Which eyes are considered the most beautiful in color? What eye color is the most beautiful: pros and cons

All people on the planet are individual and have their own personal eye color, which is passed on either by inheritance or through genetic changes. Many are interested in the question of structure and why a person develops this or that shade. Next, we will consider the different tones and the reasons for their appearance, subsequently determining the most beautiful eye color.


The iris itself consists of two layers containing pigments. Based on exactly how they are located, the color and shade depend. It is also worth adding that membrane fibers, the amount of melanin (produced by the body) and blood vessels also play an important role. Despite the fact that there are a large number of eye shades, there are still several primary colors.

The majority of the population have brown eyes. But green is considered one of the rare ones. Many people claim that it is impossible to determine the most beautiful eye color, because they are all unique in their own way, but you can try to do it.

The most beautiful eyes: 10 lucky people who were awarded by nature

Nature gave this girl silver eyes with a green tint. And the “cherry on the cake” was the charming dark edging of the iris, which makes her eyes look like they were painted on. The “anime” baby’s parents did not want to reveal her name – the photo is circulating anonymously on the Internet.

Afghanistan's Sharbat Gula made a global splash when she appeared on the cover of National Geographic magazine in 1985. Her incredible color and dramatic expression in her eyes seem to tell the whole story of her life. The “Mona Lisa of the 20th Century,” as the press dubbed her, remained anonymous until reporters discovered her in 2002. The girl has changed a lot (time and hard life have affected her), but her eyes have remained the same - they look straight into the soul.

Sharbat Gula now

Brother and sister with perfectly green eyes. Only 4% of people on the planet are born with this color! And here there are two at once in one family. The boy, with a dark edging of the iris, looks like an alien (in a good way).

Dark skin and honey-green eyes, in which almost no pupils are visible. What a beauty this little girl will grow up to be.

This guy is often teased at school for his rare blue eyes. His name is Adrian and he lives in Africa. At first glance, it may seem that he wears contact lenses, but Nature itself gave him the light blue color.

Turquoise is the rarest eye color in the world. It came from the fusion of blue and green. No Photoshop was used to color these eyes. This girl is from Sudan. If only a modeling agency would notice her and she would have a happy and prosperous life.

This lady is a professional belly dancer. She also has stunning amber eyes, the irises of which are “ringed” with a dark shell. Skillful makeup in oriental style emphasizes this beauty.

An incredible, but unfortunately unknown girl with “oceanic” eye color was captured in Australia. This child looks like a doll or an angel.

A little Japanese boy named Ping has no vision problems - he sees perfectly. However, there are almost no pupils visible in his amazingly green eyes. This rare natural anomaly does not interfere with his life, and distinguishes him favorably from other children. To his peers and numerous reporters, Ping is an alien.

An 11-year-old boy named Azu from Rajasthan loves magic tricks and tricks. The image of a wizard is best enhanced by the mesmerizing color of his eyes – green with yellow splashes. Rumor has it that he has a great future as an artist of the original genre!

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Everyone is tired of lists called “The Most Beautiful Eyes in the World” featuring celebrities. Why are they the only ones with the most beautiful eyes in the world?! The eyes of ordinary people are sometimes simply magnificent too! Disagreement with the boring lists of stars was the main reason for the emergence of this collection. It's time for the most ordinary people to prove that they, too, have something to brag about!

It was very difficult to decide on this top ten. The world is full of beautiful eyes, and, in addition to those present in the selection, there are an endless number of mesmerizing looks!

(Total 10 photos)

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1. Cute boy

Unfortunately, it is unknown who he is and where he is from, but his portrait really stands out among the rest and deserves special attention. Look at the amazing contrast of his dark skin with his bright eyes! No words..

2. Afghan girl

You're probably already used to seeing the same classic photo with this title, but let me tell you a secret: there are so many Afghans with incredibly beautiful eyes, so it was very difficult to choose. This pretty girl has a very memorable look.

3. A male version of "Afghan Girl"?

This man's eyes are special. They are bright, unusual, and have a peculiar uniqueness, the same one that made the photograph of the “Afghan Girl” a hit. It is unknown whether the photographer had a specific idea in mind when he took this photo, but beautiful eyes are always beautiful eyes, right?

4. Stunning blue eyes

Look at those stunning eyes! Have you ever seen a closer look? It seems almost unnatural!

5. The Woman with Golden Eyes

Everyone has probably already heard about golden eyes, but no one has ever seen such a pair. This gorgeous woman leaves a lasting impression. Her golden eyes are really very unusual. Do you know anyone with golden eyes?

