Cause of facial swelling on one side causes

Urticaria (urticaria on the face) is a dangerous dermatological disease that requires emergency treatment. The disease is caused by allergens. After harmful agents penetrate the body, the face itches, turns red, and swells. Swelling instantly spreads to the neck and chest area, causing suffocation.

In critical situations, Quincke's edema develops - a dangerous symptom that leads to death. To avoid catastrophic consequences, you need to urgently visit a doctor. The doctor will identify the allergen and prescribe medications.

What it is

Hives are a skin irritation that causes reddish blisters to form on the body. Rashes on inflamed areas of the skin resemble nettle burns.

Redness on the face occurs with various types of allergies. Itchy blisters occur against the background of certain pathological processes occurring in the body. Hives often appear after experiencing stress.

It is very difficult to identify and treat the cause of itching on the face with swelling and redness. Red blisters and swelling resulting from various negative factors are an alarming signal. Swelling due to allergies can instantly spread and cause suffocation. A patient who does not receive medical care on time may die.

The left side of the face is swollen, what is it?

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The soft tissues of the human face contain few fibers of connective tissue partitions. Therefore, swelling that appears locally, for example, under the eye or near the ear, can spread to a fairly large area. The entire adjacent side of the face, the right or left half of the neck swells.


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This is especially noticeable under the eye, since the orbital part of the eye sockets is covered only by soft tissue with virtually no muscle underneath. That is why, when struck or injured in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, victims experience a “symptom of glasses” - bruising and swelling of both eyes.

So, why might the right side of the face swell? It is necessary to understand the reasons; only in this case will it be possible to provide qualified assistance and help get rid of the disease.

We should briefly dwell on such points as:

  • excessive fluid intake on the eve of bedtime;
  • abuse of alcohol, salty or fried foods;
  • insufficient content of vitamins and fiber in the diet;
  • overeating in the evening;
  • chronic lack of sleep, insomnia.

All of the above conditions are characterized by swelling of the face, but, as a rule, it is uniform. It is expressed by general puffiness, pallor of the skin, and more swelling under the eyes. Asymmetry of fluid accumulation in soft tissues is rare in these conditions.

Typically, the cause of swelling on one side or another of the face lies in the presence of some concomitant pathology or condition of the body. They are divided into two large groups: general and local.

Sleeping on your left side

The most common and at the same time harmless reason is your love of sleeping exclusively (or mostly) on your left side. Then the fluid accumulates in the tissues on the left side, on the left half of the face. Some advice would be to change your sleeping position more often or better sleep on your back so as not to see swelling on your face in the morning.

Swelling of the right or left side of the face

Some doctors attribute facial swelling to manifestations of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis or renal failure. 1. Consuming salt in food in large quantities (more than 5g per day) can cause swelling of the face, because fluid is retained in the body.

If the pillow height is incorrect, lymphatic and blood vessels can be pinched, which certainly leads to the formation of edema.

Allergic swelling of the face is very dangerous, because... If you react with an allergen, you may experience angioedema. Low-quality cosmetics can clog pores and thereby disrupt the natural breathing of the skin, which leads to swelling and redness.

Face hurts - causes of pain

The trigeminal nerve always greatly influences the human nervous system; the face has a wide network of nerve endings, each nerve node is connected into a network. Connected preganglionic fibers, which are located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord, go to the cervical angle.

Some of the fibers approach the cranial nodes - pterygopalatine, auricular, ciliary and others, if they are not broken. Innervation is carried out by the brain stem and the nerve nuclei of different cranial nerves, each nerve approaches a specific zone and turns into a network of nerves, from which the fibers are directed to the ganglia.

The nerve ganglion is a formation of nerves, a reflex center, it includes motor, sensitive, sympathetic and other cells. When the node is affected, the person experiences various symptoms of facial pain. Severe autonomic reaction, redness, sweating, hyperesthesia. The ganglia are connected to the ternary nerve.

A ganglion is a bundle of nerves, the ganglion has a sheath and connects cells and tissues. Pathologies in the neck, head, face, and other external parts of the body can cause facial pain on the left and right sides .

