How to easily develop intuition - tips, rules

What is intuition

Our brain is divided into two hemispheres:

  • The left is responsible for logic and analytical thinking, according to which most ordinary people live. They do not listen to signs, but follow the voice of reason, often making wrong decisions, ignoring their sixth sense.
  • The right hemisphere is responsible for inspiration, makes you do illogical things, and is well developed in creative people. It contains the subconscious, which contains everything that happened in our lives, all feelings and thoughts. The subconscious mind is capable of capturing a million pieces of information per second and storing this knowledge to use for making the right decisions.

Intuition is a kind of channel for communication with the subconscious. Through it, insights necessary for non-standard solutions to problems and answers to important questions come from the right hemisphere of the brain.

A person reveals hidden abilities and develops psychological skills when he is able to use both hemispheres of the brain equally. According to scientists, many successful people have this feature.

Should you trust your gut feeling?

This mental ability can be either innate or acquired. Those who are endowed with intuition from birth can, to one degree or another, predict the future. Such people sometimes become psychics if they feel the need. However, not everyone who is endowed with a strong sixth sense uses their gift to its full potential.

Each person in a certain situation listens to his inner voice in order to predict the specific results and consequences of a particular action. Even inveterate materialists, who fundamentally deny the presence of the gift of clairvoyance, sometimes experience premonitions.

There are many stories in which people say that they had a “bad feeling” about an upcoming plane trip, so they canceled their trip. Later, news came that the plane they were supposed to fly on had crashed.

Some people say that they feel a strong premonition towards people close to them - relatives, loved ones who are not around. At the same time, a feeling arises “that something has happened,” prompting you to see the person. Upon arrival, they discovered that the person was ill or injured and needed care.

Intuition - whatever you call it: an inner voice, a hunch or a sixth sense - is useful and should be developed. The more you work with this “power” to strengthen its effect, the more you will be guided by your own experiences, which will strengthen your confidence in your abilities. And remember: the sixth sense is not a superpower, but your natural latent ability to foresight. You just need to learn to trust and listen to your inner voice.

What is needed to develop intuition?

To develop intuition, you need to learn to listen to your subconscious. First of all, increase your self-esteem.

People who do not believe in themselves cannot use intuition, because if they hear its advice, they will be afraid to follow it.

A person with low self-esteem tends to do what stronger, more confident people tell him.

Once you have built up your self-confidence, trust that intuition exists. Without this faith, you won’t be able to use the channel, because it only works for those who believe.

It is important to learn to ask the right questions. They need to be spoken clearly and clearly, preferably in an affirmative form.

For example, if you want to know whether you will get a job, you need to mentally voice: “I will get a job.” And listen to the sensations that appear in your soul. Phrases constructed in the form of a statement do not affect logical thinking and are not capable of spoiling the answers sent by the intuition channel.


To get the correct answer, you need to ask your intuition a specific question. Avoid vague language. For example, the question “Can I make a lot of money?” too general. “A lot” – how much? And do you have any ideas about what exactly you are willing to do? It’s better to ask yourself: “What job should I choose to earn 100,000 rubles?”

Instead of “Will I get married?” you can formulate a request for intuition like this: “What should I do to find a partner with whom I will be happy?”

How to learn to hear intuition

If you expect to hear a straight answer to a question, you will be disappointed. The subconscious mind sends signals in the form of images, vivid impressions, sensations and smells.

For example, there are widely known cases where passengers canceled their plane tickets at the last moment, because on a subconscious level they sensed impending misfortune and thereby saved their lives. Such people have a well-developed sixth sense, and they know how to listen to its warnings.

Signals of intuition manifest themselves in a rapid heartbeat; you may suddenly feel hot or cold. Some people feel a tingling sensation in the pads of their fingers.

Before making an important decision, listen to your feelings. If they are joyful, the subconscious mind sends you a positive response. When the chest is compressed by an unpleasant feeling and a feeling of anxiety appears, the answer is negative.

