Review of the best glue for eyelash extensions

Any representative of the fair sex dreams of beautiful thick and long eyelashes with a curve. In some cases, even expensive mascara cannot cope with straight growth or sparse hairs. In this case, cosmetologists and makeup artists recommend using invoices. The necessary materials and glue for false eyelashes must be selected carefully, studying their composition and quality.

What kind of glue should I use to glue false eyelashes?

The choice of glue must be approached responsibly. A low-quality product can damage the skin of the eyelids and the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Many makeup artists advise choosing safe adhesives for hair extensions based on your skill level. You need to pay attention to the composition of the product, its expiration date, color, consistency.

The composition for gluing eyelashes has varieties:

  1. White. After drying, it acquires a transparent color and is convenient for attaching bundles.
  2. Special, sold as a set. Such cosmetics are of low quality. Elements attached with its help quickly fall away.
  3. Black. This glue masks imperfections and is suitable for those girls who want to complete their makeup with arrows drawn on their eyelids.
  4. Transparent. The composition includes latex, which allows you to properly fix the element.
  5. Water resistant. This glue is not afraid of exposure to liquid. They attach eyelashes when going on vacation in the pool or sea. They are convenient for gluing large hairs.

Rating of glue brands for instant fixation eyelash extensions

NameLidanLovely PerfectDOLCE VITA


Lidan glue is based on high-quality natural resin. The product is universal.

It can be used for fluff or piece extensions. Masters often use it to secure 2D and 3D eyelashes.


  • low price;
  • lasts until the real eyelash falls out;
  • can be used for sensitive eyes;
  • can be wet;
  • does not stick adjacent eyelashes together;
  • elasticity.


  • Over time, the product acquires an unpleasant, heavy aroma;
  • Once the bottle opens, it hardens quickly.

Lovely Perfect

Lovely Perfect glue holds eyelashes for up to 8 weeks. It is not advisable to apply the product to the skin.

Designed exclusively for eyelash extensions. Available in three different volume bottles: 2, 5, 10 ml.

Remains elastic even after drying.


  • practically does not evaporate;
  • does not get stuck in the air;
  • increased resistance to external influences;
  • if you do not touch the eyelids, there are no side effects;
  • maintains elasticity and color throughout wear;
  • high quality.


  • It is recommended to store at a temperature of 18 to 23 degrees;
  • The product in an open bottle thickens over time.

Vivienne Elite

The glue has a liquid consistency and fixes instantly (0.5-1 sec). The composition belongs to the class of medium.

The product is based on cyanoacrylate. This material is very elastic and glues reliably.

Maximum strength is achieved in 2 days. Designed for volumetric or Japanese extensions.

Like other adhesive materials of the brand, Elite glue does not cause an allergic reaction and does not irritate the eyes. Does not cause discomfort, easy to use.

Keeps eyelashes from 5 to 8 weeks. Bottle volume - 5 ml.


  • eyes do not water or become irritated;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • does not leave lumps;
  • does not thicken during operation;
  • elasticity is average;
  • the smell is almost imperceptible;
  • evaporation is minimal;
  • optimal consistency.


  • working with the composition requires experience and skill;
  • During the procedure, you may experience a slight runny nose or sore throat;
  • high price.


This premium product is considered by many professionals to be the best adhesive material. The brand is widely known and popular.

The glue itself comes with all the necessary accessories and materials for eyelash extensions. The product does not cause allergic reactions, so nothing bad will happen if a small amount of glue gets into the eye.


  • wearing time – up to 5 weeks;
  • fixes in 2 seconds;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • perfectly grips natural and artificial eyelashes;
  • eyelashes do not stick together under the influence of the product;
  • liquid consistency;
  • does not stretch;
  • easy to apply;
  • does not cause discomfort.


  • Price (the most expensive in the ranking).

Sakura Champion

Sakura Champion is the best glue for eyelash extensions. Made in Japan.

Designed for eyelash extensions. Thanks to its liquid consistency, coupling takes no more than 1 second.

Wearing time is up to 2 months. Does not cause unpleasant sensations or discomfort.

