How to restore damaged eyelashes after extensions: review of products for home use

01/29/2019 Vyacheslava Lisitsina Fashion and style

The eyelash extension procedure has become very popular in recent years. Long, thick eyelashes radically change the facial expression, the eyes seem large and expressive, and the overall image looks different. However, it often happens that the master who does eyelash extensions (lash maker) does not have sufficient experience and qualifications in this field. It also happens that the client is allergic to the materials used in extensions. As a result, eyelashes may fall out. Even if only a few eyelashes have fallen out, you end up with an unsightly bald spot on your eyelid. How long does it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions? The result depends on what kind of eyelash care is taken, on the general state of health, lifestyle and nutrition.

The benefits of eyelash extensions

Why do girls get eyelash extensions? The advantages of this procedure:

  1. Eyelash extensions visually enlarge your eyes, making your eyes wide, open and trusting. This allows you to create a youthful, “doll-like” image, imparts femininity and fragility. This is the most important and obvious advantage of the procedure. For the sake of this effect, many girls are ready to put up with the subsequent need to restore the thickness and length of their own eyelashes.
  2. An experienced specialist can correct the shape of the eyes using eyelash extensions. For example, if you grow longer eyelashes in the center of the eyelid, you can create the appearance of an almond-shaped eye shape.
  3. Eyelash extensions allow you to avoid wasting time on everyday makeup. Regardless of the extension technique - be it bundles, lash extensions or even gluing on tape - the eyelashes look as if they had just been painted. If in the morning a girl gets ready for work, time counts by minutes, then eyelash extensions are a great way to save time on makeup and still look great.
  4. The curve of eyelash extensions looks feminine and at the same time natural. There is no need to stand for a long time with a curling iron in your hand and try to curl your own straight and short eyelashes. With eyelash extensions, the degree of curl does not change, even if you sleep with them face down on the pillow.
  5. After a girl tries the extension procedure, she returns to it again and again - there is no need to paint her own eyelashes with mascara, and therefore the problem with crumbling mascara and dark circles under the eyes disappears. You no longer have to be afraid of scratching your eyelid and smearing your makeup; you don’t have to go to the toilet during your lunch break to erase dark circles under your eyes.
  6. The eyelash extension procedure is completely painless and does not take much time. The materials for its implementation are also inexpensive, so extensions today are “affordable” for any girl. The procedure has no contraindications - the exception is individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the materials used. But in this case, they can be replaced with others, with a different composition, and there will be no problem.

Causes of eyelash loss after the procedure

If you follow all the recommendations of the specialist after the extension procedure, the hairs will last a natural period without changing their appearance.

If you neglect the care requirements and recommendations for wearing the accessory, the risk of harming your eyes increases.

An attempt to save money on a procedure, the incompetence of a specialist causes consequences:

  • violation of technology by the master, choice of heavy and excessively long material;
  • the use of low-quality products - glue, lint;
  • creating strong pressure on the eyelashes for greater bending;
  • carrying out extensions on damaged hairs, which leads to hair loss;
  • removal of material without a special glue-dissolving liquid.

Cons and unpleasant consequences of the procedure

The eyelash extension procedure has quite significant disadvantages:

  1. You will have to forget about using fat-based cosmetics. Such products will instantly destroy the strength of the glue, as a result of which the eyelashes will fall off very quickly. You can wash your face with tonics and micellar water.
  2. If there is an allergy to any of the components of the glue, the girl’s eyes become inflamed, severe pain and burning appears. If such a reaction occurs, it is better to abandon the procedure.
  3. It often happens that even after high-quality eyelash extensions, your own eyelashes fall out. This happens because the weight of eyelash extensions is too much for your own. So there is a high risk of losing some of your eyelashes. Much depends on the experience and honesty of the master: after all, if he sees that the client’s own eyelashes are weak, he can dissuade her from the procedure, and he will be absolutely right. Because then the same client will think about how long the eyelashes are restored after extensions, and leave negative reviews on the Internet about the work of the master.
  4. Hidden or obvious demodicosis, diseases of the eyes and eyeball, conjunctivitis - all this is a factor that weakens eyelash follicles. If you undergo extensions during a period of exacerbation of chronic eye diseases, there is a high risk that some of your eyelashes will fall out.

