Advice from a psychologist on how to get rid of bad thoughts

Negative thoughts undermine our self-confidence, create fears, and therefore make us lose faith in the fulfillment of our desires. And therefore

When we study the law of attraction, we realize that we need thought control.

Movie The Secret

But what to do if more than 60,000 different thoughts rush through our heads every day?

Perhaps you have repeatedly asked yourself the question: why are my wishes not fulfilled? You've tried dozens of different ways: making a wish map, writing lists and setting goals, using affirmations and meditating. But everything is in vain...

One of the reasons why your dreams don't come true may be negative thoughts. Today I will share with you a very simple and most effective tip on how to keep them out of your head.

Do you want to realize any desire in just 1 month?

Read this article to the end, get rid of negative thoughts and apply this >>

Such bad negative thoughts

I really like the phrase that our mind is a garden. And each of us takes care of our own garden. If you plant useful and healthy seeds in it (i.e. positive thoughts), then you will get a beautiful, juicy and rich harvest.

And if you neglect the garden and allow weeds (i.e., negative thoughts) to actively grow in it, then they will fill the entire space, preventing the harvest from appearing.

On the subject: How to attract what you want or the “beautiful garden” technique

How it works in reality: if your mind is mostly filled with negative thoughts, then everything in life will not happen in the best way for you.

Being on low (i.e. negative) vibrations, you attract more negative things into your life: bad relationships in the family, problems at work, lack of money, poor health, etc. But, if you take care of your garden and plant only flowers and other beautiful plants there, then a lot of joy will appear in your life. Your health becomes stronger, your relationships with loved ones are always warm, your colleagues and boss always appreciate you at work.

Thought is primary. And reality is secondary. What you think, what you feel inside, is what you get in reality.

Negative thoughts. How to get rid of them?

You may be scared: will you really have to track your every thought now?

No, I'm not encouraging you to do this. Otherwise you may go crazy. And it’s simply impossible to keep track of every thought in your head.

In one of our articles, I talked about the most famous couple among the authors of books about the power of thought. This is Esther and Jerry Hicks.

You can get to know them better in this article:

Esther and Jerry Hicks created a fabulous life with the power of thought

They were the ones who suggested a very easy way to deal with negative thoughts - listen to your feelings.

How you feel is the only indicator of how close or far you are to your realization of it!

Esther and Jerry Hicks

Your feelings and emotions are the best tool with which you create your own life.

Now be sure to watch this short 4-minute video that I found for you. And you will understand what we are talking about:

“Emotions are a magnificent gift. They show us what we are thinking about.”

Bob Doyle

Negative thoughts create negative feelings. For example, remember when you hear some bad news, you immediately get an unpleasant feeling inside, a lump in your throat, or even chest pain.

Feelings and emotions are an indicator. They immediately signal your thoughts.

Minimizing negative thoughts. Step 1

Everything is much simpler than it seems. Today you can start changing your reality.

You need to learn to recognize your feelings and understand what emotions you are experiencing at the moment. This is the fastest and easiest way to find out what you are thinking about.

Conventionally, we can divide emotions into two groups: bad and good.

The differences between them are obvious. These are the emotions that make you feel good and those that make you feel bad. Negative thoughts cause negative emotions: disappointment, fear, resentment, anger, depression, guilt, and so on. They do not give you strength, they spoil your mood and worsen your condition.

Only you yourself and no one else know what emotions you are experiencing now: good or bad.

Ask yourself: “How am I feeling?”

Ask yourself this question repeatedly throughout the day, and gradually you will learn to recognize your own feelings.

Minimizing negative thoughts. Step 2

One important point to remember is that it is impossible to feel good and think about something unpleasant at the same time. Conversely, it is impossible to feel bad and have good thoughts.

Your thoughts have a certain frequency and show you what frequency the vibrations you are sending out into the Universe are currently at. What you send is what you receive.

When you feel bad and are angry or resentful, you find yourself on a frequency tuned to receive negativity. The law of attraction will definitely answer you

, bringing more images into your life that will make you feel even worse.

