Massage for blepharitis: rules of execution

The benefits and effects of gymnastics for the upper eyelid

Exercises to raise the upper eyelids help restore normal blood circulation. The oculomotor facial muscles need to be warmed up regularly. With age, they lose tone, become flabby, the skin sags, and wrinkles form. A set of gymnastic exercises (face building for the eyelids) allows you to restore elasticity to the fibers.

A set of exercises for raising the upper eyelids is given below.

Their benefits are:

  • increased blood flow and lymph flow;
  • saturation of tissues with nutrients and oxygen;
  • accelerating the processes of collagen and elastin production;
  • improving eye function;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • improving cellular metabolism.

Regular eye exercises help eliminate swelling and bruising under the eyes.

Contraindications to classes

Exercises to raise the upper eyelids cannot be performed if there are contraindications . To perform gymnastics at home, it is not necessary to have special skills; the process cannot be called labor-intensive and energy-consuming. The load must be distributed evenly. You cannot overload your muscles; intense exercises alternate with relaxing ones.

Facebook building has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to perform gymnastics for people who have had “beauty injections”. Botox present under the skin can cause pinching of the extraocular muscles. During the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery, it is also recommended to refrain from gymnastics.

Pathologies of the facial nerve can be considered an absolute contraindication to face-building. Neuropathies and neuritis are manifested by muscle paralysis. When the extraocular muscles are overloaded, the eyelid stops drooping. In this case, there is a high risk of eyeball eversion.

Facebook building is also contraindicated for people suffering from hypertension. Eye diseases of infectious etiology (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, trachoma, keratitis) can be considered relative limitations.

Symptoms of blepharitis

First stage: the patient feels severe itching and pain, in the morning the eyes are covered with a sticky suspension. Second stage: the eyelids turn red and swell, excess secretion from the sebaceous glands accumulates on the edges of the eyelashes, forming whitish growths, the eyes begin to get tired quickly. Third stage: if treatment is not started in time, the eyelashes will begin to fall out, and in their place, thinned, brittle ones will appear, directed in different directions. Tear production will increase, and mites will begin to provoke other diseases, such as keratitis, conjunctivitis, and stye. Advanced stages: demodicosis spreads to the skin of the face, where severely itchy patches of peeling form.

If you feel the first symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a specialist; self-treatment can lead to complications.

Thickening and feeling of heaviness of the eyelids. Itching in the eyes. Swelling and redness of the eyelids. Rapid eye fatigue. Loss of eyelashes, their abnormal growth. The appearance of scales on the eyelashes. High sensitivity to various irritants and bright light.

This disease is not classified as contagious. However, if a person is diagnosed with demodectic blepharitis. It is recommended to keep his personal belongings separate from those of other family members, as there is a risk of infection with dangerous ticks.

Demodectic blepharitis. This disease is caused by demodex mites. The main signs of this pathology are itching, thickening and redness of the eyelids.

Chronic blepharitis. Staphylococcus aureus often leads to the development of this pathology. This disease is accompanied by loss of eyelashes, itching in the eyes, and swelling of the eyelids. The eyes become watery and get tired quickly.

The course of any form of blepharitis is accompanied by typical manifestations: swelling and redness of the eyelids, itching, rapid eye fatigue and increased sensitivity to irritants (light, wind). Constantly forming tear film causes blurred vision.

Simple blepharitis is characterized by hyperemia and thickening of the edges of the eyelids, accumulation of whitish-gray secretions in the corners of the palpebral fissures, moderate redness of the conjunctiva, and dilation of the meibomian gland ducts.

With scaly blepharitis, scales of desquamated epidermis and epithelium of the sebaceous glands accumulate on the thickened and hyperemic edge of the eyelid, which are tightly attached to the base of the eyelashes. Skin scales are also found on the eyebrows and scalp. Seborrheic blepharitis may be accompanied by loss and graying of eyelashes.

The ulcerative form of blepharitis occurs with the formation of yellowish crusts, when removed, ulcers open. After the ulcerations heal, scars form, which disrupts the normal growth of eyelashes ( trichiasis). In severe cases, eyelashes may become discolored (poliosis) and fall out (madarosis), and the anterior lash line may become hypertrophied and wrinkled.

Demodectic blepharitis occurs with constant unbearable itching of the eyelids, more pronounced after sleep. The edges of the eyelids thicken in the form of a reddish ridge. In the daytime, there is a pain in the eyes, the release of a sticky secretion, leading to the drying of the discharge and its accumulation between the eyelashes, which gives the eyes an untidy appearance.

