Relationships between a man and a woman, types and stages, the secret of long-term relationships

Relationships between a man and a woman! It seems like a topic as old as time. But at the same time endlessly new! At different times and eras, the facets of these relations were different and largely depended on the social system and the rules adopted in it. What are they like today?

What are the pitfalls, types and stages of these relationships. What conditions are necessary to maintain them harmonious for a long time? Is this necessary? Come in and you will probably find the answers to your questions!

Relationships at work

What is the relationship between a man and a woman at work? They are also different. Moreover, there is a category of people who call them business, and there are those who believe that such relationships do not exist at all.

Let us note just a few features:

  • Constant close contacts. There are pros and cons here: some people like to work side by side with their partner, while others quickly get tired of it;
  • If a loved one is nearby at work, this can motivate lovers to certain feats professionally. If a quarrel occurs, then, on the contrary, work efficiency can decrease significantly. There are also those for whom the presence of their beloved partner becomes a hindrance;

  • Misunderstanding on the part of colleagues. Not everyone is able to understand what close relationships at work are, and also to accept them: hence anger, aggression, envy, and sometimes hidden bullying;
  • Managers are also not all able to accept love relationships at work, especially if they interfere with the lovers’ ability to perform their functions. Sometimes it comes to dismissal.

Expert opinion

Ksenia Terentyeva


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Office romances have their own nuances, both positive and negative. Often they do not always benefit lovers. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves what to do at work: work or have affairs. And of course, here it is worth carefully weighing the possible consequences of such a relationship.

Author's experience

Vladimir Ekimov

Author of the article

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I have seen the development and decline of such relationships at work three times. I myself had such an experience once. It ended in nothing, I had to leave that job. Of course, the teams are different, and each will perceive two people in love differently. Even if a couple does not strive to demonstrate their relationship explicitly, it will still become known about it. In a team you can rarely hide anything, especially in a female team. It’s good if such a relationship can end in marriage. Or husband and wife work together. But basically, they rarely end successfully, unlike the happy ending of such relationships in the film “Office Romance.”

Pyramid of love: seven stages on the path to true feeling

True love doesn't fall from the sky. To find harmony in the relationship between a man and a woman, you need to drink a lot of bitter water beforehand. Many people panic when problems start in a couple and try to escape from them, without realizing that this is just another stage on the path to true love. This often happens: it’s running in a vicious circle, because the same thing happens to the next candidate. Men and women, rushing from partner to partner in search of a special feeling, unfortunately, do not have the information that will now be revealed to you. Here are the stages of development of relations between a man and a woman:

  1. Love. At this time, you begin to feel like a weightless moth, flying in euphoria from flower to flower. The most pleasant stage in a relationship between a man and a woman is falling in love. Guys give flowers, take them to the cinema, and girls flirt and spend half a day choosing an outfit for their next date. And the moment of the first kiss, when the state is close to fainting and orgasm at the same time! Unfortunately, these amazing sensations have little to do with reality, as they are the product of raging hormones and quickly pass. What awaits the loving hearts next?
  2. Satiation. When passions subside and rose-colored glasses are put on the far shelf, we stop exaggerating our partner’s merits and begin to evaluate him more soberly. The flaws have not yet been revealed in all their glory, but now at least it is clear that the other half is not a fairy-tale prince or princess. Facing reality is often disappointing, especially for young and inexperienced people. You become addicted to the feeling of happiness and euphoria like you are on heroin and then it is difficult to come down to earth.
  3. Rejection. At the next stage of the relationship between a man and a woman, a revolution occurs: the partner becomes boring, and his shortcomings are so annoying that you want to run away. Most couples break up at this stage because they believe that this is the end of love. In fact, rejection is quite normal. In nature, a male and a female meet, fall in love, enter into an intimate relationship for the purpose of reproduction, and then run away, as they have done their main job. It may sound rude, but instincts are inherent in each of us. However, we are not animals, and there is something more in us, namely a soul. By calling on her, you can survive the stage of rejection and move to a new stage leading to true love.
  4. Adoption. Now comes the turn of humility. You begin to understand that every person has flaws, and you don’t have to take them to heart. Wisdom and patience appear, which help you not to focus on your partner’s disadvantages and notice any of his advantages. You accept each other as you are. This stage in the development of relations between a man and a woman will mark the beginning of the establishment of harmony and peace in the family.
  5. Gratuitous. Probably, any person has found himself in a situation where he prepared a surprise for his other half for a holiday, tried his best, and the betrothed simply forgot about the memorable date. The resentment remains for a long time, and no excuses soften the burning pain. At the fifth stage of a relationship, all surprises, help, and support are provided free of charge. That is, providing such signs of attention becomes much more pleasant, and the expectation of return will no longer bother you. Feelings become selfless, and life together is calm and relaxed.
  6. Respect. At the penultimate stage of a relationship, you have to learn to respect each other. It is difficult to cope with your own selfishness and honor your partner’s interests to the detriment of your own, but without this skill it is impossible to achieve true love. A lot of time passes before we realize how important it is to respect each other and live in perfect harmony. Many couples never reach this stage, living in reproaches and attempts to prove the importance of their own self.
  7. True love. After all the obstacles, problems and hardships, people gain the opportunity to love. The path to true feeling is long and thorny, but the reward is worth all the trials. Everyone dreams of true love, but not everyone can feel it. To reach the last and most important stage in a relationship, each participant must work on himself, putting his soul and heart into building harmony.

