Watery eyes, right side of head hurts

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Healthy eyes without red streaks give a person confidence. The organs of vision are sensitive not only to external stimuli and are sensitive to changes in health. They are equipped with a lacrimal apparatus that protects the eyes from other foreign bodies. The appearance of a little tearfulness is perceived as a completely natural phenomenon.

The appearance of unpleasant sensations, redness and itching along with tears should alert you. Many people do not pay attention to such symptoms, but in vain. The ophthalmologist is provided with the diagnostic results, after which the diagnosis and treatment are announced.

The causes of pain and tearing of the eyes can be trivial, or they can hide serious diseases affecting internal organs. Diagnostics and examination by a specialist are necessary to make a diagnosis and correct treatment.


Inflammatory processes occurring on the mucous membrane of the eye are called conjunctivitis. The causative agents of the disease are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and allergens.

There are two stages of development of the disease: acute and chronic. In acute conjunctivitis, the patient experiences:

  • Headache;
  • Heat;
  • Weakness and malaise.

Often, having appeared in one eye, inflammation spreads to the other. This becomes the main problem of the disease.

The course of eye disease depends on what causes it. Treatment is adjusted accordingly.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

The formation of infectious conjunctivae is caused by exposure to staphylococci, diphtheroids, propionibacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms. The disease occurs in both children and adults.

The disease is infectious and occurs in an acute form, with the release of pus, mucus, and lacrimation. At the same time, the eyelids swell and stick together due to pus. If symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a specialist. It is important to maintain hygiene during the treatment process. Since conjunctivitis is a contagious disease, you should use a separate towel.

Before using medications, you must rinse the infected eye and remove any discharge. A separate swab is used for each visual organ.

To treat viral conjunctivitis, eye drops with an antibacterial effect are prescribed:

  • Floxal drops. The active ingredient is ofloxacin. The prescribed drug affects pathogenic bacteria: E. coli, streptococcus, etc. The effect of the drug appears after 10-15 minutes. Duration of effect is 6 hours. Almost complete absence of side effects.
  • Tobrex. A substance that is part of the drug and does not actively affect bacteria is tobramycin. It has a wide spectrum of action against pathogenic infections. The course of treatment lasts 7 days. The eyes may react to the medicine: redness, swelling and pain.
  • Levomycetin. Antimicrobial agent. Suitable for combating a wide range of harmful microorganisms. The action of the drug is aimed at blocking bacterial protein synthesis. Levomycetin is instantly absorbed into the blood. Side effects such as allergies are possible. Long-term use of the drug is not recommended; disturbances in hematopoietic function and a decrease in leukocytes and platelets are possible.

Diagnosis of pain in the left eye

If a child or adult has pain every day on the right or left side of the head, pain that extends to the eye, eyebrow, bridge of the nose, and gets worse when moving the eyes, you need to undergo a diagnosis. The ophthalmologist refers the patient to the following types of studies:

  1. CT. Allows you to look at the presence of formations in the brain, abnormalities in blood circulation, traumatic injuries when the left or right side of the head is affected;
  2. Angiography using contrast. Necessary for checking the condition of blood vessels and diagnosing an aneurysm;
  3. MRI. Detects cervical osteochondrosis, abnormalities in the spinal cord or brain;
  4. Examination of the eyeball with special ophthalmological instruments.

For persistent pain that makes it difficult to concentrate and interferes with work, it is recommended to take painkillers. A list of common painkillers is presented in the table.

NameRecommended dosageDuration of therapy
Ibuprofen1000 mg per dose (1-2 tablets)Maximum 7 days
Paracetamol1000 mg per dose (1-2 tablets)No longer than 5-7 days
Acetylsalicylic acid250 mg (1 tablet) every 4 hours2-3 days
Naproxen500-1000 mg (1-2 tablets) no more than three times a day4-5 days
Diclofenac50-100 mg (1-2 tablets) 2-3 times a day3-5 days

For pain caused by stress, fatigue or spasm, analgesics with an antispasmodic effect are effective: Pentalgin, Spazmolgon.

