Why does the right eye itch according to folk signs?

There are a huge number of customs, signs and superstitions in the world. Many people adhere strictly to them. It is noteworthy that some beliefs have their origins in ancient times. Then, due to a lack of knowledge, people attributed a variety of interpretations to this or that sign based on their own experience. It is worth noting that most signs give a forecast for the future and indicate upcoming events. Each of them has nuanced meanings depending on the time of day, gender and day of the week. To get an accurate interpretation, it is important to take into account all the subtleties.

Folk signs

Traditionally, the right side of the body tends to be associated with positive moments and events. It has a connection with right decisions and good intentions.

If your right eye itches, the meaning of this sign can be interpreted differently


  • gaining agreement with a relative, partner or friend;
  • happy and joyful tears;
  • meeting an interesting and unique person;
  • date with your other half.

If itching in the area of ​​the right eye bothers a young lady, it means that her lover yearns for her. When he disturbs a representative of the stronger sex, a warm meeting with an old comrade is approaching.

It is noteworthy that the inhabitants of Ancient Greece treated girls whose right eye regularly itched with caution. It was believed that they were characterized by frivolity and unreliability. In addition, they were regarded as unsuccessful potential companions. If such itching often occurred in a man, he was perceived as an exemplary spouse. In other words, the paradoxical nature of this sign came down to its different interpretations depending on gender.

What can medicine say about this?

It also happens that such phenomena are in no way connected with signs, and the cause is hidden in a person’s disease or physiology. Considering that in the modern world there is a lot of stress on the eyes, this symptom is not uncommon. In this case, the eyes may itch for the following reasons:

  • 1. If a person sits at the computer for a long time or looks at the phone screen.
  • 2. If you have to watch TV for a long time.
  • 3. When the hobby is associated with an increased load on the eyesight, for example, sewing and knitting.
  • 4. The body thus signals a vitamin deficiency.
  • 5. From constant lack of sleep.
  • 6. Frequent stress.

The problem can be solved, you just have to do it. If nothing is done, the problems will only begin to get worse, which will reduce visual acuity. If itching in the eyes occurs, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause. As a rule, the most popular reasons are:

  1. 1. Allergic reactions to cosmetics and chemicals.
  2. 2. Sometimes ophthalmologists diagnose dry eye syndrome. People who work at the computer suffer from this.
  3. 3. Living in a polluted place, for example, particles can get into the eyes, which irritate the mucous membrane.
  4. 4. Incorrectly selected glasses and lenses.
  5. 5. Infection entering the body.
  6. 6. Eyes may become watery and itchy if a person suffers from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. 7. In some cases, this phenomenon is associated with the presence of eyelash mites.

As for psychomatics, it is necessary to associate symptoms with psychological disorders. For example, if a person experiences negative emotions, such as anger, aggression, then this may manifest itself in the fact that his eyes begin to itch.

Itching is not always an omen of good things to come. Quite often there is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. The eyes of a modern person know no rest:

  • smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • overwork, nervous tension;
  • lack of minerals and vitamins.

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7 factors influencing decreased visual acuity:

  1. Allergic reaction. Irritation can be caused by pollen, book dust, household chemicals, pet hair, cosmetics, and food. When, in addition to the desire to rub your eyes, a runny nose, frequent sneezing, and inflammation of the eyelids appear, there can be no doubt that this is an allergy. To eliminate it, it is necessary to identify the allergen and start taking antihistamines.
  2. Infectious diseases. The first sign of conjunctivitis, demodicosis, blepharitis is itching. To become infected, it is enough to touch your eye with dirty hands or use someone else's glasses. If irritation occurs, you should consult an ophthalmologist who will prescribe treatment.
  3. Pollution. The culprits of painful sensations in the eye are particles of dust, litter, sand, and wool. You can cope with minor painful symptoms yourself: rinse, apply drops. If the itching does not go away for a long time, it is better to visit a doctor.
  4. Diseases of the endocrine system. The first symptom of developing diabetes is irritation in the eye area. Itching may also indicate a problem with the liver.
  5. Lack of sleep, lack of vitamins. The eyes should be given proper rest and a balanced diet. Irritation indicates that the menu should include the necessary microelements and get a good night's sleep.
  6. Dry eyes. The cause of discomfort is working on a PC. It is also common in older people. The lacrimal glands do not produce fluid in the required quantity. The panacea is properly selected moisturizing drops.
  7. Means for vision correction. The selection of glasses must be entrusted to an ophthalmologist. Self-medication leads to irritation.

