Zovirax eye ointment - instructions for use for eyes

pharmachologic effect

The medication is based on the antiviral component acyclovir and is available in several forms:

  • Zovirax cream;
  • tablets for oral administration;
  • eye ointment.

The incoming component and selected excipients have the following therapeutic effects:

  1. penetrates the cells of viruses (herpes, cytomegalovirus, chickenpox, Epstein-Barr), forms “defective” viral DNA and, as a result, suppresses the vital activity of the provoking factor;
  2. reduction of symptoms of herpes infections - itching, burning, tingling, pain;
  3. when using tablet forms internally, the synthesis of DNA viruses throughout the body is suppressed;
  4. the use of eye ointment and cream - the local, active substance does not enter the bloodstream and does not have a systemic effect.

Composition and properties

Zovirax eye ointment is an antiviral drug that has an immunostimulating effect on the site of the disease. The drug exhibits high activity against viruses: Herpes simplex types 1 and 2, Varicella zoster, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, chickenpox.

Ophthalmic ointment 3%, has a translucent, homogeneous and white substance. Available in 4.5 g tubes, which are equipped with nozzles. The packaging contains instructions for use. The active ingredient is acyclovir, 30 mg. The auxiliary component is white Vaseline. Zovirax is also available in other forms:

  • pills;
  • cream;
  • injection.

Actively affects the herpes virus.
The effect of Zovirax ophthalmic ointment is due to the properties of its active component. Upon penetration into the structures of affected cells under the influence of thymidine kinase, the virus phosphorylates acyclovir to acyclovir triphosphate. This substance suppresses the processes of viral DNA synthesis without causing damage to viable human cells. After placing the medication in the eye, acyclovir is absorbed by the periocular and corneal tissues. It then concentrates in the aqueous humor and neutralizes the virus.

Zovirax - instructions for use

Before using any form of medication, you must read the instructions for use.

The tablets are prescribed by a doctor and are available with a prescription from a specialist. The course and frequency of use depends on the disease. To treat frequent relapses of genital or oral herpes, adults are prescribed the drug 1-2 tablets 4 times a day.

Eye ointment is applied every 4 hours, 5-6 times a day. The therapeutic course is from 5 days. After the symptoms of keratitis disappear and heal, use of the drug is continued for 3 days.

The cream is applied to mucous or herpes-affected skin up to 5 times a day, for at least 5 days. It is advisable to start treatment at an early stage - when the patient feels itching and tingling.

Stye on the eye how to treat Zovirax

The appearance of stye on the eye causes a lot of inconvenience. The disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process, swelling of the eyelid, redness, soreness, and the formation of a boil with purulent contents. Physical discomfort from barley is accompanied by psychological discomfort due to a noticeable cosmetic defect. Ointment is one of the first aid remedies for stye on the eye.

The main active ingredients in ointments are antibacterial agents, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which allows you to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time.

Treatment with ointments: advantages and disadvantages

Barley ointment is used in combination with drops or a separate product. It is especially convenient to use this dosage form for internal inflammation of the eyelid, meibomitis, when the stye is located in the orbit.

In this case, the medicine is placed behind the lower eyelid, evenly distributed over the site of infection and quickly absorbed. This method of application has an immediate effect on the causative agent of barley - this is Staphylococcus aureus or demodex mite. The affected eye receives the required dosage of medication in the shortest possible time, which contributes to the rapid resolution of the disease.

Drops are good to use when fighting barley during the day or at work. And the ointment can be applied at night, as it tends to reduce visual acuity.

If you decide to simply purchase the medicine at the pharmacy, then specify that you need eye ointment for stye. Read the instructions carefully; some medications are not prescribed for children or pregnant women; do not violate the indications, dosage, or method of use of the drug.

The ointment is also used to treat stye on a child’s eye. But you need to be extremely careful with a child; not all drugs are suitable for a child or have a children’s dosage. Only an ophthalmologist should prescribe ointment for children; only he can advise which ointment is best to anoint an inflamed eye.

Pay attention to the form of the disease. There are drugs that are more effective in the external form; other drugs work well with the internal form of stye behind the eyelid. There is a category of medications that are strictly not recommended for use on the mucous membranes of the eyes, be careful.


