What should be the normal penis size at 13, 14, 15 years old?

A harmoniously developing child is healthy mentally and physically, well-built and happy. That is why it is important to monitor whether the growing organism is formed correctly. Particular attention should be paid to the boy’s puberty.

Deviations from the age norm can be corrected if identified in time. If parents are inactive, a teenage child often develops complexes that will only get worse in adulthood. As a result, a person is able to withdraw into himself, which will affect his future fate.

A man, even at a very young age, strives for leadership. He has a competitive spirit. Already in childhood, boys indulge in comparing themselves with others. And each of them, without realizing it, strives to be the best. This is an important psychological stage in personality formation. In order for a young wrestler not to be defeated, he must be developed for his age and understand that he meets the norms .

When do boys first become concerned about penis length?

There is no specific age threshold when guys begin to become interested in their sexual development.
Everything is very individual. For some, this happens quite early - already at 7-8 years old. A provoking factor may be playing sports or swimming together with peers when children use a common shower. For others, such thoughts appear much later, in adolescence. Typically, at the age of 14-15, children are already discussing topics of sex and self-gratification. Such conversations among peers push people to think about the size of their own penis.

The average age at which attention is focused on one’s own sexual development is 12-15 years. Much depends on upbringing and social environment.

It is worth noting that deviation in the earlier period of the specified age threshold is not considered a pathological process of mental development. This is a natural process of learning about yourself. But if a young man, even by the time he came of age, was not interested in his own sexual development and compliance with certain physical standards, this is a problem. Here we can talk about sexual immaturity.

If parents notice that a boy is lagging behind in puberty, it is strictly forbidden to inform the child about this directly, as this can traumatize his psyche. You should not focus on the problem; you need to delicately sort out the issue with the help of doctors or a psychologist, if necessary.

To determine the normal size of the penis , it is necessary to take the correct measurement . The procedure is quite simple and can be done at home. To do this, you must consider the following rules:

  • the first measurements are made in a state of rest, the second stage - in an excited state;
  • You can check the length of the penis in the position in which the child will be comfortable; measuring while standing is considered optimal;
  • the penis must be fixed parallel to the floor; there is no need to press or unnecessarily stretch the organ;
  • in order to reduce the error, it is recommended to use a soft meter rather than a tape measure or a hard ruler; it will allow you to get the most accurate results;
  • in order to eliminate inaccuracies due to subcutaneous fatty tissue, the meter is installed close to the skin near the very root of the penis, and measurements end precisely at the tip of the glans .

Parents don't need to measure their children's penis size too often. In a week or even a month, the situation will not change dramatically, but the child’s tension will accumulate. The recommended measurement frequency is once every six months. If the situation is very worrying, you need to limit yourself to an interval of three to four months.

What affects the development of the penis

Before we talk about the size of the penis at 16 years old, it is worth saying a few words about the physiological development of a teenager.

At this age, the peak of puberty occurs. Girls' hips are actively starting to grow. Nature has it in such a way that the body gradually prepares for the main reproductive functions - conception, pregnancy and childbirth. In boys, the hips practically do not change in size, but the humerus actively begins to expand.

Many teenagers are already growing a beard. Normally, the first stubble should appear between the ages of 15 and 17 years. Due to insufficient or increased production of the male hormone, this may happen a little earlier or later. The young man's voice will also noticeably become rougher.

As for the genital organs, by this age they begin to noticeably increase in volume and length. Along with this, the formation of the foreskin occurs. For boys, this period is the most exciting. They are interested in the question of whether they are fully mature and what is the normal penis size at 16 years old?

The development of the penis during adolescence is influenced by a number of external factors. The main aspect is the level of hormones, which actively increases during the maturation period. The discrepancy between the parameters of the penis is due to endocrine disorders in the body. Insufficient hormone production leads to health problems in later life. It is necessary to eliminate the violations before adulthood, otherwise testosterone will not be produced in sufficient quantities.


