How to overcome laziness: 15 effective ways to finally get off the couch

Sometimes we forget that we are just people, not robots, and cannot work without recharging 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We all need to rest at times and stop being efficient and effective for a little while.

But what if you have a persistent feeling that time seems to be slipping through your fingers, and you have absolutely no desire to do anything useful? Well, then it's time to find out how to get rid of laziness.

Be prepared for the fact that she will resist, but with these tips you will definitely drive her away!

Practical advice on how to overcome laziness and start studying

Fighting stagnant thinking

One of the first steps in the fight against laziness and reluctance to learn is to get out of the rut of stagnation. Remember how many times negative thoughts discouraged you and provoked laziness? Simply not believing that you can do what you need to do when you don't want to can lead to your inability to do it.

Therefore, try to be optimistic, have high self-esteem and believe in yourself as you follow the path towards your goals. And also remember, desire is power!

(Read about How You Can Boost Your Self-Esteem?)

To do this, unleash your hidden energy, enjoying future opportunities. Visualize your goals and write them down. Focus on what you want to be after graduation. Stop whining about what “should have been” and focus on what “could have been.” To start your engine, watch motivational videos, engage in self-development by reading educational books about historical events or stories about the habits of successful people.

Think about the fact that today the beginning of limitless possibilities opens up before you thanks to your youth. And if you don’t use this correctly, it means acting criminally towards yourself. (These quotes about education will help you see the prospects that open up for educated people.)

Find motivation or inspiration

One of the following reasons why many students do not know how to start studying if they are lazy is due to lack of motivation. Because completing assignments or attending classes seems boring, unmotivating, and uninspiring to you.

This means you need to develop a positive attitude towards all this and find a motivating role by thinking about the benefits of spending time studying: successfully passing exams, high grades or recognition from teachers.

Visualize yourself after studying, thinking about its positive outcome. This way, you will be able to study more effectively because you are no longer lazy and have the will to succeed.

Keep your emotions under control

After all, the younger you are, the more changeable your emotions are. Since laziness and emotions are correlated, you should make sure that your emotions are not the main driver of your actions. So don’t put off doing your homework or studying until later just because you “don’t feel like doing it.” Would you say that harshly? But this is the only way to overcome your laziness and use your own mind.

Consult with successful students, students who achieve good grades, by asking how they do it. Once you receive valuable advice, try it instead of dismissing it. Be sure that by doing this, you will receive much more than just the power to cope with your laziness.

What to do if you are too lazy to do homework

Choose the method that suits you best to complete your lessons

The first option is to do homework according to the principle: “the worst thing is for breakfast.” That is, the most difficult, least favorite task should always be completed first.

Another winning tactic is to make lighter items first. After all, it is always more difficult to start learning than to continue studying. Start a difficult task and then finish it on time. Because of this, there is a feeling when you want to give up on it without even starting it.

You can overcome this feeling by starting with simpler tasks. For example, by starting to study topics in the subject that comes easiest to you. After completing a task, there will be more incentive to move on to other difficult tasks.

Find alternative study methods

If you don't know how to force yourself to study, if you're lazy, try using an alternative method of studying. For example, you were asked to read some book, story or story, then try to find it in audiobook format and listen to it. If you're studying a famous historical event, there's probably a documentary about it that you can watch and learn a lot about.


Absent-mindedness discourages any motivation to learn. Therefore, it is important for yourself to learn how to plan by starting a “diary”, where you should write down a list of all extracurricular activities planned for today, as well as completing assignments and lessons.

Having a study plan will help make assignments easier. Establish a sequence for completing a specific subject and other tasks. List your homework and keep it in front of you like a calendar. Thus, it will help you prioritize and complete tasks on time

Also remember that tasks require a specific time scale and measurable results. Start with baby steps. After all, Moscow was also not built in one day, so you should avoid haste and not treat your studies anyhow. The next step, how to force yourself to study, will help with this.

Take a break from time to time

Sometimes the key to improving your academic performance is to do the opposite—get distracted. It has been proven that it is impossible to concentrate full attention on one specific thing for more than 20-40 minutes. This means that extending this concentration time will be counterproductive. Therefore, it is worth distracting yourself while doing schoolwork at home: take a shower, do some exercises, devote some time to your favorite hobby, etc.

