Penis size - what length should it be depending on age?

The period of puberty in boys is marked by an awakened interest in the opposite sex and in their own body, and especially in the size of their main male dignity. Few teenagers are satisfied with the existing length or thickness of the penis.

Especially when you compare it with photos from the network or peers who are more successful in this regard. What should be the penis size at 15-16 years old, and in what cases is dissatisfaction with centimeters really necessary to see a doctor?

How many centimeters should it be?

A boy becomes interested in his body even in preschool age. It is rather psychological - what is this thing and what can you do with it? The first measurements and comparisons begin in adolescence, which usually occurs between 12 and 14 years of age. For some boys, this can start a little earlier if the guy goes to sections where there is a common locker room or shower.

In both cases, interest in the penis is the norm. If such thoughts do not occur to the child by the time he reaches adulthood, parents need to think about the correctness of their son’s sexual development. Sexual immaturity is already a pathology.

Both young men and their parents need to think about the length of their penis. If the child’s anxiety is still justified, a confidential conversation and psychological support prior to treatment cannot be avoided. Therefore, the only way to understand how real or fictitious the situation is is to measure the penis.

The average penis size at 16 years old should reach 13-17 cm in an erect state or 7-8 cm in a calm state. A deviation from the specified length of 3 cm up or down is considered a healthy variant of the norm.

A set of exercises for a beginner

Exercise programs for penis enlargement are different; you need to choose what suits best for a particular person. If a teenager is a complete “dummy” and doesn’t know where to start, you can start with this program, adjusting it “to suit you.”

  1. 5 minutes. mandatory warming up under water or a heated salt bag.
  2. 5 minutes stretching the penis in different directions. Five approaches of half a minute with breaks between them. Gradually the number of approaches is increased, the total time is up to 10 minutes.
  3. Jelq, start with one hundred for 3 seconds. each, gradually increasing to 300 movements. Bring jelqing to 30 minutes.
  4. Warm up again for up to five minutes.
  5. 10 Kegel exercises. Hold each LMB contraction for five seconds. Increase the quantity gradually to 50 or more, and the retention time as well.
  6. Schedule: two days of classes, a day of rest.

The exercise time is increased gradually! This will take 6 weeks, for some more. If you get injured, take a break.

How to measure and at what age

Active growth of the intimate organ in boys begins from the moment of maturation, that is, from 12-13. From this moment on, doctors have age standards for lengths, which increase by an average of 1 cm every year. The average length of the penis at 15 years old is 6-7 cm (in a fully erect state, 12-16). At the age of fourteen, 5-6 cm (11-15 cm), at 13, approximately 5 cm (10-13 cm).

For the calculations to be correct, the organ must be measured correctly:

  1. The first measurement is carried out at rest. A measuring tape is better suited for this, rather than one with a larger percentage of errors.
  2. The penis needs to be fixed (without stretching!) parallel to the floor and the edge of the meter should be applied to its very root.
  3. The length corresponding to the end of the head is equal to the length of the penis in a quiet position.
  4. The procedure is repeated until a full and stable erection is achieved, while continuing to fix the penis in an even, parallel position to the floor.

If there are “unsatisfactory” results, repeated measurements should be taken, but not earlier than after 3-4 months. The procedure is carried out once every 6 months and preferably with a male parent.

Basic tips for beginners

You need to start any manipulations or training gradually, with small loads! Alternate training days with rest days. If injuries occur during exercise, then stop all exercises for a while.

  • As a result of jelqing, blood is driven from the base to the top of the penis shaft, which enlarges in the shape of a “baseball bat”. The top will be wider. This is dealt with by hanging it downwards, increasing the base of the penis.
  • Before performing penis enlargement techniques, you must carefully measure your penis and take a photo to track growth results.
  • They take measurements 1 – 2 times a month, write them down in a diary, where they indicate the general training plan for the current time - they write down the NUP program.

How to do jelqing:

  • use Vaseline or oil for better glide, not soap!
  • the penis is first brought to 40% erection (over time up to 70% erection) and “milked” - the blood is moved along the shaft from the base to the head, clasping the penis with an OK grip - the thumb and forefinger;
  • when the fingers reach the head, with the other hand they grasp the base with an OK grip and begin a new movement, only after that they release the first hand;
  • movements do not stop for a specified amount of time. The penis should swell during the massage.

When orgasm approaches, stop the exercise. They do this type of massage - jelqing - for about 10 minutes. Over time, the compression force and time increase.

How to stretch your penis:

  • with the index finger and thumb, clasp the penis (at rest, without an erection) a little further than the head so that the hand is on top;
  • pull away from you, helping with the other hand;
  • hold for 30 seconds;
  • so 5 approaches;
  • every week the hold is increased to a minute, the number of approaches to 6-7 or more.

Kegel exercises:

  • Tighten your PC muscle, as if trying to hold back urination, hold it for 5 seconds. Gradually increase the hold time to 30 s;
  • tighten your left mouse button as if trying to “go to the toilet faster.” Hold for 5 seconds;
  • try to alternately tense/relax the sphincter and pubic muscles separately.

Warm up:

Warming up is mandatory to increase elasticity and reduce injuries to the penis.

  1. Hold your penis under running warm water for five minutes (no more than ten).
  2. Special devices, for example, a heating bag with salt. It’s easy to make—pour salt into a sock and heat it on a radiator or in the microwave for 30 seconds. or more, sometimes rice is used instead of salt. The bag is applied to the penis and pubic area.

