Phimosis. Paraphimosis. Author of the article: surgeon, vascular surgeon, Honored Doctor of the Republic of Tatarstan Vladimir Yakovlevich Glyakin.

Many people believe that with the appearance of phimosis, intimate life can be put to rest. This is a misconception; the sensations from sexual intercourse in this case directly depend on the stage of the disease. The main manifestation of phimosis is a narrowing of the foreskin of the penis. The disease has a negative impact on the general condition of a man. Of course, sex with phimosis is accompanied by difficulties. They are caused by discomfort arising from the foreskin fitting the head of the penis too tightly.

Phimosis most often appears in childhood and adolescence. Mature men rarely suffer from this pathology. According to statistics, it is detected in 5% of adult patients who consult a doctor because of problems in the intimate sphere. Sexual activity in this part of the male population is reduced. The occurrence of pathological changes leads to the appearance of psychological disorders and weakening of potency. A man, being in the first stages of phimosis, can have sex regularly. At the same time, he should follow the recommendations of the attending physician, which will avoid the occurrence of painful sensations.

Stages of phimosis

The patient should understand that sex with phimosis is often accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Insufficient release of the glans penis leads to the accumulation of seminal fluid and female secretions in the preputial sac. This is fraught with infectious infection and the development of an inflammatory process.
  • Sexual contact is impossible without an erection. This condition is characterized by a significant enlargement of the penis, which, with a narrow foreskin, often causes severe discomfort.
  • Tension in the preputial tissue can lead to microcracks and tears. The result is bleeding and pain.
  • Sexual intercourse is accompanied by back-and-forth sudden movements, which in case of phimosis increases the traumatic nature of the process.

Additional complications include a sharp decrease in the sensitivity of the glans penis, its fusion with the preputial tissue, and erectile dysfunction. Due to mechanical damage to the foreskin and the lack of necessary protective measures in a man’s history, sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis, and AIDS may appear. Phimosis weakens the immune system, as a result of which the body's resistance is significantly reduced.

Contact a specialist

A man who suffers from phimosis finds it difficult to achieve orgasm, and the likelihood of conception is also reduced. This disease causes such negative consequences as infertility (physiological, psychological), paraphimosis (pinching of the head of the penis by the foreskin). In any case, the patient requires the help of a highly specialized specialist. Ignoring clinical manifestations is fraught with irreversible pathological changes. Doctors do not prohibit having sex with phimosis. A man diagnosed with this disease must be extremely careful.

Feelings during sex with phimosis

With phimosis of the first degree, there are practically no problems with sexual intercourse. The head of the penis is freed from the foreskin without any problems, the likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction is minimal. The pleasure of sex is not overshadowed by painful sensations and excessive tension.

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At the second stage of the disease, some difficulties may arise. A man has to make an effort to ensure that the head of the penis is exposed at the right time. This is fraught with damage to the preputial tissue and infection. The listed factors lead to the appearance of painful sensations. With phimosis of the third and fourth stages, full sexual contact is impossible. Problems with urination arise, and complications provoked by the initial illness develop. Sexual contact in this case is accompanied by severe pain. Dissatisfaction is replaced by a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Weak erection

Lack of intimacy negatively affects the general condition of the patient. There is a weakening of potency, partial erectile dysfunction is caused by a reflex reaction to the discomfort that arises. As a result, phimosis is complemented by sexual impotence and psychological complexes. The accumulation of seminal fluid and urine causes congestion in the pelvic area. As a result, an environment favorable for the life of pathogenic microflora is formed.

Phimosis is the root cause of many serious diseases; ignoring its clinical manifestations leads to damage to the functional tissues that form other reproductive organs. A man who neglects treatment has virtually no chance of conceiving a child. Phimosis greatly reduces the patient's quality of life. The longer it progresses, the higher the risk of possible complications.

The influence of phimosis on women's health

A woman can have sex with phimosis , but it is possible that this could result in negative consequences for her partner. Due to the narrowing of the foreskin in men, smegma, seminal fluid and female secretions accumulate in the preputial space.

