Gambling addiction - a new disease of the 21st century? Psychologist's advice

In our age of rapid development of information technology, computers and computer games, online casinos and other platforms, including gambling, have become very popular among people of all ages. However, not every addiction to games can be called gambling addiction. In this article we will understand what gambling addiction is, how it arises and how serious the consequences can be.

The causes of gambling addiction in the modern world can be different.

What is gambling addiction

In order to become more familiar with the phenomenon of gambling addiction, first of all, it is worth knowing the definition of this word. What is gambling addiction? Gambling addiction or, in other words, gaming addiction (persistent habit) is a person’s mental dependence on gambling, computer and other types of games. The peculiarity is the manifestation of gambling addiction - addiction is expressed in frequent repeated involvement in the gaming process. The same phenomenon is also called gambling, gambling addiction or gambling addiction.

Gambling addiction is not a new phenomenon for society - betting on sports and sports competitions appeared in Ancient Greece. The main component of gambling addiction is gambling. Some experts explain the passion inherent in a person with the desire for superiority and leadership in a social group. After all, even in primitive society, the leader was chosen by the one who brought the most booty.

Is gambling addiction a disease?

Experts from various fields are still debating whether gambling addiction is a disease. To answer this question, let's look at the pathogenesis of gambling addiction (the mechanism of development of manifestations):

  1. Representatives of the first group classified gambling addiction as a type of impulse control disorder and put it on a par with kleptomania (a painful attraction to committing thefts) and pyromania (an attraction and uncontrollable desire to commit arson).
  2. Another group classified gambling addiction as a behavioral addiction, also calling it a disorder.
  3. Proponents of the third point of view believed that gambling addiction is an obsessive-compulsive disorder, characterized by obsession and a special attraction.

The opinion of the second group acquired the greatest amount of evidence, which was confirmed by subsequent studies. Gambling addiction is now considered a non-chemical addiction, that is, it is directly determined by a behavioral disorder. Thus, gambling addiction is still a disease of the human psyche. However, to define gambling addiction as a disease, gambling addiction as a disease must meet the largest number of inherent criteria.

Gaming addiction has been included in the list of mental disorders since 2007. The World Health Organization recently included computer game addiction in its list of diseases. Computer gaming addiction will be included in the International Classification of Diseases, which will come into force in 2022 (ICD - 11).

How a game turns into a disease

How do people turn from ordinary game lovers into gamers? Any behavioral or mental addiction sooner or later becomes dangerous both for the addicts themselves and for their loved ones. But at what point does infatuation become a disease remains a question, since each individual case has its own characteristics and factors.

The desire to win as much money as possible, to defeat the “system” - these thoughts subjugate the will of the gambler, he ceases to control the situation. In this sense, he becomes like an alcohol addict. In both cases, a person denies his problem, tries to find funds for his “hobby,” isolates himself from friends and relatives and finds himself in a difficult social and (or) financial situation. This is how gaming addiction begins in adults and even children.

Mania is sometimes difficult to distinguish from the usual recreational habit of gaming.

How does gambling addiction manifest itself?

Gambling addiction does not manifest itself overnight; it is a rather long and at first completely unnoticeable process. The first obvious manifestations occur when a person has problems in different areas of life, for example:

  1. Financial problems: debts, credits, loans;
  2. Social problems: isolation from loved ones, family conflicts, aggression, loneliness;
  3. Personal problems: mental disorders, neglect of life values, indifference to previously favorite hobbies and activities.

How to distinguish gambling addiction from hobby

The most important difference between gambling addiction as a disease and an ordinary hobby is control. An ordinary person who does not have a disorder knows in advance how much time he is preparing to spend playing games, how much money he is willing to spend.

Gamers, on the other hand, are unable to control the gaming process; they are haunted by obsessive thoughts about playing and winning. Gambling addiction is an addiction in which all the desires of a gambler revolve only around the game, he forgets even about ordinary natural needs, sacrifices sleep and meals in order to spend this time on the game. And the longer this continues, the worse the gambling addict’s condition becomes.

The ability to self-control is a hallmark of addiction addiction

Consequences of gambling addiction

Now you know what gambling addiction is and how it differs from ordinary hobbies. Gambling addiction is, first of all, a disease of the human psyche, which is why the consequences greatly influence the entire life of a gambler and affect his physical health.

