How visualization of desires works and the rules for its implementation

How does visualization of desires work?

In order to master this psychological practice, you need to understand what it is.

Visualization of desires is a reproduction in your imagination of a plot in which you achieve (or have already achieved) a goal, or have found a cherished thing.

Psychologists and bioenergetics experts believe that with the power of thought, a person can create favorable conditions for dreams to come true. This is a simple and accessible method that anyone can use. After all, all you need to do it is to show your imagination and spend very little time.

Disputes often arise around this theory, and even communication is organized on forums. Some consider it ineffective, while others claim that it really works. There are many discussions and reviews on the Internet in which people share their successes.

The easiest way to test a theory is to put it into practice. We will tell you how this technique is performed correctly and what it works for.

How to correctly visualize a desire?

A visualization session should begin with relaxation or meditation, even the simplest one.

On the subject: How will relaxation help you make your wishes come true?

  1. First of all, you need to sit in a comfortable position or lie down and relax all your muscles (it is very convenient to do visualization before going to bed or immediately after waking up).
  2. Then try to stop the internal dialogue that constantly sounds in your mind, free your mind from thoughts. This is a very difficult but necessary condition.
  3. Next, the purpose of the visualization is determined. To do this, you need to decide what you need in life now. Once you've determined this, consider whether you really need it. If yes, you can start visualizing.

You can do visualization anywhere, using any free minute: in transport, at work, etc. The more often the better. If you want to get something, you need to imagine it in all details, imagine that it already exists. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to evoke its visual image in consciousness (for many this is quite difficult). Enough to think about her.

How to visualize correctly? The answer is in this video

Important! Try to feel the joy that this thing gives you. Don't you know how? Don't know what will give you the most pleasure?

We need to figure this out >>>

Imagine your friends expressing admiration for this item. The same can be done if the purpose of visualization is not a thing, but, for example, some abilities, character traits, people with whom you would like to meet or improve relationships, situations in which you would like to find yourself.

Pay attention to one thing. If visualization does not produce results for a long time, that is, your desires are not realized, then this may mean that over time the goal you have chosen has ceased to be truly important to you. By visualization, you can only get what you strive for not only at the level of consciousness, but also deep in the subconscious. (The trick here is about the same as in the Strugatskys’ “Roadside Picnic,” I think. Remember, one of the stalkers asked the Zone for his son’s health, and received a bag of money. Because what he really wanted was money.)

Sincere desire is the first essential element required for the successful practice of visualization.

The second element is the belief that a given goal can be achieved.

And finally, the third is the willingness to accept what you wished for.

On topic: 4 reasons why wishes don’t come true

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Another reason that your desire may not come true, or may not come true as quickly as you would like, may be that most of us need to overcome blocks of negative thoughts developed over many years. This can be done through a process called positive affirmation.

It is customary to end the visualization process with a positive statement; it seems to consolidate the picture drawn in the imagination, especially since it may not be clear enough.

For example, if you visualized an interesting new job, the statement could acknowledge the existence of that job: “I like my new job.”

If you imagined new character traits, such as wit, you could end the session with the following statement: “My wit brings joy to my friends.”

By pronouncing these statements, we seem to be putting into our body a program that will create our future. In this way, we also free ourselves from those thoughts that are old, once acquired “programs,” but which nevertheless continue to influence what is happening to us now.

Here are some examples of positive statements:

  • I am the master of my life.
  • I have everything I need.
  • I love and accept myself as I am.
  • My relationships are getting better every day.
  • The more I have, the more I can give to others.
  • I'm healthy and happy.
  • The light within me works wonders in my life.

And so on. When working with statements, remember the following visualization rules.

How to correctly formulate a dream

To begin with, you need to clearly define your desires. In order for the method to give the expected result, experts recommend adhering to the following principles in the process of drawing up goals:

  • Clarity . There should be no abstract concepts or ambiguity. The most specific and succinct definition, and as many thoughtful details as possible.
  • Think about yourself . The dream should concern you, and not another person.
  • Down with NOT . Formulate your goals without using the word NOT. For example, instead of: not being sick - being healthy, not needing - having, not being separated - being together.
  • The present . Don't use past or future tense. Think as if the event is already happening right now.
  • Purity of intentions . Don't wish harm on another person, and don't try to achieve your goal by making someone else's life worse.

These are the basic rules that will help you define what you want. Next we will look at the correct technique.

Rules for visualizing desires

The more diligently you follow them, the greater the likelihood of getting quick results.

  1. Regularity. Do the practice systematically. It is very convenient to do this before bed, when no one bothers you. Don't expect all your dreams to come true the next day. This will take some time. The more grandiose plans you make, the more time it will take to implement them.
  2. Concentration or maximum concentration of attention. If you are constantly distracted, or are simultaneously performing another task, then dream visualization will not be effective.
  3. More emotions . Imagine your happiness at the moment of achieving your goal, literally experience it here and now.
  4. Add speakers . Don't imagine your dream as one picture. Think step by step how you will achieve it, and how your whole life will change, how you will feel.
  5. Right moment . You should not practice visualization if you are irritated or upset. Any negative emotions will reduce the effectiveness of the method to zero.

