Acupressure technique to improve vision

The principle of lymphatic drainage massage

Due to physiological, age-related changes and the rhythm of life, lymph flow is disrupted.
As a result, outflow slows down, leading to swelling. The principle of lymphatic drainage massage is a mechanical effect on the subcutaneous layer to stimulate lymphatic circulation. Due to age-related changes, as well as under the influence of factors such as chronic diseases, bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle, total fatigue, lymph flow slows down. There is clogging of blood vessels, and in the deep layers of tissue there is an accumulation of toxins and excess fluid, which leads to swelling and early aging of the sensitive area around the eyes.

Under the influence of lymphatic drainage massage, fluid outflows from the vessels, which promotes the natural removal of toxins and excess fluid, restoring tone and youth to the skin. As a result, puffiness goes away, dark circles disappear, cells are saturated with oxygen, and the elimination of metabolic products is accelerated.

Taken together, the procedure promotes rejuvenation of the intercellular and intertissue structures of the subcutaneous matrix.

Impact of the procedure

The fact is that during exercises for the area around the eyes, the lymph nodes are stimulated. These steps remove:

  • toxins;
  • dead damaged areas that have accumulated in this area.

It is these two factors that cause the appearance of swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

Lymphatic drainage massage helps improve blood circulation and saturate the area under the eyes with oxygen 10 times!

Thus, the result, as they say, is obvious:

  • the skin under the eyes becomes less swollen;
  • dark circles disappear;
  • the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.

It is very important to use a special cream for the skin around the eyes that is designed for this area.

Rosacea and capillary pathology

Some people believe that dark circles under the eyes are directly related to damaged capillaries, but this is not true. The most common problems with spider veins are:

  • alcoholics;
  • people with a lack of vitamin B6;
  • women with autoimmune diseases.

Also, do not confuse the problem of dark circles under the eyes with “rosacea” - this disease is characterized by other symptoms:

  • redness of the skin not only in the eye area, but also in the nose, forehead and cheeks, chin;
  • pseudoacne.

Points and places for massage

Usually the eyes are massaged with the pads of the fingers along the upper and lower brow ridges, with the lower part of the palm lightly pressing on the eyeballs. Also, don’t forget about the inner and outer corners of the eye. According to the practices of oriental medicine, this is where the most active points are located, which also preserve the youth of the face itself. Massaging the sinuses (triangles along the cheeks, with an acute angle pointing to the inner points of the eye) and the nasal bone improves the functioning of the nasolacrimal duct and restores normal blood circulation throughout the face. You can complete the massage by lightly patting your fingers on the skin and the areas indicated above.

Indications and contraindications

Opening the tear ducts of newborns through massage is indicated for:

  • dacryocystitis as part of complex therapy;
  • pathologies of the development of the ducts and nasal septum;
  • the presence of an epithelial plug that did not resolve before the baby was born;
  • lacrimation one- or two-sided;
  • stagnation;
  • discharge of pus and mucus in the corners of the organ of vision;
  • irritation, swelling of the corner of the eyes;
  • redness of proteins;
  • atresia - blocking of the lacrimal passage.

The symptoms of obstruction of the tear ducts are similar to conjunctivitis, so it can only be determined during routine examinations by an ophthalmologist. Children's eyes become sour, a purulent crust forms on the eyelashes, which prevents them from opening. There are always tears in my eyes.

With dacryocystitis, unilateral or bilateral lacrimation occurs, which can be protracted.

Contraindications to the use of eye massage in newborns are infectious diseases and hydrops of the lacrimal sac (a complication of blockage of the lacrimal duct, removed by probing).