Gamers cease to feel responsible in many, if not all, areas of life - they may even refuse their parental responsibilities. Also, in search of funds for games, they are prone to committing thefts from home, crimes and other forms of deviant behavior. During the course of the disease, they feel uncontrollable aggression and show increased uncontrollable aggression towards others, especially close people. Even those people who are calm and balanced by nature are prone to aggression during the course of the disease.

Short breaks in the gameplay are accompanied by quite sharp mood swings - a person falls into a depressed state and feels anxious. Such conditions affect health in the following way:

Changes in appetite, eating disorders and resulting weight loss or gain

Frequent headaches

Sleep disorder, often insomnia

Disorders of the autonomic and cardiovascular systems

Most often, long-term gambling addiction is accompanied by anosognosia, that is, the phenomenon of the patient’s denial of his disease.

Reasons for appearance

The main reason for the development of gambling addiction in a person is considered to be his inability to fully realize himself in life.

For reference! As a rule, those who have problems in their personal lives, at work, or in their close social circles become gambling addicts. But there are exceptions - a completely successful person who has reached a certain position in society can become a gambler. These people lack emotions in life and when playing games they experience an adrenaline rush when they win or lose.

Also, the reason for the occurrence of gambling addiction in an individual can be his pliability, that is, a person can easily be so interested in something that you can make him completely dependent on his interest. Another reason for the occurrence of gambling addiction is considered to be a genetic predisposition, that is, if there were people in the family with mental disorders, then their modern representative of society has a greater chance of developing gambling addiction than a person who, under the same living conditions, does not have such a problem as gambling addiction. will arise.

Since gambling addiction is a mental disorder, like any mental illness, it cannot be immediately detected. At first a person just plays games. Then, unbeknownst to him, the game process begins to drag him in. In this case, it is worth noting that it does not matter whether the game is for money or not.

The main thing is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for a person to leave the game and move away from the computer. He begins to set himself more and more difficult goals - to pass a certain level, to return the money he lost during the game. A person can no longer understand that he is wasting his precious time; for him at the moment there is nothing more important than the process of playing. Over time, the game absorbs him so much that he cannot think about anything else - he calculates moves, game objects stand before his eyes.

This person begins to think that if he does not enter the game right away, something irreparable will happen. And having entered the game, he begins to feel intense excitement, the adrenaline in his blood rises, forcing him to demand increasingly strong emotions. And the individual mindlessly begins to place ever higher bets and go through ever more difficult levels.

If for some reason a gambling addict cannot play, he gets irritated, freaks out, and gets angry. Some individuals can become so angry that they begin to destroy everything around them, that is, they can harm others with their addiction-illness. If something doesn’t work out for a gambler, and most often this is exactly what happens, then he becomes depressed, and some representatives may have thoughts of suicide.

A gambler may violate laws - theft, embezzlement, forgery. He even stops worrying about what his family and friends might think of him; it becomes unimportant to him that he independently upsets family relationships.

Why people often treat people who play games badly

In 2019, the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) conducted a survey among Russians about their attitude towards video games, which showed that 58% of respondents consider them harmful due to the following consequences:

  1. The emergence of addiction (26%);
  2. Decreased visual acuity (23%);
  3. Negative impact on the human psyche (13%);
  4. Decreased mental abilities (10%).

The generally accepted stereotypes that all gamers are addicted and sick people are inherent in adults who are distrustful of computer technology, or their loved ones or relatives (and perhaps they themselves) have experienced gambling addiction. A person’s immersion in games of any kind makes them detached from society, their thought processes and perception of the world differ from the accepted ones, in some cases, gamers simply “escape” to the virtual world, which alarms other people living in reality. It is believed in society that the greatest harm from gaming occurs when people are involved in online casinos and other types of gambling.

Gambling is a major problem among gamblers

Not everyone who plays games is a gambler

Many people have tried to play some kind of game at least once in their lives, for example, cards on the train - also a game of chance, most often for money. However, not all people who enjoy gaming from time to time are gambling addicts.

A gamer does not mean a gamer. Those whose hobby does not become uncontrollable cannot be called gambling addicts. If computer games are not a person’s only hobby, then it is difficult to talk about pathological changes or disorder.