Symptoms of allergic blepharitis. in most cases, they appear suddenly and are clearly associated with some exogenous factor. The disease is accompanied by swelling and persistent itching of the eyelids, lacrimation, mucous discharge from the eyes, photophobia, and pain in the eyes. Allergic blepharitis is characterized by darkening of the skin of the eyelids (the so-called “allergic bruise”).

Blepharitis can occur with symptoms of conjunctivitis. dry eye syndrome, keratitis, acute meibomitis. development of chalazion, formation of barley, conflicts and corneal ulcers. threatening loss of vision. Almost always, blepharitis takes a chronic course and tends to recur over many years.

Tips for doing gymnastics

There are several main types of gymnastics:

  • dynamic exercises (perform up to 15 repetitions);
  • static exercises (require fixing the position for 5-15 seconds).

If you combine these methods with each other, you can smooth out facial wrinkles and restore elasticity to muscle fibers in the shortest possible time.

Experts recommend performing breathing exercises simultaneously with face-building. Before starting a workout, inhale the air deeply and quickly several times through your nose and exhale sharply through your mouth. The exercises are done while inhaling; while fixing the position, the breath is held.

Recommendations from specialists for performing gymnastic exercises:

  • gymnastics is carried out while sitting on the edge of a chair at a table, the back should be straight;
  • Before performing gymnastics, hands are thoroughly washed with soap; you can wear gloves to improve gliding;
  • Before face-building, the skin is cleansed of impurities and decorative cosmetics.

You can apply any nourishing cream to your face. After gymnastics, wipe the skin with herbal lotion or wash with warm water.

Before gymnastics, perform a warm-up to help warm up the muscle tissue, using the following technique:

  • within 30 sec. blink your eyes (slowly at first, then gradually slowing down);
  • make several circular movements counterclockwise and clockwise;
  • Close your eyes tightly several times.

It is best to perform the exercises in front of a mirror to see which area is being affected.

Massage technologies

There are several massage technologies. The classical technique is most often used, but for blepharitis, the procedure can be performed using a small glass rod.

Traditional manual method

This procedure should begin with light stroking movements. You need to perform such techniques from the inner corner to the outer one. This technique is done for a couple of minutes, after which light pressure is applied to the edge of the upper eyelid with your fingertips to release the liquid.

Press carefully; you can help yourself with the eye muscles, closing your eyes tightly. After such techniques, the eyes should be stroked again for several minutes, this helps to relax them.

After the session, the edge of the eyelids is treated with an alcohol-containing composition, and the eye is washed with a solution of Furacilin or Miramistin.

All massage movements must be done with extreme caution so as not to cause pain to yourself.

With massager

Jade and tourmanium rollers are used to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. Before using this massage roller, you should carefully read the instructions for use. First, massage the upper eyelid, and then the lower. Finally, moisturizer is applied to the skin.

Glass rod

For blepharitis, massage using a special glass rod gives a good effect. One tip of the stick is made in the form of a small spatula, and the second is in the shape of a ball.

The upper skin fold is pulled back a little and a part of the stick, which looks like a spatula, is inserted under it. From the side of the eyelid, press the stick with the tip of your finger and gradually massage the entire area of ​​the eyelid. During the procedure, a transparent or whitish secretion is separated from the eyelid.

It is better to entrust such massage procedures to an experienced specialist.

It is important to complete the full course of treatment. Do not interrupt therapy, even if the inflammation has already passed

Exercises to tighten the upper eyelid at home

Exercises to lift the upper eyelids are performed at home regularly. The complex includes a warm-up.

Several exercise options for tightening eyelids at home:

  • Option 1 . Open your eyes as wide as possible and hold the position for 7 seconds. Close your eyes, trying to tense your muscles (squint your eyes). Hold the position for 7 seconds. Perform up to 10 approaches.
  • Option 2 . Place your index finger between your eyebrows (just above the bridge of your nose). Try to bring your eyebrows to the bridge of your nose, overcoming resistance. Do up to 10 approaches.
  • Option 3 . Open your eyes and raise your eyebrows. Place your fingers on your forehead, moving them towards your temples (imitating the process of smoothing out wrinkles). Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.

To achieve the rejuvenation effect, experts recommend adjusting your usual diet and giving up alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Nicotine and alcohol have a negative effect on the skin.