There is a classification of facial pain, each part of the face is responsible for a disease of some organ, or can be the cause of a specific disease, so they created a classification of points and zones on the face that are responsible for a disease or for specific human organs.

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis)

Quite often, swelling of the soft tissues of the face occurs with sinusitis. This effect is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the maxillary sinuses. As a result of inflammation of the latter, the pathological process can also involve nearby tissues.

With sinusitis, redness and swelling can form in the form of:

  • strong “bags” under the eyes;
  • swelling of eye tissue;
  • swelling and redness of the cheeks.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of drug therapy - since facial swelling occurs not only with sinusitis, but also with the common cold - it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​the typical symptoms of the disease. This:

  • prolonged, untreatable runny nose;
  • suppuration from the nose;
  • temperature;
  • headache;
  • pain felt in the eye and ear area (if sinusitis is one-sided);
  • a feeling of fullness in the area of ​​the inflamed maxillary sinus.

If there is no adequate treatment for sinusitis, then the acute form transforms into chronic. The symptoms of chronic sinusitis are somewhat “erased”: swelling of the soft tissues of the face subsides, but the pathological runny nose does not stop.


Symptoms of urticaria

If hives are caused by an allergy, swelling of the face is severe. The skin instantly swells. There are no external manifestations of the development of urticaria (except for swelling and redness). This is what makes the disease dangerous.

The person's condition is rapidly deteriorating. The allergic reaction develops catastrophically. It results in anaphylactic shock, leading to death.

It is important not to confuse the symptoms of urticaria with signs of other pathologies. Allergies are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • swelling develops rapidly, covers the entire facial part, the patient becomes ill in front of his eyes;
  • the patient has a fever;
  • symptoms of the disease appear instantly; with urticaria, the epithelium, subcutaneous fat, and mucous membranes undergo changes;
  • It does not always happen that the face is completely swollen and red; sometimes only the oral cavity is involved in the pathological process (the tongue swells to such an extent that the patient loses the ability to speak, close his mouth, or breathe freely).

In severe cases, the allergy is accompanied by:

  • shortness of breath;
  • damage to the meninges;
  • disruption of systemic blood flow;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • collapse.

To eliminate allergic swelling, you need to understand the mechanism of blisters and swelling. Allergens that enter the body activate the production of antibodies - proteins that can destroy foreign substances.

Upon repeated interaction, allergic agents combine with antibodies, which leads to the production of bioactive substances. These compounds increase the permeability of vascular walls. Fluid from the bloodstream leaks into the surrounding tissue. An allergy develops, in which the face itches, turns red and swells.

Self-medicating for allergies, even if they are mild, is extremely dangerous. A doctor should determine the symptoms of urticaria and prescribe treatment.

Causes of facial swelling

We list the main causes of facial swelling:

  • the face most often swells due to fluid retention by the body;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, liver pathologies, endocrine disorders;
  • vitamin deficiency, basal metabolic disorders;
  • improperly selected diets, prolonged fasting, lack of sleep, overwork of the body;
  • evening edema, as a rule, is of cardiac origin;
  • morning swelling often signals kidney problems;
  • drinking alcohol the day before, or drinking alcohol in general;
  • allergic nature of swelling (reaction to drugs, foods, animals);
  • blood clots or narrowing of the superior vena cava;
  • infectious lesions of the nasopharynx and oral cavity;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • insufficient blood supply to the head during sleep due to an incorrectly selected pillow or unnatural sleeping position;
  • presence of chronic hypertension, development of hypertensive crisis;
  • improper use of cosmetics or abuse of them.

Causes of urticaria

There are many reasons why the face swells and the eyes become reddish; tissues can swell due to various pathological processes occurring in the body. Swelling is the result of an immediate reaction to allergic agents, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, water-salt imbalance, and increased vascular permeability.

The main causes of swelling on the face due to allergies include exposure to:

  • medicines;
  • food (swelling may appear after eating nuts, citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, seafood, chicken eggs and other foods);
  • chemicals;
  • cosmetics;
  • flower pollen.

