What a man should be like. Qualities of an ideal man

06/01/201801/11/2019 Julia Norman

At all times, girls and women adored knights without fear or reproach and enthusiastically read novels about their adventures. With the advent of cinema, actors playing the roles of heroic lovers enjoyed special fame. The audience transferred the best features of the film's characters to them and believed that miracles were possible beyond the screen. The lucky ones who met the “stars” were usually severely disappointed in them.

Actors outside of their roles showed themselves to be selfish, narcissistic, and often narrow-minded characters. Few people will find such character traits attractive. So what do women expect from their chosen one? What should their ideal man be like?

The ideal man through the eyes of a woman

Even in childhood, girls come up with the image of a prince who will win their heart in the future. Later, while discussing classmates with friends, they continue to formulate a list of requirements for a future partner.

Of particular importance is character, hobbies and the desire to pay attention to the needs of a friend. The appearance of a friend, especially in youth, also plays an important role for girls.


Tall, strong men are always popular with the opposite sex. It’s not without reason that many schoolchildren try to get into a sports team so that they can easily find a pretty girlfriend. However, not everyone likes athletes who are obsessed with winning in sports.

Of course, such a gentleman will make you feel confident and protected, but he is unlikely to help you with your studies or appreciate your creative endeavors.

With the advent of the Internet era, girls became interested in young people who skillfully developed their skills as users of the World Wide Web. Such abilities often seem unreal, and their owner turns into a modern Superman, albeit without muscles.

However, an ironed shirt and a stylish haircut won't hurt. Women attach great importance to such details, and they do not want to blush for a sloppy gentleman.

Psychological qualities

In Hollywood, the dream factory, they have long figured out which men are most likely to charm women. In any action movie or melodrama there is certainly an unapproachable hero with a prickly character who is completely transformed in the presence of the lady of his heart.

With her he is soft, compliant and kind. The latter qualities, coupled with his reliability and fidelity to the chosen mission, have a reliable effect on women. Unfortunately, such ideal men are extremely rare in life.

Girls willingly forgive their partners for their lack of determination, but they are unlikely to put up with rudeness and lack of respect. The fair sex loves compliments, flowers and memorable souvenirs, but most of all simple attention from a man.

Any help or advice is regarded by them as further evidence of the sincerity of feelings.

Sexual characteristics

Every woman dreams that her lover belongs only to her and does not look after other slender beauties. The latter is a mortal sin in the eyes of the ladies. They know that it is in the nature of men to be interested in attractive people, so overcoming it demonstrates love especially clearly.

Unlike women, the stronger sex is immediately ready for sexual contact if they like the chosen one. She needs intrigue, testing the strength of the relationship and courtship. Serenades are also welcome. All the attributes of romance delight a woman.

When a man is passionate about his girlfriend, he will gladly accept the rules of the game and want to look gallant. That is, he will pamper her with cute gifts, make her laugh and be interested in her opinion on important issues. By doing this, he will win the girl’s trust and her consent to intimate dates.

Of course, in bed he must prove himself to be a passionate but attentive partner.

What should he be like?

Usually a woman subconsciously draws an image for herself based on her parents’ family relationships or by choosing any fictional character that attracts her. Then she will unconsciously choose a husband who will correspond to her ideas. This is not always a good deal.

When drawing up a description of an ideal spouse, you need to take into account three important pillars of family life: behavior, attitude towards a woman, actions towards the fairer half of the sex.

How should I behave?

The feminine essence pays attention to how a man presents himself. Those who are polite, cultured, intelligent, and know the rules of etiquette have a greater chance of success.

A guy can show interest in the inner world of his chosen one, support her and sympathize with her.

A man should be polite, a pleasant conversationalist, well-read and erudite. He does not interrupt, does not insult, does not gossip. Such a character is difficult to find, so the girl will have to put in a lot of effort.

What should I do

When you first meet, it is difficult to draw conclusions about a man, but his actions can say a lot. For example, he interrupts, does not yield, behaves rudely; these are the first signs of a bad attitude towards girls. Attempts to control or invade personal space should be alarming.

The requirement to give all passwords for social networks and mailboxes indicates pathological jealousy

It is not always easy for a girl to see the real essence of her chosen one. If he cares, is interested in how she spent her day, and sees her off, then these are good qualities. Such a guy may be close to the ideal image of a man.

In order to better imagine the image of the chosen one, the girl should write an essay on this topic.

The ideal man through the eyes of a man

Men, imagining the most attractive image of a macho man, will first of all give him such qualities as success, self-confidence and demand among women.

The package includes a fashionable suit, an expensive car and the opportunity to relax at elite resorts. Not only girls imagine life as on the pages of glossy magazines, men are guilty of this too.

