Why do newborns have yellow whites of their eyes?

Development mechanism

The abnormally yellow whites of the eyes in newborn babies are explained by changes - when they enter autonomous life, red blood cells disintegrate due to immature forms of hemoglobin. During this period, the formation of a complete iron-containing protein is recorded, taking place at the cellular level.

At the moment of breakdown of the elements, bilirubin is formed, which gives the proteins and integuments of the skin a yellowish tint. In adulthood, it is removed from the body with the help of the liver; in childhood, the internal systems are not fully developed and cannot cope with the tasks assigned to them. Bilirubin accumulates.

This phenomenon explains newborn jaundice, which is more often observed in premature and weakened infants. The main sources of the abnormal condition include the following provoking factors:

  • Erythroblastosis - a conflict is provoked by a discrepancy in blood Rh values: if a woman is positive and a baby is negative, in severe cases the problem begins during the gestation period and ends with spontaneous abortion;
  • Hereditary predisposition - if the deviation is registered in almost every generation;
  • In case of infectious lesions of the body;
  • Deviations in metabolic processes;
  • Anomalies in the development of the biliary tract and liver;
  • In case of asphyxia or oxygen starvation that occurs during childbirth;
  • Changes in hormonal metabolism.

Causes of jaundice

So why does this disease occur? The thing is that while the child was in the womb, his red blood cells were filled with fetal hemoglobin. After contact with the placenta was stopped, the newborn's red blood cells were destroyed due to immature hemoglobin.

As a result of this breakdown, a new substance was formed - bilirubin. It is this that is the “culprit” of the yellowing of the baby’s eyes and skin. In an adult, bilirubin is removed from the body with the help of the liver, but in an infant it is not yet able to work at full capacity, so bilirubin tends to accumulate.

The following reasons contribute to the appearance of this condition:

  • the emergence of a conflict situation between the blood cells of the baby and the mother;
  • congenital infectious diseases;
  • oxygen starvation or suffocation during the birth process;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • underdeveloped liver or bile ducts.

Symptomatic features

Average statistical data states that three quarters of the registered cases of yellow whites of the eyes in newborns relate to physiological manifestations that go away on their own and do not require specific therapy. In this case, the problem disappears within the first week from the moment it appears.

Pathological manifestations of yellow eyes in infants are associated with the following features:

  1. At the time of birth, babies exhibit yellowness of the whites and skin;
  2. After two or three hours a deviation appeared, and over the next three days the shade acquired a bright color;
  3. Jaundice does not disappear within one calendar month - in the absence of therapeutic measures;
  4. Symptomatic manifestations become wave-like - with a rise and fall in indicators;
  5. The yellow color of the skin and eyes is accompanied by dark urine and light feces, hematomas and yellowish pimples appear on the dermis, the baby periodically vomits, the spleen and liver increase in volume, and the general condition of the body worsens.

Any clinical manifestation of the disease requires professional help.

What signs of a disorder appear?

Physiological jaundice

According to statistics, 75% of newborns develop a safe type, which occurs in the first month of a child’s life and is characterized by the following signs:

  • Yellowness does not appear immediately, 36 hours after birth.
  • The maximum manifestation is noticeable on days 5-6.
  • The newborn's eyes, face, and neck turn yellow. The area near the navel does not turn yellow.
  • The baby's well-being does not change. The child is active and eats well.


In the pathological course of the disease, the baby’s liver exceeds its normal size.
When yellowness on the skin lasts for two to three weeks and the eyes remain yellow for a long time, the doctor may suspect the development of the disease. In such a situation, you need to pay attention to additional signs accompanying external changes. They are as follows:

  • The skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow almost immediately after childbirth. During the first few days the color intensifies.
  • The child is lethargic, with poor appetite. Vomiting occurs periodically.
  • On palpation, an enlarged liver is felt.
  • Urine is dark in color and stool is light in color.
  • Yellowish pimples may appear on the body.

The later after birth the child develops symptoms of the pathology, the easier its course will be.

Classification features

Pediatricians distinguish two main types of yellow proteins in a baby: physiological and pathological etiology. The first refers to normative conditions, but it is also monitored by the attending physician. Physiological jaundice has an additional division.

Milk type

Milk or pregnane type - determined by increased levels of estrogen contained in breast milk. Some of its components can interfere with the metabolism of bilirubin, which contributes to disturbances in its synthesis and problems with normal excretion from the body. The result of the anomaly is a yellowish tint of the skin and white membranes of the eyes.

This option appears one to one and a half weeks after birth; in some cases, symptomatic manifestations may occur at a later date. When the child’s body is weakened, milk jaundice forms on the third day of the baby’s life.

When breastfeeding stops, the bilirubin level returns to normal values. This condition is called hyperbilirubinemia. The disease does not require specialized treatment, and clinical signs disappear spontaneously within one to two months.

Continuation of breastfeeding or complete transfer of the baby to artificial nutrition depends on the indicators and general condition of the body. The pediatrician is based on the benefits for the baby, and not on common misconceptions that natural feeding should be continued in any case. The priority is the baby's health.

