Phenazepam - indications for use

Characteristics of Atarax

The drug has an anxiolytic, analgesic and bronchodilator effect, selectively inhibits gastric secretion. Has a positive effect on memory, attention, and cognitive skills. Relaxes skeletal and smooth muscles, relieving muscle tension. Eliminates skin itching in the presence of dermatitis, eczema, urticaria. Makes sleep longer, reduces the frequency of night awakenings.

Suitable for long-term use. Does not cause deterioration of cognitive abilities and withdrawal syndrome.

Characteristics of Phenazepam

It has an anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative-hypnotic, muscle relaxant effect. Reduces emotional stress, fear, anxiety, restlessness. Makes it easier to fall asleep and relieves insomnia. Almost no effect on symptoms of psychotic origin: acute delusional, affective and hallucinatory disorders. Affective tension and delusional disorders may become less pronounced, but this rarely happens. During therapy, direct inhibition of muscle and motor nerve function may occur.

Comparison of Atarax and Phenazepam

To choose a medicine, you need to compare drugs, become familiar with their common features and differences.


Both drugs are tranquilizers, but they have other similarities:

  1. Release form. Anxiolytics are sold in the form of white tablets, oblong (Atarax) or round, flat-cylindrical (Phenazepam). An additional form of release is an injection solution.
  2. Effect on concentration and psychomotor reactions. The drugs have a muscle relaxant effect and can cause drowsiness and dizziness. People driving vehicles and working with dangerous machinery must be careful.
  3. Terms of sale. Medicines are available by prescription.

Atarax is used for chronic alcoholism, itchy skin and various diseases (mental, somatic, neurological).

What is the difference?

Differences between medicines:

  1. Compound. Phenazepam consists of bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine and additional substances: betadex, magnesium stearate and PEARLITOL Flash (a mixture of corn starch and mannitol). Atarax contains hydroxyzine hydrochloride and auxiliary components such as MCC, colloidal silicon anhydride, Opadry Y-1-7000, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate.
  2. Indications. Atarax is used for chronic alcoholism, itchy skin and various diseases (mental, somatic, neurological). Phenazepam is prescribed in extreme situations (to reduce fear and tension), insomnia, epilepsy, schizophrenia, withdrawal syndrome, reactive psychoses, senesto-hypochondriacal disorders, nervous tics, muscle rigidity, athetosis, autonomic lability, hyperkinesis, neurotic, psychopathic, neurotic and psychopathic states. Both drugs are prescribed during the period of premedication.
  3. Contraindications. Conditions for which Atarax is prohibited: intolerance to components, porphyria, breastfeeding, hereditary galactose intolerance, pregnancy, impaired absorption of glucose and galactose. Phenazepam is not used for hypersensitivity, coma, myasthenia gravis, shock, acute ethanol poisoning, angle-closure glaucoma, severe depression, breastfeeding, pregnancy (trimester 1), severe COPD, acute respiratory failure, poisoning with hypnotics and narcotic analgesics, treatment of children.
  4. Use during pregnancy. Atarax cannot be used throughout pregnancy, Phenazepam - in the 1st trimester (in the remaining time - only for health reasons).
  5. Use in pediatrics. Phenazepam is not prescribed until the age of 18; Atarax can be used starting from 12 months.

What's stronger?

Phenazepam is a stronger drug, but it has its drawbacks. It is addictive and causes severe side effects (including coma). After cessation of therapy, withdrawal syndrome may develop - a return and intensification of undesirable symptoms. Therefore, you need to stop treatment gradually under the supervision of a doctor.

Phenazepam has a long list of indications and has a stronger effect on the body. Therefore, for severe disorders, it is recommended to take it.

Phenazepam is addictive and causes severe side effects (including coma).

Which is cheaper?

A package of Phenazepam tablets costs 95-160 rubles. A pack of Atarax can be bought for 270-300 rubles.

Contraindications, restrictions and side effects

Phenazepam should not be taken by children under 18 years of age, as well as by patients prone to allergic reactions to the composition of the medicine. Other contraindications:


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  • angle-closure glaucoma, increased pressure inside the eyes;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • coma;
  • state of shock.

The presence of liver or kidney pathologies is not a contraindication to the use of Phenazepam. But in this case, you need to undergo therapy exclusively under the supervision of doctors.

Patients who have previously experienced addiction to medications of this type are not allowed to take the medicine.

Taking medication is often associated with sudden mood swings. Other possible side effects:

Before treatment, the patient must undergo a thorough medical examination to determine any restrictions on taking the medication. Compatibility with other drugs is checked separately on an individual basis. Drinking alcohol during the therapeutic period is strictly prohibited.

Which is better: Atarax or Phenazepam?

When choosing a tranquilizer, you should proceed from the diagnosis, since drugs have different mechanisms of action. For safety reasons, it is better to use Atarax: it acts more gently, is better tolerated, does not cause withdrawal symptoms or addiction, and does not depress mental performance. Contraindications should also be taken into account.