Tetracycline ointment for barley has a quick, positive effect. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antibacterial effect. The drug is not used in the treatment of children under 5 years of age, with a severe allergic reaction to any of the components, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.

The drug should be prescribed at an appointment with an ophthalmologist. Only a doctor after an examination will tell you whether your stye can be smeared with tetracycline ointment. Self-medication often gives short-term and questionable results.

The drug is used with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease and until complete recovery. The medicine must be applied in a thin layer, twice a day. The remains of the drug can be used to treat acne.

There are no side effects. The drug is produced in an aluminum tube of 1%, 3 g/5 g/10 g. Cost from 40 rubles. up to 100 rub. Available without a prescription. Stored at room temperature.


Combined, multicomponent drug against barley in the form of an ointment. Has a bactericidal and anti-edematous effect. Used only for external use, applied to gauze or eyelid with a boil. Easily penetrates through tissue into the source of inflammation, promotes regeneration.

It is prescribed daily, 2-3 times, until the disease disappears. Levomekol can cause a slight local reaction similar to burning or itching. Available in a 40 g tube, cost 125 rubles.


An excellent drug for the treatment of stye on the eye; it contains an antibiotic from the macrolide group in the ointment. Acts on staphylococci resistant to chloramphenicol, penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline.

Prescribed for external use, twice a day. Erythromycin is applied to the eyelid or gauze bandage. Available in aluminum tubes of 10 g and 15 g. No side effects have been identified. The cost of the medicine is 96 rubles.


Synthomycin ointment is effectively used to treat stye on the eye. The active ingredient, chloramphenicol, which is included in its composition, has a pronounced antibacterial and bactericidal effect. Kills types of bacteria such as streptococci, gonococci, Staphylococcus aureus.

The drug is prescribed for inflammatory eye diseases, blepharitis, barley, conjunctivitis, and corneal ulcers. When treating children, consult an ophthalmologist regarding the use of this remedy. The drug must be applied in small portions, 3-4 times a day.

There are no contraindications. There may be allergic reactions such as rash or itching. The drug is produced in tubes of 25 g. The cost is 70-110 rubles.

Zovirax analogues in tablets

Substitutes in tablets are available with a doctor's prescription. They differ in active ingredient, technology, effectiveness, country of origin and price.

AnaloguePrice, in rublesManufacturer country
Zovirax500-700Great Britain


The Russian analogue of Zovirax is Acyclovir. The tablets have the same indications, contraindications, and are less expensive. Available in two dosages - 200 and 400 mg.

It’s hard to say which is better – Zovirax or Acyclovir tablets. The first drug is much more expensive, has good reviews, and is produced in the UK. Passed clinical trials, the frequency of adverse reactions was revealed.

Acyclovir is a Russian analogue, cheaper than Zovirax. Prescribed for minor symptoms of herpes infection. With frequent, long-term use, the effect of taking the medication weakens.


For frequent relapses of herpes, complex, difficult infections, the Polish analogue Valtrex is prescribed. It is based on an acyclovir derivative, valacyclovir. Used for labial and genital herpes, herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus. Serves as a prevention of recurrence of herpetic infection.

Which is better, Zovirax or Valtrex, depends on the indications. Medicines are expensive, widely used for herpes zoster and herpes, with relapses 3 or more times a year. For minor symptoms, you can choose Zovirax; for serious indications, Valtrex or its analogues in composition:

  • Vairova (India);
  • Valavir (Ukraine);
  • Valacyclovir (Russia);
  • Valvir (Bulgaria);
  • Valtsikon (Russia).


The antiviral, over-the-counter drug Cycloferon is used for the treatment and prevention of herpes infections and is approved in pediatrics. Based on the substance meglumine acridone acetate. Reduces the progeny of the herpes virus due to the formation of defective DNA.

For the treatment of severe viral infections, it is used in ampoules, dispensed as prescribed by a doctor.

Zovirax analogues for the eyes

Eye ointment is prescribed for herpetic keratitis of the eyes. Apply every 4 hours and does not require refrigeration. The cost of a tube is from 150 rubles.

