How to Feel Desired - 7 Tips to Help Girls

How to become feminine and desirable for a man: basic steps

Desire is evoked by girls who are outwardly attractive: slim, well-groomed, beautifully dressed. Smart, active, cheerful, with a twinkle in their eyes and a smile on their face, confident people are always interesting and stand out from the crowd.

It is difficult to radiate sexuality with tens of extra kilos on your body, in old rolled up clothes, with an untidy manicure and a stale hairstyle. A modern woman is forced to work many hours a day and, of course, there is very little time and energy left to put herself in order. And attractiveness requires daily investment in yourself (temporary, physical and material). Every girl sooner or later has to make a choice between the desire to be beautiful and, for example, in the evenings quietly on the sofa watching TV series and eating delicious food. If the desire to become attractive and sexy exceeds laziness, then you should start working on yourself immediately. Where to begin?

Step 1. Improve your appearance: wardrobe revision

It is necessary to get rid of old rolled up and worn things. Down with baggy oversized shoes that add countless pounds to your body, worn-out sneakers and worn-out underwear. An attractive woman has no place for such rags in her closet. Only the best that you can afford financially should remain. Nothing left and nothing to wear? Go shopping. Limited on funds? Take advantage of the services of online stores and sales - AliExpress can help you. In short, dress up urgently! Give preference to dresses! It is feminine, stylish, practical (slim-fitting models can hide figure flaws well) and economical (1 dress costs much less than a set of jeans and a T-shirt).

Pay attention to feminine shoes (shoes with elegant heels).

Remember! Sneakers and sneakers are designed for sports. Leggings are only for those with an ideal figure! Lingerie doesn't have to be expensive, but it does always have to be fresh and sexy (even if no one is looking). Emphasize the strengths of your figure and hide any flaws if possible.

Don't be vulgar and overly provocative; this may have nothing to do with sexuality. Do not expose yourself (we show either legs in a short skirt or cleavage).

Step 2. Improving your own body

Evaluate parameters and tone

If you are overweight, go in for sports and adjust your diet. Lack of body weight - include cereals in your diet. To lose weight, it is not necessary to torture yourself with hunger strikes and excessive physical activity. Everything should be in moderation and according to possibilities. Of course, it will not be possible to radically change the shape in the shortest possible time, but it is quite possible to correct it. Please note that each woman has her own parameters under which she looks sexy. Nobody likes very thin people for a long time. Women on diets look tired, exhausted and flabby.

“In fashion” the body is athletic and fit, not “hungry”.

Elastic and rounded buttocks always attract the eye. Still unable to exercise and missing out on the opportunity to have a sexy body? But in vain!


Hairstyle is truly an important aspect of a woman's look. First of all, the mop should be well-groomed: always clean, neatly trimmed, well-painted and decorated, and smelling pleasant. There should never be any overgrown roots or split ends! You need to dye the regrown part once every three weeks, there is no money for salon services, learn how to dye your hair yourself. Haircut at least once every three months.

We advise you to read: Hair care


Don't skimp on hydration. You should always have hand cream with you. After your shower, don't forget to use body milk or lotion. Use masks, tonics, sprays. Pamper your body with nourishing ingredients, and it will thank you with its radiance and velvety feel.


Your face is your business card. It should always be well cleaned, moisturized, tinted and painted. No tons of camouflage powders or foundations. Enough BB, mascara and lipstick or gloss to create the appearance of radiance and well-groomed face. Don't forget to regularly groom your eyebrows (pluck and color).


If you smoke and like to drink alcoholic beverages, quit! The smell of a smoker's breath is simply disgusting for a man, even if he himself smokes. A girl should smell like tenderness, not like an ashtray. It’s the same about alcohol – the smell of fumes is disgusting. And your task is to attract, not repel. Don't forget about the rules of personal hygiene. The smell of sweat and unwashed body is unacceptable. Use perfume and deodorant with a mild scent.


You need to clean your hands weekly. Necessarily! This also applies to lovers of shellac, gel and acrylic. The unpainted part of the nail that has grown by several mm near the untreated cuticle looks untidy. There is no money to go to a manicurist once a week, give up this idea. Learn to take care of your nails yourself. Online stores have a huge number of UV lamps, gels and other necessary products. Master them, and your manicure will always be fresh and neat!