Eyelid tone exercise

In combination with exercises aimed at maintaining the tone of the eyelids, it is necessary to use special cosmetics. This will enhance the rejuvenating effect of gymnastics.


  • Option 1 . Open your eyes, choose a point in front of you and focus your gaze on it. Fix the position for 5-7 seconds. Close your eyes without squinting, fix the position for 5 seconds. You should feel tension while doing the exercises. Do 7-10 approaches.
  • Option 2 . Place the index fingers of the right and left hands above the eyebrows, pressing lightly on the skin. Raise your eyebrows for 3-4 seconds, try to bring them down to the bridge of your nose. It is important to ensure that creases do not form. Fix the position for 3-5 seconds. Perform up to 10 approaches.
  • Option 3 . Cover your eyes and place the index fingers of your right and left hands on your upper eyelids. While offering resistance with your fingers, try to open your eyes slightly. The tension should be felt. Do 10 approaches at intervals of 10 seconds.
  • Option 4 . Place your hand on your forehead, slightly covering your eyebrows. You can apply slight pressure to prevent the skin from bunching up into wrinkles. Open your eyes wide, raise your eyebrows, fix the position for 5 seconds. Perform up to 10 approaches.

Exercises aimed at maintaining muscle tone are not recommended for people with frown lines. Exercising can cause muscle spasms.

Improvement of muscle structure

Upper eyelid lift exercises help keep the muscle tissue around the eyes toned. To perform gymnastics, the use of special equipment is not required.

Exercises that restore the structure of muscle fibers:

  • Option 1 . Open your mouth slightly so that your lips form the letter “o”. Throw your head back, open your eyes and blink for 15-20 seconds. The tension should be felt. Perform 5-7 approaches.
  • Option 2 . Sit on the edge of a chair, place your hands on your knees. Relax, close your eyes. Try to look up and fix the position for 5-7 seconds. Sharply lower your gaze down and fix the position. Perform up to 5 approaches.
  • Option 3 . Close your eyes and mentally imagine a watch dial. You must try to “follow” the minute hand. The countdown starts from number 12. After 3-5 seconds. Go to number 1.

Mild discomfort may occur during the exercises. It goes away quite quickly after finishing gymnastics.


Light tapping helps restore blood flow . During gymnastics, it is necessary to alternate exercises that require intense impact on the eyelids with relaxing ones. Patting is the final stage of face-building.

Use your fingertips to gently tap the area of ​​the eyebrows and temples. A targeted effect on the skin has a stimulating effect.

Exercise against drooping eyelids

Exercises (gymnastics) to lift the upper eyelids help combat age-related skin changes.


  • Option 1 . Close your eyes as tightly as possible and hold the position for 5-10 seconds. Relax your muscles without opening your eyes. Hold the position for 2-3 seconds. Open your eyes as wide as possible, look in front of you at one point for 5-10 seconds. Perform up to 5 approaches.
  • Option 2 . Place the index fingers of the left and right hands above the eyebrows. Mark a point on the ceiling and focus your gaze on it. Fix the position for 3-5 seconds. Slowly look down and look at the selected point on the floor for 3-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times.
  • Option 3 . Open your eyes as wide as possible, raise your eyebrows. Shallow creases should form on the forehead during the exercise. Place the little fingers of the hands on the eyebrows, lower the eyelids down, overcoming the resistance of the fingers. Perform 5-7 approaches.

Exercises are usually performed counting (1-2-3-4).

Upper eyelid lift exercise

A set of exercises will help tighten the upper eyelid with ptosis . Do not allow the skin to crack during massaging - microcracks may form due to friction.

Gymnastics options:

  • Option 1 . Place the index fingers of the right and left hands on the outer corners of the eyes. Press lightly on the skin while squinting your eyes. Fix the position for 5-7 seconds. Perform up to 5 approaches.
  • Option 2 . Place your fingers in the temple area so that your little fingers cover the outer corners of your eyes. Use your fingers to stretch the skin, simultaneously straining the muscles of the lower and upper eyelids. Fix the position for 10 seconds. Perform 3-4 approaches.
  • Option 3 . Sit on a chair, trying not to lean your back on it. Close your eyes, tensing your eyelid muscles as much as possible. Fix the position for 5 seconds. Perform up to 5 approaches.

It is recommended to perform exercises in the morning and evening (1-2 hours before bedtime).

Workout by Cynthia Rowland

Cynthia Rowland has developed a set of exercises to lift the upper eyelid.

