Method for treating cystitis with bay leaves in one day

Inflammation of the bladder occurs when pathogenic bacteria enter the excretory system. During therapy, antibiotics and medicinal herbs are prescribed, which are used as additional antibacterial agents of natural origin. Treatment of cystitis with bay leaves is used both in the acute phase of the disease and in remission to eliminate the infectious process.

Medicines only relieve symptoms of acute inflammation in the bladder in a short time. Therefore, often the disease does not go away completely, but becomes chronic. It is important not to stop treatment when signs of improvement appear and to complete the full course of complex therapy.

The healing composition of laurel leaves

The therapeutic effect of bay leaf is explained by the content of useful substances:

  • B vitamins, ascorbic, nicotinic acids, retinol;
  • trace elements: iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, phosphorus;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • phytoncides.

Even in ancient times, evergreen shrubs were brought to Crimea from the Mediterranean countries and used in medical and cosmetic procedures. And only centuries later they began to add it to food as an aromatic seasoning with a piquant taste.

How does laurel affect the body?

If symptoms of cystitis are detected, the following measures should be taken:

  • Ease pain.
  • Reduce the inflammatory process by destroying E. coli.
  • Change the diet and composition of your diet. Increase the amount of liquid you drink.
  • Help strengthen the immune system.

The most important task of treatment procedures is to rid the patient of the infectious agent. Despite the presence of certain substances that can harm the causative agent of the disease, bay leaves are not able to radically solve the problem. It can be used as an adjuvant along with antibiotics.

However, the content of such important components as essential oils, tannins and various acids allows this spicy plant to have a number of very important actions: bactericidal, analgesic, antispasmodic and antiseptic. Penetrating into painful areas of the body, these substances affect metabolic processes and suppress the activity of harmful bacteria. Although it should be noted that the effect of bay leaf on the elimination of the most common pathogen of cystitis has not been confirmed. And they most often are Escherichia coli, which in 85% of cases becomes the culprit of bladder inflammation.

The presence of many beneficial properties of bay leaf is determined by various factors. These include: growing region, weather conditions, compliance with harvesting and storage rules.

Beneficial features

Essential oils, astringents, vitamins, phytoncides, which are contained in bay leaves, determine its beneficial effects:

  • improves the functioning of the digestive organs due to its choleretic effect;
  • relieves inflammatory processes in the intestines, epigastrium, improves appetite;
  • is a natural diuretic, eliminates swelling, accelerates metabolic processes;
  • the antibacterial effect is explained by the high content of phytoncides;
  • facilitates the course of bronchitis and pneumonia due to its expectorant properties, is included in recipes for inhalations;
  • astringents have a disinfecting effect for skin diseases, dermatitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis;
  • improves immunity, stimulates protective functions;
  • relieves nervousness, excitability, helps with insomnia;
  • reduces pain and inflammation of joints due to arthrosis and arthritis;
  • improves hair condition, eliminates dry scalp and dandruff.

Bay leaf for cystitis

Herbal medicine based on laurel leaves is often used in medical practice in the treatment of cystitis. The plant is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic, eliminates inflammation of the urinary tract. Bay leaf has a detrimental effect on infectious agents, which helps to quickly relieve bladder pathology.

Treatment with laurel has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect and is an auxiliary method to drug therapy, especially if cystitis is severe.

If you experience fever, pain and pain when urinating, you should not self-medicate, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of cystitis

It has been proven that the female half of society suffers from bladder inflammation six times more often than men. This phenomenon is primarily explained by the difference in the width of the urinary tract in men and women.

Most patients are young girls and women of childbearing age.

Doctors identify a number of causes of bladder inflammation. Here are some of them:

  • Penetration of pathogens, which include fungi, harmful bacteria, and viruses. The main culprit of inflammation is E. coli.
  • One of the important risk factors is indiscriminate sexual intercourse.
  • Using certain types of medications such as Irosfamide or Cyclophosphamide.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Consequences after childbirth.
  • Inadequate hygiene standards.
  • Wearing tight underwear made of unnatural material.
  • Various types of surgical interventions in the area of ​​the genital organs and urinary tract.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • Diseases associated with the functions of the urinary tract.
  • Spinal damage.

There are many ways to treat the disease. The use of antibiotics remains the main one. But the people have found widespread use of bay leaves for cystitis in women. Many, including the famous doctor Evdokimov, are confident that you can get rid of this unpleasant disease in just a day.


Like every medicinal plant, bay leaf has a number of restrictions for use.

Drinking infusions and decoctions is prohibited if:

  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • renal, liver failure;
  • circulatory diseases;
  • breastfeeding;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • metabolic disorders.

