Eye burns from glue or the dangers of eyelash extensions for vision

The eye begins to water when any foreign object comes into contact with the mucous membrane, as well as due to injury. We regularly use glue to repair various things, as well as for cosmetic purposes (for eyelash extensions, nails). However, careless handling of adhesives can lead to negative consequences. If a chemical, in particular superglue, gets on the mucous membrane, a severe burn can occur. In this article we will tell you what to do if glue gets into your eyes, how to provide first aid and what such carelessness can lead to.

Superglue and eyes

Nowadays you can find a variety of contact adhesives in stores. Probably in any apartment there is a package of superglue “Moment. Classic" or "Moment. Crystal". This adhesive is very effective, and according to manufacturers, it is absolutely safe for health. The glue does not corrode the skin of the hands when used, however, if the glue gets on the cornea, complications are possible. The product contains components that are hazardous to human vision - cyanoacrylates, that is, cyanoacrylic acid, stabilizers and plasticizers.

The main symptom of superglue getting into the eyes is sticking of the eyelids. Girls often encounter this problem when doing eyelash extensions on their own, but a special adhesive mixture is used for these purposes. Under no circumstances should you use regular PVC glue, much less superglue. Other symptoms include:

  • pain, discomfort, burning;
  • lacrimation, swelling, redness of the eyelid;
  • sharp pain that intensifies when you want to open your eyelids;
  • decreased vision;
  • film formation.

If you do not immediately provide first aid to the victim (rinse and remove remaining glue), then there is a high probability of vision loss. This is due to a burn of the mucous membrane, as well as damage to the lens. According to medical statistics, when glue gets into the eyes, most patients experience a decrease in vision by more than 10%.

When applying eyelash extensions, glue got into the eyes

Most often, glue gets into the eyes when applying eyelash extensions. It is worth remembering that the use of chemicals leads to chemical burns and loss of vision. A sign of this may be not only pain, but also redness of the eyes.

Reasons why your eyes turn red after eyelash extensions and how to remove redness at home:

Eye irritation

Glue is a chemical compound, therefore, during the hardening process, it releases vapors that settle on the mucous membrane of the eye, causing irritation and redness. The polymerization process requires a certain time, during which the eyes may be red.

Different people may be allergic to certain components that are present in adhesives. You should not use glue in eyelash extensions that is not intended for this purpose. Before using moment, second, or super glue for eyelash extensions, you should read the instructions for it very carefully. The eye is a very sensitive organ and it is very easy to damage it.

Due to exposure to glue or its vapors, an inflammatory process began.

When glue particles got into the eye, microcracks appeared.

What should you do if you get superglue in your eye?

If, when using superglue, you accidentally touched your eye and a chemical substance got onto the surface of the mucous membrane, then you need to act as quickly as possible. Firstly, you need to rinse the mucous membrane and cornea, and it doesn’t matter - cold, warm or even not very clean water. But be sure to do this. Secondly, call an ambulance immediately (if you cannot get to the hospital on your own). There, they will remove any remaining adhesive, diagnose you, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

The severity of the consequences depends on how quickly you receive medical attention. Therefore, do not delay going to the doctor. Call a taxi and go to the hospital. Otherwise, retinal detachment may begin, and then surgical intervention will be necessary. To treat this disease, a procedure called “silicone removal” is used.

Consequences and complications

Despite the danger of such a substance as Moment glue, if you provide first aid in time and consult an ophthalmologist, unpleasant consequences can be avoided. A serious complication is loss of vision. But over time, it can be restored if you use eye drops and do the right exercises. Also, due to superglue, eyelashes may stick together. In such cases, they will most likely fall out. But this is not scary, because new ones will grow in their place.

First aid

What to do if superglue gets in your eyes? Of course, call an ambulance. Only this will allow you to avoid eye burns up to the fifth degree. Doctors will provide qualified assistance if glue gets into the eye without consequences for vision. While the medical team is on the way, do not sit idly by. Rinse the cornea thoroughly with water. Try not to scratch or touch the mucous membrane again. If you do not have the opportunity to call an ambulance, then try to remove the remaining glue using a pipette, drawing a little water into it, or use a syringe without a needle. Then apply an anti-inflammatory agent under the conjunctiva.

What to do if you get super glue or glue in your eyes

Don't rub your eyes

If a chemical gets into your eyes, you should try to “wash” it out. Use warm water for this. You need to go to the clinic right away. If you cannot go for treatment on your own, you should call a medical team or ask someone to take you to the clinic.

The doctor must examine the affected area, remove any remaining glue using special solutions and tweezers. The patient should be prescribed an antibacterial agent and a substance that will help the eye recover as quickly as possible.

Actions to take when providing assistance

When super glue gets into the eye, you should prevent the eyelashes from sticking together. But do not rub your eyes too hard or put pressure on the eyeball. When the doctor carries out the treatment, your vision should be checked, and if there is a danger of vision deterioration, then it is necessary to select a medicine that will prevent vision deterioration.

What awaits the victim in the hospital?

In a medical institution, you are required to provide first aid, conduct diagnostics and select appropriate treatment. The actions of an ophthalmologist in this situation are as follows:

  • removing superglue residues;
  • antibacterial treatment;
  • anti-inflammatory drops, ointments.

In addition to basic medications, your doctor may prescribe you to take gels and drops that promote healing of the mucous membrane. For example, Floxal drops have antimicrobial, healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Also very effective in treating such injuries are such remedies as Taufon and Tobrex.