In rare cases, the subconscious mind sends responses through intuition, expressed by different smells. There have been cases when people, before an important joyful event, smelled the smell of oranges, and before troubles, the aroma of rotten fruit.

Sometimes a person is not able to subtly sense signals from the subconscious, and then he can receive signs from the outside. For example, when you are suffering for a long time and cannot make the right decision, an article comes across your eye that points to the right path, or a bird knocks on the window. In order to push you to the right decision, various events can happen.

How to develop intuition bordering on clairvoyance

There is no need to develop it!


The fact is that intuition is inherent in every person. What it is - science cannot yet give an answer, so the definition of intuition sounds meager: “The ability to obtain knowledge about an object or phenomenon in a supersensible way.”

Externally it looks like this. You pass by a kiosk with the press, and quite suddenly your gaze lingers on a red and blue lottery ticket, barely noticeable among the array of newspapers and magazines. For some reason, you were very attracted to its color scheme... You want to buy it, obeying a strange impulse. Without even asking the price or looking at its name, you buy it. Having walked a little away from the kiosk, you come to your senses and think: “Why did I buy it?” You remember that you have always been skeptical about lotteries, and you begin to reproach yourself for wasting money. And next weekend you will find out about your winnings. Your “stupid” impulse turned out to be not stupid at all...

Or so. In the evening, you watch on the news how a tree falling from a hurricane crashes into the ground right behind a passing car, and the phrase involuntarily escapes you: “At the last moment!..”. And suddenly, for a second, you unexpectedly remember the bank in which you, as a business owner, have an account. And suddenly, for no reason, you suddenly want to transfer all your funds to another bank. You are surprised by your strange desire that arose after the picture with the surviving car, but for some reason you obey it and withdraw the money... And a month later, that bank’s license is revoked, and many people lose their deposits. And then I remember the phrase that escaped: “At the last moment!..”. You saved your savings by obeying a completely illogical, strange desire that appeared out of nowhere...

Sound familiar?

Such moments are completely obvious in the lives of many people, but in fact, the voice of intuition is inherent in absolutely every person. The reason for this lies in the fact that the unconscious reacts first to any event that occurs in a person’s life - the consciousness has too low a reaction speed to external stimuli, and it takes an average of 1.5 seconds to “turn on”. Before our consciousness is included in the process of understanding what is happening, our subconscious reacts to the situation that has arisen in its own way. And since our unconscious has absolutely all the resources of the body and psyche at its disposal, it, unfettered by conscious restrictions, has unlimited possibilities.

That is why over the centuries a thesis has developed: intuition is not wrong. The mind can be wrong - a premonition never.

And it is precisely in these 1.5 seconds, when the unconscious reacts to the situation, that a person’s super-resources are activated: a young mother lifting a car that almost ran over her little son’s feet, a frail old woman moving a 250-kilogram chest during a fire, an elderly person jumping over a 3-meter fence a man attacked by an angry bull...

Then, after these one and a half seconds, consciousness turns on, and access to super resources is blocked. The working consciousness discards the reactions of the unconscious to the situation, considering them excessively energy-consuming for the body and psyche and therefore meaningless. And he criticizes the voice of intuition, passing it through the millstone of common sense.

There is no need to develop intuition!

You just need to learn to notice the reaction of the unconscious in these 1.5 seconds and correctly interpret its symbolism!

Our problem is that we expect hints that we understand from the subconscious, while it communicates with our consciousness based on its “logic.” Remember, do your dreams always seem logical and understandable to you? But this is the language of the unconscious!

For example, it might look like this. The next day you have a business meeting and decide to sign an important agreement. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, still lying in bed, you remember the upcoming important meeting. In a split second, doubts flash through your mind about the advisability of signing an agreement with these investors. And suddenly, unexpectedly for you, the story of last weekend comes to mind, when you were stuck in a traffic jam at a traffic light in the evening. That traffic light had broken down and had been on red for several minutes straight. For a split second you are transported there, into this plot, you even begin to hear the indignant voices of other road users... But with an effort of will, you drive away the random memory that arose from yourself and return to the analysis of the future business meeting. No, everything should be fine. Recommendations for business partners are solid, they have been in business for several years, there are no visible flaws...

