SKEPTIC - who is it? Strengths of a Skeptic

Author of the material:

Igor Lyadsky

Geneticist, writer, business coach, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Everyone has been familiar with the expression “Doubting Thomas” since childhood. Moreover, a person is rarely called this same Thomas in a positive sense. Often a skeptic is perceived as a stubborn and even “armour-faced” person. But is this statement true? Perhaps you should trust others more? Could there be negative consequences for a skeptic because of his behavior? Or does mistrust, on the contrary, make a person’s life easier, protecting him from negative consequences? In this case, it is even better to be a skeptic. But why then are they not much loved? Let's talk about all this in confidence further.

Who is a skeptic?

A skeptic is a person who distrusts any incoming information. In fairness, it is worth noting that we are all a little skeptics in childhood, testing the warnings of adults the hard way. Until we hit our own bumps, we won’t begin to become more careful. This personality quality is called skepticism .

Then, having been convinced several times of the usefulness of other people’s advice, people are divided into two opposite camps. Trustful representatives of humanity gather in one In the other camp are inveterate skeptics. Some people prefer to listen to others, while others continue to make mistakes through their own efforts. To say that this is good or bad will not be correct, since everything depends on the specific situation. Let's talk about the pros and cons of skeptics a little further. The main thing to understand is that since they did not become extinct as a result of social evolution, this means that this type of personality has its own competitive advantages. Moreover, they took shape at the level of social thinking, claiming to be one of the ways of perceiving the world.

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So skepticism, as a philosophical doctrine , originated in Ancient Greece, in the period after Aristotle. The origins of this trend can be considered the works of the philosopher Xenophanes. Further, skepticism was formed under the influence of Pyrrho, Arcesilaus, Aenesidia, Agrippa and Sextus Empiricus, who doubted the possibility of finding the truth. If this is not possible, then it is better to be guided by the criteria of practical behavior, based on “reasonable probability”. The body of knowledge and views formed in the process of everyday life is called common sense. People should rely on it in any unclear situation.

Skepticism received a new round of development during the Renaissance , when European philosophers again became interested in the teachings of the ancient Greeks. This was caused by the rapid growth of knowledge and the expansion of human worldview, which required a balanced approach in its interpretation.

The scientific and technological revolution that began in the twentieth century only intensified the emergence of skeptics. In 1992, the international Society of Skeptics even emerged, which publishes its own magazine Skeptic, audio and video materials, holds speeches and conferences, and actively disseminates its ideas on the Internet. Astrologers, occultists, homeopaths, ufologists and other representatives of unconventional science get the most from them. On the one hand, this stops the activities of various charlatans, but on the other hand, it complicates the work of talented scientists who are trying to push the boundaries of science.

Do not confuse a pessimist and a skeptic. If the first one tries to exaggerate and find the bad, then the second one is simply looking for the truth. For example, in the case of meeting a girl. A pessimist will think that she is only interested for the money. A skeptic will question her sincerity, but after a series of checks and life situations, he can stop doubting.

Being a skeptic is not a bad thing, but in moderation. By allowing too much, you can significantly complicate your life and that of others. Fortunately, extreme skepticism is not so widespread. Moderate forms of this way of thinking are more common. We will talk in more detail about the classification of this personality type in the next section.

General information

A skeptic is a person who will not trust rumors or unverified information. This word has Greek roots, coming from “skeptikos”. Philosophers from Greece viewed the concept of skepticism as doubt about the capabilities of human thinking. Philosophers of antiquity found flaws in theories of knowledge, identified vulnerabilities, and called everything into question.

If we consider the modern vision, then a skeptic is a person who is always unsure of something, doubts the reliability of his environment, his attitude towards people is filled with mistrust. He will not declare that he knows the answer to this or that question, he will not reject something from the first minute, but he will not believe everything he hears either. First, he will carefully analyze the exciting issue, check the information, and find arguments, if any. Only after analyzing everything, speak about your opinion, share your judgments. Of course, one individual is not able to study all possible information and consider all the circumstances, but he does not need this. A person needs a certain amount of knowledge, which will be enough to come to the right opinion, which is, in fact, preliminary.

