How to attract a girl's attention: 10 proven ways

There will be no cheap pickup tips here.


If you've been thinking long and hard lately about how to interest the girl you like, but you have absolutely no ideas in your head, you've come to the right place.

Many articles on this topic contain ineffective advice on how to attract the attention of a stranger on the street, using all sorts of dubious tricks from the series “approach her, compliment her and touch her on the shoulder.” Even if such techniques once worked (to be honest, we doubt it), now such an approach can quite reasonably be regarded as harassment. Meeting people on the street should take place in a completely different scenario, the details of which we have already described in one of our materials.

In this same article, we decided to focus on how to attract the attention of a girl you like and have known for a while. Surely you know that this is often a very difficult task (especially when they have already gotten to know you well)

Ways to attract a girl's attention

If a girl you like doesn't notice you, you need to show her your sympathy. But it is important to act correctly.

Based on age

Boys begin to be interested in the opposite sex at about 10-11 years of age. Due to shyness and fear of rejection at this age, they do not talk about sympathy directly, but show it through actions, gestures and looks.

At an older age, in order to attract the attention of the girl you like, show signs of caring on your part - walk her home after school, help her carry a heavy backpack, call and find out how she’s doing, invite her to go home together to do homework, invite her to go for a walk.

At the age of 16, teenagers actively use social networks. If you are embarrassed to approach a girl in person, then you can start writing to her on VK or Instagram. Say that she is beautiful, looks good, this dress suits her, give other compliments. You can invite the object of your affection to a cafe or cinema, invite you to take a walk in the park or go to the zoo together.


How to care for a girl: a detailed guide

If it's a stranger

You see a girl for the first time, but you feel that this is the love of your life? Don't waste time. You need to act quickly and without much thought, even if the meeting happened on the street, otherwise there is a risk that you will no longer meet this beauty on your way.

You can attract the attention of an unfamiliar girl in the following ways:

  1. Start your acquaintance with humor. It is not at all necessary to use well-known and already boring phrases, for example, “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” You can come up with your own catchphrase that will make a stranger smile.
  2. Try to catch your eye. If a girl notices you, smile back and look at her. Some guys know how to flirt with their eyes from a distance - learn this art.
  3. Be charming. Know how to make a good impression on a woman, communicate politely, avoid using obscene words.
  1. Be attractive. Always wear clean and tidy clothes, shave or give your beard an aesthetic appearance, take care of your hair, use a neutral deodorant and pleasant perfume.
  2. If you were able to attract and win over, then offer to meet and spend a pleasant evening in a good cafe to get to know each other better. Don't forget to take your phone number or leave yours.

When it comes to being married

Attracting the attention of a married woman is much more difficult, especially when she has children. But if the lady has conquered you so much that this fact does not bother you, then act:


How to hint to a beautiful girl that I really like her

  1. Give compliments, because they are so lacking in family life. If you see her interest in you, say something nice with sexual overtones. At the same time, try to look sincere and sweet.
  2. Be a gentleman. Become an exemplary man who will be easy and pleasant to be around. A woman should feel comfortable and safe.
  3. Help solve problems to become indispensable.
  4. Write funny SMS to cheer up a woman and remind her of yourself.
  5. Have fun and entertain. She should laugh and feel happy with you.
  6. Don't rush to admit your feelings, because it can push you away. Just be a good friend for a while, gradually gaining her trust and appreciation.

But in any case, first find out the situation in the family. If a woman loves and is loved, and harmony and understanding reign in her relationship with her husband, then it is not worth pursuing her and destroying the existing unit of society. If the situation is tense, the girl is not happy with her husband and is unhappy in her marriage, then there is a chance to win her attention.

In virtual space

It is best for modest, insecure and shy young men to start communicating on the Internet. Once you manage to attract the attention of the girl you like, you can arrange a meeting in person.

To win over a girl during virtual communication, try the following:

  • comment on successful photos, give pleasant compliments;
  • send funny pictures, jokes, musical compositions to the wall or in private messages;
  • start an exciting correspondence on a topic that interests the girl (it’s easy to find out about her hobbies by looking at the information and photos);
  • add information about yourself and good photographs to your page so that the girl understands who she is communicating with;
  • If you feel that your interlocutor also likes you, write to her why she aroused your interest and invite her on a date.

It’s easier to communicate on a website because you have time to think about questions and answers. Later, when you get to know each other better and find common topics, the conversation in person will be more relaxed.