  • metabolic disorder. Metabolic processes are responsible for the digestibility of active components and their distribution throughout the body. Metabolic disorders lead to the deposition of subcutaneous fat, which visually reduces the size of the penis;
  • nutrition. The influence of a balanced diet is insignificant, but this factor is still taken into account. Lack of vitamins, minerals and amino acids slows down development processes in the body. The consequence of this is the underdevelopment of many parts of the body, in particular the genitals;
  • childhood traumas. Traumatization of the organ and severe pathological processes leave an imprint on further development. Timely treatment of disorders accelerates the body’s recovery process;
  • abuse of bad habits. Previous exposure to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages slows down the development of a growing organism.

Some experts draw a parallel between masturbation, sexual orientation and early sexual activity. The presented factors do not affect the parameters of the organ. The main reasons for deviations from the norm lie in heredity, hormone production and the general condition of the child.

Disturbances in the process of formation of the organs of the reproductive system are often caused by progressive pathologies, in particular:

  • not by opening the head of the penis;
  • phimosis;
  • short bridle;
  • the onset of prostatitis;
  • anorchia;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • micropenia;
  • gynecomastia.

Deviations from the norm lie in heredity and the production of adolescent hormones

The non-opening of the head of the genital organ is due to both its fusion and the narrowing of the opening of the foreskin. In the first case, conservative therapy is sufficient; in the second, surgical intervention will be required. The simultaneous course of two variations of pathology cannot be ruled out. Lack of therapy leads to spontaneous release of the head of the penis, which is accompanied by the development of paraphimosis. The disease is dangerous due to the formation of gangrene.

A short frenulum appears both independently and along with the progression of phimosis. Lack of treatment leads to difficulties in sexual life during the period of full maturation. In this case, the psycho-emotional state of the young man comes under attack.

At an early age, the prerequisites for the development of prostatitis may be laid. This process is affected by viral and infectious diseases, circulatory disorders in the pelvis, sedentary lifestyle, and intestinal dysfunction.

Anorchia is the absence of testicles due to changes in the synthesis of sex hormones.

Cryptorchidism is the failure of the testicles to descend into the scrotum. There are three types of the disease: false, true and ectopia. In the first case, a cremasteric reflex is present; normally it should not be present. The scrotum is symmetrical, the testicle is located in the area of ​​the external inguinal ring. In true cryptorchidism, the testicles are located in the abdominal cavity. Ectopia is accompanied by the location of the testicles in the perineal area.

If you suspect any abnormalities, it is advisable to seek help from a doctor

Micropenia is an abnormal development of the genital organ, in which the penis is less than average length. It appears as an independent disease or in combination with other pathological processes.

Gynecomastia is swelling of the mammary glands caused by the predominance of female hormones in the body. It is characterized by a pathological and physiological course. In the first case, gynecomastia is associated with a violation of the production of male sex hormones, in the second, the predominance of maternal placental estrogens in the body. Physiological gynecomastia disappears on its own, a few weeks after birth.

Delayed sexual development negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive system in adulthood. The diagnosis is made when there are no signs of maturation after 14 years of age. However, constitutional and physical delay occurs in most cases. The reproductive system can actively develop even after the age of 15 years.

At the same time, the child feels well. It is possible that developmental delay is a consequence of pathological processes in the body. To determine the exact cause, it is advisable to undergo laboratory and instrumental studies. Developmental delays can develop when benign tumors form and the synthesis of male hormones is disrupted.

Both early and late puberty can provoke deviations. In this case, the genitals begin to enlarge before the age of 9 or after 15. If you suspect abnormalities, it is advisable to seek help from a medical institution.

Important: the quality of sexual intercourse does not depend on the size of the penis.