Lymphatic drainage facial massage for puffiness under the eyes helps improve the condition of sensitive skin and causes a number of positive effects:

  • helps relieve swelling;
  • improves metabolic processes in the delicate area;
  • helps normalize water-salt balance;
  • promotes cell and tissue regeneration;
  • helps fight eyelid ptosis;
  • relieves tension on the optic nerve;
  • strengthens turgor, restores elasticity;
  • promotes accommodation, restores visual acuity;
  • strengthens muscles, improves cell and vascular activity.
  • Helps eliminate crow's feet and facial wrinkles.

The technique is painless, effective, and has a positive effect not only for aesthetic correction, but also for therapeutic prevention. It is recommended to carry out procedures for women over 25 years of age to support and strengthen the skin.

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How often should I use it?

Each massage technique to improve vision takes no more than 10 minutes, and 2-3 sessions can be performed per day. If there are no contraindications, then you can practice daily. Morning procedures will help prepare the eye muscles for the upcoming work, evening procedures will help to relax and relieve tension.

If you practice regularly, the first results will be noticeable within 20-25 days.

Acupressure for the eyes is a useful, simple and affordable technique. It will not only improve vision, but also cope with fatigue and pain after a working day, eliminate dark circles under the eyes, and avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles. Classes can be held both in the morning and in the evening. To consolidate the effect of the sessions, after the massage it is recommended to lie down for a few minutes with your eyes closed and put a compress on your eyelids. You can make it from a cotton swab dipped in strong black tea or milk, a slice of fresh and cold cucumber or raw potato. You can also make compresses from a decoction of chamomile, linden, mint, birch or cornflowers. After the compress, apply a nourishing cream for the skin around the eyes.

Acupressure and shiatsu massage

This technique is based on influencing biologically active points that are responsible for the state of visual function. With acupressure you can:

  • reduce visual fatigue;
  • improve visual acuity;
  • normalize intraocular pressure;
  • reduce eye muscle tension.

Impact points are not only located in the eye area, they can be found throughout the head. Apply pressure to these points with your fingertips for one and a half minutes. Prolonged pressure is not recommended. To carry out the procedure, take a comfortable sitting position. Six points are stimulated, which are located:

  1. at the base of the skull there is a depression, it is easy to find - it is located 3 cm above the hairy part of the head;
  2. behind both ears along the edge of the head, under the hair;
  3. the place of articulation of the bones of the forehead and crown. Located 1.5 cm from the hairline;
  4. in the middle of the gap from the scalp to the center of the eyebrow on both sides;
  5. in the center of the forehead;
  6. at the midpoint of the right and left eyebrows.

Shiatsu massage is performed using the following exercises:

  1. Synchronously place the index, middle, and ring fingers along the upper part of the eye socket. Apply light pressure for 7 seconds without touching the eyeball. The same is done with the lower eyelid, applying downward pressure.
  2. Alternately for 7 seconds they affect the outer and inner corners of the eyes.
  3. The second exercise is performed separately for each eye for 7 seconds.
  4. For 10 seconds, press the eyelids of both eyes with the inside of your thumbs.
  5. For 7 seconds, squeeze the cheekbone or temples using three fingers.

Before performing acupressure, you should consult your doctor, as incorrect technique may impair visual function. It is not recommended to carry out this technique with low blood pressure and infectious eye lesions. Movements should be carried out easily, without strong squeezing.

Techniques and Techniques

Doctor Zhdanov's technique

Begin the massage from the central point on the forehead, which is located just above the junction of the eyebrows. Massage it for about 35 seconds with the tips of the thumb, index and middle fingers. After this, rub the area with your palm. Using the pads of your middle fingers, massage your eyebrows until a feeling of warmth appears. Then they move on to massaging the temples with the pads of their index fingers. Processing time: 53-45 seconds. After the temples, the under-eye cheekbones, the center of the bridge of the nose and the center of the area between the upper lip and nose are worked on.

Then they move on to kneading the neck. To do this, use two palms, and the kneading time is from 1 to 3 minutes. When the neck muscles are warmed up and the palms are warm, return to the eyes. Gently press the closed eyelids with your fingertips, then massage the eyelid with vibration movements, and the direction is from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The session is completed by massaging the entire surface of the eyelid with the pads of 4 fingers.

