Find out what the girl was offended by. How to teach a girl to discuss problems and explain that there is no point in being offended

How to teach a girl to discuss problems and explain that there is no point in being offended

Hello, dear men! It is very difficult to understand a woman, even when she is in a good mood. What to do if a girl is offended and remains silent? How to understand the reason for her such behavior, correctly ask for forgiveness and fix everything? Today I propose to talk about what offense is, what women usually take offense at, and how you can behave in a given situation.

The main causes of women's grievances

To understand how to act in a given situation, you need to identify the main reasons for girls’ touchiness. It is worth noting that resentment is one of the methods of manipulation. Very often, girls feel offended as a protest against some action of a man, his firm conviction, affirmation. Thus, a girl can achieve what she wants through resentment. This option works against men, first of all. Of course, if a young man is not indifferent to this girl, he will follow her lead. Or, at least, he will soften his views and eliminate categoricalness. Very often, girls use insult tactics in the following situations.


The perception of relationships differs between men and women. Many young people, without knowing it, make a number of mistakes in relation to a girl. This often happens unconsciously. In trying to prove that they are right, men only make the situation worse. In this case, the girl’s offense looks like revenge for misunderstanding, lack of attempt to understand. Sometimes, resentment helps young people open their eyes. And, in the future, he will no longer make such mistakes. It could be a bad joke or a rude statement. Simply not shaking hands when exiting a vehicle can give rise to deep resentment in a girl. After all, this gesture is regarded as disrespect for the female sex, and for the girl in particular.

Lack of attention

Very often girls lack male attention. All day long a man is at work (study), and in the evening he immerses himself in the virtual world of games. It is these toys that cause maximum negativity among girls. It is not difficult to be offended in such cases. Toys that can provoke resentment include a car, a mobile phone, and other modern gadgets. In such situations, a man must correctly prioritize, highlight the main and the secondary.

Relationship problems

Grievances regarding dissatisfaction with relationships can be considered quite serious and not unreasonable. These are more likely not grievances, but griefs and frustrations. They appear when the relationship between young people is long enough, but does not move to another level. The reluctance to get to know the girl’s parents, the reluctance to introduce the chosen one to her parents, often causes serious grievances that bring discord to the relationship as a whole. Also, such a reaction can be provoked by the reluctance of men to create a full-fledged family and walk a girl down the aisle. Naturally, such a statement only applies if the relationship lasts more than one year.

Other reasons for grievances

Girls can also become offended due to misunderstandings in the intimate sphere of life. A man who cares only about receiving pleasure and satisfaction in his direction will always have an offended partner next to him. Sometimes, some statements and jokes during sex are inappropriate. A girl expects relaxation, affection, pleasure from intimacy, and not focusing on stories and jokes. Sometimes, representatives of the fairer sex choose such a method of manipulation as resentment in cases where they understand that they themselves are to blame for something. So, the young man will be ashamed of the showdown, and he will be able to forget about his offense.

What is resentment

Why do people get offended by other people? Most often this happens due to unjustified expectations. For example, a girl is waiting for you to appreciate how good she looks today. I dressed up especially for you, and you didn’t even notice. It is precisely at this moment that she is offended that you did not pay attention to her efforts.

Or the son is offended by his mother because she didn’t see how clean the house was. It turns out that all his efforts were in vain? To be offended means not to receive the expected reaction to your actions. We simply imagine a possible version of events in our heads and then give a certain reaction to the correspondence or non-compliance with our ideas.

Of course, resentment is also present in a situation with betrayal, which, in essence, is also unjustified hopes. For example, Marina would never have thought that her best friend would climb into bed with her boyfriend. It’s a sin not to be offended by this.

When a person greatly offends our feelings, then resentment also comes. The degree is always different, you can be offended for no reason, just to attract attention or be capricious, or you can stop talking to a person after he has acted ugly and meanly.

But resentment is solely the choice of the person himself. In any situation, there are always two ways out: to be offended or to talk and clarify the issue. And it is the person himself who chooses the first option with resentment. He closes himself off, doesn’t talk and doesn’t want to find out anything. It's just his choice.

What are women offended by?

