How to choose eyelashes for extensions? Curves, length and thickness of eyelashes for extensions

Having decided on an extension procedure, every woman strives to get the maximum result - long, thick and silky eyelashes. Coming to a beauty salon, many people ask to have long and thick eyelashes, but then after 2-3 days, due to inconvenience and heaviness, they come asking to re-glue the hairs shorter.

How to choose eyelashes for extensions in order to immediately get a result that is visible to yourself, but invisible to others who will think that nature rewarded you with such gorgeous eyelashes? First, let's look at the effects that can be achieved by selecting the length of the material.

Effects of eyelash extensions

The first and main question of the beauty salon master will be your wishes to correct the shape of the eye, which is achieved by selecting eyelashes of different lengths.

  1. Natural. On the upper eyelid, the master extends the material to the same length, which exceeds the size of your own eyelashes by 2 mm. This technique makes the look expressive, the hairs seem thicker, but it is impossible to understand from the outside that they are unnatural.
  2. Fox. The effect is achieved by gradually increasing the length of the material towards the outer corner of the eye. This technique is suitable for women with small eyes.
  3. Squirrel. The material used for extensions is mostly small in size; only a couple of bunches of long eyelashes are glued to the outer corner of the eye.
  4. Rays. Eyelashes for the procedure are taken in two different sizes and glued alternately.
  5. Doll look. Long eyelashes are glued along the entire length - more than 16 mm. The durability of the result of such technology is often short-lived due to the inconvenience of such “beauty”.
  6. Millennium. Extravagant women who want to stand out want to achieve this effect. After all, the technique involves gluing eyelashes using feathers, colored eyelashes, rhinestones and other decorations.

Advice from experienced doctors and cosmetologists

The choice of eyelash material can be the most difficult; you want to get an irresistible effect, but not pay a fortune for short-term beauty. It is recommended to use mink or sable. In any case, we are talking about artificial material. In other words, not natural animal hair will be used, but its analogue.

It should also be taken into account that when gluing individually, there is a greater chance of giving expressiveness to the look than when using a bunch, even of a premium class. Everyday eyelashes should be selected so that you can use them for at least three weeks.

Piece extensions

When creating a classic look, you need to take both large and small hairs. Eyelash extensions on the upper eyelid are quite difficult. A novice master is unlikely to be able to cope with this.

Increasing the length and volume of your own eyelashes allows you to achieve an expressive look, but for this it is better to visit a salon where an experienced specialist works. When doing eyelash extensions at home, it is rarely possible to do it efficiently.

What diameter should I choose?

This parameter ranges from 0.1 to 0.25 mm. You can decide on the best option for yourself based on the purposes for which you are undergoing the extension procedure. The appropriate thickness of the eyelashes is selected in the following way:

  • 0.1 mm is suitable when your own eyelashes are prone to loss, thin and brittle. Such extensions are not felt for centuries; in appearance they are as similar as possible to natural eyelashes. Therefore, owners of such eyelash extensions additionally tint them with mascara;
  • 0.15 mm - this thickness is more like eyelashes covered with mascara, but women who prefer volume still tint them;
  • 0.2 mm - this diameter is optimal for women who do not have time to paint their eyes in the morning, but still have a great desire to make them expressive. More than any previous option, they resemble well-painted eyelashes, but at the same time they are noticeable on the eyelids;
  • Experts recommend 0.25 mm extensions only for special occasions, since due to their severity they can provoke hair loss after some time.

Eyelash extensions - pros and cons

Any beauty procedure has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of eyelash extensions:

  • Beautiful look around the clock . Eyes look expressive at any time - this is the main reason why all women do eye extensions. It gives a huge feeling of confidence. Many women can no longer refuse the procedure after trying it once. The eyes become huge and can easily distract from existing shortcomings, such as a large nose.
  • The effect lasts for a long time . You can go for the procedure and forget about the correction for 3-4 weeks. This is very convenient if you go on vacation, to the sea and want to remain beautiful around the clock.
  • Saving on cosmetics . You can refuse mascara, eyeliner and shadows. The look becomes expressive and there is no need to use decorative cosmetics to emphasize it.
  • You can change the shape of your eyes . If you like almond or fox eyes, you can achieve this by using the shape and size of your eyelashes. An experienced master will fulfill any whim.

