Magic recipe for improving vision

Ophthalmological studies show that eye diseases, provoked by various factors, including inflammatory or degenerative lesions, appear at least once in every second person. To reduce the risk of complications, you need to go to a doctor who will help diagnose the cause of the disease and also prescribe therapy. Aloe eye drops are considered one of the effective remedies, helping to eliminate many diseases of the visual organs. They can be prepared at home or purchased ready-made at the pharmacy.

Plant composition

Aloe juice has medicinal properties; chronic eye diseases are treated with it. Regular use improves visual acuity, eliminates swelling and relieves inflammation. Aloe extract is rich in:

  • beta-carotene;
  • B vitamins;
  • choline;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin A;
  • magnesium;
  • chrome;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • calcium

The interaction of these components improves metabolism in the lens, protects it from clouding, which prevents the appearance of cataracts. Aloe juice is an excellent alternative to ophthalmic products. It is dropped into the eyes, lotions and compresses are made from it, and used as an ointment. For example, for conjunctivitis, aloe drops are used for the eyes. An extract or solution that is diluted with water is suitable.

The plant is used for the delicate skin around the eyes. It provides gentle care for the skin. Cosmetologists use the plant to lengthen eyelashes. To do this, the juice is mixed with vegetable oil.

What is needed to improve vision

If you want to work on your visual acuity on your own, it is recommended to give up bad habits, get more rest and protect yourself from stressful situations. It is necessary to eat foods that have a positive effect on vision and contain a sufficient amount of useful elements.

Simple eye exercises, which can be done during breaks between work or study, have a beneficial effect. There are many folk remedies for vision that you can turn to to solve the problem. Ingredients such as green tea, ginger, carrots, etc. have proven themselves well for preparing drops, compresses and oral administration.

Vitamins and microelements for good vision

ElementBenefitWhere is
AnthocyaninsStrengthen blood vessels and improve their permeability, protect membranes from damageDark berries, cherry
TaurineParticipates in photosignal conduction, regenerates tissuesSeafood, pork, beef, chicken, eggs, milk
Vitamin AStrengthens the retina, helps to correctly perceive information, protects against infectionsShrimp, salmon, spinach, carrots, tomatoes
Vitamin CNormalizes the removal of eye fluid, increases the elasticity of blood vesselsCitrus fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn, sweet peppers, strawberries
Vitamin EPrevents exposure to UV rays, slows down age-related changesPeas, parsley, vegetable oil, wheat germ
ZincNourishes the lens and protects against agingCocoa, peanuts, beef, pumpkin seeds
Omega-3Moisturizes the cornea, prevents cataractsSea fish, seeds, nuts, flaxseed oil
CopperProtects against inflammation, participates in collagen bindingAvocado, nuts, seafood, fish
B vitamins
Thiamine (B1)Improves the conduction of nerve impulsesOatmeal, millet, buckwheat, peas, beans, liver
Riboflavin (B2)Provides glutathione supply, prevents conjunctivitisEggs, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, brewer's yeast
Pyridoxine (B6)Protects the optic nervePotatoes, bananas, chicken, fish, buckwheat, pearl barley
Cyanocobalamin (B12)Prevention of glaucoma, improvement of vascular conditionFermented milk products, heart, kidneys, eggs, fish

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Aloe eye drops are used because of:

  • delivery of oxygen to skin cells;
  • increasing the strength and elasticity of the skin;
  • participation in the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin;
  • tonic effect.

The plant eliminates dryness and flaking of the skin. It is used to treat sunburns and scratches. If you look at the composition of cosmetics for tanning, wrinkles, bags, redness and bruises, most of them include aloe vera.

Aloe eye drops are effective in treating many ailments. This is due to the fact that the plant has the following properties:

  1. Antibacterial. Possible use for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, fungal diseases.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Because of this, the product is used in the treatment of skin diseases and internal ailments.
  3. Healing. Treatment of ulcers and burns is performed.
  4. Eliminate irritation. Therefore, the plant is effective for dermatitis and allergies.