Gambling addiction or gambling is particularly common when a person is literally obsessed and strives to constantly be in the gaming process. His behavior and reactions undergo changes not for the better, and the hobby itself becomes an addiction (dependence or addiction).

Why games are usually good

According to the same VTsIOM survey mentioned above, some respondents noted the positive impact of games on a person, among them:

  1. Development of logical thinking (10%);
  2. Increased attentiveness (4%);
  3. Increased reaction speed (6%);
  4. Reduced stress levels (8%).

Experts, in cases of normal, not excessive interest in games, note that games of various types have a positive effect on a person and his condition. All people from childhood begin to experience life through gameplay - and this is a completely normal phenomenon. The gameplay can interest even a small person in learning and memorizing. Experts also identify a number of factors that positively affect a person during games:

  1. Games help fight accumulated stress. During the game, the happiness hormone is produced and the release of dopamine is activated;
  2. Stimulate active brain function. Some logic games, puzzles, and especially chess develop both hemispheres of the brain, improve concentration, strategic thinking and allow you to learn faster;
  3. Playing games together helps develop teamwork skills, team building, and improved relationships with other people.

In addition, in addition to the factors mentioned above, gaming in the 21st century allows you to process visual information faster and more efficiently, develop motor functions and increase mental flexibility.

Modern computer games are part of culture and art

Svetlana Kovalenko

Psychologist, clinical psychologist

Ask a Question

My appeal is more relevant to parents whose children are enthusiastic and spend time playing on the computer with great interest. Today, games are not meaningless plots, they are real stories that are in no way inferior to the books that we read as children. Modern video games carry many correct and moral messages. If your child is passionate about it and enjoys it, this does not mean that he or she is developing a gambling addiction. Try to find out what he plays, what the plot of this or that game is about, try to support his interests. Nowadays games have a lot of cultural and social meaning.


Since gambling addiction is a mental disorder, like any mental illness, it cannot be immediately detected.
At first a person just plays games. Then, unbeknownst to him, the game process begins to drag him in. In this case, it is worth noting that it does not matter whether the game is for money or not. The main thing is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for a person to leave the game and move away from the computer. He begins to set himself more and more difficult goals - to pass a certain level, to return the money he lost during the game. A person can no longer understand that he is wasting his precious time; for him at the moment there is nothing more important than the process of playing. Over time, the game absorbs him so much that he cannot think about anything else - he calculates moves, game objects stand before his eyes.

This person begins to think that if he does not enter the game right away, something irreparable will happen. And having entered the game, he begins to feel intense excitement, the adrenaline in his blood rises, forcing him to demand increasingly strong emotions. And the individual mindlessly begins to place ever higher bets and go through ever more difficult levels.

If for some reason a gambling addict cannot play, he gets irritated, freaks out, and gets angry. Some individuals can become so angry that they begin to destroy everything around them, that is, they can harm others with their addiction-illness. If something doesn’t work out for a gambler, and most often this is exactly what happens, then he becomes depressed, and some representatives may have thoughts of suicide.

A gambler may violate laws - theft, embezzlement, forgery. He even stops worrying about what his family and friends might think of him; it becomes unimportant to him that he independently upsets family relationships.

Main signs of gambling addiction

Gaming addiction differs in its characteristics from alcoholism or other addictions, however, they may not appear openly for a long time, and the player himself tries to hide them carefully and for a long time. Psychology considers the main signs of addiction to gambling, as well as computer games:

  • Mood swings associated with the results of the game or being in it. When winning, the patient feels causeless joy, fun, and euphoria. When you lose, the fun gives way to a depressive phase.
  • Increased irritability, anger, aggressive attitude towards other people and events.
  • Avoidance of society, the desire to isolate yourself alone with the game.
  • Apathy, indifference to past hobbies, other activities besides gaming.
  • Sleep disorders – insomnia, interrupted sleep.
  • Constantly being near a computer, phone or other gadgets.
  • Increased tension, obsession with the game, constant thoughts and an irresistible desire to return to the gameplay.
  • Constant increase in unexplained expenses, lack of financial resources, debts. The player constantly borrows money or takes it on credit, however, it immediately disappears.
  • Lack of desire to take responsibility or be responsible for your family and children. While in the game, the player stops thinking about the harm that he can cause to his family, including financially. Forgets about his loved ones, responsibilities towards children.
  • Panic attacks, increased emotionality, anxiety and worry.