Allergies are caused by physical factors:

  • a sharp change in temperature (pathology is caused by cold and solar radiation);
  • contact with animals (pet hair causes irritation);
  • dust mites.

We recommend additional reading: Swelling of the nose from allergies
Allergies occur if a person is bitten by an insect (spider, wasp, bee, bumblebee). Most often, the skin swells after consuming foods and medications with a high allergenic potential.

The first symptoms of allergies are very similar to the signs that occur with cardiovascular, renal and liver pathologies. But if the response is caused by allergens, the facial tissues and tongue swell, and protruding veins are visible.

Why does the face swell when sick?

The main cause of facial swelling in women is the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular space, but a variety of factors can provoke this.
If the situation is not pathological (not associated with the development of any internal pathology), then most often they appear at the age of 30-40 years. Noticing the periodic formation of facial puffiness, you don’t have to worry, but regularly appearing swelling should be the reason for a visit to the doctor for examination. Only by eliminating the cause will it be possible to get rid of the phenomenon in question forever.

If the face is swollen on the right side or only the left in the morning, then we are talking about unilateral swelling, which can be caused by sleeping on one side, especially if a lot of liquid or salty food was consumed in the evening. Typically, such puffiness disappears within an hour after waking up, but if this phenomenon persists for a longer time, then it is worth visiting a doctor. Possible pathological causes of unilateral swelling in the morning:

  • diseases of the middle ear (otitis);
  • pathologies of the throat (tonsillitis of a chronic nature, occurring with frequent exacerbations);
  • sinusitis (extremely rarely “triggered” as a provoking factor, but this possibility should not be excluded);
  • dental problems – gum inflammation, caries, pulpitis.

Mumps (mumps)

Swelling of one side of the face can also be caused by trigeminal neuralgia (pinching of the facial nerve), but this pathology is accompanied by severe pain, facial asymmetry (the corner of the mouth leads), so a visit to the doctor is inevitable.

A woman’s face can become very swollen due to menstruation, sleep disturbances, and stress. With such phenomena, the immune system in the body begins to malfunction; opportunistic or pathogenic microorganisms present in the cells do not die, but actively multiply, and the result will be tissue inflammation and swelling.

Additionally, during menstruation, natural fluid retention occurs, and stress leads to a sharp and powerful release of adrenaline. This substance slows down the removal of fluid from the body; it most often accumulates in the area of ​​the cheeks, lips, and eyes.

Severe swelling of the face can also be associated with drinking liquid in large quantities - for example, if you drank tea, coffee, or rosehip drinks at night.

It is worth paying attention to the following nuances:

  • Is facial puffiness evenly distributed?
  • how quickly the swelling goes away after waking up;
  • Does it become less pronounced after washing with cool water?

If the listed factors are present, then you don’t have to worry about the pathological nature of the problem. But you need to reconsider your drinking regime, sleep time, control your menstrual cycle (exclude irregularities), and minimize stress.

The main cause of facial swelling during illness is a disruption in the functioning of the immune system. It simply cannot cope with the existing microorganisms (pathogenic or opportunistic) in the tissues, the lymphatic system begins to work intensively, but there is no normal outflow of fluid.

Even a common cold without an increase in body temperature and occurring in a mild form can provoke puffiness of the face, but in some cases the condition in question can become a characteristic symptom of internal pathologies.

Most often, swelling on the face forms due to kidney diseases, and they are also the easiest to diagnose:

  • the swelling is large and has no clear boundaries;
  • the place of puffiness is distinguished by the pale color of the epidermis;
  • The lesions are localized under the eyes and around the nose.

Edema in kidney diseases
A puffy face with the above symptoms is not always a sign of chronic pathologies in the kidneys. Often there is a short-term disruption in the functioning of this paired organ, and this can be provoked by:

  • a large amount of liquid drunk before bedtime - tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks and even ordinary clean water significantly slow down the functioning of the entire excretory system of the body;
  • smoked, pickled and fried foods eaten late in the evening - the stomach is overloaded, the process of removing waste and toxins practically stops;
  • salt that enters the body with food and drinks slows down kidney function.