How to restore damaged eyelashes

What to do after eyelash extensions if there are still negative consequences? After removal, you should give up decorative cosmetics for a while and use medicinal eyelash masks made from oils:

  1. Castor oil or castor oil. The most popular oil in eyelash care. Its popularity is due to its availability, price and the fact that it contains 18 acids, which have a positive effect on hair and eyelash growth. But the oil has one drawback: if you fall asleep with it in your eyes, you can wake up the next morning with swelling and pain in your eyes.
  2. Almond oil. This is a very light textured oil with excellent moisturizing properties. Its main advantage is that it does not provoke inflammation and swelling and therefore can be left overnight.
  3. Peach seed oil or peach oil. Light in texture oil that stimulates the growth of new cells. This product helps to grow eyelashes faster and has a great effect on the condition of the eyelid skin.
  4. Grape seed oil. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, especially vitamin E. It can be used as a makeup remover.
  5. Wheat germ oil is an SOS remedy. Regenerates well after chemical damage. A mixture with castor oil works great, in a 1 to 1 ratio.

It is important to make masks over a course of at least 3 weeks; like all natural remedies, they do not work in one application. From the proposed options, you need to choose the oil that “works” best for a particular person. Sensitivity to the smell is also important; if it is disgusting, it can cause harm.

It is better to apply the mask at night, or when there are no plans to leave the house in the next few hours. During the treatment course, use pillowcases that you won’t mind throwing away later. It is more convenient to apply with a brush from a mascara tube, which has been thoroughly rinsed with water. Since oil is an excellent medium for the growth of bacteria, it should be boiled before use and the tube with it should be used within a month. In cosmetics stores you can find an empty similar tube for sale, specially sold for this purpose.

There are ready-made mixtures of oils in tubes. Brands such as Lʹor, Vereya, Elma and DNC have gained trust and popularity.

How long does it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions?

This question concerns all girls who suffered as a result of an unsuccessful procedure. The time required for eyelash restoration after extensions depends on many factors:

  • General health. If the body is exhausted, then the last thing it will spend its resources on is activating the follicles.
  • A deficiency of minerals and vitamins has an extremely negative effect on the growth rate of both hair and eyelashes.
  • The presence of demodicosis of the eyelids and chronic diseases of the eyeball significantly slows down the growth of eyelashes.
  • Using cosmetics with caring ingredients, compresses and masks will help grow eyelashes quickly.

For a healthy woman, it takes about a month for an eyelash to grow from zero to its full size. How long does it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions if they fall out at the root (follicle)? The period will be the same - about a month (with the exception of factors that reduce follicle activity).

How many eyelashes usually fall out?

It is impossible to say how many eyelash extensions should fall out per day. This parameter is selected to suit the girl’s style, so you should be careful in following the recommendations after extensions.

However, you can roughly guess how long it will take for your eyelash extensions to fall off. This indicator often converges in girls:

  1. In the first two weeks after the extension is performed, the girl may have virtually no artificial threads falling out. This factor is similar to natural vegetation in terms of movement away from the eyelid. In a normal case, from zero to three eyelashes can be removed per day with a variant close to the classic one.
  2. During the third week, the process of gradually moving away from the style often begins. During this time, up to five hairs may fall out daily. If complex techniques were performed, this number increases to seven.
  3. During the fourth and fifth weeks, the stylistics are completely removed as standard. At this time, in one night, girls can lose about five eyelashes from each eyelid, the work becomes less frequent and does not look very neat. Tweezers can be used to remove the work prematurely.

It is impossible to say how many eyelash extensions fall out per day normally, because it depends on many external factors. However, if you are faced with the question of why eyelash extensions fall off quickly, you should check with your cosmetologist.