Classical technique

This technique is often prescribed for the treatment of myopia and other vision diseases. Begin the exercise by applying pressure with heated palms to your closed eyes. The pressure is increased gradually, and the number of repetitions is up to 6. Then the palms are clenched into a fist and the eyelids are rubbed for 30-50 seconds. Next, apply gentle pressure on the eyebrows with your fingers. The direction is from the inner edge to the outer. Massaging time is about 40 seconds.

After this, they begin to apply increased pressure on the lower part of the orbit. Move on to working on the outer and inner corners of the eyes, making careful circular movements clockwise. On the bridge of the nose, movements should be vibrational - this will free up the sinuses and increase blood flow. The penultimate exercise is a direct impact on the eyeballs. Using the pads of the index and middle fingers, press on the closed eyelids 12-17 times. Then make circular movements with the pads clockwise and counterclockwise. The session is completed by lightly pressing the inside of the hand on the closed eyelids.

Bates gymnastics

For gymnastics and exercises, the Bates system of eye exercises is often used. It is based on the fact that visual acuity is determined by 6 main muscles. The treatment method consists of relaxing and strengthening the muscle tissue responsible for focusing.

It is recommended to perform gymnastics in the morning and before breakfast, without glasses or contact lenses. The head should be motionless. The first exercise is to look up, then down, right and left. Repeat from 8 to 12 times. Make diagonal movements with your eyes from the upper right corner to the lower left and vice versa. The number of repetitions is 10-12. Then you need to draw a rectangle with your eyes, blink quickly several times and repeat the exercise. The next figure is a bow. Start it diagonally from the upper left corner. After the bow, they draw a figure eight with their eyes. Between each exercise, give your eyes a rest for 2-3 seconds. They complete the gymnastics by moving their gaze clockwise. Repeat up to 8 times, and blink quickly in the interval.

Bates massage

It is more convenient to perform a massage using the Bates method from a sitting position. It begins by massaging the forehead with the index, middle and ring fingers. Direction of movements clockwise and counterclockwise. Next, the index finger is placed at the bridge of the nose at the starting point, the middle finger in the middle, and the ring finger between the eyebrows. Apply simultaneous pressure and light massaging for 15-20 seconds.

The next exercise is to move your fingers to the temples and massage from the temporal region to the corners of the cheekbones under the eye sockets. The wings of the nose are worked only with the index fingers, and the bridge of the nose with the middle fingers. Then they move on to the ears. First you need to lightly press on the tragus, and then the entire surface of the ears is massaged.

Next they move on to working on the neck. This is needed to get rid of muscle tension, blocks and to improve blood flow. It is necessary to work on its back surface: start with intense stroking down from the hairline. Then - increased pressure with the edge of the palm and thumb.

After massaging the neck, proceed to massaging the eyes. With two fingers, lightly press on the closed eyelids and perform massage movements. Do 4 repetitions, each lasting 5 seconds. In the same way, massage the lower eyelids, outer and inner corners of the eyes.

The last exercise is to look for deformed and vulnerable spots on the eyeball (astigmatic points). To do this, look at any piece of furniture in the room. Watch without blinking for 15-20 seconds. Then close the eyes and gently press on the eyelid with your fingers. They do this until the outline of the selected object becomes clear. Eyes open and blink rapidly for 20 seconds to relieve tension. You need to repeat the exercise 2-3 times a day.

Qigong technique

In Eastern medicine for rejuvenation and longevity, any technique begins with relaxation and deep breathing. The massage is performed in calm conditions: the light should be dim, the room should be quiet and not hot. The best time is before bed. Before the session, hands are rubbed against each other until a feeling of pleasant warmth appears.