6. Innocent eyes

This Tongan girl has huge, deep eyes that seem to lure the viewer into a trap. And there is no need to say anything more. Her eyes speak for themselves...

This young man's name is Ian and he has a very interesting pair of eyes and, most likely, has broken more than one heart. Thanks to his eyes, he could appear on the cover of any magazine without having to be a celebrity!

8.Clear eyes

Have you ever seen such purity? Her huge eyes seem like deep, clear lakes. This photo catches your eye for at least a few minutes. Need I say anything more?

Miguel is a cute teenager with very beautiful green eyes. He deserves to be not only on this list, but also on all other lists of this kind. His eyes are truly impressive!

10. And finally...

It was really difficult to choose the last photo, because there are still a huge number of photos of other people with charming eyes! This photo was included in the selection due to the unknown color of the eyes of their owner. What color do you think this woman's eyes are?

Each of us has our own ideas about beauty. No matter what we are talking about, be it art or nature, opinions will always differ. The same applies to the beauty of the human body. If, for example, there are established canons for the figure or contour of the face, then it is impossible to fit the color of the eyes into these frameworks. Which of us can easily name the most beautiful eye color? Azure blue, granite gray, emerald - each of the shades can be called “the most.” A conclusion about the beauty of the eyes can be drawn from the results of surveys, but it is much more important to talk about the advantages and characteristics of each color separately. After all, it is correct to emphasize the color of your iris - to create a harmonious, holistic image that will highlight your beautiful eye color.

So why green?

If a person does not produce enough melanin in the body, his eyes turn green. But this color became rare for a completely different reason. The Holy Inquisition of the 12th-19th centuries was to blame for everything. Due to misconceptions about the origin of green eyes and red hair, all girls with such data were equated with witches and burned at the stake.

This color is obtained by mixing the yellow outer shell and the blue background.

It is thanks to this that the shell takes on a color that is considered the rarest in the modern world.

Moreover, based on the intensity of the shade, there can be a large number of variations of this color. The rarest is emerald green. Therefore, the most beautiful eye color can be considered green.

Why do people want to change their eye color?

In the modern world, it has become possible to change the natural color of the iris. Such changes do not require much effort. The simplest method is to purchase colored lenses. But with such changes, people rarely think about combining shades. The main desire of people is to be fashionable and it doesn’t matter how it looks.

Fashion changes, but this does not mean that you need to change with it. The natural color of the eyes is such a beauty that nature gave. In most cases, changing it does not make a person more attractive, but quite the opposite. Often colored eyes are a bright spot on a person’s face. And this stain repels people.

Another reason for changing the color of the iris is love. Most often this concerns girls. Young girls change eye colors to suit their partner's preferences, without thinking about how well this color matches their appearance.

Also, the desire to change the pigmentation of the eye may be in those people whose natural shade is very faded. Their goal is to highlight their color, not change it. For example, people with light blue eyes wear brighter blue lenses to highlight their eyes and make them more expressive.

Rare eyes in the world

Often the owners of this color are the Germans, Scots and eastern and western peoples of Europe. At the same time, it will not be uncommon to see green eyes on a Turk, because 20% of the population have this particular color. And in Iceland, 80% have the rarest or blue tint.

However, residents of the Middle East, South America and Asia are practically not born with such eyes.

What is the rarest eye color in the world? Delivery of contact lenses and glasses in Moscow and Russia

Eye color in humans is inherited by one of many genes. From the moment of conception, a person is predetermined to have one or another shade of the iris. However, even scientists cannot say with 100% certainty what eye color a child will have. What affects the shade of the iris and what rare eye colors do people have?

What color are people's eyes: four main shades

People's eye colors are completely unique. It is known that the pattern on the iris is as unique as human fingerprints. There are mainly four colors of the iris - brown, blue, gray, green. According to statistics, green is the rarest color listed.

It occurs in only 2% of people. There are only 4 primary colors, but there are many shades of them. In exceptional cases, a person’s iris can be red, black and even purple.

These are the most unusual shades that the iris acquires after birth; they are extremely rare in nature.

Is it possible to determine what eye color a child will have?

After birth, the baby's eyes are usually light green or dull gray. After a few months, the tone of the iris changes. This happens thanks to melanin, which accumulates and forms the color of the eyes. The more melanin, the darker the iris.

The color, which is determined by the genes, appears around the age of one, but it is finally formed only by 5, and in some cases by 10 years.

The intensity of eye color, that is, the amount of melanin, is influenced by genetics and nationality.

No geneticist can predict with absolute certainty what exact eye color a child will have. However, there are some patterns that allow us to assume what a person’s eyes will be like.

