Pain during ejaculation in men: Causes and treatment

Signs of pain during ejaculation

The pain that accompanies ejaculation in men can be the cause of a variety of diseases; this phenomenon seriously complicates sexual life and significantly reduces its quality in men. Pain during ejaculation can seriously affect a man’s psychological state and provoke the development of psychosomatic impotence, so at the first appearance of pain you should consult a doctor.

The pain that occurs during ejaculation can be of a different nature and have different localization, depending on the reason that caused it. The nature of the pain can be nagging, aching or sharp. Pain can begin both before ejaculation and during and after ejaculation. The pain can be localized in the testicles or directly in the urethra, and unpleasant painful sensations in the lower abdomen may also occur. Each type of pain has its own causes, the main ones being:

  • Various infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, especially those transmitted only through sexual contact, this can be gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and many others. These are the most common causes of pain associated with ejaculation in men.
  • Pathologies associated with inflammatory processes in internal organs and the reproductive system. Most often, pain during ejaculation is associated with acute or chronic prostatitis, vesiculitis, orchitis and other causes.
  • Inflammation and chronic diseases of the urinary system, these can be manifestations of urolithiasis, inflammation of the urethra or cystitis.

In order to determine what exactly caused the discomfort that appears during ejaculation or immediately after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive study, including general urine and blood tests, biochemical blood tests, ultrasound, Doppler angioscanning, in some cases, according to indications, there may be Other research methods have also been prescribed for men. Pain during ejaculation can result from many conditions.

Pain during ejaculation can lead to the development of psychosomatic impotence


In any case, if there is pain during ejaculation, a medical examination is necessary. Here you cannot do without a visit to the urologist. The patient should describe the pain in great detail, even if it may sound uncomfortable.

It is important for the doctor to know when and where exactly the pain occurs, how long it lasts and how severe it is. As part of the medical history, questions are also asked about sexual behavior, the number of sexual partners and possible previous illnesses, to which honest and open answers must also be given.

It is important to know:

If the patient is aware of possible psychological causes (for example, psychological trauma or limitations), these should also be described in detail so that psychotherapeutic treatment can be initiated in an emergency situation.

During a physical examination, your doctor will first examine and palpate your genitals to look for possible tissue changes, swelling, and redness.

Diagnostic imaging techniques such as ultrasound are also important to more accurately evaluate the internal structures of the urinary system, prostate and testicles. If there is reason to suspect inflammation or infection, swabs and urine samples are also taken, which are then sent to the laboratory for further testing. Here you can identify possible infectious agents.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted infections often cause trouble during ejaculation and urination, but pain during urination may be less noticeable because urine has a thinner consistency than semen. Usually painful ejaculation and sometimes spontaneous ejaculation in such diseases are not the only symptom; these diseases are easier to diagnose; it is enough to take a urethral smear for a man.

One of the most common diseases in this group is chlamydia, which can be contracted during unprotected sexual intercourse. The danger of chlamydia lies in its long incubation period, sometimes reaching 28 days; in half of the cases, during this time a man may not experience any symptoms of the disease, while still being a spreader of the infection. In addition to pain during sexual intercourse, chlamydia can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  1. Fever, general weakness and fatigue.
  2. Discharge from the urethra in men mixed with pus, especially in the morning.
  3. Itching and burning during urination.

Pain in men sometimes radiates to the lumbar and groin area during ejaculation or is not associated with it. Chlamydia is treated quite easily, the main thing is to start therapy at the first signs of the disease. A feature of the pathology is that the symptoms may subside after some time, and the man believes that everything went away by itself. However, if the patient does not see a doctor, the disease can become chronic and provoke the appearance of other serious problems, such as prostatitis. Another danger lies in attempts to self-medicate, since choosing the most effective drug is quite difficult, and untreated chlamydia is fraught with dangerous consequences.

Unprotected sexual intercourse can cause infection

Pain that accompanies ejaculation is also possible with gonorrhea, since the infection that causes it is localized in the male genital organs and urinary tract. The first symptoms are burning and pain in the urethra during ejaculation, then discharge with purulent impurities begins to appear, then the pain intensifies and occurs even with involuntary ejaculation.

Focus on breathing and do it correctly

Frequent errors and jambs of rapid fire:

  • breathing too intensely;
  • breathe with the upper part of the lungs.

Frequent shallow breathing → signal to the body that there is a lack of oxygen → anxiety → sympathetic nervous system kicks in → shot and finish just to make you calm down and the stress goes away.

How to

  1. Inhalation and exhalation are performed 2 times deeper than usual and without rushing.
  2. Breathe with your belly. We also wrote about proper breathing in another article earlier.