It is almost impossible to influence the opinion of such a person. Such a person always uses a balanced approach and does not give in to any emotions. This is why a skeptic manages to keep his life under control.

In a situation where everyone around is delighted with some news, a skeptical person will remain serious until evidence of this event is found. Such a person is particularly distrustful of positive, joyful news, but at the same time, he will not rush to give in to despondency in the case of negative news. In fact, a skeptic never obeys the first emotions that arise in his head; at first, his opinion remains neutral.

Sometimes the concept of pessimism is considered as a synonym for skepticism. Due to the characteristic gloominess, a skeptic can be confused with a pessimist. But, if the latter sees the bad in everything and always expects only a negative result, then the skeptic is determined to find the truth, and it can be both negative and positive.

The presence of a skeptic in a team can be ambiguously assessed. He is admired for the fact that he always defends his opinion, does not join someone else’s, his views remain independent, and is disliked for his behavior, which at times resembles tediousness.

Often skeptics turn out to be pedants. If such a person takes a leadership position, he will expect his employees to accurately complete tasks.

Skepticism turns out to be very appropriate in many professions, but in creative professions it is needed at a minimum, solely as self-criticism.

Children are true skeptics. Try to convince your child of the truthfulness of a certain phenomenon, and you will not succeed. He must see everything with his own eyes or experience it himself. For example, a situation when a child is asked not to touch something hot so as not to get burned, he will not understand this until he touches it and can feel on his own skin how painful it is. This is an example of the basic tenet of skepticism - any claim must be tested empirically.

Types of skeptics.

At the everyday level, there are several types of skeptics. This is a fairly general classification. Conventionally, they can be divided into doubters, moderates and pronounced ones . The first ones are not very different from an ordinary person, just a little more suspicious. The latter are much more likely to show skepticism and distrust, without overstepping some line of prudence. The tritium species demonstrates all the “charms” of a true skeptic, sometimes falling into paranoia and general denial.

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One type of skeptic can be considered cynical people who do not believe in the positive motives of human behavior. Cynicism develops in response to life situations that demonstrate the validity of such judgments. It is not typical for children, appearing and progressing in adulthood. Many leaders, as a rule, are distrustful and cynical people who are always calculating ulterior motives.

The extreme degree of skepticism can be considered nihilism - the complete denial of any types of knowledge. This approach has a destructive effect because it rejects any truths and foundations. A person with this type of thinking is characterized by an unsteadiness in his views, an extreme degree of mistrust and a complete denial of everything that is possible.

If we talk about skeptics in a global philosophical context, the most widespread is scientific skepticism , which rejects all judgments that cannot be proven experimentally.

This variety is the most productive , since it forms the foundation of science. A skeptic, by and large, is a classical scientist who denies all pseudoscientific hypotheses. One of the tools of scientific skepticism is called Occam's razor - a logical principle that cuts off any untenable views of the world.

A skeptic is a common phenomenon and you are likely to stumble across one anywhere. Let's talk further about how to quickly recognize this type of personality in an interlocutor.

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How to recognize a skeptic?

The fact that you are a skeptic can be determined fairly quickly. First of all, in the manner of communication. Such a person has reduced emotionality. He displays stubbornness and mistrust, which may even border on rudeness. Any new information immediately requires confirmation with facts, specific examples, and real-life situations. It is not enough for him to hear that the Earth is round. The skeptic wants to see this with his own eyes, at least in photographs from space. Although, in case of extreme skepticism, he will not even believe in the photo, believing that it is a fake and montage.

Physiognomy experts say that a skeptic can also be recognized externally. This type of personality corresponds to a thin physique and pointed facial features. This approach should not be absolutized, but there is a rational grain in it.