The first exercise is pressing with your fingertips on closed eyelids. Repeat 8-10 times. The pressure force is chosen as high as possible, but there should be no sensation of pain. Then, using the pads of only the index fingers, make 8 presses on:

  • The corners of the eyes at the bridge of the nose;
  • Points at the beginning of the eyebrows, in the middle and at the end;
  • Outer corners of the eyes;
  • The central point under the eye sockets;
  • The central point on the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.

Next, perform 8 pinches from the center of the eyebrow to its outer edge. The massage practice ends with eye exercises. It is better to do it in semi-darkness, and to prevent the development of vision disease, gymnastics must be repeated daily.

The first 3 exercises are repeated 18 times:

  • Rotate your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • Movement of the gaze in a straight line to the right and left;
  • Movement of the gaze up and down.

After this, the gaze should be focused on the tip of the index finger, which is located 25-27 cm from the bridge of the nose. The gaze is moved behind the finger, held for a few seconds, and focused on the finger. The entire cycle is repeated 36 times.


Since lymphatic drainage massage allows you to influence the deep layers of subcutaneous tissue, the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  1. Not recommended for girls under 16 years of age.
  2. If rhinoplasty has been performed, massage is not performed for 1 month after surgery.
  3. Contraindicated for people with diseases of the lymphatic system.
  4. High blood pressure, infections, colds and ENT diseases, open wounds on the face.
  5. In some cases, it is not recommended to perform it during menstruation.

Also, if you have serious vision problems, you should refrain from conducting sessions. In such cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Contraindications to the use of eyeball massage

Even such a seemingly simple and safe procedure has contraindications that should not be ignored.

  • during the rehabilitation period after ophthalmological operations;
  • in the presence of purulent processes, inflammation;
  • for injuries to the organ of vision, manifestations;
  • with a high degree of myopia, some types;
  • for malignant tumors.

In addition, the procedure is contraindicated for persons suffering from tuberculosis, increased nervous excitability, hypertension, hyperthermia and some other diseases.

Types of massage techniques

Effective lymphatic drainage facial massage can be performed in several ways. There are several basic techniques that will help get rid of puffiness under the eyes, restore elasticity, get rid of jowls and ptosis of the eyelids.

Based on the level of impact on tissue, there are:

  • Superficial massage . The technique allows you to actively influence superficial tissues and blood vessels. Allows you to relieve spasms and enhance lymph flow. During the session, circular movements are performed with the fingertips. The manipulations apply light pressure to the internal tissues.
  • Deep . The effect is aimed at stimulating the deep layers of tissue, dilating blood vessels, and normalizing blood circulation. The pressure on the treated area is more intense. Specialists rarely use this type of massage for facial areas, more often for the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.
  • Projection (microcurrent) . An effective technique that allows you to actively work on the lymph node areas. Muscle contraction occurs, the outer part of the epidermis is stimulated, but the impulses penetrate deep into the dermis. Indicated mainly for women over 40 years old, it helps get rid of wrinkles, pigmentation, and activate regenerative processes in holes and tissues.
  • Japanese technology . The massage is performed not with the fingertips, but with the entire palm. This technique allows you to influence the skin and deep tissues, which promotes effective rejuvenation and detoxification. Can be done manually at home.

Massage at home

Lymph stagnation can be eliminated through exercise and allergen elimination. One massage without finding out the cause, of course, will help remove fluid from overloaded lymph flows, but the result will not be long-lasting.

Interesting fact: the movement of lymphatic fluid occurs due to facial expressions and gravity. For example, astronauts often experience swelling in their facial area while they are in orbit. All due to the lack of gravity.

The skin under the eyes is very delicate, so direct massage can only do harm. As an exception, this area can only be massaged for:

  • removing puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • lower eyelid lifts.

When starting a lymphatic drainage massage at home, you need to moisturize the facial area, and immediately before the procedure, squeeze the lower eyelid. Stimulates lymph nodes and light touch. After it, you can see a decrease in puffiness and blueness under the eyes.

