Why your left eye itches: a sign for men and women by day of the week

What if the itching started in the evening?

It is also worth paying attention to what time of day your eye itches. If in the morning, you will shed tears for a serious reason. Toward evening, most often the effect of any signs weakens, so you should not take this sign seriously in the afternoon. Most likely, there will be no significant reason for tears.

To prevent this sign from coming true at all, you need to close your eye and scratch it with the same hand, saying: “Keep me safe from misfortunes and bad news.” It would also be a good idea to cross your eyelids and read any familiar prayer to yourself.

Itching in the corners of the eyes - causes


Symptoms include:

  • itchy eyes
  • red eyes
  • teary eyes
  • swelling of the eyelids
  • mucus discharge

There are several possible causes of conjunctivitis.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when an irritant enters the eye and causes inflammation or swelling of the conjunctiva. Allergic conjunctivitis is unpleasant, but not dangerous.

Allergens may include:

  • pollen
  • animal hair
  • dust mite feces
  • mold

People with allergic conjunctivitis can relieve itchy eyes with eye drops and antihistamine tablets.

Medicated eye drops can dilute allergens that irritate the eyes. The active ingredient is ketotifen, which is an antihistamine. People may find relief by taking antihistamines such as Loratadine (Claritin), Cetirizine (Zyrtec), and Fexofenadine (Allegra).

Viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious, which means it can easily spread from person to person. It usually goes away on its own, but symptoms can be relieved by:

  • place a cool, damp cloth over your closed eyes to soothe itching
  • avoid touching or rubbing your eyes to reduce irritation
  • get more rest

To prevent the spread of the virus, you should wash your hands thoroughly before touching your face and avoid sharing towels with other people.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis is also highly contagious. The bacteria that causes conjunctivitis may be the same ones that cause strep throat. Sometimes there is virtually no discharge from the eye.

Your doctor may prescribe antibiotic eye drops, depending on the severity of your symptoms. To prevent the spread and reduce the likelihood of contracting bacterial conjunctivitis, you should:

  • wash your hands often
  • avoid contact with people with conjunctivitis
  • do not share towels with other people
  • Clean contact lenses thoroughly
  • replace eye makeup tools after infection

Dry eye syndrome

With dry eye syndrome, tears do not lubricate the eyes enough. Typically, when a person blinks, the eyelid spreads tears across the front of the eye or cornea. This keeps the eye moist and flushes away unwanted particles to prevent infection.

Tears left behind by blinking enter the medial part of the nose through the tear ducts, which are drainage channels in the inner corners of the eye. If a person has dry eye syndrome, they either do not produce enough tears to flush the eye (which doctors call keratoconjunctivitis sicca

), or the tears do not have the correct balance of fat, water and mucus.

Common symptoms of dry eye disease include:

  • irritated and itchy eyes
  • feeling like something is in the eye
  • feeling of “sand” in the eyes
  • burning sensation in the eyes
  • blurred vision

Managing dry eye disease symptoms

When the eyes are dry for a long time, it can damage the front of the eye and impair vision. For some people, it may be a chronic condition for which there is no cure.

However, many people can reduce symptoms by:

  • Artificial tear solutions:
    These can be purchased at pharmacies.
  • Eye drops
    : may help people produce more tears and reduce inflammation around the eyes.
  • Warm compress or eyelid massage
    : These methods help relieve symptoms.

In people with chronic dry eye disease, the tear ducts may become temporarily blocked.

Tear duct infection

An infection of the tear duct, or dacryocystitis, can cause itching in the corner of the eye. When the tear duct is blocked and tears cannot drain, bacteria can accumulate in the area and cause an infection.

Inflammation from a cold or sinus infection can lead to a blocked tear duct.

In addition to itching, symptoms include:

  • swelling of the inner corner of the lower eyelid
  • pain in the inner corner of the lower eyelid
  • excessive tearing
  • discharge from the eyes
  • high body temperature or fever


People with dacryocystitis usually have to take antibiotics to get rid of the infection. Sometimes a person with a tear duct infection may need surgery. During surgery, the surgeon will make the narrowed or blocked drainage channel in the tear duct wider.

Interpretation of itching by day of the week

An important role is played by the day when the left eye itched. By the days of the week you can determine the meaning of the sign and certainly find out why your left eye itches.

  1. If your left eye itches on Monday, then this foreshadows a quarrel, most likely with loved ones. Do not rush to get upset - disagreements can be avoided. First of all, try not to create a conflict situation or argue with others. In the end, any quarrel can be smoothed over with a compromise. If you still feel that a scandal is inevitable, you need to do the following: go to the window, rub your eye from the outer corner to the inner and, saying the words “speck, speck, get out of my eye, I don’t need a quarrel from the evil eye,” blow away all the negativity from the palm of your hand.
  2. But on Tuesday, an itchy eye is a harbinger of a joyful event, unexpected luck and success. It’s bad if both eyes are itchy - trouble is coming. To protect yourself from misfortune, close your eyelids, cross them three times and read a prayer. After this, wash your face with running water and be sure that failures will pass you by.
  3. If your left eye itches on Wednesday, then a long-awaited meeting or a successful event awaits you. On this day you will definitely be lucky, so you don’t have to worry about failure - everything will go according to plan. To increase your chances of luck, simply scratch your left eye with your right hand, and then stroke your left shoulder with it. This way you will appease your guardian angel.
  4. On Thursday, this sign portends tears. But they can be both from grief and from joy - it all depends on you. Try to take the situation into your own hands and not let the troubles that are happening spoil your mood. After your left eye itches, cross your eyelids and say a prayer - this will help turn away the trouble.
  5. The left eye, which itches on Friday, warns you of a possible meeting with relatives. Be ready.
  6. But on Saturday or Sunday, itching indicates imminent monetary profit from a completely unexpected source. To be sure to attract money to you, rub your left eye, take a banknote with the same hand, put it in your left pocket and leave its corner outside. To attract wealth, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the signs about money.