Eyes hurt and red after eyelash extensions

If glue gets into your eye during eyelash extensions or it becomes red and painful, you should immediately rinse your eyes thoroughly. If the extension is done by a master, then he should do it. If you do, wash your eyes yourself.

Immediately contact a medical facility for help, and until the doctors arrive, instill an antibacterial agent.

What medications can be used?

If by some accident glue (Super-, Moment, Secunda or other similar glue) gets into your eye, then you need to consult an ophthalmologist. He will examine the site of the lesion and prescribe certain medications.

The following medications can be used to treat eye injuries:

  • Floxal eye drops are often used as an antimicrobial agent. This product prevents eye infection. If not used, irreversible effects on eye health may occur within a few hours.
  • Taufon drops.
  • To speed up the healing process of the eye and remove all microtraumas, use Korneregel eye gel. It creates a special protective film on the eye.
  • Floxal eye ointment is used as an antimicrobial agent. This product should be applied to the eye before going to bed, as it creates a film through which you can see as if through fog.

Don't panic if, by accident or during the eyelash extension process, glue gets into your eyes. You should rinse your eyes with water and consult an ophthalmologist. In this case, there is a high probability that you will be able to avoid eye problems in the future. At home, you will not be able to completely get rid of the consequences of a chemical burn. Therefore, you should not risk your health and self-medicate.

How to care for your eye and what the consequences may be?

Caring for the mucous membrane after removing superglue residues involves antibacterial treatment, as well as compliance with certain requirements - you should avoid sunlight for a while, stop watching TV and working at the computer. It is also prohibited to touch the injured area again and not to use cosmetics (including eyelash extensions) until complete recovery.

Read more detailed information on eye treatment and care on the website: ozrenieglaz.ru.

Also at the end of the article we have prepared a video about what will happen if glue gets into the eye.

It seems that getting a small amount of glue on the mucous membrane of the eye is not so bad. However, the development of diseases such as conjunctivitis, inflammation of the retina, and decreased vision are very unpleasant negative consequences of using superglue. We recommend keeping adhesives out of the reach of children and being extremely careful when working with various chemical compounds.

What to do before the doctor arrives?

The main measures taken independently are the removal of the caustic substance from the vulnerable surface of the mucosa. If glue or any substance that can have a destructive effect on the organ of vision gets into the eye, measures should be taken immediately. All that can be done without medical help is to remove the remaining glue, that is, rinse with water.

Nature has provided protective mechanisms for the organ of vision - immediately after any substance or foreign body enters it, lacrimation begins. Glue is no exception. The secretion of the lacrimal glands has antiseptic properties and washes out trapped particles.

The glue is specific in composition: it may also contain dangerous, caustic, corrosive substances. Therefore, it is best to rinse the eye socket with copious amounts of warm water (it is advisable to direct the stream of water to the affected area) and apply an anti-inflammatory agent applied to the bandage.

A tube with the composition will help the doctor in determining first aid tactics or further therapy.

If PVA gets into your eye

The tactics remain the same - rinsing will help completely remove the composition from the eye shell. If you experience any discomfort, you should consult an ophthalmologist. The main thing is not to rub this area or put pressure on the upper eyelid.

Wallpaper or superglue

A dangerous option is Moment glue and the first thing to do when it gets under the eyelid is to rinse the eye. This is done immediately after the tube is capped and any remaining caustic substance is removed from your hands. This action is necessary to avoid a repeat of the situation when superglue gets into the eyes a second time.

In this case, medical assistance is necessary - only a specialist can completely remove the remaining glue using special tools and medications.

Watch the video about what happens if glue gets into your eyes and what the consequences might be:

For eyelash extensions

If eyelash extension glue gets into your eye, the situation also depends on its quantity and composition. If the exposure is minor, you can treat it at home. In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the area where the foreign substance has entered with plenty of water.

If the amount of glue was significant and is accompanied by redness and pain, you should immediately seek medical help, remembering to take with you a tube of glue on which the composition is indicated.

Negative consequences

When glue is applied to the mucous membrane, it leads to an aggressive reaction of the body. The possible consequences that may occur after the procedure should be taken into account in order to initially prevent them. After eyelash extensions, you can even get a chemical burn to the eye.

Negative side effects after eyelash extensions include:

  1. The appearance of severe inflammation, which occurs as a reaction of the body to glue. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by various factors, so it is dangerous to allow this factor.
  2. Temporary visual impairment. This happens due to a strong allergic reaction of the body to the action of the product, so it is worth paying attention to this.
  3. Reduced aesthetic effect of the work. This characteristic feature usually becomes the main one after unsuccessful hair extensions in a beauty salon. Visually, the style will not look neat, since the girl will need to take restorative measures.
  4. Severe itching, swelling and irritation of the area near the eyelids. Negative manifestations are dangerous, as they indicate the appearance of an aggressive reaction of the body, which can lead to other negative consequences.

Negative consequences depend on the health of the girl and her body. They always happen differently, so you need to immediately take remedial measures to prevent these consequences.

Symptoms of mucosal burn

You can suspect a corneal burn based on the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of tingling, tingling, pain when moving the eyelids;
  • itching and burning sensation in the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • pain when rotating the eyeballs;
  • feeling of a foreign object in the eye socket;
  • hypersensitivity to light;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • inflammation of mucous surfaces;
  • decreased clarity of vision.

The intensity of the discomfort depends on the area of ​​inflammation, as well as the time of interaction of the adhesive material with the mucous membrane. A burn of any degree requires consultation with an ophthalmologist.

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