Facebuilding technique:

  1. sit on the edge of a chair, relaxing as much as possible;
  2. Place your fingers on the upper eyelids (under the eyebrows) so that the pads touch the skin;
  3. gently raise your eyebrows with your fingers, trying to stop the limit of the superciliary arches;
  4. Fix the position for 3-5 seconds, without closing your eyes;
  5. lower your eyebrows, overcoming the resistance of your fingers;
  6. Fix the position for 5 seconds;
  7. remove your fingers from your face, take a deep breath and exhale through your nose;
  8. repeat the exercise 3-4 times, overcoming the resistance of the fingers for 7-10 seconds;
  9. remove your fingers from your face, inhale and exhale.

An interval of 5 seconds is maintained between repetitions. Experts recommend repeating the exercises daily for 6 days (Monday-Saturday). There is no gymnastics on Sunday.

To strengthen the forehead muscles

Exercises to strengthen the forehead muscles can be considered an alternative to “beauty injections” . Gymnastics is usually performed at an intense or slow pace. To achieve a positive result, you need to do up to 10 approaches per session.

Exercise options:

  • Option 1 . Wrinkling your forehead, raise your eyebrows. It is necessary to ensure that skin creases do not form. Fix the position for 5-7 seconds, relax the muscles.
  • Option 2 . Place your palm on the top of your head and lightly press your hand on your head. Look down, straining your upper and lower eyelids as much as possible. Use your palm to pull the skin back, continuing to look down. Mild discomfort may occur during the exercises.
  • Option 3 . Place your index fingers on the brow ridges, pressing lightly on the skin. Overcoming resistance, raise your eyebrows and fix the position for 5-7 seconds. Remove your fingers and relax your eyelid muscles.

You need to monitor the intensity of the pressure. Painful sensations indicate severe overstrain of muscle fibers.

Strengthening the orbicularis oculi muscle

Gymnastics helps strengthen the orbicularis oculi muscle in the peripheral part. Exercises can prevent drooping eyelids. The complex is performed 20 times. Each change of position must be recorded.

The fingers of the left hand clasp the cheekbones of the left eye, and the fingers of the right hand are placed along the superciliary arch. Overcoming resistance, you need to try to close your eyes with effort. It is important to ensure that skin creases do not form in the forehead area. The position is fixed for 5-10 seconds. Perform the exercise 2 times a day, morning and evening.

To widen the outer part of the eye

Exercises must be performed in front of a mirror. Place the index fingers of the right and left hands on the upper eyelids, under the eyebrows. Pull the skin up and forcefully close your eyes. Fix the position for 5 seconds. Open your eyes by moving your index fingers to your lower eyelids. Hold the position for 3 seconds. Perform 5 approaches. Gymnastics must be done daily.

Also, the thumbs and index fingers of the left and right hands are placed on the lower and upper eyelids. It is necessary to open your eyes as wide as possible, pulling down the lower eyelid with your thumb and the upper eyelid with your index finger. Fix the position for 10 seconds. Perform 5 approaches.

Facebook building for eyes from Evgenia Baglyk

A set of exercises developed by Evgenia Baglyk helps to increase the tone of the eye muscles. Facebuilding allows you to tighten the skin, get rid of bags under the eyes, restore lymph flow and blood flow.

Exercises help make your eyes appear larger and prevent drooping of the upper eyelid.

Gymnastics technique:

  1. Exercises against crow's feet. The index fingers of the left and right hands should be placed on the outer corners of the eyes. Your fingertips should touch your eyebrows. Close your eyes, slightly pulling the skin towards your temples with your fingers. The position is fixed for 6 seconds. Perform up to 20 approaches.
  2. Exercises against sagging eyelids. Open your eyes wide, raise your eyebrows, hold the position for 6 seconds, making sure that no wrinkles form on your forehead. Perform up to 20 approaches.
  3. Exercises against bags under the eyes. Place your index and middle fingers on the outer and inner corners of your eyes. Look up at the ceiling, squinting your eyes slightly. Fix the position for 6 seconds. Perform 10 approaches.

It is recommended to do gymnastics daily, in combination with exercises for other areas of the face.


It is necessary to periodically visit an ophthalmologist (especially after 40 years) to check visual acuity. At this age, due to a decrease in the refractive power of the eye lens, additional stress occurs when working at close distances.

The eyes get tired quickly, a person constantly rubs them, which often later becomes the cause of inflammatory diseases of the edges of the eyelids.

