How to Do Kegel Exercises Effectively for Men

In the process of functioning of the reproductive system, every muscle is important. The intensity of sensations during orgasm and the duration of sexual intercourse depend on their strength. The pubococcygeus muscle (or PC) is easy to train, which can significantly improve the quality of intimate life. Training is carried out without the use of equipment.

They do not take much time, but give excellent results. After a course of regular training, the risk of developing urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction is reduced. A pumped up PC muscle opens up new possibilities during sex.

Historical part

In 1952, American scientist Arnold Kegel developed a training process that was later named after him.
Initially, according to the creator’s plan, the exercise was supposed to serve to restore the tone of the pelvic muscles in pregnant women and women who have already given birth. Since many women experienced depleted pelvic muscles after childbirth, many reported a loss of sensation during sexual intercourse after pregnancy.

Thanks to the professor, millions of women in the United States, and then around the world, were able to continue to receive the full range of pleasures during sex even after childbirth, and harmony returned to their families.

Soon after the death of Arnold Kegel, people realized that due to the similar structure of the pelvic muscles, his exercise can be useful not only for women, but also for men.

LMB in women

Training intimate muscles in women helps them solve a number of sexual and health problems:

  • Increase sensations during orgasm.
  • Prevent prolapse of organs in the pelvic area.
  • Prevent such diseases as incontinence.
  • Stop the onset of menopause in women.
  • Prepare the genitals for childbirth.
  • Restore organs after childbirth.

The technique for performing gymnastics is the same as for men. Everything is based on muscle relaxation and tension. If both partners begin to train their LMBs, they will receive unforgettable sensations from sexual intercourse that they have not experienced before.

Note! While performing gymnastics, you need to monitor not only your technique, but also your breathing.

It should be calm and deep enough. The effect on strengthening paintwork will be noticeable after a month of hard daily work on yourself.


How your life will change thanks to the Kegel exercise for men:

  • The duration of intercourse will increase, you will learn to control your ejaculation;
  • Blood flow to the groin will improve, which will allow you to get an erection quickly and at a qualitatively new level;
  • The range of sensations and pleasures in bed will increase significantly;
  • The risk of developing prostatitis is reduced;
  • There is no possibility of you developing diseases such as prostate adenoma and the like;
  • The risk of developing diseases leading to urinary problems is reduced;
  • The possibility of hemorrhoids disappears;
  • The angle of your penis in relation to your body increases;
  • Increases male libido;
  • Blood circulation in the pelvis returns to normal.

Benefits of exercise for men

Kegel exercises are aimed at developing intimate muscles, which are responsible for urination, ejaculation, erectile strength, and also ensures the anatomically correct position of the pelvic organs. In everyday life, the activity of the pelvic floor muscles is low. Most men lead a passive lifestyle, but even when working out in the gym, the groin muscles are not always used. Kegel exercises do not require special conditions - you can do them at any time and anywhere . Regular implementation allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. Controlling the time of orgasm . A man can prolong or speed up sexual intercourse at his own discretion, delay ejaculation or prevent it altogether. Orgastic sensations become more vivid, the problem of premature ejaculation is solved.
  2. Prevention of hemorrhoids (which is especially important for truck drivers). During exercise, the outflow of venous blood is stimulated, the walls of the rectum and the anal sphincter are strengthened.

The urologist-andrologist at the Research Institute of Urology named after N.I. talks about the benefits of exercises. N. A. Lopatkina Khizri Zakirovich Khizriev

  1. Slowing down the aging process of the reproductive system , preventing and eliminating urine leakage, as well as the development of constipation.
  2. Increasing resistance to inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs by improving their blood supply.
  3. Prevention of prostatitis and relief of the chronic form of the disease.

Kegel exercises help restore the functioning of the genital organs after surgical interventions.

In this article we will talk about exercises for noticeably improving and increasing potency in men.

Where is this muscle located?

It is located in the pelvic floor and connects your tailbone to your pubis, hence the name pubococcygeus.

Alternative names

  • PC muscle;
  • Muscle of love;
  • Pubococcygeal muscle;
  • Kegel muscle;
  • pubococcygeus muscle;
  • PC muscle;
  • Pelvic floor diaphragm.