This way you will prevent premature removal of the style, which radically transforms the girl’s appearance. Be careful with this parameter; if necessary, contact a specialist for advice.

Simple ways to restore eyelash condition

Try to follow simple rules, the implementation of which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your eyelashes and eyelids:

  • do not rub your eyes with your fingers;
  • do not paint your eyes for a while;
  • put on contact lenses as carefully as possible or even temporarily replace them with glasses;
  • When washing your face, do not use products with aggressive components that dry out the surface of the skin.

How long does it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions if these simple rules are followed? The period is slightly less than standard - about three weeks. There are some remedies that will contribute to an even faster recovery.

Prevention of hair loss after extensions

Compliance with hygiene rules, high-quality makeup removal and eyelid care are necessary measures to prevent hair health.

To prevent eyelashes from falling out after extensions, you need to adhere to a balanced diet rich in vitamins A, E, C. These components are found in greens, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.

Do not exclude animal products from your diet: cottage cheese, milk, cheese, eggs, liver, meat.

When caring after extensions, you must follow the rules:

  1. Sleeping on your back is a position that you need to get used to. This will prevent your face from touching the pillow and causing hair loss.
  2. Minimize touching your eyes.
  3. Choose high-quality cosmetics that will not cause harm.
  4. On a sunny day, wear sunglasses.
  5. Get your lash maker corrected in a timely manner.

Methods for the fastest possible restoration of eyelashes

To restore eyelashes as quickly as possible, try these methods:

  • daily compresses from herbal infusions;
  • lubricating the eyelids with tocopherol and oils;
  • the use of certain pharmaceutical products (“Alerana”, “Blefarogel”).

With daily use of these products, eyelashes grow much faster, and at the same time they become thicker, because the new growing hairs are thicker. This fact is confirmed by numerous rave reviews. How long does it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions if you use both oils and compresses together daily? The minimum time period during which an eyelash grows to its previous size is 10 days. However, a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some girls in the reviews report that even regular use of the most effective products did not have much effect on the speed of eyelash restoration after unsuccessful extensions.

Using oils to restore eyelashes

Oils should be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic department. The oil, which is intended for consumption, undergoes special processing, after which the amount of beneficial substances for the follicles is reduced. The most effective oils that accelerate eyelash growth and make new hairs thick and long:

  • castor;
  • almond;
  • jojoba.

How long does it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions if you regularly smear them with castor oil? Performing the procedure daily can speed up eyelash growth by approximately two times. That is, they will grow not in a month, but in about two weeks. If you regularly lubricate the eyelash edge with jojoba oil, the recovery time of eyelashes after extensions will also be reduced by about half.

Using Liquid Tocopherol (Vitamin E)

Liquid tocopherol, or vitamin E, can be purchased at any pharmacy. Its price is low, and it contains many useful omega acids that help activate the follicles.

The vitamin should be applied every evening in a thin layer to the eyelash area using a cotton swab. Since tocopherol is in oil form, it does not run off and is absorbed into the skin quite quickly.

How long does it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions if you use oil formulations with vitamin E? Judging by the reviews of girls who tried this product on their eyelashes, castor oil gives the best results in terms of growth rate. But vitamin E works, but not as effectively as castor oil. New, long and beautiful eyelashes grow to replace those that fall out in an average of three weeks if you lubricate the eyelash edge with vitamin E every day.

Eyelash care procedures

If, nevertheless, there is a need for a restoration process, then remember that all procedures must be carried out only after complete removal of makeup, using exclusively clean hands . Inept and untested procedures can have disastrous consequences in the form of allergic reactions, irritation, and itching.

Masks and compresses

The very first remedy for dry and damaged hair is a healing mask . Nourish the bulbs so that the hairs regain their shine and former beauty.

It is advisable to use masks based on oil solutions with the addition of aloe and vitamin E. You can add parsley juice to this mix . This mixture is applied for 15-20 minutes. After which it is washed off with water or cleaned with a napkin.

Another equally effective method is a compress . If the causes of eyelash loss are inflammatory, you can make a compress from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and sage.

