Signs about the eyes: why the left one is watery, the right one itches and other beliefs. How to get rid of superstition?

general information

The eyes are one of the most important organs of a person, which is directly responsible for vision, as well as the perception of the surrounding world. But sometimes people encounter various diseases of this organ.

However, it should be noted that, as a rule, two eyes become watery and inflamed at once, but in some cases the inflammatory process affects only one side. This is also considered a pathology that requires timely assistance from a highly qualified specialist.

Answering the question why one eye of an adult is watery, it should be noted that if such tearing does not cause anything dangerous, then in most cases it goes away on its own. But if this symptom is observed for a long time, then it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis, after which a specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Why does one eye of an adult become watery? It must be taken into account that if this happens for a long time, this may indicate overload of the visual apparatus. And this will result in very serious consequences for human health, in particular for vision.

Why does one eye of an adult become watery?

This article will focus on tear production in just one organ of vision. But why does an adult’s left eye or right eye water? Most often, this occurs when an eyelash gets into the eye. Consequently, after removal, her vision will return to normal, and the lacrimation will disappear very quickly. But a different situation will develop if the cause of tearing lies in infectious inflammation. Such an infection can only be diagnosed by the attending physician. As a rule, it requires mandatory treatment, as it can provoke the development of a very dangerous disease - conjunctivitis. In such cases, in addition to simple tearfulness, the patient may have other symptoms of the disease:

  1. Swelling of the lacrimal sac.
  2. Watery eyes.
  3. Redness of the eyes.
  4. The appearance of excessive photophobia.
  5. The formation of pus that flows from the eye, causing the eyelids to stick together.

Common eye superstitions

In esotericism you can find many signs associated with the eyes. This is the most sensitive organ of the human body, and any change from the outside in mental or physical state is immediately reflected in the eyes.

Signs born from experience and practice have given rise to many superstitions:

  1. Itchy eyes:
      right - good news, meeting with a loved one, imminent joy;
  2. left - expect tears and sadness;
  3. both eyes itch - someone will offend you.
  4. Brown-eyed people can put the evil eye on another person.
  5. Eyes are burning - people are gossiping about a person or have been jinxed.
  6. Multi-colored eyes have a contradictory judgment:
      from an unclean spirit;
  7. their owner is lucky.

The experience of generations shows that omens often come true. Protection against superstitions also works. However, no one can explain the signs from a scientific point of view. A person has to choose whether to believe in it or not, to look for a reason or to trust in something for which there is no logical explanation. Superstitions arise where there is no connection between cause and effect.


Many people who wear contact lenses often wonder why an adult's eyes water. To eliminate tearing that occurs due to wearing lenses, it is necessary to carefully care for them. For example, microbes often collect under the lens and cause inflammation.

An emotional state, depression can also act as a cause of vague lacrimation. In most cases, this applies to older people, who often experience age-related pathology in the form of drooping eyelids. In such situations, you can get rid of tearing with the help of medications, for example, Floxal, which eliminates inflammation from tearing.

Physiological reasons

It is quite common for an adult to have watery eyes in the morning. Why does this happen? The causes include various disorders that are physiological in nature. For example, the cause of tearfulness is often a blockage of the tear duct, in most cases in the morning. In addition, the human body’s abundant production of tear fluid can also provoke tearfulness in one eye.

Often a similar symptom is observed with corneal injury or with the development of conjunctivitis. Canal blockage will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. A noticeable narrowing of the channels or their clogging.
  2. Inflammation of the lacrimal sac.

Men's tattoos

Before we move on to the very origins, we’ll tell you about the meaning of a tear tattoo under the eye for representatives of the stronger sex. Men who fill this symbol want to express the pain of their soul, their internal resentment towards someone or the whole world. In addition, a tear can be a symbol of suffering and a demonstration of one’s grief for someone who has died. This kind of permanent image is especially common among male rappers. In the last century, the meaning of a tear tattoo under the eye was the loss of one of the gang members. However, in the modern world, the meaning put into the symbol is quite close to the female version.

On the street

Why do adults’ eyes water on the street? Surely, each of us has encountered this problem during cold winds. But why do an adult’s eyes water in the cold? This can be explained by several reasons. First of all, in this way the body’s natural protection from cold is carried out. The appearance of tears occurs as a protection against exposure to cold air. The human body tries to change the situation in this way, so the eyes are additionally moistened with tear film when a person leaves a warm room into a cold street.

Additionally, some people have an allergic reaction to cold weather. In this case, lacrimation will be accompanied by eyelid hyperemia and itching. An allergic reaction to cold is the human body’s reaction to too low an air temperature.

