Lashmaker recommends: is it worth getting eyelash extensions if you wear contact lenses?

10/27/2020 Alena Masheva Health

The desire to look beautiful leads girls to specialists in various areas of the beauty industry, including eyelash extension specialists. This procedure can provide long-lasting lush, long eyelashes that no longer require coloring or additional tricks for curling. But is it possible to combine lenses with eyelash extensions?

How is the extension procedure carried out?

An artificial eyelash is a fiber made from silk, nylon, natural mink fur or other materials. These fibers can be connected together into small bundles or used individually. They are fixed along the growth line of your own eyelashes, for which a special adhesive composition is used.

Extensions may require from 40 to 100 eyelashes per eye. Because of this, the procedure takes a long time; sometimes the process can take several hours.

During eyelash extensions there is very close contact with the client's organs of vision. Because of this, the question of compatibility between eyelash extensions and lenses arises. According to ophthalmologists, wearing lenses is not a contraindication to the procedure, but you need to remember all the risks and possible problems later. The procedure itself is very delicate and requires professionalism, so the choice of a specialist must be approached carefully.

Eyelash extension procedure

With classic extensions, each artificial eyelash is glued to one of your own. In total, during eyelash extensions, about 80–120 artificial eyelashes are glued onto your own eyelashes. Each eyelash is taken with tweezers and the blunt end is dipped in glue to the middle of its length. Then it is glued to your own eyelash, but no closer than 0.5–1.0 mm from the edge of the eyelid.

Important tips for eyelash extension procedure:

  • You should not do it at home, despite the relative simplicity of the procedure.
  • Contact only a professional beauty salon that has a license. Ask the technician to show all certificates before starting the procedure: an unprofessional technician can damage the surface of the eye with instruments. This process must be carried out under hygienic conditions. All tools that will be used for extensions must be disinfected.
  • Ask the master what glue he uses when performing the procedure. It is important that the glue does not contain formaldehyde, since these substances have an increased toxic effect and can cause irritation of eye tissue and allergic reactions.
  • Do not remove eyelash extensions yourself; this may cause breakage and damage to your own eyelashes.
  • To remove artificial eyelashes, a special product is used - cream-paste for removing eyelash extensions.

Possible negative consequences

Turning to a non-professional for eyelash extensions or non-compliance with the procedure technology can lead to unpleasant consequences. It could be:

  • damage to the eyelids with sharp tweezers;
  • the appearance of an allergic reaction to the glue used (it contains formaldehyde and other chemicals that can cause irritation and itching in people with sensitive skin and those prone to allergies);
  • infection of the cornea (this occurs due to lack of thorough sterilization of the instrument);
  • damage to the hair follicles of natural eyelashes, the latter become weak and short (this situation can arise with frequent extensions);
  • allergic reaction to removers (solvents used to remove eyelash extensions);
  • decreased vision if extensions are applied at the wrong angle, due to which the eyelashes will constantly fall into the viewing angle and interfere.
  • You can wear lenses with eyelash extensions, but these consequences can occur without optical products in the eye.

What can and cannot be done?

When using them, the only contraindications are swimming and working with chemicals that can irritate the eyes. You can actively engage in sports and any other activities. There are some nuances:

While wearing optical correctors, you should not resort to the services of a hairdresser.

  • You should not apply makeup before putting on lenses.
  • Do not remove or put them on with dirty hands.
  • It is contraindicated to wear lenses if there is a viral infection in the body.
  • It is prohibited to visit a hairdresser wearing a vision corrector.
  • It is necessary not to wear contact adjustments in the following pathological conditions: inflammatory processes of the eyeball;
  • inflammation of the cornea;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reaction.

Eyelash extensions while wearing corrective products

The procedure is allowed. Before visiting a lash maker, it is important to consider that the master must be certified. When carrying out the process, safety precautions, cleanliness in the office and individual instruments must be taken into account or their sterilization is required. Before applying eyelash extensions, it is important to test for an allergic reaction. The technician must work in a neat manner and thoroughly wash his hands and disinfect them before applying extensions. The technique must be precise, otherwise it is possible that materials will get into the eyes, which will lead to irritation of the visual organ.