It is almost impossible to understand why a woman is holding a grudge, especially if she doesn’t say anything. One of my friends constantly claims that she never gets offended by her boyfriend. But one day I noticed that she was stubbornly ignoring his attempts to contact her for the third day now. To my legitimate question “why?” she simply replied - next time she will think before looking at the waitress's butt.

Some girls get offended over trifles, trying to attract your attention in this way. Yes Yes. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, the fact remains a fact. Women have one peculiarity: they want you to guess about their desires on your own. What's the point of getting attention if you beg for it? Do you get the point?

Of course, girls get offended if you pay even a drop of attention to other young ladies, especially your exes. It's just a disaster. The girl considers herself the center of your universe and only around her you need to dance and jump. But these are, of course, the most neglected options.

If your madam is constantly offended just like that, for no reason, then try to think about why you need such a relationship at all. And my article “How to test a girl for love” will help you in this matter.

Often girls are offended by your inattention. For example, she asked you a million times to fix the lock on the closet. But you still have no time for him, either work, or play the console and hang out with friends. And then the moment comes when she can no longer stand it and stops talking to you in order to somehow convey her request to you.

It also happens that resentment spreads from one person to another. For example, she was offended by your friend because he called her ugly. And this has already transferred to you in the form - you did not stand up for me, friends are more important to you, and so on.

But don’t think that all young ladies are offended for no reason. Your rudeness or barbs, inappropriate humor, refusal to help, bad action - all this can lead to offense. Give your beloved a lot of attention and she will stop being offended so often. Don't know how to do this? No problem. I have a fantastic article for you - “How to please your wife.”

Reasons why a girl stopped loving you

In addition to looking for signs in the girl herself, try to introspect and understand why this might have happened and what needs to be corrected so that the relationship begins to improve again.

There can be many reasons, here are just a few of them.

Girl doesn't get enough attention

Among guys, the problem of fading feelings is no less common than among girls. In addition, this is quite common for people - after the couple has already been formed and there is no need to woo anyone, stop trying to surprise or devote less time to the relationship.

Lost emotional intimacy

If you stop communicating closely, discussing your plans and ideas for the future, all contacts come down only to everyday issues, and your relationship is more like the life together of two unfamiliar people, then sooner or later the girl will feel it. This can also cause it to cool down.

She started getting attention on the side

As a rule, this point appears after the previous one. Not receiving enough attention in a relationship, a woman may find someone who will look after her. This relationship will probably not last long, but the emotions that she will experience at that moment can completely destroy your relationship.

Getting into a Routine

This is another possible reason for the separation. Constantly repeating evenings, leisure, entertainment, the same food - all this will constantly get boring. At the same time, the quality of these components is completely unimportant - even the best food and the most favorite movie will cause rejection for the tenth time.

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Lack of support

Every person needs support, even in the most ambitious and difficult endeavors. If your friend does not feel supported, and you only smile skeptically at her plans to open her own restaurant or get a management position in a local company, this may become a motivation for her to look for help elsewhere, but not from you.

Excessive control

If you have removed all her friends from her, forced her to block all the guys on social networks, and she must report on her every step with a call or message, most likely this will not last long. Constant control will cause tension in the girl. This will inevitably lead to quarrels and other problems in the relationship.

Laughter has disappeared from your relationship

The more a girl laughs at your jokes, the more she will want to continue communication. If communication with her has turned into dry conversations on everyday topics, instead of which she would rather watch a movie or sit on social networks, then this is a reason to change something.

You don't accept compromises

Proving your own rightness and insisting on your point of view in every little detail, especially if it ends in quarrels, sooner or later this will lead to the fact that it will be easier for a girl not to start a conversation at all than to endure scandals.

A little humor: some keep a man with marriage, some with a child, some with threats. And mine got into my confidence, installed Linux on my computer, and now I can’t get away from it, because if something goes wrong in this Linux, I don’t know what I’ll do without a guy.

It is also possible that the relationship has simply outlived its usefulness. For example, your goals may differ - a woman may want to have a child, while you are not yet ready for such a step and would like to get a better job. If in this case it is not possible to reach a compromise, the best solution would be to either put the relationship on hold or break up.

What can be done

Of course, the most common option is to ask for forgiveness, apologize beautifully, give a gift and forget about this awkward moment. If the offense is not serious, then this option is quite viable. But if you hurt her much deeper, you won’t be able to get by with a simple bouquet.