For hyperhidrosis

For excessive sweating, Phenazepam helps better. The list of its indications includes vegetative lability.

For insomnia

For sleep disorders, it is recommended to use Phenazepam. It reduces the impact of irritants (vegetative, motor, emotional) and facilitates the process of falling asleep.

Drug compatibility

Anxiolytics act in different ways, so taking them at the same time is not prohibited. Most often, complex therapy is prescribed for prolonged insomnia. At the same time, Atarax is taken in the daytime, and Phenazepam is taken before bedtime.

It is not safe to take tranquilizers together, as this combination can cause various side effects.

Before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor who will draw up an optimal treatment regimen. It is advisable that therapy be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.


Although the drugs have similar indications, they are still far from the same. The active ingredients of the drugs are different, so their effect is also different. So which drug is stronger than Phenazepam or Atarax?

Of course, Phenazepam is stronger. Its action is as effective as possible, but still the drug does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only removes its symptoms for a while. Also, after stopping the use of Phenazepam, withdrawal syndrome may develop - the body’s reaction when the symptoms that were treated at first only intensify. This process is very painful and to make it easier, you should not stop taking Phenazepam suddenly, but do it gradually under the supervision of a doctor.

Phenazepam also has very serious side effects, including coma. The drug is addictive, unlike Atarax.

If we compare Phenazepam with Atarax, the first will be more effective, and the second safer.

Reviews from doctors about Atarax and Phenazepam

Inessa Valerievna, neurologist, Moscow: “I regularly prescribe tranquilizers to my patients. Use is indicated for anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, withdrawal symptoms and other conditions. It is impossible to compare medications, because they have different compositions and act differently. Phenazepam is a stronger remedy, and Atarax is safer.”

Igor Evgenievich, therapist, St. Petersburg: “Patients often ask to be prescribed medication for increased anxiety. In such cases, I prescribe Atarax, because it acts mildly and does not cause adverse reactions. The drug can be used even by small children (1 year and older).”

Galina Sergeevna, neurologist, Irkutsk: “There are many indications for the use of Phenazepam, so I prescribe it often. The drug is potent and can cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Switching to other medications should be done with caution. If you stop treatment abruptly, unwanted symptoms may return and worsen.”


For patients with VSD, Phenazepam is prescribed if the disease is accompanied by:

  • fears;
  • increased anxiety;
  • anxiety;
  • panic;
  • sleep disturbance.

Phenazepam is used both one-time to eliminate anxiety, and in a specially selected course. More often it is used in tablet form. The standard treatment regimen is 0.5 g (one tablet once a night). In case of severe disorders, the medicine is taken 3 tablets per day during the first days, then, after the main symptoms are relieved, they switch to a maintenance dose.

The above dosages, depending on the patient’s condition, can be reduced or increased by the doctor. Self-selection of the dose is fraught with increased anxiety or even confusion due to an overdose.

Phenazepam has an extensive list of contraindications. The drug is not prescribed:

  • pregnant women;
  • during lactation;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • in a state of shock;
  • with myasthenia gravis.

It is used with caution in depression and in the treatment of elderly people and patients after a stroke.

Patients' opinions

Gennady, 51 years old, Omsk: “I suffer from chronic alcoholism, so during treatment I managed to get acquainted with various tranquilizers, including Atarax and Phenazepam. The latter causes more side effects: heartburn, nausea, loss of appetite. When using other medications, the content of various cells in the blood may increase, so I advise you to read the instructions carefully.”

Raisa, 48 years old, Tver: “I treated insomnia with Atarax, but the drug did not help. The doctor advised me to switch to Phenazepam, and she was right. I started falling asleep quickly and stopped waking up in the middle of the night. I also noticed that I became more balanced and calm.”

Elena, 27 years old, Moscow: “When my son developed hives, the dermatologist prescribed topical medications and Atarax. The child became calmer and stopped itching. There were no side effects observed."

About the drug Phenazepam

This is a tranquilizer that has a complex effect on the body . It is popular for its high efficiency and the fact that its effect is very strong. The drug is used to treat emotional instability or other problems that arise from an imbalance of the nervous system.


  • insomnia, sleep disturbances
  • alcohol withdrawal
  • unreasonable feelings of anxiety, worry and fear
  • depression
  • panic attacks, neuroses, psychoses
  • seizures, nervous tics

The danger of the drug is that it can cause serious addiction. Therefore, treatment with the drug is not recommended for more than 2 weeks, although there are cases when the medicine is prescribed for 2 months.

The drug also has serious side effects, ranging from dizziness, drowsiness, addiction and coma . Poisoning with Phenazepam can be fatal.

Considering the seriousness of this tranquilizer, it is released only with a special prescription from a doctor.

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