Pain when urinating in boys: Symptoms, Causes, When to see a doctor, What you can do at home

Along with other symptoms, pain when urinating in a child is one of the unfavorable signs. The factor that caused the burning sensation and discomfort is identified by a specialist (including taking into account the diagnostic results). The task of parents is to take a responsible attitude towards the need to visit a doctor. Trying to influence the supposed cause of deterioration in health is impractical and unsafe. In addition, not in all cases the source of painful urination can be determined visually. If the phenomenon bothers you for more than 8 hours in a row, this is a direct indication for going to the hospital.

Description of the disease

Cystitis is one of the most common pathologies of the genitourinary system in childhood, which is characterized by an inflammatory process occurring in the bladder. The main symptoms of the disease include: pain and pain when urinating, frequent urges, and bloody discharge in the urine. Cystitis brings great discomfort to the child, making it difficult to lead a normal lifestyle. The main reason for the development of the disease is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the urinary tract, causing inflammation in the bladder. It is noteworthy that girls suffer from this pathology much more often than boys. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the female body (shorter and wider urination channel, proximity to the urethra, vagina and anus). If you suspect that a child is developing cystitis, you should promptly seek medical advice from a urologist. If left untreated, the disease can cause serious complications and lead to pyelonephritis, urethritis, vesicoureteral reflux, etc.

Cystitis in children

A common cause of painful urination in children is cystitis. This is an inflammation of the bladder cavity. The disease is more common in little girls due to the peculiarities of the anatomy - the length of the urethra in women is 10 times shorter than in men. In children, the difference is not so obvious, but it still plays a role. Infection in the short urethra quickly spreads higher up the ureter.

And chronically. The acute form is accompanied by an unexpected manifestation - against the background of good health, frequent painful emission suddenly begins, portions of urine are smaller than usual. There are also false urges - the baby wants to urinate, but cannot. The urge itself also causes pain. The acute form of cystitis is characterized by the content of pus and blood in the urine. It is their number that will tell the doctor at what stage the disease is.

A common cause of painful urination in children is cystitis.

Pain in acute cystitis is felt not only when urinating, but also at rest. The baby talks about a burning sensation in the lower abdomen, which bothers him even at night. Additional signs of pathology are fever, excessive excitability, sleep problems, nausea to vomiting, general weakness, and poor health.

– a secondary pathology, which is provoked by the inflammatory process of the urinary organs, infectious pathologies of other systems and organs. Cystitis occurs especially often in long-term diseases that weaken the immune system and impair organ functions.

If your child's penis hurts

The penis, or penis, in boys is initially intended for urination and only at an older age also for ejaculation. To understand the processes occurring in it, you need to understand how the penis works. It consists of a base, body or trunk and head. Two channels enter the penis: one removes urine, the other – semen, but they are exited through one hole in the head of the penis. The head itself is cone-shaped, its edge slightly thickened in diameter. The head of the penis is covered with sensitive skin, it has many nerve endings, so it is highly receptive. On the outside it is covered with a movable foreskin. Between this skin and the head of the penis there is a certain cavity, which is finally formed only by the boy’s second birthday. That is why it is considered wrong that until the age of two or three, a mother should not “climb THERE.” You need to properly care for your baby’s penis from the first days of his life.

Redness, swelling, burning and pain when urinating, purulent discharge - this is only a small part of all the signs when something is wrong with the baby’s genitals. You need to immediately make an appointment with a urologist.

What to do if a child’s penis hurts?

There are several causes of pain in the penis in a boy:

  • phimosis is a disease in which it is impossible to retract the foreskin from the head of the penis, which makes urination difficult and extremely painful.
  • paraphimosis is an acute complication of phimosis.
  • epididymal cyst – pain occurs in only half of patients. But the discomfort when walking from a swollen testicle is noticeable.
  • hydrocele is common in newborns and is usually painless. But acquired or acute dropsy is a serious illness that cannot be delayed.
  • cryptorchidism is a disease in which one testicle has not descended into the scrotum upon reaching 2 years of age; the disease is practically asymptomatic, but in some cases with pain, usually in boys over 3 years of age.
  • balanitis - acute inflammation of the skin on the head of the penis;
  • hypospadias is an abnormal structure of the penis when the opening of the urethra is not on the head of the penis.
  • cancer.