In cosmetology, aloe is used to restore problem skin, treat acne and rashes. Agave has a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Therapeutic properties of agave

Tree aloe is a medicinal plant with strong therapeutic properties. Means based on it in the fight against eye diseases are used by both official and traditional medicine. This indoor plant is found in almost every home. The gel-like substance and juice of its leaves have healing properties. Their chemical composition includes:

  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • anthraglycosides;
  • amino acids;
  • ester compounds;
  • vitamins: the entire series of group B, tocopherol, ascorbic acid;
  • iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, cobalt and other minerals;
  • polysaccharides.

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The combination of biogenic compounds of agave provides, depending on the method of application, a local and systemic therapeutic effect. The substances have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, restorative, wound-healing effects, accelerate tissue regeneration, bind toxins, and strengthen immune defense.

Aloe for the eyes is used in the treatment of diseases such as initial myopia, vitreous opacities, inflammation of the blood vessels of the eyes, optic nerve atrophy, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, and pathologies of the iris.

For therapy, pharmacological agents and those prepared at home are used.


Eye drops with aloe according to Fedorov have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. It contains active substances that treat various eye ailments. The product protects against the appearance of conjunctivitis, myopia, farsightedness, cataracts, glaucoma and other ailments. The drug cannot be used if you are hypersensitive to the components.

This product contains honey and aloe. Eye drops contain silver, as well as other components with antioxidant effects. These substances enhance the therapeutic properties of the active substances, accelerating recovery.

Aloe extract drops for eyes consist of the following components:

  1. Water with silver ions. Demineralized water has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It provides hydration, restoration and rejuvenation of damaged tissues.
  2. Honey is valued for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Allows you to saturate the eyeball with nutritional components. Honey restores the damaged structure of the eyeball.
  3. Adenosine is a component that accelerates recovery. With the help of the component, microcirculation and metabolism improves. Adenosine relieves swelling.
  4. Vitamin B is known for its antioxidant effect and improving retinal function.
  5. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It also improves tissue nutrition and reduces the risk of hemorrhages.
  6. Benzalkonium can enhance the antiviral antiseptic effect.

The extract can improve eye condition if used correctly. It is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

Benefits of aloe juice, indications for use

With the help of aloe juice, you can treat chronic eye diseases, increase visual acuity (from 0.5 to 1), eliminate swelling, as well as inflammatory processes occurring in the mucous membranes of the eyes. It contains many vitamins that have a beneficial effect on visual function, normalizing metabolic processes in the lens, reducing the risk of clouding.

Agave juice is used to prevent cataracts, and also as an alternative treatment for eye diseases instead of existing chemical drugs in pharmacies. You can instill it into the eye area, use ointment, make compresses, lotions. Patients suffering from conjunctivitis are recommended to wash their eyes with freshly squeezed juice (extract or composition diluted with water).

Eye drops with aloe extract are indicated in the following cases:

  • with clouding of the lens;
  • myopia;
  • cataracts;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the eyelid or iris;
  • conjunctivitis.

When is it used?

Before starting treatment, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for using eye drops according to Fedorov. Aloe extract is used for:

  • chorioretinitis;
  • myopia;
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • dystrophic changes in the retina;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • irite;
  • glaucoma;
  • long periods of work at the computer;
  • injuries;
  • infectious eye diseases;
  • cataracts;
  • prevention.

Depending on the disease and the degree of damage, the drops are used for 4-6 weeks. The dose is 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. If the drug is used by people who work at the computer for a long time, then treatment can last up to 2 months. You can buy aloe drops for the eyes at the pharmacy.

Injections with liquid aloe

The extract for injection is a clear liquid that may contain a yellow or brownish-red precipitate. Once opened, a pleasant fruity smell should appear. The substance is sold in 1 ml ampoules.


Effective use for rapid restoration and regeneration of tissues, especially after operations, for the speedy healing of trophic ulcers. The product also helps eliminate inflammatory processes in the body, including a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria).