Cons of eyelash extensions:

  • Allergic reactions . Some women may have a reaction to the glue. The result is redness of the mucous membrane, lacrimation and burning. This reaction usually lasts no more than 1-2 days.
  • Changes in washing routine . Do not wet your eyes with water or use cleansers. You should try to avoid any exposure to water on the eye area, especially in the first days after the procedure.
  • Load, harm to natural eyelashes . If your eyelashes are thin and weakened, the additional load from glue and artificial hairs can cause them to fall out or become brittle.
  • You will have to change your eye skin care . Do not use oily, moisturizing products in the eye area.
  • Correction . Every three weeks you need to make a correction.
  • You can't sleep on your stomach . Sleeping with your head down, buried in a pillow, can damage your eyelashes. It is advisable to sleep on your back or side.

Which length is right for you?

To determine this parameter, there is a simple rule: take one eyelash that has fallen out of your eyes and attach it to any ruler. Add 2 mm to this size - this will be the ideal size for the extension procedure. If you want to have a rather expressive look and long eyelashes, then do not add too much to this value - a maximum of 4 mm, otherwise the eyes will look doll-like and even vulgar.

Most manufacturers produce eyelash extension tapes with hairs from 4 to 22 mm, which are intended for different purposes:

  • 4-6 mm are suitable for working on the inner corners of the eyes - there the eyelashes should be the shortest;
  • 8-12 mm is the most popular length, it is used to create both natural and elongated eyelashes;
  • hairs longer than 16 mm are intended exclusively for special occasions, photography or theme parties, therefore, for their extensions, unstable glue is used, which will allow you to remove artificial buns at any time.

How to choose the length of eyelashes?

This is what we will talk about in this article.

This topic is quite extensive, so here we will discuss the length of the eyelashes , and consider the thickness and curves in separate articles. Where do we start?

What factors do we pay attention to when choosing eyelash length?

The first factor is the condition of the client's natural eyelashes . We make sure to diagnose natural eyelashes. If the client’s eyelashes are naturally good, quite dense and thick, then we can initially choose a good length, at least a third longer than the client’s eyelashes.

If the client’s ladders are naturally thin , or they are damaged due to long-term extensions or some other factors, then, naturally, we should not overdo it with the length of the eyelashes, otherwise this will negatively affect the condition of the client’s eyelashes in the future.

The next parameter we pay attention to is the shape of the client’s eyes and facial parameters. For example, for protruding eyes, we would not recommend choosing too long lengths, even if you use a slight bend. This, again, will aggravate the situation, and besides the eyes, there may simply be nothing left on the client’s face.

As for deep-set eyes , here we can take eyelashes about a couple of millimeters longer than we initially want, so that when our eyes are open, the length of the eyelashes is still visible from under the eyelid, since with deep planting the eyes are a little “eaten up” thanks to the brow bone.

The next factor that we must consider when choosing the length of artificial eyelashes is the type of extension . If we are going to give a client classic extensions, where only one eyelash is attached to one natural eyelash, and the load is correspondingly less, then we can allow a longer length .

If we are going to do volumetric extensions , or, moreover, hyper-volume ones, then, of course, we should take into account the fact that a volumetric beam already creates additional stress on the natural eyelash . Here you need to be more careful with the length, so your task is to gently guide your client to exactly that effect and to the length that, in your opinion, is considered the most harmonious in this case, will suit the client and satisfy his needs for the aesthetic effect of the procedure.

Another important parameter that cannot be ignored is the design of external and internal corners . Here it is important for us to take into account 2 golden rules, which we apply in almost any type of extension, in any effect.

What do we need to do?

It is necessary to duplicate the inner corner with the lengths that grow accordingly for the client. We also need to reduce the external angle to shorter lengths . Typically, the area of ​​reduction for shorter lengths is approximately 5 mm +/- depending on the entire length (perimeter) of the eyelid.

We use a minimum of 4 lengths : if we, for example, have a maximum length that we use in this effect - 11 mm , then to reduce the length we will take 10, 9, 8, 7 and 6 mm. There will be literally 2-3 pieces of 6 mm eyelashes.

To design the internal corner we will need lengths of 4, 5, 6 and 7 mm.

And one moment.

Don’t let it bother you that often the client’s eyelashes in the inner corner may seem even a little longer than the lengths you use with artificial material. In the final effect, when we finish our procedure, this will not be visible at all. In contrast to darker, richer artificial eyelashes, the lighter tips of natural eyelashes simply will not be visible.