The most common disease with a pronounced pain defect is phimosis in boys, paraphimosis and balanitis. In advanced or acute forms of the disease, appropriate treatment is prescribed by a urologist. Do not try to open the head of the penis if you have phimosis! This could end disastrously; it will be pinched by the inflamed, swollen skin of the foreskin, which could lead to paraphimosis!

To avoid sad consequences, you need to monitor the condition of the boy’s penis from birth. The best preventative measure is careful child hygiene.

Hygiene for boys

To avoid serious inflammatory processes for preventive purposes, a newborn baby needs to clean the head of the penis 3-4 times a week. You need to carefully push back the foreskin as far as possible, remove the white cheesy discharge with a piece of clean cotton wool, after moistening it in sterilized or vaseline oil. Be sure to check: there should be no pieces of cotton wool left on the head. Lubricate the exposed glans with oil and close the foreskin. You need to wash your child under running water every day, especially after “big” activities, and in the evening - a bath.

It happens that after visiting a urologist, a child complains of pain and cannot urinate. If the mother did not properly care for her son’s penis, then the doctor’s manipulations probably damaged the foreskin or the skin on the head; there may be cracks on them, which cause discomfort when urinating. Talk to your doctor in advance about how to make this process easier for your child. It is best to wash the penis with furatsilin or chamomile decoction (not hot!). You can lubricate the head with antibacterial ointment, the doctor will tell you which one. Typically, such microtraumas heal within a couple of days.

The statistics of penile diseases in boys is growing every year. Unfortunately, not all mothers raising sons know how to properly care for a boy’s penis. Now in any children's clinic you can visit a urologist; if there is no such specialist, you can make an appointment with a surgeon and get competent advice. The main thing is to see the symptoms of an impending disease in time and, if possible, prevent it!

It hurts to write to a boy: symptoms

The questions that need to be answered for those who are looking for why it hurts to pee for a boy are almost the same as for girls:

  • Is the head of your penis red?
  • Does the pain occur at the beginning of urination or at the end? Or does it hurt for a child (boy) to write all the time?
  • How often does the child urinate, and how much urine comes out at a time?
  • Is the urine cloudy or clear? With blood mixed in? Is there a peculiar smell?
  • Does the stream of urine come intermittently or not?
  • In addition to the fact that it hurts to write, does the child complain of pain in the back or side?

The answers to these questions will help determine the probable reason why it hurts the boy to write, what parents should do, and when to see a doctor.

Below is a table that describes the main symptoms that a boy may experience in addition to pain when urinating. You cannot independently diagnose and prescribe treatment if it is painful for your child to write due to serious illnesses. This should be done by a specialist.

Phimosis and balanitis are the most common diagnoses that are made if it hurts a boy to pee - what to do before you visit a doctor?

  • You can dip the head of your penis into a jar with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • It is also advised to urinate by dipping the penis in a solution of potassium permanganate or chamomile decoction to reduce pain.
  • Take sitz baths with chamomile.

For phimosis, most doctors do not recommend retracting the foreskin unless the child has problems urinating.

If it hurts a boy to pee, treatment (washing) can be done at home before visiting a doctor.

  • Furacilin solution is taken into a 10 ml syringe.
  • One adult pulls the skin upward (does not open the head, but rather closes it).
  • The second adult inserts a syringe with the needle removed (!) and squeezes out the solution under pressure.
  • In this simple way, you can wash away everything that has accumulated and caused pain when urinating in the boy.
  • If necessary, the procedure is repeated.
  • After you finish rinsing, you need to drop a couple of drops of olive (vaseline) oil or oil solutions of vitamins into the hole (slit).

After providing assistance at home, it is better to show the boy to a specialist who will make a diagnosis and decide whether the child needs to have his head opened for phimosis, or whether to undergo circumcision.

If a boy or girl often complains that it hurts to pee, baths with chamomile decoctions and rinses alone will not do. Be sure to see a doctor to figure out what to do if it hurts your child to write and what causes this condition.

— Author — Yulia Spiridonova, website – Beautiful and Successful Copying of this article is prohibited!

My pussy hurts.

Girls, the baby’s (1.3 g) tip is red, he cries when he pees, screams loudly, arches, but for some reason it’s not always true - sometimes it’s normal, and sometimes it’s just to the point of tears! I can’t go to the hospital yet - we’re staying in the village until Thursday. I don’t want to see a local pediatrician! This has been going on for two days now, yesterday there was even pus

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