We advise you to read: Hand and nail care at home

Step 3. Create an image

In addition to clothes, body shape, hair, etc., there are such important components as charm, intrigue, an alluring smile, intelligence, grace, and a sense of humor. Without all these elements, assessing femininity and attractiveness is impossible.


Nobody likes gloomy, stern women. You don't need to smile all the time either, it might look weird. You should give a smile to those who are pleasant to you, this is a kind of sign of approval and expression of sympathy.

Watch your gait

Move smoothly and slowly, maintain your posture. Be as graceful as cats, but don't overdo it.

Turn on your velvety voice

Your speech should be quiet, without excited notes, soft and smooth, enticing with its melody.

Respect your interlocutor

During the conversation, listen carefully, take an interest in the affairs of the man you want to please. Speak kindly and do not slander. Eliminate swear words from your speech. Don't complain, whine or gossip! Never! Be a lady.

We advise you to read: How to interest a man by correspondence or in personal communication

Are you kidding?

Of course, if you can. A sense of humor is a wonderful feminine quality that can defuse the situation at any moment and set you in the right mood.

We advise you to read: How to cheer up yourself and others

Have your own dignity

A woman should be able to love, appreciate and respect herself first and foremost. If you work hard on yourself, on your appearance, career, education, know your worth. Don't settle for less than you deserve. If you are not putting in the effort and working daily to improve yourself, start already! Men always choose women who are worthy of themselves. If you need a successful, strong, wealthy person - match it! And always appreciate what you have achieved.

We advise you to read: How to love yourself

Don't be intrusive

Respect a man's personal space. Don't call or write a hundred times a day. It's uninteresting, ugly and even indecent.

A man must be active. A woman’s job is to carefully and quietly lure and attract, so quietly that a man thinks that he is the hunter and you are the victim. And not vice versa.

When a lady begins to show excessive attention, there is often a desire to hide away from her.

Be smart

Read more and develop yourself, expand your vocabulary, and monitor your speech literacy (oral and written).

We advise you to read: How to become smarter and increase your intelligence level

Be passionate

Women who have interesting hobbies are always attractive. Learn foreign languages, dance, play sports or music, draw, read, invest in yourself and your head every day. A woman who values ​​her personal time and space will always command respect.

Step 4. Your own desire

For harmonious interpersonal and intimate relationships, mutual desire is necessary. Of course, you can attract a man’s attention with your beautiful appearance, intelligence, and intrigue. But if you yourself do not desire this particular man specifically sexually, you won’t be able to simulate for long.

No matter how sexy and attractive a woman is, if a representative of the stronger sex does not feel mutual attraction, his desire will pass.

For a modern man, it is important to feel like a winner in everything, sex is no exception. Giving a woman true pleasure is not an easy task; orgasm is the highest reward for the winner. An experienced young man will instantly discern your lack of desire based on physiological signs and will lose the desire to win.

Hence the conclusion: if you do not feel sexual attraction to a particular man, you should not waste time trying to attract him. This will not be successful, you won’t be able to become a desirable woman for a long time, and your time will be wasted. And an unwanted intimate relationship is disrespect for oneself.

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Qualities of a woman that will help you become desirable

Sociologists and psychologists have identified certain feminine qualities that men find attractive. Based on the list presented, evaluate your own compliance with the necessary parameters and, if necessary, improve your losing positions.

  • Charm

Female sexuality consists of certain external and internal data that make up the overall desired image. This is a kind of combination of inner sexuality and attractive appearance.

  • Cheerfulness

Men are attracted to easy, unburdensome relationships that bring joy and pleasure. Only a cheerful girl can create such a psychological mood. A young man definitely won’t want to endure despondency, complaints, drama and a bunch of other people’s problems.

  • Respect for the stronger sex

A woman must be able to recognize male strength and authority. Compliment your partner's achievements.

  • The ability to be feminine and weak

Down with ostentatious feminism. The stronger sex is always pleased to help a weak girl and demonstrate her strength and skills. And get a reward for it!

  • The ability to love men

The desire to be loved often exceeds the strength of sexual desire. The feeling of love and passion in a couple should be created by the woman. It is these feelings that can arouse the desire of one woman for a long time.

  • Having your own social circle

Every girl should have exclusive friends and acquaintances from her man, including male ones. And spend time with them without him. So that the young man does not feel like he is the only one, unique and special for you. So that he knows that the light has not converged on him like a wedge. In the feeling of healthy competition, desire is especially fueled.