Initially, patients suffering from ARVI and eye pain should consult a physician. His task is a complete examination, studying the medical history, and making a diagnosis. If they discover the cause of pain in the visual organs, the therapist will independently prescribe treatment.

If it is impossible to determine the nature of the disease or correlate eye pain with a cold, the patient is given a referral to an ophthalmologist. His diagnosis consists of studying the patient’s medical history (the complaint may contain increased temperature, blood pressure, chills, muscle pain, weakness, drowsiness, joint pain, etc.).

Possible causes of eye pain are clarified (for example, interaction and direct contact with a carrier of the virus).

The next step is to examine the patient - determine the degree of new breathing, swelling of the conjunctiva, hyperemia, etc. If necessary, laboratory tests (smear, scraping, culture, etc.) can be carried out to clarify the nature and nature of the disease.

In most cases, a visit to a therapist is enough to determine the cause of eye pain (provided that it is combined with ARVI).

Photo 7. Appointment with a therapist

Remember that the sooner you contact a specialist, the better! A long delay could cost you your sight. This is especially important for serious pathologies such as nerve inflammation or blood pressure problems.

If the patient’s condition allows, a general survey will be conducted first. The patient will have to answer the doctor's leading questions. This will allow us to find out the nature of the pain in the left eye “first hand”. It is possible to look at the problem from a different perspective to pinpoint the cause. After all, if there is no reason, then there is no treatment.

Photo 7. Diagnosis of eye diseases by an ophthalmologist

1. What is the intensity of eye pain?

Severe pain in the eyes and head has good reasons; they are identified using the following diagnostic methods.

Method nameApplication
CT scanHelps identify circulatory disorders in the brain, space-occupying formations, and consequences of injuries
Magnetic resonance imagingDiagnoses hernia (intervertebral disc), cerebral infarction, tumor, sinusitis
Magnetic resonance angiographyAneurysm

Complex treatment is usually carried out:

  • medication - taking painkillers, sedatives, antiemetics, antidepressants, also for osteochondrosis, the doctor prescribes medicinal ointments and gels;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • massage, physiotherapy.


Inflammatory process in the tissues located between the mucous membrane and the apple of the eye. It does not occur independently, but is a consequence of other diseases: gout, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis or ulcerative colitis.

Accompanied by symptoms:

  • Tearing;
  • Eyes become very red;
  • Pain syndrome;
  • Feeling of pressure on the eye;
  • Heaviness.

Patients exhibit external signs: discharge and fear of light. Episcleritis is often confused with conjunctivitis. A professional doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Depending on the type, the disease process lasts from two weeks to a month.

No special treatment is required, just follow the doctor’s recommendations:

  • Avoid overexertion;
  • The eyes should get plenty of rest;
  • If pain occurs, use a medicine with the effect of artificial tears;
  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

What to do if your eye is watery and hurts: wait or see a doctor?

Watery eyes due to pain in the eyes is a manifestation of a pathological condition of the eyes caused by ophthalmological diseases or banal fatigue .

Often this disorder occurs in people who are forced to live or work in unfavorable environmental conditions.

Regardless of the cause , such a symptom must be eliminated without waiting for its natural disappearance : the cause of such symptoms is always disorders that, if ignored, lead to complications.

Why does my eye water and hurt?

Less common, but probable causes of lacrimation and pain in the eyes may be frostbite or chapping of the organs of vision, vitamin deficiency, pathologies affecting neighboring tissues and organs (most often the tissues of the nasal and oral cavity).

Watery eyes and headaches

Such symptoms often manifest themselves in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract (especially ARVI and influenza).

Often these two signs appear simultaneously in the following eye diseases:

  • stye (purulent inflammation of the glands responsible for the production of tear fluid);
  • conjunctivitis of any origin, occurring in acute form;
  • astigmatism.

In the latter case, the accompanying headache is caused not by the spread of pathological processes, but by overstrain of the visual organs.

As a result, the nerve centers of the brain responsible for processing visual images experience increased stress.