Analogues of Zovirax eye ointment:

  • Acyclovir (price 80-150 rub.);
  • Zirgan (from 700 rub.);
  • Oftalmoferon drops (250-400 rubles).


Cheap eye ointment - Acyclovir. Used for herpetic keratitis. Has the same composition.

For eye diseases, Zovirax ointment is better - an imported manufacturer, proven quality, affordable price.


Antiviral gel Zirgan is based on ganciclovir. Used as prescribed by a doctor. The disadvantage is the high cost (over 700 rubles).


Eye drops for viral infections Oftalmoferon are stored in the refrigerator. Contains interferon and diphenhydramine. Can be used in any adult or child to treat herpetic eye infections.

Analogues of Zovirax cream

Analogues of Zovirax for herpes on the lips and skin are available in the form of ointments or creams, require special storage in the refrigerator or retain their properties at normal temperatures, and contain different substances. Additionally, they can relieve pain and relieve itching. Analogs differ in pricing policy, country of origin, and efficiency.

AnaloguePrice, in rublesManufacturer country
Zovirax170-250Great Britain
Zovirax Duo-Active300-430
Fenistil Pencivir270-400Germany or Belgium


The domestic analogue of Zovirax for lips is Gerpferon ointment. Contains three active components at once:

  • acyclovir - to fight the herpes virus and eliminate the cause;
  • interferon - to strengthen the immune system;
  • lidocaine - to relieve pain and inflammation, eliminate itching and tingling.

The Gerpferon analogue requires storage in the refrigerator to preserve its properties, and is available with a doctor’s prescription. Frequency of use: 5 times a day for 5 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the condition. If applied to the skin for a long time, peeling may occur.

Zovirax Duo-active

Another form of Zovirax is Duo-active cream. Absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy sheen at the site of application. An undoubted advantage is the complex composition: the analogue contains acyclovir with an antiviral effect and hydrocortisone, which has antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Restriction for use is children under 12 years of age due to the content of the corticosteroid hydrocortisone. Frequency of use: 5 times a day for at least 5 days until symptoms disappear.

When choosing between Zovirax or Zovirax Duo-active, the second drug with a combined composition and additional medicinal properties is preferable.


A cheaper analogue of Zovirax for the treatment of colds on the lips is the drug Acyclovir. Available in the form of ointment and cream. The ointment is less absorbed and leaves a greasy film and shine at the site of application. The cream is more effective and penetrates the skin faster. The frequency of use of the Acyclovir analogue is the same as Zovirax. The difference is the manufacturer, price category, excipients, effectiveness.

The analogue is unstable if stored incorrectly. Tubes from many domestic manufacturers must be kept in the refrigerator.


A preparation based on potato shoot extract and isolated polysaccharides – Panavir. The analogue is available in the form of a gel in different packaging: 3 grams for the treatment of herpes on the lips, 30 grams for extensive skin lesions. Not used in children under 18 years of age. The frequency of application and duration are determined depending on the severity of symptoms and disease.

Which is better, Zovirax or Panavir, depends on the patient’s condition. In terms of frequency of prescriptions and expected effectiveness, the drugs are the same. The price difference is negligible.

Ointment for the treatment of stye on the eye

Stye on the eye in adults is widespread in ophthalmic practice. According to statistics, about 80% of the population faces the disease.

General information about the disease

Barley is a limited purulent-inflammatory process on the eyelids, which develops as a result of infection in the hair follicle of the eyelash or sebaceous gland.

It usually develops in children and adults aged 30-50 years. If ignored, the pathology can lead to severe purulent-septic complications or transition to a chronic course.

Depending on the location of the abscess, the following are distinguished:

  • external
    – occurs most often. This is an inflammatory focus located on the outer side on the ciliary edge of the eyelid;
  • internal
    (meibomitis) - develops when the meibomian glands and cartilaginous plate of the eyelid become infected. This form can provoke the appearance of a chalazion.

According to the number of pustules, hordeolum can be single or multiple. It may appear in one or both eyes. Multiple recurrent stye is detected in patients with a weakened immune system, in whom the infection spreads from one hair follicle to another.