When cold air affects a person, the body produces histamine, which leads to vasodilation, accompanied by redness of the skin, swelling, and an increase in the number of tears. Thus, symptoms of a simple allergic reaction arise, but in this case the allergen will be frost. In most cases, an allergic reaction to cold is observed in the fair sex.

Women's tattoos

Often sentimental and romantic ladies choose this particular symbol. They put different meanings into the meaning of the tear tattoo under the eye, but they have a similar overall melancholic mood. It can be pain for mistakes made, undying sadness, or a broken heart. Some representatives of the fair sex decide to apply such a permanent image after experiencing a great loss or disappointment in life and in people. As a rule, this happened after the death of a loved one. The tear seemed to personify all the sadness that still lingers in the girl’s soul.


If a person experiences lacrimation due to an allergy to cold air, then in order to eliminate this symptom, it is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to the street during the cold season. Before going outside in the cold, you should lubricate your face with rich cream and wrap yourself well in a scarf. Experts also recommend wearing clothes with a hood that covers your eyes from the wind. In case of an allergic reaction, you can use antihistamine drops, for example, Lecrolin, Opantol, Azelastine, Ketotifen. These medications are effective in reducing the severity of symptoms. Vasoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory drops can also be used for therapy. For the purpose of prevention, experts recommend hardening, due to which the vascular walls become stronger, simultaneously increasing resistance to cold.

An insufficient amount of nutrients and vitamins in the body, which are necessary for the functioning of all systems, negatively affects the condition of the visual organs. Because of this, under the influence of certain environmental factors, a person experiences lacrimation. In most cases, vitamin deficiency occurs in winter. The diet must be diversified with products that contain large amounts of potassium, protein, and vitamin B2. These products include almonds, beans, cucumbers, fish, and cheese. More often, experts recommend eating millet porridge and drinking drinks with honey and lemon. Thanks to this, the eyes will function better, adapting to environmental conditions.

Main reasons: why do tears flow?

Usually you can understand the visible cause of the watery eyes. There may be several of them:

  1. Our emotions must have an outlet. Tears help and enable our body to:
      relieve tension inside and around you;
  2. throw away unnecessary and destructive thoughts to the body and soul;
  3. clear yourself of unnecessary thoughts and allow your brain to work.
  4. Our physiology is designed by nature so that tears can flow for various reasons:
      obstruction of the lacrimal ducts (an ophthalmologist can tell you about this);
  5. colds (irritation and redness of the mucous membrane of the whole body), fluid exits the body through the lacrimal duct;
  6. nature has arranged that tears cleanse the eyes from external negative influences, wash away dust and dirt;
  7. lack of vitamins A and B12;
  8. infectious diseases of the eyes and damage to their mucous membrane.
  9. Household factors act as obvious eye irritants and cause a tear reaction:
      acrid smoke and pungent odors;
  10. vapors from the decomposition of chemical elements;
  11. plant pollen that causes allergies;
  12. contact with eyes of irritants in the form of dust.

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It is in a situation when you have already consulted a doctor, reviewed all possible options for the causes of lacrimation and have not found an answer, that you think about the signs passed on to us by previous generations.

The absence of a reason causes superstition and fear, but this is not something to be afraid of. According to ancient legends, the dark side of the forces of nature with their negative influence is ambiguous, and there is always the opportunity to neutralize the negative of fear.

Therapy for conjunctivitis

If the cause of lacrimation is conjunctivitis, then for treatment you need to seek help from a specialist. Under no circumstances should you make a diagnosis yourself or self-medicate. As a rule, ophthalmologists prescribe lavage to their patient. To do this, wipe the eye with a cotton swab, which is moistened with furatsilin. The prepared liquid can be purchased at a pharmacy. Rinsing can also be done with chamomile infusion. The procedure lasts for ten days. Washing is carried out twice a day.

In addition, for conjunctivitis, you can use drops that can be used for disinfection. Albucid drops are very effective.

It is also allowed to use ointments that can disinfect and bring immediate relief. At the same time, experts strongly recommend treating two eyes at once, even if one is watery. The inflammatory process can jump from the diseased eye to the healthy one if you treat only one.

It should be noted that conjunctivitis will be treated depending on the main cause that triggered the development of the disease. In the case of viral conjunctivitis, drops containing interferon are used. In the case of a bacterial form of the disease, drugs such as “Fucitalmic”, “Vitabakt”, “Floxal”, “Sodium Sulfacyl” and many others are used.

If a person has inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, then this can be eliminated with the help of topical medications. Quite often, experts prescribe “Theagel” for this purpose.

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