These patterns can be seen using examples:

  • If mom and dad have blue eyes, then the probability of having a child with the same iris shade is 99%. 1% remains for green, which is the rarest of the four main ones.
  • If one parent has blue eyes and the other has green eyes, then there is a 50% chance that the child will have green or blue eyes.
  • If dad and mom are green-eyed, then the probability of having a baby with a green iris is 75%, 24% are cases of a baby being born with blue eyes, 1% are with brown eyes.
  • If one of the parents is blue-eyed and the other is brown-eyed, then their children will be brown-eyed in 50% of cases. 37% of children from such unions are born with blue eyes, and 13% with green eyes.
  • Children with brown-eyed parents will also be brown-eyed in 75% of cases. They can have green-eyed children with a probability of 18%, and blue-eyed children with a probability of 7%.

It is worth taking into account that a child’s blue eyes may subsequently become sky blue, gray-green – emerald, and brown – black. This is almost impossible to predict.

Actually, this is the basis of the uniqueness of the shade of the human iris. Sometimes she has an unusual color from birth.

There are completely rare shades, found in only one person in hundreds of thousands. Let's make a list of the most unusual eye colors.

The most unusual eye color in the world. Top rare eye colors in people

The first place in the list of “The rarest eye color” is violet. This shade is obtained by mixing blue and red tones; few people have seen people with purple irises.

As geneticists note, violet eyes are a similarity to blue eyes, that is, they are a variant or pigment of the blue color. It is believed that purple eye color is found only among the people of North Kashmir in the world.

The legendary actress Elizabeth Taylor also had lilac eyes. Varieties of purple shade include ultramarine, amethyst and hyacinth.

Sometimes a lilac iris can be a symptom of pathology. In Marchesani syndrome, which is characterized by abnormal development of the eyes and limbs, the iris may take on a purple hue.

The color purple can be considered a great rarity; it is rather beyond comparison. Then the green tint rightfully takes first place in the ranking of eyes of unusual colors. Only 2% of the world's population has it. In this case, the following patterns are observed:

  • Green-eyed ones are more common in Northern and Central Europe, including Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Scotland. In Iceland, approximately 40% of people have green eyes. In Asia, Africa, and South America, it is almost impossible to meet green-eyed people when it comes to indigenous people.
  • Women have green eyes three times more often than men.
  • Many green-eyed people have white skin and red hair.

The most famous owner of green eyes is Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. Her iris has a dark green tint. Actress Tilda Swinton has bright emerald green eyes, while Charlize Theron's irises are a calmer, light green color. Among men with green eyes, one can remember Tom Cruise and Clive Owen.

Another rare color is red. Most often, albinos have red eyes, although with albinism the iris is usually brown or blue.

The iris becomes red when the melanin pigment is absent. Because of this, eye color is determined by the blood vessels showing through the iris.

If the red tint mixes with the blue tint of the stroma, the eyes may take on a magenta color, which is closer to violet.

Amber eye color, which is a type of brown, is also very rare. Amber eyes are usually bright, clear with a very strong golden tone throughout the iris.

Varieties of amber color include golden green, reddish copper, tan and golden brown. True amber eyes, which may somewhat resemble the eyes of a wolf, are practically never found in nature.

However, shades of amber are also quite beautiful and rare.

Fifth place in the top unusual eye colors is black. It is, in fact, another variety of brown. The black iris contains a lot of melanin, the amount of which determines the intensity of the color. Thanks to its saturation, the black tint almost completely absorbs the rays of light falling on the iris.

This type of eye is found mainly among representatives of African peoples. In Caucasians, it is less common, but it is more common than purple, green and amber eyes. A famous owner of black eyes was the British actress Audrey Hepburn.

Varieties of black include slate black, obsidian, pitch black, dark almond and jet black.

Eyes of different colors are also very rare. This physiological feature is called heterochromia.

Eyes of different colors

Heterochromia is a fairly rare phenomenon. It occurs in only 2% of the world's population. It occurs due to a lack of melanin in the iris of one eye.

Congenital heterochromia develops approximately six months after the birth of a child, when pigment begins to be produced. If it is distributed unevenly, the eyes take on different shades.

Most often, congenital heterochromia is observed in women, although there is no scientific explanation for this. Men's eyes also come in different colors, but much less often. But their heterochromia manifests itself in a more unusual form.