The eye is watery and red

When allergens come into contact with the conjunctival membrane, allergic conjunctivitis develops, in which the functioning of the circulatory system of the eye occurs, the vessels dilate and begin to work unstably, and local hemorrhages occur in the membrane of the eye.

Such a disorder may be complicated by an associated infection , and in such cases, redness and lacrimation are more pronounced and require complex therapy to eliminate .

Redness and lacrimation can also be combined with burns of different origins:

  • welding burns;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation when visiting a solarium or looking at the sun;
  • burns from chemicals.

Redness and pain are always present with eye injuries and foreign body penetration : such external influences are always strong irritants, which also lead to disruption of the integrity of the conjunctival membrane and hemorrhages in it.

Treatment options

It is not necessary to contact a specialist if lacrimation is caused by such non-pathological external causes as rubbing the eyes with your hands, getting in contact with a speck of dust or chapping .

In most cases, irritation, characterized by increased tear production and pain, goes away within 1-2 hours, and small specks that have sunk deeply into the surface of the eye can be removed independently.

In most cases, this symptom is caused by infectious lesions.

In such cases, depending on the patient’s age, severity of the disease and specific indicators, the following drugs for treatment may be prescribed:

  • hydrocortisone ointment (an effective remedy for the treatment of infectious diseases, which also helps eliminate pain from eye burns);
  • tetracycline ointment (a mild antibacterial agent, which is most often prescribed for bacterial lesions, but can serve as a decongestant and soothing ointment for damage to the organs of vision);
  • Cornergel (a multifunctional product that, regardless of the cause of pain and lacrimation, stimulates regenerative processes in the tissues of the eye);
  • erythromycin ointment (an effective antibiotic that suppresses the activity of most bacteria that cause eye diseases, and due to the absence of side effects and low toxicity, this is one of the few remedies that can be used to treat children).

Prevention measures

First of all, you can avoid watery eyes, pain and other uncomfortable sensations in the eyes by preventing infection with ophthalmological diseases .

If the described symptoms are a consequence of chronic eye strain, the situation can be corrected by following these tips:

  • the diet should contain foods containing microelements and vitamins that are beneficial for the eyes (blueberries, carrots, apples, fresh herbs);
  • if necessary, spend the bulk of the working day at the computer, you should correctly adjust its brightness, ensure good lighting in the workplace and try to keep the distance between your eyes and the monitor at least 50 centimeters;
  • once every one and a half to two hours it is necessary to take a break from watching TV, working at the computer and even reading books so that the eyes can rest, preferably during breaks that should be 5-7 minutes, perform eye exercises;
  • people prone to allergies (especially seasonal manifestations) should stock up on antihistamines .

From this video you will learn about the causes and treatment of lacrimation:

If you have not been able to avoid eye diseases or injuries that result in excessive tearing, you should not delay your visit to the doctor , much less self-medicate.

The sooner it is possible to assess the condition of the visual organs and prescribe adequate treatment, the greater the likelihood of a favorable outcome and the lower the risk of developing unpleasant and dangerous complications.

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Source: https://zrenie1.com/bolezni/simptomy/bolyat-glaza/slezitsya-bol-gl.html


With the disease, inflammatory processes occur on the iris of the eyes and on the eyelids in the eyelash area. Iridocyclitis accompanies:

  • Redness of the eye;
  • The appearance of swelling and pain;
  • Tearfulness;
  • It hurts to look at the light;
  • The pupil narrows and becomes deformed;
  • The quality of vision decreases;
  • The color of the iris changes.

The following medications are used for treatment:

  • Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone. Designed to combat a nonspecific form of the disease. They have anti-inflammatory properties, the ability not only to treat, but also to prevent the disease from progressing to a severe form or the occurrence of complications.
  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics. The doctor prescribes it after diagnosis.
  • To dilate the pupil. Used: Mydriacyl, adrenaline, Diclof, etc.

The main reasons why your head and eyes hurt at the same time

There can be many reasons why you have a headache and it is painful to move your eyes. It is possible that the malaise is a consequence of spending a long time in a stuffy room or working at a computer for a long time. In this case, the discomfort goes away quickly if you rest a little and go out into the fresh air.