Similar swelling can also be caused by endocrine disorders - for example, they are characteristic of diseases of the thyroid gland and pancreas. Facial puffiness occurs especially often in diabetes mellitus.


Lymphatic edema is a fairly serious pathology that can develop against the background of the growth of tumors (benign, malignant, localized in the head and neck area), proliferation of connective tissue (if there have been injuries to the face/neck), and the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in soft tissues. This type of edema is characterized by:

  • swelling without clear boundaries and exact location;
  • thickening of the neck;
  • compaction of individual areas on the face (“balls”, “bumps” can be felt with fingers);
  • increase in facial size;
  • smoothing the facial contour.

Lymphatic edema indicates disturbances in the functioning of the entire lymphatic system - perhaps there is a blockage of blood vessels, or a pathological process is occurring in the cervical lymph nodes. They appear regularly and have nothing to do with consuming large amounts of liquid or junk food.

Such puffiness is not always a sign of serious pathologies, because it can appear due to excessive body weight (obesity of the 2-3rd degree), and against the background of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

If swelling of the arms or legs is noted against the background of puffiness of the face, this may indicate:

  • renal pathologies – pyelonephritis, urolithiasis in the acute stage;
  • high blood pressure;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

Deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities
Often swelling of the limbs and face is a consequence of prolonged standing. This is typical for representatives of some professions - cooks, teachers, operating doctors and others. Often their swelling is a sign of developing varicose veins and thrombosis, so monitoring their health is mandatory.

There is a temperature

Increased body temperature and swelling of the face are a sign of a progressive inflammatory or infectious process in the body. Even if it is a common cold at the beginning of its development, facial puffiness will be present in the morning.

Often, the combination of the symptoms in question indicates a hidden course of the malignant process, so the persistence of symptoms for 30 days without pronounced positive dynamics is a reason to undergo a full examination.

Some women experience swelling of the face and increased body temperature - the body’s reaction to pregnancy, when it is perceived as a pathological process. In this case, symptoms persist throughout the first trimester.

Reactive (sudden) swelling of the face in medicine is called “angioneurotic” and is considered a fairly serious condition - if it spreads to the mucous membranes of the mouth and larynx, the woman may experience difficulty breathing. This swelling can be allergic or non-allergic and develops against the background of:

  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • starting hormone replacement therapy;
  • rapid increase in blood pressure;
  • acute heart failure.

Quincke's edema
There is no way to get rid of this edema on your own; emergency medical care is required.

Hormonal edema

Hormonal edema often worries women over the age of 20. They may be associated with pregnancy, abortion, and menstrual irregularities. Doctors often assess such swelling as temporary and not requiring medication; it is enough to adjust your daily routine and diet. This type is characterized by:

  • uneven facial puffiness;
  • damage to the upper part of the face;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • slight dizziness.

a) Myxedema face with hypothyroidism;
b) After a course of hormotherapy At the age of 40 years and older, hormonal edema occurs against the background of menopause, but in this case it will be necessary to undergo a course of drug therapy and level out the level of synthesis of female hormones. In this case, medications are prescribed by an endocrinologist-gynecologist.

If the face not only swells, but also “burns,” then most likely this is how the body reacts to irritants. If symptoms are present on the surface of the entire face and spread to the neck and décolleté area, then it is worth looking for the allergen in nature. It can be:

  • plant pollen;
  • Poplar fluff;
  • low or high air temperatures;
  • direct sunlight.

Swelling and burning in the upper part of the face often appear after using low-quality, inappropriate decorative or caring cosmetics. And these same manifestations in the lips, mouth and throat are a sign of eating allergenic foods/drinks: strawberries, oranges, chocolate, carbonated sweet water, and so on.

In this case, the problem can only be solved with antihistamines, because cool compresses and any other folk remedies will only provide short-term relief.

The peculiarity of cardiac swelling of the face is that it never occurs suddenly, but begins in the lower extremities. The skin in places of puffiness acquires a bluish tint. If the swelling begins to spread throughout the body and reaches the face, then the woman develops heart failure and there is a pronounced narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels. This condition is fraught with heart attacks, strokes, hypertensive crises, and respiratory failure.