Do you want to become a master in this matter, understand what to write and what gift to give? Read the article “How to ask your wife for forgiveness.”

You can succumb to this provocation, or you can turn the situation into a more advantageous position for both of you.

Teach her to talk to you. Explain that you are not a psychic. That when she doesn’t answer, stops talking to you, doesn’t call or write for a long time, you don’t understand what’s going on. If she asks you, don’t you understand why I was offended? - answer honestly - no, I don’t understand, please explain to me.

Only you yourself must do the same. Do not harbor a grudge against her, but directly and honestly say what in her behavior confuses you or does not please you at all, what you would like to change and how this can be done. Reciprocity is the key to a healthy and happy relationship.

What to do if a girl is offended and doesn’t want to talk?

Most women are more prone to grievances and emotional outbursts than men. Moreover, sometimes it is difficult to understand the true reasons for a girl’s behavior. In all cases, the first sign of a lady's dissatisfaction is her silence and complete lack of desire to communicate with the guy. The behavior of a young man in this situation depends on the cause of the quarrel. If a man is not to blame, his companion is simply trying to manipulate him or test how morally steadfast he is, then one should not pay attention to her manner of behavior. And when the girl calms down, then you need to give her an emotional boost: hug her, talk about her feelings. In a situation where the young man is to blame, first of all, you need to let the girl be alone and calm down. Then talk calmly and honestly about everything, explain the reasons for your action. In order to make amends, you can do some incredible romantic act that she does not expect at all.

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There are a very large number of reasons for women’s grievances. However, there are those that occur most often:

  • A man looks at other women. Not a single lady in the world will tolerate or forgive a situation when her lover examines another girl with interest and sparkle in his eyes. You should be especially careful if your loved one is nearby. After all, what can she think about a man’s behavior when she is far away, if something like this happens in her presence? Sometimes you can hear women smiling sweetly and saying that they are even happy when a man looks at other girls. They explain their behavior by the fact that he has not yet lost interest in life. This is not true, because in reality they are also very offended.
  • The man does not want to develop a relationship. A woman's resentment may be caused by the fact that she does not see the guy's serious intentions. He does not want to introduce her to his parents and tries in every possible way to avoid meeting the mother and father of the girl he loves. The woman will remain silent, but her mood can be easily guessed by how abruptly the plate of dinner is served, her facial expression during lovemaking. It’s better not to let the situation get so intense and decide to take a serious step.
  • Not enough attention. Every woman craves to receive from her beloved many signs of attention, compliments, manifestations of tenderness and care. This is especially true for relationships in bed. You shouldn’t immediately ask her to do something new and unusual for her. This requires tact, patience, restraint, eloquence and wit. You should not brush your stubble before having sex, as it will prick and cause discomfort. This may be perceived as indifference to your loved one. Telling jokes and funny stories in bed is a bad idea. After sex, you should never turn your back to the girl and fall asleep. You shouldn't be a stale cracker. You should not be afraid and not be lazy to tell your beloved about how beautiful, smart, kind, and gentle she is. You should show your romantic feelings, hug, kiss, and say nice words.

Women's resentment becomes a frequent companion of relationships between lovers. It is difficult for men to understand the behavior of their beloved girl, since everything was fine, but suddenly she became offended, remains silent and does not want to talk.

The main thing in such a situation is to really assess the reasons for such behavior. If there is no serious reason for resentment, and the offended woman throws up a scandal for no reason just like that, then this is one of the ways of female manipulation. A touchy girl tests a guy's willpower and feelings. If a young man immediately comes running and asks for forgiveness, then he will sharply lower his self-esteem and the way he looks in the eyes of his beloved.

Girls like this behavior from guys, but the problem is that they begin to treat such men as henpecked. They cease to arouse interest in the opposite sex.

Sometimes a girl tells a guy that he doesn’t love her, doesn’t appreciate her, and begins to cry, throw a tantrum, and provoke her into a quarrel. In such a situation, you should not succumb to the girl’s emotional breakdowns. You can do nothing, but go about your business.

But as soon as your beloved calms down, you must immediately give her emotional reinforcement: hug, kiss, say compliments and good words. This is a very important point that many people do not pay attention to. Even if the girl has calmed down, you need to show your feelings. Otherwise, she will think that her boyfriend does not need her and will leave him.

