Treatment of cystitis with lingonberries

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Published: March 23, 2017

Reading time: 2 min



Cystitis is an unpleasant disease of the genitourinary system affecting women. And in this regard, many patients are interested in such a topic as the use of lingonberries for cystitis. They especially want to know how to take it and whether there are any positive reviews. You will find answers to all questions here.

The main danger of the disease is the absence of preliminary signs. When a disease appears in a woman’s life, it is recommended to visit an antenatal clinic and check with the doctor which treatment is effective.

Chemically synthesized medications give a favorable result and help get rid of the disease. But a number of such tablets have contraindications and side effects.

  • Symptoms of cystitis
  • Complex treatment
  • Use of lingonberries
  • Contraindications
  • Recipes for the treatment of cystitis
  • Reviews of people using lingonberries

Healing properties of berries

Lingonberry is an evergreen low shrub of the heather family. The berry is found throughout the European part of Russia, most of it in Western Siberia and the Far East. The fruits and leaves of the bush are suitable for medicinal purposes.

The latter are used more often, since they can be prepared in larger quantities and are easier to process. When dried, the raw material retains its healing capabilities for up to 3 years.

The lingonberry bush (almost all its parts) contains many rare biologically active compounds:

  • Vitamins – C, E, A, B complex;
  • Microelements - chromium, copper, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other elements that are rarely found in nature in such a combination;
  • Flavonoids are natural antioxidants that protect cells from aging.

Thanks to its unique composition, lingonberries actively fight inflammation. Lingonberry preparations are an effective diuretic: they flush out pathogenic microflora from the genitourinary system. Nature has also endowed other components of the natural medicine formula with beneficial properties:

  1. Arbutin, malic, tartaric and other acids – provide an antimicrobial effect;
  2. Tannins – actively fight toxins, bind polysaccharides to proteins, improve intestinal motility and blood clotting;
  3. Tanning compounds – endowed with anti-inflammatory properties;
  4. Ascorbic acid – prevention of infections and inflammations, antiseptic properties;
  5. Vitamin B complex, tocopherol, carotene - support immunity;
  6. Flavonoids, catechins - strengthen blood vessels;
  7. Iron – regulates hematopoietic processes;
  8. Potassium – improves the performance of the heart, blood vessels, and central nervous system;
  9. Copper and chromium - help control blood pressure, treat coronary artery disease;
  10. Phosphorus – improves bone health.

Fruit drinks, juices, infusions and other medicines made from lingonberry leaves and berries relieve inflammation, relieve pain, normalize metabolic processes, flush out infections from the urinary tract, have antioxidant properties, relieve fever, reduce “bad” cholesterol, and equalize blood pressure.

Herbal drink

In equal proportions, take sage leaves, lingonberries and chamomile flowers, 1.5 tsp. pour 300 milliliters of boiling water over the raw materials and let it brew thoroughly. After 20-30 minutes the drink is ready to drink. By the way, this medicine can be used not only as a drink, but also for washing. All of the herbs listed are similar in their mild antibacterial effect and show high performance in the treatment of cystitis. The herbal drink can also be used by pregnant women who are contraindicated to consume lingonberries in their pure form.

Lingonberry or cranberry?

Other berries, such as lingonberries, can be used to treat cystitis. It has antibacterial, antiviral properties. It is often used as an additional remedy if signs of inflammation appear; tea, fruit juice, compote are prepared from it; treatment with lingonberry leaves is known. Like cranberries, lingonberries acidify urine. It also helps with kidney diseases.

When choosing a remedy for cystitis, many patients doubt which is better, cranberry or lingonberry? There is no clear answer to the question, since the berries are almost identical in their mineral and vitamin composition.

For cystitis, cranberries and lingonberries have an antimicrobial effect. They flush germs out of the body and create an acidic environment, which is unsuitable for infection to multiply. Both plants have diuretic and antiseptic properties.

For cystitis, it is recommended to drink cranberry juice or a decoction, which will eliminate germs. Due to its diuretic properties, the medicinal infusion flushes pathogens from the body. Thus, cranberries will help cure cystitis 2-2.5 months after the start of consumption.