Not all couples who have spent their entire lives together have been able to comprehend the truth of love. Getting stuck at one of the stages occurs for various reasons. It is possible that one partner is ready to move to the next level, but the other is slowing him down. Or the spiritual development of a man and a woman is not enough to come to love. You can be content with little, as long as it suits all participants in the relationship.

Relationship stages

There are also several classifications regarding the stages. But here is the most common one:

  1. The stage of falling in love involves a strong passion for the opposite sex. At this time, a person is blinded by the positive qualities of another due to strong attachment. Here only advantages are visible, and there are no disadvantages. This stage can last up to two years.
  2. After this, satiety , when the pink veil falls from the eyes, and people begin to show their natural character traits.
  3. The most difficult period comes in the era of disgust . A lot of things start to irritate your partner; he often does the wrong thing. From the point of view of relationship psychologists, it is during this difficult period that many couples break up. But if you endure a little somewhere or compromise, show wisdom and flexibility, then you can move to the next stage, avoiding big quarrels and difficult separations.

4. After this stage comes patience : disagreements and quarrels become less and less frequent, and partners are ready to tolerate some moments in their relationship.

5. During a period of respect , partners do pleasant things to each other: deeds, actions, words. But this is not happening at all in order to please him again. This happens because close people do this for each other’s benefit, they want to help their half, they protect him from something.

6. Not everyone reaches this stage of friendship and partnership It is during this period that partners listen and hear each other, and they even enjoy being silent together, giving each other advice, getting carried away with something, striving for something new that is interesting for both.

7. As a result of all the stages described above, as a consequence, a state of love for another is born. This is not a spontaneous phenomenon, not the kind of falling in love that usually happens at the beginning of a relationship. This is painstaking and long work, joint overcoming of obstacles, joint movement and development. But still, there must be an initial interest in the other, a feeling of “your” person. Otherwise, the couple most likely will not reach this stage.

Antipodean relationships

Monogamous and polygamous marriages are not uncommon in Russia. A monogamous union presupposes that both spouses remain faithful, while a polygamous union, on the contrary, allows you to have partners on the side, and the partner knows about it.

What are exogamous and endogamous marriages? Exogamy is intra-family relationships, that is, marriage with a relative. An endogamous union, on the contrary, does not allow blood ties and involves choosing a partner from a different family.

Goals and meaning of relationships

A natural question arises: what goals are pursued when entering into relationships at different stages of life, is there any meaning in them?

You can look at this from different points of view:

  1. Everyone does this: they date, get married, give birth and raise children. I will do the same. There are two important criteria here:
  • procreation programs;
  • possible fear of being misunderstood and not accepted by society.
  1. Often, when entering into any relationship, many try to extract some benefit from it without giving much in return. It can be different: material, spiritual. Here we can see a developed ego, a lack of intelligence and experience of normal relationships.
  2. Another fear that people try to solve with the help of relationships is remaining alone in adulthood.
  3. However, harmonious relationships should be considered the most optimal relationships. In such relationships, people care about each other. They are interesting to each other. Together they can grow, develop, learn from each other, and raise children. Help and support others. But it’s not easy to come to such a relationship; you need to have sufficient motivation, experience, and the need for just such a relationship. Change, compromise, be interesting to others. In general, there is a place to express yourself to the fullest.

5. And yet, does this make sense? And the meaning here is the same as in life itself. It is so inherent in man that he should not be alone. That a man or woman is only half of a whole, therefore they must be together, live as a couple, give birth and raise children, and continue the human race. So that when souls incarnate, they can gain on Earth the experience that they need.