There are also more serious reasons. If your head hurts for a long time and there is pressure in the eye area, in the back of the head, movements of the pupils are painful, the nature of the pain is pulsating, you should undergo an examination. The probable causes of pain are presented below.


Headache is the leading symptom in infectious and inflammatory diseases. Meningitis, an inflammation of the lining of the brain, is especially dangerous.

Pain occurs due to increased secretion of cerebrospinal fluid and swelling of the meninges. I want to sleep, apathy arises, it becomes cloudy, my mood disappears.

This serious illness requires immediate hospitalization. Home regime is excluded, otherwise death is possible.


Excessive tension is one of the main reasons why pressing pain occurs in the orbital area. In most cases, this is due to prolonged work at the computer, stress and nervous fatigue.

In severe cases, general weakness, nausea, and dizziness occur. The eyes turn red, the conjunctiva becomes irritated, which is accompanied by lacrimation and dryness.

Tired eyes

Fatigue can also cause persistent cephalgia, which radiates to the left or right eye.
This may be due to incorrectly selected lenses or glasses. When the eyes see poorly, they are forced to constantly strain and get tired quickly. The eyes become watery, red, dizzy, and may even feel nauseous. Correctly selected optics will help get rid of the symptoms. Then the veil will fall, the feeling that sand has been poured into them will go away, and it will immediately become easier.

Sinusitis, sinusitis and sinusitis

There is a unilateral headache arising from the side of the affected sinus. It hurts from the inside behind the right or left eye, respectively, it compresses the area of ​​the temples and the frontal part, nasal congestion, swelling of the face, and high temperature are observed.

Elevated temperature always indicates an inflammatory process, so this condition requires treatment. You should visit an otolaryngologist to avoid complications.

Migraine pain

During migraine attacks, the pain is localized on one side, affecting the temple, back of the head and eye area.

It can hurt separately on the left or right, and is characterized by visual disturbances, distortions, goosebumps, blinking and flickering before the eyes.

During a severe attack, it is painful to look at the light, it begins to feel nauseous, chills, dizziness, fear of noise, jitters, nausea and vomiting. This condition can last up to 3 days.

Liquorodynamic disorders

In this case, the headache is accompanied by high body temperature, decreased heart rate, lack of appetite, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

The causes of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics disorders are various inflammatory processes occurring in the brain tissue, due to which the movement of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted:

  • cysts;
  • abscesses;
  • tumors.

Also, a similar problem can be a consequence of injuries to the back with damage to the brain and spinal cord.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Cephalgia is a constant companion of cervical osteochondrosis. This disease is often diagnosed in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

With constant immobility of the spine, it becomes deformed, pinching of nerve endings occurs, which leads to severe discomfort.

The pain is localized in the back of the head, compresses in a vice, moves upward, and radiates into the eyes. Most often, the sensations are concentrated in one part of the head; additional symptoms are pain in the arms, fingers and chest area begin to go numb and ache, and it is difficult to move the head. If pathological processes affect the structures of the spinal cord, the person becomes dizzy and the temperature rises.

Ophthalmological problems

Head pain can be a consequence of ophthalmological disorders, for example:

  • spasm of accommodation or tired eyes syndrome. With this problem, a spasm of the ciliary muscle occurs, leading to rapid fatigue and gradual deterioration of vision. There is poor vision of objects located at a distance, headache in the forehead and temples, pain in the eyes, redness of the conjunctiva, lacrimation. Eyes close from fatigue;
  • Glaucoma is a serious disease that can lead to blindness. It manifests itself as severe pain inside the head arising from eye pressure. It may hurt and twitch under the right eye or under the left. Swelling of the eyelids, redness of the conjunctiva, significant decrease in vision, and dilation of the pupil appear.

Wearing lenses

Incorrect selection of contact lenses, poor care of the device, violation of wearing rules - leads to redness of the eyes, tearing, burning and pain.

Depending on the material, contact lenses cannot be worn for more than 15 hours at a time. It is also necessary to clean the equipment in a special disinfectant solution every night.