Available in 5 ml bottles. Glue color is black.

The product has virtually no negative reviews. Both the craftsmen and their clients are satisfied with the performance of the glue.


  • harmful fumes are minimal;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • lasts a long time;
  • can be worn even in hot weather (at normal humidity);
  • equipped with a convenient dispenser, which cannot be overdone;
  • you can glue the lower eyelashes;
  • does not form lumps.


  • It is not elastic, so you have to glue it very quickly.

Review of safe adhesives for false eyelashes

You can apply false eyelashes using high-quality products. Makeup artists have compiled a rating of safe products:

  1. Kiss IENVY. The main substance in the glue is latex. It lasts for 14-16 hours and is washed off with water.
  2. Duo. The product contains a white latex base. The product has the ability to dry quickly and become colorless. Removes when washed.
  3. Ardell. Its composition is black. When applied correctly, the product creates a liner effect. It has a water-repellent effect, securely attaches hairs to the eyelids, and can be removed with a special product from the same manufacturer.
  4. Atelier eyelash glue. The drug is based on latex. It comes in black and white. Firmly and reliably fixes false hairs. The product is considered hypoallergenic.
  5. Dolce Vita. The product is convenient to use at home. It has a black color and a resinous base.
  6. Ultra Power Glova International. The drug does not cause allergies, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, and has no pungent odor.
  7. Lady Victory. The product contains a hypoallergenic resin with a water-resistant effect. The glue dries in seven minutes. If you don’t wash your face, you can walk with artificial hairs attached with it for a week.
  8. GLOVA International Prime 6. The adhesive composition has a light texture. It is almost not felt before the eyes. The product can be used to attach rhinestones.
  9. Ultra Plus. The product has a liquid consistency and easily gets into the eyes. It should be used by experienced makeup artists.

Cosmetologists advise giving preference to those tubes of glue that come with a brush for applying it; such products are easier to distribute along the eyelash band.

Middle price segment

TNL Professional

The products of this company belong to the group of professional cosmetics, but I would like to note that such adhesives can be used at home even by beginners. The glue is characterized by a very thick consistency, which very much resembles resin, so it is very easy to achieve optimal results: the eyelashes are attached within a few seconds and last a very long time.

The glue does not cause any discomfort. The manufacturer claims that only the highest quality products are used as raw materials. Some products take quite a long time to dry, making them even easier to use. The fixation period for eyelash extensions can reach a whole month. On sale you can find compositions made specifically for experienced craftsmen. They do not harm your own eyelashes, but reliably secure artificial ones, setting in just two seconds.

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  • Excellent quality;
  • The result is excellent;
  • Almost complete absence of foreign odor;
  • Lots of options to choose from.


  • You need to choose carefully, otherwise a beginner may purchase a composition for an experienced master, with whom it will be very difficult for him to work.

Eyelash extension glue TNL Professional


Products for working with eyelashes from a domestic manufacturer from a company that has been manufacturing such products for 13 years. The compositions have an optimal price-quality ratio. The assortment includes four types of glue, which is versatile, that is, it can be used for eyelash or beam gluing.

The formula is made on the basis of latex and has an affordable price. All products have the necessary certificates of compliance with international standards. When used correctly, the results are simply fantastic.


  • Excellent price-quality ratio;
  • Several compositions in stock;
  • Absolutely hypoallergenic product base;
  • Good performance.


  • Before buying, you need to find the curing time of the glue on the packaging.

Glue for eyelash extensions ruNail


Another South Korean product that constantly occupies a leading position in the ratings. The company producing this composition has long established itself as a manufacturer of safe and high-quality eyelash extension products. The products have a very wide range. In particular, a special quick-hardening composition is suitable for masters, which helps eyelash extensions last up to a month. The most popular among beginners is hypoallergenic glue, which does not emit fumes, can last for a long time and is suitable for sensitive eyes.

The catalog includes eight types of glue, which differ significantly from each other in their characteristics. Each product goes through very strict dermatological control and receives European and Russian quality certificates.


  • Wide choose;
  • Excellent quality;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • Hypoallergenic products.