The development of hordeolum is acute: an abscess forms in a short time. First, itching of the edge of the eyelid occurs at the site of the pathology.

After this, redness and local swelling appear, accompanied by pain at rest and with pressure. 2-3 days after the first signs appear, a pustule forms in the area of ​​inflammation.

Barley sometimes opens on its own, releasing purulent contents.

General principles of barley treatment

The goal of the ophthalmologist in treating the disease is to eliminate the purulent-inflammatory process and prevent relapses. Usually the doctor prescribes conservative local therapy. In case of early manifestations of the disease, he recommends treatment for the patient at home. It includes:

  • Treatment of the inflamed area with 70% ethanol and iodine solution. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a day.
  • Putting eye ointments. Thanks to the active substance reaching the inflammatory focus, the patient quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms and is cured, avoiding complications of the disease.
  • Instillation of antibacterial drugs into the conjunctival cavity - Tsipromed, Normax, Levomycetin.

When multiple ulcers develop, antibiotics are used, taken orally or by injection. When barley becomes recurrent, autohemotherapy, ultraviolet radiation, vitamin therapy, and hardening are recommended. Such measures are aimed at increasing immunity.

List of ointments for barley

The dosage form is used in complex therapy with drops for barley. The ointment is placed behind the lower eyelid. It is distributed evenly over the eye and is quickly absorbed. In the shortest possible time, the diseased organ receives the required dosage and quickly recovers. The success of treatment largely depends on whether the medicine is used correctly.

Table: “Varieties of eye ointments.”

Drug groupMechanism of actionExamples
Antibacterial eye ointmentHas a bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect. Suppresses the growth and division of pathogenic microorganism cells Floxal, Tsipromed, Tetracycline
Antiviral ointmentIt is integrated into the DNA synthesized by the virus and disrupts the reproduction of the microbe. Helps prevent the development of stye complications Acyclovir, Zovirax
GlucocorticoidsHas anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-exudative propertiesHydrocortisone
Eyelid care productActive components fight demodicosis, which can be the cause of styeBlepharogel-2
Combined productsThey have anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, vasoconstrictor and antibacterial effectsTobradex

To treat eye inflammation, ophthalmologists use modern drugs with different mechanisms of action. The best ointments for stye on the eye of an adult are presented below.

Tetracycline ointment

A drug from the tetracycline group. The medicine contains the active ingredient – ​​tetracycline hydrochloride. It has bacteriostatic activity and is effective against most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. When the active component enters a microbial cell, it disrupts the binding of tRNA to the ribosome and prevents further division.

Tetracycline ointment is available in tubes of 3 and 5 g. When barley develops, it is applied topically as indicated by an ophthalmologist and placed behind the lower eyelid several times a day. The medicine is used before bedtime. It accumulates in the tissues of the eyelids and conjunctival sac. This causes long-term destruction of pathogenic bacteria.

The ointment is distributed evenly over the eye. After application, a cloudy image may occur, which will subside over time. The average duration of therapy is 7 days. The cost of Tetracycline is 70-100 rubles.


Broad-spectrum antibacterial drug from the group of fluoroquinolones. Its active ingredient is ofloxacin.

The drug has a bactericidal effect, which is associated with the blockade of the DNA gyrase enzyme in microbial cells.

Floxal is indicated for patients with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the anterior part of the eye caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria that are sensitive to ofloxacin.

When stye develops, the patient places 1.5 cm strips of ointment behind the lower eyelid of the affected eye 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician, but it is not advisable to apply the drug for more than 2 weeks.

After using the product, it is recommended to wear sunglasses and avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight and working with machinery.

Floxal may temporarily cause lacrimation and photophobia in the patient. The average cost of a medicine is 180 rubles.


A broad-spectrum antibacterial agent belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. It is used topically and applied to the affected eye.

The main active ingredient, ciprofloxacin, affects gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The active component inhibits DNA gyrase of a pathogenic microorganism and disrupts the synthesis of its DNA.

This makes it impossible for the bacteria to divide and grow.

When hordeolum develops, the drug is applied to the affected eye 3 times a day. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician depending on the severity of the inflammatory process. However, it is not recommended to use the medication for more than two weeks. The price of Tsipromed is 130 rubles.