The beauty procedure should be carried out after removing the optical glasses from the eyes.

It is important to understand that if you use contact lenses to improve visual function after extensions, the wearing period can be significantly reduced. Therefore, during this period, it is recommended to use glasses to prolong the wear of artificial eyelashes. A professional should know that eyelash extensions are carried out after the lenses are removed, so as not to irritate the eyes again and not to cloud the vision correctors themselves. Then it is contraindicated to wet your eyes for more than 3 hours, as well as to rub. It is better to choose a more gentle solution for storage.

It is important to be more careful when washing your face. It is not recommended to use oily eye creams while wearing it. You should refrain from water procedures for about 48 hours after visiting a lash maker. And in the following days they can cause a reduction in eyelash life. If you want to tint your eyelashes with mascara, it is important to choose one that does not fall off. It should be remembered that mascara cannot be applied to eyes without lenses. They are put on and only after that the makeup is applied.

Rules for preparing for the procedure

During eyelash extensions, it is impossible to avoid direct contact with the external structures of the eye. Therefore, the technician must do everything to prevent the possibility of damaging the lenses with tweezers, as well as getting glue or solvent on them. For this purpose, optical products must be removed before the procedure. You can put it on again only if no atypical reactions appear after the extension. If these rules are followed, the question of whether you can wear lenses with eyelash extensions will not arise.

Safety measures during expansion

There are no special features of the procedure while wearing lenses at the same time. There are two basic rules that must be followed:

  • Before starting the process, you must remove the lenses;
  • It is first recommended to check the adhesive composition for allergies (the wrist and the back of the elbow are considered sensitive), and also to perform several hair extensions, wait 15-20 minutes, and if there is no negative reaction, continue the procedure.
  • It is also worth waiting a while before putting on lenses with eyelash extensions.

    Features of eyelash care after the procedure

    If you wear eyelash extensions and lenses at the same time (reviews confirm this), then there is a high risk of premature fiber loss. To avoid this (as well as possible health problems), you must follow the rules for caring for them:

  • try not to touch the fibers when putting on and removing lenses, and you should also not touch the eyelash extensions with your fingers;
  • for storing optical products, it is recommended to use a liquid with a non-aggressive composition, since there is a possibility that upon contact with the glue, the latter may lose its properties and the eyelashes will come off (as practice shows, the wearing period of eyelashes in this case is reduced to two weeks);
  • in the first day after extensions, it is recommended to completely abandon lenses and washing, this is due to the long drying of the glue (complete hardening occurs within 20 hours), which means that due to contact with water or other liquids, the eyelashes may fall off or move, which can lead to discomfort;
  • owners of eyelash extensions and lenses should avoid cosmetics that contain oil;
  • You should not use additional mascara, which can cause additional dryness of the eyes and lenses, primarily this applies to waterproof mascara, the negative effect in this case is associated not so much with the mascara itself, but with its removal, since this requires special means (usually extensions performed precisely in order not to use mascara in the future, because the eyelashes become long, thick, and curled);
  • You should also avoid using other cosmetics (besides mascara and oil-based makeup removers), for example, fatty creams;
  • Optical products must be removed before going to bed, otherwise inflammation and swelling of the eyes cannot be avoided.
  • After the procedure, you should carefully monitor for any atypical reactions. If any unpleasant sensations occur while wearing eyelash extensions and lenses, for example, itching, burning, redness, you should immediately remove the lenses and go to an ophthalmologist for advice. However, under no circumstances should you try to remove eyelash extensions yourself.

    What you should pay attention to when doing lens extensions

    When you decide to get eyelash extensions if you wear contact lenses, you need to know a few nuances. Necessary:

    • contact an experienced lash maker;
    • the materials must be of excellent quality, and the glue must be hypoallergenic;
    • Representatives of the fair sex should be prepared for problems when wearing eyelash extensions or means to improve visibility.