  • Quite a large consumption of products.

Neicha eyelash extension glue

Features of using eyelashes on a silicone strip adhesive brush on

Despite the high quality, many girls and women prefer hairs on a silicone strip.

Eyelashes give beauties an open, attractive look, are not afraid of wind, rain and snow, and do not cause allergies.

They have many advantages:

  1. High quality and environmentally friendly composition. Artificial ones look elastic, durable, create a natural effect, do not bend, and are suitable for ladies who use contact lenses.
  2. They can be worn for a long time. False eyelashes are quite flexible and do not deform, which allows them to stay on the eyelids longer.
  3. With their help, you can create an expressive make-up without wasting time. Artificial hairs do not require mascara and have rich, bright colors.
  4. Easy to care for. Unnatural hairs can be worn for two weeks. 12 hours after the gluing procedure, it is not prohibited to swim and visit baths and pools.

If you couldn’t find the best glue for artificial false eyelashes, the elements on the silicone strip of the adhesive brush on caught your attention, then you should find out about their disadvantages:

  1. They are heavy and dense. The hairs are made of heavy, dense material; your own natural eyelashes must be strong and durable to withstand the additional load.
  2. They are difficult to attach on your own; a trip to a professional is required.
  3. The attachment procedure is time consuming.
  4. False eyelashes on a silicone strip adhesive brush on require careful attention to makeup. It must be done carefully so as not to damage the material.

There are recommendations from experienced makeup artists and cosmetologists for caring for artificial hairs on a silicone strip:

  1. In the first 12-24 hours after gluing, they should not come into contact with liquids, otherwise the composition may get into the eyes and cause irritation.
  2. It is not recommended to paint them with mascara. You can only use mascara designed for artificial polymer hairs.
  3. Do not use creams containing fats or oils to care for the skin around the eyes. Makeup remover products must have an alcohol-free, oil-free base.
  4. Use is not recommended for those who frequently suffer from conjunctivitis.

When wearing false silicone eyelashes, makeup artists advise:

  1. Remove makeup using a cotton pad soaked in the product, placing it on your eyelids for a couple of seconds, then moving it down.
  2. Clean the eyelids with water mixed with baby wash and dry with a towel.

False hairs on a silicone strip will be an alternative for ladies who cannot make their eyes mesmerizing using false artificial eyelashes.

Features of using glue

Before application, it is recommended to read the instructions for use and the list of contraindications. It is important for beginners to choose the right product, since some substances require appropriate experience and skills to work with.

When choosing a gluing technology, everyone is guided by their own skills. All methods require the execution of a certain algorithm of actions. The choice of product also depends on the bristles used.

Care should be taken when working with the fixing compound. If it gets into the eyes, it can cause a burn to the mucous membranes or an allergy. It is recommended to study methods of storing the composition. Don't forget about the expiration date. When working, you can use a special palette. It prevents artificial hairs from sticking together, which allows them to be securely fixed at the base of the eyelids.

For convenience, you should purchase a tool for applying the composition - a brush. It is recommended to shake the container with glue for false eyelashes thoroughly before use. Then a small amount of the product is applied to the base for gluing. After completing the procedure, the container should be wiped and stored according to the instructions.

It is not recommended to dilute or dissolve the hardened composition with anything. A thick consistency indicates the expiration date.

The composition should be washed off from false eyelashes using the following technology:

  • Dip the artificial bristles into a container of makeup remover.
  • Leave for 5 minutes in a dark place.
  • Place the material on a napkin.
  • Clean the lint using tweezers.
  • Rinse the items in the liquid again, holding them with tweezers.
  • Place on a paper towel and brush with a brush to restore shape.
  • You can purchase special removers that dissolve glue. They are more expensive than makeup removers, but allow for better cleaning.

What adhesive products can cause harm?

Beauty experts do not advise looking for analogues of a specialized product. If there is no special glue in your cosmetic bag, some fashionistas recommend replacing it with PVA, superglue, glue for false nails or wax for hair removal. Cosmetologists consider the use of these products dangerous. Having penetrated the mucous membrane of the eyes, they can cause severe irritation, which can lead to deterioration of vision or loss of vision.