Gaming mania is characterized by special symptoms

Symptoms of gambling addiction

Despite the fact that the primary symptoms in most cases are difficult to associate with the development of gambling addiction, including due to the secrecy of the gambling addict, experts have identified two groups of characteristic symptoms that arise when this disorder occurs. Let's look at them in more detail next.

Psychological symptoms

Like any mental disorder, gambling addiction affects changes in a person’s mental activity. Changes in the psyche are provoked in each individual case in its own way.

  1. Reluctance to discuss the problem and denial of its existence, as well as an aggressive reaction to any talk that it is a problem. Gamblers are trying in every possible way to prove their conscious choice of game.
  2. Uncontrollability even with a series of losses, including large ones. The person does not stop, but rather “dives” even more in the hope of victory.
  3. Lack of concentration on all other matters and events.
  4. The emergence of feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and suicidal thoughts.
  5. Mood swings and changes for no apparent reason.

Uncontrollable anger and aggression are the first symptoms of gambling addiction

Physiological symptoms

Psychological disorders and addictions also lead to changes in physiological processes. Due to the influence of gambling and computer games on the level and balance of hormones, the general condition changes and symptoms appear at the physiological level. For example, during gameplay the hormones of fear, pleasure, stress, joy and others increase. Their balance is disrupted and hormonal changes occur. Such as:

nervousness, nervous exhaustion

constant fatigue

eating disorders


problems with the heart and deterioration of blood vessels

sleep disorders

Reasons for the formation and development of gambling addiction

Currently, there is no one specific reason for the formation and development of gambling addiction. This could be a seemingly insignificant life event or a combination of reasons. Experts divide the reasons for the development of gambling addiction into several groups depending on the nature of the factors. These factors are also called the mechanisms of a person’s involvement in addiction. Next, we will consider each selected group.

Social and economic accessibility

The media, the Internet or television advertise gambling by publishing information about promotions, quizzes and any other ways to get “easy money”. Thus, the availability of games increases especially on the Internet, where their activities are difficult to control.

Personal motivation

Scientists suggest that factors associated with personal motivation are the most common, leading causes of gambling addiction. This is due to three types of motives:

  1. Getting satisfaction from being inside the game process. The opportunity to dominate, take risks, and take leadership positions captivates those people who find it difficult to achieve this in real life or those who want to experience these sensations over and over again.
  2. Gaining satisfaction from escaping reality, existing life problems or other influencing unfavorable factors.
  3. Superficial motives. There can be a large number of such motives:
  • When a person plunges into the previously unknown and wants to thoroughly understand and study the process;
  • The motive for winning. Lack of financial resources often prompts a person to gamble, which promises large wins in a short period of time.
  • The desire to win back to regain what was lost through losses.

Personal motivation for gambling addiction varies from person to person.

Family relationships

Family relationships or family factors are also a common cause of gambling addiction. It has been scientifically proven that the greatest influence on the formation of a person’s psyche is exerted by his immediate environment - family members, friends, and other relatives. The following family factors create a high risk of addiction:

  1. Absence or violation of generational boundaries. That is, in the family there is either no or no understanding of what and how one can say and do in relation to another family member (elder or younger);
  2. Family members do not have defined responsibilities within the family and do not adhere to their roles;
  3. The difference in the reactions of different family members to the same event is double standards;
  4. Conflict, unhealthy atmosphere within the family. Pressure or moral, physical violence;
  5. Irrational planning of the family budget, including those situations when the budget does not take into account the needs and priorities of one or more family members.

Character traits

Character traits include factors such as:

  1. Complexity, isolation, shyness of a person. Such qualities lead to the fact that the player tries to realize himself in an area where contact with other people is minimal.
  2. The presence of social phobias (fears) encourages a person to hide from such inconveniences in virtual reality, where he can completely control what is happening.
  3. The feeling of loneliness, uselessness and lack of communication leads to the fact that a person begins to look for an outlet in games.

Problems in socialization and lack of friends become the root causes of the development of gambling addiction

Types of gambling addiction

Modern technology development allows people to choose what they like without even leaving home. Therefore, everyone is able to choose a type of game that suits them completely and brings maximum pleasure and satisfaction, depending on their preferences. Experts identify several main types of gambling addiction.