You should not attribute everything to folk signs if the itching in the area of ​​the right eye does not go away for some time. It is necessary to seek qualified help from an ophthalmologist.


Each person decides for himself whether to take omens seriously or not. No matter what they portend, there is no need to panic or attract negative energy. You need to hope for the best, then only good events will happen in life.

Why does a woman's right eye itch?

For girls

It is worth noting that the interpretation of such a sign for representatives of the fair half of humanity can be both positive and negative. If a girl’s right eye itches, especially in the evening, it means that the decisions made will be useful and correct.

Itching in the morning predicts problems and troubles. We will have to try to minimize possible negative consequences. It is important to be diligent and careful.

Among women

For women, this sign promises material success and excellent health. They will not have to face financial difficulties and other difficulties. If itching bothers a pregnant woman, then childbirth will be easy and quick.

Value by time of day

Itching in the right eye can occur at any time during the day. Depending on this, the interpretation of the sign changes:

  • Eye itching before sunrise? By the end of the day, a problem that has been haunting for a long time should be resolved. Fortune will turn its face. There is a high probability that you will change your opinion about a person from your close circle;
  • If itching bothers you early in the morning, expect good news. Once you receive a charge of positive emotions, you can reach great heights. If you are going through hard times and are in a state of depression, then you need to throw away dark thoughts. Don't listen to anyone, just make your dream come true, for example, go on a trip;
  • Chasing at night or in the evening means that happiness is rushing to you. All adversity will remain in the past, get ready for a bright future. Think about what actions you can take so as not to miss the bird of happiness;
  • Did your right eye itch before going to bed? Perhaps this is news from a guardian angel. He praises you for good deeds and right living.

Why does the right eye itch in men?

The guys

Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the right eye foreshadow amazing events that will leave pleasant and unforgettable emotions. In addition, the guy expects to receive income.

In men

If a man’s right eye itches, his life will soon be filled with bright and happy events. The question that had been bothering him for a long time would finally be resolved. A representative of the stronger sex will be able to defeat competitors and ill-wishers. Everything will be fine in every area of ​​life.

How to clean your eyelids?

If there is inflammation or irritation on the skin of the eyelids, then to clean the eyelids and use warm compresses, it is advisable to use sterile disposable preparations, for example, a special wet “Blepharosapplication”, indicated for use including on the wound surface or in the postoperative period.

The final stage of eyelid hygiene is a light self-massage of the eyelid skin with Blepharogels. Such self-massage relieves the feeling of fatigue from the eyelids, moisturizes the skin, and normalizes the functioning of the glands that produce tears. Blepharogels are available in 2 forms - Blepharogel No. 1 is indicated for use for prevention and daily care for relatively healthy people, Blepharogel No. 2 is prescribed for already diagnosed inflammatory diseases, including demodicosis of the skin of the eyelids.

The interpretation will take into account the day of the week

If an itch bothers a person on Monday

, then such a sign promises positive events and the absence of any troubles. Reconciliation with relatives will soon take place. Compromises and agreement will be reached. Everyone will forget about previous grievances and claims. In addition, significant changes will occur in life, both positive and promising. The main thing is to wisely take advantage of the opportunities provided. It is necessary to minimize emerging disagreements and refrain from critical comments.

Such a sign tends to indicate the approach of good and favorable events, although on Tuesday

Unpleasant moments cannot be excluded. If your right eye itches, there is a high probability of frustration, worries and tears. The mood will noticeably deteriorate. You should not plan any important matters or events for this day. Participation in risky situations and adventures will entail major troubles. The person is given a warning that he should behave prudently and carefully.