Therefore, do not forget, in order to perform a truly high-quality extension, you will need at least 6 to 8 lengths.

As you know, manufacturers produce eyelashes in two versions: loose in jars and on ribbons . For a higher speed of extension and for a better procedure , we recommend that you use eyelashes on tapes . Eyelashes on a tape are more convenient, because with their help you can place all the parameters you need on the tablet and this will make the procedure itself much easier for you.

Based on such a parameter as length, manufacturers produce two types of artificial eyelashes: mixes and individual lengths .

  • For beginners, we recommend using mixes, because this is how you will understand which lengths are going away the fastest and in the future you can purchase them in separate palettes.
  • For practicing artists, we recommend using palettes in separate lengths, because you already have quite a lot of clients, and the mix may not be enough for you .

For example, the catalog presents palettes with separate lengths of 6 and 16 lines from 5 to 20 mm, as well as a wide variety of mixes, which will allow you to choose exactly the parameters you need.
If you have any questions, be sure to call and we’ll figure it out together!:)

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How important is bending?

A correctly selected bend will help visually correct the shape of the eyes and make them “wide open”. To designate this parameter in professional circles, the following values ​​are used:

  1. B - such hairs imitate the natural shape of eyelashes - they are straight and only slightly point upward.
  2. C – eyelashes are curved, so they make the look open and attractive. This shape does not require additional curling or curling.
  3. CC are very curved hair extensions that are applied to women whose own eyelashes are straight.
  4. L – the main length of such a hair is straight, only the tip itself is curved. This option is ideal for women who naturally have drooping eyelids.
  5. J – the bend is barely noticeable, but gives the look lightness and openness.

Types of Eyelash Extensions

Masters distinguish three main types of extensions: incomplete, full and volumetric.

Incomplete extensions are a procedure designed to create the desired accent or emphasize the naturalness of the look. To do this, artificial hairs are not placed on each of your own eyelashes, but through one or more. Also, only the outer corner of the eyes can be emphasized.

Full extensions are a classic method of transforming the eye area. It involves placing one artificial hair on each eyelash. To give the look more expressiveness and depth, this method can be used to thicken only the outer corners of the eyes.

Volumetric extensions are an extreme way to improve the appearance of the eyes, as a result of which there are several times more eyelashes, and the look becomes especially bright and open. With 2D extensions, two artificial hairs are placed on each hair; with 3D, three, respectively.

4D - 7D is a mega-volume extension used for stage performances or theatrical events. It involves gluing more than 4 artificial eyelashes onto one natural eyelash.

Can I choose the color?

The basis of the color palette of the material for such extensions is black and brown. The first option allows you to highlight your eyes, make them expressive and more noticeable. Brown hairs allow you to achieve a natural effect, and are also recommended for extensions for fair-haired girls. Long black eyelashes on a blonde can look too vulgar and unnatural.

But the range of possibilities of such a procedure is not limited only to these colors; if desired, you can glue yellow, green, blue or eyelashes of any color. This option is suitable for those who always want to stand out from the crowd or make an impression at a themed party. Another question is that not every craftsman has the entire color range of the material in stock.

To structure all types of material for this procedure, we suggest watching the following video:

If you decide to do the extension yourself at home, then the following video will help you understand all its intricacies:

What about the manufacturer?

Professionals of such skill claim that not all eyelash manufacturers are conscientious in selecting the optimal composition of the hair. It should be such that when exposed to influence, the eyelash does not break or deform, and when the shape changes, it returns to its original position. A good material has silicone in its structure, but it is more expensive than other options.

The following manufacturers are not in demand among hair extension specialists: Ha-Da, Irisk, Salon Professional, Lady Victory, Baysida, Lidan. They are made of cheap synthetic material, they break, and there are many defective copies in the packaging. In addition, they look unnatural and differ unfavorably from natural eyelashes.

Eyelashes from Perfect Silk, AG, Dolce Vita, which are classified as premium class materials, received good reviews. They are elastic, shiny, and do not stand out against the background of their eyelashes.

To determine which eyelashes are best for you, first determine the effect you would like to achieve. Discuss this with a specialist who will select the optimal material parameters for extensions. It is possible that you will have to use several types of hairs at once.

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