As a result of such a combination, in the absence of proper hygiene procedures, serious infection of the genitourinary system is possible. Therefore, a woman may encounter problems with urination (pyelonephritis, cystitis, damage to the urinary ducts) and conception. The longer the clinical manifestations of inflammation are ignored, the more negative the consequences will be. The infection penetrates the organs of the excretory and reproductive systems through the ascending route.

We must not forget about the psychological impact, which will negatively affect the functioning of the central nervous system. Due to dissatisfaction in bed, a woman is more irritable, she shows concern for her other half and this aggravates her general condition. Depression and nervousness inhibit the course of various physiological processes, and the body’s resistance to negative environmental factors decreases.

Women do not have any other shortcomings in their psychological and physical condition. A man undergoing therapy and following all medical advice solves the problem. Compliance with preventive measures and proper preparation allows sexual intercourse not to be complicated by both psychological discomfort and painful sensations.

Women's support is of great importance. Disparaging comments made by a partner provoke complexes that haunt even a healthy man for years. In addition, the patient must have confidence in the health of his woman. The presence of an infectious pathology greatly increases the risk of complications.

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How to get rid of pain during sex

To prevent unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse, a man must follow a few simple rules:

  • Before and after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures. This will prevent the penetration of infection and avoid the development of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The penis must be prepared for retraction. It must be carried out with extreme caution. Ice can be used to reduce tension. Such exposure is fraught with hypothermia, so it is necessary to monitor the duration of the physiotherapy procedure.
  • A man's level of satisfaction directly depends on the sensitivity of the glans penis. With phimosis, it is not completely exposed, so problems arise with the stimulation of nerve endings. To enhance the sensation of sexual intercourse, you can use lubricants.
  • We must not forget about contraception. They will protect both partners from pathogenic microorganisms. The risk of infection with phimosis is significantly increased. The narrowing of the foreskin is accompanied by the occurrence of microtraumas.

    Using condoms

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If symptoms appear that are part of the clinical picture of phimosis, a man should immediately contact a urologist or andrologist. It is quite possible that the changes are physiological in nature and will disappear without medical intervention, but timely diagnosis will not harm in any case. If phimosis is caused by pathological factors, the patient will require treatment. The sooner it begins, the greater the chance of full restoration of reproductive abilities.

How to have sex with phimosis

Phimosis is not a life-threatening disease. But it significantly affects the physical and psychological state. During treatment, factors are formed that affect the quality of male communication with the opposite sex.

Does phimosis interfere with sex? Rather, it causes a feeling of self-doubt, as well as anxiety due to decreased erectile function. As a result, due to stable illness, improving relations with a woman is problematic.

Doctors agree that you can improve your sex life after recovery. During therapy, patients should direct all efforts to eliminate the factors provoking the pathology. It is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle, make dietary adjustments, and stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

The motor mode should also be normalized. Thus, regular sports will ensure sufficient blood flow to the reproductive organs, prevent muscle weakening, and eliminate existing congestion. A healthy lifestyle will help avoid most pathologies.

What to do to get rid of phimosis?

Mothers of teenagers are the ones who panic the most about this disease. And even the fact that more than 90% of newborn boys have congenital phimosis and in most of them it goes away on its own without treatment. Thus, 22% of children at the age of 6 months after birth recover. At the age of three this goes away and remains a problem only in every tenth child.

And adult men suffer from this disease in only 5% of the total. Sex after phimosis improves and the problem disappears. However, if a little boy remains suspicious of pathology, then the surgeon takes him under careful supervision. The health of teenagers is especially carefully monitored.

And if congenital phimosis often goes away with virtually no consequences and deep treatment, then acquired phimosis can bring a lot of problems. Doctors treat genetic abnormalities in children quickly and often using conventional methods, such as stretching and enhanced hygiene.

But an acquired disease is often a consequence of injury or a sclerotic condition of the foreskin, which can cause inflammation or problems in the functioning of the blood vessels of the organ.

It is not difficult to treat phimosis, especially if the process is started in a timely manner. And if earlier doctors strongly recommended treating this pathology only with the help of a surgeon, because they were afraid of complications. Now doctors do not solve the problem in this way. Treatment with medications or physical therapy is usually prescribed. Adult men, faced with this problem, agree to the help of a surgeon, but what will sex be like after the operation?

Phimosis can be easily cured by a surgeon, but after the procedure you will need to abstain from sexual activity for some time.