Immediately after applying the ointment, the clarity of vision may decrease, and psychomotor reactions may slow down.

This is why it is recommended to limit activities that require increased attention. The drug is prohibited for use by persons with individual intolerance to the components, as well as pregnant and lactating women.


A broad-spectrum antibiotic is used in ophthalmology to treat infectious and inflammatory pathologies. It belongs to the group of aminoglycosides and contains the active substance – tobramycin.

The drug exhibits bactericidal activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, blocking protein production in pathogenic microbes and disrupting their cellular permeability.

For mild infectious processes, Tobrex should be applied with a 1 cm long strip into the conjunctival cavity 2-3 times a day. In case of multiple styes, the drug is applied behind the lower eyelid every 3-4 hours. Gradually, the frequency of use of the ointment is reduced as the inflammatory process subsides. The average cost of the drug is 150 rubles.

The medicine is prohibited for use in patients with individual intolerance to the components of Tobrex. It is also not recommended to apply the ointment during pregnancy and lactation.


It is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent belonging to the group of fluoroquinolones. The active ingredient in the eye ointment is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. The substance has bactericidal activity. Suppresses DNA gyrase, inhibiting the formation of bacterial DNA. This leads to the inability of the pathogenic microorganism cell to grow and divide.

The dosage regimen is individual. Oftocipro is placed into the conjunctival cavity 3-4 times a day. The duration of therapy is 7-10 days. During treatment, the patient should take a sufficient amount of water.

The price of the medicine in pharmacies is about 200 rubles. It should not be prescribed if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or if you have hypersensitivity to ciprofloxacin and other fluoroquinolone drugs. During treatment, there may be a decrease in reactivity, especially if the patient drinks alcohol.


It is a combination drug. The medicine contains 2 components - tobramycin and dexamethasone. The first is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group. The principle of its action against pathogenic microbes is to disrupt protein production, structure and permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane.

Dexamethasone is a glucocorticosteroid that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and desensitizing effect. The substance suppresses inflammation, inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators and the migration of mast cells. It reduces vascular permeability and dilation. The combination of a glucocorticoid with an antibiotic reduces the risk of infection.

The drug is used topically. A strip of ointment 1.5 cm long is placed in the conjunctival sac 3-4 times a day.

As the severity of the clinical picture decreases, the frequency of use of the drug decreases. The average cost is 500 rubles. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

If Tobradex is used by the patient for more than 14 days, then it is necessary to monitor the condition of the cornea.

After using the product, image clarity may temporarily decrease. Until vision is restored, it is not advisable to drive vehicles or engage in activities that require increased attention.


The drug belongs to the antimicrobial agents of the fluoroquinolone group with a broad spectrum of action. It has a bactericidal effect: it acts on the bacterial enzyme DNA gyrase, which ensures supercoiling and stability of the DNA of a pathogenic microbe. As a result of destabilization, the death of DNA chains and bacterial cells occurs.

Used topically. Place a strip of ointment behind the lower eyelid of the affected eye 2-3 times a day. To do this, the patient pulls the lower eyelid down and lightly presses the tube. After the drug enters the conjunctival sac, the patient closes the eyelid and moves the eyeball to the sides to evenly distribute the ointment. The course of treatment is about 7 days.

Use with caution in case of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, cerebrovascular accidents in the past, organic lesions of the central nervous system and renal failure. During therapy, you should refrain from driving a car or activities that require increased concentration.


The therapeutic effect of hordeolum is due to the anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and vasoconstrictor effect. When used topically, it inhibits the function of tissue macrophages and leukocytes.

Prevents the migration of leukocytes to the area of ​​the inflammatory process. Limits the ability of macrophages to phagocytosis. Reduces the concentration of proteolytic enzymes in the area of ​​inflammation.

Reduces vascular permeability and production of prostaglandins.

For barley, hydrocortisone 0.5% is placed behind the lower eyelid 2-3 times a day. If you need to use drops with it, you should take a break of 15 minutes between their use. You must be careful not to allow the tube to come into contact with the surface of the eyelid or the mucous membrane of the eye. This may lead to infection on the medication.