Tricks for your ex

If you broke up with your loved one out of stupidity, and you want to get her back, then you need to do everything possible and impossible. Other methods are used to attract the attention of an ex-girlfriend:

  • disappear from her life for a while;
  • improve yourself - take up sports or a career, go on an exciting journey;
  • correct your shortcomings that caused discomfort to your beloved;
  • at the first meeting, for example, in a club or at work, stay neutral, briefly tell what you have been doing all this time, do not drag out the conversation;
  • arouse her jealousy by appearing in the company of other girls, but do not overdo it;
  • if you feel that you are starting to attract her attention again, then bring her to a sincere conversation.

A personal conversation will help you sort out mistakes in past relationships. After it, you will definitely decide whether to give love a second chance.

Fleeting ways to get her attention

If you want to attract a girl right now and you don’t have time to read books, spend several months going to the gym, become a popular and sought-after professional in your field and earn large sums of money, we have several ways to impress her this week.

Post a photo of some celebrity on the Internet and write that he is your friend

It's quite simple. There is no need to become a celebrity yourself if you can take a piece of fame from some popular dude.

What needs to be done for this?

Go to a concert of a star, catch her after the performance and ask her to pose for a photo together. It is advisable that the scenery in the background does not indicate that you are one of the thousands of those who took a photo with her that day (this can be corrected in Photoshop).

Then publish this photo with the caption: “Here, I met Dima Malikov. Long time no see, had a nice chat about old times."


Here Dima Malikov will not be against such a joke, and you will be able to attract the girl’s attention.

Get out of a beautiful girl's expensive car without paying her toll

If you have a beautiful friend with an expensive car, ask her to drive you around the city a little until you spot a girl you like on the street. When you notice her, immediately drive closer and stop. Get out of the car with the remark: “Ciao, Christine! I'll call you later"

and close the door behind you as if you do this every day.

This option won't impress everyone, but you can try it.

Call a girl to the trampoline center and do a somersault there

Do this if you know how to do a somersault and she is ready to go to the trampoline center.

Other options:

  • invite her to bowling and strike her;
  • invite her to billiards and score several balls with one blow;
  • invite her to the shooting range and win a big toy;
  • invite her to the theater and play on stage.

In general, invite her to where you are good (just don't compete with her).

Reprimand guys who are loud in public

If you are not afraid of being beaten and want to seem like a noble knight, reprimand some guys who behave badly in a public place.

It is advisable to do this exactly in the place where you invite her (in billiards, bowling, shooting range, theater, and so on).

How to attract a woman's attention

If a woman doesn't seem to care about you, then follow these three tips.

Earn Trust

Psychologically, we are attracted to people who trust us. Because we are driven by a natural desire to be careful with unfamiliar people and not to trust them. In order to attract a woman's attention, you need to show that you trust her.

Ask for a favor. There is a psychological technique called the Benjamin Franklin effect. The essence of the effect is that on a subconscious level, we are more attractive to the person we are helping.

Therefore, you shouldn’t be afraid to sometimes ask the woman you like to help do something (take a photo, design it, edit it, etc.). It’s even better if this service is related to your favorite hobby or business.

The main thing is not to overdo it, so that the lady does not get the feeling that she is being used.

The second way to build trust is to focus on communication rather than on a woman's body parts. This way she can feel more comfortable, she will have confidence and a sense of security.

The art of communicating with a woman

Luann Brizendine, MD (professor at the University of California, San Francisco), states that women speak on average 20,000 words per day, while men speak about 7,000 words per day.

This means that women talk almost 3 times more often than men.

To attract a woman you need to master several communication techniques:

  1. Listen more than talk. All women like men who know how to listen to them carefully and not be distracted by other matters. Women are strictly “programmed” to express emotions in words and share their thoughts. Therefore, there is no need to compete with them in the amount of things said per day. Otherwise, there is a chance you simply won’t hear what she’s talking about.
  2. Speak and express thoughts clearly. You don't have to be a philosopher to do this, you just have to choose your words wisely. Try to explain your requirements and desires clearly and in detail, so that the woman understands what is expected of her. Relationship needs will change as you age, which means you need to learn to communicate those changes.
  3. Voice. The soothing deep voice attracts women's ears. Speak slowly, emphasize your words, as if you are telling a story that is interesting and important to the girl. This will get her attention.
  4. Finally, learn to understand women's vocabulary. Words and their specific meanings differ in women's vocabulary. When a man understands them, he can truly attract a woman into his life. For example:

Women's dictionary

  • Woman: “I’m going to the hairdresser for a little while.” Translation for men: “I’m going to be gone for a long time, so you better prepare your own dinner. And don't forget to compliment my hair when I get back
  • Woman: “Honey, I’ll be out in 5 minutes.” Translation for men: “I’ll be ready in an hour, don’t rush me, please! By the way, where are my lipstick and tights?
  • Woman: “I’ve gained so much weight!” Translation for men: “Tell me I look great.”
  • Woman: “Oh, I pressed some little button in your car!” Translation for men: “Don’t swear too much, it looks like I ruined something in your car.”