Does a man's or woman's left eye itch?

Gender is of decisive importance in the interpretation of signs. Women are often prone to exaggeration, are particularly suspicious and, as a rule, negatively perceive the very fact of an itchy eyelid. “Grandma said this to tears!” And that's it. Not paying attention to the interpretation, they prepare napkins and handkerchiefs, assume universal sorrow and, wringing their hands, prepare for trouble.

Men, far from sentimentality and belief in superstitions, rub their eyes with their fists and do not make tragedies out of trifles that, in their opinion, are unworthy of the slightest attention. They can be understood. No one except them will tell a panicking woman - “Don’t pay attention! I’ve had this happen a thousand times!” And they will be wrong, because... However, let's go in order:

Sign for girls and women

For girls, this sign undoubtedly promises positive events. It is possible to receive good news or a long-awaited meeting. Don’t put off visiting your relatives, a surprise awaits you. Don’t hesitate to start any business, success and recognition await you!

A woman who is also married, on the other hand, is most likely to face financial difficulties. Travel and business trips can bring problems and troubles. Put off sorting things out with your work colleagues for a while. Listen to your feelings, maybe somewhere you are going too far. Be prudent in your interactions with your family.

For boys and men

When a young man’s left eye itches, this means that he is expecting not the most pleasant news from relatives, annoying misunderstandings through no fault of his own and, as a result, unpleasant conversations or scandals with his girlfriend.

For men, such a sign portends a difficult period in life. There may be problems in your personal life, conflicts with colleagues and friends. Often, superstition involves spending a large amount of money that will go to waste. One good thing is that guests will definitely come to help you cope with your troubles. As a reminder, be discreet and friendly, remember the “zebra rule.”

What does itching on eyelashes and eyelids indicate?

If you feel that it is not your eyes that are itching, but your eyelids, you should also pay attention to this. The right eyelid itches for joy and meeting loved ones, but the left eyelid itches for misfortune.

The effect of signs also works differently in women and men. If the left eye of a representative of the stronger sex itches, then this is most likely a sign of trouble, but for the female sex, on the contrary, it is a joyful event and a good mood. Itching in the left eye should also alert young mothers. It indicates that you should take better care of your child.

You can protect yourself and your baby by washing your clothes or going to the bathhouse. This is enough to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Folk signs are not always accurate, so you should not rely on them alone. If itchy eyes bother you quite often, you should consider visiting an ophthalmologist. One way or another, when life sends us some signs, we need to listen to them and learn about their meaning.

What to do and how to treat?

Treatment with drugs

If the eyes itch and the eyelids swell, then after determining the cause of the disorder, drug therapy is prescribed. The doctor may prescribe the following medications presented in the table:

Eye drops"Claritin"
Corticosteroid substances"Hydrocortisone"
"Lorinden S"
Drugs that stimulate contraction of the eye muscles"Armin"
Antibacterial drops"Levomycetin"
Antibiotics for conjunctivitis"Ciploxidin"

Folk remedies: do they help?

To relieve symptoms, the patient can use recipes based on the sequence. When the lower eyelid swells and itches, you can use the recipes of healers, which are previously agreed upon with the doctor. It is possible to treat the disorder with decoctions and tinctures prepared from various plants and herbs. It is important to use folk remedies with caution, since there is a high risk of an allergic reaction, which will make your eyes itch even more. The following components are useful in case of violation:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • series;
  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over 1 liter. l. raw materials. Allow the medicine to stand for 45 minutes, filter and apply as a lotion to swollen eyes. It is recommended to perform at least 3 manipulations per day. For a better therapeutic effect, doctors advise combining traditional treatment with folk remedies.

Nutrition correction

If an eye pathology has appeared in which the eyelid above the eye is swollen, then there may be a lack of vitamins in the body, which is replenished with certain products.

To ensure that such symptoms no longer bother a person, he should remove chocolate from his diet. When the visual organs swell and itch, it is necessary to follow a hypoallergenic diet to prevent complications. The patient should refrain from taking certain products, namely:

  • honey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • chocolate and other sweets;
  • seafood;
  • carrot;
  • any type of nuts;
  • milk;
  • strawberry;
  • citruses;
  • hard cheeses;
  • cocoa;
  • sausage;
  • coffee;
  • brightly colored fruits and vegetables;
  • carbonated drinks.

The meaning of signs by time of day

The interpretation of the sign is also influenced by the time of day at which the discomfort appeared.

  1. Morning itching of the left eyelid portends an unpleasant conversation with relatives. There is a high probability of unplanned financial expenses (breakage of household appliances or purchase of a vacation package).
  2. Discomfort in the eye area 3 hours after waking up promises a pleasant meeting with friends or a loved one.
  3. At noon, the organ of vision itches for success in all matters or an invitation to a grand party.
  4. If the desire to scratch your left eyelid appears in the afternoon, you should watch your finances. There is a risk of signing an unfavorable business agreement or serious theft.
  5. The left eye itches in the evening - interesting acquaintances are coming at work or in matters of the heart. The meeting does not have to take place on the same day.
  6. Night itching, according to legend, foreshadows the imminent arrival of relatives. An unplanned family meeting may derail all plans, but things will get better in the near future. You should also expect some tricky behavior from management. If the visit of relatives does not take place, you will have to go on a business trip.

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Discomfort in the eye area, regardless of belief in folk wisdom, cannot be ignored. This will help, if not solve life’s problems, then at least maintain your health. After all, vision is a priceless gift that cannot be neglected.

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