Types of heterochromia:

  • Full. Often in this case, one eye of a person is brown and the other is blue. Anatomically, the organs of vision do not differ from each other. They have the same size and visual acuity.
  • Partial. With this form of heterochromia, the iris of one eye is colored in different shades. It can be divided into halves, quarters, or have wavy color borders. As a rule, partial heterochromia is observed in children aged two to four years. Subsequently, melanin is distributed evenly. If this does not happen, it is necessary to get checked and identify the presence of pathologies.
  • Central. This form is characterized by the appearance of rings around the pupil. This phenomenon is somewhat reminiscent of the rainbow effect, when one iris has two or more rings of several colors. There are no more than a dozen such people all over the world.

Heterochromia, which has genetic background, manifests itself after birth. The acquired form occurs as a result of injuries and diseases, for example, Fuchs syndrome.

This disease is an inflammation of the choroid and iris. The syndrome usually affects one eye. One of the symptoms of the disease is lightening of the iris.

There are other, more rare pathologies that are accompanied by changes in the color of the iris. Among them:

  • Posner-Schlossman syndrome is a type of uveitis, that is, inflammation of the iris and choroid;
  • Horner's syndrome is a disease associated with damage to the nervous system and manifests itself in the organs of vision;
  • Pigmentary glaucoma is a pathology in which pigment separates from the iris and enters other parts of the eye;
  • Iris melanoma is a malignant tumor that is usually dark brown in color.

All these pathologies are characterized by a change in eye color.

What eye color is the most beautiful?

Naturally, the concept of beauty is a very subjective thing, and if we talk about the most beautiful eyes and their representatives, then in this case the lucky ones are albinos, who have completely black, purple, amber and red colors.

Even among these tones there is the rarest one. It even has a separate name for the mutation “Alexandria origin”. When a person is born with such changes, his eye color does not initially change, only after some time it becomes purple.

This mutation does not affect vision. Rumor has it that Elizabeth Taylor had the most beautiful eye color. Photos of that time, unfortunately, cannot confirm this, since the technology at that time could not always convey all the shades.

Among natural eyes, the color of which was not caused by a mutation, green are considered the most beautiful, and pure black is in third place.

The most beautiful eyes in men

Top 10 men with the most beautiful eye color:

10th place. Richard Gere. For several decades now, these deep-set eyes have been driving women from all over the world crazy.

9th place. Jason Statham. No matter how beautiful his brown eyes are, he captivates women with his courageous gaze. photo 17

8th place. Hugh Lorry. The well-known Doctor “House” has such extraordinary eyes that he can cure a patient with just one glance.

7th place. Eminem, a rapper whose popularity is growing every day, has not only extraordinary abilities, but also attractive eyes the color of a clear sky.

6th place. Robert Pattinson, the favorite of millions of girls, is on this list not only thanks to the popular Twilight saga. His captivating chameleon eyes lure viewers in with shades of steel and aquamarine.

5th place. Paul Walker has bottomless light blue eyes, in which a huge number of women have drowned.

4th place. Jake Gyllenhaal has the world's rarest shade of topaz eyes.

3rd place. Johnny Depp opens the top three with a very pleasant dark brown eye color.

2nd place. And of course, beloved by numerous fans, Ian Somerhalder with truly beautiful eyes the color of the sky.

1 place. Jared Leto, the owner of a sky-blue eye color, undoubtedly deserves a prize!

The most beautiful eye color, according to men

In fact, it is very difficult to know the most beautiful eye color, according to the stronger sex. The problem is that few men fall in love at first sight. Most of them prefer to evaluate a girl’s beauty comprehensively, including her eyes. Color does not play the most important role. But it’s worth considering them separately for a more comprehensive understanding, because any eyes can be successfully complemented with the right makeup and wardrobe.

As for this eye color, these will be relevant for brunettes and fair-haired women. There are some men who, when asked what eye color is the most beautiful, immediately have a ready answer - brown. They find them fascinating. To be fair, it is worth noting that such eyes are considered more expressive precisely because they have a large iris, which makes them as expressive as possible. At the same time, the whiteness of the eyeball is emphasized. Thus, brown eyes appear large and expressive.

According to other men, the most beautiful eye color for girls is blue. In reality, only a few shades deserve this title. Men associate them with the purity of the sky. In turn, the other half of the stronger sex, quite the opposite, considers them faded, inexpressive and mediocre. The most interesting are the results that scientists obtained from their research. In fact, most blue-eyed men match up with women of exactly the same color. Some, of course, are skeptical about such conclusions and say that it’s all due to lack of trust in their partner, because both parents have blue eyes and the child will be born with this eye color. As for the green-eyed ones, they are still out of competition.