You sign an agreement and after a few months you repeatedly regret it...

And all because you didn’t notice the most interesting thing. More precisely, they noticed, but ignored. Because they mistakenly believed that the voice of intuition is loud, like the trumpet of the seventh Angel. And he turned out to be as quiet as the rustling of leaves on a noisy day.

How was it there? Did a picture of a Sunday day off suddenly pop up in your memory? Are there traffic jams there at this time? What did you say you were thinking about before this? About a business meeting? What kind of light did you say was on at the traffic light? Ah, red! Tell me, is a red traffic light a permission to move or a ban? Do you really think that the picture surfaced by accident? Well, and you say that intuition doesn’t work!

Many times during sessions I had to “pull out” from clients’ memory these subtle warning scenes that they themselves did not pay attention to. This allows me to say with absolute confidence: everyone has intuition. There are three subtleties that complicate its use:

  1. Few people know exactly how his subconscious communicates with him. These can be either images-pictures before the inner gaze, or kinesthetic sensations, phantom smells that appear for a split second, melodies-excerpts of songs that suddenly emerge from memory. The range of possible signs is huge.
  2. Even knowing the way your subconscious mind communicates with you, it is very difficult to correctly interpret the symbol with which your subconscious mind will warn you. The unconscious, as mentioned above, has its own “logic,” which is sometimes strikingly different from the logic of consciousness.
  3. The subconscious perceives time somewhat differently, and it may well happen that it will issue a warning symbol much earlier than the situation even arises on the horizon of your conscious perception. This is the most significant subtlety, because you cannot definitely know when to wait for the “sign”.

That is why independent development of the ability to hear the voice of intuition always takes a long time, and mistakes are inevitable. But, in the end, nothing is impossible, the only question is time and the number of bumps along the way.

The fact is that it is impossible to independently immerse yourself in that degree of trance (hypnotic sleep), in which a direct conversation with the unconscious is possible without the participation of consciousness (which in such cases always introduces distortions into the process) without special skills. Consciousness turns off during such an immersion! And this makes immersion pointless: you can make contact with the unconscious, but you won’t be able to remember anything, because consciousness is asleep! We need a hypnotist. Only with its help can you quickly and accurately figure out all three subtleties described above. On your own - it is possible, but only through long-term comparison and errors that always accompany the process of self-knowledge.

What can be advised to those who have decided to set off on an independent voyage across the ocean of their unconscious in order to swim to the island of Intuition?

  1. Learn to feel your whole self. Everything at once, on all levels of your personality. Make it a rule to pause yourself at least 7-10 times a day and ask: “What am I seeing now? What do I hear? What am I thinking about? How do I feel in parallel with this? What kind of feelings do I have? Where are they located? Take yourself apart, into the smallest components. Write it down.

This exercise will begin to draw your conscious attention to the world of the unconscious. You will be surprised how many sensations pass by your consciousness in everyday life!

  1. Get into the habit of writing down your dreams. Most people do not remember their dreams, and this is because their minds are not trained to pay attention to their own inner world. The consciousness and subconscious of such people exist as if in parallel, almost without intersecting. They say about people whose consciousness is good at listening to the unconscious: “He has wonderful intuition!” People who have such a skill brought to perfection are called clairvoyants.

Start writing down your dreams. In them, your subconscious speaks to you without an interpreter. Pay attention to every little thing, no matter how absurd it may seem to you. Remember: in this way you learn to hear the voice of your subconscious, and it is the little things that deserve the most attention.