Portrait of skeptics

  1. Such a person has weak emotionality. A skeptic will not give in to emotions, he will be able to suppress them and engage in cold analysis.
  2. A skeptical person has a reserved and serious face almost all the time, but a smile can be seen very rarely.
  3. Beyond the area of ​​misunderstanding of such a person are otherworldly forces and supernatural events, representatives of other planets.
  4. Such a person cannot be calm about religious beliefs.
  5. Finding himself in an extreme situation, such a person will find himself in a stupor, because in order to make a decision, it is necessary to conduct a deep analysis, but there is no time for this.
  6. The qualities of a skeptic are directly imprinted on his relationships with people. At work he is considered a bore. The desire to criticize everyone around and question everything causes a negative reaction among colleagues. This leads to the skeptic becoming lonely.
  7. Arrogance and inflated self-esteem may develop.
  8. A skeptical person will not rely on the opinions of other people, he will not compromise.
  9. Building a romantic relationship with a pronounced skeptic is very problematic. A person who doubts everything will repeatedly check every action of a potential partner. It will be extremely difficult for a skeptic to trust someone and open up.

Positive features of this nature include:

  • it is impossible to manipulate such a person; techniques of suggestion are ineffective against him,
  • a skeptic will almost never become a victim of scammers and can easily uncover any deception,
  • the absence of impulsive actions saves you from rash decisions,
  • such an individual will never follow the crowd, so as not to differ from the main mass, he will be able to go against the established opinion,
  • the need to have evidence allows you to develop a research nature,
  • there is a desire for accuracy and diligence.

Is it good or bad to be a skeptic?

The main question of this topic is: is it good to be a skeptic? Definitely better than naive dupes. Perhaps constant doubts periodically complicate life, but they protect a person from rash actions.

The benefits of skeptics.

A skeptic is much less susceptible to suggestion and manipulation. He is less likely to become a victim of scams and advertising tricks. It is unlikely that such a person will believe in the sincerity of a street fortune teller, the next presidential candidate, or a sales agent obsessively promoting his product. Moreover, a skeptic will not believe that a ton of gasoline accidentally evaporated from a tank, and several hectares of forest themselves disappeared from the face of the Earth. These qualities make this type of temperament suitable for regulatory and law enforcement agencies, as well as auditors. But it also has its drawbacks, because not everyone wants to live with an “inspector” under the same roof.

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Disadvantages of skeptics.

The greatest manifestation of the shortcomings of this personality type occurs in the sphere of interpersonal relationships. Extreme suspicion and mistrust complicates communication with the opposite sex, friends and relatives. The meticulousness of a skeptic sometimes tires his interlocutors. After all, people do not always keep in mind the source of their knowledge; they cannot, at the first request, refer to factual material. Especially when it comes to generally accepted truths.

The skeptic himself is from time to time not happy with his character. For example, when you need to quickly make a decision, without analysis and long deliberation. And if, in response to shouts of “move away, the tree is falling,” the skeptic, in his characteristic manner, begins to meticulously analyze the correctness of the one shouting, he risks becoming the “hero” of the next news release. So, skepticism does not always protect a person from sad consequences.

How to deal with a skeptic?

First of all, you need to acquire a whole arsenal of arguments and facts. The skeptic loves clear reasons. If you offer him to do something, it is advisable to provide for all possible risks. For example, a last minute trip to Turkey for two appeared. Why is it so cheap? Perhaps others simply abandoned her? What if it’s not the season at sea now? There may be a million questions, and you need to be ready to answer them all.

On the other hand, having received a skeptic into your team, you can be sure that he will scrupulously calculate all options for the development of events and warn against possible pitfalls. This quality is very useful in any team, as it helps to correct the actions of romantics and idealists, “grounding” their wild imagination.

Models of interaction between a skeptic and others

The traits of a skeptic are reflected in the nature of his relationships with other people.
In the team he is often called a bore. The desire to criticize and question regularly causes negative reactions from others and leads to loneliness. Against this background, skepticism is accompanied by the development of arrogance and increased self-esteem. It is difficult for a skeptic to rely on someone else's opinion. He rarely accepts authority without compelling reasons that he can double-check personally. Doesn't compromise. However, if a person acquires respect in his eyes due to good reasons, he shows loyalty and devotion.

Building a lasting romantic relationship with a true skeptic is quite problematic. You can immediately forget about such a phenomenon as love at first sight. A doubtful person will repeatedly check and double-check every step and gesture of a potential partner. It is unlikely that he will be able to fully open up and trust another person.

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