Technique for performing eyeball massage

Massage relieves irritation Eyeball massage can be performed either independently or by a specialist. Professional massage is used to treat various pathologies of the visual system: glaucoma, scleritis, etc.

But most often self-massage is used to relieve eye strain. Let's take a closer look at the procedure for each type of massage.


Before starting the procedure you must:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  2. Find a comfortable position that allows you to relax as much as possible.
  3. Warm up the palms of your hands. To do this, you need to rub them against each other for 50 seconds.

First of all, you should perform preparatory exercises. To do this, use warmed palms to close your eyes for a couple of seconds. In this case, it is important that the inner surface of the palms touches the closed eyelids. The exercise is performed 6-8 times.

Then you need to clench your hands into fists and gently rub your eyeball with them, avoiding too much pressure. After the preparatory work has been completed, they proceed to the actual massage of the eyeballs, which is performed in stages using the fingertips.

It is recommended to spend at least two minutes on each stage:

  • Stage 1. Massage of the brow ridge. Performed in a circular motion. When identifying painful points, it is necessary to massage each of them for at least forty seconds.
  • Stage 2. Massage of the lower area of ​​the eye socket. Massage movements should be performed with light pressure.
  • Stage 3. Massage the inner and outer corners of the eyes.
  • Stage 4. Massage of the bridge of the nose. The movements must be performed towards the beginning of the bridge of the nose. Particular attention should be paid to the nasal arch, which contains the lacrimal canal.
  • Stage 5. Massage of the nasal sinuses, located below the visual organs. To achieve better results, you need to use your fingertips to feel the depressions in the lower area of ​​the eye socket and massage them thoroughly, pressing lightly. These depressions are considered biologically active points. Massaging these points can improve the overall tone of the body.
  • Stage 6. You should close your eyes and lightly press on the eyeballs with your fingertips. Then release the pressure.

The exercise must be repeated 8-10 times. The final stage is to perform the first exercise performed in preparation for the massage: with warmed palms we touch the eyeballs.

How to choose cosmetics for massage

Before performing lymphatic drainage facial massage for puffiness under the eyes, you should choose a base product. The area around the eyes is the thinnest and most delicate. This is due to the fact that the skin naturally contains less elastin and collagen, is constantly in motion and tension, and is more susceptible to photoaging, swelling and gravitational changes.

When choosing a cosmetic product for massage, it is important to take into account individual characteristics, age, tendency to allergic reactions, and also know that the Ph value of the skin around the eyes differs from the Ph value of the skin of the face.

For effective lymphatic drainage, you need to choose a product that will contain a larger amount of emollient substances, as well as:

  • hyaluronic acid for sufficient hydration;
  • peptides to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin;
  • ceramides, lipids to create an epidermal barrier;
  • retinol to activate metabolism and regenerative processes in cells;
  • antioxidants for effective protection against negative environmental influences;
  • cornflower blue water to eliminate puffiness, dark circles, redness and eye strain;
  • caffeine to contract blood vessels and eliminate swelling;
  • vitamins A, E, K and C for smoothing wrinkles, nourishing and brightening.

For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to use gels with extracts of green tea, aloe, chamomile, calendula, as well as essential oils of rosemary, lavender, geranium, lemon and juniper.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is performed with essential oils, which are selected according to skin type.

Gels are better absorbed, providing a powerful tonic and calming effect. For aging skin, it is recommended to use oils with antiage properties as a base - avocado, olive oil, natural coconut, jojoba, and grape seed oils.

Effect of eye massage

Regular acupressure of the eyes can prevent vision deterioration and restore its sharpness. It is painless, easy to perform and does not take much time. If there are no contraindications, it can be performed at home, combined with traditional methods of treatment or as a preventive technique.

Acupressure or acupressure is a traditional Eastern method of treating disease, based on influencing certain points on the body. Massage sessions in combination with special gymnastics lead to improved vision, a relaxing and tonic effect, and a reduction in the symptoms of many diseases.