How important is length?

Measuring sizes for a child and parents has different sides. For a guy at sixteen, it is important to have a “cool device”; it is a sign of strength, power and sexuality. No one will ever laugh at such a teenager, and the opportunity to show off non-standard sizes will give confidence in one’s own sexual capabilities and increase self-esteem.

For parents, the correct length is confirmation of the correct and healthy development of their son. The ability to conceive a child, give birth and become happy in family life, realizing oneself.

The genital organs, like all body systems, begin to develop even before the baby is born. After birth, the baby must be examined by a doctor, paying attention to the presence of testicles in the scrotum and the original size of the penis. In a newborn they should be 1.5-2 cm.

The initial examination reveals intrauterine pathologies and makes it possible to eliminate them at the very beginning of the boy’s life. An alarming sign of problems with the genitourinary system is the crying of the baby when urinating.

The average length of the penis largely depends on the age at which a teenager begins to mature. The earlier puberty begins, the more impressive the size of the young man will be. The following manifestations will tell you about the onset of adolescence:

  • changes in psycho-emotional state, irritability, nervousness or vice versa, apathy and infantility;
  • voice breaking;
  • the appearance of acne and pimples;
  • hair growth in the groin and under the arms;
  • increase in penis size.


Massage helps to enlarge the phallus by 5-7 cm. In addition, if it is performed regularly, blood circulation will improve and potency will increase. In the future, a man will become more resilient in intimate terms, and the quality of erection will noticeably improve.

It is necessary to lubricate the genital organ with lubricant and perform stroking movements for 10 minutes. Another effective method is rubbing with two palms.

Important. Massage and exercises can be performed only if there are no contraindications; it is recommended to first discuss this issue with a specialist.

Stages of organ development

Penis growth goes through several stages. The first begins at birth and lasts until about fourteen. Its important stage is the disappearance of physiological phimosis, that is, the opening of the head. This occurs in all boys at different ages, on average from 4 to 7 years. If this does not happen before 8, you will need the help of surgeons in eliminating the delicate problem. On average, over the years the penis increases by 4-6 cm.

The second stage begins with the onset of puberty - the testicles completely descend into the scrotum, subcutaneous fat disappears, and the penis begins to change slightly in volume. At the third stage, which falls in the middle of adolescence, organ growth can reach 1.5-2 cm per year. She also has all the “charms” of these years, which arise under the influence of the active synthesis of sex hormones.

The fourth stage is characterized by growth of the penis not only in length, but also in width - approximately 0.5-1 cm per year. Continues to grow and develop, but in a lighter version up to 18-22. From this age, the young man’s reproductive system is considered completely ready for procreation.

When to sound the alarm

Parents should pay attention to the overall development of the child. Under the influence of hormones, adolescents often show aggression and are characterized by instability of the nervous system. They easily get excited, but they also “cool down” just as quickly. Of course, hormones “rage” in the blood, which affect the child’s behavioral characteristics. This is normal.

But if a teenage boy is passive, he is slowly gaining height and weight, and is significantly behind his peers in strength, it is worth consulting a doctor.

This does not mean that the child has developmental problems or is sick; the teenager may be developing “according to an individual program.” But pathologies can only be excluded with the help of a doctor.

What can affect proper development

Various factors can affect the proper development of the intimate organ. The first of them is the expectant mother’s failure to comply with the rules of a healthy lifestyle during the period of bearing the baby. Smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs, and working in hazardous industries can lead to abnormalities in the development of the reproductive organs.

The next stage is the baby’s diet during his active growth and development, from birth to 7-8 years. It is necessary for the baby to regularly consume products necessary for men's health. They will help in the correct formation of vital organs and components of the reproductive system.

Physical development and sports will help avoid problems with excess weight and will contribute to the proper synthesis of hormones. This will protect you from obesity and endocrine disorders, which can cause future infertility and delayed growth of intimate organs.

Bad habits are the most destructive factor to men's health. Teenagers are introduced to alcohol and cigarettes very early, and this usually occurs precisely at the age of active development.

Diagnostic value of penis size

Penis parameters in relation to age and height are used to determine the neurohormonal development of a person during puberty. Optimal parameters are monitored by sexologists. The first studies were carried out in Moscow, under the leadership of Professor Vasilshenko. He proved the connection between organ parameters and neurohormonal disorders.

Guys whose penis size is significantly smaller often suffer from hypogonadism. This is a condition accompanied by enlargement of the mammary glands. Due to the active synthesis of female hormones in the body.

The professor developed an ideal formula for matching parameters regarding the age and height of a teenager. Based on the information received, health status and additional factors can be determined.

Secondary signs

The hormonal system plays a huge role in sexual formation. Before puberty, gonadotropic hormones predominate. During the period of improvement of the pituitary gland, the amount of testosterone increases, which causes the appearance of secondary symptoms:

  • active development in a short period, up to 20 cm per year;
  • change in figure, takes on the shape of an inverted triangle (narrow hips, broad shoulders);
  • the appearance of hair on the pubis, armpits, face;
  • voice breaking, formation of Adam's apple;
  • intensive enlargement of the reproductive system (testicles, penis);
  • interest in the opposite sex.

In most young men, intensive enlargement of the genitals disappears in approximately 3-4 years. This is a lot of mental and physical stress.

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