False eyelashes are an excellent way to give an attractive, radiant look. Cosmetologists advise resorting to gluing them only in case of preparation for special events. Using them too often can harm natural hairs and worsen the health of your vision.

Rating of glue brands for eyelash extensions with a longer degree of fixation

NameI-Beauty Ultra SuperSakura QueenSky Glue

I-Beauty Ultra Super

Good glue. Popular among professionals who value its high hypoallergenicity.

Glues eyelashes in 1-2 seconds. The product is durable and elastic.

There are several types available that differ in durability. The longer the glue holds the eyelashes, the higher the price.

The weakest and most affordable will last no more than 3 weeks. While the strongest of the line will firmly fix artificial eyelashes for 5 weeks.

The product is most suitable for the Japanese piece extension technique.


  • shelf life is slightly higher than that of competitors;
  • affordable price;
  • 10 ml bottles are available for professional use;
  • product range;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • no smell;
  • Can be used for sensitive eyes.


  • if the product is stored incorrectly, the glue holds worse;
  • the drop dries too quickly.

Dona Jerdona

Dona Jerdona has a slow drying speed (5 seconds), which gives the novice artist more than enough time to correct flaws. The product is available in two colors: black for classic black eyelashes and transparent for colored eyelashes.

The wearing period is shorter than that of competitors - 3-4 weeks. But for “getting your hands on” this adhesive material is ideal.


  • affordable price;
  • freezes for a long time in an opened bottle;
  • can be used for 3D extensions;
  • has no smell;
  • harmful fumes are kept to a minimum;
  • low drying speed, convenient to correct errors.


  • may sting the eyes a little, especially at the beginning;
  • Due to its high viscosity, it pulls on the eyelash.

Sky Glue

Sky Glue is a high quality adhesive material at an affordable price. Many professionals consider this remedy to be the best.

Keeps eyelashes in place for 7 weeks. It hardens 3 seconds after application, so the product is suitable even for beginners.

The glue is produced in bottles of 5 and 10 ml. The products also differ in the color of the lid.

Some users have noticed that the “black” bottle is thicker than the others, and the blue one dries faster.


  • does not stick eyelashes,
  • there is no fumes or smell;
  • moisture resistance;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • elasticity;
  • holds eyelashes for a long time;
  • low drying speed (3 seconds).


  • after opening, bottles can be stored for no more than 1.5 months;
  • picky about room temperature.


Ardell latex resin does not cause allergic reactions. The product can be used both for gluing false eyelashes and for extensions in bunches.

The product is moisture resistant. For use at home, the glue is produced in a volume of 3.5 g.

The manufacturer offers craftsmen a larger tube - 22 g. Available in two colors - black and colorless.


  • water resistance;
  • affordable price;
  • suitable for beginners;
  • lasts an average of 4 weeks;
  • can be used for all types of eyelash extensions, except Japanese;
  • simple and convenient to use.


  • experts note that the product takes too long to dry;
  • may sting the eyes and cause allergies.

Sakura Queen

This glue belongs to the semi-professional category. It hardens within 2 seconds and the technician can easily correct an unsuccessfully attached eyelash.

The product provides long wear - 5-7 weeks.


  • the bottle spout does not become clogged;
  • a drop of product thickens slowly;
  • a tiny amount of evaporation;
  • you can buy samples up to 2 ml;
  • the manufacturer does not indicate any special requirements for the temperature of the room where the expansion occurs;
  • ideal coupling time.


  • The product does not tolerate low humidity and is covered with a film.

Homemade eyelash glue

It often happens that when purchasing false eyelashes there is no glue. In this case, there is no need to despair. Folk remedies at hand will come to the rescue. It could be super glue, although cosmetologists recommend avoiding its use.

PVA glue of thick consistency. Using it, tufts of hairs are immediately applied to the eyelids and held for some time to set.

It is best to use medical “BF-6” at home. This homemade eyelash glue is ideal for fixing extensions as it has long been used to glue wounds and scratches together as it is completely harmless.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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