Computer gambling addiction

Computer gaming addiction is most common among children, adolescents and young adults, as well as women and men aged up to 40 and above. In other words, computer gambling addiction is gaining popularity every year. A person can choose a suitable plot, game category and immerse himself in any fantasy world, as well as in one as close as possible to the real one. In addition, in recent years, e-sports have begun to gain popularity, where gamers earn money through the game and sometimes receive large sums for victories. In addition to games directly on the computer, computer gambling also includes games on phones, consoles and other similar gadgets.

Computer gambling addiction is mistakenly recognized as a disease of only the younger generation

Gambling addiction associated with gambling in casinos

Ludomania associated with gambling in casinos is considered a classic type. Some time ago, this type was especially widespread, because in every shopping center you could find a slot machine. The gambling business was developing rapidly and even children's gambling machines were created (of course, they played with toys or tickets, which could then be exchanged for the same toys).

With the introduction of the ban, there were fewer machine guns, however, this does not mean that they completely disappeared. Nowadays, casino games are easy to find on the Internet, but the money still remains real, even though it is deposited into an electronic wallet.

In Russia they are trying in every possible way to combat illegal gambling zones. Currently, Russian laws contain a large number of prohibitions and restrictions, which does not allow the illegal gambling business to develop so dynamically.

Commercial gaming and sports betting

Commercial games mean various quizzes and lotteries, which are most often carried out through television or radio broadcasts. Sports betting has always attracted people's interest. When participating in betting, a person tries to predict or, using intuition, predict the outcome of certain competitions. Experts assure that this type of gambling addiction is the most dangerous of all existing ones.

Gambling addiction associated with financial markets

Thanks to modern technologies, games on the financial and stock markets have become available to a large number of people. It is noteworthy that games on the Forex or cryptocurrency market are common mainly among adults.

In the modern world there are more and more ways to participate in gambling.


To prevent gambling addiction, you should exclude computers and other gadgets, as well as available opportunities to play gambling or slot machines. Also, to prevent gambling addiction, the problems of a novice gambler should be solved, because it is quite possible that it is from the existing problems that the future gambler wants to escape by immersing himself in the virtual world.

Of course, if a beginning gambling addict is an adult, then he should try, first of all, to cope with his growing addiction himself. But if a child or teenager becomes a gambling addict, then he cannot do without the help of adults close to him. For him, any problem becomes almost the “end of the world” and only an adult can solve it without damaging the child’s fragile psyche. It is worth remembering this and not letting your child’s life take its course, allowing him to spend hours on gadgets.

Attention! If you notice that your child is increasingly sitting at the computer, then you should not turn a blind eye to it. This may be a sign of incipient gambling addiction. The sooner you notice this problem and the sooner you start treatment, the sooner you will achieve a positive result and save your child from his harmful addiction. We need to have conversations without belittling the child or blaming him. You need to understand and accept the fact that only the parents are to blame for the beginning of a child’s gambling addiction, since they do not devote enough time to their child.

Remember that blaming a child can cause aggression in him. He will withdraw into himself and, on the contrary, will quickly go into the virtual world of games. You can persuade your child to talk to a psychologist, since it is often much easier for strangers to open their souls than for a loved one.

Stages of gambling addiction

Gambling addiction is, first of all, a process whose development takes a long time and depends on the frequency and duration of games. Experts identify several stages in the development of gambling addiction, each of which has its own characteristics, which we will consider further.

Preparatory stage

At this stage, the prerequisites for an attraction to games and gameplay appear. That is, the attraction itself does not arise, but a susceptibility to gambling appears. This often happens due to a person’s personality traits, personal motivation, and character traits. For example, low self-esteem, depression, agitation, anxiety or an obsessive desire to act. In such a precarious psychological state, a person is most susceptible to developing gambling addiction.

Win stage

Start of the gameplay. The person is drawn in, involved and immersed in the game. At the beginning of the winning stage, there may simply be an increased interest in the gameplay and a desire to pass the next level, learn the principles of the game or understand the “system”. Further, even with the beginning of small winnings, a feeling of personal superiority, belief in oneself, one’s luck and abilities arises. The illusion of control over everything that happens is created.