The additional effect of the procedure is to improve the trophism of tissues and the muscular layer of the eyeball, activate the production of collagen and elastin, detoxify the skin, eliminate swelling and dark circles.

Preparation for the procedure

To make the massage session more effective, you need to prepare for the procedure:

  1. Gather your hair with an elastic band or hide it under a cap. Perform make-up removal, cleanse the skin of impurities using tonic, foam or lotion. It is recommended to use products based on cornflower blue water, which helps soften the skin.
  2. Steam the skin a little. To do this, you can use herbal baths for no more than 5 minutes.
  3. It is useful to perform fruit peeling before the lymphatic drainage procedure, as well as using a weak concentrate of lactic or glycolic acid.
  4. Apply a massage base (nourishing cream, gel, serum, oil) to the delicate area.
  5. Use gentle circular movements to slightly warm up the skin using your palms. Skin warmed up before the session becomes more elastic, absorbs cosmetics better, and is less susceptible to injury.

After simple preparatory activities, you can proceed directly to the session.

Rules for hand massage

To strengthen the delicate skin of the eyelids and the area under the eyes, to rid it of swelling, it is not necessary to visit a beauty salon. Lymphatic drainage facial massage can be performed independently; the session is performed with both hands simultaneously on both eyes.

Step-by-step procedure algorithm:

  1. The skin is cleansed and prepared for the procedure. A basic massage product (serum, gel, oil, cream) is applied.
  2. Let's start performing massage movements. Gently, using your index and middle fingers, moving clockwise, perform 10 circular movements in the outer corners.
  3. Using your fingertips, manipulations are performed with slight pressure on the delicate skin of the eyelids, moving from the temples to the tip of the nose. It is important to avoid excessive skin displacement during the process. The manipulations are repeated 3 times, first for the lower and then for the upper eyelids.
  4. With your fingers vertical, lightly press on the lower eyelids, then repeat on the upper eyelids. Lightly touching and shaking your fingers, you need to walk along the “path”, moving from the temple area to the nose along the lower eyelids. Repeat the algorithm, changing direction in the opposite direction.
  5. The middle finger is positioned edgewise near the outer corner. It rolls like a roller onto the opposite edge. The movement is repeated 5 times. Then the finger is transferred to the sub-eyebrow area, the algorithm is repeated, let’s change the direction in the opposite direction.
  6. 10 presses are performed at the outer corners, the finger is rolled similarly to the previous exercise, moving along the bone to the inner corners. Then we repeat 10 presses at the inner corner in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, and again roller movements with the finger above the eyelid, heading towards the temple. Perform 10 repetitions, pressing on the corners each time.
  7. Stocatto exercise. Using light tapping movements for 5-7 seconds, you need to walk in a circle, from the temples to the tip of the nose and vice versa.
  8. Using light pressure, the orbicularis muscle area is treated, covering the cheekbone area, as well as the superciliary area. The algorithm is performed along a trajectory from the outer corner in the cheekbone area to the tip of the nose.
  9. The algorithm is repeated along the same lines, but with light hammering movements.
  10. The manual lymphatic drainage massage ends with a contrast rinse of the face, starting and ending with cool water.

All movements are performed strictly along the lines of lymph flow. If the product has been absorbed during the procedure and the session has not yet been completed, it is necessary to reapply the oil or gel to the skin to prevent injury and excessive stretching.

↑ Self-massage of the neck

Self-massage of the neck

also consists in performing a certain sequence of classical massage techniques.

Reception 1.

Stroking the back of the neck. The fingers of both hands are brought together in one plane and the hands are placed on the back of the head so that the index and middle fingers touch. Stroking without moving the skin at the same time with both hands in the direction only from the back of the head down, then on the side surfaces of the neck and stop at the collarbones.

Reception 2.