Inject carefully, as injections are painful. You are allowed to take a painkiller before the injection. The dosage is usually prescribed by the attending physician depending on the degree and nature of the disease. The daily dose to increase the body's protective function is 1 ml per day. In other cases, up to 4 ampoules per day are allowed.

For children aged 3 to 5 years, the dosage should not exceed 0.3 ml, over 5 years - 1/2 of the ampoule. Pediatricians recommend not to self-medicate and to consult before use.

The course of treatment should not exceed 50 days. If necessary, subcutaneous injections can be repeated after 2-3 months.


This type is placed in the thigh or buttock. It is especially valuable for use in diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

For the treatment of tuberculosis and pneumonia, the drug is initially prescribed in a small dosage - 0.2 ml. After examination by a doctor and depending on the degree of the disease, the dosage is increased. They give injections until complete recovery.

To relieve bronchospasms, the prescription is as follows: from 11 to 16 days, from 1 to 1.5 ml per day (depending on the patient’s condition), after the injection it is carried out 1 time with the same dosage, but once every 2 days. Reception time varies from 30 to 45 days.

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Drops and lotions

According to reviews, you can prepare aloe drops for eyes yourself. For this, the lower leaves of a 3-year-old plant are used. To obtain juice, the cut leaf is placed in the refrigerator. Then the thorns are cut off, ground and filtered.

If the following are recipes for the treatment of various ailments:

  1. Cataract. Fresh juice is mixed with mummy heated to a liquid state (1:1). The mixture is instilled 2 drops 2 times a day. Before use, the product is kept in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Lotions are also prepared. The juice and water are diluted in a ratio of 1:10. The prepared solution helps to wash the eyes.
  2. Conjunctivitis. The leaf is ground until it becomes mushy. The finished mass is filled with water and brought to a boil. When the mixture has been filtered, it is applied to a swab and wiped over the skin around the eyes.
  3. Barley. In the treatment of the disease, an aloe tincture made from water is used. Crushed aloe leaf should be diluted with cool water, left overnight, and then filtered. The product is used until recovery.

Important nuances

To preserve beauty, it is better to apply the plant juice before bed. In the morning you can see the result. The main thing is to do the procedure regularly. Only then will the effect be noticeable.

The juice of the flower is easily and simply mixed with any cream in a 1:1 ratio. When applying the product, lightly tap the area around the eyes with your fingers.

Aloe juice is a godsend for the skin, especially when there are bruises under the eyes. They may disappear completely with continued use of the following remedy. Scroll the cut leaf of the plant through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting pulp with Vaseline.

At night, lotions based on agave, beet and celandine juice will work well. The first two components are taken in equal quantities. A few drops of celandine juice are added to them.

A course of masks based on agave juice is made for six months. The shortest period is three weeks. Afterwards you should take a break for about two weeks.

For the skin around the eyes

Not only aloe vera eye drops are used. Products for the skin around the eyes are also effective. Aloe is added to ready-made creams, lotions, masks and tonics.

The mask is prepared from:

  • aloe juice;
  • fresh honey;
  • egg yolk.

All components are mixed in equal quantities. The mass is stirred until smooth. The mask is applied to the skin near the eyes for 15 minutes. Then it is carefully washed off.

They also prepare a remedy for crow's feet and fine wrinkles. This requires having:

  • aloe juice;
  • pure and rose water;
  • honey;
  • visceral fat.

They need to be taken in equal quantities. All components, except fat, must be placed in a water bath. After removal, interior fat is added and mixed thoroughly. The mask is stored in a jar with a lid in the refrigerator.

When to use?

Aloe and honey are used to make medicinal eye drops, as well as various lotions, compresses and ointments. Doctors and traditional therapists use this composition to treat the following diseases:

  • cataract;
  • cataract;
  • retinal damage;
  • inflammation of the eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis.

Drops based on honey and aloe can be used to prevent eye diseases and improve vision in diabetes mellitus.

Important! Before using eye drops with aloe and other potent ingredients in the composition, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions.

Homemade drops

You can prepare the drops yourself at home. But to avoid complications and infections, you need to follow the rules of sterility. The cut aloe leaf is washed under hot water. Experts advise using the leaves for 3 years, since during this time they accumulate nutrients valuable for the eyes.