Losing stage

The player is completely immersed in the process. Apart from playing, he is no longer interested in anything; physiological changes begin in the form of changes in appetite and sleep disorders. Real life events no longer seem important. With losses, the frequency and duration of the game increases, a person loses more and more money, and ends up in debt.

Often only at this stage the player realizes his problem, but it is not always possible to stop playing or admit it to another person.

The losing stage only draws the gambler more into the gameplay

Stage of disappointment

Instability of emotional manifestations appears, relationships with loved ones deteriorate significantly or are completely broken, and everything grows for a long time. There comes a stage of disappointment in yourself, in life, in your abilities - literally in everything. The person feels hopeless and is prone to drinking alcohol. And the desire to recoup and get rid of all problems, including addiction, only grows.

Hopelessness Stage

The hopelessness stage is already considered a severe form of addiction. A constant state of stress destroys the psyche. Hopelessness, despair, and suicidal thoughts appear. Severe depression may occur, and with it psychosomatic symptoms.

Mechanisms of development of gambling addiction

Like any addiction, gambling addiction has certain development mechanisms. What is important is the combination of a person’s personal characteristics, which, interacting with certain environmental factors, can cause gambling addiction.

Personal character traits (anxiety, impulsiveness, risk-taking, etc.) determine whether a person gets hooked on a particular gambling game. Wins alternating with losses encourage a person to play round after round in the hope of hitting a big jackpot.

If a person has certain problems in the family, in relationships with his boss, or work colleagues, then these environmental factors increase the desire for gambling, forcing the person to move away from familiar reality into the world of computer (and not only computer!) games.

In the mechanism of development of gambling addiction, or gambling addiction, the motive that guides each player plays an important role.

Most often, gambling addiction is based on one of the motives.

  1. The desire to dominate, to prove one's superiority over other people, the need to take risks. With the development of gambling addiction through this mechanism, among the personal characteristics of an individual one can find low self-esteem, difficulties in accepting criticism, a tendency to depressive disorders and suicidal tendencies.
  2. The desire to escape from the surrounding reality. Personal sensitivity (increased emotional sensitivity), resentment, mental infantilism, immaturity and superficiality of judgment play an important role in the development of gambling addiction through this mechanism.

What should the relatives of a gambling addict do?

Close people, friends and relatives of a gambling addict should be as careful as possible in their statements, because the addiction completely controls the player. The main task of loved ones is to detect destructive changes in time and begin to act in time.

Be patient if you want to help your loved one get rid of gambling addiction. Psychologists advise the relatives of a gambling addict the following:

  1. Organize time together, try to distract the player with other activities, at least a regular walk on the street or a trip to the store, cinema, and so on;
  2. Suggest seeking help from a specialist.
  3. Look for support among those who have already encountered a similar problem, contact help groups (for example, “Gamers Anonymous”);
  4. Limit free management of money or at least control the financial movements of your family’s money;
  5. Do not under any circumstances ignore the problem or the person himself;
  6. Keep your emotions under control, try not to criticize or harshly judge the addicted person.

It is very important to provide support and assistance to a gambling addict.

Gaming addiction in adolescents and children

Teenagers and children are more susceptible to gaming, especially if there are factors that contribute to the risk of developing a gaming addiction. Such as the family situation, problems with peers, lack of self-acceptance, problems with adaptation and socialization. You can suspect a gaming addiction in a child based on the following signs:

  1. The child takes money from family, borrows from friends and does not explain the reason for their need;
  2. Significant and permanent changes in the amounts available to the child (too large amounts or, conversely, spending pocket money too quickly);
  3. Decline in school performance;
  4. Hides or denies his passion for games, has become suspicious and suspicious;
  5. Changes in external and physiological indicators: sleep patterns, eating disorders, fatigue, apathy or irritability, self-isolation;
  6. Frequently spending time on a computer, console or phone.

However, the presence of these signs cannot provide an absolute guarantee that your child has a gaming addiction. Perhaps this is how he is experiencing a difficult teenage period, or he has problems of a different kind.

Remember that games develop children

You shouldn’t immediately ring the bells if your child begins to spend more time on the Internet or play computer games. Now computer technology is our reality, so the use of gadgets by a child is inevitable. However, gaming, as we said earlier, is not always an addiction. Different types of games can develop different skills. For example:

  1. Shooting games (shooters, shooters) develop attention and concentration. In the case of these particular games, parents should monitor the age restrictions and the number of scenes of violence in the plot;
  2. Educational, logic games. Such games help develop a child’s thinking, memory and imagination.