Expert opinion

Polina Moroz


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A man sees a life partner in a woman, so he must be responsible for her choice, have his own goals and ideas about life together. Among the criteria for such a choice are: sexual attraction, attractive appearance, care for a man, an interesting inner world for him, and flexibility in relationships.

The essence of relationships

Gender relations are a huge task. On the path to their cherished happiness, lovers encounter many obstacles. They stumble over their own mistakes and everyday difficulties.

The essence of relationships

Today, the topic of love is quite acute. In the world of modern technology, it is difficult to find a soul mate. Everyone is mired in virtual communication. And the heart asks for true love. It's time to think about the essence of the relationship. Initially, it is worth understanding the main focus of communication. What approach is welcomed by a couple in a relationship:

Conservative approach. Spouses live according to strict canons of family life. The chain of events is simple: they met, got married, gave birth to children, and dream of meeting a happy old age together. Everything is proceeding according to the standard scenario. However, the couple is concerned about public opinion. Worried about what others will say. Agree, it’s hard to live with such a guideline.

Egocentric attitude. The essence of a relationship is finding a partner. A lonely heart needs a soul mate to fill the void. Will be able to become a support and help in difficult situations. The couple will not be able to fully realize true passion. Love is selfish in nature. The mindset perceives a soul mate as the ideal cure for inner emptiness.

Falling in love based on fear. A person is afraid of loneliness. I want to spend my life next to a loving person. Meet old age together. The desire is natural. However, you should not make it a priority. A partner should become a companion and the meaning of life. Otherwise, fear is not the best foundation for feelings. The other half is perceived as a shield from one’s own fear.

Nihilistic approach. Life without meaning is a boring stream of gray everyday life. Every day needs to be filled with meaning. Otherwise, you will lose interest in life. Relationships without purpose and meaning will also not bring true happiness. Know how to dream about the future, see coexistence, move towards a common goal. Any of these approaches has a major problem. Partners cannot create their own happiness. Emotional well-being is in the hands of the people around you. Some build family life with an eye on public judgment. Another union was born only to get rid of the fear of loneliness. And some couples go with the flow of life, do not build goals and do not dream about the future.

Of course, in life we ​​depend on each other. But do not confuse love and addiction. Otherwise, feelings become dependent. Then you will simply have to forget about true love.

Differences between the sexes

But man and woman are not the same creatures. There are a lot of differences between them. Among these, several stand out:

  • Different needs. For example, a woman perceives a relationship as a relationship, but a man sees a specific woman in it. It is important for a man that his action and result be recognized, and he will consider the one who accepts his result to be his ideal chosen one. And women, due to their emotionality, love to be listened to and sympathized with.
  • Intuition and logic. Everything is clear here: intuition is a more feminine concept, and logic is the lot of the stronger sex.

  • Decisions and feelings. Women are more sensitive to everything, and men feel responsible for business and people. When making a certain choice, men always think about what can be done here, and women think about who to do it with.
  • Independence when choosing a solution. Men, for the most part, always have their own opinions, but a woman needs to hear the opinions of others, and then make a decision on the issue.

But not all psychologists think so. Here's another example for you

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Makhlin

Family psychologist and psychotherapist

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The idea that men and women think differently is incorrect. First of all, we are all people, and there are few differences between us. Both sexes in a relationship want almost the same things: great sex, emotional intimacy, help with household chores, good social status

Probably, having some experience in relationships, everyone will be able to understand for themselves at a specific stage the main differences between a man and a woman, mostly psychological. This will help in the future to build harmonious relationships in your couple.

Classification of relationships between people

In psychology, there are three main types of relationships, depending on:

  1. Directions. There is a vertical format of relations and a horizontal one. We should talk about vertical relationships when people interacting with each other are at different levels in the social hierarchy (student and teacher, educator and pupil, parent and child, superiors and subordinates). Accordingly, horizontal relationships are those that involve people who are at the same level in the social hierarchy (colleagues, classmates, classmates).
  2. Goals. When starting social interaction, a person always thinks about why he needs it. If he seeks to find friendship, camaraderie, love, then such interactions are called personal. If this is communication with the goal of concluding an agreement, jointly completing a work task, and so on, then this is a business relationship.
  3. Emotional coloring. In the process of communication and other interactions, a person begins to better understand how he relates to another person. Depending on the emotions that people experience during social contact, they distinguish between positive, negative and neutral relationships.