For the mask, use sterile gauze and a container. To wipe the eye, you need to take a sterile swab. Drops are instilled for cataracts, myopia, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids, and iris. For eye diseases, a remedy made from honey and aloe is effective:

  1. Honey is mixed with juice in equal quantities, and then poured with boiled water (the same amount). The finished mass is infused for a week in the refrigerator and then used in the form of eye drops.
  2. For cataracts 1 tbsp. l. juice and honey pour boiled water (100 ml). The product is shaken and left for 30 minutes. You should take 1 drop before going to bed.
  3. For glaucoma, prepare a honey solution: mix honey (1 tbsp), aloe (30 ml), cool water (1 glass). For a month, wash your eyes with the medicine 2 times a day.

You need to choose your honey carefully. It's better not to buy it in the supermarket. It is important that the product is of high quality and natural. Honey is chosen transparent and without impurities.

Recipes for making drops

In alternative medicine, aloe vera, recipes using which help with various diseases, is also used for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases.
The preparation is simple; the main thing is to follow the technology. Firstly, to prepare aloe drops for the eyes, you need to take leaves of only a two-year-old plant, older if possible. Young agave is less useful.

Secondly, the leaves are kept in the refrigerator for 1.5 weeks before preparing the medicine. After the exposure period has expired, the plant is taken out of the cold and the thorns are removed. Then the leaves are cut and the juice is squeezed out of the fleshy part. In its pure form, the juice is used in rare cases. More often it is combined with water or other components of natural origin (mumiyo, honey).

Thirdly, when extracting juice and making medicine, use sterile materials and utensils.

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare eye drops at home using a medicinal plant from the windowsill:

  1. To make eye drops with mumiyo, you will need agave juice (100 ml) and mumiyo the size of a grain of wheat. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. This product can be used in the treatment and prevention of cataracts; it contains vitamin E and active components of natural origin.
  2. Combine the juice of the aloe plant with honey in equal proportions and mix. The drops are ready. The resulting product can be used as a lotion and even an ointment if you add more honey.
  3. Take an apple, preferably green, sweet and sour. Cut off the top part, make a hole, put honey (1 tablespoon) in it, preferably flower or linden. Add fresh plant juice (15 ml) to the same hole. Place the apple in a dark place for 3 days. When the cavity in the apple is filled with juice, drain the liquid into a container convenient for storage. Store in the refrigerator. Use as drops.
  4. Combine cooled boiled water with aloe juice and honey. Take 1 tbsp of each component. l. Refrigerate for a week. Use to improve vision.
  5. Grind 3 large leaves of the plant, then pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave the container in the cold for a day. Filter, combine with 30 g of honey. Use as lotions and drops.

For blepharitis and stye

To treat blepharitis, it is necessary to squeeze the juice from the aloe pulp. It is mixed with water in an amount of 1:10. The solution is suitable for drops and lotions. Treatment lasts until the inflammation is eliminated.

If barley appears, then aloe (several leaves) is crushed and then poured with boiled water. Leave for an hour, filter, apply in the form of drops or lotions. The procedures are performed every day until you feel better.

To improve vision

Aloe and agave can not only treat eye diseases, but also improve vision. For myopia or other pathology with impaired vision, aloe juice is used with honey in the form of drops. The leaf of the plant must be crushed and kept in the cold with 20 g of honey.

The finished transparent liquid is poured into a glass bottle. The product can be stored for no more than 5 days. Used in the form of drops. You should consult your doctor regarding dosage.

Aloe for vision with myopia is often used. This is due to the fact that it contains active substances. Drops improve vision in a short time and do not cause harm.

How to use aloe to get the desired effect

There are many different recipes that tell you exactly how to treat certain eye diseases. The most universal way is to make a special infusion, which will then be used to wash the eyes. To prepare it, you need to wash the leaves, chop them, removing the thorns, pour boiling water over them and leave covered for three to four hours. Then the liquid must be filtered. The resulting infusion can then be used as needed.