If causeless insults continue for more than one week, and the girl is constantly offended, then the young man should think about whether such a relationship has a future.

Regardless of the reason for the offense, if the guy understands that he is wrong, and the offense is justified, then you first need to calmly and firmly ask her why she was offended. In response, the beloved will remain silent. In this case, you need to once again ask about the reasons for her behavior. If after this the companion remains silent, then the best solution would be to leave her alone for a while. She needs to be alone and think about the current situation, analyze all the circumstances.

What to do if a girl is offended

It is not easy to know how to behave after a quarrel or statement of grievances. First you need to calm down yourself and think about why everything happened. The next step is to talk with your other half and come to a common decision. We offer you the following action plan:

  1. Take a short break

If a girl is offended, then most likely she is now in a bad mood and will ignore any attempts to make peace. Discussing something or trying to solve a problem in this state is not always the right decision. The woman herself may not be ready to communicate. Before you think about what to do if a girl is offended, you need to take a break. It is better to wait, and in the meantime think about the possible cause of the offense. Having calmed down and analyzed your behavior, you can understand what the woman did not like. Then it will be easier to decide how to proceed and what to talk about with your loved one. Perhaps you really were wrong, or perhaps the reason for the quarrel is so small that it is not worth the offense.

  1. Apologize to the girl

It is better to ask for forgiveness immediately after a quarrel or a woman reports an offense. If the reason was minor, you can simply come up, hug, admit your mistake and apologize. The main thing is to do it sincerely. When the beloved understands that the man repents and wants to settle everything, she will not be able to be offended for a long time.

If you weren’t able to apologize right away, you shouldn’t abandon this step altogether. The girl may have already forgotten about the insult, but she will be pleased that her lover still admitted his mistakes.

When a guy has done a lot of wrong, you need to seriously prepare for an apology:

  • Think about the time and place - it could be a cafe, a park where you met, a river embankment, or something else. Your loved one will be pleased to be where she previously experienced positive emotions. This will remind her of what the relationship was like before the fight. She will be distracted, appreciate her partner’s efforts, and it will be easier to forgive him. The timing also needs to be chosen correctly. In the morning, before work, or if the other half has other plans for the day, she is unlikely to want to solve problems and listen to apologies.
  • Prepare “mitigating circumstances.” It's always nice to receive a bouquet of flowers or other token of attention. The gift doesn't have to be expensive. The main thing is that your loved one likes him. Here you can be creative and present some cute little thing: a toy with a “sorry” sign, a souvenir. If a woman is accustomed to expensive gifts, for example, jewelry, she should not refuse small surprises, it is better to combine them.

Even if the reason for the offense seems frivolous to you, you need to apologize. After all, something upset the girl, which means it plays a significant role for her. On the women's side, some problems are perceived much more globally.

In cases where there is no time or opportunity to arrange a whole evening dedicated to the girl, you can arrange home gatherings. Go to the nearest store and buy what she likes. You can grab a small postcard at the checkout. At home, write on the back that you love your significant other, want to apologize and invite them to the kitchen. Place it on the table or just give it to your hands. In a few minutes you can beautifully set the table and then repeat the words written in the card yourself.

If it’s hard for you to confess to your beloved “eye to eye,” you can write her an SMS with words of love and an apology or leave a note. Even this method is better than inaction.

Often men think that they can write to a girl if she is offended. A win-win option is simple words with an apology and a declaration of love. For example: “I realized that I behaved wrongly, forgive me. I do not want to lose you". There is no need to come up with complex and beautiful confessions with bright epithets, to say: “You are my most beautiful, beloved,” to press for pity: “I feel so bad, don’t leave me.” Instead, write: “I feel bad because I know I hurt you. I want everything to be fine with us.”

  1. Listen to the girl

The most correct decision is to let your beloved express everything she thinks. The offended girl will “let off steam” and will be ready for dialogue. In addition, when she tells the guy out loud why she was offended, she herself will become more aware of the problem and, perhaps, will come to the conclusion that everything is not as bad as she thought. If the offense still does not go away, then knowing specifically what the woman was offended by, it will be easier to discuss with her what to do next.

Know how to listen to a girl - this way she will see that you are not indifferent to her experiences and you are ready to look for a compromise and a solution to the problem.

