How to love your job: 8 useful tips for those who are already on the verge

Today, many people are dissatisfied with their jobs, they complain about conflicting colleagues, low salaries and unfair management. In such circumstances, life ceases to bring joy and turns into a tedious wait for Friday and a complete rejection of the beginning of Monday.

At the same time, unloved work can have an extremely destructive effect on human health. First, he begins to experience mental discomfort, then it develops into serious dissatisfaction, and only then physical problems fall on his head due to constant stress, anxiety and uncertainty.

  • FAQs How to find your favorite job and life's calling: useful tips and life hacks

To avoid burnout in your profession and all the ensuing consequences, we told you how to love your job and forget about your obsession with weekends.

Requests for help Write your story I was born and live in Armenia. All my life I have been very attached to my mother. They argued with their father very often. Her father sometimes beat her. The proof is the mother's broken rib. The reason for such domestic fights, as a rule, was my mother’s relatives /she defended them all the time/ or my father’s mother, we lived with her. After each commotion, my mother left the house, and I followed her. This is how I developed an aversion to marriage and family life. I was raised entirely by my mother, although my father loved me very much too. Mom was a very correct person and tried to raise me the same way. Although this was very contrary to my nature. I've always been an excellent student. I've never been stupid. And mom was very proud of it. She was also an excellent student. She also worked at the same school where my brother and I studied. She really enjoyed listening to the teachers praise us. So I was left with excellent student syndrome. When I was younger I was a prominent girl for my town. And because of the excellent student syndrome, it seemed to me that I should be the most beautiful. Well, of course, I wasn’t. Higher education in Armenia is paid. And there were no decent universities in my city. Despite the fact that I was always an excellent student, my father did not allow me to go to study at a normal institute in Yerevan. Like, he has no money. So, I received my education at the worst institute in my city. Although I always dreamed of a good education. I was an excellent student. After college I found a job. I was even surprised myself - with my diploma. And I’ve been working there for 9 years now. I hate work. Although, due to the excellent student syndrome, I never found my real purpose. I never had a family, so I really dreamed of my favorite job. Although with my character it is almost impossible to find a job I love. On the other hand, maybe because I wasn’t looking. I'm afraid to leave this job. Because it is very difficult to find a new one. Who will feed me when I am unemployed? As for my personal life, I didn’t want a family, so I lived without a man until I was 30 /before that I was in strong love, but there was no relationship/. I can’t say why, but I’ve always liked men much older than me. In Armenia you cannot be in a relationship with a man before marriage. But at 30 I decided to do it. I really liked the man. But after the second sex he disappeared. Stopped calling, writing, coming. I understand that a man’s interest in a woman drops after the first sex, but not as sharply!!! After that I realized that something was wrong WITH ME!! Otherwise he would have stayed. And he seemed to be a good person. I was very worried. And after that, who needs me here!! I realized that I was left completely alone. At the same time, troubles appeared at work. The advancement that was promised to me fell into the abyss. I was left with nothing. A few months later, a person from the USA found me on the Internet. He was Armenian, but was born and lived in the USA. We started corresponding. He did charity work in Armenia and was apparently a decent person. Had an average income. He was almost 20 years older than me. He wrote such things!! But I really didn’t like him. My mother advised me not to miss the American. I continued my relationship with him. He came to Armenia every month. As he said then, to see me. We had been in a relationship for almost 8 months when he asked me to go on holiday with him to Istanbul. I told my dad about this. There was a HUGE scandal at home. But I still went. We stayed in Istanbul for 4 days. Mo the American was very cold and strangely looked at ALL women on the street. After I returned to Armenia, he stopped writing to me. When I asked why, he said he didn't have time. I never heard anything more about him. Now I continue to live with my parents /as is customary in Armenia/, but living is the wrong word. I just wake up, go to work, come home, cry, go to sleep. I really don't want to live anymore. But I don’t know what to do, I still feel sorry for the parents.

Svetlana, age: 31 / 09/21/2019


Svetlana, hello! I really want to support you! You are not alone in your problems and disappointments; for almost all people, life does not turn out the way they wanted and dreamed in childhood and youth. That's life. And our task is to learn to live in any conditions and circumstances, to overcome difficulties, and not to lose heart. Strong people are luckier because they don’t give up, go forward, accept all the difficulties of fate and people as they are. You write about problems in the family and that you don’t want a relationship, about the excellent student syndrome, about your unloved job. Sympathize with you. Many people have such problems. You are already an adult, only you yourself are responsible for your current life. Now you can achieve your happiness on your own! It's stupid to blame parents for anything. Try to look at your past as a lesson. It is very good that you understand where your legs are coming from, which means that you can draw the right conclusions, for example, that you do not want the kind of relationship that your parents had, but want others; that good grades at school don’t mean anything and you don’t need to put yourself above others... and men often behave this way. I advise you to communicate longer with a person before letting him closer. If a person is not serious in his intentions, he will definitely show himself. You need to be more careful. If a man’s behavior alarms you in some way, seems unnatural and insincere to you, stop communicating. Svetlana, dear, hold on! Spiritual strength to you - to live and enjoy life! And the problems will all be solved, everything will change! The main thing is the attitude!