Alternately stroking the side and front surfaces of the neck. The fingers are in the same position, but place your right hand in the back of the head near the left ear, and the left hand near the right ear and move them alternately. The hand begins to move from the opposite ear diagonally to the side of the neck on its side.

In the area of ​​the angle of the lower jaw, move the thumb of each hand so that it clasps the neck on the other side. Continue the movement to the collarbones (Fig. 4).

Rice. 14. Self-massage of the neck: technique 2.

Reception 3.

Forceps-like stroking of the sternocleidomastoid muscles. These neck muscles are paired (right and left) and are located superficially. Each sternocleidomastoid muscle originates from the inner edge of the clavicle and runs diagonally towards the angle of the lower jaw on the corresponding side, and then attaches to the bony process of the skull behind the ear.

These muscles are clearly visible when you tense your neck and slightly turn your head to the side. When performing the technique, each muscle is grabbed with three fingers of the hand, as if in a pinch, when the thumb is located on one side of the muscle, on its inner edge, closer to the midline of the body, and the index and middle fingers are on the opposite side. Stroking should be done from top to bottom along the entire length of the muscle, from the bony process of the skull to the collarbone (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Self-massage of the neck: technique 3.

Reception 4.

Forceps-like kneading of the sternocleidomastoid muscles. Leave your fingers in the same position and make kneading movements with them in the same direction. Complete the complex with stroking.

How to do an eye massage for myopia yourself

To perform a self-massage you need:

  1. First of all, prepare your hands, wash them diligently and then warm them. To do this, rub them intensively for 30-40 seconds, improving blood circulation.
  2. Next, you need to take a comfortable position, sitting or standing. It is better to bend your head to your chest.
  3. The eyebrows and areas above the eyes are massaged a little more intensely. Then press on the point on the outer edge of the eye for 20 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times.

Palming and massage Do simple exercises:

  1. The procedure itself should begin with palming. Palming is a special exercise for the visual organs. The essence of the exercise is that you cover your eyes with your palms, without pressing, and relax your facial muscles. Sit in this position for 1-2 minutes, then repeat the exercise a few more times. During the exercise, a person should not experience any discomfort; there should only be a feeling of relaxation.
  2. The next exercise is carried out according to the same scheme, only slight pressure is applied to the eyeball. Repeat 5-7 times. It is necessary to monitor the pressure applied; there should be no pain.
  3. They clench their hands into fists and rub their organs of vision with them. Rubbing should be light and not painful.
  4. Using the middle and index fingers, massage both eyeballs simultaneously. It is necessary to observe the correct movements: the lower edge is massaged towards the nose, the upper edge - along the superciliary part.
  5. Cover both eyes and stroke them with the back of the middle phalanx of the thumb with light pressure. The exercise is repeated 20 times. The movement is directed from the bridge of the nose to the temple.
  6. The procedure is completed with 5-minute palming.

To improve vision, you need 10-15 minutes a day for self-massage.

Main requirements and rules for performing eye massage

High-quality and effective massage to improve vision is carried out taking into account several important requirements and recommendations:

  • Do not make sudden movements or press hard on the eyeball;
  • Movements should be light massaging, vibrating, kneading;
  • Stroking with light pressure is allowed;
  • Before starting the massage, you should clean the skin of your eyelids and face from dirt, and also wash and warm your hands well.

Massaging the eyes with cold hands is not allowed. Such exposure will cause more harm than good:

  1. If painful sensations appear, you should stop the massage;
  2. Movements should be rubbing and massaging, not damaging the skin of the eyes and not causing pain.

You should find out how to do eye massage from your doctor. The doctor will not only suggest an effective method, but will also give personal recommendations after examining the patient and diagnosing his condition.

Methods of hardware massage

Hardware lymphatic drainage facial massage for puffiness under the eyes is performed either in combination with manual procedures or as an independent procedure. There are several hardware massage techniques that are actively used to combat swelling under the eyes, dark circles, signs of fatigue and aging skin.

