How to recognize that you have developed intuition and learn to trust it

Intuition tells me that it’s time to talk about it - intuition - in simple words.

When we need to answer an important question or make a crucial decision, many of us look outside ourselves for answers. We turn to the Internet, ask advice from friends or family members, read books or consult experts. And often we neglect the most valuable source of all - our own intuition.

What is intuition and can it be developed?

What is intuition?

Intuition in its broadest sense means “direct perception.” Intuition is used in some theories to refer to perception, despite the absence of some forms of mediation. We can therefore understand "intuition" as a term used to define the boundaries between what is mediated (what is known indirectly) and what is not mediated (what is known directly).

Our subconscious mind is a source of hidden resources and will always provide us with the knowledge necessary to move forward in the right direction and make the right decisions. This applies to all people, not just those who consider themselves psychics or people with good intuition.

A couple of examples:

  • You thought about someone, and suddenly the phone rings, and this same person is on the line;
  • You felt like someone was watching you and when you turned around, you saw someone looking at you from afar.

These are the most common examples of your intuition at work. Just like memory, critical thinking and intelligence, intuition is a mental muscle that we can develop and use to succeed and become the best version of ourselves.

The sixth sense in science

The famous writer Marilyn Ferguson argued that only thanks to the sixth sense humanity emerged from the caves and began to develop, and Carl Jung said that intuitive sensitivity is one of the personality parameters.

The role of the sixth sense in science is quite high. Many scientists believed that many axioms and scientific achievements became possible only thanks to intuitive thinking. According to Descartes, intuition combined with deduction guarantees absolute certainty.

From a philosophical point of view

In philosophy, the sixth sense is perceived as the faculty of contemplation or intellectual knowledge. According to Plato, contemplation is a type of knowledge that resembles insight, but requires lengthy preparation.

Descartes argued that intuition requires clear, careful thinking, as simple as possible. Thanks to this simplicity, the result is more reliable than with the deductive method. In some philosophical teachings, the sixth sense is interpreted as an unconscious process that is incompatible with logic, as well as life practice.

In philosophy it is generally accepted that sensitivity is sufficient to comprehend the truth. However, it is not enough to convince other people, and in some cases even oneself.

In psychology

Psychologists note that the sixth sense is a holistic, unconscious perception of the surrounding world and reality. At the same time, intuitive thinking always precedes conscious perception.

Intuition is primary, it precedes analytical analysis. It is thanks to the sixth sense that a mathematician knows the answer to a problem without solving it, a chess player predicts the outcome of a game before it begins, and a salesman accurately identifies a promising buyer.

Psychologists believe that intuition is preliminary answers, possibilities that a person perceives. Words such as “seems”, “seemed” are a manifestation of the sixth sense.

Intuition is a continuation of the list of perceptions and sensations, however, in Jung’s system it is a separate function of the human body.

Computer simulation

We are talking about adaptive programs, as well as certain artificial intelligence algorithms that demonstrate behavior that imitates human intuition.
They form certain knowledge without analytical calculations and logical thinking. To teach intuitive decision-making, neuron-like devices are used - these are special neural networks, neurocomputers. Using such equipment, practicing psychologists can practice psychodiagnostic techniques.

How to develop intuition?

7 tips to develop your intuition and use it to make wiser, more soul-inspired decisions for your life:

  • Recognize when your intuition speaks, hear it.

First of all, to be able to use your intuition, you must be able to recognize it when it speaks to you. Intuition is usually not loud or pushy - it is easy and communicates differently with different people.

You may receive visual messages from her—images that appear in quick flashes or visions that play slowly, like a movie.

Your intuition can speak to you as a sudden insight, thought or words. You may even be able to engage in dialogue with your intuition to gain more information and clarity.

Additionally, your intuition may speak to you through physical sensations such as goosebumps, abdominal discomfort, a feeling of relief, or a sour taste in your mouth.

You may receive intuitive messages through your emotions, such as feelings of anxiety or confusion when your inner wisdom guides you away from something; a feeling of euphoria and deep peace as you are led along a path that will lead you to greater personal joy and abundance.