Remember these nuances and know everything about how to prolong ejaculation and delay this fiasco.

Inflammation of the testicles and penis

In many cases, pain during ejaculation and after sexual intercourse is associated with inflammatory processes in the male genital organs, since an increase in blood flow to them during sexual arousal significantly increases the existing symptoms of the pathology.

The inflammatory process sometimes affects the testicles, and ailments such as orchitis or epididymitis, which have both acute and chronic forms, are diagnosed.

Most often, the answer to the question of why the testicles hurt lies in the diagnosis of inflammation of the testicular tissue (orchitis), which often develops in combination with various infections, sexually transmitted or otherwise. In addition, inflammation is caused by various testicular injuries, as well as orchitis, which is often a consequence of allergic reactions. The inflammatory process causes severe pain in the scrotum area, the testicles become very painful on palpation.

In case of injury, pain symptoms may affect only one testicle, for example, with a blow, only the right segment of the scrotum may swell, and different sizes of the testicles are determined by touch.

The doctor must correctly determine the cause that caused the development of inflammation, since the choice of treatment regimen for pain during ejaculation depends on this.

Pain during ejaculation is sometimes a consequence of ongoing inflammation in the seminal vesicles; this condition in men is called vesiculitis. In addition to pain during ejaculation, a symptom of the disease is a decrease in the amount of ejaculate. Vesiculitis can be caused by various factors:

  • Infectious diseases that cause the appearance of foci of bacterial lesions, these can be pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as tubercle bacilli. Vesiculitis can be a consequence of other inflammatory pathologies: prostatitis, urethritis and others.
  • Congestion in the male genital organs, caused, for example, by varicose veins of the spermatic cord. Also, the practice of interrupted sexual intercourse, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, the presence of hemorrhoids, a sedentary lifestyle, and regular hypothermia lead to stagnation of blood and the resulting pain during ejaculation.

If vesiculitis is suspected, the doctor performs a rectal examination, and also prescribes an analysis of the prostatic secretions of the vesicles and an ultrasound. Treatment of the pathology depends on the causes that caused it.

Follow the principle of “let the lady go first”

In addition to taking pills for rapid ejaculation and medications, you should also first put things in order in your head with the help of the right psychological attitudes.

By following this principle, you will know everything about how to treat rapid ejaculation.

  • The essence of this principle is that your lady should reach the finish line first.
  • You never allow yourself to complete the act until your girlfriend experiences many pleasures and comes to the end first.
  • Set yourself up for this mentally. This usually takes about 20 minutes .
  • If you can withstand these first twenty minutes, then you will no longer have to hold back and difficult even reach the finish line ! Remember this edge in time.

Prostate problems

Most often, pain during ejaculation in men is associated with inflammation of the prostate gland, which is one of the most common problems of the male genitourinary system. The occurrence and development of the disease is associated with a variety of factors, both infectious and improper lifestyle. Inflammation of the prostate, and hence pain during ejaculation, is sometimes caused by a sedentary lifestyle, systematic hypothermia, bad habits and other factors.

If after urination the prostate hurts - unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, and the urethra burns and hurts, ejaculation is accompanied by discomfort - you should urgently consult a urologist. Diagnosis of prostatitis necessarily includes a medical history, the prostate gland must be examined by rectal examination, the doctor usually prescribes blood and urine tests, as well as a mandatory ultrasound of the genitourinary system.

Treatment of prostatitis depends on the causes of its occurrence, the stage of development, and the nature of its course. The main thing is to start therapy as early as possible and undergo it under strict medical supervision, otherwise pain in the prostate will become chronic.

Do the following exercise for your buttocks

Since weak buttock muscles are one of the most common causes of early ejaculation, it is important to do a different set of exercises to strengthen them.

What's the point:

  1. You can either lie down or lean on the edge of the sofa with your elbows and place your feet on the floor. In the first case it will be a little heavier, but this does not mean that it is ineffective.
  2. Now you begin to imitate back-and-forth movements of the pelvis , similar to friction during intimacy.
  3. If you do this while lying on the sofa, then try to all the way up and focus on this. Then you lower your pelvis again and repeat the movements.
  4. If you do this with your elbows on the edge of the sofa, it is easier and you can increase the speed and frequency . You will feel a slight tension in your groin muscles, and this is normal.
  5. It's normal to want to laugh while doing the exercise. Some people will feel slightly awkward. Continue with the movements despite the sensations. This practice will also be useful for those who need exercises to increase potency.
  6. Some people advise doing this exercise with open , as shown in the video.