The degree of closeness between people is also of great importance. The following levels are distinguished:

Acquaintance. At this level, people practically do not know each other, and in order to get closer, they need to communicate and find common interests. However, not all acquaintances progress to the next stage.

Friendship. Friends are acquaintances with whom you have become moderately close. Sometimes you can have fun with such people, get their advice and sometimes help, but you don’t share your secrets with them.

Partnership. An intermediate stage between friendship and friendship. Comrades have common interests, common affairs, they enjoy spending time with each other, they can offer help, they can be trusted with a lot, although not everything. A significant part of people, already at the stage of partnership, are ready to recognize a person as a friend. Over time, camaraderie can develop into friendship.

Friendship. Strong, time-tested relationships in which harmony and trust reign. Friends feel comfortable in each other’s company, like to spend time together, and are ready to provide support and help. Friends usually have a lot of common interests and activities, and many key opinions converge. As a rule, the average person has relatively few real friends: he can hardly have more than five people. Also, the friendship level is divided into additional sublevels. At the first sublevel, people are simply friends, at the second, they consider themselves best friends. The degree of mutual understanding and trust at these sublevels varies.

Love, marriage. In an ideal love relationship, there is the highest degree of trust, openness, and a willingness to start a family. Sincerely loving people are ready to do almost anything for the sake of the object of their love. But in practice, unconditional trust in some couples is observed only in the first years

For it to last for decades, it is important to work on yourself, be able to find compromises, and accept a partner.

The family stands apart: a person cannot choose which parents to be born to, but a close connection is always formed between the child, mother and father (and especially between mother and child), which is not always healthy.

In the first years of life, a child desperately needs his parents, they are his ideal, and he is most attached to his mother. Later, as he grows up, he separates and begins his own life, and communication with his parents becomes less close.

What is the secret to long-term relationships?

To create strong and long-term relationships, a man and a woman must work hard on themselves. First of all, it is necessary to understand each other. You should not conform to any standards; you must initially accept your other half for who she really is.

Develop positive qualities in yourself, show mutual care. In any case, try to understand your person, learn to feel him, and leave accusations without grounds for later.

If you constantly accuse each other of something, suspect each other of non-existent acts, you can quite quickly destroy everything that has been built for so long.

Here are just a few principles to follow:

  • Whatever happens, talk to each other. There should be no omissions;
  • In order not to doubt something, it is better to immediately ask an exciting question;
  • Lying is not the answer. The truth is better, whatever it may be;
  • Don't try to change him or her by force. Better change yourself;
  • It is necessary to extinguish the conflict immediately;
  • And if there is a quarrel, then try to end everything on a positive note. Namely: there is no need to be rude, make hasty decisions, and, if possible, turn an unpleasant conversation into a humorous statement.

Author's opinion

Vladimir Ekimov

Author of the article

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I would also like to say the following about long-term and harmonious relationships. For this to happen, it is necessary that at the first meetings, people have a feeling of “their” person, with whom it is at least interesting, there is something to talk about and something to do together. Then you can develop the relationship further. If there is no initial feeling, the soul or heart does not respond to this, then it will be problematic to do this. The relationship will most likely end in the early stages.

Types of relationships between a man and a woman

The relationship between a man and a woman is a fascinating topic that interests many. In society, people cannot help but maintain connections with the opposite sex. But they do not always understand what kind of relationships can exist between representatives of opposite sexes, as well as what is at the basis of their formation.

Sympathy and love

The development of emotional relationships between partners begins with sympathy. For its appearance, a person must evaluate the following criteria in a partner:


How to understand a man if he says he adores you: the opinion of psychology experts

  • appearance;
  • physical attractiveness;
  • status;
  • socio-demographic indicators.

These characteristics of a person are always visible, so it does not take much time to assess them.

But sympathy is a short-term and quickly passing emotional connection. If a relationship has arisen between people, as it develops it can develop into falling in love. It is often confused with love. The main mechanism for the emergence of this connection is the emotional reaction to advances from a woman or man.

In order for infatuation to take root and develop into love, it needs to develop, becoming acquainted with the negative sides of the beloved person. Only by accepting its “dark side” can we talk about the birth of love.