    Possible problems as a result of artificial hair extensions in poor visibility:

    1. Contact of falling off particles of adhesive with the mucous membrane of the eyes. The risk of developing the process is low, but it exists even when using high-quality materials and tools for the procedure.
    2. Lenses need to be removed and put on daily; the action spoils the artificial hairs attached to the eyelids.

    Eyelash extensions and lenses require careful handling. If you follow the rules for caring for them, there will be no consequences when attaching unnatural hairs to your eyelids.

    The procedure for ladies using products to improve visual acuity is carried out as follows:

    • the client removes the lenses in the specialist’s office and places them in a storage container;
    • the cosmetologist applies a degreasing composition to the beauty’s own eyelashes;
    • An adhesive patch or silicone pad is placed under the lady’s lower eyelid;
    • The master applies artificial hairs with tweezers.

    Products to improve visibility do not prevent women from independently choosing the volume and length of artificial hair they like.


    Ophthalmologists agree that eyelash extensions and contact lenses can be worn at the same time. But there are still contraindications for which it is not recommended to visit a lash maker. These contraindications are:

  • the presence of an inflammatory and infectious reaction in the eyes (eyelash extensions in this case will only worsen the situation, which can lead to the development of unpleasant complications, including deterioration of visual function);
  • tendency to allergies (if an allergic reaction to the materials occurs at least once during eyelash extensions, then you should not risk it again, most likely the situation will repeat itself every time), such a reaction is associated with increased sensitivity of the eye mucosa due to constant wearing of lenses.
  • Eyelash extensions do not in any way affect the quality of visual function. A negative effect can only occur if there is an excessive amount of glue used, which irritates the mucous membrane of the eye, which causes problems.

    Lashmaker recommends: is it worth getting eyelash extensions if you wear contact lenses?

    This question was discussed by users of our forum, so we turned to eyelash extension specialist Elena Lark for an answer.

    Elena is a lash maker who does eyelash extensions and at the same time uses lenses herself.

    — Doctors have been saying for a long time that eyelash extensions while wearing lenses do not aggravate the situation in any way. And this becomes clear to anyone: you just have to understand how the extension procedure goes.

    During eyelash extensions, the eyes remain closed and are never opened. This ensures the safety of the lenses. The work happens directly with the eyelashes. Lenses also do not interfere with choosing the desired length and curl of eyelashes.

    When applying eye extensions, the eyes are closed, so there is no danger of damaging the lens

    Wearing lenses can only affect the lifespan of eyelash extensions. Due to daily contact with eyelashes, they can become frayed and begin to fall out prematurely.

    But you should also be very careful when choosing a master. Excessive amounts of glue can be harmful to your eyes, regardless of whether you have lenses or not. A great danger to vision and lenses can come from the fact that the technician does a poor job and the eyelashes begin to curl and get into the eyes. At the very least, this can tear the lens.

    If the work is done poorly, the eyelashes may begin to curl and get into the eyes.

    The use of low-quality materials or untreated tools can also cause significant harm. So, before the procedure, you should inform the specialist about this feature so that the most gentle materials that do not cause allergies and irritation are used during extensions.

    This is what irritation looks like during eyelash extensions

    How to take care of eyelash extensions if you wear contact lenses?

    — In general, eyelash care when wearing lenses is not very different from regular care. In order to avoid all undesirable consequences, you should adhere to the following rules:

    • Remove and put on lenses without touching your eyelashes.
    • Protect yourself from getting lens solution into your eyes for 24 hours after extensions, that is, refrain from using lenses during this time.
    • Do not use any products containing oils.

    Try to put on lenses without touching eyelash extensions

    The situation is similar with other cosmetic procedures, for example, lamination and keratinization of eyelashes. But unlike extensions, after these procedures the lenses can be put on and taken off immediately.