Typically, cardiac edema occurs against the background of chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system, and if their treatment is carried out competently and in strict accordance with the doctor’s prescription, then this can really be avoided.

Facial swelling due to liver problems is also easy to diagnose:

  • arranged randomly;
  • have a red tint;
  • visually identified as bulges.

Liver edema appears and disappears on its own and is in no way related to food intake or the quality of food, but can form much more often if alcoholic beverages are present in a woman’s life.

Nose fracture



Allergic conjunctivitis


Superior vena cava syndrome

Cushing's syndrome


Causes of itching

Redness and itching occurs on the face for a simple reason. Blood with a high concentration of irritating substances flows to the receptors located in the epithelium:

  • histamine;
  • bile acids;
  • serotonin;
  • cytokine;
  • endorphins;
  • nitrogen poisons;
  • hormones produced by the thyroid gland;
  • enzymes synthesized by the pancreas.

The release of histamine is triggered by allergens. Due to this substance, an allergy with swelling of the face to food, sun, animals, medicines, etc. develops. If the face is swollen, covered in a rash, red, and itchy, the doctor may suspect the development of some kind of liver pathology. Bile acids released in large quantities often provoke the development of allergies.

The swelling covers the entire facial area or is localized to a specific area. Only the cheek, eyelids or lips are involved in the pathological process.

Local diseases

An increase in the size of the right side of the face due to edema is most often a reason to consult a specialized specialist. Local causes of this pathology may be:

  • neuritis of the trigeminal or facial nerve;
  • pathology of ENT organs;
  • inflammation of the salivary glands;
  • dental diseases;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diseases of the central nervous system involving peripheral nerves;
  • osteochondrosis or other diseases of the cervical spine;
  • tumor pathologies of various localizations.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of facial swelling on the right side, only a doctor can determine this.

Why is uneven, one-sided swelling under the eye, for example, a reason to consult a neurologist? Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve can be caused by a variety of pathologies. Starting from dental problems and ending with banal hypothermia.

And if you suspect neuritis of the facial nerve because, in addition to pastiness on the affected side, there is also muscle paralysis and distortion of facial expressions, then with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, swelling is accompanied by headaches, toothaches, and there may be a painful sensation in the ear. Consultation with a neurologist is necessary in any case.

What is the danger of facial swelling due to allergies?

Angioedema of the larynx and face is the most dangerous manifestation of allergies. Respiratory failure causes shortness of breath and suffocation. Quincke's edema is often the cause of death.

If you experience coughing or difficulty breathing, you should immediately seek medical help. Only a doctor can prevent severe damage to the body. Immediate action is required when hives develop on a child's face. Allergies accompanied by edema are especially dangerous for children in the first 3 years of life.

With allergies, swelling occurs not only on the lips or other parts of the face, it can also affect the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the patient develops abdominal pain, diarrhea, signs of peritonitis, and abdominal syndrome.

With the development of allergic reactions, the functioning of the genitourinary system is disrupted. Patients indicate difficulty urinating. If swelling of the facial area affects the meninges, death occurs.

It is imperative to identify the allergen, otherwise the disease will progress to the chronic stage. The next time the irritant enters the body, a relapse will inevitably occur.

Help with swelling

Elimination of facial edema should only occur against the background of etiological treatment of the cause that caused it. In no case, unless there was an injury or bruise, should you apply any lotions, ice, or the like.

It is necessary to seek help from specialists if pasty enlargement of the right side of the face is accompanied by alarming symptoms:

  • headaches, toothaches, earaches;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • blurred vision;
  • violation of olfactory functions;
  • increased temperature, symptoms of general intoxication;
  • motor and/or speech disorders.

Self-medication or ignoring a symptom such as unilateral facial swelling can lead to dire consequences. Timely treatment and receipt of etiologically based treatment will help identify or prevent serious diseases.


Drug treatment

You cannot independently look for a way to remove an allergy that has caused swelling on your face. Competent assistance can only be provided in a medical institution. It is necessary to identify the allergen and prevent it from entering the body in the future. Recurrent allergies worsen health and cause complications.