If one of the family members is sick with demodectic blepharitis, then other family members should never lie on his pillow and not use his towel (it should hang separately).


  • adequate treatment of the exacerbations themselves;
  • vision correction (if necessary);
  • elimination of factors contributing to the development of relapse (based on risk groups);
  • daily proper toilet of the eyes, keeping the eyelids clean;
  • avoid friction and other physical or chemical irritants to the eyelids;
  • daily degreasing of the edges of the eyelids by washing with baby soap or shampoo.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of gland secretions by cleaning their ducts. To do this, warm the glands using warm wet compresses.

A positive effect can be achieved by repeating the procedure 3-4 times a day. A compress of a damp cloth or towel is applied for 5-10 minutes.

Prevention of blepharitis: regular preventive examination by an ophthalmologist, especially after forty years. Since the progression of farsightedness is quite common at this age, the eyes become excessively tired, which can cause inflammation of the ciliary edge of the eyelids.

Important: Strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene: it is forbidden to touch your eyes with dirty hands, you must use a personal towel and handkerchief.

Chronic blepharitis is a serious disease that is difficult to treat, so do not delay visiting a doctor and do not self-medicate based on various videos and reviews from friends.

Early diagnosis and proper treatment will help quickly get rid of the disease and prevent unwanted complications.

Eye clinics

  • Voronezh
  • Ekaterinburg
  • Izhevsk
  • Kazan
  • Krasnodar
  • Moscow
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Novosibirsk
  • Permian
  • Rostov-on-Don
  • Samara
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Ufa
  • Chelyabinsk

When can I expect results?

A positive result is noticeable after 2-3 days of regular training . According to reviews, the number of small facial wrinkles decreases after 6-7 sessions.

To enhance the effect, you can use the following cosmetics during the exercises:

"Black Pearl"An eye cream with a light texture that is absorbed quickly. The composition contains collagen, hyaluronic acid and bio-peptides. Helps smooth out wrinkles. 180-250 rub.
"Clean line"The cream contains natural ingredients (phytocollagen, vitamin, primrose extracts, verbena). Smoothes the skin, giving it a natural glow. 100-170 rub.
"Bark"Active ingredients: shea butter, vitamin complex, medicinal plant extracts. Provides nutrition at the cellular level, smoothes wrinkles. 280-430 rub.

The effect on the delicate area should be gentle. After gymnastics, you need to apply warm heated palms to your eyes.

Massage for the upper eyelids to enhance the effectiveness of gymnastics

Massaging the problem area allows you to stop the natural aging process . The procedure will help get rid of swelling.

Massage restores muscle tone and prevents stagnation of lymph and blood in the tissues. Self-massage can be considered a preventive method of combating facial wrinkles. In the process, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules of execution.

Movements should be light. Intense rubbing or tapping can cause small blood vessels to rupture, leading to bruising. It is also recommended to avoid deep pressure. The eyelids of the right and left eyes must be worked on simultaneously.

Massage can be performed with your fingers or special devices. It is important to properly prepare for the procedure.


Before performing a massage, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the skin of dirt and decorative cosmetics. Hands are washed with soap and warm water, the area around the eyes is wiped with lotion or tonic that does not contain alcohol. You can use decoctions of medicinal plants - they simultaneously have a calming effect.

Experts do not recommend massaging dry skin due to the high risk of developing microtraumas. To improve gliding, it is necessary to use massage oils or creams.

The most suitable aroma oils:

  • apricot;
  • almond;
  • coconut;
  • pink;
  • Shea Butter.

It is not recommended to use citrus and pine oils. Vitamin E can be added to creams.


According to reviews, classic massage is considered the most effective.


  • with fingertips, stroke the skin of the upper and lower eyelids clockwise, simultaneously working on both eyes;
  • Using the pads of the index and middle fingers, gently pull back the skin under and above the eyebrows (light pressure is acceptable);
  • Light pats are carried out from the outer corners to the inner ones;
  • at the final stage, stroke the area of ​​the upper eyelids with your fingers.

Massage can also be performed with special devices equipped with rollers. During the treatment, the effect is on the deep layers of the skin. Vacuum massage is not recommended to be done independently, at home.

Glass wand massage is also very popular. During the session, the inner part of the lower eyelid is worked on. The procedure is carried out in a hospital setting. Massage requires anesthesia. Blepharogel is most often used. After the procedure, the patient must instill ophthalmic neutral drugs into each eye.