If unpleasant sensations become more active on Wednesday

, it means that a long business trip is approaching, followed by pleasant changes. Each concluded transaction will bring profit and be successful. A planned vacation trip will give you pleasant emotions and become a fond memory. Perhaps friends or family will decide to come visit.

A fun party is approaching if your right eye itches on Thursday

. The person will feel joy and happiness. He will be in a great mood. It is worth devoting this day to walks with friends, attending entertainment events and communicating with loved ones. Positive emotions and a great mood will allow you to have a wonderful time.

On Friday

This sign foreshadows a discovery. Most likely, a person will discover long-lost things or money. That is why you should be vigilant and attentive.

If your right eye itches on Saturday

, romantic relationships will bring pleasant emotions. There is a high probability of a successful date. Spouses who have been married for a long time will find new points of contact, which will allow them to forget about previous grievances and come to complete agreement. They will begin to treat each other with great trust and awe.

According to popular wisdom, there is anxiety in this place on Sunday

foreshadows a wedding. If a person is not in a love relationship, then in the very near future he will meet his other half. Moreover, the choice made will be correct and successful. The novel will develop rapidly and harmoniously.

Why does it itch in the morning, afternoon or evening?

But here the moment will come when you can easily fulfill your old dream and not be afraid of its unfulfillment.

  1. Positive changes are coming on Monday. They can be related to personal life, career, financial situation. It's time to take a decisive step, fortune will be favorable. You will be able to get what you want with a minimum of effort.
  2. If your right eye burns on Tuesday, expect minor troubles. Due to your own carelessness, you can lose a small amount.
  3. On Wednesday, expect an invitation to an interesting event; a business trip is possible. Superstition signifies receiving good news from relatives, friends, a loved one, or management. On the way home from work, you are expected to meet an old friend. You will be able to spend time with nice people and learn a lot of interesting things.
  4. If your right eye itches on Thursday, the sign promises a fun time, gatherings in a noisy company. Soon your friends will invite you to a party or to the cinema.
  5. On Friday the belief is positive. You will be able to find a long-lost valuable item. According to a number of interpretations, superstition promises a person the discovery of the meaning of life, the main purpose of his existence. It is important not to miss the chance given by fate. Once you ignore luck, it will no longer favor you.
  6. On Saturday you will be able to significantly increase your capital. The purchased lottery ticket will become a winning one, and the concluded contract will quickly begin to bring in significant profits. The day will be successful for any risky decisions and new beginnings. It's time to take the first step - invite the person you like on a date. The romantic meeting will be held at a high level, and bright feelings will flare up between you. Married couples should book a table at a restaurant, spend time together and enjoy a pleasant environment. It will be possible to revive old feelings and add passion.
  7. If the right eye itches on Sunday, it means that the married couple will soon begin their second honeymoon. The lovers will unwind, resolve accumulated minor conflicts, rekindle the fire of love, and enjoy each other’s company. For young people who have just entered into a relationship, the sign promises a rapid development of events. The couple will decide to take a serious step - to create a social unit.

On Monday

Soon there will be a meeting with a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time. If you have been arguing with someone lately, there is a chance to make peace.

Get news that will make you happy. There is a chance to improve relationships with relatives and restore harmony and understanding to the family. Try not to quarrel with anyone on this day.

This is a warning - you need to be extremely careful. Joy or misery awaits - everything will depend on your actions. Postpone making important decisions, do not rush to give out important information. The more restrained you are, the better the week will be.

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Vanga also added the 13th sign of the Zodiac! We advise you to keep your horoscope secret, there is a high probability of the evil eye of your actions!

To receive a prophecy, you need to indicate the name given at birth and the date of birth. Vanga also added the 13th sign of the Zodiac! We advise you to keep your horoscope secret, there is a high probability of the evil eye of your actions!

You'll be going on a trip soon. This could be a vacation, a business trip, a trip to visit relatives

Be sure that the trip will bring only positive emotions, no matter where you go, you will feel good

If the trip is related to work, try to give it your all, your career depends on it. If you are single, you will meet your soulmate while traveling. Some interpretations indicate a meeting with a person whom you have not seen for a long time.