The pubococcygeus muscle is responsible for:

  • The work of the genitourinary tract;
  • The inflow and outflow of blood from the male penis.

With prolonged training, you can easily learn to control and manage this muscle. You can cum whenever you want.

Other healing techniques

If increased tone or spasms have been identified as the main problem, then the following measures are indicated for treatment:

  • Myofascial release (for therapists specializing in pelvic floor problems).
  • Training in self-relaxation techniques.
  • Trigger point therapy.
  • General massage.

Education regarding behavioral changes includes diet and weight control.

Keys to working with pelvic floor problems

  • Shorten your penis.
  • Squeeze your anus.
  • Stop the flow.
  • Hold the gas.

What can negligence lead to?


If you lead an active lifestyle, do not play sports and do not train the Kegel muscle, then your pelvic muscles will certainly lose their strength and begin to atrophy, which means that blood circulation in this part of the body will be impaired, with all that it entails;

Blood circulation in the groin will be impaired

When the penis does not receive enough blood, the erection comes later and is of lower strength. And when this does happen, the outflow of blood, and therefore the finish in bed, will come earlier than you would like.


In addition to all of the above, problems with the performance of the rectum may occur.

Problems in intimate life

A problem that worries many is ending too quickly in bed with a woman. This is a serious problem that can lead to psychological trauma.

Before you start training a muscle, you need to find and feel it.

Finding the PC muscle

First way

  • When you want to pee, simply stop the flow of urine. Instinctively, you will do this with the help of the pubococcygeus muscle;
  • Remember the muscle with which you stopped the stream, feel it outside the walls of the toilet;
  • You can also try to squeeze out the last drops of urine after you have already finished in a small way, again try to feel the same muscle after going to the toilet;
  • If you cannot find a muscle using these methods, it means that it is still too weak, you will have to find it differently and train it hard;
  • You will need to do exactly the same compressions in bed with your beloved to solve the problem of premature ejaculation.

Second way

During an erection, try making your friend jump.
You will do this using the same muscle; While jumping, you can put your hand under your testicles to feel the tension of the Kegel muscle;

It is precisely the muscle that you will feel while your penis is jumping that we need. We will train him using Kegel exercises for men, this is one of the most effective ways for a man not to cum in bed longer.

First stage

Tighten your PC muscle and hold it in this state for 3 seconds;

Then stop and rest, also for 3 seconds. These 2 steps will be 1 cycle ;

Every day you need to repeat the cycle 20-30 times;

At the end of the first week of training, increase the number of repetitions to 50;

For 2 weeks, train every day. Feel free to practice Kegel exercises for men at home, because no one will notice anything anyway;

The main advantage of this training tactic is that you can practice anywhere, be it school, work or any other public place. Nobody will suspect you of anything. Make it a habit to exercise every day when you are doing something boring.

Techniques to perform at home

Before you start doing Kegel exercises, remember the rules that are important to follow during training.

  1. Empty your bladder before exercise.
  2. Sit in a comfortable position.
  3. Change your exercise position periodically. Do them lying down, next time sitting, then standing.
  4. Start with the minimum number of repetitions of exercises. Increase the load gradually, adding one repetition per day or after 1-2 days.
  5. Control the process. Tighten only the PC muscle. When performing Kegel exercises, do not use the muscles of the abs, legs, or buttocks.
  6. Watch your breathing. Tighten the muscle as you inhale, and relax it as you exhale.
  7. Perform the complex regularly. It is recommended to do a set of exercises three times daily. The minimum number of times you can perform a Kegel complex is twice a day.

On topic: Training the physical quality of speed

A simple check will give you confidence that the PC muscle is receiving load during the training process. Look at your naked reflection in the mirror and tense your Kegel muscle. When the exercise is performed correctly, the scrotum will noticeably rise.

The complex developed for men includes 6 classic exercises . To perform the required steps correctly, follow the step-by-step instructions carefully.

How to forget forever about problems with sluggish potency? A drug of unsurpassed quality has entered the market. Hundreds of positive reviews from men for 2021. READ MORE

Slow contractions

  1. Tighten your pubococcygeus muscle.
  2. Keep it tense for 3-5 seconds.
  3. Relax the muscle for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Increase the number of muscle contractions gradually up to 30 times.