Lingonberry gifts help get rid of bladder inflammation in a relatively short period, only 1-1.5 months. The plant has a diuretic, antimicrobial and choleretic effect. Lingonberry decoctions, fruit drinks and tinctures effectively eliminate inflammation and relieve pain.

That is why, when treating cystitis, you are free to choose any berry you like and start treatment with it.

What are the benefits of lingonberries for women?

The universal capabilities of lingonberries help with various female pathologies:

  • Adnexitis - inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes and ovaries;
  • Pyelonephritis – damage to the kidney parenchyma, calyces, renal pelvis;
  • Urethritis – infections in the urethra;
  • Menstrual pain;
  • Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder cavity;
  • Hormonal imbalance during menopause.

Lingonberry leaf soothes the inflamed mucous surface of the bladder and genital organs, eliminates discomfort when excreting urine, reduces high fever, improves the quality of emptying the urinary tract, relieves the urethra of pus and mucus, relieves swelling and hyperemia.

Lingonberry leaves are also useful during pregnancy, when antibiotics for cystitis are contraindicated. This is one of the best ways to get rid of inflammation for this category of patients.

Complex treatment

The use of simple medications, as prescribed by the doctor, is a prerequisite for recovery. But often it alone cannot cope with a disease such as cystitis. Therefore, to achieve maximum results, you must follow certain rules:

  • Dietary food, where it is imperative to avoid salty, spicy and overly spicy foods.
  • Drink as much fluid as possible.
  • Monitor your own condition and stay in bed in case of acute pain.
  • Fulfilling medication prescriptions.
  • Use of herbal medicine.

Medicine prescriptions

Juice, tea or lingonberry juice, as well as decoctions and infusions are used for cystitis to reduce symptoms and consolidate the results of treatment.

  1. Steamed berries. Place the fruits in an enamel or ceramic bowl and place in the oven. Keep the berries over high heat until they boil, then simmer for about an hour over moderate heat. Transfer the finished product into a glass container and refrigerate.
  2. A decoction of medicinal herbs. Mix yarrow, rose hips and lingonberry leaves equally. For 1 liter of water, it is enough to take a spoonful of each type of dried raw material. Pour boiling water over the collection and leave for 2 hours. Take 100 ml, frequency of dosage – 4-5 r./day.
  3. Morse. Boil a pound of fruit with 600 ml of water for 15 minutes. on low heat. Take a drink of 150-200 ml, multiplicity - 3-4 rubles / day.
  4. Lingonberry drink. Scald 200 ml of berries with boiling water. Then fill them with raw water (0.5 l) and leave for 6 hours. Drink 100 g before meals, frequency of intake – 3-4 times per day.

  5. Tincture. Fill the jar with fruits and sugar in layers. For 200 g of berries you need to take the same amount of granulated sugar. The mixture is poured with a liter of vodka and left for at least a month. Drink 50-100 ml, multiplicity – 3 times/day.
  6. Lingonberry tea - pour dry or fresh raw materials with boiling water in a teapot and drink 1 cup instead of tea with honey. up to 3 rubles/day This brew is sold in bags and in pharmacies; it can also be used as lingonberry tea for cystitis.
  7. Lingonberry juice. Fresh juice is easy to prepare if you have a juicer, sweeten it and drink a quarter glass 2-3 times a day. You can prepare a drink for future use. To do this, the berries are loaded into the jar in parts, compacting each layer tightly until the juice is released. The filled jar is left for a week to mature. Then the liquid must be filtered, heated to 60°C and poured into storage containers. You need to keep the juice in the refrigerator.