Olga, age: 31/09/22/2019

Hello. Svetlana, I don’t know the intricacies of your faith, but you are already an adult woman, so build your life not as it is convenient for your family, but as you would like for yourself. Change jobs? Change, look, maybe it’s worth moving somewhere. Do you want a family? Nowadays there are many normal dating sites, communicate, meet, choose. One or two failures in a relationship are not the end. Strive, try, don’t be afraid of mistakes, because just crying into your pillow won’t change anything. Water does not flow under a lying stone, as they say. In our life, it is important to rely only on our own strengths, not to wait for someone to appear and solve everything. But that man didn’t stay simply because there were no feelings, the point here is not that you are not like that. A good man wouldn’t seduce a girl and leave her the next day. Only dishonest people do this. And you knew the American only in absentia, yet correspondence and communication in reality are two different things. Unworthy man. Hang in there, Svetlana. May everything work out for you and you will find your happiness.

Irina, age: 31 / 09/23/2019

Hello Svetlana. It happens in life that failures follow one after another and it seems that there will be no end to them, I understand and sympathize with you, but the key word here is “seems”. Today the Church commemorates the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia, please ask them for prayers for yourself too, dear Svetlana. Suicide is not a solution at all. “Our thoughts” present it to us as a kind of fire exit, if nothing works out once, twice, three times, until the moment they lead to a very serious mistake, in the case of a fatal outcome - irreparable for the suicide itself. More precisely, they lead into the thick of things, instead of the promised exit, peace or non-existence... there is a whole section of the site about them. The trouble is that there is no peace or even non-existence for a suicide beyond the threshold of life and death, there is an incredibly huge amount of evidence of this in the history of mankind, they are also on this site in sections here and here Terrible suffering multiplied for eternity. There are high chances of becoming disabled if you try, but this is much better; the possibility of repentance remains. You are very well done, Svetlana, for thinking about your parents, you wouldn’t even wish such hell on your enemy. Regardless of whether we believe or not, spiritual laws work and each of us regularly has to repel the blows of our enemy in our thoughts, in people, etc. and it is very important to be a winner in this fight, because... earthly life and all earthly suffering, even the most terrible ones, in comparison with eternity are nothing, a moment. Yes, pride tells us that there is no God, much less there is no devil, and if there is, then why do we need it, life is so short, waste more time on this, etc. But the fact is that God’s commandments are like safety precautions at work; if we violate them, we expose ourselves and those around us to danger. Thank God, according to God’s Mercy, this does not work in direct proportion to our mistakes and all mistakes are correctable, only death cannot be corrected. In fact, it is not at all difficult to understand for yourself that God exists. It’s difficult to accept; pride won’t let you. There is a good article about it here. Professor A.I. Osipov claims that mathematicians have calculated the mathematical probability that a living cell was accidentally born in a chemical broth during the process of evolution and it is equal to one chance of a number with 256 zeros on the right - absolute zero! What then can we say about a person in whom the most complex physical, chemical, mental and spiritual processes operate? And about all living things, which exist with amazing intelligence both independently and in relation to each other. Except for man, of course, because only man is given freedom of choice. And freedom is both a great gift and a great danger of mistakes, which we all regularly and “successfully” make. What is conscience in each of us? Where is it located and why does it convict us when we make mistakes. The more a person leans toward evil, the less he hears her, why? Other physicists argue that all organic and inorganic matter, including macro-objects of space, are subject to the same laws. Who created these laws? What kind of Reason controls all this intelligence? Atheism says that “nature” is soulless and unreasonable, and why not God? Why does atheism believe in chance, because chance is stupid and unpredictable, and isn’t there too much chance at a time for at least one living cell, not to mention more? Atheism is also a faith, but it has nothing in its arsenal, absolute zero, except for the proud “there is no God,” including from some people with academic degrees in various fields of science who have nothing to do with religion, while the majority do not who even bothered to read the Bible. Professor A.I. Osipov’s lectures are openly available on the Internet in audio, video, and printed format; you can start with the lectures “Orthodoxy and Atheism” if you want. Very reasoned and accessible. Suicidal thoughts can be very intrusive and dangerous. The Sacraments of the Church (Confession, Communion) help best in combating them, as well as in cleansing the soul from other errors. Please, dear Svetlana, talk to an Orthodox priest about how to prepare for them and start life with God. It's never too late to start life from scratch, the only question is whether it's worth waiting for serious troubles to do so. You are only 31 years old, you are still very young and starting a family is quite possible, the only question is with whom. Believers pray for a life partner; according to statistics, church marriages are less likely to break up. But still, there are an incredibly large number of absolutely different life situations, so you shouldn’t be forced into some strict framework, much less despair. The profile website has an excellent selection of material about true love God help you!

Vitaly, age: about 50 / 09/30/2019

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