    But despite the fact that cosmetologists and ophthalmologists have confirmed the harmlessness of these procedures, there are a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored:

    • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eyes and eyelids. Extension products can aggravate the situation and lead to complications. In this case, you should first cure your eyes, and then resort to this cosmetic procedure.
    • Having allergies. In people who wear lenses, the mucous membrane of the eye is more sensitive to external factors, so an inflammatory reaction may begin. In this case, you should remove the lenses, extend a couple of eyelashes and wait from an hour to three. If during this time no unpleasant changes have occurred, then the procedure can be safely continued.

    Allergies may get worse after extensions. Be careful!

    If you want to remove eyelash extensions, under no circumstances should you do it yourself. This experience can deprive you of your eyelashes, as well as lead to irreversible consequences for your eyes and vision.

    With the right approach, lenses will not interfere with an expressive look


    What side effects may occur?

    When wearing eyelash extensions and contact lenses at the same time, you need to consider that:

  • the risk of dry eye syndrome increases, since artificial eyelashes are longer than natural eyelashes, which means they increase air flow when blinking, which can lead to itching, redness, and dryness;
  • you need to correct your eyelashes more often, since when you remove and put on lenses, willy-nilly, you can also touch artificial fibers with your hands, which will lead to a decrease in their service life.
  • You need to be prepared for faster eye fatigue (in the first days after the procedure for sure).

    Lamination of eyelashes and lenses

    Another procedure that increases the attractiveness of eyelashes is lamination. In this case, there are also concerns about the possibility of performing the procedure while wearing lenses.

    The products used for lamination increase the intensity of eyelash growth.

    Impaired visual function (farsightedness, myopia), in which a person wears lenses, is not a contraindication to this cosmetic procedure. There are no risks due to the use of formulations that in no way affect the quality of vision and do not have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the eye.

    Features of wearing lenses after

    Wearing lenses with eyelash extensions is safe, provided they are handled with sufficient care . But during the procedure itself, it is recommended to remove the lenses. The reason for this is the artist’s use of liquid glue, some of which can get on the mucous membrane and surface of the eye. This way it comes into contact with the lens and can get under it, which will cause acute pain and also damage the body of the lens.

    When you continue to wear contact lenses, two things may become problematic:

    • the daily process of putting on and taking off lenses - there is a high risk of touching the eyelashes each time, which reduces their service life;
    • contact of falling glue particles with the mucous membrane of the eye and the body of the lens - when using high-quality materials, the risk of this is very low.

    The use of hypoallergenic glue is also of great importance. The eyes are already under double strain, and any risk of irritation must be reduced. Properly selected glue is less likely to react with the polymer surface of the lenses and the lens care product.


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    Even bloggers make videos about whether it is possible to do eyelash extensions even if you want to wear contact lenses?

    IMPORTANT : You also need to carefully choose a solution for cleaning lenses and eye drops. These products may damage the polymer surface of artificial eyelashes or react with the glue.

    Thus, the main safety measures for eyelash extensions can be given in the form of a short list:

    • remove lenses during the procedure;
    • use only high-quality materials;
    • contact an experienced and trusted specialist;
    • use hypoallergenic glue;
    • carefully remove and put on lenses;
    • choose a gentle product to care for your products.

    The professionalism of the specialist and a careful approach to the choice of materials will make wearing lenses together with eyelash extensions safe. The only consequence may be a reduction in the life of the eyelashes - the inevitable touching of them when wearing lenses will reduce the strength of the attachment.

    Lamination rules

    Contact lenses must be removed before lamination. It is also necessary to exclude contact of laminated eyelashes with water (during the first 24 hours). But there are no restrictions regarding the use of lenses: they can be put on immediately after the procedure is completed.

    If a woman constantly wears contact lenses, then before visiting a beauty specialist, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. This will eliminate the occurrence of unpleasant consequences and maintain the quality of vision.


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