But you don’t always need to accept your partner’s negativity. There are types of men in relationships with women that should be avoided:

  • Tyrants. Such people hide their true nature well. At the stage of falling in love, they can be affectionate, caring and tender. The tyrant is revealed mainly in marriage. He begins to control his partner and may beat or insult him. It's all due to lack of self-confidence. The tyrant is insanely afraid of losing his beloved or convicting her of treason. It is almost impossible to change such a psychotype. If the first signs appear, then you should not expect a miracle, because the tyrant will not change.
  • Mama's boy. It is unlikely that this type can be re-educated. All his life, his mother made decisions for him, who does not want to admit that the child has grown up. Such men are dependent and effeminate. They prefer to get involved with strong-willed women who, like a mother, will solve problems for them.
  • Misogynists. These are men who were unable to overcome the heart wounds left over from past relationships. In the new union, they prefer to take revenge for their suffering on the woman who loves them. Misogynists do not experience love, but on the contrary, they despise it. This type can be corrected, but the man must want to let go of old grievances himself.
  • Alphonse. Such men believe that they were born for a beautiful life in which there is no need to strain. It's easy to fall in love with a gigolo. He is handsome, well-groomed, courteous, but he will be with a woman as long as she makes his life carefree. As soon as she needs a man's help, he will leave his “hard” life.

If along the path of life you have developed a liking for one of these types of men, think in advance about the consequences of such a union.


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Relationships between a man and a woman can be dependent. They differ from ordinary ones in that it is very difficult for a person to get out of them.

A man can sensibly understand that a painful relationship needs to be stopped, but he is not able to take action. Dependent relationships appear as a result of a strong emotional connection:

  • partners can only communicate with each other, refusing friends;
  • Unhealthy jealousy can give rise to the seed of a dependent union.

When a couple agrees to follow general rules (don’t communicate with friends, don’t go outside without your husband, don’t watch TV without your wife), but one of the spouses violates them, the relationship begins to bring nothing but suffering.

Basically, codependent relationships can be observed in couples where one of the spouses is a gambling addict, drug addict or alcoholic. In such a union, one person destroys himself with a bad habit, and the other cannot find the strength to leave him and leave.

The connection between the spouses cannot stop because they think that there is true love between them. But they are wrong.

Psychologists say that spouses can see their parent in the past in each other. It is this emotional connection, the once-unclosed gestalt, that prevents these bonds from being broken. For example, if a girl’s father beat her mother, then in adulthood she may endure beatings from her husband, trying to act out the situation with her parent on him. More often, such women think: “If I couldn’t stop my father, then I can stop you, husband, I can.”

For the sake of childhood experiences and unfulfilled hopes, people often endure physical and emotional pain.

Matriarchal or patriarchal

Matriarchy and patriarchy are types of family relationships that reflect the power structure in the union, the functions of women and men, as well as the specifics of leadership within the family. Based on these criteria, we can distinguish 5 types of families:

Types of family relationships
Patriarchal traditionalThe husband is the head of the family. In relationships, the dependence of the child on the parents, and the wife on the husband is clearly visible. For a man, the role of breadwinner and breadwinner is assigned, for a woman - the keeper of the hearth. The authority of the father is recognized in the family, and the status of other members is formed according to their age and gender. Now this family model has weakened, as women have reduced their economic and social dependence on men
Matriarchal traditionalThe wife is the head of the family. The mother maintains family ties and manages interpersonal relationships. This helps to win power battles. In some families, the father may be formally in charge, but the mother always has the final say. In the modern world, this family model has become widespread. But in order to minimize conflicts, in such an alliance it is necessary to seek consensus and benefits for both partners
NeopatriarchalThe husband is the business and strategic leader in the family, and the wife is responsible for emotions and tactics. The spouse's task is to set priority goals, choose ways to achieve them, and draw up instructions for all family members. The man is the face of the family in such relationships, and his wife supports him in everything
NeomatriarchalThe wife is responsible for strategic and business development in the family, and the husband is responsible for tactical actions. The quality of a family is judged by a woman's achievements
EgalitarianSuch a family is characterized by equality of partners in all matters that relate to family relationships. The Family Code and the Constitution of the Russian Federation contain the principle of equality of women and men. In this case, we can talk about a legal basis for the development of egalitarian families in modern society

Each couple chooses their own type of relationship. Sometimes leadership positions in a family can change after some time. But in most cases, the emergence of a type of relationship occurs at the stage of falling in love and continues until it exhausts itself.


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By calculation

An arranged relationship is the creation of a couple under the strict guidance of reason, not feelings. But in such relationships, love is not excluded. The calculation may vary:

  • increase prosperity;
  • strengthen status;
  • register in an apartment;
  • have a permanent sexual partner;
  • for the sake of the child.

It is impossible to say unambiguously what such a relationship can lead to, since each situation that prompted this step is individual.