For dryness

For dry eye syndrome, you can use a drug from the pharmacy. These can be drops or ampoules. But you can make the product yourself. To do this, warm water (50 ml) is mixed with honey (1 tsp) and aloe juice (5 ml). Therapy lasts 1.5 weeks.

Aloe is a plant that has a positive effect on the organs of vision. Drops made at home can eliminate eye diseases if used as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. But natural remedies should not be abused. The effect of treatment depends on a correct diagnosis, identification and elimination of the causes of the disease, and proper treatment, and this can only be done by an ophthalmologist.

Aloe extract according to Fedorov

ALOE EXTRACT ACCORDING TO FEDOROV - developed by leading scientific institutes and practicing specialists in the field of ophthalmology, who managed to combine the knowledge of traditional medicine with the latest scientific technologies. The “extract” is widely known not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. Thanks to its unique composition and exclusively natural ingredients, “Aloe extract according to Fedorov” has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal properties. Helps counteract the main symptoms of poor vision and eye diseases, such as dryness and fatigue of the eyes during intense exercise, tearing, itching, blurred vision, glaucoma and cataracts. Its effectiveness is achieved mainly due to its effect on the metabolic process in the eye cells, saturating them with nutrients, strengthening blood vessels and moisturizing the membrane.

The group began cooperation with, which, as a result of negotiations with the State Institute of Eye Diseases named after. Helmholtz in Cheboksary, received permission to use the unique composition of “Aloe Extract according to S. Fedorov”, developed on the basis of silver, honey and aloe vera extract, made according to S. Fedorov’s original method. The natural composition is enriched with antioxidants, vitamins and energy substances.

This is important to know!

Today, in the field of ophthalmology, there are several dozen eye diseases, most of which manifest themselves with almost the same symptoms, such as:

  • tearfulness;
  • redness or dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • photophobia;
  • itching;
  • blurred vision.

The worst thing about eye disease is decreased visual acuity. There are many reasons why this problem may arise. They can be caused by both external factors and physiological characteristics of the body:

  • hereditary predisposition. About 10% of eye diseases can be congenital or develop over the years, transmitted to children from parents at the genetic level;
  • long-term visual stress. Working at a computer or with documentation for a long time, a person overstrains the eye muscles, resulting in the development of “tired eyes” syndrome. This effect is enhanced if a person works in poor lighting, does not maintain correct posture, the required distance between the monitor and the eyes, and does not take breaks from work to relax the eye muscles;
  • infectious or inflammatory eye diseases. If conjunctivitis, keratitis or other similar diseases are not treated in time, complications may occur that can lead to deterioration of vision;
  • bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, and frequent consumption of fast food lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body, which negatively affect eye function and visual perception;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system or spine. Curvature of the spine and osteochondrosis impair blood supply to the head, which is why the optic nerves begin to work worse. All this becomes the result of stooping and incorrect posture;
  • lack of vitamins in the body. If you do not supply your body with enough vitamins, especially group B, this will also lead to complications in the functioning of the eyes;
  • head injuries.

“Aloe extract according to Fedorov” helps to strengthen the general condition of the visual organs and restore its direct functions. That is why the “extract” is recommended to be used simply for preventive purposes by people who daily face significant visual stress.

Who needs to use “Aloe extract according to Fedorov”?

1. To relieve symptoms and prevent a large number of pathological changes in the visual system:

  • myopia and farsightedness of all degrees;
  • dry eye syndrome (Shargen's syndrome);
  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea);
  • iritis (inflammation of the iris);
  • primary glaucoma in complex therapy;
  • hemeralopia or “night blindness” (deterioration of vision in low light);
  • diabetic retinopathy (damage to retinal vessels);
  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer layer of the eye);
  • cataracts (clouding of the lens);
  • vitreous opacities (floaters before the eyes);
  • myopic chorioretinitis (visual impairment due to repeated hemorrhage in the retina);
  • central or peripheral retinal dystrophy;
  • chalazion or blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids).