In a relationship you always need to be able to talk, otherwise it will stop developing. Discussing problems with your other half can be difficult. But after such conversations it almost always becomes easier, spiritual closeness is restored. Couples in which both partners are frank with each other and can say what they don’t like, what they are offended by, are much stronger. You can’t constantly keep silent about what bothers you or doesn’t suit you. Because of this behavior, frequent quarrels and misunderstandings arise. A person who keeps grievances inside may have a decrease in self-esteem, which will lead to other problems.

Psychology of female resentment

Women are by nature emotional and sensitive. They are better than men at understanding their own and other people’s feelings, emotions, words, thoughts, moods, picking up non-verbal body signals, recognizing lies and using intuition.

Women are sensitive to injustice, so they are easily offended if they find it in a man’s behavior or words. The problem is that the idea of ​​justice is not always objective; more often it is relative and subjective.

When the reason for resentment is real, significant, and not far-fetched and exaggerated, resentment acts as a natural reaction of the psyche. Such resentment includes anger at the offender and self-pity.

A feeling of resentment arises when a man’s actual behavior does not meet the woman’s expectations. The more inflated and unrealistic expectations and hopes a woman places on a man, the more probable reasons for resentment there are.

In order for a woman to be offended, the following must happen in her mind:

building expectations about the proper behavior of a man, observing his actual behavior, comparing what is desired with what is actually done.

A woman who is inclined to be offended forgets that a man is not obliged to meet her requirements, fulfill all her desires and obey her whims. Frequent whims and the use of resentment as a pretext for manipulation are characteristic of infantile, domineering, selfish women.

But even a mature and wise woman can be offended by a man. The reason for this is the psychological differences between the partners.

Signs of relationship problems

When a relationship has been going on for a long time, it becomes difficult to determine that feelings are fading. If you have a feeling that something is wrong, it may well be that there is a reason for it.

To understand what happened, you need to pay close attention to small details that will help you understand the big picture. The problem is that people are able to hide that their feelings have cooled, not wanting to destroy stability, and talk about it openly. In this state, relationships can continue for many years.

12 signs that a girl has stopped loving you

The main signs that a woman has stopped loving you look like this:

  1. Body position. Pay attention to whether the girl’s body position has changed during communication. If she crosses her arms, closes herself, or tries to distance herself, this may be an indicator that she is uncomfortable being in your company. When this behavior occurs consistently, it may indicate that she would like to put the relationship on hold.
  2. Eye contact. Try to determine her feelings by looking into her eyes. If a girl constantly turns her gaze away and looks at anything other than the speaker, this may indicate that she simply is not interested.
  3. Touching. When a girl is interested in a person, she will use every opportunity to touch him. If she puts her hand on you, runs it through your hair, or doesn't mind walking holding hands, then everything is fine. But if she has become increasingly reluctant to touch you, this is a sign that there are problems in the relationship. An uninterested girl will always try to avoid any physical interaction.
  4. Watch out for her refusals. If she, as before, willingly agrees to meet, rarely refuses to take a walk or spend time together, then there are no problems. However, if a girl has become always busy, she has many reasons to refuse a meeting, or she changes plans at the last moment, avoiding a date, this should raise concerns. An interested woman always has a desire to spend more time with the object of her affection.
  5. See how your dating life has changed. If she begins to offer to spend time in company more often, this may indicate that she simply does not want to be alone with you.
  6. Monitor her behavior at various events. If she spends more time at parties with other people than with you, then this is something to think about. There is a possibility that she is not satisfied with the communication. It should be even more alarming if she goes to events alone, without inviting you with her.
  7. Analyze your communication. If nothing has changed, the girl writes or calls often and is the first as before, and also stays in touch most of the time, then everything is fine. But if you begin to notice that she answers reluctantly, or does not answer at all, and calls from her have become so rare that if you stopped contacting her yourself, communication would probably stop altogether, then this is a reason to start worrying. Read phrases that may mean that a girl has stopped loving you.
  8. Take a closer look at how she communicates with other people. If you start to notice a girl flirting with some guys, this may be a sign of her frivolous attitude towards your date. Also, listen to what your friend says about other guys. If you hear constant comparisons between you and someone else, or obvious manifestations of romantic interest, then this may be a signal that your relationship will not last long.
  9. Try to check your friend's reaction to your slight flirting with another girl. If she doesn't react or show any emotion, she probably doesn't care. This may mean that the girl no longer loves you.
  10. Analyze the number and causes of conflicts in your couple. If they occur more and more often, or they are caused by some little things, there is a possibility that the girl has lost interest in you and feels irritated when she is around you.
  11. She began to have secrets. If a girl begins to return home later, she has acquired wardrobe items from somewhere that she refuses to tell you about, or you accidentally noticed how she minimizes correspondence on social networks before your arrival, this is a reason to think about what she is hiding.
  12. She began to criticize a lot. Constructive criticism is useful; to some extent, it allows you to correct shortcomings in life. But when a girl is not satisfied with absolutely everything - from your hairstyle to your preferences in music, this is a reason to wonder if she has begun to feel irritated instead of falling in love.