Resistance to stress

This is the next step on how to attract a woman into your life. If women can sometimes be forgiven for crying into a man’s shoulder, then the requirements for men are much higher. Women expect men to handle any adversity like a man: silently and without whining.

If a man constantly cries, looking for female support, then he will receive it. But instead of attractiveness, he will receive maternal care. Because for girls, at the level of instinct, a prohibition works: do not allow relationships with weak, flawed men.

Conclusion: if a man wants to attract a woman, he needs to learn to support himself during periods of acute mental pain or stressful situations on his own. Stress tolerance is a higher bar for men to meet than women.

Not being able to reach this height means admitting yourself to be a failure, a weak and insecure person. Such men can hardly be called attractive to women.

How to understand that sympathy is mutual

Many men are interested in the question of how to understand that a girl at work likes you by looking at you . And in fact, one look is not enough, although it says a lot, but there are other signs:

  • Sight . The girl holds her gaze on you for longer than 2-3 seconds, or, on the contrary, immediately, embarrassed, looks away.
  • Requests . She often turns to you for help with work, even if there are others willing to help her.
  • Always in sight . If you often cross paths, although you work in different departments, then perhaps the girl is specifically looking for a meeting with you.
  • Support . In conversations in a team or at meetings, she always supports your ideas and views.
  • Treats . If a girl takes home-cooked food with her to work, she will certainly offer you a treat.
  • Care . If you take sick leave, she will ask what happened.
  • Attentiveness . She remembers small details about you.
  • Change in appearance . She began to dress more femininely.
  • Special attitude . She communicates with you differently than with other colleagues; her timbre of voice and manner of communication change.

If you notice a few of these signs, then you can take action right away. But if there is no special interest, then this needs to be corrected.

Is it worth starting a relationship?

Having an affair at work is a dubious idea. After all, it will be difficult to avoid rumors and gossip. It is also worth considering that if the relationship does not work out, then difficulties may arise with communication at work in the future.

But, there are many advantages to having an affair with a colleague, especially if you are planning a serious relationship. After all, common work always brings you closer, and you will always spend a lot of time together. Also, when starting a relationship with a colleague, fewer surprises await you, because you have known each other for a long time and have seen each other in different situations.

If the disadvantages do not stop you, and you want to have an affair with a colleague, then do not rush to act. First you need to make sure that the girl is free and likes you.

Important: Even if she doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, you can always try to fix it.


Such a man always knows what he wants. Women respect such people, so don’t be afraid to meet the girl you like on the street. When on a date, always take the initiative to choose a good cafe or place to go for a walk. Consider the lady's tastes and do not forget about gallantry. Before the girl is completely hooked, call first and send messages. A little flirting with a girl won't hurt, but follow the rules of decency. Don't be afraid to hug her lightly while walking, keeping your hand on her lower back or slightly higher.

How to become more attractive

Many treatises have been written on how to interest a girl in communication, among which there are statements that there are a number of characteristics that make a man special and attractive, for example, his wisdom. A young man who is able to teach his girlfriend something new and interesting causes her delight. We are not talking about two educations, courses in Japanese calligraphy and similar things, but rather about worldly wisdom. This includes a love of reading; it is worth starting to instill this habit, as it develops imagination and also allows you to keep abreast of modern affairs.

How to interest a man by correspondence and is it possible to drive him crazy?

The fair sex likes it when her partner knows how to handle musical instruments and play pleasant melodies for her. In addition, this skill thoroughly trains the brain and motor skills, which will be useful for the man himself.

It is important to look neat, even in jeans and a T-shirt. Clean hair and nails, lack of stubble or even facial hair, a pleasant aroma of the skin make you want to hug such a man and not let go.

It is also important for a woman how a man treats his family, friends and colleagues, and his methods of communicating with them. This is how she recognizes likely future relationships with mutual acquaintances. If the relationship is strained, then it’s time to work it out or find an accessible explanation to your chosen one why this is happening.

Note! In a man’s behavior, a woman “takes on a lot of things.” It assumes that this or that behavior, attitude and actions will definitely manifest themselves in a future life together. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to be yourself in order to avoid surprises in the future. Or instill in yourself new, albeit unusual, habits.

If you follow the recommendations, the result will not be long in coming

There are many examples, trainings and tricks on how to attract the girls you like to you. They agree that a woman needs to pay attention, show care, try to please, but at the same time not become henpecked. It is also important to continue conquering a woman after the relationship has already begun. You need to maintain interest and sparkle for as long as possible.

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