2. If your work involves prolonged eye strain, to prevent the development of:

  • eye fatigue syndrome;
  • decreased visual acuity.

3. For prevention, for older people who are losing their sight due to age-related changes in the body.

Composition and effect of the components of “Aloe extract according to Fedorov”

Tree aloe extract - stimulates natural regenerative processes, for example, after injuries to the eye apparatus, during the healing of wounds and ulcers.
Aloe juice kills harmful bacteria, streptococci, staphylococci, and destroys foci of typhoid fever, diphtheria and dysentery. The extract is especially useful for blepharitis.

Silver ions are responsible for sterility, improve cell restoration, moisturize the eyes, relieve inflammation, strengthen local immunity, and have an antioxidant and antiseptic effect.

Bee honey - nourishes the eye tissue with all the necessary substances and helps accelerate the healing of damaged eye structures. This product is a strong antioxidant, an excellent antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral agent.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates metabolic processes in the retina and optic nerves, improves the formation of the visual impulse, and restores adequate blood supply to the eye. Our body is not able to accumulate this vitamin, so it must be taken regularly. A lack of pyridoxine leads to increased fatigue and eye strain, which ultimately leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Ascorbic acid - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thereby improving the supply of nutrients to the tissue of the eyeball and neutralizing hemorrhages.

Adenosine is an auxiliary component that promotes activation of regenerative processes and metabolism of eye tissue, improves blood circulation, relieves and prevents swelling, and dilates blood vessels.

Benzalkonium chloride has an antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal effect.

How to improve the effect of taking Aloe Extract according to Fedorov?

To quickly restore vision and get rid of the symptoms of many eye diseases, one dose of drops is not enough. You also need to adhere to simple rules:

  • try to sit at the computer less and take a 15-minute break every 40-60 minutes of work;
  • add more food and fatty acids, as well as vitamins to your daily diet;
  • avoid stress and nervousness;
  • limit the number of cigarettes you smoke and alcohol consumption, or better yet, get rid of these bad habits altogether.

It is also necessary to do additional gymnastics to strengthen the eye muscles:

1. Visually draw a circle in the air in front of you with your eyes, then follow its circle with your gaze, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Perform 10 circular movements in each direction.

2. Look away and keep your gaze as high as possible without raising your head for 3 seconds, then turn your gaze to the floor. Do the same, looking left and right. The head is motionless. Exercise duration – 5 minutes

3. For 5 minutes, massage your closed eyelids with your fingertips, making circular movements and light squeezing.

4. In a sitting position, close your eyes tightly for 5-7 seconds, then open them sharply and wide for 2-3 seconds, then blink quickly and repeat the exercise 5 more times. These exercises strengthen the eye muscles and promote better absorption of aloe extract, preventing a decrease in visual acuity.


Aloe extract according to Fedorov is used 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day, after which you should not put strain on the eyes for another 30-40 minutes, and the last dose is recommended to be taken before bed.

The recommended course is 4-6 weeks (2-3 packages depending on individual need).

On the recommendation of a doctor, the course can be increased to 8 weeks.

If necessary, the course can be repeated after a break of at least a month.

One bottle is enough for approximately 2 weeks of use. Plastic bottle 10 milliliters.


“Aloe extract according to Fedorov” is prepared using a unique technology only from natural substances, therefore it is a safe product. Contraindicated for use if you have an individual intolerance or allergy to at least one of the components in the product.


Store for no more than 2 years at a temperature of 5 to 25 degrees Celsius, protected from light and out of reach of children.

For greater effect, it should be stored in a cool place and instilled warm, so warm the bottle in your hand before taking it.


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The product is not a biologically active food additive (BAA) and is not a medicine


The use of aloe juice in the form of drops and lotions has no contraindications other than individual intolerance. As you can see from the reviews, usually medications based on this plant do not cause negative reactions. But you should not take the juice orally if:

  • kidney or liver diseases;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • ailments of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy or menstruation.

Thus, aloe-based eye drops are effective. Moreover, they can be either purchased or prepared independently. By following the rules of use, you will be able to eliminate eye problems.

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