Frequency of procedure, recommendations

The procedure must be carried out several times a week (at least 2 times) . The duration of the session is 15-20 minutes. A positive result is noticeable after 5-6 procedures. The course includes up to 25 sessions. To enhance the effect, massage must be combined with gymnastics. The techniques can be alternated with each other.

After blepharoplasty, during the rehabilitation period, you cannot massage the upper eyelids.

Eye exercises can rejuvenate the skin and lift the upper eyelids. They can be performed at any age. The technique has a number of contraindications; if the technique is not followed, side effects may occur (muscle spasms, bruises).


Treatment of blepharitis is a fairly lengthy process. Throughout the course of treatment, local and general measures are used. At the initial stage of therapy, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the development of blepharitis. It is necessary to use treatment methods that provide:

  • treatment of chronic diseases;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • establishing hygienic living conditions for the patient;
  • treatment of allergic reactions;
  • correction of visual impairments;
  • getting rid of helminths;
  • increasing the body's immune defense.

Treatment of this disease directly depends on the cause of the disease. Doctors recommend the use of special ointments containing antibiotics, sulfonamides, antiseptics, hormones, anti-allergenic drugs, and medicinal gel.

A mandatory component of treatment is taking complex vitamins and autohemotherapy. Treatments are prescribed exclusively by a knowledgeable specialist. If a person has simple or scaly blepharitis, then initially crusts and scales are removed from the eyelids.

To do this, you first need to lubricate the eyelid with fish oil, after which it is treated with albucid. After the treatments, antibiotics (tetracycline ointment, gel) are applied to the affected eyelid. The necessary drops must be instilled into the eye. The most common are:

  1. albucid;
  2. prednisolone 0.3%;
  3. sulfapyridazine sodium 10%;
  4. and many others.

For ulcerative blepharitis, treatment is slightly modified. First you need to soften the crusts with fish oil or Vaseline. The ulcers are wiped with alcohol, and a disinfectant gel can be used. It is necessary to make applications on the eyelid every day.

For meibomian blepharitis, you need to massage the eyelids daily using a glass rod with antibacterial ointments (sulfacyl, tetracycline). The massage is performed for 3 weeks. Before starting the massage, you need to degrease the eyelid with alcohol.

After the massage, the edge of the eyelid should be lubricated with brilliant green 1%. Demodectic blepharitis is treated using an integrated approach. Antiparasitic treatment of the eyelids, compliance with hygiene measures, activation of the body's immune forces, and wiping the edges of the eyelid with solutions of eucalyptus or calendula are mandatory.

A gel ointment with an antiparasitic effect (metronidazole) is used topically. Allergic blepharitis is effectively treated with the use of antiallergic drugs (Lodoxamide drops). Be sure to lubricate the eyelids with hormonal ointments or use a gel.

Help at home You can also use folk remedies in the treatment of blepharitis. The gel or ointment is applied in the following way. With your left hand you need to pull down the lower eyelid, with your right hand you need to apply a medicinal gel using a glass rod.

Next, you need to carefully close your eye and start massaging the eyelid from above. In video 4 you can see the correct sequence of actions when applying a medicinal ointment.


Many eye drops for blepharitis do not contain antibiotic components (or contain small amounts of them, since these drugs can cause severe irritation). These are mainly antiseptic medications that require long-term use for successful treatment:

  • blepharogel;
  • miramistin;
  • maxitrol;
  • tobradex;
  • 0.3% solutions of gentamicin and norfloxacin sulfate;
  • sulfacyl sodium;
  • dexapos;
  • maxidex;
  • lecrolin;
  • Alomide

When using drops, you must strictly adhere to the recipe. Before starting to use them, it is advisable to consult with your doctor and undergo an examination to identify possible allergic reactions to the components of such drops.


In addition to eye drops, the following ophthalmic ointments are often used:

  1. tetracycline;
  2. blepharogel;
  3. dexa-gentamicin;
  4. dibiomycin;
  5. glycoderm.
  6. hydrocortisone;
  7. Phloxal;
  8. gentamicin;
  9. furacilin;
  10. demalan;
  11. blepharolotion;
  12. sulfanilamide.

The eye ointment is rubbed into the edge of the eyelid using your finger: it is better not to use cotton swabs and other devices so as not to damage the eyes, and your hands must be thoroughly washed before rubbing the product.

Usually, ointments are prescribed if blepharitis has not become chronic, since chronic inflammation of the eyelids is difficult to treat with such gentle topical medications and requires an integrated approach.

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