These are 5 key points that will help make visualization of desires truly effective. Next, we will tell you how else you can speed up the process of making your dreams come true.

Emotions during visualization

Human emotions contribute greatly to the power of visualization. If you have even the slightest doubt, don’t even start. It is difficult to meet a person in the modern world who does not doubt at least something, however, having understood how visualization actually works, you will need to get rid of the confusing factor.

For centuries, human fears have prevented many from realizing their goals in life. If we take into account the involvement of relatives, upbringing, lifestyle and habits, there is no need to talk about the fulfillment of even the most primitive desires. There should be no room for fear when thinking about a dream or during visualization sessions. You can’t imagine the joy of entering a university in the capital and at the same time be afraid of living independently in a foreign city. Any difficulties should be treated not as problems, but as tasks that need to be solved.

Joy and self-satisfaction are the best things a person who visualizes desires should experience. Every time you come across a vision board created in an excellent mood, an emotional impulse will certainly be transmitted to the hero of the plot depicted on it, closely connecting it with positive associations with future actions.

Self-confidence is half the success. A well-thought-out action plan based on unshakable self-righteousness will give an excellent start to your aspirations and help your dream come true.

Important to remember! Almost any wish can come true. Tens of years ago, people only dreamed of traveling distances by air. Today people cannot do without aviation. Even the wildest desires have a place in life, especially if you treat them not as an attack of wild imagination, but as a plan of action.


It’s not for nothing that the visualization method requires details - thanks to this, a person is able to weigh his strengths and think through every step. By pursuing your dreams with focus, you can always count on a positive result.

Wish visualization board or card

Work simultaneously in several areas of life, and do not limit yourself to one dream. For this purpose, drawing up a wish poster or dream card is suitable.

To make them, you can follow the requirements of Feng Shui and divide the poster into sectors of a certain color, or you can simply show your imagination.

To make a wish fulfillment board, you will need:

  • Blank sheet of paper;
  • Glue, scissors and pencils;
  • Magazine clippings (or pictures downloaded online), and fantasy.

An excellent solution would be to draw your dream yourself, but not everyone can do this. If you do not adhere to the teachings of Feng Shui, or do not have artistic talent, do not be discouraged. Select the most appropriate image from a printed publication, cut it out of a magazine, and paste it into a poster. Make an appropriate caption, for example: my home, vacation, future husband, health.

Judging by the numerous reviews from people who have made a wish poster, this method works best if you place the board in a visible place and constantly look at it.

We have already described how to create a wish poster according to Feng Shui requirements. You can also read how to create a goal vision board for 2021: where to place it, what pictures to choose, and how to enhance the effect.

Simoron School

For professional development of the technique of wish fulfillment, there is a special school called Simoron. Teachers teach students all the intricacies of the process, and help them achieve their goals in areas such as finances, personal relationships, and a complete change in their entire life.

The Simoron school teaches a special course called the “tying” technique. She helps people say goodbye to their past, forgive grievances, and start a completely new life. Briefly it goes like this:

  1. A man formulates his problem.
  2. Describes it in detail on a piece of paper.
  3. Crumples (knots) the leaf and destroys it. And along with it, all the bad thoughts in your head.

Despite the apparent simplicity of performing this technique from the Simoron school, it works great, and if performed correctly, can really radically change a person’s life.

Video: What Simoron School does and how it works

What is visualization?

Visualization is a natural process in which a person creates vivid and desired images in his mind and sees goals as already achieved. It uses imagination, imaginative thinking, to imprint the desire in the mind and project the right kind of energetic vibration that will lead to the fulfillment of the dream.

Visualization is closely related to consciousness. By visualizing an event, situation, object, you program the subconscious to actually perform the action and achieve the goal. This happens because the human brain does not distinguish between physical and mental performance of a task - it behaves the same in either case. Dr. David Hamilton stated, “The brain cannot tell the difference between something real and something imagined.” The scientist referred to an experiment conducted at Harvard. The first group of people learned a 5-note piano combination and played it every day for 2 hours for 5 days in a row. The second group learned the same combination, but did not play the notes, but simply imagined playing for the same amount of time. The brain scan results of the two groups were identical.

Once the brain receives a signal to action, it begins the process of attracting what it wants into your life. What exactly he will attract into life depends on the person’s thoughts.

All thoughts have a certain energetic vibration, good or bad. Positive thoughts in the mind emit a positive vibration and attract good things. Negative images create negative vibrations and therefore attract negativity.


  • Activates the creative subconscious, motivating it to generate ideas to achieve a goal.
  • Programs the brain to perceive and recognize the resources necessary to fulfill a dream.
  • Activates the law of attraction , thereby attracting people, resources, and circumstances into life that help turn dreams into reality.
  • Strengthens internal motivation. A visual representation of a dream makes you want to take the necessary actions to achieve it. This motivates a person to do things that he usually avoids and brings him closer to success.
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