  8. Lingonberry water. A drink with preventative properties is the easiest to prepare. Fill a glass container with washed berries and fill to the top with raw water. Infuse in a dark place in the cold for 2-3 months. Then you can strain, add water and honey to taste. It is better to keep the water in a cold place so that it does not ferment, and drink when necessary.
  9. Berry jam. For 1 kg of lingonberries, prepare one and a half kilos of sugar and half a liter of water. The washed berries should be blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes. After preparation, the lingonberries are poured with syrup made from the specified amount of sugar and water. Boil the preparation for half an hour and place it in jars. If desired, other fruits and berries are added to the jam during the cooking process.
  10. Frozen lingonberry compote. Fresh berries are available only in season; it is easier to use frozen fruits, which retain all the valuable properties of fresh raw materials. Half a kilo of these berries must be crushed in a meat grinder or blender. Add sugar to taste and 3 liters of water to the puree. Boil the compote for 5 minutes over low heat and leave until completely cooled.

Natural medicine from lingonberries

Thanks to the antibacterial components, lingonberries are able to suppress pathogenic microbes and remove them from the body, being a good diuretic. But in what form can you take lingonberries for cystitis?

Residents of the northern regions, where evergreen shrubs grow, can enjoy the taste of the berries fresh, or prepare them for the winter in various ways. But frozen lingonberries retain the entire healing range of vitamins and minerals. At home, it’s easy to prepare a delicious medicine from berries, both fresh and frozen.

For cystitis, this is usually a decoction of lingonberries:

  • fruit juice from fresh fruits - prepared in a ratio of 1:5 (one glass of berries per liter of water). The boiled solution is removed from the heat and, adding sugar to taste, is left to infuse for 2 hours;
  • drink from frozen berries - defrost lingonberries, grind them with a blender or meat grinder, add sugar and add water (3 liters per half kilo of berries), bring to a boil over low heat. After 5 minutes, the mixture is filtered and cooled;
  • if fresh berries are available in large quantities, then lingonberry juice is good and healing, which can be prepared for future use;
  • Lingonberry water is very useful, both in the prevention and in alleviating the symptoms of cystitis. Along with a diuretic, it also has a mild laxative effect.

It’s easy to prepare – any glass container is filled to the top with berries and filled with cold water. After about three months in a cool, dark place, the drink is ready. You can use it as a fruit drink, flavoring it with sugar or honey for taste.

Dried lingonberries, which can also be brewed, also have all the listed qualities in the battle against cystitis. But still, the main therapeutic effect in the treatment of cystitis, according to reviews from patients and doctors, is observed in the case of taking lingonberry leaves.

Lingonberry leaf decoction

Medicines prepared on the basis of lingonberry leaves for cystitis (according to reviews from patients who are expecting a baby) significantly alleviate the course of the disease.

In order to prepare a decoction, you should take 1-1.5 tsp. leaves of the plant (dried), pour a glass of hot water over them, place in a water bath and simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes, covering with a lid. Then the broth is removed, allowed to cool and filtered. The volume of liquid should be increased to 200 milliliters, otherwise the drink will be too concentrated, which can lead to stomach problems. It should be drunk in 2-4 doses throughout the day.

Treatment of cystitis with berries

Lingonberry for cystitis in women is an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent that allows you to relieve inflammation, cope with pain, and reduce temperature parameters. Most often, the berries of the plant are used for these purposes.

You can make a tasty and healthy fruit drink from the fruits. Making the drink is quite simple. To do this, rub the berries through a sieve and leave the juice. Pour water over the cake, add sugar and bring to a boil. After this, remove the container from the stove, cool slightly and filter the composition, add lingonberry juice.

You can drink this fruit drink without any special restrictions. If cystitis develops, it is not recommended to use cold remedies. It is much better to use warm fruit juice.

An effective remedy is lingonberries with honey. To do this, it is recommended to rub ripe berries through a sieve. This can also be done using a blender. The resulting mass must be mixed with honey in a ratio of 2:1.

It is recommended to store the medicine in a glass container in a cool place. Take on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals. Single dose – 1 tablespoon. It is worth considering that the substance is contraindicated for low blood pressure, stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity.

Dried lingonberries will be an equally useful remedy. To prepare an effective mixture, it is recommended to take 1 large spoon of fruit, rinse thoroughly, put in a container and add 250 ml of water. Place in a steam bath. Then remove the broth from the stove. It is not recommended to strain it, since the fruits also need to be eaten.