There are daily contact lenses. They are worn during the day, after removal they are thrown away and new ones are put on in the morning. Not everyone can afford to purchase them.

To eliminate the symptoms of improper lens wear and to maintain eye health, you must follow the rules for caring for the device: do not wear it for a long time, wipe it with a special solution, and leave it in the solution overnight.

The problem of watery eyes and pain in the eyes occurs when the patient wears glasses. Unpleasant sensations occur when wearing lenses of inappropriate power. By changing glasses, you can restore your health and relieve pain symptoms.

Headache, watery eyes treatment

A severe headache can strike any person, and there can be many reasons, but pain radiating into the eye should be alarming - it could be a signal of a dangerous pathology.

If headaches and discomfort in the eyes recur frequently, forcing a person to interrupt work, or interfere with a quality night’s rest, it is recommended to consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

What to take for headaches reviews


The body exhibits a specific reaction to the appearance of irritants in the environment: fluff, dust, wool, pollen, cosmetics, household chemicals. In this case, symptoms appear: redness, swelling, watery eyes, itching.

As a rule, allergies are a seasonal disease that worsens in spring and summer, when there is a period of active flowering. The specific reaction to fur, dust, and mites is constant throughout the year.

Diagnostics are necessary to establish the cause of eye pain and determine the causative agent of the allergic reaction. The procedure is performed by a doctor, a diagnosis is established, and medications are prescribed:

  1. Antihistamine action. Medicines block the body's receptors that are responsible for the release of elements that cause an allergic reaction in the body. Zodak, Tavegil.
  2. Decongestants. Eye drops to relieve allergic swelling: Cromohexal, Lecrolin, Opatanol.
  3. Anti-inflammatory. Reduce inflammation and relieve swelling of soft tissues.
  4. Vasoconstrictors. Medicines are prescribed to relieve redness by constricting the blood vessels that supply oxygen to the visual organs. Visin, Octilia, Okumetil. Long-term use of these medications is not advisable. Possible addiction and the effect of use decreases.


There are different types of eye injuries:

  • Mechanical. Impact from a hard or blunt object. Internal hemorrhage and dissection occurs. The area around the eyes swells, the eye becomes red and watery.
  • Chemical. Contact with alkaline agents or acids leads to significant damage to the mucous membrane.
  • Thermal. Boiling water or hot steam can cause thermal burns to the eyes.
  • Ray. Radiation exposure can lead to the formation of malignant tumors in internal organs.

The injury is accompanied by symptoms: redness and pain, decreased quality of vision, production of tears, and fear of light.

The treatment process depends on the nature of the damage received. Mechanical trauma associated with dissection of the eyebrow or eyelid is treated with surgery: wound treatment and suturing. For milder injuries, it is necessary to treat with medication, by instilling drops with an antimicrobial effect.

Dry eye syndrome

Tear film dysfunction. As a result, insufficient moisture is produced on the surface of the eye from the tear ducts. In this case, the eyes may hurt and water, and there is a feeling of sand under the eyelids. The disease is associated with a violation of the integral structure of the film or disruption of the glands responsible for the production of tears. Occurs after sitting for a long time at a computer monitor or watching TV.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, drugs based on artificial tears are instilled into the eyes: Visine.

If the headache radiates to the eye: reasons, what to do

A severe headache can strike any person, and there can be many reasons, but pain radiating into the eye should be alarming - it could be a signal of a dangerous pathology.
If headaches and discomfort in the eyes recur frequently, forcing a person to interrupt work, or interfere with a quality night’s rest, it is recommended to consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination.

External reasons

During the consultation, the specialist will ask the person in detail exactly how his head hurts, whether there is irradiation into the eyes, and whether there is a relationship with external negative stimuli.