The herbal decoction is infused for 30 minutes and applied to the eyelid using a cotton pad. The only negative is that you need to remain calm during this procedure. It's better to lie down for 15 minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Oils and vitamins

The most popular are burdock and castor , but you can use any nourishing oils. For example, almond or sea buckthorn. The oils go well together. By mixing several variations, you get an excellent firming mask.

There are several simple ways to apply such a mask. To strengthen the roots of the eyelashes, it is better to apply the product with a cotton swab for 10-15 minutes, then carefully rinse with warm water.

For applying over the entire length of the eyelashes, old mascara is very suitable, which must first be rinsed and disinfected. Fill the tube with the necessary ingredients and use it. A very convenient invention, you always have it with you, plus you don’t need to wash it off. And the oil continues to have an effect.

For greater effect, you can drink a complex of vitamins. In this case, vitamins of groups A, D, and E are used. Vitamins also exist in the form of an oil solution. It can be applied directly to the eyelashes, either alone or as part of a mask with other ingredients.

Aloe plant juice to restore eyelash thickness

If you have medicinal aloe at home, you don’t have to buy any oils or pharmaceutical products. Aloe leaf juice has a stimulating effect (good for follicles) and also soothes irritated skin on the eyelid. Aloe juice is ideal not only for growing eyelashes after extensions, but also for bringing the skin of the eyelids back to normal. Apply the juice every evening in a thin layer to the eyelids and lash line. The effect of the procedure is felt after two or three times, as evidenced by reviews.

How long does it take for eyelashes to recover after extensions if you lubricate the edge of the eyelash with aloe juice every evening? Reviews report that the average time for complete restoration of lost eyelashes is about three weeks.

Compresses with nettle infusion for quick restoration of eyelashes

You should prepare a steep infusion of nettle in advance and cool it. Swipe a cotton pad soaked in the infusion over the eyelids and allow the liquid to be absorbed. You can make a compress if you have time: put cotton pads soaked in infusion on the eyelid area and lie there for about fifteen minutes. Then wash your face.

This method does not particularly affect the acceleration of eyelash growth, but it softens the skin of the eyelids, relieves irritation, and relieves itching after an allergic reaction to extensions.

What to do to reduce the loss?

To reduce the intensity of hair loss, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You should not use waterproof mascara in the first two weeks, as this increases the load on the eyelashes. It is worth choosing cosmetics that contain more nutritious ingredients and oils; they are designed to restore and strengthen.
  2. If itching in the eyes occurs, then it is advisable to endure the unpleasant sensation and avoid rubbing the eyelids, so as not to provoke additional hair loss.
  3. Taking vitamins. Very often the body requires additional macro and micro elements that we do not receive from food. These supplements also affect the intensity of growth and strengthening.
  4. Medical cosmetics. If eyelashes fall out after eyelash extensions, it is recommended to use medicinal cosmetics and masks to accelerate hair growth.
  5. Frequent eye diseases.
  6. Proper care. By maintaining hygiene and proper eyelash care, you can reduce their loss. To do this, you should remove your eye makeup every evening. If you do not do this procedure, they will become more brittle and the number of lost hairs will increase significantly.
  7. You should not re-extension to restore lost hairs. This will cause the remaining eyelashes to die and break.

Important ! The cause of eyelash loss in women may be due to an allergic reaction to decorative cosmetics, glue, or poor hygiene. A woman’s hormonal background also affects her; progressive hair loss can begin during pregnancy or after childbirth.

"Alerana" to restore the length and thickness of eyelashes

The product is a bottle resembling mascara, which is unscrewed from both sides. The composition on the left should be applied to the eyelashes in the morning. The one on the right is in the evening.

"Alerana" is the most effective and popular pharmaceutical product for restoring eyelashes after extensions. It is difficult to say how long it takes for complete recovery to occur - much depends on individual characteristics. Judging by the reviews of Alerana, after a month of regular use, the eyelashes are transformed - they become thick and long.

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