Ointment and cream for facial redness

To treat moderate swelling on the face due to allergies, creams and ointments are used that can remove excess fluid. Swelling, redness, itching and burning on the face disappear if applied to the skin:

  • Heparin ointment;
  • Venolife;
  • Hepatrombin;
  • Lyoton.

Ointments with herbal extracts effectively eliminate allergic redness (hyperemia or erythema) on the facial skin:

  • Dr. Theiss Venen gel;
  • Venitan-gel;
  • Rescuer.

Vishnevsky ointment successfully fights allergic rashes on the face; treatment is continued until the rash completely disappears.

Elidel cream provides a good therapeutic effect. The drug inhibits the synthesis of inflammatory mediators and cytokines in mast cells. As a result, the inflammatory process in the tissues subsides.

For severe swelling caused by allergies, corticosteroid ointments are prescribed. Potent medications that can suppress inflammation, reduce sensitivity to allergens, and relieve itching. Patients are prescribed Mikozolon; the instructions for using the ointment indicate that problem areas should be treated 1-2 times a day.

The frequency of use of the product is influenced by the severity of the allergy. The course of treatment lasts 2-5 weeks. The hormonal drug is used strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

The instructions for using Mikozolon ointment note that with prolonged use, stretch marks, cross-allergy, and skin atrophy may appear (if necessary, patients are prescribed analogues: Zalain, Candide, Ketodin, Lomexin, Nizoral, Econazole).

Preparations for relieving skin allergies

For emergency treatment of blisters and swelling on the face caused by allergies, use:

  1. Sorbents. The medicine neutralizes allergens and removes toxins from the body. Enterosgel is used for treatment.
  2. Corticosteroids. To treat angioedema on the face, Prednisolone or Dexamethasone is used. Potent medications immediately relieve angioedema (angioedema of the face), eliminate suffocation, and restore breathing.
  3. Diuretics. Diuretics remove excess fluid and relieve swelling due to allergies. Patients are prescribed Mannitol and Lasix.
  4. Antihistamines. These medications are prescribed to treat allergic swelling of the face. They instantly suppress itching and inflammation. Patients are prescribed fast-acting tablets: Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolfen, Diphenhydramine, Zyrtec.

We recommend further reading: Swelling of the nasal mucosa: symptoms, causes and treatment

After urgent elimination of edema, further therapy is necessary. The doctor decides what to do to eliminate the rash on the face. Most often, patients are prescribed Fexofenadine or Cetirizine for 1.5-2 weeks.

When does the face swell during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, a pregnant woman experiences a change in hormonal balance, water-salt metabolism is rearranged, and the need for additional fluid increases, since the body now needs a much larger volume of blood than before, and it should also be less viscous. For this, as well as for many other reasons, swelling is common to most pregnant women.

Slight swelling of the face, especially in the second half of pregnancy, is a completely physiological condition. However, it is always better to play it safe, especially in such an “interesting” situation, and consult your gynecologist. You may have to undergo some tests to rule out diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, and liver pathologies, which can begin at almost any time.

During pregnancy, the load on organs and systems increases significantly, so it is extremely important to diagnose the problem in time and solve it, avoiding negative effects on the body of the expectant mother and the developing fetus.

Proper nutrition

In many cases, a diet helps get rid of hives on the face; if the patient eats properly, there is no question of how to treat the allergy.

Table: List of prohibited and permitted products

Products containing allergensHypoallergenic products
CitrusFruits and berries not included in the list of prohibited
Fish and seafoodBuckwheat, rice, rolled oats
Fatty meats, chickenLean beef and lamb
NutsDried fruits
Products with cocoaGreen tea
Smoked meatsVegetable oil
Red vegetables, fruits and berriesZucchini, squash, green apples, plums, watermelons
Chicken eggsPumpkin
Cow's milkFermented milk products
HoneySugar (in very small quantities)
BakingRye flour bread

If a product is found that causes hives, it is excluded from the diet completely. When an allergen cannot be detected, a strict hypoallergenic diet is followed when eating.

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