You should not take a bath with laurel during pregnancy, gynecological pathologies, urolithiasis, or the acute stage of cystitis.

Uncontrolled consumption of medicinal fluids leads to stool retention. People with a tendency to constipation should take it with caution.

Contraindications and precautions

The use of any traditional medicine recipe that contains herbal ingredients requires caution. Treating cystitis with bay leaves may be unsafe, since the substances it contains can not only be beneficial, but also harm health.

Contraindications for use are:

  • pregnancy – in pregnant women, the tone of the uterus increases, which increases the risk of miscarriage;
  • breastfeeding period - breast milk changes taste, acquiring bitterness. The child may refuse it;
  • menstruation - baths and other thermal effects on the pelvic area are contraindicated;
  • allergic reactions - any uncharacteristic manifestations will become an obstacle to treatment with laurel;
  • stool retention - bay decoction can aggravate this condition;
  • the presence of a number of diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiac and vascular pathologies, stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • individual intolerance to substances contained in bay leaves.

Self-treatment of cystitis with bay leaf is strictly contraindicated.
Reactions from the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and skin allergic manifestations are possible. It is necessary to consult a specialist and follow the recommendations of your doctor. Following simple rules and precautions will help you avoid side effects and stop unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Procurement of raw materials

Recipes using bay leaves are popular due to their easy preparation and good results in the treatment of diseases. Stores sell packaged dried sheets, completely ready for use, at a relatively low price.

You can also prepare your own raw materials. The leaves of the evergreen shrub are collected in clean ecological places of the Crimea and the Caucasus. Laurel should be harvested in October, when the plant accumulates the greatest content of nutrients.


Infusions, oil extracts, decoctions, and alcohol tinctures are prepared from bay leaves. They can be used both internally and externally.

An infusion, compared to a decoction, contains more vitamins, since the water is not boiled and the beneficial elements are not destroyed. But it contains less tannins and minerals.

Bay infusion

The medicinal recipe eliminates pain and cramps in the lower abdomen, relieves inflammation and removes pathogenic microflora.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over 10-12 crushed leaves.
  2. Infuse in a glass or enamel container under a lid for 3 hours.
  3. Strain through a sieve.
  4. Drink half a glass 15-20 minutes before meals.

The course of therapy with laurel infusion is 3 weeks.

Use this method in addition to the main treatment regimen. Bay leaves will not get rid of cystitis, but will only help reduce symptoms.

Laurel decoction

The drink has a good effect on the excretory system, locally increasing immunity and preventing the recurrence of cystitis.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 5 bay leaves into 400 ml of water.
  2. Boil the liquid for 5 minutes.
  3. Leave for 3 hours.
  4. Strain the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  5. Drink 1 tbsp. l. during the week 15 minutes before meals.

Treatment method of Dr. Evdokimenko

A rheumatologist, a famous author of books on health improvement and treatment of many diseases, has developed a method of treating cystitis based on bay leaves. In the unadvanced stage, such a procedure will relieve unpleasant symptoms in one day and bring relief.

Order of conduct:

  1. Pour 20 bay leaves into a liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. Dilute the resulting concentrated broth to a volume of 10 liters.
  2. Pour the liquid into an enamel basin, where the patient should sit so that the buttocks and genitals are in the water. The temperature should not be very high.
  3. The bath time is about 15 minutes, until the water cools down.
  4. Before completing the procedure, it is advisable for the patient to urinate in a basin so that the healing broth enters the urethra and rids the urinary tract of pathogenic bacteria.

The frequency of sessions is once every 4 days.

Herbal baths for cystitis have an antiseptic effect. They help to carry out complete hygiene of the genital organs, which significantly increases the effectiveness of general therapy.

Steam bath

Procedures using the Evdokimenko method can be alternated with steam baths.

How to do it:

  1. Pour 5 liters of hot water into an enamel bucket, add 40 g of bay leaf.
  2. Leave covered for about 30 minutes.
  3. Sit on the bucket, first covering the edges with a towel to avoid getting burned. You need to take this steam bath until the water cools down.
  4. After the procedure, you should cover yourself with a warm blanket and lie down in a relaxed state for 30 minutes.

Finished medicines are stored in the refrigerator. Herbal liquids used for drinking are good for 2 days.

General information about cystitis

Despite the fact that this disease has already been well studied, the most effective means for its treatment has not yet been found. Until now, scientists have not been able to protect women from cystitis and provide them with protection from relapses.

With this pathology, inflammation of the bladder occurs from the inside. The signs of the disease are as follows:

  1. The urge to urinate, often with blood, which occurs very often, but it is not possible to go to the toilet properly, since the pain is very strong.
  2. Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which can be of varying intensity, but most often the pain is very sharp, which does not allow you to move calmly or even lie down.