The following types of hardware massage can be used to stimulate the tender area:

  • Microcurrent . The device delivers weak electrical impulses that penetrate the deep layers of the dermis and enhance muscle contraction. The technique allows you to effectively fight wrinkles by activating regenerative processes.
  • Vacuum . Hardware stimulation occurs through small jar attachments. The effect on the lymph flow is created by slight pressure on the same areas of the skin with the help of blood vessels. It is not advisable to use this technique at home, since insufficient professional training can lead to injury to a sensitive and tender area.
  • Galvanic . The epidermis is exposed to a low voltage current. This stimulates metabolic processes and helps rid cells and tissues of excess fluid as quickly as possible.
  • Electroiontophoresis . Electrodes are fixed on the face to stimulate the outer part of the epidermis. The device creates current parameters that allow more efficient absorption of beneficial substances applied to the surface of the epidermis. Simultaneously with the introduction of useful elements inside, the device allows you to effectively remove toxins and metabolic products through the pores.

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Action and indications

Eyeball massage

It is used not only to relieve fatigue and relaxation.

  1. Various methods of the procedure are actively used to prevent ophthalmological pathologies, improve vision in myopia, farsightedness and prevent the occurrence of these disorders.
  2. The massage technique for vision stimulates metabolic processes and blood circulation of the visual apparatus, eliminates.
  3. Acupressure helps to drain lymph and eliminate congestion.
  4. Regular procedures help strengthen the eye muscles, which helps improve visual functions and better concentration on certain objects.

Most ophthalmologists allow you to do eye massage yourself to improve vision.

Main contraindications

Massage for vision has exceptional benefits, but in some cases it can cause harm to the body.

  1. Violations of the integrity of the skin in the affected area.
  2. Hyperthermia due to colds and viral diseases.
  3. Dermatological problems affecting the eye area.
  4. The patient has a tendency to bleed.
  5. Malignant and benign neoplasms.
  6. Nervous disorders and emotional fatigue, mental illness.
  7. Severe degrees of arterial hypertension.
  8. The presence of purulent foci of infection, open tuberculosis.
  9. Fragility of blood vessels in the eye area.
  10. Traumatic injuries, ulcerations of the cornea.

In severe stages of myopia and glaucoma, it is also not recommended to use massage techniques.

Purpose of massage procedures in ophthalmology

Massage in ophthalmology
In the previous paragraph of the article, it was noted that in ophthalmology there are 4 types of massage. As a rule, they are used as a single complex, paying special attention to vibration procedures.

Any type of massage can be implemented both by hardware (through the use of specialized devices) and by direct exposure of the patient’s eyes with hands.

The appointment of a specific type of procedure is carried out exclusively by the treating ophthalmologist, who is familiar with all the features of the case of a particular patient.

Massage procedures in ophthalmology are prescribed for multidisciplinary purposes - from therapeutic to preventive purposes. Often their use is associated with the need to:

  • relieving swelling and inflammation of eye tissues;
  • reducing intraocular pressure in glaucoma;
  • restoration of the tone of the muscle structures of the eyeballs after operations on them;
  • treatment of chronic eye pathologies;
  • accelerating the treatment of acute forms of ophthalmic diseases.

In general, the list of pathologies for which massage will be really useful is quite large - from minor keratitis to paralysis and paresis of the eye muscles.

However, in some cases, massage procedures will only be harmful. Thus, their implementation is prohibited when:

  1. purulent processes in the eyeballs and their appendages;
  2. perforated eye wounds;
  3. suspected or high risk of intraocular hemorrhage;
  4. corneal ulcers;
  5. severe myopia;
  6. acute glaucoma;
  7. the presence of malignant neoplasms in the ocular system.

Considering the considerable list of contraindications for massage, it is better not to prescribe it on your own. It is much more rational to entrust this to professionals.

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