The average cost of the ointment is 70 rubles. The course of therapy is determined by the attending physician, but it is not recommended to use the product for more than three weeks.

General recommendations for treatment

The pharmaceutical market offers a huge list of ointments for the treatment of stye on the eye in adults and children. However, the choice of medication, its frequency of use and course of therapy are determined by the attending physician. Some drugs are suitable for eliminating a purulent focus located on the outer surface of the eyelid, while others are suitable for eliminating the inner surface.

Each medication has a list of contraindications, which limits its use in a certain category of patients. When the first signs of stye appear on the eye, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. The doctor will confirm the diagnosis and suggest a remedy that can be used to treat the disease.

Before using the ointment, the patient performs an allergic reaction test.

To do this, he should spread a small amount on the bend of the elbow. If the skin does not turn red or itch within 15 minutes, the medicine can be applied.

The use of any medicine must be approved by a doctor. While applying the ointment, it is strictly forbidden to rub the eye or try to squeeze out the hordeolum. This is fraught with the development of severe complications.

You cannot wear cosmetics or wear contact lenses.

If a sick person follows all medical recommendations and uses medications correctly, then hordeolum goes away without any consequences.

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Source: https://missis.info/zdorove/oftalmologiya/396-maz-dlya-lecheniya-yachmenya-na-glazu.html

Which is better – Zovirax or Fenistil Pencivir

Fenistil Pentsivir is an imported analogue of Zovirax for herpes based on penciclovir. Available in the form of a regular cream or with a tinting effect. It is used for the herpes simplex virus, more often when a cold occurs on the lips. Application frequency: every 2 hours up to 4 days.

Zovirax and Fenistil Pencivir have a similar effect and have positive reviews in the treatment of herpes on the lips. They differ in price (the analogue Fenistil is more expensive), manufacturer and composition (in the first case, acyclovir, in the second, penciclovir).

Acyclovir or Zovirax - which is better for herpes

Zovirax is an imported drug for herpes in the form of eye ointment, tablets and cream. For severe cases it is available by injection.

Acyclovir is a cheaper substitute for Zovirax, with the same active ingredient and different excipients. Also available in tablets, cream, ointment for eyes and skin. Acyclovir ointment is less absorbed than cream and leaves a greasy film and shine at the site of application. The price of the medicine is low.

Buyers are interested in the question of what is more effective – Zovirax or Acyclovir. If you have the funds, it is better to choose Zovirax with proven and proven effectiveness and a minimum number of adverse reactions. With its frequent use, viral insensitivity to the drug is less likely to occur.

And the last answer to the question: “Is Zovirax ointment or cream better?” A form of eye ointment has been created for the eyes, and a cream for the skin. These are optimal release forms with proven effectiveness and positive reviews from doctors and patients.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindication for use is the presence of hypersensitivity to acyclovir or valacyclovir.

On the part of the immune system, immediate hypersensitivity reactions, angioneurotic syndrome, are possible.

Punctate superficial keratopathy may occur. In this case, cessation of treatment is not required. Local reactions may occur in the form of a slight burning sensation that goes away over time, conjunctivitis, and rarely blepharitis.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

When deciding whether to prescribe the drug Zovirax, women during pregnancy must exercise extreme caution and evaluate the expected benefit to the mother and the possible risk to the fetus.

After taking Zovirax orally in tablet form at a dose of 200 mg 5 times a day, acyclovir was detected in breast milk. Given this feature, it is extremely important to exercise extreme caution when prescribing Zovirax to women during lactation.

Interaction with other drugs

When using Zovirax in the form of an ophthalmic ointment in parallel with other drugs, no clinically significant interactions were observed. The active substance, acyclovir, is excreted unchanged through the kidneys.

evidence of overdose when using Zovirax eye ointment .

Precautionary measures

Before first use, patients should be informed about the possibility of a slight burning sensation after applying Zovirax ophthalmic ointment. This phenomenon does not require cessation of therapy and goes away on its own. It is not recommended to wear contact lenses during treatment. It is also important to be careful when using the drug due to a possible decrease in visual acuity.

It is recommended to store this medicine in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees.

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