And if you feel good, then you create a future that matches your desires. As soon as positive thoughts enter your life, you immediately feel good.

Admiration, joy, gratitude, love - imagine that we can feel this state every day. By experiencing positive feelings, you attract even more similar emotions and everything that helps you feel even better.

Excerpt from the book “The Secret”

On the subject: The book “The Secret”, Rhonda Byrne. Review of that very secret

The next time you feel bad and are overwhelmed by negative thoughts, try to become aware of what frequency you are broadcasting to the Universe. In a bad mood, you create a barrier to the perception of good things, namely to the fulfillment of your desires.

Change your thoughts, think about something pleasant, kind, cheerful, cheer yourself up:

— Turn on fun, catchy music;

— Pet your pet;

- Watch a funny video on the Internet;

- Talk to your mother, friend, someone with whom you always have fun;

- Dance;

- Go to the spa, take a bath;

— Look at photos from your vacation or past holiday;

— Do something that always cheers you up.

— Read the articles:

How to become happy and why is it beneficial? Positive thinking: how and why does it need to be learned?

This way you will tune into a positive frequency and begin to attract good things into your life. And the more often you practice this, the easier it will be for you to stay in a positive mood, which means attracting into your life what you have dreamed of for so long.

For more valuable tips on how to protect yourself from negative thoughts, watch this video:

Negative thoughts destroy relationships

In relationships with other people, we are used to focusing on their actions and actions, and then complaining if we didn’t like something. We blame others, we blame them for their shortcomings.

“My husband doesn’t understand me”; “All the romance is gone”; “He doesn’t pay attention to me anymore.”

And so on and so forth.

But the reality is that we ourselves “invent” our own relationships—we create them. The negative thoughts that enter our mind create a corresponding reality.

During long-term relationships, many people begin to make one terrible mistake: focusing on the negative qualities of their partner. Forgot to give a gift, didn’t fulfill a promise, went off to have fun with friends again, didn’t wash the dishes, and so on. What happens the moment we start focusing on this? Anger, irritation, and resentment appear. The Universe catches this frequency, and then sends us more situations that cause the same negative emotions in us.

But what to do if your loved one left you?

Do you think that nothing can be fixed in this situation? After all, as children we were often told: you can’t mend a broken cup, you can’t step into the same river twice. Have you heard such statements too?

Don't believe it! You have to fight for your love. And there is a way to get your loved one back >>

How to get rid of thoughts? Basic ways to solve the problem

In one of the popular Western films, the hero asks his friend what to do if he has bad thoughts in his head. In response, he hears: “Just stop thinking.” Indeed, the advice is good, simply ideal, but how to put it into practice? It turns out that a similar method exists. Its essence is that if a person is unable to stop thinking, then he needs to change the topic and direction of thoughts. That is, as soon as negativity appears in your head, you need to switch your consciousness to the positive.

How to get rid of bad thoughts and experiences from your head? Psychologists recommend the following methods:

  • solve the problem that caused the appearance of negativity in the mind;
  • ignore sources that feed obsessive thoughts and fears;
  • constantly develop, gain new knowledge, find hobbies, create, communicate with people;
  • “live” a bad thought, that is, do not drive it away, but develop it, imagine what will happen if it comes true;
  • engage in active sports, walk, get physically tired;
  • throw out negativity and aggression, for example, throwing darts at a circle that depicts something that causes bad associations;
  • tidy up your home;
  • focus on the present, let go of the past and not make plans for the future;
  • take a break from your usual activities and responsibilities.

Sometimes some unusual act helps to cope with bad thoughts that haunt you, which you can then talk about. For example, you can go on a sightseeing tour in a hot air balloon or jump with a parachute. A cocktail of fear, adrenaline and the heady feeling that something incredible has happened is the best antipode to negativity.

Correcting the situation

To improve your love relationships, you must first ask yourself: “How am I feeling right now?” Remember, your emotions are indicators of your thoughts. If you are angry with your partner, he has offended you or disappointed you in some way - now you are controlled by negative thoughts. And this will not lead to anything good. You need to switch to another frequency, positive.

