Metaphysics of renal colic: let go of the negativity! Psychosomatics of the kidneys

Can't cure kidney disease? Maybe it's a psychosomatic issue?

When any stress occurs, the human body is able to fully respond to it, which helps in solving the danger that has arisen.
At the same time, the constant presence of the body in a stressful situation can lead to deterioration in health if the physical reactions that arise are not controlled. Kidney problems due to psychosomatics are one of the options for the development of a long-term nervous condition. Stress can cause problems with blood pressure, increases heart rate, increased fat, sugar, which cause kidney problems (chronic and short-term kidney diseases).

Psychosomatic kidney disease is a problem that arises due to self-inflation regarding the criticism, disappointment or shame received towards oneself. Constantly reminding yourself of this can make the condition worse over time. It is the accumulation of these negative aspects that can cause serious consequences.

Kidney pain due to psychosomatics is considered common and one of the first signs for treatment. For example, as soon as pain occurs, it is recommended to immediately seek help from specialists who will diagnose the organ and are guaranteed to name the cause of the problem.

Separate attention should be paid to cancer. Kidney cancer due to psychosomatics can occur at any time, especially if a person has experienced severe stress. This should be taken as seriously as possible, especially paying special attention to your mental state. It also happens that cancer can occur after a long period of stress, including self-oppression. Such a disease requires qualified assistance - the availability of professional medical equipment and a responsible approach on the part of the doctor.

Since problems of a psychosomatic nature have a mental basis, several doctors must deal with the treatment, including a neurologist and a specialized specialist (surgeon, therapist, etc.).

Kidney pain: psychosomatics

Louise Hay in her writings connects pathologies of the excretory organs with feelings of disappointment and shame, sometimes anger and fear. At the same time, a person reacts to failures and criticism like a small child. Physiologically, the kidneys remove waste and toxic substances from the body. Psychologists believe that they also cleanse us of negative emotions. If we cannot part with old grievances, do not accept the situation, partners, criticize ourselves and others, then the kidneys react to this with diseases. The metaphysics of kidney pathology depends on the specific disease and situation. For example, urolithiasis speaks of uncryed tears, fears and sadness that we cannot live through and let go of for years.

Usually, quite emotional people suffer from kidney pain. They often talk about injustice. They have too high expectations, and if things don't go as they expected, they have a hard time accepting it and adjusting. Meanwhile, in order to help yourself in this misfortune, you need to learn to act decisively. Through the kidneys in Louise Hay's psychosomatics, the body says that it is not worth wasting energy on comparison and criticism. Accept the world as it is and change what you don't like.

Illness due to psychosomatics - who is susceptible?

The occurrence of problems with this organ most often occurs in those people who have a hard time accepting criticism addressed to them, experienced disappointment (for any reason), and also felt shame.

Taking everything that happens closely, such people often withdraw into themselves. They feel guilty for their own failures, i.e. They torture themselves psychologically. All this leads to psychosomatic kidney problems, non-intervention of which can lead to serious consequences.

People with high blood pressure and diabetes are at risk; problems in this category are much more common. If a person already has kidney disease, then any subsequent reaction of the body to a stressful situation can be fatal. Therefore, managing stress is a fundamental part of maintaining health.

Traditional medicine methods for kidney pain

  1. Take 1 tablespoon each of comfrey herb, shepherd's purse, 2 tablespoons of motherwort and rue . Pour 200 grams of boiling water over a sixth of the mixture. Leave for 3-4 hours, then strain. Drink half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  2. For chronic lingering pain, infusions of chamomile, clover, calendula, and lingonberries .
  3. For stones and sand in the kidneys, dill infusion . 1 tbsp. Pour 200 grams of boiling water over a spoonful of seeds. Insist. Drink 5 times a day.

However, do not forget that in case of acute illnesses it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to avoid complications. Do not delay treatment and at the same time work on your thinking and behavior. Now you know the real reason why your kidneys hurt. Psychosomatics and personal changes will help you become healthy for many years.

Effective treatment at the Altimed medical center

The kidneys begin to hurt - the first reason for diagnostics, which will allow you to find out the nature of the problem. You can accurately determine whether it is psychosomatic or not using modern equipment of your own production. Our company provides the necessary certificates and documentation confirming the effectiveness and safety of the products offered.

The use of the proposed equipment is allowed in any cases, including psychosomatic kidney problems in children, which the specialists of our center can handle. This disease can be treated using devices that do not cause pain in the child, which is especially important in such a situation. Diagnosis is carried out by screening Vega-test, which makes it possible to determine the cause of the disease in the shortest possible time and select effective treatment.