It’s enough just to choose the right games and control the time your child spends on the computer to avoid the development of gaming addiction.

Children are more receptive to games

What to do if your child has a gambling addiction

First of all, you should talk to your child and understand the reasons for his uncontrollable desire to constantly be in the game. Also think about the level of your relationship with your child. Perhaps he was subjected to frequent criticism or excessive control, so it is easier for the child to disappear into the virtual world.

If a teenager or child has experienced gambling addiction, parents should contact a child or family psychologist. As a rule, children are not prescribed medications in such cases. Particular emphasis is placed on strengthening and correcting family relationships, treating phobias, and working with the child’s psychological attitudes.

Types of gambling addiction

There are several types of gambling addiction:

  • gambling addiction – the need to constantly participate in gambling for money;
  • computer gambling addiction – the need to play computer games;
  • addictive gambling – the need to play slot machines.

Gambling addiction

This type of gambling addiction is developed in ordinary people by the owners of all kinds of casinos, since this type of gambling addiction brings them fabulous profits. These owners are ready to commit various violations of the law just to get more profit from their illegal business. They transgress all moral and ethical standards of society, destroying the fortunes and lives of their clients by the fact that their clients can no longer fight their psychological illness - gambling addiction.

By luring the client into the game, they let him win, and the person, feeling the joy of winning, places bets again. In the end, he loses everything he won and even more. The client comes again and again, trying to win back and does not notice how he becomes addicted to the game at the gaming table.

Computer gambling addiction

Currently, this type of addiction poses the greatest threat - after all, not only adults, but also small children and adolescents can be susceptible to it. Often, a parent, trying to entertain a child with something, slips him a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

At first, parents simply turn on cartoons for the baby, and then the child himself begins to play games and watch videos. And it is becoming increasingly difficult for parents to take away a gadget from their child, because he has already developed an addiction to these gadgets. Adults also play games, because in their brains since childhood there has been an attitude that the game is always safe. Therefore, following this attitude, they do not notice how they are drawn into the game process; they are increasingly immersed in the virtual world. Gradually all this turns into a dangerous addiction.

Addictive gambling

Characterized by a constant need to play slot machines. This type of gambling addiction initially evokes simple interest, but gradually the game process begins to become something familiar and the person becomes uninterested in playing just like that, for the sake of the game itself. He begins to place small bets at first, gradually losing. This begins to anger him and, trying to get even, he bets ever larger sums of money.

At some point, a person ceases to control himself, and his whole life becomes subordinated only to the goal of winning. But having won once, the gambler again throws the winnings into the slot machine. As a result, having lost everything, he begins to look for opportunities to find money, and his methods are not always legal.

Treatment of gambling addiction

Treatment of gambling addiction involves a large number of methods and methods. Next, we will consider possible treatment options for getting rid of gambling addiction.

How to convince a gambling addict to fight

  1. Talk unobtrusively with the player about whether he is aware of his problem, whether he wants to get rid of it, and why he needs to start doing this now.
  2. Establish a trusting relationship with such a person;
  3. Talk about how addiction has negatively impacted you, your family and/or children.

Treatment methods for gambling addiction

Treatment of any addiction occurs comprehensively and continuously. Professionals use treatment for psychosomatic and mental manifestations, as well as getting rid of the subject of addiction itself.

A 4-step system of psychotherapy is often used.

  1. Consultation and conversation with the patient. It is possible to use medications to eliminate individual symptoms;
  2. Medical and social rehabilitation. The craving for games decreases, the nervous system normalizes;
  3. Social and psychological rehabilitation. The specialist helps teach the patient how to control addiction;
  4. Maintenance therapy to avoid relapses.

A specialist will help you get out of addiction quickly and effectively

Is it possible to heal on your own?

Self-treatment is possible if the stage of addiction is not advanced, and you yourself are aware of your problem and are ready to get rid of it. Psychologists advise:

  1. Identify and write down all the negative consequences of your hobby/addiction. Imagine how good it would be if you could get rid of them.
  2. Set play time limits for yourself and stick to the schedule, control yourself.
  3. Find another activity that you also enjoy. Take up a new hobby and take your mind off the game.
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