I repeat that first - thought, and then - reality.

Many people tend to shift responsibility for their own happiness to other people. You are waiting for someone else to make you happy. And then you are disappointed that this does not happen and the person does not manage to make you, in your understanding, happy. Because your joy and your happiness depend on only one person on Earth - you.

Your happiness is born in your heart.

Negative thoughts lead to poverty

You work with money desires, visualize wealth, write a check for abundance, but the money still struggles to come. Or they come, but quickly end.

Common situation?

Most often, money desires are not fulfilled because of your fears.

Remember how we divided emotions into bad and good? We classified fear as bad.

If you have fear, then you will never be able to bring financial prosperity into your life. And moreover, the fear that the money will quickly run out or any other fear will bring only troubles.

When getting rid of money fears, we follow the same principles that I described above. The main thing is to feel your emotions in time. Realize in time what vibrations you send to the Universe.

If you find yourself feeling bad or depressed about money, it's time to change your thoughts, and therefore your feelings. Otherwise, monetary desires will not be fulfilled. Create positive thoughts about money, write affirmations for wealth, start spinning them in your head. Picture yourself living in abundance.

By getting rid of fears and negative thoughts about money, switching yourself to the high vibrations of abundance, you will begin to instantly attract money.

A quick method to get rid of negative thoughts

Step #1: Take a break

Take a break, take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and just stop. Find a quieter place, sit down, calm down, and move on to the next step.

Step #2: Change your posture and start breathing deeply

Straighten your back, close your eyes and take 4 deep breaths. With each inhalation, concentrate on your belly, and as you inhale, say in your mind, “inhale,” and as you exhale, say, “exhale.” And so all four times. When you are done with the breathing exercises, move on to the next step.

Step #3: Create a Positive Thought

Imagination is your inner power and can work wonders. So try to create a positive thought that you can use to replace the negative one, and then write it down on a piece of paper.

Step #4: Focus on the New Thought You Created

Keeping your eyes closed and seeing your new thought that you have created in writing, continue to concentrate on it and repeat it out loud 4 times. Once you have repeated it four times, open your eyes. Then go back to the first step and repeat all the steps again to change the next negative thought. After this exercise, unwanted thoughts will become a thing of the past, and you will operate with new positive thoughts.

How often do you experience negative thoughts?

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You create your own happiness

You can feel like a happy, rich, healthy, successful person right now. The secret is that you control your emotions and thoughts, not they control you.

You can begin to experience love even if you don't have it yet, you can feel like a millionaire even if you don't have a penny in your pocket. If you manage to do this, the following will happen: the Universe will tune in to your frequency and the world around you will gradually become the way you want it to be.

In articles on our website we have already talked more than once about the thinking of a poor person. Negative thoughts related to money prevent you from moving forward and starting to earn 2-3 times more.

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Your reality manifests according to your inner feeling. If you experience positive emotions every day, then no negative thoughts will be a problem for you.

Why is negative thinking dangerous? Why do you need to fight it?

Any negativity is destructive and carries a destructive beginning. If bad thoughts constantly creep into your head and become intrusive, then this inevitably affects the quality of a person’s life. Such thoughts interfere with sleep, prevent relaxation and rest, prevent joy, and set you up for failure.

The thought is material. Of course, this is a highly controversial statement. However, it is a well-known fact that people with a positive type of thinking achieve success in life. Those who constantly expect trouble are sure to encounter various difficulties and troubles.

Accordingly, the danger of negative thinking is that it tunes a person exclusively to the bad and does not allow him to notice the good. In addition, obsessive thoughts that constantly spin in the mind have a negative impact on health. After all, if a person cannot get enough sleep, is not able to relax, then this will inevitably lead to some kind of disease, for example, increased blood pressure or arrhythmia.

Accordingly, it is important to get rid of bad, evil, and negative thoughts from your head. It is necessary to get rid of destructive thinking. This can be done with the help of a psychotherapist or on your own.

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