Variant of contractions in a sitting position:

Series of abbreviations

  1. Contract the muscle.
  2. Quickly relax him.
  3. Repeat a series of rapid muscle contractions and relaxations 10 times.
  4. Take a break for 20 seconds.
  5. Repeat the exercise 2 times.


  1. Squeeze your PC muscle.
  2. Push yourself. Tighten the same muscles as when constipating or urinating for 3 seconds.
  3. Relax all your muscles.
  4. Repeat the process 8 times.


  1. All exercises are more effective and easier to do in this stance. It will help you tighten your pelvic muscles (and Kegels) more.

Slowly take a deep breath while gradually contracting your PC muscle.

  • When you feel that you are no longer able to inhale more air and squeeze the muscle more strongly, keep it in a tense state for 3-5 seconds.
  • Exhale slowly, gently relaxing the Kegel muscle.
  • Repeat the cycle 5 times.
  • Hold

  1. Squeeze your PC muscle.
  2. Hold the muscle as tense as possible for 10 seconds.
  3. Relax slowly.
  4. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  1. Photo: state of the PC muscle before and after training. The first signs of muscle “pumping” appear after two months of training.

Slightly tighten your pubococcygeus muscle.

  • Hold this compression level for 3-5 seconds.
  • Increase muscle tension.
  • Pause for 3-5 seconds.
  • Continue increasing the degree of muscle contraction in steps until you reach the limit.
  • Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds.
  • Start with the same pauses and gradually relax the muscle, as if stopping at the next “floor” of an elevator.”
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • At home, Kegel exercises perfectly complement other types of motor physical activities. Three exercises have worked well.

    Anal muscle contraction

    1. Squeeze your anal muscles as you inhale.
    2. Maintain muscle tension for 5 seconds.
    3. Exhale and slowly relax.
    4. Repeat the cycle 10 times.

    Leg Raise

    1. Another option from a lying position

    Lie on your back and bend your legs.

  • Slowly raise your legs toward your chest so that your knees are at a 90° angle and your shins are parallel to the floor.
  • Return your legs to the starting position with your feet on the floor.
  • Do 10 repetitions.
  • Shoulder Bridge or Glute Bridge

    1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your arms along your body.
    2. As you exhale, lift your pelvis high without lifting your shoulder blades and feet off the floor.
    3. Stay in this position for 10 seconds.
    4. Lower your pelvis to the floor.
    5. Repeat all steps 10 times.

    The advantage of these exercises is that during their execution the PC muscle contracts naturally and does not need to be consciously strained.

    Second phase

    • At the initial stage of training, you will unconsciously help yourself with the muscles of your buttocks, abs and legs. This is normal, but only at the beginning of the journey.
    • Gradually you need to exercise your love muscle without using other muscles. That is, you will have to learn to tense only your PC muscle.
    • Over time, increase the number of repetitions of the exercise. Don't forget about rest. It’s best to follow the principle “If you’ve done the job, go for a walk with confidence,” that is, you’ve completed your quota for the day and then rest with a clear conscience.
    • Keep hitting one point. Find your minimum that you can do every day without much time or effort. Then gradually begin to increase the load.

    This strategy is well suited to the Kegel exercise for men and will definitely give the desired result.

    Third stage

    • At the final stage, the PC muscle must be kept tense for 10 seconds ;
    • Then rest for 4 seconds . This will be your new loop ;
    • Start with 30 repetitions of the cycle, then gradually increase to 100 repetitions throughout the day;
    • Train at this pace for a month , and your muscle will be strong and allow you to control yourself in bed. Next, don’t give up on training , remember and practice from time to time, but maybe not at such an intense pace.

    What's next?

    After completing all 3 stages, you can come up with your own individual training system.

    For example, you can try the following:

    • Try training on the principle of 2-3 long squeezes for 15-20 seconds with a break of 2 seconds;
    • Some small exercises of 4-6 seconds may be suitable for some;
    • Experiment with a lot of short warm-up exercises, around 50, and then 20 long ones;
    • You can gradually increase the compression strength, and when you reach the peak of your capabilities, begin to reduce the strength, moving towards where you started. That is, first squeeze for 10 seconds, gradually move to 45+ seconds, and then go back to 10 seconds.

