Which doctor treats potency in men? Impotence specialists

Erectile dysfunction in men or impotence is manifested by the inability to have sexual intercourse due to poor filling of the penis with blood. A symptom of erectile dysfunction is a condition when, for various reasons, the penis cannot achieve the necessary elasticity for insertion into the partner’s genital tract, or its tension stops earlier, which does not allow successful completion of sexual intercourse. Over 150 million men in the world suffer from impaired ability to have sexual intercourse due to decreased erection; the complete inability to perform sexual intercourse is called impotence. In men over 40 years of age, the problem of erectile dysfunction and impotence occurs several times more often than in younger people and affects the quality of life. Treatment of impotence can be successful using modern methods of vascular restoration and correction of psychological disorders and the man’s lifestyle. It is important to understand that vascular lesions are not the most common cause of impotence, while more than 80% of cases of sexual impotence are explained by psychological problems. Risk factors are obesity, diabetes mellitus and chronic intoxication with alcohol and nicotine. Men often gain knowledge about impotence from articles in tabloid magazines, being embarrassed to seek help in a timely manner, take care of their health and get rid of bad habits.

Reasons for decreased potency

Doctors say that occasional misfires in bed are not a reason to see a doctor and sound the alarm. The diagnosis of “erectile dysfunction” is made only when a man fails to achieve a high-quality erection in 25% or more of his attempts. Among the factors that negatively affect the sexual sphere in young men are an unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, poor nutrition, and bad habits. Moreover, all causes of poor potency are usually divided into three subgroups, each of which has its own characteristics.


Chronic diseases of internal organs and untreated diseases are common causes of impotence in men aged 40 years. These factors rarely influence the younger generation. Organic diseases are divided into the following categories:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system or hormonal imbalances. Sexual impotence is often caused by insufficient production of the male hormone, testosterone, which is responsible for spermatogenesis and sexual desire. The culprits of hormonal disorders can be the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands.
  • Problems with potency due to vascular diseases - high blood pressure, cholesterol plaques, tachycardia, etc.
  • Diseases of the nervous system, problems with nerve conduction. This could be various spinal injuries, lumbar osteochondrosis, arthrosis or arthritis.

Psychological factor

If there are no external symptoms, and a diagnostic study shows that everything is fine with the internal organs, you should pay attention to psychological reasons. The decrease in potency depends on factors such as:

  • The sexual fiasco complex is when a man is too worried, worried or afraid of failure.
  • Sex in one position, a certain set of foreplay, lack of novelty in bed, loss of emotional intimacy is another reason for psychological impotence. Husbands who have been married to one partner for more than 10 years often suffer from this problem with potency.
  • Depression, overwork, constant stress, workload, physical or mental fatigue.

Temporary decrease in potency in men

In addition, pathological disorders may be temporary. As a rule, problems with potency are provoked by:

  • Sedentary work. Staying in one position for a long time provokes blood stagnation in the pelvic organs and slow blood circulation.
  • Excess weight. The accumulation of fat negatively affects metabolic processes, in addition, obesity often leads to prostatitis.
  • Sometimes the appearance of erectile dysfunction is associated with taking medications. For example, diabetes medications, antidepressants or anti-allergy medications.

Pure psychology

There are purely psychological reasons for “switching off” erectile function. One of the most common examples is the fear of failing again. For example, a man once, due to fatigue or excitement, was unable to enjoy his partner, who was ready for a hot night. After that, a worm of doubt settled in my head: what if next time again?.. And next time, the horror of possible failure overshadows all positive emotions - and nothing comes of it.

The cause of dysfunction can be any seemingly funny psychological factor. It is believed that men like it when a woman screams in bed. But this fact can confuse some men: “What if the neighbors hear everything? What if I go out onto the stairs tomorrow, and there Klavdia Petrovna says to me...” While this thought is knocking on the brain, the blood has every chance of draining from the reproductive organ.

Therefore, if problems start in your bed, you need to behave as correctly as possible. Despite the fact that men, by definition, are a strong gender, in this matter, a mocking facial expression or misunderstanding on the part of a partner can only aggravate the situation. Tactfully ask your partner about what makes him happy and what upsets him, show cunning and attention - and your partner will have a chance for a miraculous healing.

Signs of impotence in men aged 40

Doctors say that the first symptoms of erectile dysfunction can be noticed long before the age of forty. If appropriate measures are taken in time, normal sexual desire can be extended for many years. Meanwhile, from the appearance of the first signs to a complete decrease in the level of the male hormone, only a few years can pass.

The decrease in potency after 40 occurs against the background of:

  • Absence or inability to obtain a full erection - when the penis remains insufficiently hard, arousal is unstable or completely absent.
  • Impaired sperm excretion - the presence of ejaculation before sexual intercourse, premature ejaculation or its complete absence.
  • Decreased sexual function - the inability to have sexual intercourse with a partner due to lack of erection or too long erection of the penis.
  • Lack of attraction to a partner - patients do not experience sexual desire, refuse sex, they are not interested in the intimate sphere.

Which doctor treats erectile dysfunction?