  1. Once you’ve gotten comfortable, start writing down the sensations (pictures, sounds, smells, etc.) that you perceive most often. Which one is repeated most often? Most likely, it is through this channel that your subconscious communicates with your consciousness. By noticing this daily, over time you will discover the preferred ways in which your subconscious mind communicates important information to your conscious mind.
  2. Some time later (you yourself will feel ready for this from within), practice the following exercise. When starting to think about any important upcoming event, person or phenomenon, record everything that you feel, see on the “inner screen”, hear (as if from within yourself) and perceive in any way for about one and a half seconds from the beginning. Be prepared for the fact that these will be very subtle sensations or completely fleeting sights, smells, sounds, etc. Your task is to learn to consciously notice them. Write down everything, even the smallest and most ridiculous things in your opinion.

Then, after the event you thought about has already happened, refer to what you wrote down.

By noticing this regularly, you will discover that, for example, a feeling of constriction in the chest that appears for a split second, during which it is difficult to take a breath, tells your consciousness that you should not have common affairs with the person you are thinking about, and a clear memory that emerges the smell of fresh linen from the cold tells you that the upcoming business trip will end successfully; you realize that the frames from the film “The Illusionist” fleetingly appearing on the “inner screen” tell you about future deception on the part of a business partner, and the sounds of an alarm that suddenly come from inside tell you that the person you remember now needs help. You give in to this impulse, call him - and it really turns out that he was waiting for your help! "How did you know?" - he will ask in amazement. But this will no longer surprise you...

By paying attention to these barely noticeable sensations (pictures, sounds, etc.), you will begin to perceive the world completely differently! You will see that your subconscious has its own opinion regarding many aspects of your life, events of the past and future, people around you - and it is almost never wrong! You just didn't pay attention to it. Now you can consciously use this.

The further you follow the clues of the unconscious, the more often you will notice how accurate your forecasts and opinions will be regarding people completely unknown to you, whom you have never seen, events that have not yet happened. You yourself will be surprised that you know something that you couldn’t know before. This is not surprising: it is our subconscious that has direct access to what is called the “general information field” or “Akashic chronicles.” This is where the direct road to clairvoyance comes from.

The human psyche is like a super-powerful, incredibly sensitive computer. When configured correctly, its possibilities are almost unlimited. And the key to these superpowers is working with the unconscious.

How to use your intuition

To avoid making mistakes in people, use your intuition. Everyone has had a case in life when, during an acquaintance, they did not like a person, despite decent clothes and manners. An inner voice whispered: “Be careful and don’t trust him.”

Your subconscious sensed the negative energy emanating from this person and sent a warning through the channel of intuition. If, when you first meet a person, you have a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, a stomach cramp or a headache, do not ignore the warning, but listen to your feelings and try to trust them.

  • The subconscious mind gives us the ability to distinguish lies from truth using intuition.

When a person tells a story with all sincerity, his energetic vibrations are picked up by your sixth sense. If he is lying, intuition speaks about this with internal resistance and anxiety.

  • Learn to recognize these signals; they will help you avoid many mistakes.

The development of intuition begins when you listen more to feelings rather than thoughts. Pay attention to your instincts and the world around you, trying to catch what your inner voice is saying.

Exercises for development

To understand the “inner voice” you do not need any special training or courses. Developing intuition on your own is not difficult if you use special techniques. Most of them are not even aimed at development - after all, intuition is inherent in everyone, but at the ability to hear your subconscious and recognize signals.

Exercise "anchor"

The subconscious can manifest itself in different ways. Sometimes it's abdominal discomfort, other times it's palpitations or a feeling of heat. If the signals change, then they are unreliable. An anchor will help bring them together.

  1. Choose an item that is associated with some important events in life.
  2. “Appoint” her as your mascot.
  3. When you need to turn to your intuition, analyze all your sensations and try to “redirect” them to the object.
  4. Use this as your answer. For example, if it’s a coin, flip it and see if it comes up heads or tails.
  5. Now ask yourself: do you like the result?

The key point is the last one. You do not at all rely on the “fate” that the talisman will indicate to you. Your own feelings of comfort or discomfort from the “hint” are what your intuition says.