Provoking factors:

• prolonged exposure to a computer monitor, especially without the use of protective equipment, for example, special glasses;

• often the reason that a person has a headache and feels like sand has been poured into his eyes is wearing the wrong glasses or dirty lenses - at the slightest discomfort, if it intensifies, as soon as the person puts on glasses, it is necessary to correct the diopters or change the lenses;

• if the pain radiates to the head from other areas of the body, for example, from the neck, then the cause may be banal overwork - constant tension of muscle tissue provokes a condition called by specialists “tension syndrome,” when discomfort is caused by overstrain of nerve endings. The eyes may not suffer.

It is recommended to analyze the person’s lifestyle. For example, spasms of intracranial vessels may be completely caused by existing negative habits - abuse of tobacco and alcohol products.

Frequent consumption of various energy drinks, coffee, strong tea, poor quality night rest, chronic stressful situations can cause a person to feel pain, twitch the eye, his temples often hurt, and decreased vision and performance.

Internal reasons

To date, experts have identified many pathologies accompanied by pain in the head and eyes. Modern diagnostic tests help identify the leading root cause.

Headache radiating to the eyes can be caused by:

• the presence of a person’s tendency to high blood pressure – hypertension. It is the spasm of the intracranial vessels, which causes the state of ischemia of the brain structures, that causes discomfort in some area of ​​the head, for example, the left eye hurts more;

• similar phenomena can be observed with a congenital tendency to vascular spasms - migraine. The head may be covered in a hoop of pain, accompanied by nausea, hyperreactivity to light and noise. There is also an acquired version of migraine - in this case, to prevent it, it is enough to avoid provoking factors;

• sometimes a person notes that it hurts only on one side of the head, unpleasant sensations are present in the ear, temporal region, eye area on one side or both.

The attack is provoked by a sharp turn to the side, overexertion in the shoulder girdle.

After diagnostic studies, in this case, cervical osteochondrosis will be identified as the root cause of the pain syndrome arising after compression of the cervical artery by modified vertebrae;

• pathologies of the visual apparatus - inflammatory, traumatic in nature - can become a provoking factor.

The pain can be caused by overstrain of the muscle fibers that help the eyeball move to the sides, by the entry of a foreign body into the conjunctival sac, allergic manifestations are also reflected by a feeling of discomfort - the eye is watery, the tissues are swollen, hyperemic;

• the head and eyes can also hurt due to pathologies, sometimes localized in other areas of the body, for example, with autoimmune herpetic lesions. A person complains of pain in the area of ​​the eyes, and one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve is affected, or the local blood supply in the retroocular space is disrupted and the outflow of ocular fluid is obstructed.

General recommendations

The important point is not the fight against pain, even when the pain impulse radiates into the eyes, but the elimination of the cause of such symptoms.

General recommendations:

1. Visit a specialist.

2. Undergo a comprehensive comprehensive examination.

3. Reconsider your own lifestyle.

4. Ensure a quality night's rest.

5. Adjust your diet - give up strong drinks, rich broths, many spices, sauces, preservatives, smoked meats.

6. Maintain adequate drinking regime.

7. Try to walk more in the fresh air.

8. Observe the work and rest schedule.

9. Master yoga or relaxation complexes.

10. Visit the pool and fitness room more often.

Compliance with the above fairly simple recommendations helps to avoid a state of insufficiency of oxygen and nutrients in the body, which will be an excellent prevention of various pathologies that cause pain in the eye, the back of the head, and severe discomfort in other parts of the body.

It is useful for people suffering from migraine attacks and hypertensive crises to keep a diary, which indicates the time of occurrence of unpleasant sensations, what caused them, and whether the recommended medications helped. At the slightest deterioration in health, for example, the vision in the eye has become worse, the headache has intensified, it is necessary to consult a specialist again.

Drug therapy

To relieve pain, the following can be used as symptomatic therapy:

1. A subgroup of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs - they help stop the production of substances that cause pain.

2. Antispasmodics - dilate blood vessels in the area of ​​the brain where local ischemia has occurred, causing pain impulses in the head and eyes.

3. Analgesics - modern drugs cope excellently with pain impulses of various natures, but must be recommended by specialists to prevent possible cross-allergy.