Unsurpassed work by Steve McCurry

The photographer took his picture about three decades ago, but to this day it remains relevant. The wonderful shade of the girl’s eyes fascinates with its simple grace and natural beauty, her look is both determined and embarrassed. No matter how great a variety of epithets exist, they are still not enough to describe the full power and attractiveness of this gaze, captivating in its depth. The photograph of a refugee from Afghanistan captivated people so much that it was included in the TOP 10 “Best Covers in 40 Years.”

So what eye color is the most beautiful? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, because many factors are responsible for the beauty of the eyes: color, iridescent in unusual shades, size, cut, and most importantly, internal light, thanks to which the eyes acquire an extraordinary shine. Regardless of the shade, eyes that radiate happiness are the most beautiful!

How can you change your eye color?

  1. The simplest and most common way is colored contact lenses.
  2. With skillful use of makeup and depending on the mood, the eyes can dim or, conversely, become brighter. You can also highlight their color with clothing.
  3. You can change the shade of your eyes using eye drops that reduce blood pressure (Bimatoprost, Latanoprost, Unoproston, Travoprost).
  4. Changing color through surgery.
  5. Laser eye correction.
  6. Some even resort to meditation and self-hypnosis. Despite the fact that there is no official evidence of the effectiveness of this method, there is a large number of positive reviews.

In any case, it is worth remembering that there can be no general concept of beauty, and each individual has his own personal idea about it. It is important to understand that for a person, the best and prettiest eyes in the world will be those with whom he is in love. This will not depend on their color, nor on their shade, nor on their size. Therefore, to find out which eyes are the most beautiful, you should first look at your soulmate, and the answer will come by itself.

How does the shade of light affect a person?

There is no direct connection between the color of lamps and eye health. This means that, trying to maintain normal visual acuity, you don’t have to worry about what shade of light to choose for your office or living room.

Nevertheless, color temperature indirectly affects the health of the inhabitants of the room, affecting mood and general psycho-emotional state.

  • Cold glow tones, increases concentration, dispels drowsiness, and is therefore recommended for illuminating work areas.
  • The warm tone of light is characterized by the opposite properties: it relaxes, soothes, creates an atmosphere of comfort and coziness.

The human eye is capable of detecting changes in color temperature in the widest range – 800–20,000 K.

How to make your eyes beautiful

Without a doubt, every woman strives to make her eyes look as expressive as possible.
And there are endless ways to do this in the world, from cosmetic procedures to surgery. But in order to prevent things from going as far as surgery, you need to take care of your eyes from an early age. Basic procedures will help you maintain clarity and beauty of your eyes for many years. Walking in the fresh air, sound, full sleep, limited time spent at the computer and caring for the skin around the eyes - this is a simple and universal recipe to ensure that your eyes remain unforgettable.

There are countless tips for caring for your eyes, but they all boil down to roughly the same thing. It is worth protecting the area around the eyes from the sun, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and if you have had to work and your eyes are tired, then you must give them a rest for at least 15 minutes.

There is no single standard by which one can accurately determine whether eyes are beautiful or not. Their beauty is influenced by almost everything - the shape of the eyes, unusual color, size, and most importantly - the inner light, which we call the soul. Therefore, do not allow yourself to become discouraged or sad, try to be in a good mood, and those around you will certainly remember your sparkling look of joy.

Guys with beautiful eyes

Among the men there are also many famous people, whose gaze broke more than one girl’s heart.
Moreover, this is also a question of who has more celebrities with beautiful eyes - among men or among women. Publications for girls constantly compile ratings of male stars with bewitching eyes. The top 50 includes a wide variety of people, and it's not just singers and actors. Basketball player Kobe Bryant, Olympic boxing champion Oscar De La Hoya and even Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho also did not escape attentive admirers.

But they still gave the first places to the generally recognized handsome men. Third place goes to Johnny Depp, the most famous movie actor. On the second is the star of the TV series “The Vampire Diaries”, Ian Somerhalder. Well, in honorable first place is Jared Leto, who is adored by millions of fans. Also on this list you can see the Woman with the most beautiful eyes in the world

Unfortunately, the fate of the green-eyed beauty was not the easiest. She lived in poverty all her life, gave birth to three children, but was never able to educate them. The bitter irony of the modern world is that the owner received huge sums for the publication of the photograph and subsequent dissemination.

In 2002, the photographer again found this woman and took her second photographic portrait, having difficulty persuading the former refugee to take off the veil that she constantly wore. Of course, over the years, a difficult life has left an imprint on her face, but the girl’s eyes remained as unique as before.

But big eyes are not always considered beautiful. Sometimes large eyes are considered a deformity. . Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen

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