The increase in the size of the penis in a teenager and the phase of development of secondary sexual characteristics actively occurs at the age of 12-16 years. At this time, sufficient production of the hormone testosterone is very important, and how much the penis will enlarge will also depend on its quantity. Doctors recommend paying close attention to the growth of the genitals in children, since if the pathological course of this process (abnormally low testosterone levels) is detected in a timely manner, specialists will be able to make adjustments by prescribing hormonal medications. If a deviation from the norm is detected at 15 years of age or, even better, a year earlier, the normal process of puberty will be restored.

Most parents of our time, observing the growth and development of their sons, often begin to become interested in what the parameters of the penis should be in teenage boys and men at different periods of growing up. And this is actually far from idle interest. The development of sexual characteristics in boys and men should be uniform, harmonious and correspond to the period of growing up.

Despite the fact that some deviations from generally accepted norms are still acceptable, too significant a lag or too rapid development can cause problems for the future man. Thus, timely monitoring of the growth of a teenager’s manhood in the future can become the key to a healthy adult life.

Modern experts are sure that parental interest in the intimate side of issues of boys growing up is very important. Since such attention allows you to pay attention in advance to possible emerging problems or the beginnings of ailments. And thanks to this, stop their development in the bud. This means preventing the occurrence of pathologies and serious diseases.

But there is another side to the coin. Some psychologists argue that such close attention to this issue may well cause complexes in the boy. For example, parental discussions about the size of the genitals, such as: “How long should a child’s penis be and how to enlarge it.” But for parents, no information from this area will be superfluous. And on the contrary, they will turn out to be very useful.

It is also worth noting that reproductive dysfunction often causes poor awareness of the development of the genital organs. And not only parents, but also children. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to panic if a child suddenly begins to show interest in what the penis should be like at the age of 13 and how to enlarge it. Parents' observations of the child's sexual development will help avoid difficulties in the future.

It is known that the child’s genital organs begin their development in the mother’s womb. And after birth, the doctor conducts a thorough examination in order to prevent in advance all possible pathologies of the penis. What size should a baby be? If you believe medical statistics, then usually the length of a little boy’s penis does not exceed a couple of centimeters. Monitoring the condition of the baby in the first years of life is extremely important. If a boy cries while urinating, this is a reason to go to the hospital.

Some children are really worried about the size of their genitals. But adolescents must understand that sexual development can be accelerated, or it can occur with some delay. For this very reason, the penis at eight years old and at thirteen years old can often remain virtually unchanged in length.

There are five such periods in total:

  • Period one. It begins from the moment of birth and continues until approximately twelve to fourteen years. The size of the organ does not undergo particularly significant changes. The boy grows, and as he grows, the penis develops. Up to about 5 cm. But before the time of ripening, this process occurs quite slowly. By the age of eight years, phimosis, if any, should disappear. If phimosis does not go away on its own, consult a doctor.
  • Period two. Usually its beginning coincides with the beginning of the so-called “transitional” age. Subcutaneous fat supposedly disappears, and the testicles gradually descend. The pituitary gland begins active work. Little by little, the penis begins to increase in size.
  • Period three. Approximately mid-ripening. The penis begins to grow larger by one and a half to two centimeters per year. Hair begins to actively grow in the boy's groin and armpits. This occurs due to hormonal changes.
  • Period four. At the age of about fifteen years, the penis changes, becoming not only longer, but also thicker. About a centimeter.
  • Fifth period. Continues until the age of seventeen or eighteen. But often sexual development is finally completed after twenty years, when the reproductive system has completely completed its formation and the young man is completely ready to continue the family. The penis finally takes on adult size.

Age indicators

13 years

It is at this age that teenagers often begin to worry about penis size . Based on statistical data, the average penis of a thirteen-year-old boy is five centimeters (at rest).

If we are talking about an erect organ, the size ranges from ten to thirteen centimeters. It should be noted that the average statistical value is a very conditional indicator of the norm.