    When constantly performing Kegel muscle exercises in men, at each stage you need to increase the compression time.


    Kegel exercises, for all their benefits, also have contraindications:

    • Exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system (increased blood flow will spread the infection throughout the body);
    • Hemorrhoids (prohibited “reverse Kegel”, in which the nodes can enlarge or fall out);
    • Early postoperative period after surgical interventions on the pelvic organs;
    • The presence of malignant tumors (active metabolism will improve their blood supply and promote metastasis);
    • Vascular pathologies in the pelvic area.

    On the subject: Powdered milk for muscles is

    Before starting Kegel classes, it is recommended to undergo a minimum set of tests: biomaterial for major infections and blood for the PSA marker.

    How to use a muscle in practice

    During sexual intercourse, to increase its duration, it is recommended to use long-term compression of the Kegel muscle.

    1. Push as hard as you can. When you begin to feel growing excitement and understand that the inevitable ending is about to come, then begin to strain your pubococcygeus muscle with all your might. Remember your training and try to hold the tension for 30 seconds. Most likely, this will be enough, but if you are still close to the end, then hold on longer;
    2. Learn to feel yourself. You need to be able to recognize the moment when you cross the line and cannot stop. It is the inability to do this that leads to premature ejaculation in men. Create an imaginary arousal scale for yourself and never go beyond the line of no return;
    3. Tighten up in advance. Never relax, it is better to start squeezing the PC muscle in advance than to lose control and ruin the evening for yourself and your loved one. It is always better to squeeze the love muscle a few seconds earlier or keep it tense for an extra few seconds than to lose control over your own manhood. Always keep the Kegel exercise for men in your head and know how to apply it on time, otherwise it will be of no use;
    4. Know how to pull it out in time. If you don’t trust your body, it’s better to pull out in time, pause and squeeze the love muscle during the pause than to try to do it during the peak of the girl’s pleasure, since then it will be much more difficult to resist;
    5. Secrets and subtleties. During single training of the pubococcygeus muscle, we advised to strain it without using extraneous muscles - buttocks, abs, legs, etc. But during intercourse, you can also strain them to help yourself last longer. But during training, always tense the Kegel muscle without the help of other parts of the body, so the training will bear fruit.

    What is often forgotten

    Don't get ahead of yourself and don't sit still

    1. The method of stopping the stream of urine in the toilet was invented only for the initial stage. It is needed for you to feel the muscle of love and learn to strain it. Then you need to give up on this and move on;
    2. You must learn to control your love muscle in any situation, not just in the toilet;
    3. Once you have learned how to control your PC muscle, try to do Kegel exercises for men with an empty bladder so that nothing interferes with you.

    Don't forget to breathe

    1. During intimacy, always breathe with your stomach , not your chest. Air should enter through the nose and not through the mouth, watch this;
    2. Tighten the muscle as you inhale, and relax as you exhale. It is in this order, and not vice versa.

    Practice in different poses

    If you have just started, it is better to start with training while lying down.

    When you have already achieved the first successes, try to tense the muscle while sitting and then standing. It would be ideal to tense this muscle while walking, so the result will be the best.

    Wrong approach

    Never think like that:

    • This exercise is for women, it is shameful and unacceptable for a man to use it;
    • Kegel exercises for men can harm a man's prostate;

    Preparing for Kegel exercises

    It is important to prepare properly for training. This process includes four sequential steps that any man must complete:

    • We choose a place for training. It should be a flat surface without fluffy rugs, furniture and other furnishings that could interfere with the comfortable performance of exercises for a man.
    • We place a special gymnastic mat on the surface.
    • We are looking for the “muscle of love” in any convenient way. As a rule, once is enough to remember the localization.
    • Right before the training process, we go to the restroom so that an overfilled bladder does not interfere with our workout.

    Helpful advice. You should also definitely visit your doctor, who will help you correctly compose the complex and conduct an examination for the presence of contraindications. As a result, recommendations will be made that must be followed.

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