The screening procedure allows you to determine what exactly caused the disease (causative agent) and why the body reacted to it this way. In addition, it reliably reflects the state of the immune system and other human organs.

Using ATM Express Vega, our doctor will quickly develop a treatment plan that is guaranteed to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Using this equipment, you can accurately determine the presence of infectious pathogens in the body, hidden diseases, and what processes are currently occurring in the tissues.

Studies have shown that kidney pain due to psychosomatics occurs in 70% of the total number of visits to doctors. This indicator is large and should be taken into account. Therefore, the use of the proposed equipment and timely contact with specialists allows you to solve the problem at the stage of its formation.

Glomerulonephritis - what is it?

A disease such as glomerulonephritis is not at all uncommon. But it mainly affects children aged five to twelve years.

This disease is associated with a number of kidney pathologies and varies depending on the course. The disease affects the glomeruli of the kidneys, and if the form is advanced, then the interrenal tissue and tubules.

Glomerulonephritis is an acquired disease.

There are several stages of the disease:

  • Spicy. The onset is sudden and can become chronic.
  • Chronic. With it, seasonal remissions and exacerbations are often observed.
  • Subacute (malignant). The course occurs quickly and is characterized by severe complications.

Manifestations of the disease

Common manifestations of the disease include:

  • Strong headache.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Weakness.
  • Aching pain in the lumbar region.
  • Nausea, vomiting.

Specifics of the disease

It is very important for parents to receive from doctors a comprehensive answer to the question: glomerulonephritis - what is it? This is especially true for the course of the disease and its first signs.

It is also important to know that this disease also has specific signs:

  • Swelling: it all depends on the severity. It may just be swelling of the eyelids, or swelling may appear in the entire body cavity.
  • A rapid increase in blood pressure, which occurs due to the inability to remove excess fluid.
  • Urinary syndrome - urine color changes.

There are primary and secondary glomerulonephritis. The first manifests itself as a separate disease, and the second is the result of other diseases.

What is psychosomatic kidney disease?

The occurrence of stressful situations that lead to uncontrollable reactions from the body, namely organ damage. Being a “filter” of the body, they are greatly influenced by possible problems with blood circulation and blood vessels in general. Additional burden may arise due to diabetes and high blood pressure.

Complexity is one of the causes of psychosomatic diseases. At the beginning of the development of such a problem, many may experience no or minimal symptoms.

The presence of a chronic disease of the “body cleanser”, as well as kidney failure, can cause various symptoms, including:

  • Increased fatigue, fatigue occurs in the shortest possible time.
  • Swelling of the hands and ankles.
  • Difficulties with concentration, possible confusion in composing sentences, their wording.
  • Vomiting or stomach upset.
  • Private toilet visit.
  • Involuntary muscle spasms.
  • The appearance of itching on the skin, the skin has increased dryness.
  • There is a metallic taste when eating, and there is poor or no appetite.

Kidney stones due to psychosomatics can cause severe pain (back, side, lower abdomen and groin), which can cause loss of consciousness. In addition, the presence of stones is indicated by urine with an odor and a different color, increased body temperature and chills. Note that stones can form not only from poor diet and alcohol abuse, but also from psychosomatics (suggesting to yourself that you have problems).

If any of the symptoms are detected, you should immediately seek help from a specialist who will conduct a diagnosis.


The best prevention of kidney disease is positive emotions. Choose your favorite thing. Be sure to learn relaxation techniques. Add sports to your life. There are so many types and forms of activities that there is sure to be something for everyone. The main thing is to try and not stop there.

Learn to release negativity in a socially acceptable way: art therapy, anti-stress coloring books, hitting a punching bag, jumping on a trampoline, heart-to-heart conversations. You can find many options for relaxation, which at the same time brings pleasure. The main thing is that the method suits your interests.

Kidney disease affects people who are used to keeping everything to themselves. And people whose motto is “we don’t look for easy ways.” People with very soft and very hard characters are equally susceptible to kidney disease. The first weakens the tone of blood vessels in the kidneys, the second thins the vessels, making them brittle. Hyperactivity and physical inactivity have the same effect. Harmony and a golden mean in everything are important for health.

This is interesting! Some psychosomatists associate kidney disease not with negative emotions, but with fear of the future. However, they do not deny that stones are energy clots of suppressed emotions. Moreover, one can be connected with the other: fear of the future is caused by unsuccessful experiences of the past.

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