14 years

This age group has its own average, which differs from the previous one. Statistics show that in adolescents of fourteen years of age, the penis most often reaches a size of five to six centimeters at rest. Moreover, in a state of erection, the boys’ genital organ is approximately eleven to fifteen centimeters.

15 years

The boy is a year older, and, therefore, the average indicator, conventionally designated as the norm, changes. At the age of fifteen, the penis should be six to seven centimeters long in a relaxed state. If you measure an erect organ, its size can range from twelve to sixteen centimeters.

The main signs of puberty

The average length of the penis depends on when the first signs of maturation appeared. Sometimes just one year makes all the difference. The following noticeable features should be noted that indicate that the boy is becoming a teenager:

  • Active hair growth under the arms, on the pubic area.
  • The appearance of skin rashes - pimples, blackheads.
  • Increased nervousness, frequent irritability, and sometimes apathy towards everything that happens.
  • Increase in penis size – reproductive organs begin to mature.

Bad habits affect the body, also slowing down mental development - for example, smoking constricts blood vessels, making it difficult for brain cells to exist. Therefore, drinking teenagers are often surprised when looking at the size of their penis at 16 years old - for some reason they have no idea what caused the unimpressive size. Sometimes being overweight is to blame, but being undernourished won't do you any good either. The average length often depends on lifestyle.

Acne and pimples on his skin may indicate that a boy is becoming a teenager.

On average, the length of a boy's penis in adolescence is directly dependent on a single factor. The time at which the very first signs appeared, signaling that puberty had begun. Sometimes just one year can make all the difference.

Simple exercises with cream. Just 10 minutes a day and in a month 4 cm. Take it with your hand and do...

Teenage characteristics to pay attention to are:

  • Apathy or vice versa – increased irritability;
  • Hair in the groin and under the arms began to grow more actively;
  • A rash and inflammation appeared on the skin;
  • The penis has become larger.

Typically, boys begin puberty at around twelve years of age. That is why the boy himself or his parents may be interested in the question of how to enlarge the penis at the age of 12 and in what cases this should be done. Although sometimes it can be late and begin at fourteen years old. Year after year, the penis should increase by a centimeter and a half. But adding length and thickness depends not only on the health of the teenager, but also on genetics.

Adverse habits have a dangerous effect on an organism that is not yet strong. Tobacco can constrict blood vessels, preventing brain cells from functioning normally. And this, as a result, slows down the guy’s mental development. And not only. Sexual development is also slowed down. This is why teenagers who drink or smoke cannot understand at the age of sixteen why their sizes leave much to be desired. Obesity can also be a cause.

How to evaluate the concept of norm


A teenager's penis in a relaxed state may differ from the average. Most often, the difference does not exceed two centimeters in one direction or another. This size is also considered normal.

An erect penis may differ by one and a half to two centimeters, increasing or decreasing.

If the boy’s genitals differ significantly from the average values, it is worth consulting a doctor. The alarm should be sounded when the deviation exceeds three centimeters.

When worry is too much

Most often, it is the too small size of a child’s penis that causes concern, and this is understandable. Both the boy and his parents are concerned about the question of what lack of centimeters corresponds to the lower limit of the norm. So, the minimum length of the penis should be:

  • for a 13-year-old teenager – 5 cm in a calm state and 11 cm in an excited state;
  • for a child 14 years old - 6 cm at rest and 12 cm if the penis is erect;
  • at 15 years old - 7 cm in a relaxed state and 13 cm in an excited state.

The presented parameters are recognized as the lower limits of normal in medicine. According to research data, as well as in accordance with the results of medical observations, such indicators are sufficient for full development. In addition, it is generally accepted that as they grow older they are able to replenish themselves.

Average length

As you know, physiological development is not a free thing. Hundreds of treatises and medical works have been written about how a person should grow and develop during puberty. With the size of our penis, we are also forced to walk along a narrow path. Meet the average length.