Read further: Basic mistakes when dating - tips for men and women

There are many more signs by which you can determine whether your wife or girlfriend has stopped loving you, and all of them are individual and manifest themselves differently in different people.

Important: All signs must be determined based on the woman’s usual behavior. If she always stands in a closed position or has always avoided eye contact, then this sign cannot be considered a cause for concern.

Causes of female touchiness

How can a guy understand how he offended a girl? Of course, the easiest way is to ask her about it. But an offended girl rarely answers truthfully, intelligibly and clearly. Often the girl completely avoids answering, gets angry in silence, cries or shouts out incomprehensible, incoherent words.

Even more confusing is the situation of hidden resentment, when a woman hides for a long time that she was offended, and then at one moment splashes out resentment, anger, bitterness from disappointment and a lot of other negative emotions. In this case, the accumulated resentment has a lot of reasons.

The man most likely offended the girl by:

He looked at another girl, paid too much attention to her, smiled and talked to her a lot, often looks at other women, compares the girl with others. In this case, the cause of resentment is jealousy, which is generated by a lack of self-confidence and a man’s fidelity. He gave the girl insufficient attention, care, affection, love; doesn’t give flowers, doesn’t give compliments, doesn’t take her to the movies, doesn’t talk to her after sex, but immediately falls asleep, and so on. The reason for the resentment lies in the dissatisfaction of women's needs. Doesn't meet her requirements. He did not act as the girl expected, hoped, or asked. The reason is selfishness, injured pride and inability to negotiate. Not serious enough. A woman is offended when a man treats her without respect, not seriously, does not want to understand and accept the characteristics of her personality, does not take into account her opinion and interests, does not introduce her to her parents, does not ask her to marry. Reason: crisis in relationships, desire to take them to the next level.

These are the mistakes of men that can lead to significant deterioration and rupture of relationships.

Algorithm for reconciliation with a girl

A man who values ​​a girl and loves her wants to correct the mistake (even if what happened is not his fault) as soon as possible, but is lost if he does not know how to make peace with the girl.

Recommended actions when his girlfriend is offended:

Keep calm. To prevent resentment from developing into mutual insults and reproaches, a man needs to try not to emotionally, but rationally perceive a woman’s resentment. Do not be offended in response, do not leave (literally and figuratively), do not allow a woman to manipulate you with the help of offense, but calmly and carefully observe the woman. Find out the reason. If the offended girl does not want or cannot explain the reason for the offense, you need to make a number of assumptions for yourself. To apologize. The ability to sincerely ask for forgiveness, even without seeing your guilt, if it is not there or the girl herself is to blame, is a valuable skill. This way the girl will understand that the man needs her, he values ​​her and loves her. Asking for forgiveness will cool the heat of resentment, make you think about your behavior, push you to look for your guilt and make you want to forgive. In any conflict, both partners are usually to blame; you need to be able to ask for forgiveness and forgive. Wait a pause. You should not immediately start a conversation and try to solve the problem that caused the offense. First you need to give the girl time to calm down, think about the incident, and draw conclusions. Talk. In a calm state and with a mutual desire to make peace, the couple needs to discuss the incident, find a compromise and take measures to prevent such offenses.

Will help you reconcile with a girl:

charm, smile, humor, declaration of love, romantic act, bouquet of flowers, gift, tender hugs and kisses, sex.

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