Circumcision can be complete or partial. The main problem in the future becomes the complete procedure, since the organ becomes extremely sensitive for some time, provoking premature ejaculation. Therefore, not everyone likes sex after circumcision caused by phimosis. In the future the situation will normalize. Partners are often delighted with circumcised men, because their hygiene and duration of sexual intercourse are many times better.

When can you not do without a doctor?

In order not to worry about sex with phimosis, a video of which can be found on the Internet, you need to start therapy as quickly as possible. There are cases when intervention is not required, but there are those when a doctor’s help should be immediate:

  • it is difficult to move the foreskin or requires serious effort;
  • urination is difficult, especially when urine accumulates in the cavity of the foreskin and flows out dropwise or in a thin stream;
  • arousal and erection cause pain;
  • there are signs of an inflammatory process on the penis: pus, lymph nodes that are located nearby, are enlarged, have fever or a slight increase in body temperature;
  • the head of the penis turned blue, and the pain in it became sharp and severe;
  • a disease of 3–4 degrees, which reduces sex life, but also increases the risk of complications such as paraphimosis and/or balanoposthitis.

Therapy will be selected according to the severity of the disease and its degree, most often this is stretching, which can be done during masturbation, the use of cortical drugs, and the help of a surgeon. The latter can be either complete or partial circumcision.

In any case, sex is possible during sex, but you should not let the disease take its course, so as not to complicate your life.

With what degree of phimosis is sex possible?

For young guys without sexual experience, the issue of sex life is always acute. And for them, like air, you need to know how to have sex if you have phimosis, and whether it is even possible. This is influenced by the degree of the disease:

  1. In the first degree, the head of the penis is easy to expose when the penis is relaxed. However, when it takes on an erect form, this will require an effort, most often insignificant. Sex is possible, although it will bring some discomfort. Often active sexual intercourse can remove the pathology.
  2. In the second degree of the disease, the head of the penis can be exposed only when the penis is in a calm position. Arousal brings pain and discomfort; sexual intercourse is painful and may not always work out as such.
  3. At the third degree, the head cannot be opened in any position unless efforts are made, which should be quite strong. Sex is generally undesirable; even if an erection occurs, the process itself will be painful and dangerous to health.
  4. In the fourth degree, the head is completely covered with skin, and there are serious problems with emptying. Sex with this degree of phimosis is extremely unpleasant and even painful. Doctors strongly recommend abandoning the problem so as not to complicate your life and therapy in the future. Usually this will be a complete circumcision, which will then require long-term treatment with serious drugs.

Why is phimosis dangerous?

People do not die from phimosis, but this disease does provide unpleasant moments. And first of all, this affects sex. Phimosis provokes inflammation in the genital organ, which occurs due to the fact that hygiene procedures cannot be fully carried out. Sex and phimosis is an issue that worries both men and women.

Many people worry about whether it hurts to have sex with phimosis. This is all individual, but the fact that the brightness of sensations decreases is a fact that concerns all men.

We should not forget that for many, the presence of such an anomaly is a moral injury and a strong inferiority complex for representatives of the stronger sex in front of their passion. From sexual life, this spreads to other areas of life and often ends negatively - depression, severe stress with suicidal tendencies.

In most cases, phimosis disappears without special therapy, but for the remaining cases, there are treatment methods and a course of medications that will solve this problem.

For some situations, they resort to the help of a surgeon who will solve the problem quickly and completely.

The disease itself has 4 degrees, and what it is depends on the patient’s condition and how phimosis affects sex. The most dangerous is the last degree, in which the head cannot be exposed either in a calm position or in an erect position. Urination is painful and difficult.

With a less pronounced degree of the disease, the head may not be exposed only in the excited state of the penis during sex. And phimosis makes the process unpleasant and uncomfortable, which usually ends in interruption of sexual intercourse.

Therefore, in order not to spoil your sex life and not face the consequences of phimosis, you need to visit a doctor and resolve the issue. Moreover, for each specific case, its own treatment will be selected. And if the recommended operation causes fear and reluctance to undergo it, it will be possible to find a more gentle solution. And this will remove the question of whether it is possible to have sex with phimosis, because it simply will not happen.

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