You can use the 20/10 method , where 20 minutes are devoted to maximum concentration on completing a task, and 10 minutes to rest. A possible option is the 45/15 method. You can also start with 10/5 if the initial options seem too difficult for you to maintain attention. Even if it seems like a “waste of time,” you will actually be more productive. Because this will allow you to keep your attention on the tasks at hand throughout the entire planned time.

Give yourself time to relax

Don't confuse laziness with fatigue. If your body is overloaded due to studying, then you need to give it a rest. But not in front of a laptop and, of course, not on social networks. Such a rest will give you absolutely no strength. It's best to give yourself a day a week when you go to bed early rather than playing games past midnight.

Think about the schedule

It is important to write and maintain a consistent schedule as the body gets used to it, whereas inconsistency can generate laziness. First of all, maintaining a regular sleep schedule is helpful. Try to go to bed and get up at the same hours, even if you don't have to go to school. Get up early and have a healthy breakfast. Set your schedule and stick to it to the minute.

Also set a schedule for other routines of the day that you want to implement, for example, exercise, sports. A stable schedule, after a few days, will force your body to get used to it. Thus depriving laziness of the opportunity to settle in your life.

Discipline yourself to develop a desire to learn

Putting things in order

The next thing that can contribute to your laziness in studying is the chaos and disorder that reigns around, especially in your room. So what to do if you are too lazy to study? There is an immediate need to eliminate chaos and disorder. After all, order in the room equals order in the head. With this in mind, create a safe space for yourself to grow and achieve your goals.

Then move on to clearing the clutter in all aspects of your life. Be it your own habits, your computer or, most importantly, your mind. Get rid of clutter that may be hindering your learning progress.

Fight Distractions

Once the mess is cleared up, it's time to hit full throttle. Time to take charge of yourself! This is an important step because it is interconnected with discipline.

Start by saying NO to temporary pleasures: social media, video games, watching movies when you should be studying or doing homework, term papers or studying for exams. By the way, don't forget about phone calls. After all, you will still be distracted by them, even if you promised yourself to do differently.

Therefore, it would be right to turn off all gadgets while completing tasks or switch them to airplane mode in order to “fly off to science.” Ban yourself from instant gratification for future success. As you say “no” to temporary pleasures, also strive to instill good habits in yourself.

Warning : Applying this advice is sometimes awkward, tedious, and sometimes painful. But ultimately, discipline is what will bring you success.

What will help you develop a thirst for learning?

Reward yourself for studying

So, what to do if you are too lazy to study? To increase your energy and mood for studying, you need to periodically reward yourself. For example, every time you complete a task. Rewards don't have to be complicated. Something as simple as allowing yourself your favorite chocolate or your favorite ice cream. This will help you develop a mindset that the effort you put in results in something positive and tasty.

Keep your emotions under control

After all, the younger you are, the more changeable your emotions are. Since laziness and emotions are correlated, you should make sure that your emotions are not the main driver of your actions. So don’t put off doing your homework or studying until later just because you “don’t feel like doing it.” Would you say that harshly? But this is the only way to overcome your laziness and use your own mind.

By the way, consult with the teacher or successful students, students who are able to study well, and even excellently, asking what helps them with this. Once you receive valuable advice, try it instead of dismissing it. Be sure that by doing this, you will receive much more than just the power to cope with your laziness.

Don't forget to look back sometimes

Moving forward, it's always good to look at the past. With every small step you take in the fight against laziness to start learning, look back and see how far you have already come.

Look at all that you have achieved because you overcame your laziness and be really proud of yourself. After all, you need to form a positive image in your own brain about your successes. This will not only boost your confidence but will also help you become a successful student. There will be a desire to continue in the same spirit.

By the way, don’t forget to reward yourself for your successes.

The difference between laziness and procrastination

Laziness is usually found as a very passive behavior, whereas procrastination is not passive, rather it is due to a lack of determination. Procrastination is a reluctant behavior used by a person to avoid doing something.

It is a defense mechanism against obstacles, difficulties, potential failure and criticism. At the same time, due to procrastination, a person experiences a feeling of guilt. Since he wants to do what he has planned, but hesitates because of which he feels guilty and unhappy.

On the other hand, laziness is not associated with guilt. Rather, it is a carefree behavior in which the lazy person finds comfort in idleness. He is not bothered by the thought that he has to perform a difficult task that exhausts his mental energy. For him, momentary pleasures are better than straining for something possible.