4. Combined drugs - have a double or triple mechanism of action on the source of pain, for example, Pentalgin.

If it is impossible to consult with a specialist, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions for the drug, pay attention to the indications for it and contraindications necessarily indicated by the manufacturer.

The result of taking the pill will appear after 10-15 minutes - the pain will subside. But with frequent relapses - discomfort almost every day, radiating into the eyes, nausea, vomiting, dizziness - there is no need to delay consultation.

Source: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/596a6a468146c12e34f9afda/597a4a143c50f73224e94801

What can you do at home when your eyes hurt?

You need to remember what to do at home to save your visual system:

  1. Pull out the foreign body yourself, if possible.
  2. Give your eyes a rest after working at the computer for a long time.
  3. In case of allergic reactions, take antihistamines as prescribed by your doctor.
  4. When swimming in salt water, rinse your eyes with mineral or plain drinking water.
  5. If your eyes feel dry, use medications based on artificial tears.

Medicines are taken only after consultation with a doctor and a correct diagnosis.

Why does my left eye hurt?

There can be many reasons why you have a headache and it is painful to move your eyes. It is possible that the malaise is a consequence of spending a long time in a stuffy room or working at a computer for a long time. In this case, the discomfort goes away quickly if you rest a little and go out into the fresh air.

There are also more serious reasons. If your head hurts for a long time and there is pressure in the eye area, in the back of the head, movements of the pupils are painful, the nature of the pain is pulsating, you should undergo an examination. The probable causes of pain are presented below.



Headache is the leading symptom in infectious and inflammatory diseases. Meningitis, an inflammation of the lining of the brain, is especially dangerous.

Initially, it is worth paying attention to the fact that pain in the head is often accompanied by a feeling of pain and pressure in the eyes. Such symptoms are not random and have specific causes.

First of all, you need to realize that the eye is a direct extension of the brain. It is connected to it through anatomical structures such as the optic tracts. Therefore, those negative processes that can occur in the brain sometimes affect the condition of the eyes.

Pain in one eye may be due to a foreign body. Specks are removed from the surface of the mucous membrane on their own by blinking or tearing. The intraocular bodies require the intervention of a doctor.

The question – why do my head and eyes hurt – has been asked more and more often by patients lately.

Headaches are often accompanied by pain in the temples or pressure in one or both eyes.

To independently determine the answer to the question of why your head and eyes hurt, you should analyze your lifestyle. Perhaps the cause of headaches is non-compliance with an elementary regimen or a healthy lifestyle.

Overwork from working at a computer for a long time or being in a room with artificial lighting can cause severe eye fatigue. Eye strain causes inflammation of the optic nerve. This is what can cause pain in the frontal part of the head and temples. If you ignore pain symptoms, the headache will only get worse and can have more serious consequences.

To avoid overwork, take short breaks from work. It will be enough to just get distracted for 5 minutes and look out the window, watch the birds or people.

The main thing is to keep your eyes moving during this time. You can also use special eye drops to relieve tension in the blood vessels of the eyeball.

During your lunch break, you can do a little gymnastics for your eyes - close your eyes and rotate your pupils in different directions.

If the patient, in addition to tearing of the right organ of vision, has headaches, then this may indicate several specific reasons.


Constant pain that is localized on the right side of the head may be the result of migraine, a neurological disease. Most often, severe throbbing pain in the head leads to redness and tearing of the visual organ on the same side. Eliminating migraines will stop the production of tears and get rid of other unpleasant symptoms.


Often the cause of severe headaches is a spasm of the neck muscles, which entails poor circulation. As a result, the head does not receive enough nutrients and vitamins. This leads to tearing in one eye. To relieve spasms, antispasmodics are used, for example, No-Shpu.

Photo 1. Packaging of the drug No-Shpa in the form of tablets with a dosage of 40 mg. Manufacturer: Sanofi Aventis.

The human eye is the most sensitive organ, easily susceptible to external influences; it quickly reacts to external stimuli and to the state of the body as a whole. A tear for the eye is protection against irritation, which is why almost all people experience this problem when their eyes become watery. But there are several causes of teary eyes, here are a few of them.

Eyes watering on the street

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