Sometimes the messages from intuition are simply a deep feeling of knowing and certainty. If you've ever felt like you knew deep down in your heart or soul that it was true, it was most likely a message from your intuition.

  • Deepen your intuition through meditation.

To access your intuition, you need to deepen your connection with it, and meditation is a great tool for this. Regular meditation will help you clear your mind of distractions and teach you to better recognize subtle impulses from within.

I recommend that you set aside time each day for self-meditation or use those that can be found on the Internet. A good way to meditate is to practice Theta Healing. It also provides an intuitive reading of a person.

You don't have to spend a lot of time doing this—even 10 minutes a day will produce powerful results and make it much easier for you to observe your intuition as it speaks to you through words, images, emotions, or physical sensations.

If you don't already practice meditation, you can learn how to do so here.

  • Take the time to listen to your intuition every day.

Life is fast-paced, and in the rush to cross items off our daily to-do lists, it's hard to stop and tune in to our higher mind. However, the most valuable wisdom comes when you are most open to receiving it.

That's why I encourage you to dedicate time every day—several times a day if necessary—to consciously bring your intuition into focus.

This is especially important when you need to make any important decision. Be sure to take some time to sit with your intuition and look within yourself for answers before choosing your path.

  • Ask questions.

Receiving wisdom from your intuition should not be a passive activity. Clarify what information you need and what answers you are looking for. The more specifically you question your innate wisdom, the clearer the answers will be.

  • Write down your answers.

Intuitive messages are elusive and can fade from your consciousness very quickly if you do not take action to record them.

Neuroscience research shows that intuitive insights not captured within 37 seconds are likely never to be remembered again.

Journaling is a very effective way to access your intuition and capture its wisdom. You can start practicing journaling for just five to ten minutes a day and you will be amazed at the clarity of your awareness of everything that is happening!

  • Take action.

The Universe rewards those who act. And our intuition too.

When you act on the information received from your inner source of wisdom, you open the channel between your subconscious and conscious mind even wider and receive more intuitive messages that are easier for you to hear.

  • Trust yourself.

The more faith you have in your intuition, the greater the results will be.

Whether you want to make better decisions, solve problems faster, or create winning plans for your life, you will achieve your goals faster and more effectively when you tune into your intuition and listen to what it tells you.

Trusting your intuition means trusting yourself, and the more you trust yourself, the more success you will have.

Easier said than done? I can help.

Developing a strong connection to your intuition can be challenging, especially if you've spent your life doubting yourself or not trusting your decision-making skills, or if you have too many other “voices” in your head—self-doubt, guilt, or judgment—that drown out your intuition.

You will understand what you really want from life - and what steps you need to take to make it happen.

Plus, you'll find a huge support group of highly motivated people who will encourage you towards your goals, silencing those negative voices forever.

Think about these two possibilities and ask yourself: What path does your intuition tell you to create your ideal life and become the best version of yourself?

They constantly listen to their inner voice

We all have an inner voice that we tend to ignore because our decisions and ideas are usually impulsive and rash. However, this voice is usually very helpful. This is our unconscious sense, capable of judging situations and people in hundredths of a second.

According to Francis Chollet, author of The Intuitive Compass, the trick to making the best decisions is to balance the voices of intuition and rational thinking. If we can achieve an effective balance between the two, we can make the right choice in no time.

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History of the concept

The first use of the word intuition was found in a text in the late 15th century. Until the 17th century, intuition meant "mental contemplation"; “the act of contemplating, examining, or testing”; “a glance or examination of something.” All of these values ​​are now obsolete.

In the 17th century, scholastic philosophers began to use the word in its modern meaning, as in the following context: "spiritual perception or direct knowledge attributed to angelic and spiritual beings with whom vision and knowledge are identical."

More common ways to use "intuition" are:

  • Intuition as a special property of genius.
  • Intuition as a designation for the mysterious “sixth sense”.
  • An unjustified belief or guess.

They analyze everything

You can't be an intuitive person if you don't pay attention to everything that happens around you. Even the most insignificant details are like small puzzle pieces that intuition considers necessary and meaningful.

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