Guessing game

We are accustomed to using only obvious information. Whereas people who make money on stock quotes and exchange rates are not shy about guessing. Start with “simple” tasks - when you leave the house, will you meet a man or a woman first? What kind of car you see - try to “guess” the brand or color. Look at passersby and try to guess their names.

Some assumptions are difficult to verify - strangers on the streets are unlikely to appreciate such an “attempt to get acquainted”, but in other cases you can double-check yourself. You will notice that you will soon be able to “guess” more and more often.

Free associations

This exercise was proposed by Freud, and then used by leading psychoanalysts. It helps you understand yourself, your feelings, emotions, and “let go” of the subconscious and intuition. You can do it yourself like this:

  1. Write down a few keywords in a list.
  2. Take a voice recorder - for example, the one built into any modern mobile phone.
  3. Read out the keyword, then speak out the associations with it for five to seven minutes.
  4. Listen again. The associations may seem nonsense at first, but soon you will experience what is called “insight.”

Insight is a “point of understanding”, a “eureka”. Free associations will help you understand pressing problems and suggest solutions to difficult life situations - from family to professional.

Lucid dreaming

Everyone knows the story of how Mendeleev dreamed of the periodic table of chemical elements. But probably only he could have dreamed about it: after all, the famous chemist had been working on a scientific problem for many years. The subconscious is a continuation of the work of the brain, so you can also see your “table” in a dream.

The following exercise is recommended:

  1. Set an alarm for bedtime.
  2. Lie down in a comfortable position. Think about the task ahead of you.
  3. The alarm clock will ring during the REM sleep phase, which is when we dream.
  4. When you wake up, immediately write down everything you dreamed, using a voice recorder.

It is not necessary to analyze the results of “lucid dreams” immediately. It is quite acceptable to leave the interpretation the next morning; with a fresh mind, you will certainly understand what kind of “hint” the subconscious gave.

Intuition helps you make the right choice in difficult situations. Many businessmen and successful people have admitted that the best advice was given to them by their “inner voice.” The main thing is to remember that these are not some superpowers from science fiction films. Anyone can develop intuition.

Technique for developing intuition

The American psychologist’s technique, which he called “Glass of Water,” helps to develop intuition well.

  • To implement it, before going to bed, pour a full glass of clean water, tune in to the problem for which you want to know the solution and drink half of the water with the words: “I know the answer to the question I’m thinking about.”
  • After this phrase, go to bed, and in the morning drink your water, repeating the same words.
  • In a few days, the subconscious will reach you and send you a dream with an answer to a question or give a sign to solve a problem.

The main rule for receiving answers from the subconscious is the specific formulation of the question in a positive way. Don't forget that you can ask one question at a time and not use the particle "not" in it.

Developing intuition

The American psychologist’s technique, which he called “Glass of Water,” helps to develop intuition well. To implement this, before going to bed, pour a full glass of clean water, tune in to the problem for which you want to know the solution and drink half the water with the words:

“I know the answer to the question I’m thinking about.”

After this phrase, go to bed, and in the morning drink your water, repeating the same words. In a few days, the subconscious will reach you and send you a dream with an answer to a question or give a sign to solve a problem. The main rule for receiving answers from the subconscious is the specific formulation of the question in a positive way. Don’t forget that you can ask one question at a time and not use the particle “ not ” in it.

Train your intuition, play a psychological game with yourself: try to guess who is calling you. This is a very interesting training for developing intuition. If you train yourself well, then at the moment of the call you will be able to feel or see the image of the caller.

Aerobatics - guess his mood and the purpose of the call. Reward yourself with something if you win.

You can always practice developing your intuition, whether you are alone or among people, at home or at work. Try, for example, while communicating with a person significant to you, to guess what your interlocutor will now say, how exactly he will answer your question. In this way, you will gradually learn to scan another person, determine his thoughts, feelings and mood. If you succeed, you will understand his true interest, and not the one he talks about.

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