animals and humans, secreted by the kidneys) is released involuntarily if a woman strains her muscles (or muscles (from the Latin musculus - muscle) - part of the musculoskeletal system together with the bones body, capable of contracting) the abdomen, coughs, laughs loudly or cries bitterly. Stress incontinence is the most common postpartum problem for many women.
  2. Uncontrolled. All day long, a woman who has given birth produces urine (or urine (Latin urina) - a type of excrement, a waste product of animals and humans, secreted by the kidneys) in small quantities.
  3. Urgentnoe. Intense urge to urinate, unable to control the urge to urinate.
  4. Enuresis. Involuntary leakage of urine at night.
  5. Reflex. Urine separation is facilitated by external, irritating causes (for example, rain noise or splashing water).
  6. Urine fluid begins to leak when the bladder is full, and these processes are influenced by internal factors (for example, benign neoplasms, infectious genitourinary diseases, uterine fibroids, tumors in the pelvis).

Regardless of the type of involuntary urination, the problem must be solved comprehensively. A woman should consult with her doctor about treatment for postpartum urinary incontinence. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to combine drug therapy with exercises and traditional methods that will restore elasticity to the muscles.

Symptoms of postpartum incontinence

Urinary incontinence after (a high-ranking diplomatic representative of his state in a foreign country (in several countries concurrently) and in an international organization; official representative) childbirth is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • systematic flow of urine that occurs uncontrollably;
  • urinary fluid is released in large quantities;
  • urine leaks out when performing serious physical work during sex.

If a woman suffers from urinary incontinence after childbirth, she should definitely consult a doctor and get medical help. Only timely detection of the disease will allow the condition to be corrected and the development of undesirable consequences to be prevented.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of urinary incontinence after the birth of a child is performed by a urologist.

The attending physician carries out the following activities:

  • examines the patient;
  • invites her to tense her abdominal muscles or cough (testing to check the spontaneous flow of urine (or urine (Latin urina) - a type of excrement, a waste product of animals and humans, secreted by the kidneys));
  • if the test gives a positive result, the specialist asks the woman to continue to control her own urination, write down the cause and time of the problem;
  • The doctor uses the resulting records to develop the correct treatment plan.

To speed up diagnosis, make it effective and accurate, a woman giving birth is prescribed the following procedures:

  • laboratory tests of urine and blood;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs and kidneys;
  • cystometry (research work that helps detect pathological bladder function);
  • uroflowmetry (testing the urodynamic characteristics of the female body);
  • urethral profilometry (urodynamic tests to check the condition of the urethra).

Therapeutic course

Many women, faced with postpartum urinary incontinence, do not know that such a pathology can be successfully treated. True, success depends on timely diagnosis. In this case, the functioning mechanism of the bladder is disrupted to a small extent, which means that there are all possibilities for treating the pathology without surgical intervention. But if the case is severe, the patient is offered the help of a surgeon.

Conservative treatment of female urinary incontinence involves the use of exercises to help train the muscles of the urinary system.

Below is a list of procedures recommended for women with postpartum urinary incontinence (or urine (Latin urina) - a type of excrement, a waste product of animals and humans, excreted by the kidneys):

  1. Kegel exercises. Throughout the day, a woman should tense the muscles surrounding the bladder and rectum. You need to do this exercise 100-200 times, keeping the muscles tense for several seconds.
  2. Retention of conical weights in the vagina. Weights have different weights, and the job of a woman (female or gender person) is to hold these elements. Doctors recommend starting classes with the use of small weights, gradually increasing the weight. It is recommended to perform this procedure at least 3-4 times a day, and spend 15-20 minutes on each approach.
  3. Physiotherapeutic treatment. To strengthen the pelvic muscles, the specialist recommends that a woman (female or gender person) undergo physical procedures, which include electromagnetic stimulation. A good effect is achieved by combining physiological procedures with exercises to increase muscle tone (or muscles (from the Latin musculus - muscle) - part of the musculoskeletal system in conjunction with the bones of the body, capable of contraction).
  4. Bladder training sessions. The urologist develops a special plan, recommending that the patient go to the toilet “little by little” at a certain time, which is indicated in the plan. Gradually, the time interval between visits to the toilet increases. A prerequisite for a woman is to urinate, strictly following the scheme proposed by the doctor. This treatment helps a woman (female or gender person) learn to control her own urination. The duration of the therapeutic course reaches 2 months.
  5. Drug treatment. If a woman is diagnosed with incontinence, she is prescribed special sedative medications. They improve blood supply, help strengthen vascular walls, and saturate the body weakened by childbirth with vitamin complexes. But it should be noted that in pharmacology there are no drugs that would help cope with the problem of urinary incontinence. The medications offered by urologists act only indirectly, strengthening the immune system and muscles.

Conservative therapy does not always help eliminate the problem of incontinence in a woman (female or gender person) who has recently given birth to a child. What to do if the developed drug treatment regimen does not produce results? In this case, the patient is offered surgical intervention.

Surgical therapy for postpartum urinary incontinence is represented by various operations:

  1. Surgical intervention using gel. A medical composition in the form of a gel is used to create a support surrounding the urethra. In duration, such an operation takes no more than 30 minutes and is performed in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. Local anesthesia is used for pain relief.
  2. Urethrocystocervicopexy. Surgical intervention is aimed at strengthening the ligaments located in the pubic area. When in normal condition, these ligaments support the urethra and the neck of the bladder. Technically, such surgical work is very complex, so general anesthesia is used to perform it. The rehabilitation period after surgery is quite long, so doctors rarely perform the procedure of urethrocystocervicopexy.
  3. Loop operations. For therapeutic purposes, doctors place a support loop under the urethra. It is made from biomaterial (skin of the upper thigh). Sometimes the support is made from synthetics, which is not rejected by the body. To perform the surgical procedure, the doctor makes a small incision in the patient's skin. This technique is low-traumatic and this is its main advantage. The woman recovers quickly after such surgery.

Prevention measures

Urinary incontinence can be cured, but it is better to prevent this problem from occurring.

A woman carrying a baby must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • control your body weight (excess weight creates additional stress on the bladder, increasing the symptoms of urinary incontinence);
  • treat infectious diseases occurring in the genitourinary system in a timely manner and do not neglect them;
  • in late pregnancy, support the abdomen with a bandage;
  • when carrying a child, adhere to the advice given by the doctor, be regularly examined and take tests (this way it will be possible to identify bladder incontinence at an early stage of its development (this is a type of movement and change in nature and society associated with the transition from one quality, state to another , from old to new) and start therapeutic measures in a timely manner).

The problem of urinary incontinence cannot be called an incurable pathology. A wide arsenal of modern treatment methods makes it possible to easily and quickly correct the situation, saving a woman from such a delicate disease.

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