Early diagnosis of potency problems significantly increases the chances of a speedy recovery and the effectiveness of treatment at any age. Which doctor to contact for impotence depends on the cause of the disease. In case of physiological disorders, it is worth visiting a urologist or andrologist, but to make a more accurate diagnosis, consultations with specialists in other areas may be necessary:

  • psychologist or sex therapist – when the cause of loss of erection lies in psychogenic factors;
  • endocrinologist - if tests show insufficient production of testosterone by the body;
  • cardiologist – when the cause of decreased potency is cardiovascular disease;
  • venereologist – when disorders occur against the background of sexually transmitted diseases.

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Where can I consult online?

Advice on various symptoms of potency disorders can be given by doctors on specialized moderated forums, for example, on the website of urologist surgeon A. V. Babykin: https://uro-forum.ru/viewforum.php?f=17. Here doctors do not try to “divorce” men with potency disorders, but look at the test results sent in the message and give professional advice. They have enough clients, their reputation is more important to them. Below are the answers to a man who has already undergone several examinations by various specialists:

If a treatment plan is needed, it is drawn up for a fee.

Another example of a forum is https://www.andro-forum.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=29. The questions are answered by andrologist, genital surgeon Petrovich R. Yu. Below is an example of a response to a patient about what tests he still needs to take, since all the previous ones (prescribed by other doctors) did not show the cause of impaired potency:

Forums where you can share your problem and get advice on improving potency from other men: https://antiwomen.ru/viewtopic.php?t=36205, https://forum.gpills.me/index.php?topic=102.0 , https://hron-prostatit.ru/forum/viewforum.php?f=40.

You can make an appointment using the form below, selecting the city and specialist:

Diagnosis and establishment of an accurate diagnosis

Treatment of erectile dysfunction caused by organic causes begins with their correction with the help of medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, normalization of the daily routine and proper nutrition. The examination that precedes this usually includes:

  • ECG with cardiac stress at rest;
  • blood tests for sugar and testosterone hormone levels;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • lipid profile study for total cholesterol, triglycerides and other levels;
  • Dopplerography of the vessels of the penis and prostate.

What to do if a man has weak potency

To restore male strength, you should start by eliminating the cause of the pathology: if testosterone levels decrease, you need to undergo a course of hormonal therapy. When the reasons for a weakened erection lie in the nervous system, the patency of the nerve fibers is restored under the supervision of a neurologist. To prevent physical health you should:

  • maintain an active lifestyle, normalize nutrition;
  • limit alcohol intake, stop smoking;
  • keep your weight and blood pressure under control;
  • avoid severe stress and overwork;
  • lead a full sex life - ensure regular sex, without prolonged abstinence and frequent changes of sexual partners.

Physiotherapy and massage

For diseases of the musculoskeletal system or cardiovascular system that cause impotence, doctors prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures: shock wave therapy, UHF, UHF, UHF, UV irradiation for the collar or lumbar area. You should not refuse massage of the perineum and pelvic organs in the complex treatment of sexual dysfunction. Regular sessions of hardware massage not only eliminate problems with potency, but relieve stress and increase the sensitivity of the genital organs.


Physical therapy is often used as an auxiliary technique in the treatment of impotence. Its main goal is to strengthen the muscles that are used during sexual intercourse and improve blood circulation. Any moderate physical activity is suitable: running, swimming, yoga. At the same time, sports such as bodybuilding, lifting weights and other exhausting loads, on the contrary, will limit a man’s sexual capabilities.

Diet food

Potency may decrease as a result of poor nutrition. Coffee and caffeinated drinks, white bread, pasta, potatoes, cereals, and sausages have a negative effect on sexual function. To restore an erection, the menu should include healthy dishes and aphrodisiacs:

  • seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • lean meat;
  • fruits – avocados, apples, pineapples, strawberries;
  • nuts and honey;
  • spices;
  • greenery.

Types of gynecomastia

The true one is also distinguished in men. The latter is diagnosed for obesity; it has absolutely no effect on physical health. Nevertheless, enlarged mammary glands cause a lot of complexes and affect a man’s quality of life.

It affects both mammary glands or just one. The unilateral form of the disease causes great concern among doctors, since under the influence of certain factors it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

The first signs of the disease are breast enlargement, a feeling of heaviness and pressure from the inside, and sometimes the mammary glands itch. These symptoms are observed in the first stage, which lasts 3–5 months.

Other changes are taking place:

The danger is a change in the shape of the nipple (retraction), bloody discharge from it, enlargement of the lymph nodes and their soreness. Such signs may be a signal of the beginning of the degeneration of breast tissue cells into a cancerous tumor.

Weakening of potency in men - treatment

When sexual impotence, weak erection and decreased libido occur, doctors choose an integrated approach. Not only physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and gymnastics are used, but also medications, traditional medicine recipes and innovative technologies for the treatment of impotence. In some cases, surgery cannot be avoided.