Laughter, happiness, joy. It’s impossible to say what will provoke unbridled fun, but you can relax for a couple of days, nothing bad will happen. Don't be afraid to share positive emotions with other people. The more people you know you share your good mood with, the more goodness will come back.

Warning: watch your step. You will soon find an important thing on the street or at home. Perhaps, which they themselves had previously lost. Signs warn that picking up things on the road is a bad sign. But you don't need to do this. You don’t even have to pick up the found item. Simply noticing it is enough to attract good luck.

Superstitions of the Sabbath

Get ready for emotional novels and love adventures.

  • A date is planned - it will be held at the highest level; the relationship that began on this day can develop into more than an ordinary hobby.
  • There are no plans, higher powers are warning you - a trip to a cozy restaurant with your loved one or a sudden meeting with someone who decides to ask you on a date is possible.


They promise signs for marriage; your eyes often itch on Sunday - you’ll soon be walking down the aisle. For single people, it indicates a meeting with someone who will propose cohabitation or marriage in the future.

Pay attention to the day of the week on which the itch began to bother you, and then you will be able to interpret the sign more accurately


Big, wonderful changes in destiny await you. They can affect both health, personal life and career. Trust the acceptance and muster up the courage to confess your long-time crush or begin to make your dream come true. You can safely ask your boss for a salary increase. In the near future, success awaits you in all your endeavors.

The sign also promises peace and the repair of damaged relationships. Get ready for small but pleasant surprises. So that it does not lose its strength, try to behave with dignity: be kind and patient, and do not quarrel with anyone under any circumstances.

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Brief tears. For example, hit the back of your head on the countertop while mopping the floors. Or you will hear a not very flattering opinion about yourself from a stranger. Unpleasant, but no more. There is no serious reason for sadness or resentment.

Perhaps there will be a sad mood.

Try not to make serious decisions on this day. Avoid conflicts, do not communicate with scandalous individuals.

Expect good news, a long-awaited letter or an invitation to travel. If you are sent on a business trip, it will not only be pleasant, but will also contribute to significant career growth. And an invitation to a country weekend will give you the opportunity to meet your love.

Sometimes your right eye itches for guests: an old friend or distant relative will suddenly appear on your doorstep.


There is a fun party ahead, watching a comedy in the company of good friends or meeting a wonderful person. The day will be filled with joy, positivity, strong emotions and wonderful impressions.


You will find a lost thing or find something new and important. Perhaps even the meaning of your life

Lost money can be returned on the same day. Be attentive to the details so as not to miss your chance.


To money, a successful deal or winning the lottery. And also to a successful date, an easy romance. Get ready to listen to compliments, flirt and enjoy communication with the opposite sex, or spend a pleasant evening with your rightful half: candlelit dinner, champagne and a sea of ​​mutual tenderness, passion, love.


For spouses, the sign promises a repeat honeymoon and a renewal of feelings. If you're in a romantic relationship but haven't tied the knot yet, you'll soon be seriously considering this big step. You've probably already mentally tried on an engagement ring on your finger.

Every culture interprets superstitions differently

Regarding the right eye, in Rus' people have long paid attention to the day of the week on which the sign fell:

  • Monday. An itchy eye on Monday promises joy and happiness. All events will be positive: good news, good luck in business, reconciliation with a loved one. All endeavors on this day will turn out to be successful.
  • Tuesday. The day is not as positive as Monday, and the sign can warn of possible conflict and tears. On this day, it is advisable to put important matters aside. In any case, you shouldn’t push yourself too hard, but consider it as a warning sign.
  • Wednesday. The eye may itch for a long trip or for a visit to your old friend. There is no point in canceling your trip. It can promise positive, fateful turns in life.
  • Thursday. A sign that happened on Thursday is a good mood for the whole day. Going to a movie theater or a cafe with friends will charge you with positivity for a couple of days ahead.
  • Friday. The first thing our ancestors say is: your right eye itches on Friday - expect a quick fix. Money or an item lost the day before may come back to you in the most unexpected way. For example, lost money will be returned in the form of an unplanned bonus at work or in the repayment of an old debt.
  • Saturday. For Saturday this sign is very good. It promises a person good luck in all matters of a love nature. This applies not only to young people in love, but also to married couples who have been married for more than one year.
  • Resurrection. If your eye suddenly itches on Sunday, meet a person to start a serious relationship.
  1. Why does the right eye itch on Monday? A sudden itching of the eye on Monday indicates good luck in business, good news. Another statement is to expect trouble, tears and betrayal.
  2. What does it mean if your right eye itches on Tuesday? According to the first opinion, this is a signal of failure that will not happen. According to the second version, they talk about conflicts and quarrels with loved ones.
  3. Why does the right eye itch on Wednesday? Itching of the right eye on Wednesday indicates an imminent business trip or tourist trip. A guest whom you have not seen for a long time may also suddenly arrive.
  1. On Thursday - if your right eye itches on Thursday, you need to prepare for unsuccessful commercial transactions. According to the second version, you can make large purchases and go on a trip.
  2. If your right eye itches on Friday, expect grief and tears. Also, if your eye itches in the first half of the day, be prepared for pleasant finds and fateful dates.
  3. On Saturday and Sunday - get ready for a romantic pastime, tears of joy and a fun holiday. You can try your luck and buy a lottery ticket.
When does it itch?Interpretation of signs
On MondayAn itchy eye on Monday prepares fateful changes. They are related to career and personal life. If you like a person, you need to be brave and open up to him. You can ask the director for a salary increase. Good luck will accompany you in your endeavors.
On TuesdayThe sign that if your right eye itches promises short-term tears. For example, a kick, a cat tore up the wallpaper, milk ran out. There will be no serious reasons to be sad. If your eye itches on Tuesday, you’ll be in a bad mood all day. Try not to get discouraged and not solve important issues. Avoid scandalous people.
On WednesdayItchy eyes on Wednesday - expect good news.
You will receive a letter, an invitation to an event or a trip to a sanatorium. The upcoming business trip will be not only favorable, but also fruitful. It can be a stepping stone to career advancement. An invitation to the event will give you the opportunity to meet your destiny.
On ThursdayIf your right eye itches a little, you'll have a good evening. A party with friends or family time watching a funny comedy is possible. On Thursday, an itchy eye promises joy, intense emotions, laughter, and wonderful impressions.
On FridayThe eye itches on Friday, which means that a lost thing will be found or a new, long-awaited one will be acquired. In order not to miss the chance, you need to be on alert and pay close attention to the little things.
On SaturdayWhy your right eye itches on Saturday - money. This could be a successful deal, a win, or repayment of a debt. It also predicts a romantic date, a light romance. You are guaranteed maximum satisfaction from communication, flirting and compliments from the opposite sex.
On SundayEyes itch on Sunday, a sign predicts:
  • for married people, renewal of feelings, happy time, second honeymoon;
  • for people in a relationship - the upcoming wedding or thoughts about it;
  • lonely - meeting your soulmate, the beginning of a serious relationship.

May mean an upcoming, important business meeting.

Decoding the value depending on the time of day

If the right eye bothers you in the morning, it means that in the evening the old issues that caused concern will be resolved. Life will be prosperous. The black stripe will change to white. It is optimal for a person to reconsider his social circle and analyze personal points of view. Apparently, he had previously made mistakes due to an incorrect perception of the surrounding reality. In addition, if the right eye itches in the morning, positive news will soon be received. Every endeavor will be successful and productive.

If a person is depressed and regularly experiences apathy, now, on the contrary, you should not take on new projects. It's best to take time for yourself. You can go on a trip or look for a new hobby. Interest and activity will allow you to replenish your internal strength and continue moving forward.

An itching that bothers you during the day promises joy and a meeting with your other half. To speed up the effect of the sign, you should sit by the window and imagine a long-awaited date.

If the right eye itches in the evening or at night, happy and bright events are approaching. A person should start planning his own future. You need to show your best sides in order to properly take advantage of the chances provided by fate.

Itching that occurs before bed indicates that the day was spent with dignity and correctly. The person will not be bothered by nightmares. He chose the right direction. The decisions that have been made recently are distinguished by wisdom and literacy. It is worth continuing self-development.

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