Neonatal type

Neonatal type - occurs when the child’s body is unable to process both the residual erythrocyte cells of the mother and her own. The deviation provokes a gradual accumulation of bilirubin and yellowing of the sclera of the eyes and dermis of the newborn.

A yellowish tint affects the head area and gradually decreases along the body, moving to the lower limbs. In most cases, jaundice does not progress beyond the umbilical ring. Average neonatal data report:

  • In 90% of children, the problem does not require treatment and goes away on its own;
  • In 10% of newborns, the anomaly develops into a pathological process.

In the absence of symptoms of a developing disease and the baby’s normal state of health, the color of the skin returns to standard values ​​after a week, the last to normalize the color of the protein membranes of the organs of vision and the skin of the face.

Parents should be concerned about the following signs:

  1. Pallor of the dermis or the appearance of a strange greenish tone;
  2. Discoloration of stool;
  3. Dark color of urine, reminiscent of beer;
  4. Restless behavior of the child;
  5. Sudden bouts of crying without external stimuli;
  6. Apathetic state;
  7. Refusal to eat.

These features indicate the transition of the neonatal form to the pathological one and require professional help.

Pathological type

Pathological type - the syndrome can be registered both from the moment of birth and after a calendar month of the baby’s life. Like the harmless form of jaundice, it is associated with increased concentrations of bilirubin in the bloodstream. The pathology is characterized by maximum rates and a long course of the disease.

Symptomatic manifestations are more pronounced; in addition to yellow proteins and skin, internal systems and organs are involved in the process, which can pose a threat to the life and health of the newborn.

Experts identify several variations in the pathological type of infant jaundice.

Conjugation – formed with insufficient liver development. The problem of yellow eyes is registered in babies within 2-10 days after birth. The pathological deviation does not affect the color parameters of urine and feces.

Types of jaundice in newborns

Physiological jaundice. Conjugation (hemolytic). Causes: hormonal disorders, predisposition to jaundice, drug-induced jaundice, baby asphyxia (suffocation), jaundice of premature infants. Such jaundice occurs as a result of a conflict between the blood of the child and the mother, namely red blood cells. Hemolytic jaundice appears from the first days of life and is characterized by the following symptoms: inhibited reaction, decreased sucking and swallowing reflexes, as well as yellow eyes and mucous membranes.

Pathological jaundice of a baby:

  1. Kernicterus – with increased bilirubin. In this case, bilirubin is concentrated in the brain stem. It has a number of serious consequences, leading to disruption of brain function. Kernicterus cannot be determined visually; careful diagnosis is required.
  2. Mechanical jaundice - disturbances in the outflow of bile, defects of the biliary tract. Most often, it does not become noticeable immediately, but 2-3 weeks after birth. Symptoms: yellow-greenish skin color, pale stool. When examining children with this form of the disease, a thickened liver and an enlarged spleen are determined. It is treated surgically, using physiotherapeutic and medicinal methods.

Often manifestations of jaundice in young children do not cause a violent reaction. Sometimes people tend to admire a “sunny” child. There is no need to worry if there are no strange symptoms. If the baby is vomiting a yellow mass, the skin and whites of the eyes are yellow, there are yellow pimples, and all these manifestations in a one-month-old baby last up to 3 weeks - call a doctor immediately, perhaps such jaundice is pathological.

A mild form of jaundice in infants is called neonatal jaundice. It goes away without medical intervention in a matter of days. However, prolonged jaundice, lasting about 3 weeks, is dangerous due to neurotoxic shock, which can lead to neurological abnormalities. If you identify the symptoms in a timely manner and exclude the main cause of the pathology, birth jaundice can be cured without difficulty. In the first days after birth, the baby requires close attention from a doctor.

Additional classification

An additional classification identifies several variants of the syndrome, depending on the source of its origin.

Mechanical type

Mechanical or obstructive type - characterized by a violation of the free excretion of bile. The protein membranes of the organs of vision acquire a yellowish color, and the skin is distinguished by a greenish-yellowish color. The skin becomes dry, flaky, stool becomes lighter, and urine resembles dark beers.

When conducting a palpation examination, an increase in the area of ​​the spleen is recorded, the liver remains within standard limits, with a compacted consistency. Clinical signs occur during the first two days of a baby’s life – if the bile ducts are underdeveloped, excessively narrowed, or temporarily blocked.

The child undergoes an ultrasound examination, which allows you to determine the location of the pathological narrowing of the bile ducts or congenital anomalies of formation.

Hemolytic type

Hemolytic type - formed under the influence of antibodies that arise during the processing of protein and red blood cells. The accelerated breakdown of these elements does not allow them to be produced and removed from the body in a timely manner, which provokes a gradual accumulation of bilirubin.

The pathology is further divided into anemic, icteric and edematous variants. General clinical symptoms of all three forms are expressed in anemic conditions, increased volume of the spleen and liver.