Drug treatment

Patients are prescribed medications to stabilize hormonal levels, improve vascular patency, and relieve nervous tension. To achieve an immediate effect, doctors can recommend Viagra, the tablets of which are supplemented with ointments, injections and acupressure. When treating with medications, a man must follow the doctor’s recommendations and do not forget about proper rest and diet. You should use drugs for instant erection no earlier than an hour before sexual intercourse, not exceeding 30 doses per month.

Folk remedies

Thanks to the development of homeopathy, it is now possible to eliminate the problem of male sexual impotence using safer means. Traditional medicine offers a lot of recipes for herbal tinctures, decoctions, teas and ointments. The most effective are considered:

  • Nettle decoction. Take 1 tbsp. l. herbs: nettle, St. John's wort and mint. Pour two glasses of boiling water and leave for half an hour. It is recommended to take the decoction all day, divided into several servings. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.
  • Garlic tincture. To prepare it, take 1 kg of garlic and 3 liters of water. Chop the garlic, put it in a three-liter jar, pour it in and leave it to brew for 1 month. Take the finished infusion 1 teaspoon every day for 6 months. To increase effectiveness, the product can be diluted in warm milk.
  • Ginseng. Mix 700 grams of honey with 25 grams of crushed ginseng root. Let it brew for a day. Take 1 teaspoon for 2 months half an hour before meals.

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Vacuum treatment

Another innovative method of treating erectile dysfunction is based on creating negative pressure using special mechanical devices. Vacuum treatment promotes blood flow to the penis, which contributes to the appearance of an erection. The tone of the organ is fixed with a special ring. It is advisable to use this approach immediately before sexual contact or an hour before the intended act. The vacuum treatment method does not provide a complete cure for the disease.


If medication and other treatments are ineffective, the doctor will recommend that his patient undergo penile prosthetic surgery to increase sexual desire. This approach in 95% of cases helps to restore sexual activity to a man, and in the future, in order to have sex, the patient does not need to take medications or use other methods of improving erection.

How to treat weak potency

Medicines can be divided into two groups: the effect of which occurs instantly and the effect of long-term effects. The first ones stimulate sexual desire and stabilize erection. The second ones are aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease. Medicines are not always available in tablet form. Some patients, due to physiological reasons or for medical reasons, are prescribed ointments to enhance potency, rectal suppositories or injection solutions.

Preparations based on yohimbine

In medical practice, for problems with potency, narrow-spectrum drugs are often used. Thus, dietary supplements based on the alkaloid yohimbine have become extremely popular. The basis of their influence is the normalization of intimate function, stimulation of erection, and normalization of the patient’s mental state. The following dietary supplements with yohimbine extract are available on the domestic market:

  • Yohimbine Hydrochloride. The drug enhances erection by filling the corpora cavernosa of the male penis with blood. The medicine is well tolerated by patients and does not cause side effects. The downside is that it is impossible for people to use the product if they have problems with potency caused by high or low blood pressure. The average price for tablets in Moscow pharmacies is 225 rubles.
  • Sealex capsules contain more than 9 natural ingredients, plus B vitamins and zinc oxide. One of the advantages is a simple dosage regimen (1 capsule once a day for a month). The downside is the possibility of allergic reactions. The price of capsules is 1380 rubles.

Medicines with cantharidin

In addition to drugs with the active ingredient yohimbine, there are medications with other active ingredients in the composition, for example, tablets with cantharidin. This substance is extracted from Spanish fly. Cantharidin is able to stimulate an erection and prevent it from weakening throughout sexual intercourse. It will be difficult to find such medicines in state pharmacies, since there is no official permission for them.


A separate group should include phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor and antibodies to endothelial synthase:

  • Viagra is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. A Viagra tablet should be taken one hour before sexual intercourse. In case of problems with potency, the effect of the medication lasts for 4-6 hours.
  • Impaza is an antibody to endothelial synthase. The drug is prescribed for problems with potency and decreased libido. The minimum course of treatment is 3 months, a single dose is 1 tablet. The product has no contraindications or side effects.


For chronic impotence, doctors recommend resorting to more radical methods of treatment - injections. Injections help relax the muscles of the penis, rapid blood flow, and normalize metabolic processes. There are such injections as:

  • Alprostadil is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin. The product enhances obturator venous blood flow, relieves potency problems, and relaxes smooth muscles. Alprostadil injections can cause pain and burning during urination and provoke the appearance of bruises.
  • Sustanol is prescribed to men whose potency problems are caused by reduced levels of sex hormones. The drug contains 4 types of male hormone. Plus long-term medications - injections need to be given once every 2-3 weeks. The disadvantages include multiple adverse reactions.

Is it possible to self-medicate?

If there are no pain symptoms or suspicious impurities in urine and semen, then you can try to increase potency with beekeeping products, beaver stream, parsley juice, and special exercises. With some persistence, all this will bear fruit, at least for the general strengthening of the body.

What not to do:

  • Take chemical stimulants from the group of PDE-5 inhibitors: Viagra, Cialis, without a doctor’s prescription. Serious side effects may occur: nausea, fainting, abnormal heart rhythm.
  • Take Chinese dietary supplements with a strange composition and clinically unproven effectiveness.
  • Take antibiotics.
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