In 17 years

Inexorable statistics insist that the average size of the phallus at rest is 9 cm. These parameters can be called the golden mean. Doctors themselves claim that exactly half of teenagers have a larger penis, and exactly half have a smaller one.

At 18 years old

While a person takes wings and becomes an adult, the average penis size grows to 10 cm. Guys reach the end of puberty with approximately this size. In combat readiness, this results in a stable 13-17 cm.

Have you tried to enlarge your penis?

Not really

What to do if there is a problem

What should children and their parents do if they discover a problem? What to do if the child’s penis is not developed enough, is it possible to change the situation?

Initially, you need to determine the cause of improper ripening. This will require an examination of the teenager. The primary task at this stage is to exclude pathology.

Deviation can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Insufficient production of testosterone - the male sex hormone . It is this biologically active substance that is responsible for the formation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in a man, including the size of the penis.
  2. Excess body fat. Pathology is formed as a result of an incorrect lifestyle, namely nutritional disorders in a child. Obesity can also be caused by hereditary factors. Often the problem with penis size goes away as soon as a person loses excess weight. The fact is that due to completeness, the lack of centimeters can be purely visual. However, there are often cases when an organ can actually lag behind in development in obese children, because extra pounds change hormonal levels. This is especially dangerous for a growing organism. The earlier the disorder occurs, the more severe the consequences can be, up to a complete stop in the development of the penis.
  3. Any injury, in particular a bruise or fracture, can lead to delayed development or cessation of growth of the penis.
  4. Bad habits at an early age, no matter how trivial it may sound, are also risk factors. Smoking and alcohol can disrupt full puberty. It is worth noting that even passive smoking can have an impact (for example, if one of the parents regularly smokes in front of the child).


To avoid delayed growth of the penis, it is necessary to take care of the health of a teenage boy from childhood. First of all, the child needs to be provided with conditions for normal development.

This should be a balanced diet, rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the harmonious development and growth of a teenager.

Many teenagers today are addicted to smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and bad habits can have a negative impact on the pace of puberty.

If there is a delay in sexual development due to health reasons, alarming signs cannot be ignored. If treatment is not prescribed to a teenager in a timely manner, then sexual health disorders will be almost impossible to correct, which will negatively affect the moral well-being of an adult man.


For the proper formation of a growing body, a balanced diet is important. It is necessary to introduce into the diet foods for penis growth that have a positive effect on overall health. These include:

  • walnuts – have an active effect on sexual function;
  • parsley – increases potency and affects the timely formation of the sexual organ;
  • carrots – helps improve blood circulation in the body;
  • tomatoes - due to the lycopene content in the composition, they help maintain healthy sexual function and protect against free radicals;
  • avocado – increases blood flow and promotes penis growth;
  • ginger – rich in micro- and macroelements, has a positive effect on the harmonious development of a teenager;
  • seafood – saturate the body with healthy fatty acids;
  • asparagus – affects testosterone synthesis.

If a child is allergic to any food products, they should be excluded from the diet.

If deviations in the development of the penis are detected, the following correction methods can be used:

  1. Hormonal therapy. Important! Strictly as prescribed by a doctor if there are appropriate indications. It is strictly forbidden to give your child hormonal drugs on your own. This can have a detrimental effect not only on sexual function, but also on the general condition of the body.
  2. Surgery if there was an injury and the organ needs restoration.
  3. Exercises and massages , if prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Special products: creams, ointments, gels, sprays .
  5. Stretcher or extender.
  6. Jelqing.

It is important for parents to monitor how their child develops.

Interesting video

We invite you to watch an interesting video on the topic:

In the area of ​​puberty, boys will need special attention. There are average indicators of normal penis size for certain age categories. If a significant deviation is noticed, the issue requires immediate resolution, otherwise time may be lost. In such a situation, it is mandatory to consult a doctor and determine the causes of developmental delay, as well as develop a further correction strategy. The main thing is to do everything carefully and delicately so as not to traumatize the child’s psyche.

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