Visual video

Thus, by training the muscles of the buttocks, your partner will be less likely to ask questions about why a guy quickly releases semen during intercourse.

Urethritis - pain in the urethra

If a man experiences pain in the head after or during ejaculation, it is highly likely that he has urethritis, that is, inflammation of the urethra. Symptoms of urethritis are caused by the appearance of scars on the urethra due to the inflammatory process. During sexual intercourse, a strong blood flow can provoke the appearance of microcracks, which begin to hurt and itch when urine or ejaculate gets into them. Also, symptoms of an inflammatory process in the urethra include specific copious discharge, the causes of which are infection in the urinary tract. If left untreated, urethritis enters a chronic stage with vague symptoms, which the patient sometimes takes for signs of recovery and stops treatment, which leads to serious consequences.

Do the “Boat” exercise

Pumped up and strong muscles of the pelvis and buttocks are the secret of endurance and the key to success. Train them.

It is useful to do the following exercise:

  1. Lie on your stomach, arms forward.
  2. You begin to simultaneously pull and lift your arms forward and your legs back.
  3. Keep your body in this stretched position (arms stretched forward and raised, and legs back) for about 3-4 seconds and then lower.
  4. Repeat the exercise for about 4 minutes.
  5. To begin with, you can limit yourself to 4 minutes, and then add more time every day.

We talked about the importance of physical activity for the pelvis in an earlier guide we wrote.

This is a kind of treatment for rapid ejaculation using folk remedies, in which, at the cost of your efforts and patience, you can achieve good results in bed.

See this video for a visual demonstration of the exercise.

Elimination of cystitis and urolithiasis

Cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder, can also be a factor in painful ejaculation, as well as pain when urinating. The main symptoms of cystitis are frequent urge and pain when urinating, pain in the groin and pubic area. The causes of cystitis are most often associated with hypothermia or a urinary tract infection; treatment can be prescribed by a urologist or therapist.

Pain after ejaculation, as well as pain in the perineal area, affecting the lower segment of the abdomen, may be symptoms of urolithiasis, the causes of which are associated with the release of sand and stones through the urinary ducts. The disease is diagnosed based on blood and urine tests and an ultrasound of the kidneys.

Painful ejaculation can be caused by a variety of factors and be a symptom of a variety of ailments. Getting rid of this pathology is associated with treatment of the underlying disease, and you should consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease.

Timely and correct treatment of pain during ejaculation will allow you to completely get rid of discomfort in sexual life and significantly improve its quality.

Article taken from the site:

Do a proper solo session

Those guys who don't have a girlfriend need to know about proper self-satisfaction.

What is the essence of a solo solo session?:

  • You should never press the gas pedal and approach the finish line in the first minutes;
  • We learn to pause and stop when we approach the point of no return, wait and be patient;
  • Thus, we do not lose a lot of energy , because we saved the seed at least in the first 20 minutes, and after 20 there should be a discharge;
  • We reprogram the body's reflexes for endurance. We also mentioned this method in a previous publication on the site.

Treatment for premature ejaculation

Previously, ejaculation is treated in various ways. The therapy has its own characteristics and takes place in several stages. Methods for treating premature ejaculation:

  • Medication. The doctor selects the necessary medications for the patient and monitors the dynamics, adjusting the therapy if necessary.
  • Psychological. It is aimed at correcting the patient’s condition and involves performing exercises that will help prolong sexual intercourse. Both partners will have to perform the exercises, otherwise the treatment will not have any effectiveness.

Following a diet, moderate exercise and avoiding alcohol will help correct the condition. This method of treatment can be considered restorative.

Drug treatment

Prolongators are creams, sprays and tablets to prevent you from cumming quickly. In other words, drugs that can prolong sexual intercourse. They are used immediately before the act.

Creams, gels and sprays, as well as other topical agents, contain anesthetics. They reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, thereby increasing the duration of PA.

To purchase detailed products you do not need a prescription; they are sold in pharmacy chains and in specialized stores.

But there are also drugs for rapid ejaculation, these include:

  1. Dapoxetine - helps get rid of overexcitation. This drug is used to stabilize the patient’s psycho-emotional state. The product contains components that capture serotonin; they affect the functioning of the cerebral cortex, thus helping to “delay” ejaculation.
  2. Super P-Force is a drug from India that helps delay the onset of ejaculation, normalize and increase the duration of PA. It is used for problems with potency and helps improve the quality of intimate life. The tablets do not contain anesthetics; they contain other components that affect the cerebral cortex. They affect only a number of receptors, without disrupting the functioning of the brain as a whole.
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