To cope with inflammation, a decoction of lingonberries and hawthorn is suitable. To make it, you need to take 1 small spoon of fruit, place it in a thermos, add boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Dilute the resulting product and divide into 3 parts.

Herbal remedies for cystitis

Lingonberries are also used to make medicines. The Brusniver collection has the same capabilities as natural lingonberries. Together with berries and leaves, bearberry, rose hips, string, and St. John's wort are used in the recipe. The herbal medicine is sold without a doctor's prescription.

Brusniver is used in gynecology (for colpitis and vaginitis), proctology (for anal fissures, proctitis, colitis), urology (for inflammation of the prostate, kidneys and bladder).

Here are some other herbal analogues:

  1. Monurel – berry extract based on cranberry juice;
  2. Canephron is a natural analogue based on centaury;
  3. Phytolysin is a paste based on essential oils;
  4. Urolesan is a natural complex medicine.

They are used instead of antibiotics if cystitis is mild or to consolidate the effect after drug therapy.


“I suffered from cystitis for a long time, tried different pills, but the effect was short-term. They advised me to drink lingonberry tea. After a week, all symptoms disappeared.” Antonina, 38 years old.

“Lingonberry tincture helped me not only with cystitis, but also improved my condition, my immune system became stronger, and I stopped getting colds every three months. I'm pleased with the result." Nikolai, 42 years old.

“I take the lingonberry harvest every year for 10 days for preventive purposes. Previously, every 6 months, bladder inflammation haunted me. Now everything is normal, no symptoms.” Valentina, 51 years old.

Indications for the use of lingonberries as medicine

The range of possibilities of this healing plant is quite wide:

  • Diabetes mellitus – helps control glycemia;
  • Bronchitis - a vitamin complex quickly relieves cold symptoms;
  • Hypertension – normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels better than synthetic diuretics;
  • Tuberculosis – eliminates inflammation in the lungs and Koch’s bacillus;
  • Kidneys – treats pyelonephritis and removes kidney stones;
  • Urethral tract – relieves inflammation during urethritis;
  • Reproductive system – improves performance, kills infection and fungus.

Lingonberry tea

We bring to your attention one of the rather simple, but very effective ways to take lingonberry leaves for cystitis. Take dry powder from the leaves in the amount of one large spoon and brew a glass of boiling water. We insist until the temperature of the drink becomes acceptable for drinking. Take one cup three times a day. Please note: lingonberry tea should not be consumed haphazardly; therapeutic courses should be carried out for 7-14 days, with a break of one month. It is not prohibited to introduce lingonberries into herbal tea in small quantities, but on the contrary, it is recommended.

Preventative prescriptions

To prevent cystitis, you should use the following recipes:

  1. Take 500 g of berries and place in a 2 liter container. Fill it to the brim with water and close it well. When the drink acquires a rich red hue, it is ready to drink. This is best done before eating. A single dose is half a glass. The product turns out to be quite concentrated, so it can be mixed with warm water. The composition can be kept in the refrigerator for 5 days.
  2. Pour boiling water over 200 g of ripened fruits. Place them in a saucepan, add 200 g of cool water and leave overnight. Take the composition 4 times a day. This is recommended to be done before meals. You need to consume half a glass at a time. To eliminate the bitter taste, you can add a small amount of honey and rose hips to the product.
  3. A mixture of fresh lingonberry juice and honey will help cope with pyelonephritis and prevent the development of cystitis. These components should be mixed and drunk three times a day. It is recommended to do this before meals.

Lingonberry juice for cystitis

To make an effective fruit drink, you can prepare 500 ml of hot water, 1 cup of berries, 2 tablespoons of leaves and the same amount of sugar.

To prepare a healing drink you need to do the following:

  1. Pour boiling water over lingonberry leaves and leave in a warm place. This needs to be done for 1 hour.
  2. Sort and wash the berries. Dry the fruits and grind them with granulated sugar.
  3. Strain the infusion of leaves and combine with berries.
  4. Place the mixture on the stove.
  5. When the product boils, you need to immediately remove it from the stove, drain the fruit juice and cool it.
  6. To speed up the recovery process, you need to consume half a glass of the product 3 times a day.