Parenchymal type

Parenchymal type - occurs with a congenital form of hepatitis, which is formed during intrauterine infection by viral, bacterial or parasitic infections. A newborn is born with already damaged cellular structures in the liver. Yellow eyes are detected in the first 24 hours of birth or in the first month of a child’s life.

Diagnostic techniques

If non-standard clinical manifestations appear, the newborn is sent for a full examination. The pediatrician examines the child, paying special attention to the yellowness of the whites of the eyes and skin. After compiling a basic medical history and making a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor writes out a referral for testing of blood, urine and stool.

During the diagnostic process, the following is studied:

  • Bilirubin level;
  • The baby’s blood type and Rh factor are compared with maternal indicators;
  • Child's age;
  • Gestation time and pregnancy characteristics;
  • Existing diseases of the mother, especially chronic ones;
  • Complications during childbirth.

If necessary, the child is referred to a consultation with an endocrinologist or surgeon. The complex course of pathological jaundice may require hospital stay and drug therapy.

Symptoms of pathological jaundice

Each type of jaundice is characterized by the appearance of certain symptoms. If after two weeks the child’s skin still retains an unnatural color, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Yellow whites of the eyes in newborns are quite common and indicate that the child’s body is adapting to life outside the womb.

The following symptoms may indicate pathological jaundice:

  • Not only the eyes, but also the skin acquire a yellow tint; the child feels uncomfortable;
  • after feeding, vomiting occurs, which becomes more pronounced on the third day;
  • yellow pimples appear on the skin;
  • the size of the liver and spleen increases noticeably;
  • yellowness of the skin persists for more than a month;
  • The child's urine becomes dark in color and the stool becomes pale.

With the pathological type of jaundice, symptoms may disappear, but then reappear for no apparent reason. Most often, yellow whites of the eyes are detected in a child in the maternity hospital, but it is possible that the disease may appear after discharge.

Therapy methods

Yellowing of the white membranes of the eyes and dermis should not lead parents into a state of panic. You must completely trust the medical staff. Independent attempts at treatment using folk remedies can lead to inadequate reactions of the child’s body and serious consequences for health.

Conservative therapy implies an individual approach to the problem, based on the indicators of a diagnostic examination. The baby may be prescribed:

  1. Antiviral;
  2. Antibacterial;
  3. Immunological;
  4. Choleretic;
  5. Detoxification treatment regimen.

If the Rh factor of the baby and mother is incompatible, a common method of treatment is blood transfusion. The procedure takes place in several stages, the main goal being the gradual replacement of the baby’s blood with donor blood. The replacement rate during the first manipulation can reach 70% - in relation to the total volume of children's blood. In addition, the child is prescribed antibacterial therapy and certain physiotherapeutic procedures.

For the mechanical type of pathology, surgical intervention is recommended. The problem of narrowed or underdeveloped bile ducts is solved by surgery; this method is the only option for saving the child’s life. Stopping liver function is fraught with death within a day from registration of the problem.

Lack of vitamin D can be solved by prescribing physiotherapeutic procedures. The total treatment time is 96 hours; manipulation involves irradiating the skin under special lamps that simulate sunlight. The vitamin is responsible for the timely removal of bilirubin from the body and is vital for its accumulation.

Symptomatic therapy includes taking glucose and activated charcoal. The first allows you to increase liver performance; the absorbent is designed to remove toxic substances and bilirubin through feces.

Possible complications

Experts strongly recommend not trying to get rid of the yellow whites of the eyes on your own, even with harmless forms of jaundice. Ignoring the need for professional help can lead to the following consequences:

  • To pathologies of neurological origin;
  • Impaired performance of parts of the brain;
  • Intoxication of the body with accumulated toxic substances;
  • Minor or complete hearing loss;
  • Paralysis of varying degrees of complexity;
  • Development of cirrhosis;
  • Serious dysfunction of the autoimmune system.

Only professional medical workers can provide the necessary monitoring of the baby’s condition. Home birth, refusal to visit a visiting nurse, or ignoring the local pediatrician can lead to the above health problems. It is not always possible to cure complications, and some of them lead to loss of ability to work and disability.

Preventive actions

The basis for preventing the problem of yellow eyes in newborns is the pregnant woman’s compliance with the requirements of the gestation period:

  1. A complete healthy diet, with a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals;
  2. Frequent walks in the fresh air;
  3. Sports activities - in accordance with the gestational age and the body’s capabilities;
  4. Elimination of any bad habits;
  5. Use of specialized multivitamin complexes for pregnant women;
  6. Passing all tests and undergoing an ultrasound examination.

WHO recommends breastfeeding for the first four months of life without fail, unless there are reasons that make the process impossible. All necessary recommendations for breastfeeding are given to a woman in the maternity hospital, subject to the availability of milk. In other cases, suitable baby food is selected.

You should not get carried away by dangerous recommendations from the Internet about preparing baby formula yourself. This practice can cause irreparable damage to the body.

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