  • Reluctance to become a second mother hen for her lover

A man needs a woman whom he will desire, love, and whom he can take care of. He should be the strong and courageous one in a couple, and not vice versa.

  • The ability to enjoy sex

Your own desire is important. Women enjoying intimate relations with a man evoke wild desire. Experiment in sex, be moderately relaxed, bold and interested. Sometimes take the initiative into your own hands, it's always interesting. Learn to enjoy sex or teach your man to give it to you.

Special energy

No matter how much scientists delve into the biological reasons for our erotic attractiveness, no matter how many experiments with the participation of men and beauties they conduct, the conclusion is always the same: it is her special energy that makes a woman a magnet for the opposite sex, and not her waist-to-hip ratio, not the shade of her lipstick, and certainly not larger breast size (so don’t rush to enlarge it).

What is this mythical erotic aura? Perhaps there is no clear answer to this question. After all, no one has yet managed to measure it using an encephalogram or any ultra-modern laboratory equipment. However, women who possess such energy are somehow different from everyone else. They can be both incredibly beautiful and “gray mice”, both open laughers and mysterious melancholics, both successful business women and housewives - there is absolutely no difference. At the same time, they are similar in one thing: they have a special psychology.

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How to win your husband's attention and become desirable to him

Everyday life can really corrode any relationship. In order not to constantly wonder how to become desirable to her husband, a woman should always take care of herself: her appearance and behavior.

A huge amount of worries falls on a working woman, wife, mother every day. With so many things to do and problems, it is often difficult to find time for yourself, for your man and for your relationship with him.

Unfortunately, in this situation, over time it is impossible not to notice that your husband no longer looks at you as before, does not show interest, does not show desire. Conversations become only about business, aimed at solving family problems and difficulties. Affectionate words turn into requests, admiration into demands, praise into reproaches. It is strange, with such a feminine attitude, to expect desire and love from a man.

Remember a simple truth : your husband is, first of all, a man, and then everything else. And you need to treat him exactly like a man. In order not only to become a desirable wife for some time, but also to remain so constantly, you need to work on yourself every day.

I would like to immediately point out a big BUT! There is no need to perceive this as additional overtime work and pretend to be a martyr. It’s so nice to try for your loved one, to bring him joy and pleasure. The pleasure of a beautiful and well-groomed wife, a delicious dinner, pleasant compliments, respect and admiration. You once fell in love with this person, and so he remains the same. You may be tired and not coping with all your tasks, and he, most likely, is who he was.

If you get very tired and don’t have time, ask a man for help. You will see that it will be much more pleasant for your husband to wash the dishes (and then receive encouragement) than to listen to your hysterics and tired grumbling. Divide the responsibilities around the house, learn to delegate authority, and then you will find time for yourself, for your husband, and for establishing intimate relationships. Everyone will benefit in this situation.

Every day, try to attract his attention and be desired. How to achieve this is written in the first part of the article.

You don’t need to think that once you get a man, he will always be yours. How much you are willing to invest in your relationship is the result you will get.

Love your husband, admire him, give compliments and surprises, take an interest in his affairs. Every day you live together, dress up and put yourself in order. Kiss and hug him often. A favorable psychological climate in the family will set a loved one in the right mood.

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Open expression of emotions

There is nothing more attractive than the natural manifestation of one’s own feelings - all psychologists unanimously say this (and men agree with them!). However, at the same time, many grow up with the idea that the emotional sphere is secondary, while the mind and logic are primary.

You don’t have to look far for examples: you probably have friends who don’t allow themselves to get emotional, try to be guided only by reason, are afraid of spontaneous decisions, momentary impulses (and this is what our life consists of!). Such women restrain themselves, in all areas of their lives - both at home and at work. Hypercontrol over themselves does not allow them to “release” sexual energy outward. By fearing our emotions, we thereby freeze our own sensuality. Of course, there are reasons for this. It seems to many that all passions are destructive, and if you give in to them, you can lose everything.

But a woman who lives an intense emotional life will always be desirable.

Her facial expressions are rich, her gestures are magical, and a certain flow of power emanates from her. This is what makes her attractive. Allow yourself to live a little more emotionally: sometimes cry while watching a movie, sometimes don’t listen to the voice of reason, but want to laugh or cry. In a word, free yourself from the inside.

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