According to statistics, marriages of convenience are much stronger than marriages of love. But there are few happy unions among them. Based on rational considerations, arranged marriages can be concluded on mutually beneficial terms: “I wash and clean, you work, and in the evening we spend time together.” Such relationships can last for years, but as long as the union is beneficial for both the man and the woman.

According to representatives of psychology, the calculation is not so bad. You need to think about the future. When entering into a relationship of convenience, it is most correct not to guess “What can I take from a man,” but to find out “What can I give to a man.” You need to think about your interests, but do not forget that the union will be strong only when the wife thinks about her husband and vice versa.


Translated from Greek, polygamy refers to a form of marital relationship in which a wife or husband has several partners for whom they feel love. In this regard, polygamous relationships are divided into two types:

  • polygyny - polygamy;
  • polyandry - polyandry;
  • bigamy - polygyny in which one wife does not know about the existence of the other.

In the Middle Ages, polygamy was justified. The reasons for this were the following:

  • due to military losses, the male population was rapidly declining;
  • after epidemics, population restoration was required;
  • Religious dogmas called for polyandry and polygamy.

Now society has no need to maintain these circumstances. When entering into a love union, a person should not be guided by sexual instincts.

According to psychologists, polygamous unions are preferred by insecure people who want to assert themselves at the expense of two partners.


Polyamorous relationships are relatives of polygamy. They also allow multiple connections, but with some differences:

  • in polyamorous unions there is no division between polyandry and polygamy;
  • love relationships can develop between a free man and a married woman or an alliance between several polygamous families.

Supporters of such unions believe that the main thing in love between the sexes is the absence of jealousy, respect and loyalty.

There are no leaders in such families. The interests of partners are always taken into account. Important decisions are made only after joint discussion.

There are situations when jealousy breaks into a polyamorous relationship. But the family solves this problem through joint efforts.


Marriage or conjugal union means a long-term relationship based on responsibility for one’s other half. In the modern understanding, a family is created for:

  • giving birth and raising children;
  • joint household management.

The union is usually supported legally or religiously. Ideally, the core of a family union is love, which arose from emotional and spiritual intimacy.

Relationships must be supported by the physical need of the spouse for the spouse and vice versa.

Two sides of interpersonal relationships

According to psychologists, all the various relationships between people can be divided into two large groups: social and interpersonal.

Social relationships develop between people playing certain social roles (parents - children, employees - bosses, etc.). These relationships are not related to personal qualities; their content does not change depending on who performs a particular role.

Interpersonal relationships, as the name suggests, develop precisely between individuals with unique characters, behavior patterns, and individual qualities.

If social relationships arise immediately with the adoption of a role by a person and are quite stable, then interpersonal relationships develop gradually, in the process of interaction, and can change over time, sometimes to completely opposite ones.

Social relations are based on those functions that are characteristic of a person in different roles. The basis of interpersonal relationships is the emotional perception of partners by each other.

Interpersonal relationships as interaction between people

Interpersonal relationships develop in the process of interaction between people in various situations. And the longer this interaction, the deeper and more interesting the interpersonal relationships become. After all, it is in the process of interaction that it is possible to get to know a person better, learn to understand his motives, and evaluate the depth of his character.

Interaction supports any interpersonal relationship. As long as there is a need to communicate, there is joint activity, interpersonal relationships will develop.

But as soon as joint activity disappears, the need for communication is lost, interpersonal relationships die. Hence the simple and understandable conclusion. If you want to maintain a close relationship (including love) with a person for many years, you need to look for common ground (that same joint activity).

But if in the process of family life you understand that nothing connects you anymore, communication does not bring the former pleasure, or even becomes a burden, you need to honestly and calmly discuss the current situation with your partner and end the protracted relationship. With this solution to the issue, you may be able to maintain friendly relations and sometimes resume communication, but on a completely different level.

The emotional side of interpersonal relationships

The emotional component is the basis of interpersonal relationships. Even if the interaction is purely business in nature, sooner or later an emotional attitude towards the partner arises (whether you like him or not).

A lot in human communication depends on the emotional component - the desire or unwillingness to stay in a given social group for a long time, and even the productivity of joint activities.

The atmosphere in a team, which consists of a set of emotional relationships, is called the psychological climate of the group. We can talk about the psychological climate not only in the work team, but also in the family.

The psychological climate affects many areas of family life, even the health of its members. After all, if there is mutual understanding, mutual support, and a high level of trust in the family, each family member will feel comfortable and safe. Stress will bypass such a family, and hence a high level of resistance to disease.

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