Laziness in studies is a negative, almost parasitic trait that you need to fight to overcome. And although it takes time to really win the battle, believe me, you can do it! Follow these simple steps and soon your laziness will be just a thing of the past. Laziness can take over you at any moment, preventing you from being productive and completing the tasks assigned to you. Sometimes, this is a difficult opponent, so focus on how to defeat her.

By the way, do you know any other tips on how to overcome laziness and start studying? We'd love to hear them in your comments below.

We recommend watching short video tips on how you can force yourself to study.

Get rid of bad habits

The main assistant of laziness is bad habits that take up a lot of our time. Everyone has their own source of lost time: for some it is scrolling through social networks, for others it is surfing the Internet, for others it is computer games, for others it is smoking. If you spend all your free time on this and it distracts you from completing necessary tasks, then you should say goodbye to it.

We quickly mobilize forces

And even an article about laziness is a little too lazy to read. Attention runs away somewhere and gets scattered. The minimum effort required to move your gaze from line to line seems unbearable. It seems like a good idea to check Instagram or go through a couple of levels in the game.

What we are accustomed to consider laziness, in the era of information overload, is the body’s natural attempt to protect itself from an overdose of words, pictures, thoughts, questions. But there are several ways to quickly focus.

Create comfortable conditions for yourself

Make sure you are comfortable where you are. Check if you are cold, if there is a draft from the window, if your clothes are too tight, if hunger and thirst are bothering you. Do anything that can distract you, pour a glass of water. Create a comfortable environment This way, attention, dispersed among hundreds of important matters and tasks, will return to yourself, where you will take control of it and direct it in the right direction.

Make an agreement with yourself

Finish reading the article and reward yourself with an apple, for example. Or post a photo of a cat on Instagram. Or go out for a walk. The scheme is simple - do what you need to do and get a reward.

Clarify the goal

Answer your question: why do I do what I do, take this article as an example. You have already started reading, which means the topic interests you. Perhaps you are ready to adopt tips for overcoming laziness, which means you already have a specific goal, and laziness is not a hindrance to you.

Clean up

Clear the space around you. Throw out the trash, take the cup to the kitchen, remove unnecessary shortcuts from your desktop. Getting things done will immediately become easier when there are fewer distractions, and energy will appear literally out of nowhere.

Before and after cleaning. There is no temptation to go pour coffee into a mug, snack on candy and watch a video on YouTube at the same time

Change your scenery

Move from the bed to the table. Get some air. Move to the window. Throw your hair up into a bun, let your hair down, or simply change from your robe to jeans and a T-shirt. Any novelty causes a surge of energy and a surge of activity in the brain.

Don't put it off until tomorrow

It’s very easy to tell yourself: I’ll read the article after lunch or tomorrow. But there is always less time than it seems. Check your daily to-do list and set aside 10 minutes right now to read, maybe even set an alarm. Afterwards you are free.

The Pomodoro Technique helps you focus by using a work-rest timer.

Give yourself permission to be lazy

Not on your phone or social networks, but just do nothing. But only five minutes. Look at the wall, play solitaire, lie on the floor. You will feel how exhausting it really is to do nothing at all. Better read the article. Next it will be interesting: let’s figure out what might be hiding behind laziness.

To quickly get ready and overcome an attack of laziness, change the environment, turn your attention to yourself, tidy up around, promise yourself a reward, set aside time, but first decide why you need all this, and be lazy from the heart for 5 minutes


  1. Laziness is a complex concept that combines the need for rest and lack of energy with a disregard for social norms that require constant activity.
  2. Planning your time and understanding the purpose of your activity helps you quickly get ready and overcome a brief bout of laziness.
  3. Laziness can be a symptom of a serious illness, mental or physical. If sleep and rest do not help, and laziness has affected even the most favorite activities, consult a doctor.
  4. A healthy body can and should resist activities that it considers unimportant and unnecessary. Understand your motivation, and if “there is such a word - it is necessary,” then solve the problem in small portions.
  5. If laziness has become a bad habit of a passive lifestyle, think about how important development, new things and finding yourself are for you.
  6. Being lazy means finding easier and faster ways to solve your own and common problems. Laziness may well become the basis for new achievements.

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