But this symptomatology can be supplemented by the following:

  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the abdomen and sides;
  • dark-colored urine accompanied by sediment.

Once the patient has the symptoms listed above, treatment must begin. To do this, you will need a prescription of laurel and other herbs; they should be taken only with the permission of a doctor. All treatment consists of taking medications, which are recommended to be combined with folk remedies. As for the medications themselves, they should be aimed at eliminating inflammation, fighting bacteria, strengthening the immune system and preventing pain.

What enhances the effect of laurel

For cystitis, it is effective to use medicinal preparations, the herbs of which enhance the effect of each other:

  • Plants with antimicrobial, diuretic effect: chamomile, juniper, yarrow, plantain.
  • Corn silk and dill seeds are good for relieving pain and spasms.

It is recommended to buy herbs at a pharmacy.

Before preparing preparations at home, you need to study the instructions for use of each component, since some plants are toxic and can be harmful.

Experts' view

Experts agree that antibiotic treatment is not the only way to combat the disease. Medicinal liquids prepared with bay leaves increase the body's defenses and are a herbal antibiotic.

It is important not to start the disease. If treatment is started on time, traditional therapy methods will independently help cope with the infection.

For cystitis, a dietary diet without spicy, smoked, or pickled foods is recommended. You need to drink more water and eat foods with a diuretic effect (cranberry, lemon, cucumber, watermelon, carrots).

Reader reviews

I am familiar with cystitis firsthand. Due to frequent hypothermia at work, he appears regularly. At the first symptoms of the disease, I immediately brew bay leaf in a thermos and drink it all day before meals. In the evening, if possible, I take baths. This is an inexpensive and effective treatment. Discomfort and pain go away quickly. I recommend.

Lyudmila, 32 years old

I read about Evdokimenko’s method after I started taking antibiotics. Of course, I really doubted that cystitis could be cured in one go. I want to say that a bath with bay leaves brought me relief. The procedure is pleasant, warm water relieves pain. I don’t know what helped, antibiotics or everything in combination.

Irina, 39 years old

I live in Crimea, and in the fall I collect laurel leaves from shrubs, which are plentiful here. I have never suffered from cystitis, but when I get hypothermia and have frequent urges to go to the toilet, I brew a decoction of the leaves, which helps me. I can't say it tastes good, but it's better than taking pills.

Svetlana, 45 years old

I treat cystitis only with herbs, I know many recipes, but this is the first time I’ve read about the benefits of bay leaves. I decided to try it, I brew teas with chamomile and bay leaf. I was pleased with the result. The main thing is not to let the disease progress and start treatment on time!

Olga, 38 years old
The beneficial components of bay leaves fight painful symptoms of cystitis, reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

Methods of using laurel for cystitis

To cure a disease, you need to choose the right recipe. Typically, the product is used to make decoctions or tinctures and perform sitz baths. But before treating cystitis in such ways, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main contraindications and side effects.


To make an effective tincture, you need to take 2 packs of raw materials. Mix with 0.5-0.6 liters of boiling water. Leave for several hours in a thermos. The strained tincture can be consumed.

To treat pathology, you need to drink 100 ml of the product half an hour before meals. It is recommended to do this several times a day. Reviews indicate that the course of therapy lasts about a week.

Bay leaf tincture

Decoctions for oral administration

To make a decoction of bay leaves, you need to take 1 small spoon of crushed raw materials and mix with 0.5 liters of cool water. Boil for 5 minutes. Leave to infuse for 2 hours. Drink the strained mixture 1 tablespoon at a time. This should be done before meals several times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

Steam baths

Steam baths with bay leaves are highly effective. To do this, you need to take 4 packages of raw materials for half a bucket of boiling water. Leave the mixture for half an hour, then sit on the bucket, placing a terry towel on the edges. Wrap your feet in a warm blanket. Sit for 15 minutes.

This procedure helps reduce the symptoms of the pathology and cope with painful urination.

It is worth considering that if there is bloody discharge, steam baths with this component should not be used.

Sitz baths

Sitz baths with bay leaves for cystitis help to cope with spasms and eliminate other unpleasant symptoms of the pathology. This procedure is very effective and safe because it does not affect the lumbar region. This helps avoid the development of pyelonephritis.

Sitz baths with bay leaves

There is a recipe for treating cystitis with bay leaves in one day. To do this, during a ten-minute procedure, a woman must urinate directly into the water. In this case, a small amount of the decoction will penetrate the urethra, which helps achieve an additional antiseptic effect.

To make an effective decoction, you need to take 30 g of plant material, add 9-10 liters of water, and cook for 20 minutes. Cool to a comfortable temperature. Pour into a basin. After this, you can begin the procedure.

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