Berry decoction

For acute cystitis, you can make an effective decoction. To prepare it you need to do the following:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of lingonberry leaves and combine with 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Place the mixture in a steam bath and cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain and add water. As a result, you need to get the original volume.
  4. Drink the product three times a day. It is recommended to do this half an hour before meals. A single dose is half a glass. During the period of remission, the amount of decoction is reduced to 45 ml.

Are lingonberries suitable for everyone for cystitis?

The use of this type of therapy is dangerous in the following conditions:

  1. Hypersensitivity to components in the formula;
  2. Heart pathologies;
  3. Neurotic disorders;
  4. Cholecystitis and bile duct dyskinesia;
  5. Liver dysfunction;
  6. High stomach acidity;
  7. Varieties and inflamed gums (periodontitis);
  8. Gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers.

Despite its powerful and proven medicinal capabilities, lingonberries must be used in combination with other drugs and procedures prescribed by a doctor to treat cystitis. You can periodically use a folk remedy for prevention.

You can learn more about the treatment of cystitis with folk remedies based on lingonberries from the video.

Diagnosis and treatment are carried out only by a doctor

Despite the unconditional benefits and effectiveness of lingonberry and cranberry decoctions, at the first pain and burning sensation in the lower abdominal cavity, you should not consider them as a panacea for the disease and self-medicate.

The fact is that the symptoms of cystitis are very similar to other diseases of the genitourinary system:

  1. Urethritis.
  2. Pyelonephritis.
  3. Gynecological diseases.

Therefore, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination by a gynecologist and especially see a urologist. Only after laboratory tests and additional examination is treatment prescribed.

During the period of exacerbation, drug therapy for the disease itself, together with restorative drugs and procedures, is indicated. And already, as an effective cleansing, diuretic and antiseptic agent, in addition, a decoction of lingonberry leaves or cranberry juice is prescribed. Their course intake is recommended during the period of remission or as a prevention of cystitis.

Elena Mikhailovna Frolova

Urologist of the highest category. Proficient in the full range of outpatient diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems in men, and the urinary system in women.
More about the author. It is also important to know:

  • Cranberry for cystitis.
  • Traditional methods of treating cystitis.
  • Folk remedies and advice in the treatment of cystitis.
  • Cystitis during menstruation treatment.
  • Treatment of cystitis with bay leaf.
  • Treatment of cystitis with bearberry: infusions, decoctions and herbal remedies.
  • Furagin for cystitis.
  • Rosehip for cystitis.
  • Treatment of cystitis in women, drugs.


The use of any folk remedy must be previously agreed with the attending physician. The use of lingonberry tinctures or decoctions can lead to changes in the body, which can harm a woman during pregnancy or if a person suffers from severe chronic diseases. It is not recommended to use it independently to increase blood pressure, in the treatment of cholecystitis, and renal pathology.

If the treating specialist, after carrying out the necessary tests, has not established compelling reasons for refusing to use lingonberries, then it is useful to brew the leaves of this plant and take the infusion in even portions for cystitis. In addition, you can consume fresh berries and juices.

Benefits and contraindications

Traditional medicine uses lingonberry decoctions for gum inflammation, tonsillitis and other infections in the oral cavity. In addition, lingonberries can cure bronchitis and pneumonia. The decoction is actively used for:

  • bladder diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • osteochondrosis, arthritis;
  • weaknesses.

If, on the recommendation of a doctor, you drink lingonberry drink during pregnancy, you can eliminate the swelling characteristic of this condition.

The decoction is considered a medicinal product that can only be drunk after consulting with your doctor, since it has the following contraindications:

  • allergic reaction;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • kidney disease;
  • hypotension;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

It is not recommended to drink lingonberry drinks for cystitis immediately after a meal, as diarrhea may occur.

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