The ideal man in the understanding of the stronger sex is an athlete with a good job and a beautiful girlfriend. He is always ready for sex and is able to get any beautiful girl, even completely unapproachable ones.

He doesn't care, he solves complex problems with ease and enjoys well-deserved authority among his friends. Sounds a little childish? But men believe that the image they paint is real and achievable.

Who is the ideal man?

Each person has his own ideas about what qualities a companion must have, especially if he is a spouse. For example, this could be a caring father who earns a certain amount of money, or a professional athlete.

The ideal man includes only positive qualities, negative ones are not taken into account. This is the root of the problem, since a woman cannot come to terms with the imperfections of a real person.

Within reasonable limits, drawing up a portrait allows you to understand who exactly the girl wants to see. For example, if she dreams of a strong family, then she should not choose someone who loves easy relationships.

Ideal is a subjective characteristic

Each person is a full-fledged individual, differing from others in both character traits and aspirations. Everyone's tastes regarding the ideal partner are also different. One girl will prefer a party animal who spends the night changing nightclubs, while the other will prefer a good homebody with whom you can discuss the events of the past day and watch TV together.

Accordingly, it is impossible to choose an ideal that suits everyone without exception. At best, only basic traits will be the same, such as politeness, fidelity, gallantry and wit. Otherwise, it is impossible to invent a single template that reflects the man of your dreams.

At the same time, it is the difference in worldview and wishes for a partner that makes the surrounding reality more interesting and unexpected. Both girls and guys are looking for their true soul mate, and from the bottom of their hearts they admire a person who combines most of the desired traits.

How to find the ideal man and is it worth looking for?

Every year, dozens of manuals are published telling about the rules of finding the ideal man. They list the places where you can most often meet the owner of a particular character.

It is generally accepted that it is easier to find an introvert in a library, a scientific institute, or to meet him online, because he never leaves the Internet for a minute.

Extroverts, on the contrary, visit sensational exhibitions, popular cafes and concerts. In fact, these are overly simplified concepts. Introverted people often don’t mind going to the theater or cinema, while sociable and energetic people love making new friends online.

Some believe that the ideal partner comes into life the moment a woman stops persistently looking for him. Often it becomes an old friend who suddenly committed an unusual act and showed a previously unknown side of himself.

It happens that events constantly bring people together and, finally, force them to take a closer look at each other. Each girl will tell her own story of meeting an ideal man.

How to find a worthy man

When a woman has compiled a short list of requirements for a companion, the question arises: where to look for a potential chosen one. Many girls end up not understanding why they get the wrong guys.

You shouldn’t expect instant results, sometimes the search takes years

First of all, you need to decide on the meeting place. If a woman wants to live with a family man, then she should not look for him in nightclubs and specific establishments, for example, where they show striptease

It is better to pay attention to sports sections, tourism, etc.

If it is important for a woman that her partner earns a lot, then she can try restaurants, expensive fitness clubs, etc. For such places she will have to choose an appropriate image

A good place to meet people is through events, for example, playing quizzes, quizzes, and board games. In such places it is easy to find a sociable person who will be the life of the party.

If a girl constantly comes across the same type of guy, then she needs to analyze her behavior

A person pays attention to another individual and does not think about why he does this. The choice occurs subconsciously, but you can try to figure out why this type is attracted

For example, a girl had an authoritarian father. She will strive to find a tough and domineering person. This model is familiar to her. At the same time, she consciously tries to find a family-oriented and gentle man, but he seems weak and weak-willed to her. Only a psychologist can help you understand such intricacies.

Sometimes the problem lies in the fact that a woman quickly turns the relationship into an intimate one.

Sometimes a girl manages to find a partner the first time, in other cases she has to spend 4-5 years on this. Don't despair and expect quick results. If a tactic does not bring results, it needs to be changed.

It is possible to find the ideal man; for this, a woman will have to work hard. She needs to fit in and be worthy of a companion. Therefore, she should be attentive to her appearance, erudition, and career.

Useful tips

Having discovered “that same” man next to you, you should not immediately throw yourself on his neck and confess your joyful discovery. Nobody likes clingy people. The object of your dreams will probably not appreciate the tenacity and persistence of your new acquaintance.

The most obvious way to quickly find your soul mate is to go out more often and meet with friends. Their relative or colleague may well represent a long-awaited ideal. You can always ask your friends for help in organizing a “casual” date.

Common interests are an important factor in the development of relations. For example, horseback riding or rock climbing will help you meet an obsessive athlete like the girl herself. One topic for conversation is already obvious, and with mutual sympathy, others will appear.

The attention of both women and men is attracted by people who have recently joined the team. They could be a colleague, neighbor or classmate. Everyone should be given a chance to prove themselves and not reject their advances right away. If the couple doesn’t work out, you shouldn’t give up on a friendly relationship. Loneliness is far from the best way to spend your free time.

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